[MOAB-dev] r2864 - MOAB/trunk/test/h5file
kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
Thu Apr 30 16:03:28 CDT 2009
Author: kraftche
Date: 2009-04-30 16:03:28 -0500 (Thu, 30 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 2864
add tests for partial read of .h5m files
Modified: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am 2009-04-30 21:03:14 UTC (rev 2863)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am 2009-04-30 21:03:28 UTC (rev 2864)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/mhdf/include -I$(top_builddir)
-check_PROGRAMS = h5test h5legacy h5varlen h5sets_test h5regression
+check_PROGRAMS = h5test h5legacy h5varlen h5sets_test h5regression h5partial
LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@
h5varlen_SOURCES = h5varlen.cpp
h5sets_test_SOURCES = h5sets_test.cpp
h5regression_SOURCES = h5regression.cpp
+h5partial_SOURCES = h5partial.cpp
Added: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5partial.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5partial.cpp (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5partial.cpp 2009-04-30 21:03:28 UTC (rev 2864)
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+#include "MBCore.hpp"
+#include "MBRange.hpp"
+#include "TestUtil.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+const char TEST_FILE[] = "partial.h5m";
+const char READ_OPTS[] = "BUFFER_SIZE=256";
+const char ID_TAG_NAME[] = "test_id_tag";
+static void test_read_nothing_common( bool non_existant );
+static void test_read_nodes_common( int num_read_sets );
+static void test_read_handle_tag_common( bool var_len );
+const int QUAD_INT = 20;
+const int NUM_SETS = 10;
+const int SET_WIDTH = (QUAD_INT + NUM_SETS - 1) / NUM_SETS; // ceil(QUAD_INT/NUM_SETS)
+const char LOGICAL_NAME[] = "logical"; // tag storing logical (i,j) coordinates
+const char CENTROID_NAME[] = "centroid"; // tag storing position of centroid (x,y,0)
+//! Create a regular QUAD_INT^2 element quad mesh with regularly
+//! spaced coordinates in the range [1,100]. Group elements
+//! into 10 vertical strips QUAD_INT/10 elements wide. Tag elements,
+//! vertices and/or sets with ID in [1,10] stored in ID_TAG_NAME
+//! tag. Write new mesh to TEST_FILE.
+void create_mesh( bool create_element_sets,
+ bool create_vertex_sets,
+ bool tag_elements_with_id,
+ bool tag_vertices_with_id,
+ const char* adj_elem_tag_name = 0,
+ bool var_len_adj_elems = false );
+// Given a list of vertices adjacent to a quad strip, identify it as one of the
+// NUM_SETS strips of quads written by create_mesh.
+int identify_set( MBInterface& mb, const MBRange& verts );
+int identify_set( MBInterface& mb, MBEntityHandle set );
+static MBTag check_tag( MBInterface& mb,
+ const char* name,
+ MBTagType storage,
+ MBDataType type,
+ int size );
+void test_read_children_common( ChildTestMode mode );
+//! Read a set containing no entities
+void test_read_empty_set()
+ { test_read_nothing_common( false ); }
+//! Specify ID that doesn't exist in file
+void test_read_non_existant_set()
+ { test_read_nothing_common( true ); }
+//! Read in the nodes contained in a set.
+void test_read_one_set_nodes()
+ { test_read_nodes_common(1); }
+//! Read in the elems contained in a set
+void test_read_one_set_elems();
+//! Read in the polyhedra contained in a set
+void test_read_one_set_polyhedra();
+//! Read in the sets contained in a set.
+//! Should read all sets containing read elements or nodes
+//! and all sets that are contained the the specified "read"
+//! set. Test the later here.
+void test_read_set_sets();
+//! Read in the nodes contained in a sets.
+void test_read_two_sets_nodes()
+ { test_read_nodes_common(2); }
+//! Read in the elems contained in a sets
+void test_read_two_sets_elems();
+//! For any set selected to be read by either explicit designation,
+//! containing read entities, or contained in an explcitly designated
+//! set, any child sets are also read. Check that here.
