[MOAB-dev] r1870 - in MOAB/trunk/tools: . mbcoupler

tautges at mcs.anl.gov tautges at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 3 17:09:04 CDT 2008

Author: tautges
Date: 2008-06-03 17:09:04 -0500 (Tue, 03 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 1870

Adding coupler code.

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.cpp	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "MBElemUtil.hpp"
+// nat_coords_trilinear_hex
+// Given an MBEntityHandle defining a MBHEX element defined by a 
+// trilinear basis and a set of xyz points in space, it finds the 
+// cooresponding natural coordinates and returns them to the pointer
+// nat.  The method uses an iterative technique, guessing initial
+// coordinates {0, 0, 0} and calculating new coordinates based on the 
+// ones just calculated.
+void MBElemUtil::nat_coords_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect hex[8], 
+                                          MBCartVect xyz,
+                                          MBCartVect &ncoords,
+                                          double etol)       
+      MBCartVect nat(0.);
+      double A[8]; double B[8]; double C[8]; double D[8];
+      double Ax, By, Cz;
+      double err = 1.e37;
+      double xt, yt, zt;
+      double nxi, neta, nmu;
+      double pxi, peta, pmu;
+      double tmp;
+      // Iterative estimate of natural coordinates
+      while ( err > etol ) {
+            // Estimate the xi-coordinate
+            A[0] = (1 - nat[1]) * (1 - nat[2]);
+            A[1] = A[0];
+            A[2] = (1 + nat[1]) * (1 - nat[2]);        
+            A[3] = A[2];    
+            A[4] = (1 - nat[1]) * (1 + nat[2]);
+            A[5] = A[4]; 
+            A[6] = (1 + nat[1]) * (1 + nat[2]);    
+            A[7] = A[6];
+            Ax = 0;
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+                  Ax = Ax + A[i]*hex[i][0];
+            }
+            nat[0] = (8*xyz[0] - Ax ) / 
+                     (-A[0]*hex[0][0] + A[1]*hex[1][0] + A[2]*hex[2][0] - A[3]*hex[3][0] 
+                      -A[4]*hex[4][0] + A[5]*hex[5][0] + A[6]*hex[6][0] - A[7]*hex[7][0]);
+            // Estimate the eta-coordinate
+            B[0] = (1 - nat[0]) * (1 - nat[2]);
+            B[1] = (1 + nat[0]) * (1 - nat[2]);
+            B[2] = B[1];
+            B[3] = B[0];    
+            B[4] = (1 - nat[0]) * (1 + nat[2]);
+            B[5] = (1 + nat[0]) * (1 + nat[2]);
+            B[6] = B[5];   
+            B[7] = B[4];
+            By = 0;
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+                  By = By + B[i]*hex[i][1];
+            }
+            nat[1] = (8*xyz[1] - By ) / 
+                     (-B[0]*hex[0][1] - B[1]*hex[1][1] + B[2]*hex[2][1] + B[3]*hex[3][1] 
+                      -B[4]*hex[4][1] - B[5]*hex[5][1] + B[6]*hex[6][1] + B[7]*hex[7][1]);
+            // Estimate the mu-coordinate
+            C[0] = (1 - nat[0]) * (1 - nat[1]);
+            C[1] = (1 + nat[0]) * (1 - nat[1]);
+            C[2] = (1 + nat[0]) * (1 + nat[1]);
+            C[3] = (1 - nat[0]) * (1 + nat[1]);     
+            C[4] = C[0];
+            C[5] = C[1];
+            C[6] = C[2];   
+            C[7] = C[3];
+            Cz = 0;
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+                  Cz = Cz + C[i]*hex[i][2];
+            }
+            nat[2] = (8*xyz[2] - Cz ) / 
+                     (-C[0]*hex[0][2] - C[1]*hex[1][2] - C[2]*hex[2][2] - C[3]*hex[3][2] 
+                      +C[4]*hex[4][2] + C[5]*hex[5][2] + C[6]*hex[6][2] + C[7]*hex[7][2]); 
+            // Shortcut variables...
+            nxi  = 1 - nat[0];
+            neta = 1 - nat[1];
+            nmu  = 1 - nat[2];
+            pxi  = 1 + nat[0];
+            peta = 1 + nat[1];
+            pmu  = 1 + nat[2];
+	    D[0] = nxi * neta * nmu;
+	    D[1] = pxi * neta * nmu;
+	    D[2] = pxi * peta * nmu;
+	    D[3] = nxi * peta * nmu;
+	    D[4] = nxi * neta * pmu;
+	    D[5] = pxi * neta * pmu;
+	    D[6] = pxi * peta * pmu;
+	    D[7] = nxi * peta * pmu;
+            // Compute corresponding estimates for x, y, and z to check               
+            xt = 0.125 * ( D[0] * hex[0][0] + D[1] * hex[1][0] + 
+                           D[2] * hex[2][0] + D[3] * hex[3][0] + 
+                           D[4] * hex[4][0] + D[5] * hex[5][0] + 
+                           D[6] * hex[6][0] + D[7] * hex[7][0] );
+            yt = 0.125 * ( D[0] * hex[0][1] + D[1] * hex[1][1] + 
+                           D[2] * hex[2][1] + D[3] * hex[3][1] + 
+                           D[4] * hex[4][1] + D[5] * hex[5][1] + 
+                           D[6] * hex[6][1] + D[7] * hex[7][1] );
+            zt = 0.125 * ( D[0] * hex[0][2] + D[1] * hex[1][2] + 
+                           D[2] * hex[2][2] + D[3] * hex[3][2] + 
+                           D[4] * hex[4][2] + D[5] * hex[5][2] + 
+                           D[6] * hex[6][2] + D[7] * hex[7][2] );
+            // Compute error
+            err = fabs(xt - xyz[0]);
+            tmp = fabs(yt - xyz[1]);
+            if (tmp > err) err = tmp;
+            tmp = fabs(zt - xyz[2]);
+            if (tmp > err) err = tmp;
+      }
+      ncoords = nat;
+      return;
+bool MBElemUtil::point_in_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect hex[8], 
+                                        MBCartVect xyz,
+                                        double etol) 
+      const double one = 1.000001;
+      MBCartVect  nat(0.);
+      nat_coords_trilinear_hex(hex, xyz, nat, etol);
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            if ((nat[i] > one) || (nat[i] < -one)) return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+bool MBElemUtil::point_in_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect hex[8], 
+                                        MBCartVect xyz, 
+                                        MBCartVect box_min, MBCartVect box_max,
+                                        double etol) 
+      const double one = 1.000001;
+      if ((xyz[0] < box_min[0]) || (xyz[0] > box_max[0])) return false;
+      if ((xyz[1] < box_min[1]) || (xyz[1] > box_max[1])) return false;
+      if ((xyz[2] < box_min[2]) || (xyz[2] > box_max[2])) return false;
+      MBCartVect  nat(0.);
+      nat_coords_trilinear_hex(hex, xyz, nat, etol);
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+            if ((nat[i] > one) || (nat[i] < -one)) return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+// hex_findpt
+// Wrapper to James Lottes' findpt routines
+// Find the parametric coordinates of an xyz point inside
+// a 3d hex spectral element with n nodes per dimension
+// xm: coordinates fields, value of x,y,z for each of then n*n*n gauss-lobatto nodes. Nodes are in lexicographical order (x is fastest-changing)
+// n: number of nodes per dimension -- n=2 for a linear element
+// xyz: input, point to find
+// rst: output: parametric coords of xyz inside the element. If xyz is outside the element, rst will be the coords of the closest point
+// dist: output: distance between xyz and the point with parametric coords rst
+extern "C"{
+#include "types.h"
+#include "poly.h"
+#include "tensor.h"
+#include "findpt.h"
+#include "extrafindpt.h"
+#include "errmem.h"
+void MBElemUtil::hex_findpt(real *xm[3],
+			    int n,
+			    MBCartVect xyz,
+			    MBCartVect &rst,
+			    double &dist)       
+  //compute stuff that only depends on the order -- could be cached
+  real *z[3];
+  lagrange_data ld[3];
+  opt_data_3 data;
+  //triplicates
+  for(int d=0; d<3; d++){
+    z[d] = tmalloc(real, n);
+    lobatto_nodes(z[d], n); 
+    lagrange_setup(&ld[d], z[d], n);
+  }
+  opt_alloc_3(&data, ld);
+  //find nearest point
+  real x_star[3];
+  xyz.get(x_star);
+  real r[3] = {0, 0, 0 }; // initial guess for parametric coords
+  unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;
+  dist = opt_findpt_3(&data, (const real **)xm, x_star, r, &c);
+  //c tells us if we landed inside the element or exactly on a face, edge, or node
+  //copy parametric coords back
+  rst = r;
+  //Clean-up (move to destructor if we decide to cache)
+  opt_free_3(&data);  
+  for(int d=0; d<3; ++d) 
+    lagrange_free(&ld[d]);
+  for(int d=0; d<3; ++d) 
+    free(z[d]);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/MBElemUtil.hpp	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "MBCore.hpp"
+#include "MBCartVect.hpp"
+class MBElemUtil {
+  static void nat_coords_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect[8], 
+                                       MBCartVect, 
+                                       MBCartVect&,
+                                       double);
+  static bool point_in_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect hex[8], 
+                                     MBCartVect xyz,
+                                     double etol);
+  static bool point_in_trilinear_hex(MBCartVect hex[8], 
+                                     MBCartVect xyz, 
+                                     MBCartVect box_min, 
+                                     MBCartVect box_max,
+                                     double etol);
+  static void hex_findpt(double *xm[3],
+                         int n,
+                         MBCartVect xyz, 
+                         MBCartVect& rst,
+                         double& dist);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/Makefile.am	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) 
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = libmbcoupler.la
+libmbcoupler_la_SOURCES = \
+   MBElemUtil.cpp \
+   poly.c   \
+   poly.h   \
+   tensor.c \
+   tensor.h \
+   errmem.c \
+   errmem.h \
+   findpt.c \
+   findpt.h \
+   minmax.h \
+   types.h
+libmbcoupler_la_include_HEADERS = \
+   MBElemUtil.hpp
+libmbcoupler_la_includedir = $(includedir)
+# Automake doesn't seem to have a directory defined for
+# platform-dependent data (or include) files. So put 
+# in $(libdir).  Define a $(cfgdir) to get around automake's
+# check that only libraries are going in $(libdir)
+cfgdir = $(libdir)
+TESTS = findpt_test
+check_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS)
+findpt_test_SOURCES = findpt_test.cpp
+findpt_test_LDADD = libmbcoupler.la $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/README
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/README	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+James Lottes' point-finding routines for hex spectral elements, from nek.
+-Moved some declarations from findpt.c to extrafindpt.h
+-Removed static keyword from functions in extrafindpt.h
\ No newline at end of file

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.c
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.c	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+void fail(const char *fmt, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, fmt);
+  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  exit(1);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/errmem.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#ifndef ERRMEM_H
+#define ERRMEM_H
+/* requires:
+     <stdlib.h> for malloc, calloc, realloc, free
+   Error Reporting
+   Memory Allocation Wrappers to Catch Out-of-memory
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "malloc.h"
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+void fail(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+void fail(const char *fmt, ...);
+#if 0
+static void *smalloc(size_t size, const char *file)
+  void *res = malloc(size);
+  if(!res && size) fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n",file,(int)size);
+  return res;
+static void *scalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size, const char *file)
+  void *res = calloc(nmemb, size);
+  if(!res && nmemb)
+    fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n",file,(int)size*nmemb);
+  return res;
+static void *srealloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const char *file)
+  void *res = realloc(ptr, size);
+  if(!res && size) fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n",file,(int)size);
+  return res;
+#define tmalloc(type, count) \
+  ((type*) smalloc((count)*sizeof(type),__FILE__) )
+#define tcalloc(type, count) \
+  ((type*) scalloc((count),sizeof(type),__FILE__) )
+#define trealloc(type, ptr, count) \
+  ((type*) srealloc((ptr),(count)*sizeof(type),__FILE__) )
+typedef struct { size_t size; void *ptr; } buffer;
+static void buffer_init_(buffer *b, size_t size, const char *file)
+  b->size=size, b->ptr=smalloc(size,file);
+static void buffer_reserve_(buffer *b, size_t min, const char *file)
+  size_t size = b->size;
+  if(size<min) {
+    size+=size/2+1;
+    if(size<min) size=min;
+    b->ptr=srealloc(b->ptr,size,file);
+  }
+static void buffer_free(buffer *b) { free(b->ptr); }
+#define buffer_init(b,size) buffer_init_(b,size,__FILE__)
+#define buffer_reserve(b,min) buffer_reserve_(b,min,__FILE__)

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/extrafindpt.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/extrafindpt.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/extrafindpt.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//extra stuff that james didn't expose
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned constraints;
+  unsigned dn, d1, d2;
+  real *x[3], *fdn[3];
+} opt_face_data_3;
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned constraints;
+  unsigned de, d1, d2;
+  real *x[3], *fd1[3], *fd2[3];
+} opt_edge_data_3;
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned constraints;
+  real x[3], jac[9];
+} opt_point_data_3;
+typedef struct {
+  lagrange_data *ld;
+  unsigned size[4];
+  const real *elx[3];
+  opt_face_data_3 fd;
+  opt_edge_data_3 ed;
+  opt_point_data_3 pd;
+  real *work;
+  real x[3], jac[9];
+} opt_data_3;
+void opt_alloc_3(opt_data_3 *p, lagrange_data *ld);
+void opt_free_3(opt_data_3 *p);
+double opt_findpt_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real *const elx[3],
+                           const real xstar[3], real r[3], unsigned *constr);
+const unsigned opt_no_constraints_2 = 3+1;
+const unsigned opt_no_constraints_3 = 9+3+1;

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.c
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.c	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,2217 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <math.h>    /* for cos, fabs */
+#include <float.h>
