[MOAB-dev] r2019 - MOAB/trunk/refiner

dcthomp at mcs.anl.gov dcthomp at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jul 15 22:47:39 CDT 2008

Author: dcthomp
Date: 2008-07-15 22:47:38 -0500 (Tue, 15 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 2019

ENH: Progress on assigning global IDs based on partition information
     communicated across nodes.
ENH: Clean up: split MBMeshOutputFunctor header file as additional
     classes had snuck in.

Modified: MOAB/trunk/refiner/CMakeLists.txt
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/CMakeLists.txt	2008-07-15 23:45:31 UTC (rev 2018)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/CMakeLists.txt	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
+  MBMeshOutputFunctor.cpp
+  MBProcessSet.cpp
+  MBSplitVertices.cpp

Added: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.cpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#include "MBMeshOutputFunctor.hpp"
+#include "MBSplitVertices.hpp"
+#include "MBParallelComm.hpp"
+#include "MBRefinerTagManager.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <set>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <algorithm>
+MBMeshOutputFunctor::MBMeshOutputFunctor( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
+  this->mesh_in  = tag_mgr->get_input_mesh();
+  this->mesh_out = tag_mgr->get_output_mesh();
+  this->input_is_output = ( this->mesh_in == this->mesh_out );
+  this->tag_manager = tag_mgr;
+  this->destination_set = 0; // don't place output entities in a set by default.
+  this->split_vertices.resize( 4 );
+  this->split_vertices[0] = 0; // Vertices (0-faces) cannot be split
+  this->split_vertices[1] = new MBSplitVertices<1>( this->tag_manager );
+  this->split_vertices[2] = new MBSplitVertices<2>( this->tag_manager );
+  this->split_vertices[3] = new MBSplitVertices<3>( this->tag_manager );
+  for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++ i )
+    delete this->split_vertices[i];
+void MBMeshOutputFunctor::print_vert_crud( MBEntityHandle vout, int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
+  std::cout << "+ {";
+  for ( int i = 0; i < nvhash; ++ i )
+    std::cout << " " << vhash[i];
+  std::cout << " } -> " << vout << " ";
+  std::cout << "[ " << vcoords[0];
+  for ( int i = 1; i < 6; ++i )
+    std::cout << ", " << vcoords[i];
+  std::cout << " ] ";
+#if 0
+  double* x = (double*)vtags;
+  int* m = (int*)( (char*)vtags + 2 * sizeof( double ) );
+  std::cout << "< " << x[0]
+    << ", " << x[1];
+  for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+    std::cout << ", " << m[i];
+#endif // 0
+  std::cout << " >\n";
+void MBMeshOutputFunctor::assign_global_ids( MBParallelComm* comm )
+  // First, we must gather the number of entities in each
+  // partition (for all partitions, not just those resident locally).
+  int lnparts = this->proc_partition_counts.size();
+  std::vector<unsigned char> lpdefns;
+  std::vector<int> lpsizes;
+  lpdefns.resize( MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * lnparts );
+  lpsizes.resize( lnparts );
+  std::cout << "**** Partition Counts ****\n";
+  int i = 0;
+  std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator it;
+  for ( it = this->proc_partition_counts.begin(); it != this->proc_partition_counts.end(); ++ it, ++ i )
+    {
+    for ( int j = 0; j < MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ j )
+      lpdefns[MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * i + j] = it->first.data()[j];
+    lpsizes[i] = it->second;
+    std::cout << "Partition " << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\n";
+    }
+  if ( ! comm )
+    return;
+  std::vector<int> nparts;
+  std::vector<int> dparts;
+  unsigned long prank = comm->proc_config().proc_rank();
+  unsigned long psize = comm->proc_config().proc_size();
+  nparts.resize( psize );
+  dparts.resize( psize + 1 );
+  MPI_Allgather( &lnparts, 1, MPI_INT, &nparts[0], 1, MPI_INT, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
+  unsigned long ndefs = 0;
+  for ( int rank = 1; rank <= psize; ++ rank )
+    {
+    dparts[rank] = nparts[rank - 1] + dparts[rank - 1];
+    std::cout << "Proc " << rank << ": " << nparts[rank-1] << " partitions, offset: " << dparts[rank] << "\n";
+    }
+  std::vector<unsigned char> part_defns;
+  std::vector<int> part_sizes;
+  part_defns.resize( MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * dparts[psize] );
+  part_sizes.resize( dparts[psize] );
+  MPI_Allgatherv(
+    &lpsizes[0], lnparts, MPI_INT,
+    &part_sizes[0], &nparts[0], &dparts[0], MPI_INT, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
+  for ( int rank = 0; rank < psize; ++ rank )
+    {
+    nparts[rank] *= MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES;
+    dparts[rank] *= MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES;
+    }
+  MPI_Allgatherv(
+    &lpdefns[0], MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * lnparts, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
+    &part_defns[0], &nparts[0], &dparts[0], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
+  // Now that we have the number of new entities in every partition, we
+  // can deterministically assign the same GID to the same entity even
+  // when shared across processors because we have an ordering that is
+  // identical on all processes -- the vertex splits.
+  for ( int i = 0; i < dparts[psize]; ++ i )
+    {
+    MBProcessSet pset( &part_defns[MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * i] );
+    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator it = this->proc_partition_counts.find( pset );
+    if ( it != this->proc_partition_counts.end() )
+      {
+      std::cout << "Partition " << pset << ( it->second == part_sizes[i] ? " matches" : " broken" ) << ".\n";
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      this->proc_partition_counts[pset] = part_sizes[i];
+      }
+    }
+  std::map<MBProcessSet,MBEntityHandle> gids;
+  std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator pcit;
+  MBEntityHandle start_gid = 100; // FIXME: Get actual maximum GID across all processes and add 1
+  for ( pcit = this->proc_partition_counts.begin(); pcit != this->proc_partition_counts.end(); ++ pcit )
+    {
+    gids[pcit->first] = start_gid;
+    start_gid += pcit->second;
+    std::cout << "Partition " << pcit->first << ": " << pcit->second << " #\n";
+    }
+  std::vector<MBSplitVerticesBase*>::iterator splitit;
+  for ( splitit = this->split_vertices.begin(); splitit != this->split_vertices.end(); ++ splitit )
+    {
+    if ( *splitit )
+      (*splitit)->assign_global_ids( gids );
+    }
+void MBMeshOutputFunctor::assign_tags( MBEntityHandle vhandle, const void* vtags )
+  if ( ! vhandle )
+    return; // Ignore bad vertices
+  int num_tags = this->tag_manager->get_number_of_vertex_tags();
+  MBTag tag_handle;
+  int tag_offset;
+  for ( int i = 0; i < num_tags; ++i )
+    {
+    this->tag_manager->get_output_vertex_tag( i, tag_handle, tag_offset );
+    this->mesh_out->tag_set_data( tag_handle, &vhandle, 1, vtags );
+    }
+MBEntityHandle MBMeshOutputFunctor::operator () ( MBEntityHandle vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
+  if ( this->input_is_output )
+    { // Don't copy the original vertex!
+    this->print_vert_crud( vhash, 1, &vhash, vcoords, vtags );
+    return vhash;
+    }
+  MBEntityHandle vertex_handle;
+  if ( this->mesh_out->create_vertex( vcoords + 3, vertex_handle ) != MB_SUCCESS )
+    {
+    std::cerr << "Could not insert mid-edge vertex!\n";
+    }
+  this->assign_tags( vertex_handle, vtags );
+  this->print_vert_crud( vertex_handle, 1, &vhash, vcoords, vtags );
+  return vertex_handle;
+MBEntityHandle MBMeshOutputFunctor::operator () ( int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
+  MBEntityHandle vertex_handle;
+  if ( nvhash == 1 )
+    {
+    vertex_handle = (*this)( *vhash, vcoords, vtags );
+    }
+  else if ( nvhash < 4 )
+    {
+    bool newly_created = this->split_vertices[nvhash]->find_or_create(
+      vhash, vcoords, vertex_handle, this->proc_partition_counts );
+    if ( newly_created )
+      {
+      this->assign_tags( vertex_handle, vtags );
+      }
+    if ( ! vertex_handle )
+      {
+      std::cerr << "Could not insert mid-edge vertex!\n";
+      }
+    this->print_vert_crud( vertex_handle, nvhash, vhash, vcoords, vtags );
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    vertex_handle = 0;
+    std::cerr << "Not handling splits on faces with " << nvhash << " corners yet.\n";
+    }
+  return vertex_handle;
+void MBMeshOutputFunctor::operator () ( MBEntityHandle h )
+  std::cout << h << " ";
+  this->elem_vert.push_back( h );
+void MBMeshOutputFunctor::operator () ( MBEntityType etyp )
+  MBEntityHandle elem_handle;
+  if ( this->mesh_out->create_element( etyp, &this->elem_vert[0], this->elem_vert.size(), elem_handle ) == MB_FAILURE )
+    {
+    std::cerr << " *** ";
+    }
+  this->elem_vert.clear();
+  std::cout << "---------> " << elem_handle << " ( " << etyp << " )\n\n";