+void test_read_child_sets_only()
+{ test_read_children_common( CHILD_SETS ); }
+void test_read_child_set_contents()
+{ test_read_children_common( CHILD_CONTENTS ); }
+void test_read_no_child_sets()
+{ test_read_children_common( CHILD_NONE ); }
+//! Read in the sets contained in a set.
+//! Should read all sets containing read elements or nodes
+//! and all sets that are contained the the specified "read"
+//! set. Test the former here.
+void test_read_containing_sets();
+//! Test reading of explicit adjacencies
+void test_read_adjacencies();
+//! Test reading of sparse double tag data
+void test_read_double_tag();
+//! Test reading of sparse opaque tag data
+void test_read_opaque_tag();
+//! Test reading of sparse handle tag data
+void test_read_handle_tag()
+ { test_read_handle_tag_common(false); }
+//! Test reading of variable-length tag data
+void test_var_len_tag()
+ { test_read_handle_tag_common(true); }
+void test_read_tagged_elems();
+void test_read_tagged_nodes();
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ if (argc != 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-k")) {
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-k]" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int result = 0;
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_empty_set);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_non_existant_set);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_one_set_nodes);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_one_set_elems);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_one_set_polyhedra);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_set_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_two_sets_nodes);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_two_sets_elems);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_child_sets_only);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_child_set_contents);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_no_child_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_containing_sets);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_double_tag);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_opaque_tag);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_handle_tag);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_var_len_tag);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_adjacencies);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_tagged_elems);
+ result += RUN_TEST(test_read_tagged_nodes);
+ if (argc == 1)
+ remove( TEST_FILE );
+ return result;
+void test_read_nothing_common( bool non_existant )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ // create a few nodes to write to file
+ std::vector<double> coords( 3000 );
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval= mb.create_vertices( &coords[0], coords.size()/3, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // create three entity sets
+ MBEntityHandle sets[3];
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[1] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, sets[2] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // put all vertices into two of the sets
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[0], verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[2], verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // tag all three sets
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int ids[3] = { 5, 7, 9 };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, sets, 3, ids );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // write mesh
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // now read back in only the empty set
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ int id = non_existant ? 8 : 7;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &id, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR( rval );
+ // the file should contain exactly two sets (the specified one and the new
+ // file set, and nothing else.)
+ for (MBEntityType t = MBVERTEX; t < MBENTITYSET; ++t) {
+ int count = -1;
+ rval = mb.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, t, count );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 0, count );
+ }
+ MBRange setrange;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, setrange );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( (non_existant ? 1 : 2), (int)setrange.size() );
+ CHECK( setrange.find(file_set) != setrange.end() );
+static void vtx_coords( int set_id, int j, int num_sets, double coords[3] )
+ int i = num_sets*j + set_id;
+ coords[0] = i;
+ coords[1] = i+0.25;
+ coords[2] = i+0.5;
+void test_read_nodes_common( int num_read_sets )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ // create 1000 nodes
+ const int num_sets = 2*num_read_sets;
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> verts(1000);
+ std::vector< std::vector<MBEntityHandle> > set_verts(num_sets);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i) {
+ double coords[3];
+ int j = i % num_sets;
+ vtx_coords( j+1, set_verts[j].size(), num_sets, coords );
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[i] );