+#include <string.h>  /* for memcpy */
+#include "errmem.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "minmax.h"
+#include "poly.h"
+#include "tensor.h"
+#include "extrafindpt.h"
+   Lobatto Polynomial Bounds
+   Needed inputs are the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature nodes and weights:   
+     unsigned nr = ..., ns = ...;
+     real zr[nr], wr[nr];
+     real zs[ns], ws[ns];
+     lobatto_nodes(zr,nr); lobatto_weights(zr,wr,nr);
+     lobatto_nodes(zs,ns); lobatto_weights(zs,ws,ns);
+   The number of points in the constructed piecewise (bi-)linear bounds
+   is a parameter; more points give tighter bounds
+     unsigned mr = 2*nr, ms = 2*ns;
+   The necessary setup is accomplished via:
+     lob_bnd_base b_data_r;
+     lob_bnd_ext  e_data_s;
+     lob_bnd_base_alloc(&b_data_r,nr,mr);
+     lob_bnd_base_setup(&b_data_r,zr,wr);
+     lob_bnd_ext_alloc(&e_data_s,ns,ms);
+     lob_bnd_ext_setup(&e_data_s,zs,ws);
+   Bounds may then be computed via:
+     real work1r[2*mr], work1s[2*ms], work2[2*mr + 2*mr*ns + 2*mr*ms];
+     real ur[nr], us[ns];    // 1-d polynomials on the zr[] and zs[] nodes
+     real u[ns][nr];         // 2-d polynomial on zr[] (x) zs[]
+     real bound[2];          // = { min, max } (to be computed)
+     lob_bnd_1(&b_data_r  ,ur,bound,work1r); // compute bounds on ur
+     lob_bnd_1(&e_data_s.b,us,bound,work1s); // compute bounds on us
+     lob_bnd_2(&b_data_r, &e_data_s,
+               (const double*)&u[0][0],bound,work2); // compute bounds on u
+   The above routines access the zr,zs arrays passed to *_setup
+     (so do not delete them between calls)
+   Memory allocated in *_setup is freed with
+     lob_bnd_base_free(&b_data_r);
+     lob_bnd_ext_free(&e_data_s);
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned n; /* number of Lobatto nodes in input */
+  unsigned m; /* number of Chebyshev nodes used to calculate bounds */
+  real *Q0, *Q1; /* Q0[n], Q1[n] -- first two rows of change of basis matrix
+                    from Lobatto node Lagrangian to Legendre */
+  const real *z; /* z[n] -- external; Lobatto nodes */
+  real *h;       /* h[m] -- Chebyshev nodes */
+  real *uv, *ov; /* uv[n][m], ov[n][m] --
+                      uv[j][:] is a piecewise linear function in the nodal
+                               basis with nodes h[m] that is everywhere less
+                               than or equal to the jth Lagrangian basis
+                               function (with the Lobatto nodes z[n])
+                      ov[j][:] is everywhere greater than or equal */
+} lob_bnd_base;
+typedef struct {
+  lob_bnd_base b;
+  real *uvp, *uvn, *ovp, *ovn; /* [n][m] -- uv and ov split into
+                                    positive and negative parts */
+} lob_bnd_ext;
+static void lob_bnd_base_alloc(lob_bnd_base *p, unsigned n, unsigned m)
+  p->n = n, p->m = m;
+  p->Q0 = tmalloc(real,2*n+m+2*n*m);
+  p->Q1 = p->Q0+n;
+  p->h  = p->Q1+n;
+  p->uv = p->h +m;
+  p->ov = p->uv+n*m;
+static void lob_bnd_base_free(lob_bnd_base *p)
+  free(p->Q0);
+static void lob_bnd_ext_alloc(lob_bnd_ext *p, unsigned n, unsigned m)
+  p->b.n = n, p->b.m = m;
+  p->b.Q0 = tmalloc(real,2*n+m+6*n*m);
+  p->b.Q1 = p->b.Q0+n;
+  p->b.h  = p->b.Q1+n;
+  p->b.uv = p->b.h +m;
+  p->b.ov = p->b.uv+n*m;
+  p->uvp  = p->b.ov+n*m;
+  p->uvn  = p->uvp +n*m;
+  p->ovp  = p->uvn +n*m;
+  p->ovn  = p->ovp +n*m;
+static void lob_bnd_ext_free(lob_bnd_ext *p)
+  free(p->b.Q0);
+static void lob_bnd_base_setup(lob_bnd_base *p, const real *z, const real *w)
+  unsigned i,j,m=p->m,n=p->n,mm=2*m-1;
+  real *q = tmalloc(real,(2*n+1)*mm+6*n),
+       *J = q+mm, *D = J+n*mm, *work = D+n*mm;
+  p->z = z;
+  for(i=0;i<n;++i) p->Q0[i]=w[i]/2, p->Q1[i] = 3*p->Q0[i]*z[i];
+  p->h[0] = -1, p->h[m-1] = 1;
+  for(j=1;j<m-1;++j) p->h[j] = cosr((m-j-1)*PI/(m-1));
+  for(j=0;j<m-1;++j) q[2*j] = p->h[j], q[2*j+1] = (p->h[j]+p->h[j+1])/2;
+  q[mm-1] = p->h[m-1];
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z,n,q,mm,J,D,work);
+  for(i=0;i<n;++i) {
+    real *uv = p->uv+i*m, *ov = p->ov+i*m;
+    ov[0]   = uv[0]   = J[i];
+    ov[m-1] = uv[m-1] = J[(mm-1)*n+i];
+    for(j=1;j<m-1;++j) {
+      unsigned jj = 2*j;
+      real c0 = J[(jj-1)*n+i] + (q[jj]-q[jj-1])*D[(jj-1)*n+i];
+      real c1 = J[(jj+1)*n+i] + (q[jj]-q[jj+1])*D[(jj+1)*n+i];
+      real c2 = J[jj*n+i];
+      rminmax_3(&uv[j],&ov[j],c0,c1,c2);
+    }
+  }
+  free(q);
+static void lob_bnd_ext_setup(lob_bnd_ext *p, const real *z, const real *w)
+  unsigned i, mn = p->b.m * p->b.n;
+  lob_bnd_base_setup(&p->b,z,w);
+  for(i=0;i<mn;++i) {
+    real uvi = p->b.uv[i], ovi = p->b.ov[i];
+    p->uvp[i] = p->uvn[i] = p->ovp[i] = p->ovn[i] = 0;
+    if(uvi > 0) p->uvp[i]=uvi; else p->uvn[i]=uvi;
+    if(ovi > 0) p->ovp[i]=ovi; else p->ovn[i]=ovi;
+  }
+static void lob_bnd_lines(const lob_bnd_base *p, const real *u,
+                          real *a, real *b)
+  unsigned i,j;
+  real a0=0, a1=0;
+  const real *uv = p->uv, *ov = p->ov;
+  for(i=0;i<p->n;++i) a0 += p->Q0[i]*u[i], a1 += p->Q1[i]*u[i];
+  for(j=0;j<p->m;++j) b[j] = a[j] = a0 + a1*p->h[j];
+  for(i=0;i<p->n;++i) {
+    real w = u[i] - (a0 + a1*p->z[i]);
+    if(w>=0) 
+      for(j=0;j<p->m;++j) a[j]+=w*(*uv++), b[j]+=w*(*ov++);
+    else
+      for(j=0;j<p->m;++j) a[j]+=w*(*ov++), b[j]+=w*(*uv++);
+  }
+/* work holds p->m * 2 doubles */
+static void lob_bnd_1(const lob_bnd_base *p, const real *u, real bnd[2],
+                      real *work)
+  unsigned j;
+  real *a = work, *b = work+p->m;
+  lob_bnd_lines(p,u,a,b);
+  bnd[0] = a[0], bnd[1] = b[0];
+  for(j=1;j<p->m;++j) {
+    if(a[j]<bnd[0]) bnd[0]=a[j];
+    if(b[j]>bnd[1]) bnd[1]=b[j];
+  }
+/* work holds 2*mr + 2*mr*ns + 2*mr*ms doubles */
+static void lob_bnd_2(const lob_bnd_base *pr, const lob_bnd_ext *ps,
+                      const real *u, real bnd[2], real *work)
+  unsigned nr = pr->n, mr = pr->m, ns = ps->b.n, ms = ps->b.m;
+  real *a0 = work, *a1 = a0+mr,
+       *ar_= a1+mr, *ar=ar_,
+       *br_= ar+mr*ns, *br=br_,
+       *a_ = br+mr*ns, *a =a_,
+       *b_ = a +mr*ms, *b =b_,
+       *uvp,*ovp,*uvn,*ovn;
+  real b0,b1;
+  unsigned i,j,k;
+  for(i=0;i<mr;++i) a0[i]=a1[i]=0;
+  for(j=0;j<ns;++j,u+=nr) {
+    real q0 = ps->b.Q0[j], q1 = ps->b.Q1[j];
+    lob_bnd_lines(pr,u,ar,br);
+    for(i=0;i<mr;++i) {
+      real t = (*ar++ + *br++)/2;
+      a0[i]+=q0*t, a1[i]+=q1*t;
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<mr;++i) {
+    real a0i = a0[i], a1i = a1[i];
+    for(k=0;k<ms;++k)
+      *b++ = *a++ = a0i + a1i*ps->b.h[k];
+  }
+  ar = ar_, br = br_;
+  uvp=ps->uvp, ovp=ps->ovp, uvn=ps->uvn, ovn=ps->ovn;
+  for(j=0;j<ns;++j,uvp+=ms,uvn+=ms,ovp+=ms,ovn+=ms) {
+    real zj = ps->b.z[j];
+    a = a_, b = b_;
+    for(i=0;i<mr;++i) {
+      real t = a0[i] + a1[i]*zj;
+      real uw = *ar++ - t;
+      real ow = *br++ - t;
+      if(uw>=0)      /* 0  <= uw <= ow */
+        for(k=0;k<ms;++k)
+          *a++ += uw * uvp[k] + ow * uvn[k],
+          *b++ += ow * ovp[k] + uw * ovn[k];
+      else if(ow<=0) /* uw <= ow <= 0  */
+        for(k=0;k<ms;++k)
+          *a++ += uw * ovp[k] + ow * ovn[k],
+          *b++ += ow * uvp[k] + uw * uvn[k];
+      else           /* uw <  0  <  ow */
+        for(k=0;k<ms;++k)
+          *a++ += uw * ovp[k] + ow * uvn[k],
+          *b++ += ow * ovp[k] + uw * uvn[k];
+    }
+  }
+  b0 = a_[0], b1 = b_[0];
+  for(i=1;i<mr*ms;++i) {
+    if(a_[i]<b0) b0=a_[i];
+    if(b_[i]>b1) b1=b_[i];
+  }
+  bnd[0] = b0, bnd[1] = b1;
+   Small Matrix Inverse 
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void mat_inv_2(const real A[4], real inv[4])
+  const real idet = 1/(A[0]*A[3]-A[1]*A[2]);
+  inv[0] =   idet*A[3];
+  inv[1] = -(idet*A[1]);
+  inv[2] = -(idet*A[2]);
+  inv[3] =   idet*A[0];
+static void mat_inv_3(const real A[9], real inv[9])
+  const real a = A[4]*A[8]-A[5]*A[7],
+             b = A[5]*A[6]-A[3]*A[8],
+             c = A[3]*A[7]-A[4]*A[6],
+          idet = 1/(A[0]*a+A[1]*b+A[2]*c);
+  inv[0] = idet*a;
+  inv[1] = idet*(A[2]*A[7]-A[1]*A[8]);
+  inv[2] = idet*(A[1]*A[5]-A[2]*A[4]);
+  inv[3] = idet*b;
+  inv[4] = idet*(A[0]*A[8]-A[2]*A[6]);
+  inv[5] = idet*(A[2]*A[3]-A[0]*A[5]);
+  inv[6] = idet*c;
+  inv[7] = idet*(A[1]*A[6]-A[0]*A[7]);
+  inv[8] = idet*(A[0]*A[4]-A[1]*A[3]);
+static void mat_app_2r(real y[2], const real A[4], const real x[2])
+  y[0] = A[0]*x[0] + A[1]*x[1];
+  y[1] = A[2]*x[0] + A[3]*x[1];
+static void mat_app_2c(real y[2], const real A[4], const real x[2])
+  y[0] = A[0]*x[0] + A[2]*x[1];
+  y[1] = A[1]*x[0] + A[3]*x[1];
+static void mat_app_3r(real y[3], const real A[9], const real x[3])
+  y[0] = A[0]*x[0] + A[1]*x[1] + A[2]*x[2];
+  y[1] = A[3]*x[0] + A[4]*x[1] + A[5]*x[2];
+  y[2] = A[6]*x[0] + A[7]*x[1] + A[8]*x[2];
+static void mat_app_3c(real y[3], const real A[9], const real x[3])
+  y[0] = A[0]*x[0] + A[3]*x[1] + A[6]*x[2];
+  y[1] = A[1]*x[0] + A[4]*x[1] + A[7]*x[2];
+  y[2] = A[2]*x[0] + A[5]*x[1] + A[8]*x[2];
+static void tinyla_solve_2(real x[2], const real A[4], const real b[2])
+  real inv[4];
+  mat_inv_2(A,inv);
+  mat_app_2r(x,inv,b);
+static void tinyla_solve_3(real x[3], const real A[9], const real b[3])
+  real inv[9];
+  mat_inv_3(A,inv);
+  mat_app_3r(x,inv,b);
+/* solve
+   A[0] x0 + A[2] x1 = b0,
+   A[2] x0 + A[1] x1 = b1
+static void tinyla_solve_sym_2(real *x0, real *x1, const real A[3],
+                               real b0, real b1)
+  const real idet = 1/(A[0]*A[1] - A[2]*A[2]);
+  *x0 = idet * (A[1]*b0 - A[2]*b1);
+  *x1 = idet * (A[0]*b1 - A[2]*b0);
+   Oriented Bounding Box
+   Suffixes on names are _2 for 2-d and _3 for 3-d
+   Needed inputs are the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature nodes and weights:   
+     unsigned nr = ..., ns = ...;
+     real zr[nr], wr[nr];
+     real zs[ns], ws[ns];
+     lobatto_nodes(zr,nr); lobatto_weights(zr,wr,nr);
+     lobatto_nodes(zs,ns); lobatto_weights(zs,ws,ns);
+   The number of points in the constructed piecewise (bi-)linear bounds
+   for the boundaries is a parameter; more points give tighter bounds
+     unsigned mr = 2*nr, ms = 2*ns;
+   Bounding boxes are increased by a relative amount as a parameter
+     real tol = 0.01;
+   Setup is accomplished via:
+     const real *z[2] = {zr,zs}, *w[2] = {wr,ws};
+     const unsigned n[2] = {nr,ns}, m[2] = {mr,ms};
+     obbox_data_2 *data = obbox_setup_2(z,w,n,m);
+   Bounding box data may then be computed:
+     obbox_2 box;                 // will store bounding box information
+     real xm[ns][nr], ym[ns][nr]; // x, y coordinates of the element nodes
+     obbox_calc_2(data, tol, (const real *)&xm[0][0],
+                             (const real *)&ym[0][0], &box);
+   A point may be tested:
+     const real x[2]; // point to test
+     real r[2];
+     if( obbox_axis_test_2(&box, x) )
+       ... // x failed axis-aligned bounding box test
+     if( obbox_test_2(&box, x, r) )
+       ... // x failed oriented bounding box test
+     else
+       ... // r suitable as initial guess for parametric coords
+   Once all bounding box information has been computed
+     obbox_free_2(data);
+   to free the memory allocated with obbox_setup_2.
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  lob_bnd_base dr, ds;
+  real *Jr0, *Dr0, *Js0, *Ds0, *work;
+} obbox_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  lob_bnd_base dr;
+  lob_bnd_ext ds, dt;
+  real *Jr0, *Dr0, *Js0, *Ds0, *Jt0, *Dt0, *work;
+} obbox_data_3;
+static void obbox_data_alloc_2(obbox_data_2 *p,
+                               const unsigned n[2], const unsigned m[2])
+  const unsigned max_npm = umax_2(n[0]+m[0],n[1]+m[1]);
+  lob_bnd_base_alloc(&p->dr, n[0], m[0]);
+  lob_bnd_base_alloc(&p->ds, n[1], m[1]);
+  p->Jr0 = tmalloc(real,2*n[0]+2*n[1]+2*max_npm);
+  p->Dr0 = p->Jr0 + n[0];
+  p->Js0 = p->Dr0 + n[0];
+  p->Ds0 = p->Js0 + n[1];
+  p->work = p->Ds0 + n[1];
+static void obbox_data_free_2(obbox_data_2 *p)
+  lob_bnd_base_free(&p->dr);
+  lob_bnd_base_free(&p->ds);
+  free(p->Jr0);
+static void obbox_data_alloc_3(obbox_data_3 *p,
+                               const unsigned n[3], const unsigned m[3])
+  const unsigned wk1 = 3*n[0]*n[1] + 2*m[0] + 2*m[0]*n[1] + 2*m[0]*m[1];
+  const unsigned wk2 = 3*n[0]*n[2] + 2*m[0] + 2*m[0]*n[2] + 2*m[0]*m[2];
+  const unsigned wk3 = 3*n[1]*n[2] + 2*m[1] + 2*m[1]*n[2] + 2*m[1]*m[2];
+  const unsigned wk_max = umax_3(wk1,wk2,wk3);
+  lob_bnd_base_alloc(&p->dr, n[0], m[0]);
+  lob_bnd_ext_alloc(&p->ds, n[1], m[1]);
+  lob_bnd_ext_alloc(&p->dt, n[2], m[2]);
+  p->Jr0 = tmalloc(real,2*n[0]+2*n[1]+2*n[2] + wk_max);
+  p->Dr0 = p->Jr0 + n[0];
+  p->Js0 = p->Dr0 + n[0];
+  p->Ds0 = p->Js0 + n[1];
+  p->Jt0 = p->Ds0 + n[1];
+  p->Dt0 = p->Jt0 + n[2];
+  p->work = p->Dt0 + n[2];
+static void obbox_data_free_3(obbox_data_3 *p)
+  lob_bnd_base_free(&p->dr);
+  lob_bnd_ext_free(&p->ds);
+  lob_bnd_ext_free(&p->dt);
+  free(p->Jr0);
+static obbox_data_2 *obbox_setup_2(const real *const z[2],
+                                   const real *const w[2],
+                                   const unsigned n[2], const unsigned m[2])
+  const real zero = 0;
+  real *work;
+  obbox_data_2 *p = tmalloc(obbox_data_2,1);
+  obbox_data_alloc_2(p,n,m);
+  lob_bnd_base_setup(&p->dr,z[0],w[0]);
+  lob_bnd_base_setup(&p->ds,z[1],w[1]);
+  work = tmalloc(real,6*umax_2(n[0],n[1]));
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z[0],n[0],&zero,1,p->Jr0,p->Dr0,work);
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z[1],n[1],&zero,1,p->Js0,p->Ds0,work);
+  free(work);
+  return p;
+static obbox_data_3 *obbox_setup_3(const real *const z[3],
+                                   const real *const w[3],
+                                   const unsigned n[3], const unsigned m[3])
+  const real zero = 0;
+  real *work;
+  obbox_data_3 *p = tmalloc(obbox_data_3,1);
+  obbox_data_alloc_3(p,n,m);
+  lob_bnd_base_setup(&p->dr,z[0],w[0]);
+  lob_bnd_ext_setup(&p->ds,z[1],w[1]);
+  lob_bnd_ext_setup(&p->dt,z[2],w[2]);
+  work = tmalloc(real,6*umax_3(n[0],n[1],n[2]));
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z[0],n[0],&zero,1,p->Jr0,p->Dr0,work);
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z[1],n[1],&zero,1,p->Js0,p->Ds0,work);
+  lagrange_weights_deriv(z[2],n[2],&zero,1,p->Jt0,p->Dt0,work);
+  free(work);
+  return p;
+static void obbox_free_2(obbox_data_2 *p)
+  obbox_data_free_2(p);
+  free(p);
+static void obbox_free_3(obbox_data_3 *p)
+  obbox_data_free_3(p);
+  free(p);
+typedef struct {
