[MOAB-dev] r2712 - MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh

kraftche at cae.wisc.edu kraftche at cae.wisc.edu
Thu Mar 12 17:06:20 CDT 2009

Author: kraftche
Date: 2009-03-12 17:06:20 -0500 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 2712

remove iMeshP_getAdjEntities

Modified: MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP.h	2009-03-12 21:48:22 UTC (rev 2711)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP.h	2009-03-12 22:06:20 UTC (rev 2712)
@@ -1127,65 +1127,6 @@
-/** \brief Return entities adjacent to entities in a given part and entity set.
- *
- *  Given an entity set handle 
- *  and a part handle, return entities adjacent (with respect to a given
- *  entity type and/or topology) to entities
- *  that are in both the part and the entity set.
- *  This function is similar to iMesh_getAdjEntities, but it also restricts
- *  the returned data with respect to its existence in the given part.
- *  If a non-root entity set is specified, the function also returns
- *  flags indicating whether each adjacent entity 
- *  is in the entity set; (*in_entity_set)[i]=1 indicates that adjacent entity
- *  (*adj_entities)[i] is in the specified entity set.  
- *  Array entry offset[i] stores the index of first adjacent entity to 
- *  entity i.
- *
- *
- *  \param  instance                     (In)     Mesh instance containing the 
- *                                                partition.
- *  \param  partition                    (In)     The partition being queried.
- *  \param  part                         (In)     The part being queried.
- *  \param  entity_set                   (In)     Entity set handle for the 
- *                                                entity set being queried; 
- *                                                may be the root set.
- *  \param  entity_type_requestor        (In)     Return entities adjacent to 
- *                                                entities of this type;
- *                                                may be iBase_ALL_TYPES.
- *  \param  entity_topology_requestor    (In)     Return entities adjacent to
- *                                                entities of this topology;
- *                                                may be iMesh_ALL_TOPOLOGIES.
- *  \param  entity_type_requested        (In)     Return adjacent entities of 
- *                                                this type;
- *                                                may be iBase_ALL_TYPES.
- *  \param  adj_entities                 (In/Out) Array of adjacent entity 
- *                                                handles returned.
- *  \param  adj_entities_allocated       (In/Out) Allocated size of 
- *                                                adj_entities.
- *  \param  adj_entities_size            (Out)    Occupied size of 
- *                                                adj_entities.
- *  \param  offset                       (In/Out) Array of offsets returned.
- *  \param  offset_allocated             (In/Out) Allocated size of offset.
- *  \param  offset_size                  (Out)    Occupied size of offset.
- *  \param  err                          (Out)    Error code.
- */
-void iMeshP_getAdjEntities(
-            iMesh_Instance instance,
-            const iMeshP_PartitionHandle partition,
-            const iMeshP_PartHandle part,
-            const iBase_EntitySetHandle entity_set,
-            int entity_type_requestor,
-            int entity_topology_requestor,
-            int entity_type_requested,
-            iBase_EntityHandle **adj_entities,
-            int *adj_entities_allocated,
-            int *adj_entities_size,
-            int **offset,
-            int *offset_allocated,
-            int *offset_size,
-            int *err);
 /** \brief Create an entity iterator for a given part and entity set.  

Modified: MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp	2009-03-12 21:48:22 UTC (rev 2711)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/iMesh/iMeshP_MOAB.cpp	2009-03-12 22:06:20 UTC (rev 2712)
@@ -998,67 +998,6 @@
-void iMeshP_getAdjEntities( iMesh_Instance instance,
-                            const iMeshP_PartitionHandle partition_handle,
-                            const iMeshP_PartHandle part_handle,
-                            const iBase_EntitySetHandle entity_set_handle,
-                            const int entity_type_requestor,
-                            const int entity_topology_requestor,
-                            const int entity_type_requested,
-                            iBase_EntityHandle** adj_entity_handles,
-                            int* adj_entity_handles_allocated,
-                            int* adj_entity_handles_size,
-                            int** offset,
-                            int* offset_allocated,
-                            int* offset_size,
-                            int *err )
-  MBErrorCode rval;
-  MBRange r;
-  set_intersection_query( instance, part_handle, entity_set_handle,
-                           entity_type_requestor, entity_topology_requestor,
-                           r, err );
-  if (iBase_SUCCESS != *err)
-    return;
-    // count adjacencies
-  std::vector<MBEntityHandle> tmp_storage;
-  int num_adj = 0;
-  int num_conn;
-  const MBEntityHandle* conn_ptr;
-  for (MBRange::iterator i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i)  {
-    if (entity_type_requested || TYPE_FROM_HANDLE(*i) == MBPOLYHEDRON) {
-      tmp_storage.clear();
-      rval = MBI->get_adjacencies( &*i, 1, entity_type_requested, false, tmp_storage );
-      CHKERR(rval);
-      num_adj += tmp_storage.size();
-    }
-    else {
-      rval = MBI->get_connectivity( *i, conn_ptr, num_conn, false, &tmp_storage );
-      CHKERR(rval);
-      num_adj += num_conn;
-    }
-  }
-    // get adjacencies
-  ALLOCATE_ARRAY( adj_entity_handles, num_adj );
-  ALLOCATE_ARRAY( offset, r.size() );
-  int arr_pos = 0;
-  int* offset_iter = *offset;
-  for (MBRange::iterator i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i)  {
-    *offset_iter = arr_pos; 
-    ++offset_iter;
-    tmp_storage.clear();
-    rval = MBI->get_adjacencies( &*i, 1, entity_type_requested, false, tmp_storage );
-    CHKERR(rval);
-    for (std::vector<MBEntityHandle>::iterator j = tmp_storage.begin(); j != tmp_storage.end(); ++j) {
-      (*adj_entity_handles)[arr_pos] = itaps_cast<iBase_EntityHandle>(*j);
-      ++arr_pos;
-    }
-  }
 void iMeshP_initEntIter( iMesh_Instance instance,
                          const iMeshP_PartitionHandle partition_handle,
                          const iMeshP_PartHandle part_handle,

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