+ set_verts[ j ].push_back( verts[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ // create two sets, each containing half of the nodes
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> sets(num_sets);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; ++i) {
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, sets[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[i], &set_verts[i][0], set_verts[i].size() );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ // tag both sets
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::vector<int> values( num_sets );
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; ++i) values[i] = i+1;
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, &sets[0], num_sets, &values[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // write file
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // now read back in only the specified number of sets
+ values.resize( num_read_sets );
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_read_sets; ++i) values[i] = 2*(i+1);
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &values[0], num_read_sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int count, expected = 0;
+ rval = mb.get_number_entities_by_dimension( 0, 0, count );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; ++i)
+ if (i % 2)
+ expected += set_verts[i].size();
+ CHECK_EQUAL( expected, count );
+ MBRange sets2;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1+num_read_sets, (int)sets2.size() );
+ MBRange::iterator it = sets2.find( file_set );
+ CHECK( it != sets2.end() );
+ sets2.erase( it );
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( ID_TAG_NAME, id_tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ while (!sets2.empty()) {
+ MBEntityHandle set = sets2.pop_front();
+ int id;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &set, 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), id) != values.end() );
+ CHECK( id > 0 );
+ CHECK( (unsigned)id <= set_verts.size() );
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( set, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( set_verts[id-1].size(), verts.size() );
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < verts.size(); ++i) {
+ double exp_coords[3], coords[3];
+ vtx_coords( id, i, num_sets, exp_coords );
+ rval = mb.get_coords( &verts[i], 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp_coords[0], coords[0], 1e-12 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp_coords[1], coords[1], 1e-12 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( exp_coords[2], coords[2], 1e-12 );
+ }
+ }
+//! Create a regular QUAD_INT^2 element quad mesh with regularly
+//! spaced coordinates in the range [1,100]. Group elements
+//! into 10 vertical strips QUAD_INT/10 elements wide. Tag elements,
+//! vertices and/or sets with ID in [1,10] stored in ID_TAG_NAME
+//! tag. Write new mesh to TEST_FILE.
+void create_mesh( bool create_element_sets,
+ bool create_vertex_sets,
+ bool tag_elements_with_id,
+ bool tag_vertices_with_id,
+ const char* adj_elem_tag_name,
+ bool var_len_adj_elems )
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ // create tags
+ MBTag logical_tag, centroid_tag, id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_create( LOGICAL_NAME, 2*sizeof(int), MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, logical_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_create( CENTROID_NAME, 3*sizeof(double), MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, centroid_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle sets[NUM_SETS];
+ if (create_element_sets || create_vertex_sets) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SETS; ++i) {
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, sets[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id = i+1;
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, &sets[i], 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ // create elements
+ MBEntityHandle verts[QUAD_INT+1][QUAD_INT+1], quads[QUAD_INT][QUAD_INT];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= QUAD_INT; ++i) for(int j = 0; j <= QUAD_INT; ++j) {
+ double coords[3] = { i, j, 0 };
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[j][i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int logical[2] = { i, j };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( logical_tag, &verts[j][i], 1, logical );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( centroid_tag, &verts[j][i], 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id = (i-1)/SET_WIDTH + 1; // Note: assumes SET_WIDTH > 1
+ if (tag_vertices_with_id) {
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, &verts[j][i], 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ if (create_vertex_sets) {
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[id-1], &verts[j][i], 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // Some vertices are shared by quads in different sets.
+ // put such vertices in both sets.
+ int id2 = i/SET_WIDTH + 1;
+ if (id2 != id && id2 <= NUM_SETS) {