+  real x[2], A[4], axis_bnd[4];
+} obbox_2;
+typedef struct {
+  real x[3], A[9], axis_bnd[6];
+} obbox_3;
+static int obbox_axis_test_2(const obbox_2 *p, const real x[2])
+  return (x[0]<p->axis_bnd[0] || x[0]>p->axis_bnd[1] ||
+          x[1]<p->axis_bnd[2] || x[1]>p->axis_bnd[3]);
+static int obbox_axis_test_3(const obbox_3 *p, const real x[3])
+  return (x[0]<p->axis_bnd[0] || x[0]>p->axis_bnd[1] ||
+          x[1]<p->axis_bnd[2] || x[1]>p->axis_bnd[3] ||
+          x[2]<p->axis_bnd[4] || x[2]>p->axis_bnd[5]);
+static int obbox_test_2(const obbox_2 *p, const real x[2], real r[2])
+  const real xt[2] = {x[0]-p->x[0],x[1]-p->x[1]};
+  r[0] = p->A[0]*xt[0] + p->A[1]*xt[1];
+  if(fabsr(r[0])>1) return 1;
+  r[1] = p->A[2]*xt[0] + p->A[3]*xt[1];
+  return fabsr(r[1])>1;
+static int obbox_test_3(const obbox_3 *p, const real x[3], real r[3])
+  const real xt[3] = {x[0]-p->x[0],x[1]-p->x[1],x[2]-p->x[2]};
+  r[0] = p->A[0]*xt[0] + p->A[1]*xt[1] + p->A[2]*xt[2];
+  if(fabsr(r[0])>1) return 1;
+  r[1] = p->A[3]*xt[0] + p->A[4]*xt[1] + p->A[5]*xt[2];
+  if(fabsr(r[1])>1) return 1;
+  r[2] = p->A[6]*xt[0] + p->A[7]*xt[1] + p->A[8]*xt[2];
+  return fabsr(r[2])>1;
+static void obbox_calc_tfm_2(const real *x, const real *y,
+                             unsigned n, unsigned s,
+                             const real c0[2], const real A[4], real *u)
+  unsigned i;
+  real *v = u+n;
+  for(i=0; i<n; ++i,x+=s,y+=s) {
+    const real xt = *x-c0[0], yt = *y-c0[1];
+    u[i] = A[0]*xt + A[1]*yt;
+    v[i] = A[2]*xt + A[3]*yt;
+  }
+static void obbox_calc_tfm_3(const real *x, const real *y, const real *z,
+                             unsigned nr, unsigned sr, unsigned ns, unsigned ss,
+                             const real c0[3], const real A[9], real *u)
+  unsigned i,j;
+  real *v = u+nr*ns, *w=v+nr*ns;
+  for(j=0; j<ns; ++j,x+=ss,y+=ss,z+=ss) {
+    for(i=0; i<nr; ++i,x+=sr,y+=sr,z+=sr) {
+      const real xt = *x-c0[0], yt = *y-c0[1], zt = *z-c0[2];
+      *u++ = A[0]*xt + A[1]*yt + A[2]*zt;
+      *v++ = A[3]*xt + A[4]*yt + A[5]*zt;
+      *w++ = A[6]*xt + A[7]*yt + A[8]*zt;
+    }
+  }
+static void obbox_merge_2(real *b, const real *ob)
+  if(ob[0]<b[0]) b[0]=ob[0];
+  if(ob[1]>b[1]) b[1]=ob[1];
+  if(ob[2]<b[2]) b[2]=ob[2];
+  if(ob[3]>b[3]) b[3]=ob[3];
+static void obbox_merge_3(real *b, const real *ob)
+  if(ob[0]<b[0]) b[0]=ob[0];
+  if(ob[1]>b[1]) b[1]=ob[1];
+  if(ob[2]<b[2]) b[2]=ob[2];
+  if(ob[3]>b[3]) b[3]=ob[3];
+  if(ob[4]<b[4]) b[4]=ob[4];
+  if(ob[5]>b[5]) b[5]=ob[5];
+/* work holds 2*n + 2*m reals */
+static void obbox_side_2(const real *x, const real *y,
+                         unsigned n, unsigned s,
+                         const real c0[2], const real A[4], real *work,
+                         const lob_bnd_base *lbd, real bnd[4])
+  obbox_calc_tfm_2(x,y,n,s,c0,A,work);
+  lob_bnd_1(lbd,work  ,bnd  ,work+2*n);
+  lob_bnd_1(lbd,work+n,bnd+2,work+2*n);
+/* work holds 3*nr*ns + 2*mr + 2*mr*ns + 2*mr*ms reals */
+static void obbox_side_3(const real *x, const real *y, const real *z,
+                         unsigned nr, unsigned sr, unsigned ns, unsigned ss,
+                         const real c0[3], const real A[9], real *work,
+                         const lob_bnd_base *dr, const lob_bnd_ext *ds,
+                         real bnd[6])
+  obbox_calc_tfm_3(x,y,z,nr,sr,ns,ss,c0,A,work);
+  lob_bnd_2(dr,ds,work        ,bnd  ,work+3*nr*ns);
+  lob_bnd_2(dr,ds,work+  nr*ns,bnd+2,work+3*nr*ns);
+  lob_bnd_2(dr,ds,work+2*nr*ns,bnd+4,work+3*nr*ns);
+/* return bounds on u = A (x - c0)
+   bnd[0] <= u_0 <= bnd[1]
+   bnd[2] <= u_1 <= bnd[3] */
+static void obbox_bnd_2(const obbox_data_2 *p,
+                        const real *x, const real *y,
+                        const real c0[2], const real A[4],
+                        real bnd[4])
+  unsigned i, nr = p->dr.n, ns = p->ds.n;
+  real obnd[4];
+  i = nr*(ns-1);
+  obbox_side_2(x  ,y  , nr, 1, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr, bnd);
+  obbox_side_2(x+i,y+i, nr, 1, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_2(bnd,obnd);
+  i = nr-1;
+  obbox_side_2(x  ,y  , ns,nr, c0,A,p->work, &p->ds, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_2(bnd,obnd);
+  obbox_side_2(x+i,y+i, nr,nr, c0,A,p->work, &p->ds, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_2(bnd,obnd);
+/* return bounds on u = A (x - c0)
+   bnd[0] <= u_0 <= bnd[1]
+   bnd[2] <= u_1 <= bnd[3]
+   bnd[4] <= u_2 <= bnd[5] */
+static void obbox_bnd_3(const obbox_data_3 *p,
+                        const real *x, const real *y, const real *z,
+                        const real c0[3], const real A[9],
+                        real bnd[6])
+  unsigned i, nr = p->dr.n, ns = p->ds.b.n, nt = p->dt.b.n;
+  real obnd[6];
+  i = nr*ns*(nt-1);
+  obbox_side_3(x  ,y  ,z  , nr, 1,ns,0, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr  ,&p->ds, bnd);
+  obbox_side_3(x+i,y+i,z+i, nr, 1,ns,0, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr  ,&p->ds, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_3(bnd,obnd);
+  i = nr*(ns-1);
+  obbox_side_3(x  ,y  ,z  , nr, 1,nt,i, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr  ,&p->dt, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_3(bnd,obnd);
+  obbox_side_3(x+i,y+i,z+i, nr, 1,nt,i, c0,A,p->work, &p->dr  ,&p->dt, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_3(bnd,obnd);
+  i = nr-1;
+  obbox_side_3(x  ,y  ,z  , ns,nr,nt,0, c0,A,p->work, &p->ds.b,&p->dt, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_3(bnd,obnd);
+  obbox_side_3(x+i,y+i,z+i, ns,nr,nt,0, c0,A,p->work, &p->ds.b,&p->dt, obnd);
+  obbox_merge_3(bnd,obnd);
+static void obbox_calc_2(const obbox_data_2 *p, real tol,
+                         const real *x, const real *y, obbox_2 *b)
+  const real zero[2] = {0,0}, id[4] = {1,0,0,1};
+  real c0[2], jac[4], inv[4], bnd[4], u0[2], d[2];
+  obbox_bnd_2(p,x,y,zero,id,b->axis_bnd);
+  d[0] = b->axis_bnd[1]-b->axis_bnd[0];
+  d[1] = b->axis_bnd[3]-b->axis_bnd[2];
+  b->axis_bnd[0] -= tol*d[0], b->axis_bnd[1] += tol*d[0];
+  b->axis_bnd[2] -= tol*d[1], b->axis_bnd[3] += tol*d[1];
+  c0[0] = tensor_ig2(p->Jr0,p->Dr0,p->dr.n,
+                     p->Js0,p->Ds0,p->ds.n,
+                     x, jac  , p->work);
+  c0[1] = tensor_ig2(p->Jr0,p->Dr0,p->dr.n,
+                     p->Js0,p->Ds0,p->ds.n,
+                     y, jac+2, p->work);
+  mat_inv_2(jac,inv);
+  obbox_bnd_2(p,x,y,c0,inv,bnd);
+  u0[0] = (bnd[0]+bnd[1])/2;
+  u0[1] = (bnd[2]+bnd[3])/2;
+  d[0] = 2/((1+tol)*(bnd[1]-bnd[0]));
+  d[1] = 2/((1+tol)*(bnd[3]-bnd[2]));
+  b->x[0] = c0[0] + jac[0]*u0[0] + jac[1]*u0[1];
+  b->x[1] = c0[1] + jac[2]*u0[0] + jac[3]*u0[1];
+  b->A[0] = d[0]*inv[0], b->A[1] = d[0]*inv[1];
+  b->A[2] = d[1]*inv[2], b->A[3] = d[1]*inv[3];
+static void obbox_calc_3(const obbox_data_3 *p, real tol,
+                         const real *x, const real *y, const real *z,
+                         obbox_3 *b)
+  const real zero[3] = {0,0}, id[9] = {1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1};
+  real c0[3], jac[9], inv[9], bnd[6], u0[3], d[3];
+  obbox_bnd_3(p,x,y,z,zero,id,b->axis_bnd);
+  d[0] = b->axis_bnd[1]-b->axis_bnd[0];
+  d[1] = b->axis_bnd[3]-b->axis_bnd[2];
+  d[2] = b->axis_bnd[5]-b->axis_bnd[4];
+  b->axis_bnd[0] -= tol*d[0], b->axis_bnd[1] += tol*d[0];
+  b->axis_bnd[2] -= tol*d[1], b->axis_bnd[3] += tol*d[1];
+  b->axis_bnd[4] -= tol*d[2], b->axis_bnd[5] += tol*d[2];
+  c0[0] = tensor_ig3(p->Jr0,p->Dr0,p->dr.n,
+                     p->Js0,p->Ds0,p->ds.b.n,
+                     p->Jt0,p->Dt0,p->dt.b.n,
+                     x, jac  , p->work);
+  c0[1] = tensor_ig3(p->Jr0,p->Dr0,p->dr.n,
+                     p->Js0,p->Ds0,p->ds.b.n,
+                     p->Jt0,p->Dt0,p->dt.b.n,
+                     y, jac+3, p->work);
+  c0[2] = tensor_ig3(p->Jr0,p->Dr0,p->dr.n,
+                     p->Js0,p->Ds0,p->ds.b.n,
+                     p->Jt0,p->Dt0,p->dt.b.n,
+                     z, jac+6, p->work);
+  mat_inv_3(jac,inv);
+  obbox_bnd_3(p,x,y,z,c0,inv,bnd);  
+  u0[0] = (bnd[0]+bnd[1])/2;
+  u0[1] = (bnd[2]+bnd[3])/2;
+  u0[2] = (bnd[4]+bnd[5])/2;
+  d[0] = 2/((1+tol)*(bnd[1]-bnd[0]));
+  d[1] = 2/((1+tol)*(bnd[3]-bnd[2]));
+  d[2] = 2/((1+tol)*(bnd[5]-bnd[4]));
+  b->x[0] = c0[0] + jac[0]*u0[0] + jac[1]*u0[1] + jac[2]*u0[2];
+  b->x[1] = c0[1] + jac[3]*u0[0] + jac[4]*u0[1] + jac[5]*u0[2];
+  b->x[2] = c0[2] + jac[6]*u0[0] + jac[7]*u0[1] + jac[8]*u0[2];
+  b->A[0] = d[0]*inv[0], b->A[1] = d[0]*inv[1], b->A[2] = d[0]*inv[2];
+  b->A[3] = d[1]*inv[3], b->A[4] = d[1]*inv[4], b->A[5] = d[1]*inv[5];
+  b->A[6] = d[2]*inv[6], b->A[7] = d[2]*inv[7], b->A[8] = d[2]*inv[8];
+   Point to Possible Elements Hashing
+   Initializing the data:
+     unsigned nel;        // number of elements
+     const unsigned n[3]; // number of nodes in r, s, t directions
+     const real *xm[3];   // n[0]*n[1]*n[2]*nel x,y,z coordinates
+     real tol = 0.01;     // how far point is allowed to be outside element
+                          //   relative to element size
+     unsigned max_size = n[0]*n[1]*n[2]*nel; // maximum size of hash table
+     hash_data_3 data;
+     hash_build_3(&data, xm, n, nel, max_size, tol);
+   Using the data:
+     real x[3];   // point to find
+     unsigned index = hash_index_3(&data, x);
+     unsigned i, b = data.offset[index], e = data.offset[index+1];
+     // point may be in elements
+     //   data.offset[b], data.offset[b+1], ... , data.offset[e-1]
+     //
+     // list has maximum size data.max (e.g., e-b <= data.max)
+     for(i=b; i!=e; ++i) {
+       unsigned el = data.offset[i];
+       const obbox_3 *obb = &data.obb[el]; // bounding box data for element el
+       ...
+     }
+   When done:
+     hash_free_3(&data);
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned hash_n;
+  real bnd[4]; /* bounds for all elements */
+  real fac[2]; /* fac[i] = hash_n / (bnd[2*i+1]-bnd[2*i]) */
+  obbox_2 *obb; /* obb[nel] -- bounding box info for each element */
+  uint *offset; /* hash table -- for cell i,j:
+                         uint index = j*hash_n+i,
+                                  b = offset[index  ],
+                                  e = offset[index+1];
+                         elements in cell are
+                           offset[b], offset[b+1], ..., offset[e-1] */
+  unsigned max; /* maximum # of elements in any cell */
+} hash_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned hash_n;
+  real bnd[6]; /* bounds for all elements */
+  real fac[3]; /* fac[i] = hash_n / (bnd[2*i+1]-bnd[2*i]) */
+  obbox_3 *obb; /* obb[nel] -- bounding box info for each element */
+  uint *offset; /* hash table -- for cell i,j,k:
+                         uint index = (k*hash_n+j)*hash_n+i,
+                                  b = offset[index  ],
+                                  e = offset[index+1];
+                         elements in cell are
+                           offset[b], offset[b+1], ..., offset[e-1] */
+  unsigned max; /* maximum # of elements in any cell */
+} hash_data_3;
+static int ifloor(real x)
+  /*
+  int y = x;
+  return (double)y > x ? y-1 : y;
+  */
+  return floorr(x);
+static int iceil(real x)
+  /*
+  int y = x;
+  return (double)y < x ? y+1 : y;
+  */
+  return ceilr(x);
+static unsigned hash_index_helper(real low, real fac, unsigned n, real x)
+  const int i = ifloor((x-low)*fac);
+  if(i<0) return 0;
+  return umin_2(i,n-1);
+static uint hash_index_2(const hash_data_2 *p, const real x[2])
+  const unsigned n = p->hash_n;
+  return (uint)hash_index_helper(p->bnd[2],p->fac[1],n,x[1])*n
+              +hash_index_helper(p->bnd[0],p->fac[0],n,x[0]);
+static uint hash_index_3(const hash_data_3 *p, const real x[3])
+  const unsigned n = p->hash_n;
+  return ( (uint)hash_index_helper(p->bnd[4],p->fac[2],n,x[2])  *n
+                +hash_index_helper(p->bnd[2],p->fac[1],n,x[1]) )*n
+                +hash_index_helper(p->bnd[0],p->fac[0],n,x[0]);
+static void hash_setfac_2(hash_data_2 *p, unsigned n)
+  p->hash_n = n;
+  p->fac[0] = n/(p->bnd[1] - p->bnd[0]);
+  p->fac[1] = n/(p->bnd[3] - p->bnd[2]);
+static void hash_setfac_3(hash_data_3 *p, unsigned n)
+  p->hash_n = n;
+  p->fac[0] = n/(p->bnd[1] - p->bnd[0]);
+  p->fac[1] = n/(p->bnd[3] - p->bnd[2]);
+  p->fac[2] = n/(p->bnd[5] - p->bnd[4]);
+static void hash_range_2(const hash_data_2 *p, uint i, unsigned d,
+                         unsigned *ia, unsigned *ib)
+  const real a = p->obb[i].axis_bnd[d*2  ];
+  const real b = p->obb[i].axis_bnd[d*2+1];
+  const int      i0 = ifloor( (a - p->bnd[d*2]) * p->fac[d] );
+  const unsigned i1 = iceil(  (b - p->bnd[d*2]) * p->fac[d] );
+  *ia = imax_2(0,i0);
+  *ib = imin_2(i1,p->hash_n);
+  if(*ib == *ia) ++(*ib);
+static void hash_range_3(const hash_data_3 *p, uint i, unsigned d,
+                         unsigned *ia, unsigned *ib)
+  const real a = p->obb[i].axis_bnd[d*2  ];
+  const real b = p->obb[i].axis_bnd[d*2+1];
+  const int      i0 = ifloor( (a - p->bnd[d*2]) * p->fac[d] );
+  const unsigned i1 = iceil(  (b - p->bnd[d*2]) * p->fac[d] );
+  *ia = imax_2(0,i0);
+  *ib = imin_2(i1,p->hash_n);
+  if(*ib == *ia) ++(*ib);
+static uint hash_count_2(hash_data_2 *p, uint nel, unsigned n)
+  uint i,count=0;
+  hash_setfac_2(p,n);
+  for(i=0;i<nel;++i) {
+    unsigned ia, ib; uint ci;
+    hash_range_2(p,i,0,&ia,&ib); ci  = ib-ia;
+    hash_range_2(p,i,1,&ia,&ib); ci *= ib-ia;
+    count+=ci;
+  }
+  return count;
+static uint hash_count_3(hash_data_3 *p, uint nel, unsigned n)
+  uint i,count=0;
+  hash_setfac_3(p,n);
+  for(i=0;i<nel;++i) {
+    unsigned ia, ib; uint ci;
+    hash_range_3(p,i,0,&ia,&ib); ci  = ib-ia;
+    hash_range_3(p,i,1,&ia,&ib); ci *= ib-ia;
+    hash_range_3(p,i,2,&ia,&ib); ci *= ib-ia;
+    count+=ci;
+  }
+  return count;
+static uint hash_opt_size_2(hash_data_2 *p, uint nel, uint max_size)
+  unsigned nl=1, nu = ceil(sqrt(max_size-nel));
+  uint size_low = 2+nel;
+  while(nu-nl>1) {
+    unsigned nm = nl+(nu-nl)/2;
+    uint size = (uint)nm*nm+1+hash_count_2(p,nel,nm);
+    if(size<=max_size) nl=nm,size_low=size; else nu=nm;
+  }
+  hash_setfac_2(p,nl);
+  return size_low;
+static uint hash_opt_size_3(hash_data_3 *p, uint nel, uint max_size)
+  unsigned nl=1, nu = ceil(pow(max_size-nel,1.0/3));
+  uint size_low = 2+nel;
+  while(nu-nl>1) {
+    unsigned nm = nl+(nu-nl)/2;
+    uint size = (uint)nm*nm*nm+1+hash_count_3(p,nel,nm);
+    if(size<=max_size) nl=nm,size_low=size; else nu=nm;
+  }
+  hash_setfac_3(p,nl);
