[MOAB-dev] r2204 - MOAB/trunk/parallel
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Nov 3 16:05:57 CST 2008
Author: kraftche
Date: 2008-11-03 16:05:56 -0600 (Mon, 03 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 2204
o Remove declaration of function with no implementation
o Add part-based utility methods for use by iMeshP
NOTE: All new code in MBParallelComm assumes one part per processor for now.
Modified: MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.cpp 2008-11-03 22:04:42 UTC (rev 2203)
+++ MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.cpp 2008-11-03 22:05:56 UTC (rev 2204)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
MBParallelComm::MBParallelComm(MBInterface *impl, MPI_Comm comm, int* id )
: mbImpl(impl), procConfig(comm), sharedpTag(0), sharedpsTag(0),
sharedhTag(0), sharedhsTag(0), pstatusTag(0), ifaceSetsTag(0),
- partitionTag(0)
+ partitionTag(0), globalPartCount(-1), partitioningSet(0)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
int* id)
: mbImpl(impl), procConfig(comm), sharedpTag(0), sharedpsTag(0),
sharedhTag(0), sharedhsTag(0), pstatusTag(0), ifaceSetsTag(0),
- partitionTag(0)
+ partitionTag(0), globalPartCount(-1), partitioningSet(0)
int flag = 1;
@@ -3713,6 +3713,7 @@
result = new MBParallelComm( impl, *comm, &pcomm_id );
if (!result)
return 0;
+ result->set_partitioning( prtn );
rval = impl->tag_set_data( prtn_tag, &prtn, 1, &pcomm_id );
if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
@@ -3720,7 +3721,7 @@
result = 0;
return result;
@@ -3780,6 +3781,218 @@
return MB_FAILURE;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_global_part_count( int& count_out ) const
+ count_out = globalPartCount;
+ return count_out < 0 ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_part_owner( int part_id, int& owner ) const
+ // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
+ owner = part_id;
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_part_id( MBEntityHandle /*part*/, int& id_out ) const
+ // FIXME: assumes only 1 local part
+ id_out = proc_config().proc_rank();
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::create_part( MBEntityHandle& set_out )
+ // mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
+ globalPartCount = -1;
+ // create set representing part
+ MBErrorCode rval = mbImpl->create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, set_out );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ return rval;
+ // set tag on set
+ // FIXME: need to assign valid global id
+ int val = 0;
+ rval = mbImpl->tag_set_data( part_tag(), &set_out, 1, &val );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
+ mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
+ return rval;
+ }
+ if (get_partitioning()) {
+ rval = mbImpl->add_entities( get_partitioning(), &set_out, 1 );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval) {
+ mbImpl->delete_entities( &set_out, 1 );
+ return rval;
+ }
+ }
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::destroy_part( MBEntityHandle part_id )
+ // mark as invalid so we know that it needs to be updated
+ globalPartCount = -1;
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ if (get_partitioning()) {
+ rval = mbImpl->remove_entities( get_partitioning(), &part_id, 1 );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ return rval;
+ }
+ return mbImpl->delete_entities( &part_id, 1 );
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::collective_sync_partition()
+ int count = partition_sets().size();
+ int err = MPI_Allreduce( &count, &globalPartCount, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,
+ proc_config().proc_comm() );
+ return err ? MB_FAILURE : MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_part_neighbor_ids( MBEntityHandle part,
+ int neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
+ int num_neighbors_out )
+ MBErrorCode rval;
+ MBRange iface;
+ rval = get_interface_sets( part, iface );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval);
+ return rval;
+ num_neighbors_out = 0;
+ int n, j = 0;
+ int *parts[2] = { neighbors_out, tmp };
+ for (MBRange::iterator i = iface.begin(); i != iface.end(); ++i) {
+ rval = get_sharing_parts( *i, curr, n );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ return rval;
+ std::sort( parts, parts+n );
+ int* k = std::set_union( parts[j], parts[j]+num_neighbors_out,
+ curr, curr + n, parts[1-j] );
+ j = 1-j;
+ num_neighbors_out = k - parts[j];
+ }
+ if (parts[j] != neighbors_out)
+ std::copy( parts[j], parts[j]+num_neighbors_out, neighbors_out );
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_interface_sets( MBEntityHandle ,
+ MBRange& iface_sets_out,
+ int* adj_part_id )
+ // FIXME : assumes one part per processor.
+ // Need to store part iface sets as children to implement
+ // this correctly.
+ iface_sets_out = interface_sets();
+ if (adj_part_id) {
+ int part_ids[MAX_SHARING_PROCS], num_parts;
+ MBRange::iterator i = iface_sets_out.begin();
+ while (i != iface_sets_out.end()) {
+ MBErrorCode rval = get_sharing_parts( *i, part_ids, num_parts );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+ return rval;
+ if (std::find(part_ids, part_ids+num_parts, *adj_part_id) - part_ids != num_parts)
+ ++i;
+ else
+ i = iface_sets_out.erase( i );
+ }
+ }
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_owning_part( MBEntityHandle handle,
+ int& owning_part_id,
+ MBEntityHandle* owning_handle )
+ // assume get_sharing_parts returns owner first in list.