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[id2-1], &verts[j][i], 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < QUAD_INT; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < QUAD_INT; ++j) {
+ MBEntityHandle conn[4] = { verts[j ][i ],
+ verts[j ][i+1],
+ verts[j+1][i+1],
+ verts[j+1][i ] };
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBQUAD, conn, 4, quads[j][i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int logical[2] = { i, j };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( logical_tag, &quads[j][i], 1, logical );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ double centroid[3] = { i + 0.5, j + 0.5, 0 };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( centroid_tag, &quads[j][i], 1, centroid );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id = i/SET_WIDTH + 1;
+ if (tag_elements_with_id) {
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, &quads[j][i], 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ if (create_element_sets) {
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[id-1], &quads[j][i], 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ if (adj_elem_tag_name && !var_len_adj_elems) {
+ MBTag handle_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( adj_elem_tag_name,
+ 4 * sizeof(MBEntityHandle),
+ handle_tag,
+ 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= QUAD_INT; ++i) for(int j = 0; j <= QUAD_INT; ++j) {
+ MBEntityHandle val[4] = { (i > 0 && j > 0 ) ? quads[j-1][i-1] : 0,
+ (i > 0 && j < QUAD_INT) ? quads[j ][i-1] : 0,
+ (i < QUAD_INT && j < QUAD_INT) ? quads[j ][i ] : 0,
+ (i < QUAD_INT && j > 0 ) ? quads[j-1][i ] : 0 };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( handle_tag, &verts[j][i], 1, val );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (adj_elem_tag_name && var_len_adj_elems) {
+ MBTag handle_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create_variable_length( adj_elem_tag_name,
+ handle_tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i <= QUAD_INT; ++i) for(int j = 0; j <= QUAD_INT; ++j) {
+ MBEntityHandle val[4];
+ int num = 0;
+ if (i > 0 && j > 0 ) val[num++] = quads[j-1][i-1];
+ if (i > 0 && j < QUAD_INT) val[num++] = quads[j ][i-1];
+ if (i < QUAD_INT && j < QUAD_INT) val[num++] = quads[j ][i ];
+ if (i < QUAD_INT && j > 0 ) val[num++] = quads[j-1][i ];
+ const void* ptr = val;
+ num *= sizeof(MBEntityHandle);
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( handle_tag, &verts[j][i], 1, &ptr, &num );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+// Given a list of vertices adjacent to a quad strip, identify it as one of the
+// NUM_SETS strips of quads written by create_mesh.
+int identify_set( MBInterface& mb, const MBRange& verts )
+ const int COL = SET_WIDTH+1;
+ CHECK_EQUAL( (1+QUAD_INT)*COL, (int)verts.size() );
+ // Get X range of vertices
+ int min_x = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
+ int max_x = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
+ for (MBRange::const_iterator i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ double coords[3];
+ MBErrorCode rval = mb.get_coords( &*i, 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // Expect whole-valued coorindates
+ int int_x = (int)coords[0];
+ CHECK( fabs( coords[0] - (double)int_x ) < 1e-12 );
+ if (int_x < min_x) min_x = int_x;
+ if (int_x > max_x) max_x = int_x;
+ }
+ CHECK( max_x - min_x < COL );
+ // Calculate ID (return value) from coordinate range)
+ const int ID = min_x / SET_WIDTH + 1;
+ // Now verify that all vertices correctly form a grid
+ MBEntityHandle grid[QUAD_INT+1][COL];
+ memset( grid, 0, sizeof(grid) );
+ for (MBRange::const_iterator i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ double coords[3];
+ MBErrorCode rval = mb.get_coords( &*i, 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // Expect whole-valued coorindates
+ int x = (int)coords[0] - (ID-1)*SET_WIDTH, y = (int)coords[1];
+ CHECK( fabs( coords[1] - (double)y ) < 1e-12 );
+ CHECK( fabs( coords[2] ) < 1e-12 );
+ CHECK( y >= 0 && y <= QUAD_INT );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( (MBEntityHandle)0, grid[y][x] );
+ grid[y][x] = *i;
+ }
+ return ID;
+int identify_set( MBInterface& mb, MBEntityHandle set )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBRange verts, elems;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( set, elems );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange::iterator it = elems.upper_bound( MBVERTEX );
+ verts.merge( elems.begin(), it );
+ elems.erase( elems.begin(), it );
+ it = elems.lower_bound( MBENTITYSET );
+ elems.erase( it, elems.end() );
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( elems, 0, false, verts, MBInterface::UNION );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ return identify_set( mb, verts );
+//! Read in the elems contained in a set
+void test_read_one_set_elems()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( true, false, false, false );
+ for (int id = 1; id <= NUM_SETS; ++id) {
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &id, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ int act_id = identify_set( mb, verts );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( id, act_id );