+  return size_low;
+static void hash_getbb_2(hash_data_2 *p, const real *const elx[2],
+                         const unsigned n[2], uint nel, real tol)
+  obbox_data_2 *data;
+  const real *x[2]={elx[0],elx[1]};
+  real *z[2], *w[2];
+  uint i; unsigned d;
+  const unsigned nn = n[0]*n[1], m[2] = {2*n[0],2*n[1]};
+  z[0] = tmalloc(real,2*(n[0]+n[1]));
+  w[0] = z[0] + n[0];
+  z[1] = w[0] + n[0], w[1] = z[1] + n[1];
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d)
+    lobatto_nodes(z[d],n[d]), lobatto_weights(z[d],w[d],n[d]);
+  data = obbox_setup_2((const real *const*)z,(const real *const*)w,n,m);
+  obbox_calc_2(data,tol,x[0],x[1],&p->obb[0]);
+  memcpy(&p->bnd[0],(const real*)&p->obb[0].axis_bnd[0],4*sizeof(real));
+  for(i=0;i<nel;++i,x[0]+=nn,x[1]+=nn) {
+    obbox_calc_2(data,tol,x[0],x[1],&p->obb[i]);
+    obbox_merge_2(&p->bnd[0],(const real*)&p->obb[i].axis_bnd[0]);
+  }
+  obbox_free_2(data);
+  free(z[0]);
+static void hash_getbb_3(hash_data_3 *p, const real *const elx[3],
+                         const unsigned n[3], uint nel, real tol)
+  obbox_data_3 *data;
+  const real *x[3]={elx[0],elx[1],elx[2]};
+  real *z[3], *w[3];
+  uint i; unsigned d;
+  const unsigned nn = n[0]*n[1]*n[2], m[3] = {2*n[0],2*n[1],2*n[2]};
+  z[0] = tmalloc(real,2*(n[0]+n[1]+n[2]));
+  w[0] = z[0] + n[0];
+  for(d=1;d<3;++d) z[d]=w[d-1]+n[d-1], w[d]=z[d]+n[d];
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d)
+    lobatto_nodes(z[d],n[d]), lobatto_weights(z[d],w[d],n[d]);
+  data = obbox_setup_3((const real *const*)z,(const real *const*)w,n,m);
+  obbox_calc_3(data,tol,x[0],x[1],x[2],&p->obb[0]);
+  memcpy(&p->bnd[0],(const real*)&p->obb[0].axis_bnd[0],6*sizeof(real));
+  for(i=0;i<nel;++i,x[0]+=nn,x[1]+=nn,x[2]+=nn) {
+    obbox_calc_3(data,tol,x[0],x[1],x[2],&p->obb[i]);
+    obbox_merge_3(&p->bnd[0],(const real*)&p->obb[i].axis_bnd[0]);
+  }
+  obbox_free_3(data);
+  free(z[0]);
+static void hash_build_2(hash_data_2 *p, const real *const x[2],
+                         const unsigned n[2], uint nel,
+                         uint max_hash_size, real tol)
+  uint i,el,size,hn2,sum; unsigned hn;
+  unsigned *count;
+  p->obb = tmalloc(obbox_2,nel);
+  hash_getbb_2(p,x,n,nel,tol);
+  size = hash_opt_size_2(p,nel,max_hash_size);
+  p->offset = tmalloc(uint,size);
+  hn = p->hash_n;
+  hn2 = (uint)hn*hn;
+  count = tcalloc(unsigned,hn2);
+  for(el=0;el<nel;++el) {
+    unsigned i,ia,ib, j,ja,jb;
+    hash_range_2(p,el,0,&ia,&ib);
+    hash_range_2(p,el,1,&ja,&jb);
+    for(j=ja;j<jb;++j) for(i=ia;i<ib;++i)
+      ++count[(uint)j*hn+i];
+  }
+  sum=hn2+1, p->max=count[0];
+  p->offset[0]=sum;
+  for(i=0;i<hn2;++i) {
+    if(count[i]>p->max) p->max=count[i];
+    sum+=count[i];
+    p->offset[i+1]=sum;
+  }
+  for(el=0;el<nel;++el) {
+    unsigned i,ia,ib, j,ja,jb;
+    hash_range_2(p,el,0,&ia,&ib);
+    hash_range_2(p,el,1,&ja,&jb);
+    for(j=ja;j<jb;++j) for(i=ia;i<ib;++i) {
+      uint index = (uint)j*hn+i;
+      p->offset[p->offset[index+1] - count[index]] = el;
+      --count[index];
+    }
+  }
+  free(count);
+static void hash_build_3(hash_data_3 *p, const real *const x[3],
+                         const unsigned n[3], uint nel,
+                         uint max_hash_size, real tol)
+  uint i,el,size,hn3,sum; unsigned hn;
+  unsigned *count;
+  p->obb = tmalloc(obbox_3,nel);
+  hash_getbb_3(p,x,n,nel,tol);
+  size = hash_opt_size_3(p,nel,max_hash_size);
+  p->offset = tmalloc(uint,size);
+  hn = p->hash_n;
+  hn3 = (uint)hn*hn*hn;
+  count = tcalloc(unsigned,hn3);
+  for(el=0;el<nel;++el) {
+    unsigned i,ia,ib, j,ja,jb, k,ka,kb;
+    hash_range_3(p,el,0,&ia,&ib);
+    hash_range_3(p,el,1,&ja,&jb);
+    hash_range_3(p,el,2,&ka,&kb);
+    for(k=ka;k<kb;++k) for(j=ja;j<jb;++j) for(i=ia;i<ib;++i)
+      ++count[((uint)k*hn+j)*hn+i];
+  }
+  sum=hn3+1, p->max=count[0];
+  p->offset[0]=sum;
+  for(i=0;i<hn3;++i) {
+    if(count[i]>p->max) p->max=count[i];
+    sum+=count[i];
+    p->offset[i+1]=sum;
+  }
+  for(el=0;el<nel;++el) {
+    unsigned i,ia,ib, j,ja,jb, k,ka,kb;
+    hash_range_3(p,el,0,&ia,&ib);
+    hash_range_3(p,el,1,&ja,&jb);
+    hash_range_3(p,el,2,&ka,&kb);
+    for(k=ka;k<kb;++k) for(j=ja;j<jb;++j) for(i=ia;i<ib;++i) {
+      uint index = ((uint)k*hn+j)*hn+i;
+      p->offset[p->offset[index+1] - count[index]] = el;
+      --count[index];
+    }
+  }
+  free(count);
+static void hash_free_2(hash_data_2 *p)
+  free(p->obb);
+  free(p->offset);
+static void hash_free_3(hash_data_3 *p)
+  free(p->obb);
+  free(p->offset);
+   Optimization algorithm to find a point within an element
+   Given x(r)  (as values of x,y,z at all Lobatto nodes) and x_star,
+   find the r that minimizes || x_star - x(r) ||_2
+   As a minimization problem, the Newton step is
+               __ 3
+     [ J^T J - >_ d=1  resid_d H_d ] dr = J^t resid
+   where resid = x_star - x(r), J = [ dx_i/dr_j ],
+   and H_d = [ d^2 x_d/dr_i dr_j ].
+   This is the appropriate step to take whenever constraints are active,
+   and the current iterate is on a boundary of the element. When the current
+   iterate is inside, J is square ( dim r = dim x ), resid will become small,
+   and the step
+     J dr = resid
+   may be used instead, still giving quadratic convergence.
+   Names use a _3 suffix for 3-d and _2 for 2-d.
+   The routines require an initialized lagrange_data array as input:
+     unsigned d, n[3] = { ... };
+     real *z[3] = { tmalloc(real, n[0]), ... };
+     for(d=0;d<3;++d) lobatto_nodes(z[d],n[d]);
+     lagrange_data ld[3];
+     for(d=0;d<3;++d) lagrange_setup(&ld[d],z[d],n[d]);
+   Initialization:
+     opt_data_3 data;
+     opt_alloc_3(&data, ld);
+   Use:
+     const real *xm[3];  // 3 pointers, each to n[0]*n[1]*n[2] reals
+                         //   giving the nodal x, y, or z coordinates
+     const real x_star[3] = { ... };  // point to find
+     real r[3] = { 0,0,0 };           // initial guess with
+     unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;   //   these constraints active
+     real dist = opt_findpt_3(&data,xm,x_star,r,&c);
+     // minimizer is r with constraints c; 2-norm of resid is dist
+   Clean-up:
+     opt_free_3(&data);
+     for(d=0;d<3;++d) lagrange_free(&ld[d]);
+     for(d=0;d<3;++d) free(z[d]);
+   The constraint number works as follows. Let cr be the constraints
+   on the r variable:
+      cr = 0       r fixed at -1
+      cr = 1       r not fixed
+      cr = 2       r fixed at 1
+   Then the constraint number is (ct*3+cs)*3+cr
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* how many directions are constrained? */
+static const char opt_constr_num_2[9] = {2,1,2, 1,0,1, 2,1,2};
+static const char opt_constr_num_3[27] = {
+  3,2,3, 2,1,2, 3,2,3, 
+  2,1,2, 1,0,1, 2,1,2, 
+  3,2,3, 2,1,2, 3,2,3
+/* which direction is constrained? */
+static const char opt_constr_dir_2[9] = {-1, 1,-1,  0,-1, 0, -1, 1,-1};
+static const char opt_constr_dir_3[27] = {
+  -1,-1,-1, -1, 2,-1, -1,-1,-1, 
+  -1, 1,-1,  0,-1, 0, -1, 1,-1, 
+  -1,-1,-1, -1, 2,-1, -1,-1,-1
+/* which direction is not constrained? */
+static const char opt_constr_not[27] = {
+  -1, 0,-1,  1,-1, 1, -1, 0,-1, 
+   2,-1, 2, -1,-1,-1,  2,-1, 2, 
+  -1, 0,-1,  1,-1, 1, -1, 0,-1
+static const char opt_constr_wide[27] = {
+  0x00,0x01,0x02, 0x04,0x05,0x06, 0x08,0x09,0x0a,
+  0x10,0x11,0x12, 0x14,0x15,0x16, 0x18,0x19,0x1a,
+  0x20,0x21,0x22, 0x24,0x25,0x26, 0x28,0x29,0x2a
+static const unsigned opt_other1_3[3] = {1,0,0},
+                      opt_other2_3[3] = {2,2,1};
+static unsigned opt_constr(unsigned constraints, unsigned d)
+  return (opt_constr_wide[constraints]>>(d*2))&3;
+static void opt_constr_unpack_2(unsigned constraints, unsigned *c)
+  const char cw = opt_constr_wide[constraints];
+  c[0] = cw & 3;
+  c[1] = cw >> 2;
+static void opt_constr_unpack_3(unsigned constraints, unsigned *c)
+  const char cw = opt_constr_wide[constraints];
+  c[0] = cw & 3;
+  c[1] = (cw >> 2) & 3;
+  c[2] = cw >> 4;
+static unsigned opt_constr_pack_2(const unsigned *c)
+  return c[1]*3+c[0];
+static unsigned opt_constr_pack_3(const unsigned *c)
+  return (c[2]*3+c[1])*3+c[0];
+   3 - D
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void opt_alloc_3(opt_data_3 *p, lagrange_data *ld)
+  const unsigned nr = ld[0].n, ns = ld[1].n, nt = ld[2].n,
+                 nf = umax_3(nr*ns,nr*nt,ns*nt),
+                 ne = umax_3(nr,ns,nt),
+                 nw = 2*ns*nt + 3*ns;
+  p->size[0] = 1;
+  p->size[1] = nr;
+  p->size[2] = nr*ns;
+  p->size[3] = p->size[2]*nt;
+  p->ld = ld;
+  p->work = tmalloc(real, 6*nf + 9*ne + nw);
+  p->fd.x[0] = p->work + nw;
+  p->fd.x[1] = p->fd.x[0] + nf; 
+  p->fd.x[2] = p->fd.x[1] + nf; 
+  p->fd.fdn[0] = p->fd.x[2] + nf; 
+  p->fd.fdn[1] = p->fd.fdn[0] + nf; 
+  p->fd.fdn[2] = p->fd.fdn[1] + nf; 
+  p->ed.x[0] = p->fd.fdn[2] + nf; 
+  p->ed.x[1] = p->ed.x[0] + ne; 
+  p->ed.x[2] = p->ed.x[1] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd1[0] = p->ed.x[2] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd1[1] = p->ed.fd1[0] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd1[2] = p->ed.fd1[1] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd2[0] = p->ed.fd1[2] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd2[1] = p->ed.fd2[0] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd2[2] = p->ed.fd2[1] + ne; 
+void opt_free_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  free(p->work);
+static void opt_vol_set_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3])
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[2],r[2]);
+/* work holds 2*ns*nt + 3*ns reals */
+static void opt_vol_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  const lagrange_data *ld = p->ld;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) 
+    p->x[d] = tensor_ig3(ld[0].J,ld[0].D,ld[0].n,
+                         ld[1].J,ld[1].D,ld[1].n,
+                         ld[2].J,ld[2].D,ld[2].n,
+                         p->elx[d], &p->jac[d*3], p->work);
+static void opt_vol_set_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3])
+  opt_vol_set_3(p,r);
+  opt_vol_intp_3(p);
+static void opt_face_proj_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d, off=0;
+  const unsigned dn = p->fd.dn, d1 = p->fd.d1, d2 = p->fd.d2,
+                 so = p->size[d2]-p->size[d1+1],
+                 s1 = p->size[d1], sn = p->size[dn],
+                 n1 = p->ld[d1].n, n2 = p->ld[d2].n, nn = p->ld[dn].n;
+  const real *D = p->ld[dn].D_z0;
+  if(opt_constr(p->fd.constraints,dn)==2)
+    off = p->size[dn+1]-p->size[dn],
+    D   = p->ld[dn].D_zn;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    unsigned i,j,k,index=0;
+    const real *in = p->elx[d]+off;
+    for(j=n2;j;--j,in+=so)
+      for(i=n1;i;--i,++index,in+=s1) {
+        const real *ind = in-off;
+        real *fdn = &p->fd.fdn[d][index];
+        p->fd.x[d][index] = *in;
+        *fdn = 0;
+        for(k=0;k<nn;++k,ind+=sn)
+          *fdn += *ind * D[k];
+      }
+  }
+static void opt_face_set_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3], unsigned constr)
+  if(p->fd.constraints!=constr) {
+    p->fd.constraints=constr;
+    p->fd.dn = opt_constr_dir_3[constr];
+    p->fd.d1 = opt_other1_3[p->fd.dn];
+    p->fd.d2 = opt_other2_3[p->fd.dn];
+    opt_face_proj_3(p);
+  }
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[p->fd.d1],r[p->fd.d1]);
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[p->fd.d2],r[p->fd.d2]);
+/* work holds 2*ld[d2].n reals */
+static void opt_face_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned dn = p->fd.dn, d1 = p->fd.d1, d2 = p->fd.d2,
+                 n1 = p->ld[d1].n, n2 = p->ld[d2].n;
+  const real *J1 = p->ld[d1].J, *J2 = p->ld[d2].J,
+             *D1 = p->ld[d1].D, *D2 = p->ld[d2].D;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    real g[2];
+    p->x[d] = tensor_ig2(J1,D1,n1, J2,D2,n2, p->fd.x[d], &g[0], p->work);
+    p->jac[d*3+d1] = g[0];
+    p->jac[d*3+d2] = g[1];
+    p->jac[d*3+dn] = tensor_i2(J1,n1, J2,n2, p->fd.fdn[d], p->work);
+  }
+static void opt_face_set_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3], unsigned constr)
+  opt_face_set_3(p,r,constr);
+  opt_face_intp_3(p);
+static void opt_face_hess_3(opt_data_3 *p, real hess[9])
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned d1 = p->fd.d1, d2 = p->fd.d2,
+                 n1 = p->ld[d1].n, n2 = p->ld[d2].n;
+  const real *J1 = p->ld[d1].J , *J2 = p->ld[d2].J,
+             *D1 = p->ld[d1].D , *D2 = p->ld[d2].D,
+             *S1 = p->ld[d1].D2, *S2 = p->ld[d2].D2;
+  lagrange_2u(&p->ld[d1]);
+  lagrange_2u(&p->ld[d2]);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    (void) tensor_ig2(J1,S1,n1, J2,S2,n2,  p->fd.x[d], hess+d*3, p->work);
+    hess[d*3+0] = tensor_i2(S1,n1, J2,n2, p->fd.x[d], p->work);
+    hess[d*3+1] = tensor_i2(J1,n1, S2,n2, p->fd.x[d], p->work);
+    hess[d*3+2] = tensor_i2(D1,n1, D2,n2, p->fd.x[d], p->work);
+  }
+static void opt_edge_proj_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d, off, off1=0, off2=0;
+  const unsigned de=p->ed.de,    d1=p->ed.d1,    d2=p->ed.d2,
+                 se=p->size[de], s1=p->size[d1], s2=p->size[d2],
+                 ne=p->ld[de].n, n1=p->ld[d1].n, n2=p->ld[d2].n;
+  const real *fD1, *fD2;
+  if(opt_constr(p->ed.constraints,d1)==0)
+    fD1=p->ld[d1].D_z0;
+  else
+    fD1=p->ld[d1].D_zn, off1 = p->size[d1+1]-p->size[d1];
+  if(opt_constr(p->ed.constraints,d2)==0)
+    fD2=p->ld[d2].D_z0;
+  else
+    fD2=p->ld[d2].D_zn, off2 = p->size[d2+1]-p->size[d2];
+  off = off1+off2;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    unsigned i,j;
+    const real *in = p->elx[d]+off;
+    for(i=0;i<ne;++i,in+=se) {
+      const real *in1 = in - off1, *in2 = in - off2;
+      real *fd1 = &p->ed.fd1[d][i], *fd2 = &p->ed.fd2[d][i];
+      p->ed.x[d][i] = *in;
+      *fd1 = *fd2 = 0;
+      for(j=0;j<n1;++j,in1+=s1) *fd1 += *in1 * fD1[j];
+      for(j=0;j<n2;++j,in2+=s2) *fd2 += *in2 * fD2[j];
+    }
+  }
+static void opt_edge_set_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3], unsigned constr)
+  if(p->ed.constraints!=constr) {
+    p->ed.constraints=constr;
+    p->ed.de = opt_constr_not[constr];
+    p->ed.d1 = opt_other1_3[p->ed.de];
+    p->ed.d2 = opt_other2_3[p->ed.de];
+    opt_edge_proj_3(p);
+  }
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[p->ed.de],r[p->ed.de]);
+static void opt_edge_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned de = p->ed.de, d1 = p->ed.d1, d2 = p->ed.d2,