+ MBErrorCode result;
+ int n, parts[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
+ if (owning_handle) {
+ MBEntityHandle handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS];
+ result = get_sharing_parts( handle, parts, n, handles );
+ *owning_handle = handles[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ result = get_sharing_parts( handle, parts, n );
+ }
+ owning_part_id = parts[0];
+ return result;
+MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_sharing_parts( MBEntityHandle entity,
+ int part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
+ int& num_part_ids_out,
+ MBEntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] )
+ // FIXME : assumes one part per proc, and therefore part_id == rank
+ // If entity is not shared, then we're the owner.
+ unsigned char pstat;
+ MBErrorCode result = mbImpl->tag_get_data(pstatus_tag(), &entity, 1,
+ &pstat);
+ if (!(pstat & PSTATUS_SHARED)) {
+ part_ids_out[0] = proc_config().proc_rank();
+ num_part_ids_out = 1;
+ if (remote_handles)
+ remote_handles[0] = entity;
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // If entity is shared with one other proc, then
+ // sharedp_tag will contain a positive value.
+ int other_proc;
+ result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedp_tag(), &entity, 1, &other_proc );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
+ return result;
+ if (-1 != other_proc) {
+ // make sure we return owner first, as other functions
+ // (e.g. get_owning_part) assume that behavior
+ const int my_idx = !(pstat & PSTATUS_NOT_OWNED);
+ const int other_idx = 1 - my_idx;
+ // return this processor and the other one
+ num_part_ids_out = 2;
+ part_ids_out[my_idx] = proc_config().proc_rank();
+ part_ids_out[other_idx] = other_proc;
+ // done?
+ if (!remote_handles)
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ // get handles on remote processors (and this one)
+ remote_handles[my_idx] = entity;
+ return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedh_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles + other_idx );
+ }
+ // If here, then the entity is shared with at least two other processors.
+ // Get the list from the sharedps_tag
+ result = mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedps_tag(), &entity, 1, part_ids_out );
+ if (MB_SUCCESS != result)
+ return result;
+ // Count number of valid (positive) entries in sharedps_tag
+ for (num_part_ids_out = 0; num_part_ids_out < MAX_SHARING_PROCS &&
+ part_ids_out[num_part_ids_out] >= 0; ++num_part_ids_out);
+ // done?
+ if (!remote_handles)
+ return MB_SUCCESS;
+ // get remote handles
+ return mbImpl->tag_get_data( sharedhs_tag(), &entity, 1, remote_handles );
#include <iostream>
Modified: MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.hpp 2008-11-03 22:04:42 UTC (rev 2203)
+++ MOAB/trunk/parallel/MBParallelComm.hpp 2008-11-03 22:05:56 UTC (rev 2204)
@@ -263,13 +263,13 @@
MBErrorCode get_iface_entities(int other_proc,
int dim,
MBRange &iface_ents);
//! return partition sets; if tag_name is input, gets sets with
//! that tag name, otherwise uses PARALLEL_PARTITION tag
MBErrorCode get_partition_sets(MBEntityHandle this_set,
MBRange &part_sets,
const char *tag_name = NULL);
//! get processors with which this processor shares an interface
MBErrorCode get_interface_procs(std::set<unsigned int> &iface_procs);
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@
//! return partitions set tag
MBTag partition_tag();
+ MBTag part_tag() { return partition_tag(); }
//! return all the entities in parts owned locally
MBErrorCode get_part_entities(MBRange &ents, int dim = -1);
@@ -360,6 +361,27 @@
bool owned_test = true,
bool shared_test = false );
+ MBEntityHandle get_partitioning() const { return partitioningSet; }
+ void set_partitioning( MBEntityHandle h ) { partitioningSet = h; }
+ MBErrorCode get_global_part_count( int& count_out ) const;
+ MBErrorCode get_part_owner( int part_id, int& owner_out ) const;
+ MBErrorCode get_part_id( MBEntityHandle part, int& id_out ) const;
+ MBErrorCode create_part( MBEntityHandle& part_out );
+ MBErrorCode destroy_part( MBEntityHandle part ) ;
+ MBErrorCode collective_sync_partition();
+ MBErrorCode get_part_neighbor_ids( MBEntityHandle part,
+ int neighbors_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
+ int num_neighbors_out );
+ MBErrorCode get_interface_sets( MBEntityHandle part,
+ MBRange& iface_sets_out,
+ int* adj_part_id = 0 );
+ MBErrorCode get_owning_part( MBEntityHandle entity,
+ int& owning_part_id_out,
+ MBEntityHandle* owning_handle = 0 );
+ MBErrorCode get_sharing_parts( MBEntityHandle entity,
+ int part_ids_out[MAX_SHARING_PROCS],
+ int& num_part_ids_out,
+ MBEntityHandle remote_handles[MAX_SHARING_PROCS] = 0 );
int num_subranges(const MBRange &this_range);
@@ -700,6 +722,10 @@
//! tags used to save sharing procs and handles
MBTag sharedpTag, sharedpsTag, sharedhTag, sharedhsTag, pstatusTag,
ifaceSetsTag, partitionTag;
+ int globalPartCount; //!< Cache of global part count
+ MBEntityHandle partitioningSet; //!< entity set containing all parts
inline MBErrorCode MBParallelComm::get_shared_proc_tags(MBTag &sharedp,
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