+ }
+//! Read in the elems contained in a sets
+void test_read_two_sets_elems()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( true, false, false, false );
+ int ids[2] = { 2, 8 };
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange sets;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 3, (int)sets.size() );
+ MBRange::iterator it = sets.find( file_set );
+ CHECK( it != sets.end() );
+ sets.erase( it );
+ int id1 = identify_set( mb, sets.front() );
+ int id2 = identify_set( mb, sets.back() );
+ if (id1 == ids[0]) {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( ids[1], id2 );
+ }
+ else {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( ids[1], id1 );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( ids[0], id2 );
+ }
+MBTag check_tag( MBInterface& mb,
+ const char* name,
+ MBTagType storage,
+ MBDataType type,
+ int size )
+ MBTag tag;
+ MBErrorCode rval = mb.tag_get_handle( name, tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTagType storage1;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_type( tag, storage1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( storage, storage1 );
+ MBDataType type1;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data_type( tag, type1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( type, type1 );
+ int size1;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_size( tag, size1 );
+ if (size < 0) { // variable-length tag
+ }
+ else {
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( size, size1 );
+ }
+ return tag;
+//! Test reading of sparse double tag data
+void test_read_double_tag()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( true, false, false, false );
+ int ids[2] = { 1, 4 };
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTag tag = check_tag( mb, CENTROID_NAME, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, 3*sizeof(double) );
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( !verts.empty() );
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ double coords[3], data[3];
+ rval = mb.get_coords( &*i, 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, &*i, 1, data );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[0], data[0], 1e-12 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[1], data[1], 1e-12 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[2], data[2], 1e-12 );
+ }
+//! Test reading of sparse opaque tag data
+void test_read_opaque_tag()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( true, false, false, false );
+ int ids[2] = { 1, 4 };
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTag tag = check_tag( mb, LOGICAL_NAME, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, 2*sizeof(int) );
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( !verts.empty() );
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ double coords[3];
+ int data[2];
+ rval = mb.get_coords( &*i, 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, &*i, 1, data );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[0], (double)data[0], 1e-12 );
+ CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[1], (double)data[1], 1e-12 );
+ }
+static void test_read_handle_tag_common( bool var_len )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ const char tag_name[] = "VTX_ADJ";
+ create_mesh( true, false, false, false, tag_name, var_len );
+ int ids[2] = { 7, 10 };
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTag tag = check_tag( mb, tag_name, MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_HANDLE,
+ var_len ? -1 : 4*sizeof(MBEntityHandle) );
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( !verts.empty() );
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = verts.begin(); i != verts.end(); ++i) {
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> adj, val;
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( &*i, 1, 2, false, adj, MBInterface::UNION );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK(!adj.empty());
+ int num;
+ const void* ptr;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, &*i, 1, &ptr, &num );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 0, num % (int)sizeof(MBEntityHandle) );
+ num /= sizeof(MBEntityHandle);
+ if (var_len) {
+ CHECK( num > 0 );
+ CHECK( num < 5 );
+ }
+ else {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 4, num );
+ }
+ val.clear();
+ const MBEntityHandle* dat = (const MBEntityHandle*)ptr;
+ for (const MBEntityHandle* end = dat+num; dat != end; ++dat)
+ if (*dat)
+ val.push_back(*dat);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( adj.size(), val.size() );
+ std::sort( adj.begin(), adj.end() );
+ std::sort( val.begin(), val.end() );
+ CHECK( adj == val );
+ }
+void test_read_tagged_elems()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( false, false, true, false );
+ int id = 5;
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &id, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id2 = identify_set( mb, verts );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( id, id2 );
+ int elems;