+                 n = p->ld[de].n;
+  const real *J = p->ld[de].J, *D = p->ld[de].D;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    p->x[d] = tensor_ig1(J,D,n, p->ed.x[d], &p->jac[d*3+de]);
+    p->jac[d*3+d1] = tensor_i1(J,n, p->ed.fd1[d]);
+    p->jac[d*3+d2] = tensor_i1(J,n, p->ed.fd2[d]);
+  }
+static void opt_edge_set_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real r[3], unsigned constr)
+  opt_edge_set_3(p,r,constr);
+  opt_edge_intp_3(p);
+static void opt_edge_hess_3(opt_data_3 *p, real hess[3])
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned de = p->ed.de, n = p->ld[de].n;
+  const real *D2 = p->ld[de].D2;
+  lagrange_2u(&p->ld[de]);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) hess[d] = tensor_i1(D2,n, p->ed.x[d]);
+static void opt_point_proj_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned off[3], offt, d, c[3];
+  const real *fD[3];
+  opt_constr_unpack_3(p->pd.constraints,c);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d)
+    if(c[d]==0)
+      fD[d]=p->ld[d].D_z0,off[d]=0;
+    else
+      fD[d]=p->ld[d].D_zn,off[d]=p->size[d+1]-p->size[d];
+  offt = off[0]+off[1]+off[2];
+  for(d=0;d<9;++d) p->pd.jac[d]=0;
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    unsigned i,j;
+    p->pd.x[d] = p->elx[d][offt];
+    for(i=0;i<3;++i) {
+      const real *in = p->elx[d]+offt-off[i];
+      for(j=0;j<p->ld[i].n;++j,in+=p->size[i])
+        p->pd.jac[d*3+i] += *in * fD[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+static void opt_point_set_3(opt_data_3 *p, unsigned constr)
+  if(p->pd.constraints!=constr) {
+    p->pd.constraints=constr;
+    opt_point_proj_3(p);
+  }
+static void opt_point_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p)
+  memcpy(p->x,p->pd.x,3*sizeof(real));
+  memcpy(p->jac,p->pd.jac,9*sizeof(real));
+static void opt_point_set_intp_3(opt_data_3 *p, unsigned constr)
+  opt_point_set_3(p,constr);
+  opt_point_intp_3(p);
+#define DIAGNOSTICS 0
+double opt_findpt_3(opt_data_3 *p, const real *const elx[3],
+                           const real xstar[3], real r[3], unsigned *constr)
+  real dr[3], resid[3], steep[3];
+  unsigned c=*constr,ac,d,cc[3],step=0;
+  p->elx[0]=elx[0], p->elx[1]=elx[1], p->elx[2]=elx[2];
+  p->fd.constraints = opt_no_constraints_3;
+  p->ed.constraints = opt_no_constraints_3;
+  p->pd.constraints = opt_no_constraints_3;
+  printf("opt_findpt: xstar = %g, %g, %g\n", xstar[0], xstar[1], xstar[2]);
+# endif
+  do {
+    ++step;
+    if(step==50) fail("%s: opt_findpt_3 did not converge\n",__FILE__);
+    printf("  iteration %u\n", step);
+    printf("    %d constraint(s) active\n", (int)opt_constr_num_3[c]);
+#   endif
+    /* update face/edge/point data if necessary,
+       and evaluate x(r) as well as the jacobian */
+    switch(opt_constr_num_3[c]) {
+      case 0: opt_vol_set_intp_3(p,r); break;
+      case 1: opt_face_set_intp_3(p,r,c); break;
+      case 2: opt_edge_set_intp_3(p,r,c); break;
+      case 3: opt_point_set_intp_3(p,c); break;
+    }
+    printf("    r = %g, %g, %g\n", r[0], r[1], r[2]);
+    printf("    x = %g, %g, %g\n", p->x[0], p->x[1], p->x[2]);
+#   endif
+    /* compute residual */
+    for(d=0;d<3;++d) resid[d]=xstar[d]-p->x[d];
+    printf("    resid = %g, %g, %g\n", resid[0], resid[1], resid[2]);
+    printf("    2-norm = %g\n", r2norm_3(resid[0],resid[1],resid[2]));
+#   endif
+    /* check constraints against steepest descent direction */
+    ac = c;
+    if(opt_constr_num_3[c]) {
+      opt_constr_unpack_3(c,cc);
+      mat_app_3c(steep,p->jac,resid); /* steepest descent = J^T r */
+      printf("    steepest descent = %g, %g, %g\n", steep[0],steep[1],steep[2]);
+#     endif
+      for(d=0;d<3;++d)
+        if((cc[d]==0 && steep[d]>0) || (cc[d]==2 && steep[d]<0)) cc[d]=1;
+      ac = opt_constr_pack_3(cc);
+    }
+    /* update face/edge/point data if necessary */
+    if(ac!=c) {
+      c=ac;
+      printf("    relaxed to %d constraints\n", (int)opt_constr_num_3[c]);
+#     endif
+      switch(opt_constr_num_3[c]) {
+        case 1: opt_face_set_3(p,r,c); break;
+        case 2: opt_edge_set_3(p,r,c); break;
+        case 3: opt_point_set_3(p,c); break;
+      }
+    }
+    /* compute Newton step */
+    switch(opt_constr_num_3[c]) {
+      case 0: tinyla_solve_3(dr,p->jac,resid); break;
+      case 1: {
+        const unsigned dn = p->fd.dn, d1 = p->fd.d1, d2 = p->fd.d2;
+        real A[4], H[9];
+        const real *J = p->jac;
+        opt_face_hess_3(p,H);
+        A[0] = J[d1]*J[d1] + J[3+d1]*J[3+d1] + J[6+d1]*J[6+d1];
+        A[1] = J[d2]*J[d2] + J[3+d2]*J[3+d2] + J[6+d2]*J[6+d2];
+        A[2] = J[d1]*J[d2] + J[3+d1]*J[3+d2] + J[6+d1]*J[6+d2];
+        A[0] -= resid[0]*H[0] + resid[1]*H[3] + resid[2]*H[6];
+        A[1] -= resid[0]*H[1] + resid[1]*H[4] + resid[2]*H[7];
+        A[2] -= resid[0]*H[2] + resid[1]*H[5] + resid[2]*H[8];
+        tinyla_solve_sym_2(&dr[d1],&dr[d2],A,steep[d1],steep[d2]);
+        dr[dn]=0;
+      } break;
+      case 2: {
+        const unsigned de = p->ed.de, d1 = p->ed.d1, d2 = p->ed.d2;
+        real fac, H[3];
+        const real *J = p->jac+de;
+        opt_edge_hess_3(p,H);
+        fac = J[0]*J[0]+J[3]*J[3]+J[6]*J[6]
+             -(resid[0]*H[0]+resid[1]*H[1]+resid[2]*H[2]);
+        dr[de] = steep[de] / fac;
+        dr[d1] = 0, dr[d2] = 0;
+      } break;
+      case 3:
+        dr[0] = dr[1] = dr[2] = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+    printf("    dr = %g, %g, %g\n", dr[0], dr[1], dr[2]);
+#   endif
+    /* project new iteration onto [-1,1]^3 */
+    opt_constr_unpack_3(c,cc);
+    for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+      if(cc[d]!=1) continue;
+      r[d] += dr[d];
+      if(r[d] <= -1)
+        dr[d] -= r[d]+1, r[d] = -1, cc[d]=0;
+      else if(r[d] >= 1)
+        dr[d] -= r[d]-1, r[d] = 1, cc[d]=2;
+    }
+    c = opt_constr_pack_3(cc);
+  } while(r1norm_3(dr[0],dr[1],dr[2]) > 3*EPS);
+  *constr = c;
+# if 0
+  printf("opt_findpt_3 converged in %u iterations\n", step);
+# endif
+  return r2norm_3(resid[0],resid[1],resid[2]);
+   2 - D
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned constraints;
+  unsigned de, d1;
+  real *x[2], *fd1[2];
+} opt_edge_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned constraints;
+  real x[2], jac[4];
+} opt_point_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  lagrange_data *ld;
+  unsigned size[3];
+  const real *elx[2];
+  opt_edge_data_2 ed;
+  opt_point_data_2 pd;
+  real *work;
+  real x[2], jac[4];
+} opt_data_2;
+static void opt_alloc_2(opt_data_2 *p, lagrange_data *ld)
+  const unsigned nr = ld[0].n, ns = ld[1].n,
+                 ne = umax_2(nr,ns),
+                 nw = 2*ns;
+  p->size[0] = 1;
+  p->size[1] = nr;
+  p->size[2] = nr*ns;
+  p->ld = ld;
+  p->work = tmalloc(real, 4*ne + nw);
+  p->ed.x[0] = p->work + nw; 
+  p->ed.x[1] = p->ed.x[0] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd1[0] = p->ed.x[1] + ne; 
+  p->ed.fd1[1] = p->ed.fd1[0] + ne; 
+static void opt_free_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  free(p->work);
+static void opt_area_set_2(opt_data_2 *p, const real r[2])
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+/* work holds 2*ns reals */
+static void opt_area_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  const lagrange_data *ld = p->ld;
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) 
+    p->x[d] = tensor_ig2(ld[0].J,ld[0].D,ld[0].n,
+                         ld[1].J,ld[1].D,ld[1].n,
+                         p->elx[d], &p->jac[d*2], p->work);
+static void opt_area_set_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p, const real r[2])
+  opt_area_set_2(p,r);
+  opt_area_intp_2(p);
+static void opt_edge_proj_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  unsigned d, off=0;
+  const unsigned de = p->ed.de, d1 = p->ed.d1,
+                 se=p->size[de], s1=p->size[d1],
+                 ne=p->ld[de].n, n1=p->ld[d1].n;
+  const real *fD1;
+  if(opt_constr(p->ed.constraints,d1)==0)
+    fD1=p->ld[d1].D_z0;
+  else
+    fD1=p->ld[d1].D_zn, off = p->size[d1+1]-p->size[d1];
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) {
+    unsigned i,j;
+    const real *in = p->elx[d]+off;
+    for(i=0;i<ne;++i,in+=se) {
+      const real *in1 = in - off;
+      real *fd1 = &p->ed.fd1[d][i];
+      p->ed.x[d][i] = *in;
+      *fd1 = 0;
+      for(j=0;j<n1;++j,in1+=s1) *fd1 += *in1 * fD1[j];
+    }
+  }
+static void opt_edge_set_2(opt_data_2 *p, const real r[2], unsigned constr)
+  if(p->ed.constraints!=constr) {
+    p->ed.constraints=constr;
+    p->ed.de = opt_constr_not[constr];
+    p->ed.d1 = 1 - p->ed.de;
+    opt_edge_proj_2(p);
+  }
+  lagrange_1(&p->ld[p->ed.de],r[p->ed.de]);
+static void opt_edge_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned de = p->ed.de, d1 = p->ed.d1, n = p->ld[de].n;
+  const real *J = p->ld[de].J, *D = p->ld[de].D;
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) {
+    p->x[d] = tensor_ig1(J,D,n, p->ed.x[d], &p->jac[d*2+de]);
+    p->jac[d*2+d1] = tensor_i1(J,n, p->ed.fd1[d]);
+  }
+static void opt_edge_set_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p, const real r[2], unsigned constr)
+  opt_edge_set_2(p,r,constr);
+  opt_edge_intp_2(p);
+static void opt_edge_hess_2(opt_data_2 *p, real hess[2])
+  unsigned d;
+  const unsigned de = p->ed.de, n = p->ld[de].n;
+  const real *D2 = p->ld[de].D2;
+  lagrange_2u(&p->ld[de]);
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) hess[d] = tensor_i1(D2,n, p->ed.x[d]);
+static void opt_point_proj_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  unsigned off[2], offt, d, c[2];
+  const real *fD[2];
+  opt_constr_unpack_2(p->pd.constraints,c);
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d)
+    if(c[d]==0)
+      fD[d]=p->ld[d].D_z0,off[d]=0;
+    else
+      fD[d]=p->ld[d].D_zn,off[d]=p->size[d+1]-p->size[d];
+  offt = off[0]+off[1];
+  for(d=0;d<4;++d) p->pd.jac[d]=0;
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) {
+    unsigned i,j;
+    p->pd.x[d] = p->elx[d][offt];
+    for(i=0;i<2;++i) {
+      const real *in = p->elx[d]+offt-off[i];
+      for(j=0;j<p->ld[i].n;++j,in+=p->size[i])
+        p->pd.jac[d*2+i] += *in * fD[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+static void opt_point_set_2(opt_data_2 *p, unsigned constr)
+  if(p->pd.constraints!=constr) {
+    p->pd.constraints=constr;
+    opt_point_proj_2(p);
+  }
+static void opt_point_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p)
+  memcpy(p->x,p->pd.x,2*sizeof(real));
+  memcpy(p->jac,p->pd.jac,4*sizeof(real));
+static void opt_point_set_intp_2(opt_data_2 *p, unsigned constr)
+  opt_point_set_2(p,constr);
+  opt_point_intp_2(p);
+#define DIAGNOSTICS 0
+static double opt_findpt_2(opt_data_2 *p, const real *const elx[2],
+                           const real xstar[2], real r[2], unsigned *constr)
+  real dr[2], resid[2], steep[2];
+  unsigned c=*constr,ac,d,cc[2],step=0;
+  p->elx[0]=elx[0], p->elx[1]=elx[1];
+  p->ed.constraints = opt_no_constraints_2;
+  p->pd.constraints = opt_no_constraints_2;
+  printf("opt_findpt: xstar = %g, %g\n", xstar[0], xstar[1]);
+# endif
+  do {
+    ++step;
+    if(step==50) fail("%s: opt_findpt_2 did not converge\n",__FILE__);
+    printf("  iteration %u\n", step);
+    printf("    %d constraint(s) active\n", (int)opt_constr_num_2[c]);
+#   endif
+    /* update face/edge/point data if necessary,
+       and evaluate x(r) as well as the jacobian */
+    switch(opt_constr_num_2[c]) {
+      case 0: opt_area_set_intp_2(p,r); break;
+      case 1: opt_edge_set_intp_2(p,r,c); break;
+      case 2: opt_point_set_intp_2(p,c); break;
+    }
+    printf("    r = %g, %g\n", r[0], r[1]);
+    printf("    x = %g, %g\n", p->x[0], p->x[1]);
+#   endif
+    /* compute residual */
+    for(d=0;d<2;++d) resid[d]=xstar[d]-p->x[d];
+    printf("    resid = %g, %g\n", resid[0], resid[1]);
+    printf("    2-norm = %g\n", r2norm_2(resid[0],resid[1]));
+#   endif
+    /* check constraints against steepest descent direction */
+    ac = c;
+    if(opt_constr_num_2[c]) {
+      opt_constr_unpack_2(c,cc);
+      mat_app_2c(steep,p->jac,resid); /* steepest descent = J^T r */
+      printf("    steepest descent = %g, %g\n", steep[0], steep[1]);
+#     endif
+      for(d=0;d<2;++d)
+        if((cc[d]==0 && steep[d]>0) || (cc[d]==2 && steep[d]<0)) cc[d]=1;
+      ac = opt_constr_pack_2(cc);
+    }
+    /* update face/edge/point data if necessary */
+    if(ac!=c) {
+      c=ac;
+      printf("    relaxed to %d constraints\n", (int)opt_constr_num_2[c]);
+#     endif
+      switch(opt_constr_num_2[c]) {
+        case 1: opt_edge_set_2(p,r,c); break;
+        case 2: opt_point_set_2(p,c); break;
+      }
+    }
+    /* compute Newton step */
+    switch(opt_constr_num_2[c]) {
+      case 0: tinyla_solve_2(dr,p->jac,resid); break;
+      case 1: {
+        const unsigned de = p->ed.de, d1 = p->ed.d1;
+        real fac, H[2];
+        const real *J = p->jac+de;
+        opt_edge_hess_2(p,H);
+        fac = J[0]*J[0]+J[2]*J[2]-(resid[0]*H[0]+resid[1]*H[1]);
+        dr[de] = steep[de] / fac;
+        dr[d1] = 0;
+      } break;
+      case 2:
+        dr[0] = dr[1] = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+    printf("    dr = %g, %g\n", dr[0], dr[1]);
+#   endif
+    /* project new iteration onto [-1,1]^2 */
+    opt_constr_unpack_2(c,cc);
+    for(d=0;d<2;++d) {
+      if(cc[d]!=1) continue;
+      r[d] += dr[d];
+      if(r[d] <= -1)
+        dr[d] -= r[d]+1, r[d] = -1, cc[d]=0;
+      else if(r[d] >= 1)
+        dr[d] -= r[d]-1, r[d] = 1, cc[d]=2;
+    }
+    c = opt_constr_pack_2(cc);
+  } while(r1norm_2(dr[0],dr[1]) > 2*EPS);
+  *constr = c;
+  return r2norm_2(resid[0],resid[1]);
+   Point Finding  (interface/top-level)
+   Initializing the data:
+     unsigned nel;        // number of elements
+     const unsigned n[3]; // number of nodes in r, s, t directions
+     const real *xm[3];   // n[0]*n[1]*n[2]*nel x,y,z coordinates
+     real tol = 0.01;     // how far point is allowed to be outside element
+                          //   relative to element size
+     unsigned max_size = n[0]*n[1]*n[2]*nel; // maximum size of hash table
+     findpt_data_3 *data = findpt_setup_3(xm,n,nel,max_size,tol);
+   Using the data:
+     real x[3] = { ... };   // point to find
+     int el; // element number
+     real r[3]; // parametric coordinates
+     int guess = 0; // do we use (el,r,s,t) as an initial guess?
