[MOAB-dev] question about OBB

Iulian Grindeanu iulian at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Apr 29 17:19:48 CDT 2011

I have a question about OBB;
When we use it in geom topo tool, the default constructor is called for obb:
GeomTopoTool::GeomTopoTool(Interface *impl, bool find_geoments) :
  mdbImpl(impl), sense2Tag(0), senseNEntsTag(0), senseNSensesTag(0),
  geomTag(0), gidTag(0), obbTree(impl), contiguous(true), oneVolRootSet(0)

This means that the obb sets are not deleted, even after GeomTopoTool is deleted. The third argument is by default false,
(OrientedBoxTreeTool( Interface* i, 
                           const char* tag_name = 0,
                           bool destroy_created_trees = false ))

(if we would use obbTree(impl, 0, true), the OBB sets will be deleted when GeomTopoTool is deleted)

Or is there another way to "clean" after the OBB? 

I am not quite sure about the lifecycle of OBB / and its sets


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