+ rval = mb.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBQUAD, elems );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+void test_read_tagged_nodes()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore moab;
+ MBInterface& mb = moab;
+ create_mesh( false, false, false, true );
+ int id = 1; // NOTE: this test will only succeed for ID == 1
+ MBEntityHandle file_set;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file_set, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &id, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange verts;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, verts );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id2 = identify_set( mb, verts );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( id, id2 );
+ int elems;
+ rval = mb.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBQUAD, elems );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+//! Read in the polyhedra contained in a set
+void test_read_one_set_polyhedra()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore instance;
+ MBInterface& mb = instance;
+ // create a 2x2x1 block of hexes, splitting each hex face
+ // into two triangles to form an 12-sided polyhedron
+ MBEntityHandle verts[18], hexes[4];
+ double coords[18][3] = { {0, 0, 0},
+ {1, 0, 0},
+ {2, 0, 0},
+ {0, 1, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0},
+ {2, 1, 0},
+ {0, 0, 1},
+ {1, 0, 1},
+ {2, 0, 1},
+ {0, 1, 1},
+ {1, 1, 1},
+ {2, 1, 1},
+ {0, 0, 2},
+ {1, 0, 2},
+ {2, 0, 2},
+ {0, 1, 2},
+ {1, 1, 2},
+ {2, 1, 2} };
+ int hexconn[4][8] = { { 0, 1, 4, 3, 6, 7, 10, 9 },
+ { 1, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 11, 10 },
+ { 6, 7, 10, 9, 12, 13, 16, 15 },
+ { 7, 8, 11, 10, 13, 14, 17, 16 } };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords[i], verts[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ MBEntityHandle conn[8];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
+ conn[j] = verts[hexconn[i][j]];
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBHEX, conn, 8, hexes[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ MBTag tri_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( "tris", 2*sizeof(MBEntityHandle), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, tri_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> quads;
+ MBEntityHandle tris[12], poly[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ quads.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( &hexes[i], 1, 2, true, quads );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 6, (int)quads.size() );
+ for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( tri_tag, &quads[j], 1, tris + 2*j );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS == rval)
+ continue;
+ const MBEntityHandle* conn;
+ int len;
+ rval = mb.get_connectivity( quads[j], conn, len );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 4, len );
+ MBEntityHandle tri_conn[2][3] = { { conn[0], conn[1], conn[2] },
+ { conn[2], conn[3], conn[0] } };
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBTRI, tri_conn[0], 3, tris[2*j ] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBTRI, tri_conn[1], 3, tris[2*j+1] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( tri_tag, &quads[j], 1, tris + 2*j ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBPOLYHEDRON, tris, 12, poly[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ MBRange all_tri;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBTRI, all_tri );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 40, (int)all_tri.size() );
+ rval = mb.delete_entities( hexes, 4 ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.delete_entities( &quads[0], quads.size() ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle sets[2];
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( 0, sets[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[0], poly, 2 ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( 0, sets[1] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[1], poly+2, 2 ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int ids[2] = { 2, 3 };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, sets, 2, ids ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle file;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange rpoly;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBPOLYHEDRON, rpoly );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)rpoly.size() );
+ MBRange polyverts;
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( rpoly, 0, false, polyverts, MBInterface::UNION );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 12, (int)polyverts.size() );
+ for (MBRange::iterator it = polyverts.begin(); it != polyverts.end(); ++it) {
+ double coords2[3];
+ rval = mb.get_coords( &*it, 1, coords2 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK( coords2[0] > -1e-12 && coords2[0]-2 < 1e-12 );
+ CHECK( coords2[1] > -1e-12 && coords2[1]-1 < 1e-12 );
+ CHECK( coords2[2] > -1e-12 && coords2[2]-1 < 1e-12 );
+ }
+//! Read in the sets contained in a set.
+//! Should read all sets containing read elements or nodes
+//! and all sets that are contained the the specified "read"
+//! set. Test the later here.