+     int code; // 0 : normal, -1 : outside all elements,
+               // 1 : border, or outside but within tolerance
+     real dist; // distance in xyz space from returned (el,r,s,t) to given
+                // (x,y,z)
+     code = findpt_3(data, x, guess, &el, r, &dist);
+   When done:
+     findpt_free_3(&data);
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  uint el;
+  real r[3];
+  real dist;
+} findpt_listel;
+/* heap sort on A[0:n-1] with key A[i]->dist
+   precondition: n!=0 */
+static void findpt_list_sort(findpt_listel **A, unsigned n)
+  unsigned i;
+  --A; /* make A have a base index of 1 */
+  /* build heap */
+  for(i=2;i<=n;++i) {
+    findpt_listel *item = A[i];
+    unsigned hole = i, parent = hole>>1;
+    if(A[parent]->dist >= item->dist) continue;
+    do {
+      A[hole] = A[parent];
+      hole = parent;
+      parent>>=1;
+    } while(parent && A[parent]->dist < item->dist);
+    A[hole] = item;
+  }
+  /* extract */
+  for(i=n-1;i;--i) {
+    findpt_listel *item = A[i+1];
+    unsigned hole = 1;
+    A[i+1] = A[1];
+    for(;;) {
+      unsigned ch = hole<<1, r = ch+1;
+      if(r<=i && A[ch]->dist < A[r]->dist) ch=r;
+      if(ch>i || item->dist >= A[ch]->dist) break;
+      A[hole]=A[ch];
+      hole=ch;
+    }
+    A[hole] = item;
+  }
+typedef struct {
+  const real *xw[2];   /* geometry data */
+  real *z[2];          /* lobatto nodes */
+  lagrange_data ld[2]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
+  unsigned nptel;      /* nodes per element */
+  hash_data_2 *hash;   /* geometric hashing data */
+  findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end; /* pre-allocated list of elements to
+                                           check (found by hashing), and
+                                           pre-allocated list of pointers into
+                                           the first list for sorting */
+  opt_data_2 *od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
+  real *od_work;
+} findpt_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  const real *xw[3];   /* geometry data */
+  real *z[3];          /* lobatto nodes */
+  lagrange_data ld[3]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
+  unsigned nptel;      /* nodes per element */
+  hash_data_3 *hash;   /* geometric hashing data */
+  findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end; /* pre-allocated list of elements to
+                                           check (found by hashing), and
+                                           pre-allocated list of pointers into
+                                           the first list for sorting */
+  opt_data_3 *od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
+  real *od_work;
+} findpt_data_3;
+findpt_data_2 *findpt_setup_2(
+          const real *const xw[2], const unsigned n[2], uint nel,
+          uint max_hash_size, real bbox_tol)
+  unsigned d;
+  findpt_data_2 *p = tmalloc(findpt_data_2,1);
+  p->hash = tmalloc(hash_data_2,1);
+  p->od = tmalloc(opt_data_2,1);
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) p->xw[d]=xw[d];
+  p->nptel = n[0]*n[1];
+  hash_build_2(p->hash,xw,n,nel,max_hash_size,bbox_tol);
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) {
+    p->z[d] = tmalloc(real,n[d]);
+    lobatto_nodes(p->z[d],n[d]);
+    lagrange_setup(&p->ld[d],p->z[d],n[d]);
+  }
+  p->list   = tmalloc(findpt_listel , p->hash->max);
+  p->sorted = tmalloc(findpt_listel*, p->hash->max);
+  opt_alloc_2(p->od,p->ld);
+  p->od_work = p->od->work;
+  return p;
+findpt_data_3 *findpt_setup_3(
+          const real *const xw[3], const unsigned n[3], uint nel,
+          uint max_hash_size, real bbox_tol)
+  unsigned d;
+  findpt_data_3 *p = tmalloc(findpt_data_3,1);
+  p->hash = tmalloc(hash_data_3,1);
+  p->od = tmalloc(opt_data_3,1);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) p->xw[d]=xw[d];
+  p->nptel = n[0]*n[1]*n[2];
+  hash_build_3(p->hash,xw,n,nel,max_hash_size,bbox_tol);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) {
+    p->z[d] = tmalloc(real,n[d]);
+    lobatto_nodes(p->z[d],n[d]);
+    lagrange_setup(&p->ld[d],p->z[d],n[d]);
+  }
+  p->list   = tmalloc(findpt_listel , p->hash->max);
+  p->sorted = tmalloc(findpt_listel*, p->hash->max);
+  opt_alloc_3(p->od,p->ld);
+  p->od_work = p->od->work;
+  return p;
+void findpt_free_2(findpt_data_2 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  opt_free_2(p->od); free(p->od);
+  hash_free_2(p->hash); free(p->hash);
+  free(p->list);
+  free(p->sorted);
+  for(d=0;d<2;++d) free(p->z[d]);
+  free(p);
+void findpt_free_3(findpt_data_3 *p)
+  unsigned d;
+  opt_free_3(p->od); free(p->od);
+  hash_free_3(p->hash); free(p->hash);
+  free(p->list);
+  free(p->sorted);
+  for(d=0;d<3;++d) free(p->z[d]);
+  free(p);
+const real *findpt_allbnd_2(const findpt_data_2 *p)
+  return p->hash->bnd;
+const real *findpt_allbnd_3(const findpt_data_3 *p)
+  return p->hash->bnd;
+static void findpt_hash_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real x[2])
+  findpt_listel *list = p->list, **sorted = p->sorted;
+  const uint hi = hash_index_2(p->hash, x);
+  const uint *offset = p->hash->offset;
+  uint i; const uint b = offset[hi], e = offset[hi+1];
+  for(i=b;i!=e;++i) {
+    const uint el = offset[i];
+    real *r = &list->r[0];
+    const obbox_2 *obb = &p->hash->obb[el];
+    if(obbox_axis_test_2(obb,x)) continue;
+    if(obbox_test_2(obb,x,r)) continue;
+    list->el = el;
+    list->dist = r1norm_2(r[0],r[1]);
+    *sorted++ = list++;
+  }
+  p->end = sorted;
+  if(p->end!=p->sorted)
+    findpt_list_sort(p->sorted,p->end - p->sorted);
+static void findpt_hash_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real x[3])
+  findpt_listel *list = p->list, **sorted = p->sorted;
+  const uint hi = hash_index_3(p->hash, x);
+  const uint *offset = p->hash->offset;
+  uint i; const uint b = offset[hi], e = offset[hi+1];
+  for(i=b;i!=e;++i) {
+    const uint el = offset[i];
+    real *r = &list->r[0];
+    const obbox_3 *obb = &p->hash->obb[el];
+    if(obbox_axis_test_3(obb,x)) continue;
+    if(obbox_test_3(obb,x,r)) continue;
+    list->el = el;
+    list->dist = r1norm_3(r[0],r[1],r[2]);
+    *sorted++ = list++;
+  }
+  p->end = sorted;
+  if(p->end!=p->sorted)
+    findpt_list_sort(p->sorted,p->end - p->sorted);
+static int findpt_guess_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real x[2],
+                          uint el, real r[2], real *dist)
+  const uint index = p->nptel*el;
+  const real *elx[2] = {p->xw[0]+index,p->xw[1]+index};
+  real g[2];
+  unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_2;
+  const obbox_2 *obb = &p->hash->obb[el];
+  if(obbox_axis_test_2(obb,x) || obbox_test_2(obb,x,g)) return 0;
+  *dist = opt_findpt_2(p->od,elx,x,r,&c);
+  return c==opt_no_constraints_2;
+static int findpt_guess_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real x[3],
+                          uint el, real r[3], real *dist)
+  const uint index = p->nptel*el;
+  const real *elx[3] = {p->xw[0]+index,p->xw[1]+index,p->xw[2]+index};
+  real g[3];
+  unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;
+  const obbox_3 *obb = &p->hash->obb[el];
+  if(obbox_axis_test_3(obb,x) || obbox_test_3(obb,x,g)) return 0;
+  *dist = opt_findpt_3(p->od,elx,x,r,&c);
+  return c==opt_no_constraints_3;
+#define DIAGNOSTICS 0
+static int findpt_pass_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real x[2],
+                         uint *el, real r[2], real *dist_min)
+  findpt_listel **qq = p->sorted;
+  const real *bnd;
+  do {
+    findpt_listel *q = *qq;
+    const uint index = p->nptel*q->el;
+    const real *elx[2] = {p->xw[0]+index,p->xw[1]+index};
+    unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_2;
+    const real dist = opt_findpt_2(p->od,elx,x,q->r,&c);
+    if(qq==p->sorted || dist<*dist_min || c==opt_no_constraints_2) {
+      *dist_min = dist;
+      *el = q->el;
+      memcpy(r, q->r, 2*sizeof(real));
+      if(c==opt_no_constraints_2) return 0;
+    }
+  } while(++qq != p->end);
+  bnd = p->hash->obb[*el].axis_bnd;
+  return *dist_min>r2norm_2(bnd[1]-bnd[0],bnd[3]-bnd[2]) ? -1 : 1;
+static int findpt_pass_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real x[3],
+                         uint *el, real r[3], real *dist_min)
+  findpt_listel **qq = p->sorted;
+  const real *bnd;
+  do {
+    findpt_listel *q = *qq;
+    const uint index = p->nptel*q->el;
+    const real *elx[3] = {p->xw[0]+index,p->xw[1]+index,p->xw[2]+index};
+    unsigned c = opt_no_constraints_3;
+    const real dist = opt_findpt_3(p->od,elx,x,q->r,&c);
+    if(qq==p->sorted || dist<*dist_min || c==opt_no_constraints_3) {
+      *dist_min = dist;
+      *el = q->el;
+      memcpy(r, q->r, 3*sizeof(real));
+      if(c==opt_no_constraints_3) {
+#       if DIAGNOSTICS
+        printf("point found in element #%d\n", qq-p->sorted);
+#       endif
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+  } while(++qq != p->end);
+  bnd = p->hash->obb[*el].axis_bnd;
+  return *dist_min>r2norm_3(bnd[1]-bnd[0],bnd[3]-bnd[2],bnd[5]-bnd[4]) ? -1 : 1;
+int findpt_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real x[2], int guess,
+             uint *el, real r[2], real *dist)
+  if(guess && findpt_guess_2(p,x,*el,r,dist)) return 0;
+  findpt_hash_2(p,x);
+  if(p->sorted==p->end) return -1;
+  return findpt_pass_2(p,x,el,r,dist);
+int findpt_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real x[3], int guess,
+             uint *el, real r[3], real *dist)
+  if(guess && findpt_guess_3(p,x,*el,r,dist)) return 0;
+  findpt_hash_3(p,x);
+  printf("hashing leaves %d elements to consider\n",p->end-p->sorted);
+# endif
+  if(p->sorted==p->end) return -1;
+  return findpt_pass_3(p,x,el,r,dist);
+static void findpt_weights_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real r[2])
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+static void findpt_weights_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real r[3])
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[2],r[2]);
+static double findpt_eval_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real *u)
+  return tensor_i2(p->ld[0].J,p->ld[0].n,
+                   p->ld[1].J,p->ld[1].n,
+                   u, p->od_work);
+static double findpt_eval_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real *u)
+  return tensor_i3(p->ld[0].J,p->ld[0].n,
+                   p->ld[1].J,p->ld[1].n,
+                   p->ld[2].J,p->ld[2].n,
+                   u, p->od_work);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#ifndef FINDPT_H
+#define FINDPT_H
+/* requires "types.h", "poly.h", "tensor.h" */
+#if !defined(TYPES_H) || !defined(POLY_H) || !defined(TENSOR_H)
+#warning "findpt.h" requires "types.h", "poly.h", "tensor.h"
+typedef struct {
+  const real *xw[2];   /* geometry data */
+  real *z[2];          /* lobatto nodes */
+  lagrange_data ld[2]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
+  unsigned nptel;      /* nodes per element */
+  struct findpt_hash_data_2 *hash;   /* geometric hashing data */
+  struct findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
+                                        /* pre-allocated list of elements to
+                                           check (found by hashing), and
+                                           pre-allocated list of pointers into
+                                           the first list for sorting */
+  struct findpt_opt_data_2 *od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
+  real *od_work;
+} findpt_data_2;
+typedef struct {
+  const real *xw[3];   /* geometry data */
+  real *z[3];          /* lobatto nodes */
+  lagrange_data ld[3]; /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
+  unsigned nptel;      /* nodes per element */
+  struct findpt_hash_data_3 *hash;   /* geometric hashing data */
+  struct findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
+                                        /* pre-allocated list of elements to
+                                           check (found by hashing), and
+                                           pre-allocated list of pointers into
+                                           the first list for sorting */
+  struct findpt_opt_data_3 *od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
+  real *od_work;
+} findpt_data_3;
+findpt_data_2 *findpt_setup_2(
+          const real *const xw[2], const unsigned n[2], uint nel,
+          uint max_hash_size, real bbox_tol);
+findpt_data_3 *findpt_setup_3(
+          const real *const xw[3], const unsigned n[3], uint nel,
+          uint max_hash_size, real bbox_tol);
+void findpt_free_2(findpt_data_2 *p);
+void findpt_free_3(findpt_data_3 *p);
+const real *findpt_allbnd_2(const findpt_data_2 *p);
+const real *findpt_allbnd_3(const findpt_data_3 *p);
+typedef int (*findpt_func)(void *, const real *, int, uint *, real *, real *);
+int findpt_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real x[2], int guess,
+             uint *el, real r[2], real *dist);
+int findpt_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real x[3], int guess,
+             uint *el, real r[3], real *dist);
+static void findpt_weights_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real r[2])
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+static void findpt_weights_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real r[3])
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[0],r[0]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[1],r[1]);
+  lagrange_0(&p->ld[2],r[2]);
+static double findpt_eval_2(findpt_data_2 *p, const real *u)
+  return tensor_i2(p->ld[0].J,p->ld[0].n,
+                   p->ld[1].J,p->ld[1].n,
+                   u, p->od_work);
+static double findpt_eval_3(findpt_data_3 *p, const real *u)
+  return tensor_i3(p->ld[0].J,p->ld[0].n,
+                   p->ld[1].J,p->ld[1].n,
+                   p->ld[2].J,p->ld[2].n,
+                   u, p->od_work);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt_test.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt_test.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/findpt_test.cpp	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include "MBElemUtil.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+extern "C"{
+#include "errmem.h" //for tmalloc, convenient but not C++
+int main()
+    MBCartVect xyz(.5,.3,.4);
+    MBCartVect rst;
+    double dist;
+    MBElemUtil u;
+    double *xm[3]; //element coord fields, lex ordering
+    const int n=5; //number of nodes per direction (min is 2, for linear element)
+    for(int d=0; d<3; d++){
+      xm[d]=tmalloc(double, n*n*n);
+    }
+    double scale = 1./(n-1);
+    int node = 0;
+    //Stuff xm with sample data
+    for(int k=0; k<n; k++){
+      for(int j=0; j<n; j++){
+	for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
+	  xm[0][node] = i*scale; 
+	  xm[1][node] = j*scale;
+	  xm[2][node] = k*scale;
+	  node++;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    u.hex_findpt(xm, n, xyz, rst, dist);
+    cout << "Coords of " << xyz << " are:  "<< rst <<
+      " distance: "<< dist << endl;

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/minmax.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/minmax.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/minmax.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#ifndef MINMAX_H
+#define MINMAX_H
+/* requires <math.h> and "types.h" */
+#ifndef TYPES_H
+#warning "minmax.h" depends on "types.h"
+   Min, Max, Norm
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define DECLMINMAX(type, prefix) \
+static type prefix##min_2(type a, type b) { return b<a?b:a; } \
+static type prefix##max_2(type a, type b) { return a>b?a:b; } \
+static void prefix##minmax_2(type *min, type *max, type a, type b) \
+{ if(b<a) *min=b, *max=a; else *min=a, *max=b; } \
+static type prefix##min_3(type a, type b, type c) \
+{ return b<a?(c<b?c:b):(c<a?c:a); } \
+static type prefix##max_3(type a, type b, type c) \
+{ return a>b?(a>c?a:c):(b>c?b:c); } \
+static void prefix##minmax_3(type *min, type *max, type a, type b, type c) \
+{ if(b<a)  *min=prefix##min_2(b,c), *max=prefix##max_2(a,c); \
+  else    *min=prefix##min_2(a,c), *max=prefix##max_2(b,c); }
+DECLMINMAX(unsigned, u)
+DECLMINMAX(real, r)
+static real r1norm_1(real a) { return fabsr(a); }
+static real r1norm_2(real a, real b) { return fabsr(a)+fabsr(b); }
+static real r1norm_3(real a, real b, real c)
+{ return fabsr(a)+fabsr(b)+fabsr(c); }
+static real r2norm_1(real a) { return sqrtr(a*a); }
+static real r2norm_2(real a, real b) { return sqrtr(a*a+b*b); }
+static real r2norm_3(real a, real b, real c)
+{ return sqrtr(a*a+b*b+c*c); }

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.c
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.c	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <math.h>    /* for cos, fabs */
+#include <string.h>  /* for memcpy */
+#include <float.h>
+#include "errmem.h"
+#include "types.h"
+  For brevity's sake, some names have been shortened
+  Quadrature rules
+    Gauss   -> Gauss-Legendre quadrature (open)
+    Lobatto -> Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature (closed at both ends)
+  Polynomial bases
+    Legendre -> Legendre basis
+    Gauss    -> Lagrangian basis using Gauss   quadrature nodes
+    Lobatto  -> Lagrangian basis using Lobatto quadrature nodes
+   Legendre Polynomial Matrix Computation
+   (compute P_i(x_j) for i = 0, ..., n and a given set of x)
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   inner index is x index (0 ... m-1);
+   outer index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
+ */
+void legendre_matrix(const real *x, int m, real *P, int n)
+  int i,j;
+  real *Pjm1 = P, *Pj = Pjm1+m, *Pjp1 = Pj+m;
+  for(i=0; i<m; ++i) Pjm1[i] = 1;
+  for(i=0; i<m; ++i) Pj[i] = x[i];
+  for(j=1; j<n; ++j) {
+    real c = 1/(real)(j+1), a = c*(2*j+1), b = c*j;
+    for(i=0; i<m; ++i) Pjp1[i] = a*x[i]*Pj[i]-b*Pjm1[i];
+    Pjp1+=m, Pj+=m, Pjm1+=m;
+  }
+/* precondition: n >= 1, n even */
+static void legendre_row_even(real x, real *P, int n)
+  real p[2] = {1, x};
+  int i;
+  P[0] = 1, P[1] = x;
+  for(i=1; i<=n-2; i+=2) {
+    p[0] = ((2*i+1)*x*p[1]- i   *p[0])/(i+1);
+    p[1] = ((2*i+3)*x*p[0]-(i+1)*p[1])/(i+2);
+    P[i+1] = p[0];
+    P[i+2] = p[1];
+  }
+  P[n] = ((2*n-1)*x*p[1]-(n-1)*p[0])/n;
+/* precondition: n >= 1, n odd */
+static void legendre_row_odd(real x, real *P, int n)
+  real p[2] = {1, x};
+  int i;
+  P[0] = 1, P[1] = x;
+  for(i=1; i<=n-2; i+=2) {
+    p[0] = ((2*i+1)*x*p[1]- i   *p[0])/(i+1);
+    p[1] = ((2*i+3)*x*p[0]-(i+1)*p[1])/(i+2);
+    P[i+1] = p[0];
+    P[i+2] = p[1];
+  }
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   compute P_i(x) with i = 0 ... n
+ */
+void legendre_row(real x, real *P, int n)
+  if(n&1) legendre_row_odd(x,P,n); else legendre_row_even(x,P,n);
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   inner index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
+   outer index is x index (0 ... m-1);
+ */
+void legendre_matrix_t(const real *x, int m, real *P, int n)
+  int i;
+  if(n&1) for(i=0;i<m;++i,P+=n+1) legendre_row_odd(x[i],P,n);
+     else for(i=0;i<m;++i,P+=n+1) legendre_row_even(x[i],P,n);
+   Legendre Polynomial Computation
+   compute P_n(x) or P_n'(x) or P_n''(x)
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n >= 0 */
+static real legendre(int n, real x)
+  real p[2] = {1, x};
+  int i;
+  for(i=1; i<n; i+=2) {
+    p[0] = ((2*i+1)*x*p[1]- i   *p[0])/(i+1);
+    p[1] = ((2*i+3)*x*p[0]-(i+1)*p[1])/(i+2);
+  }
+  return p[n&1];
+/* precondition: n > 0 */
+static real legendre_d1(int n, real x)
+  real p[2] = {3*x, 1};
+  int i;
+  for(i=2; i<n; i+=2) {
+    p[1] = ((2*i+1)*x*p[0]-(i+1)*p[1])/i;
+    p[0] = ((2*i+3)*x*p[1]-(i+2)*p[0])/(i+1);
+  }
+  return p[n&1];
+/* precondition: n > 1 */
+static real legendre_d2(int n, real x)
+  real p[2] = {3, 15*x};
+  int i;
+  for(i=3; i<n; i+=2) {
+    p[0] = ((2*i+1)*x*p[1]-(i+2)*p[0])/(i-1);
+    p[1] = ((2*i+3)*x*p[0]-(i+3)*p[1])/i;
+  }
+  return p[n&1];
+   Quadrature Nodes and Weights Calculation
+   compute the n Gauss-Legendre nodes and weights or
+           the n Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre nodes and weights
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* n nodes */
+void gauss_nodes(real *z, int n)
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=0; i<=n/2-1; ++i) {
+    real ox, x = cosr( (2*n-2*i-1)*(PI/2)/n );
+    do {
+      ox = x;
+      x -= legendre(n,x)/legendre_d1(n,x);
+    } while(fabsr(x-ox)>-x*EPS);
+    z[i] = x - legendre(n,x)/legendre_d1(n,x);
+  }
+  if(n&1) z[n/2]=0;
+  for(j=(n+1)/2,i=n/2-1; j<n; ++j,--i) z[j]=-z[i];
+/* n inner lobatto nodes (excluding -1,1) */
+static void lobatto_nodes_aux(real *z, int n)
+  int i,j,np=n+1;
+  for(i=0; i<=n/2-1; ++i) {
+    real ox, x = cosr( (n-i)*PI/np );
+    do {
+      ox = x;
+      x -= legendre_d1(np,x)/legendre_d2(np,x);
+    } while(fabsr(x-ox)>-x*EPS);
+    z[i] = x - legendre_d1(np,x)/legendre_d2(np,x);
+  }
+  if(n&1) z[n/2]=0;
+  for(j=(n+1)/2,i=n/2-1; j<n; ++j,--i) z[j]=-z[i];
+/* n lobatto nodes */
+void lobatto_nodes(real *z, int n)
+  z[0] = -1, z[n-1] = 1;
+  lobatto_nodes_aux(&z[1],n-2);
+void gauss_weights(const real *z, real *w, int n)
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=0; i<=(n-1)/2; ++i) {
+    real d = (n+1)*legendre(n+1,z[i]);
+    w[i] = 2*(1-z[i]*z[i])/(d*d);
+  }
+  for(j=(n+1)/2,i=n/2-1; j<n; ++j,--i) w[j]=w[i];
+void lobatto_weights(const real *z, real *w, int n)
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=0; i<=(n-1)/2; ++i) {
+    real d = legendre(n-1,z[i]);
+    w[i] = 2/((n-1)*n*d*d);
+  }
+  for(j=(n+1)/2,i=n/2-1; j<n; ++j,--i) w[j]=w[i];
+   Lagrangian to Legendre Change-of-basis Matrix
+   where the nodes of the Lagrangian basis are the GL or GLL quadrature nodes
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n >= 2
+   given the Gauss quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
+   for transforming from the Gauss basis to the Legendre basis:
+      u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_gauss(j)
+   computes J   = .5 (2i+1) w  P (z )
+             ij              j  i  j
+   in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
+ */
+void gauss_to_legendre(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J)
+  int i,j;
+  legendre_matrix_t(z,n,J,n-1);
+  for(j=0;j<n;++j) {
+    real ww = w[j];
+    for(i=0; i<n; ++i) *J++ *= (2*i+1) * ww/2;
+  }
+/* precondition: n >= 2
+   same as above, but
+   in row major format (inner index is j, the Gauss index)
+ */
+void gauss_to_legendre_t(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J)
+  int i,j;
+  legendre_matrix(z,n,J,n-1);
+  for(i=0;i<n;++i) {
+    real ii = (real)(2*i+1)/2;
+    for(j=0; j<n; ++j) *J++ *= ii * w[j];
+  }
+/* precondition: n >= 3
+   given the Lobatto quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
+   for transforming from the Gauss basis to the Legendre basis:
+      u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_lobatto(j)
+   in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
+ */
+void lobatto_to_legendre(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J)
+  int i,j,m=(n+1)/2;
+  real *p = J, *q;
+  real ww, sum;
+  if(n&1)
+    for(j=0;j<m;++j,p+=n) legendre_row_odd(z[j],p,n-2);
+  else
+    for(j=0;j<m;++j,p+=n) legendre_row_even(z[j],p,n-2);
+  p = J;
+  for(j=0;j<m;++j) {
+    ww = w[j], sum = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<n-1; ++i) *p *= (2*i+1) * ww/2, sum += *p++;
+    *p++ = -sum;
+  }
+  q = J+(n/2-1)*n;
+  if(n&1)
+    for(;j<n;++j,p+=n,q-=n) {
+      for(i=0; i<n-1; i+=2) p[i]=q[i], p[i+1]=-q[i+1];
+      p[i]=q[i];
+    }
+  else
+    for(;j<n;++j,p+=n,q-=n) {
+      for(i=0; i<n-1; i+=2) p[i]=q[i], p[i+1]=-q[i+1];
+    }
+   Lagrangian to Lagrangian change-of-basis matrix, and derivative matrix
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
+   evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions at all points x
+   inner index of output J is the basis function index (row-major format)
+   provide work array with space for 4*n reals
+ */
+void lagrange_weights(const real *z, unsigned n,
+                      const real *x, unsigned m,
+                      real *J, real *work)
+  unsigned i,j;
+  real *w = work, *d = w+n, *u = d+n, *v = u+n;
+  for(i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+    real ww = 1, zi = z[i];
+    for(j=0; j<i; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    for(++j; j<n; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    w[i] = 1/ww;
+  }
+  u[0] = v[n-1] = 1;
+  for(i=0; i<m; ++i) {
+    real xi = x[i];
+    for(j=0; j<n; ++j) d[j] = xi - z[j];
+    for(j=0; j<n-1; ++j) u[j+1] = d[j] * u[j];
+    for(j=n-1; j; --j) v[j-1] = d[j] * v[j];
+    for(j=0; j<n; ++j) *J++ = w[j] * u[j] * v[j];
+  }
+/* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
+   evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions and their derivatives
+   inner index of outputs J,D is the basis function index (row-major format)
+   provide work array with space for 6*n reals
+ */
+void lagrange_weights_deriv(const real *z, unsigned n,
+                            const real *x, unsigned m,
+                            real *J, real *D, real *work)
+  unsigned i,j;
+  real *w = work, *d = w+n, *u = d+n, *v = u+n, *up= v+n, *vp=up+n;
+  for(i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+    real ww = 1, zi = z[i];
+    for(j=0; j<i; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    for(++j; j<n; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    w[i] = 1/ww;
+  }
+  u [0] = v [n-1] = 1;
+  up[0] = vp[n-1] = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<m; ++i) {
+    real xi = x[i];
+    for(j=0; j<n; ++j) d[j] = xi - z[j];
+    for(j=0; j<n-1; ++j) u[j+1]=d[j]*u[j], up[j+1]=d[j]*up[j]+u[j];
+    for(j=n-1; j; --j)   v[j-1]=d[j]*v[j], vp[j-1]=d[j]*vp[j]+v[j];
+    for(j=0; j<n; ++j) *J++ = w[j]*u[j]*v[j], 
+                       *D++ = w[j]*(up[j]*v[j]+u[j]*vp[j]);
+  }
+   Speedy Lagrangian Interpolation
+   Usage:
+     lagrange_data p;
+     lagrange_setup(&p,z,n);    // setup for nodes z[0 ... n-1]
+     the weights
+       p->J [0 ... n-1]     interpolation weights
+       p->D [0 ... n-1]     1st derivative weights
+       p->D2[0 ... n-1]     2nd derivative weights
+     are computed for a given x with:
+       lagrange_0(p,x);  // compute p->J
+       lagrange_1(p,x);  // compute p->J, p->D
+       lagrange_2(p,x);  // compute p->J, p->D, p->D2
+       lagrange_2u(p);   // compute p->D2 after call of lagrange_1(p,x);
+     These functions use the z array supplied to setup
+       (that pointer should not be freed between calls)
+     Weights for x=z[0] and x=z[n-1] are computed during setup; access as:
+       p->J_z0, etc. and p->J_zn, etc.
+     lagrange_free(&p);  // deallocate memory allocated by setup
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned n;                /* number of Lagrange nodes            */
+  const real *z;             /* Lagrange nodes (user-supplied)      */
+  real *J, *D, *D2;          /* weights for 0th,1st,2nd derivatives */
+  real *J_z0, *D_z0, *D2_z0; /* ditto at z[0]   (computed at setup) */
+  real *J_zn, *D_zn, *D2_zn; /* ditto at z[n-1] (computed at setup) */
+  real *w, *d, *u0, *v0, *u1, *v1, *u2, *v2; /* work data            */
+} lagrange_data;
+static void lagrange_0(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i, n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i) p->u0[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u0[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i) p->v0[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v0[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->J[i] = p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i];
+static void lagrange_1(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i, n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u0[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u0[i],
+    p->u1[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u1[i] + p->u0[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v0[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->v1[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v1[i] + p->v0[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->J[i] = p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->D[i] = p->w[i]*(p->u1[i]*p->v0[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v1[i]);
+static void lagrange_2(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i,n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u0[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u0[i],
+    p->u1[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u1[i]+p->u0[i],
+    p->u2[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u2[i]+2*p->u1[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v0[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->v1[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v1[i]+p->v0[i],
+    p->v2[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v2[i]+2*p->v1[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->J [i]=p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->D [i]=p->w[i]*(p->u1[i]*p->v0[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v1[i]),
+    p->D2[i]=p->w[i]*(p->u2[i]*p->v0[i]+2*p->u1[i]*p->v1[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v2[i]);
+static void lagrange_2u(lagrange_data *p)
+  unsigned i,n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u2[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u2[i]+2*p->u1[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v2[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v2[i]+2*p->v1[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->D2[i]=p->w[i]*(p->u2[i]*p->v0[i]+2*p->u1[i]*p->v1[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v2[i]);
+void lagrange_setup(lagrange_data *p, const real *z, unsigned n)
+  unsigned i,j;
+  p->n=n, p->z=z;
+  p->w = tmalloc(real, 17*n);
+  p->d = p->w+n;
+  p->J = p->d+n, p->D = p->J+n, p->D2 = p->D+n;
+  p->u0=p->D2+n, p->v0=p->u0+n;
+  p->u1=p->v0+n, p->v1=p->u1+n;
+  p->u2=p->v1+n, p->v2=p->u2+n;
+  p->J_z0=p->v2+n, p->D_z0=p->J_z0+n, p->D2_z0=p->D_z0+n;
+  p->J_zn=p->D2_z0+n, p->D_zn=p->J_zn+n, p->D2_zn=p->D_zn+n;
+  for(i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+    real ww = 1, zi = z[i];
+    for(j=0; j<i; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    for(++j; j<n; ++j) ww *= zi-z[j];
+    p->w[i] = 1/ww;
+  }
+  p->u0[0] = p->v0[n-1] = 1;
+  p->u1[0] = p->v1[n-1] = 0;
+  p->u2[0] = p->v2[n-1] = 0;
+  lagrange_2(p,z[0  ]); memcpy(p->J_z0,p->J,3*n*sizeof(real));
+  lagrange_2(p,z[n-1]); memcpy(p->J_zn,p->J,3*n*sizeof(real));
+void lagrange_free(lagrange_data *p)
+  free(p->w);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/poly.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+#ifndef POLY_H
+#define POLY_H
+/* requires "types.h" */
+#ifndef TYPES_H
+#warning "poly.h" requires "types.h"
+  For brevity's sake, some names have been shortened
+  Quadrature rules
+    Gauss   -> Gauss-Legendre quadrature (open)
+    Lobatto -> Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature (closed at both ends)
+  Polynomial bases
+    Legendre -> Legendre basis
+    Gauss    -> Lagrangian basis using Gauss   quadrature nodes
+    Lobatto  -> Lagrangian basis using Lobatto quadrature nodes
+   Legendre Polynomial Matrix Computation
+   (compute P_i(x_j) for i = 0, ..., n and a given set of x)
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   inner index is x index (0 ... m-1);
+   outer index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
+ */
+void legendre_matrix(const real *x, int m, real *P, int n);
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   inner index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
+   outer index is x index (0 ... m-1);
+ */
+void legendre_matrix_t(const real *x, int m, real *P, int n);
+/* precondition: n >= 1
+   compute P_i(x) with i = 0 ... n
+ */
+void legendre_row(real x, real *P, int n);
+   Quadrature Nodes and Weights Calculation
+   call the _nodes function before calling the _weights function
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void gauss_nodes(real *z, int n);   /* n nodes (order = 2n-1) */
+void lobatto_nodes(real *z, int n); /* n nodes (order = 2n-3) */
+void gauss_weights(const real *z, real *w, int n);
+void lobatto_weights(const real *z, real *w, int n);
+   Lagrangian to Legendre Change-of-basis Matrix
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n >= 2
+   given the Gauss quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
+   for transforming from the Gauss basis to the Legendre basis:
+      u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_gauss(j)
+   computes J   = .5 (2i+1) w  P (z )
+             ij              j  i  j
+   in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
+ */
+void gauss_to_legendre(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J);
+/* precondition: n >= 2
+   same as above, but
+   in row major format (inner index is j, the Gauss index)
+ */
+void gauss_to_legendre_t(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J);
+/* precondition: n >= 3
+   given the Lobatto quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
+   for transforming from the Lobatto basis to the Legendre basis:
+      u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_lobatto(j)
+   in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
+ */
+void lobatto_to_legendre(const real *z, const real *w, int n, real *J);
+   Lagrangian basis function evaluation
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
+   evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions at all points x
+   inner index of output J is the basis function index (row-major format)
+   provide work array with space for 4*n doubles
+ */
+void lagrange_weights(const real *z, unsigned n,
+                      const real *x, unsigned m,
+                      real *J, real *work);
+/* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
+   evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions and their derivatives
+   inner index of outputs J,D is the basis function index (row-major format)
+   provide work array with space for 6*n doubles
+ */
+void lagrange_weights_deriv(const real *z, unsigned n,
+                            const real *x, unsigned m,
+                            real *J, real *D, real *work);
+   Speedy Lagrangian Interpolation
+   Usage:
+     lagrange_data p;
+     lagrange_setup(&p,z,n);    // setup for nodes z[0 ... n-1]
+     the weights
+       p->J [0 ... n-1]     interpolation weights
+       p->D [0 ... n-1]     1st derivative weights
+       p->D2[0 ... n-1]     2nd derivative weights
+     are computed for a given x with:
+       lagrange_0(p,x);  // compute p->J
+       lagrange_1(p,x);  // compute p->J, p->D
+       lagrange_2(p,x);  // compute p->J, p->D, p->D2
+       lagrange_2u(p);   // compute p->D2 after call of lagrange_1(p,x);
+     These functions use the z array supplied to setup
+       (that pointer should not be freed between calls)
+     Weights for x=z[0] and x=z[n-1] are computed during setup; access as:
+       p->J_z0, etc. and p->J_zn, etc.