+void test_read_set_sets()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore instance;
+ MBInterface& mb = instance;
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // create sets and assign an ID to each
+ const int len = 5;
+ MBEntityHandle set[2*len+2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2*len+2; ++i) {
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, set[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int id = i + 1;
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, set + i, 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ // make set containment as follows (values are assigned IDs):
+ int cont_ids[2][len] = { { 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 }, { 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 } };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ MBEntityHandle contents[len] = { set[cont_ids[i][0] - 1],
+ set[cont_ids[i][1] - 1],
+ set[cont_ids[i][2] - 1],
+ set[cont_ids[i][3] - 1],
+ set[cont_ids[i][4] - 1] };
+ rval = mb.add_entities( set[i], contents, len );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle file;
+ int id = i+1;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, &id, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // check that the total number of sets read is as expected
+ MBRange sets;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange::iterator it = sets.find( file );
+ if (it != sets.end())
+ sets.erase( it );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( len+1, (int)sets.size() );
+ // check that we read in the set specified by ID to the reader
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( ID_TAG_NAME, id_tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ sets.clear();
+ const void* data[] = { &id };
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &id_tag, data, 1, sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)sets.size() );
+ // check that it contains the expected sets
+ MBEntityHandle owner = sets.front();
+ sets.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( owner, MBENTITYSET, sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( len, (int)sets.size() );
+ std::vector<int> expected( cont_ids[i], cont_ids[i] + len );
+ std::vector<int> actual( len );
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, sets, &actual[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ std::sort( expected.begin(), expected.end() );
+ std::sort( actual.begin(), actual.end() );
+ CHECK( expected == actual );
+ }
+static void check_children( ChildTestMode mode, MBInterface& mb, int id, MBTag id_tag, MBEntityHandle file )
+ const int exp_num_sets = (mode == CHILD_NONE) ? 1 : id;
+ const int exp_num_edges = (mode == CHILD_CONTENTS) ? id : 1;
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBRange range;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBEDGE , range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( exp_num_edges, (int)range.size() );
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET , range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBRange::iterator it = range.find( file );
+ CHECK( it != range.end() );
+ range.erase( it );
+ CHECK_EQUAL( exp_num_sets, (int)range.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle set;
+ const void* val[] = {&id};
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &id_tag, val, 1, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ set = range.front();
+ if (mode == CHILD_NONE) {
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( set, MBEDGE , range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = id; i > 0; --i) {
+ int act_id;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &set, 1, &act_id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( i, act_id );
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( set, MBEDGE, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ if (mode == CHILD_CONTENTS || i == id) {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ const MBEntityHandle* conn;
+ int len;
+ rval = mb.get_connectivity( range.front(), conn, len );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2, len );
+ double coords[3];
+ rval = mb.get_coords( conn + 1, 1, coords );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( i, (int)coords[0] );
+ }
+ else {
+ CHECK( range.empty() );
+ }
+ std::vector<MBEntityHandle> children;
+ rval = mb.get_child_meshsets( set, children );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ if (i == 1) {
+ CHECK( children.empty() );
+ }
+ else {
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)children.size() );
+ set = children[0];
+ }
+ }
+const char* set_read_opts[] = { "SETS", "CONTENTS", "NONE" };
+void test_read_children_common( ChildTestMode mode )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore instance;
+ MBInterface& mb = instance;
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // Create a string of edges from [0,INT] along the X axis each 1 unit in length.
+ // Create a set for edge edge, containing the edge and the parent of the
+ // set containing the previous (closer to origin) edge. Assign each set an
+ // ID that is the X coordinate of the larger of the two vertices of the edge
+ // contained in the set.
+ const int INT = 64;
+ MBEntityHandle verts[INT+1], edges[INT], sets[INT];
+ double coords[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[0] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ for (int i = 0; i < INT; ++i) {
+ const int id = i + 1;
+ coords[0] = id;
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[id] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBEDGE, verts + i, 2, edges[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[i] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[i], edges + i, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, sets + i, 1, &id );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ rval = mb.add_child_meshset( sets[i], sets[i-1] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the data
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle file;
+ std::string opt( READ_OPTS );
+ opt += ";CHILDREN=";
+ opt += set_read_opts[mode];
+ const int test_ids[] = { 2, 7, INT/3-1, INT/2+1, INT-3 };
+ const int num_test_ids = sizeof(test_ids)/sizeof(int);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_test_ids; ++i) {
+ CHECK (test_ids[i] <= INT);
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh();
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file, opt.c_str(), ID_TAG_NAME, test_ids+i, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( ID_TAG_NAME, id_tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ check_children( mode, mb, test_ids[i], id_tag, file );
+ }
+static void check_num_verts( MBInterface& mb, MBTag tag, int id, int num_vtx )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ const void* val[] = {&id};
+ MBRange range;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &tag, val, 1, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle set = range.front();
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( set, MBVERTEX, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( num_vtx, (int)range.size() );
+//! Read in the sets contained in a set.