+     lagrange_free(&p);  // deallocate memory allocated by setup
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct {
+  unsigned n;                /* number of Lagrange nodes            */
+  const real *z;             /* Lagrange nodes (user-supplied)      */
+  real *J, *D, *D2;          /* weights for 0th,1st,2nd derivatives */
+  real *J_z0, *D_z0, *D2_z0; /* ditto at z[0]   (computed at setup) */
+  real *J_zn, *D_zn, *D2_zn; /* ditto at z[n-1] (computed at setup) */
+  real *w, *d, *u0, *v0, *u1, *v1, *u2, *v2; /* work data           */
+} lagrange_data;
+void lagrange_setup(lagrange_data *p, const real *z, unsigned n);
+void lagrange_free(lagrange_data *p);
+static void lagrange_0(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i, n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i) p->u0[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u0[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i) p->v0[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v0[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->J[i] = p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i];
+static void lagrange_1(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i, n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u0[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u0[i],
+    p->u1[i+1] = p->d[i]*p->u1[i] + p->u0[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v0[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->v1[i-1] = p->d[i]*p->v1[i] + p->v0[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->J[i] = p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->D[i] = p->w[i]*(p->u1[i]*p->v0[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v1[i]);
+static void lagrange_2(lagrange_data *p, real x)
+  unsigned i,n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i) p->d[i] = x-p->z[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u0[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u0[i],
+    p->u1[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u1[i]+p->u0[i],
+    p->u2[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u2[i]+2*p->u1[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v0[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->v1[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v1[i]+p->v0[i],
+    p->v2[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v2[i]+2*p->v1[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->J [i]=p->w[i]*p->u0[i]*p->v0[i],
+    p->D [i]=p->w[i]*(p->u1[i]*p->v0[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v1[i]),
+    p->D2[i]=p->w[i]*(p->u2[i]*p->v0[i]+2*p->u1[i]*p->v1[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v2[i]);
+static void lagrange_2u(lagrange_data *p)
+  unsigned i,n=p->n;
+  for(i=0  ; i<n-1; ++i)
+    p->u2[i+1]=p->d[i]*p->u2[i]+2*p->u1[i];
+  for(i=n-1; i    ; --i)
+    p->v2[i-1]=p->d[i]*p->v2[i]+2*p->v1[i];
+  for(i=0  ; i<n  ; ++i)
+    p->D2[i]=p->w[i]*(p->u2[i]*p->v0[i]+2*p->u1[i]*p->v1[i]+p->u0[i]*p->v2[i]);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.c
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.c	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#include "types.h"
+   Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
+   mxm_ab (A,na,B,nb,C,nc) :
+      gives C = A B where A is na x nb, B is nb x nc, C is na x nc
+      a := r | c   to indicate A is in row- or column- major format
+      b := r | c   to indicate B is in row- or column- major format
+      C is always column-major
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void mxm_cc(const real *A, unsigned na,
+                   const real *B, unsigned nb,
+                         real *C, unsigned nc)
+  unsigned i,j,k;
+  real *Ccol = C;
+  const real *Bcol = B;
+  for(j=0;j<nc;++j,Ccol+=na,Bcol+=nb) {
+    const real *Acol = A;
+    for(i=0;i<na;++i) Ccol[i]=0;
+    for(k=0;k<nb;++k,Acol+=na)
+      for(i=0;i<na;++i)
+        Ccol[i] += Acol[i] * Bcol[k];
+  }
+static void mxm_rc(const real *A, unsigned na,
+                   const real *B, unsigned nb,
+                         real *C, unsigned nc)
+  unsigned i,j,k;
+  real *Ccol = C;
+  const real *Bcol = B;
+  for(j=0;j<nc;++j,Ccol+=na,Bcol+=nb) {
+    const real *Arow = A;
+    for(i=0;i<na;++i,Arow+=nb) {
+      Ccol[i]=0;
+      for(k=0;k<nb;++k)
+        Ccol[i] += Arow[k] * Bcol[k];
+    }
+  }
+static void mxm_cr(const real *A, unsigned na,
+                   const real *B, unsigned nb,
+                         real *C, unsigned nc)
+  unsigned i,j,k;
+  const real *Acol = A, *Brow = B;
+  for(i=0;i<na*nc;++i) C[i]=0;
+  for(k=0;k<nb;++k,Acol+=na,Brow+=nc) {
+    real *Ccol = C;
+    for(j=0;j<nc;++j,Ccol+=na)
+      for(i=0;i<na;++i)
+        Ccol[i] += Acol[i] * Brow[j];
+  }
+static void mxm_rr(const real *A, unsigned na,
+                   const real *B, unsigned nb,
+                         real *C, unsigned nc)
+  unsigned i,j,k;
+  real *Ccol = C;
+  const real *Bcol = B;
+  for(j=0;j<nc;++j,Ccol+=na,++Bcol) {
+    const real *Arow = A;
+    for(i=0;i<na;++i,Arow+=nb) {
+      const real *Bkj = Bcol;
+      Ccol[i]=0.0;
+      for(k=0;k<nb;++k,Bkj+=nc)
+        Ccol[i] += Arow[k] * *Bkj;
+    }
+  }
+   Matrix-Vector Multiplication
+   mxv_f (y,ny,A,x,nx) :
+      gives y = A x where A is ny x nx
+      f := r | c   to indicate A is in row- or column- major format
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static void mxv_c(real *y, unsigned ny, const real *A,
+                  const real *x, unsigned nx)
+  real *yp=y, *y_end = y+ny;
+  const real *x_end=x+nx;
+  real xk = *x;
+  do { *yp++ = *A++ * xk; } while(yp!=y_end);
+  for(++x;x!=x_end;++x) {
+    xk = *x; yp = y;
+    do { *yp++ += *A++ * xk; } while(yp!=y_end);
+  }
+static void mxv_r(real *y, unsigned ny, const real *A,
+                  const real *x, unsigned nx)
+  real *y_end = y+ny;
+  const real *x_end = x+nx;
+  do {
+    const real *xp = x;
+    real sum = *A++ * *xp++;
+    while(xp!=x_end) { sum += *A++ * *xp++; }
+    *y++ = sum;
+  } while(y!=y_end);
+   Vector-Vector Multiplication
+   inner (u,v,n) : inner product
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* precondition: n>=1 */
+static real inner(const real *u, const real *v, unsigned n)
+  const real *u_end = u+n;
+  real sum = *u++ * *v++;
+  while(u!=u_end) { sum += *u++ * *v++; }
+  return sum;
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application
+   the 3d case:
+   tensor_f3(R,mr,nr, S,ms,ns, T,mt,nt, u,v, work1,work2)
+     gives v = [ R (x) S (x) T ] u
+     where R is mr x nr, S is ms x ns, T is mt x nt,
+       each in row- or column-major format according to f := r | c
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is mr x ms x mt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void tensor_c1(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, 
+               const real *u, real *v)
+  mxv_c(v,mr,R,u,nr);
+void tensor_r1(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, 
+               const real *u, real *v)
+  mxv_r(v,mr,R,u,nr);
+/* W holds mr*ns reals */
+void tensor_c2(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *W)
+  mxm_cc(R,mr,u,nr,W,ns);
+  mxm_cr(W,mr,S,ns,v,ms);
+/* W holds mr*ns reals */
+void tensor_r2(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *W)
+  mxm_rc(R,mr,u,nr,W,ns);
+  mxm_cc(W,mr,S,ns,v,ms);
+/* W holds mr*ns*nt reals,
+   Z holds mr*ms*nt reals */
+void tensor_c3(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *T, unsigned mt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *W, real *Z)
+  unsigned n,mrns=mr*ns,mrms=mr*ms;
+  real *Zp = Z;
+  mxm_cc(R,mr,u,nr,W,ns*nt);
+  for(n=0;n<nt;++n,W+=mrns,Zp+=mrms)
+    mxm_cr(W,mr,S,ns,Zp,ms);
+  mxm_cr(Z,mrms,T,nt,v,mt);
+/* W holds mr*ns*nt reals,
+   Z holds mr*ms*nt reals */
+void tensor_r3(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *T, unsigned mt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *W, real *Z)
+  unsigned n,mrns=mr*ns,mrms=mr*ms;
+  real *Zp = Z;
+  mxm_rc(R,mr,u,nr,W,ns*nt);
+  for(n=0;n<nt;++n,W+=mrns,Zp+=mrms)
+    mxm_cc(W,mr,S,ns,Zp,ms);
+  mxm_cc(Z,mrms,T,nt,v,mt);
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors (for Interpolation)
+   the 3d case:
+   v = tensor_i3(Jr,nr, Js,ns, Jt,nt, u, work)
+   same effect as tensor_r3(Jr,1,nr, Js,1,ns, Jt,1,nt, u,&v, work1,work2):
+     gives v = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+     where Jr, Js, Jt are row vectors (interpolation weights)
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is a scalar
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+real tensor_i1(const real *Jr, unsigned nr, const real *u)
+  return inner(Jr,u,nr);
+/* work holds ns reals */
+real tensor_i2(const real *Jr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *Js, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *work)
+  mxv_r(work,ns,u,Jr,nr);
+  return inner(Js,work,ns);
+/* work holds ns*nt + nt reals */
+real tensor_i3(const real *Jr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *Js, unsigned ns,
+               const real *Jt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *work)
+  real *work2 = work+nt;
+  mxv_r(work2,ns*nt,u,Jr,nr);
+  mxv_r(work,nt,work2,Js,ns);
+  return inner(Jt,work,nt);
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors
+             for simultaneous Interpolation and Gradient computation
+   the 3d case:
+   v = tensor_ig3(Jr,Dr,nr, Js,Ds,ns, Jt,Dt,nt, u,g, work)
+     gives v   = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+           g_0 = [ Dr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+           g_1 = [ Jr (x) Ds (x) Jt ] u
+           g_2 = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Dt ] u
+     where Jr,Dr,Js,Ds,Jt,Dt are row vectors
+       (interpolation & derivative weights)
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is a scalar, g is an array of 3 reals
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+real tensor_ig1(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *u, real *g)
+  *g = inner(Dr,u,nr);
+  return inner(Jr,u,nr);
+/* work holds 2*ns reals */
+real tensor_ig2(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *Js, const real *Ds, unsigned ns,
+                const real *u, real *g, real *work)
+  real *a = work, *ar = a+ns;
+  mxv_r(a ,ns,u,Jr,nr);
+  mxv_r(ar,ns,u,Dr,nr);
+  g[0] = inner(Js,ar,ns);
+  g[1] = inner(Ds,a ,ns);
+  return inner(Js,a ,ns);
+/* work holds 2*ns*nt + 3*ns reals */
+real tensor_ig3(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *Js, const real *Ds, unsigned ns,
+                const real *Jt, const real *Dt, unsigned nt,
+                const real *u, real *g, real *work)
+  unsigned nsnt = ns*nt;
+  real *a = work, *ar = a+nsnt, *b = ar+nsnt, *br = b+ns, *bs = br+ns;
+  mxv_r(a ,nsnt,u ,Jr,nr);
+  mxv_r(ar,nsnt,u ,Dr,nr);
+  mxv_r(b ,nt  ,a ,Js,ns);
+  mxv_r(br,nt  ,ar,Js,ns);
+  mxv_r(bs,nt  ,a ,Ds,ns);
+  g[0] = inner(Jt,br,nt);
+  g[1] = inner(Jt,bs,nt);
+  g[2] = inner(Dt,b ,nt);
+  return inner(Jt,b ,nt);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/tensor.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#ifndef TENSOR_H
+#define TENSOR_H
+/* requires "types.h" */
+#ifndef TYPES_H
+#warning "tensor.h" requires "types.h"
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application
+   the 3d case:
+   tensor_f3(R,mr,nr, S,ms,ns, T,mt,nt, u,v, work1,work2)
+     gives v = [ R (x) S (x) T ] u
+     where R is mr x nr, S is ms x ns, T is mt x nt,
+       each in row- or column-major format according to f := r | c
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is mr x ms x mt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void tensor_c1(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, 
+               const real *u, real *v);
+void tensor_r1(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, 
+               const real *u, real *v);
+/* work holds mr*ns reals */
+void tensor_c2(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *work);
+void tensor_r2(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *work);
+/* work1 holds mr*ns*nt reals,
+   work2 holds mr*ms*nt reals */
+void tensor_c3(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *T, unsigned mt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *work1, real *work2);
+void tensor_r3(const real *R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *S, unsigned ms, unsigned ns,
+               const real *T, unsigned mt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *v, real *work1, real *work2);
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors (for Interpolation)
+   the 3d case:
+   v = tensor_i3(Jr,nr, Js,ns, Jt,nt, u, work)
+   same effect as tensor_r3(Jr,1,nr, Js,1,ns, Jt,1,nt, u,&v, work1,work2):
+     gives v = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+     where Jr, Js, Jt are row vectors (interpolation weights)
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is a scalar
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+real tensor_i1(const real *Jr, unsigned nr, const real *u);
+/* work holds ns reals */
+real tensor_i2(const real *Jr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *Js, unsigned ns,
+               const real *u, real *work);
+/* work holds ns*nt + nt reals */
+real tensor_i3(const real *Jr, unsigned nr,
+               const real *Js, unsigned ns,
+               const real *Jt, unsigned nt,
+               const real *u, real *work);
+   1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors
+             for simultaneous Interpolation and Gradient computation
+   the 3d case:
+   v = tensor_ig3(Jr,Dr,nr, Js,Ds,ns, Jt,Dt,nt, u,g, work)
+     gives v   = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+           g_0 = [ Dr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
+           g_1 = [ Jr (x) Ds (x) Jt ] u
+           g_2 = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Dt ] u
+     where Jr,Dr,Js,Ds,Jt,Dt are row vectors
+       (interpolation & derivative weights)
+     u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
+     v is a scalar, g is an array of 3 reals
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+real tensor_ig1(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *u, real *g);
+/* work holds 2*ns reals */
+real tensor_ig2(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *Js, const real *Ds, unsigned ns,
+                const real *u, real *g, real *work);
+/* work holds 2*ns*nt + 3*ns reals */
+real tensor_ig3(const real *Jr, const real *Dr, unsigned nr,
+                const real *Js, const real *Ds, unsigned ns,
+                const real *Jt, const real *Dt, unsigned nt,
+                const real *u, real *g, real *work);

Added: MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/types.h
--- MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/types.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/tools/mbcoupler/types.h	2008-06-03 22:09:04 UTC (rev 1870)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#ifndef TYPES_H
+#define TYPES_H
+/* integer type to use for everything */
+#if   defined(USE_LONG)
+#  define INTEGER long
+#elif defined(USE_LONG_LONG)
+#  define INTEGER long long
+#elif defined(USE_SHORT)
+#  define INTEGER short
+#  define INTEGER int
+/* when defined, use the given type for global indices instead of INTEGER */
+#if   defined(USE_GLOBAL_LONG_LONG)
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long long
+#elif defined(USE_GLOBAL_LONG)
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long
+/* floating point type to use for everything */
+#if   defined(USE_FLOAT)
+   typedef float real;
+#  define floorr floorf
+#  define ceilr  ceilf
+#  define sqrtr  sqrtf
+#  define fabsr  fabsf
+#  define cosr   cosf
+#  define sinr   sinf
+#  define EPS   (128*FLT_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923F
+#elif defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE)
+   typedef long double real;
+#  define floorr floorl
+#  define ceilr  ceill
+#  define sqrtr  sqrtl
+#  define fabsr  fabsl
+#  define cosr   cosl
+#  define sinr   sinl
+#  define EPS   (128*LDBL_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923L
+   typedef double real;
+#  define floorr floor
+#  define ceilr  ceil
+#  define sqrtr  sqrt
+#  define fabsr  fabs
+#  define cosr   cos
+#  define sinr   sin
+#  define EPS   (128*DBL_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
+/* apparently uint and ulong can be defined already in standard headers */
+#define uint uint_
+#define ulong ulong_
+#define sint sint_
+#define slong slong_
+typedef   signed INTEGER sint;
+typedef unsigned INTEGER uint;
+#undef INTEGER
+#ifdef GLOBAL_INT
+  typedef   signed GLOBAL_INT slong;
+  typedef unsigned GLOBAL_INT ulong;
+  typedef sint slong;
+  typedef uint ulong;

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