+//! Should read all sets containing read elements or nodes
+//! and all sets that are contained the the specified "read"
+//! set. Test the former here.
+void test_read_containing_sets()
+ // create mesh decomposed by elements but create
+ // sets containing all vertices of decomposed elements
+ // such that adjacent sets share vertices.
+ create_mesh( false, true, false, false );
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore instance;
+ MBInterface& mb = instance;
+ // read some sets
+ MBEntityHandle file;
+ const int ids[] = { 1, 5, 9 };
+ const int num_sets = sizeof(ids)/sizeof(int);
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, num_sets );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_get_handle( ID_TAG_NAME, id_tag );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // expect all sets adjacent to the specified sets because
+ // they share vertices.
+ MBRange verts;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; ++i) {
+ if (ids[i] > 1)
+ check_num_verts( mb, id_tag, ids[i]-1, QUAD_INT+1 );
+ check_num_verts( mb, id_tag, ids[i], (QUAD_INT+1)*(SET_WIDTH+1) );
+ if (ids[i] < NUM_SETS)
+ check_num_verts( mb, id_tag, ids[i]+1, QUAD_INT+1 );
+ }
+//! Test reading of explicit adjacencies
+void test_read_adjacencies()
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBCore instance;
+ MBInterface& mb = instance;
+ // create four hexes sharing an edge
+ MBEntityHandle verts[3][3][2], hexes[2][2];
+ for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ double coords[] = { i, j, k };
+ rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[i][j][k] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ MBEntityHandle conn[] = { verts[i ][j ][0],
+ verts[i+1][j ][0],
+ verts[i+1][j+1][0],
+ verts[i ][j+1][0],
+ verts[i ][j ][1],
+ verts[i+1][j ][1],
+ verts[i+1][j+1][1],
+ verts[i ][j+1][1] };
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBHEX, conn, 8, hexes[i][j] );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ // create two duplicate edges that connect the vertices common to all four hexes
+ MBEntityHandle edge_conn[2] = { verts[1][1][0], verts[1][1][1] };
+ MBEntityHandle edges[2];
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBEDGE, edge_conn, 2, edges[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_element( MBEDGE, edge_conn, 2, edges[1] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // mark one edge as adjacent to the left two hexes and the
+ // other as adjacent to the right two
+ rval = mb.add_adjacencies( edges[0], hexes[0], 2, true ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_adjacencies( edges[1], hexes[1], 2, true ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // create two sets containing the front two and the rear two
+ // hexes, respectively.
+ MBEntityHandle sets[2];
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[0] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[1] ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle set1[4] = { hexes[0][0], hexes[1][0], edges[0], edges[1] };
+ MBEntityHandle set2[4] = { hexes[0][1], hexes[1][1], edges[0], edges[1] };
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[0], set1, 4 ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ rval = mb.add_entities( sets[1], set2, 4 ); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // assign IDs to sets
+ MBTag id_tag;
+ rval = mb.tag_create( ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, id_tag, 0 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ int ids[2] = { 1, 2 };
+ rval = mb.tag_set_data( id_tag, sets, 2, ids );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // write mesh
+ rval = mb.write_file( TEST_FILE, "MOAB" );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // read mesh
+ rval = mb.delete_mesh(); CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ MBEntityHandle file;
+ rval = mb.load_file( TEST_FILE, file, READ_OPTS, ID_TAG_NAME, ids, 1 );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ // expect two hexes and two edges
+ MBRange range;
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBHEX, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)range.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle h1 = range.front(), h2 = range.back();
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBEDGE, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)range.size() );
+ // expecte each edge to have one of the hexes
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( &h1, 1, 1, false, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle e1 = range.front();
+ range.clear();
+ rval = mb.get_adjacencies( &h2, 1, 1, false, range );
+ CHECK_ERR(rval);
+ CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)range.size() );
+ MBEntityHandle e2 = range.front();
+ CHECK( e1 != e2 );
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