Modified: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.hpp	2008-07-15 23:45:31 UTC (rev 2018)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshOutputFunctor.hpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -3,279 +3,32 @@
 #include "MBTypes.h"
 #include "MBEntityRefiner.hpp"
-#include "MBParallelComm.hpp"
+#include "MBProcessSet.hpp"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
+#include <vector>
 #include <map>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
 #include <string.h>
-/**\brief Represent a set of processes using a bit vector.
-  *
-  * This is used by the mesh refiner when determining where to record
-  * split vertices so that labeling can be inferred across process
-  * boundaries without communicating anything other than the number of
-  * entities in a given partition.
-  */
-class MBProcessSet
-  enum
-    {
-    };
+class MBSplitVerticesBase;
+class MBParallelComm;
-  MBProcessSet()
-    {
-    this->clear();
-    }
-  MBProcessSet( const unsigned char* psetbits )
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
-      this->processes[i] = psetbits[i];
-    }
-  ~MBProcessSet()
-    {
-    }
-  void unite( const MBProcessSet& other )
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
-      {
-      this->processes[i] |= other.processes[i];
-      }
-    }
-  void intersect( const MBProcessSet& other )
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
-      {
-      this->processes[i] &= other.processes[i];
-      }
-    }
-  void clear()
-    {
-    memset( this->processes, 0, SHARED_PROC_BYTES );
-    }
-  void set_process_member( int i )
-    {
-    int byte = i / 8;
-    int bitmask = 1 << ( i % 8 );
-    this->processes[byte] |= bitmask;
-    }
-  void set_process_members( const std::vector<int>& procs )
-    {
-    for ( std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = procs.begin(); it != procs.end() && *it != -1; ++ it )
-      {
-      this->set_process_member( *it );
-      }
-    }
-  bool is_process_member( int i ) const
-    {
-    int byte = i / 8;
-    int bitmask = 1 << ( i % 8 );
-    return ( this->processes[byte] & bitmask ) ? true : false;
-    }
-  const unsigned char* data() const
-    {
-    return this->processes;
-    }
-  bool operator < ( const MBProcessSet& other ) const
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
-      {
-      if ( this->processes[i] < other.processes[i] )
-        return true;
-      else if ( this->processes[i] > other.processes[i] )
-        return false;
-      }
-    return false; // equality
-    }
-  friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const MBProcessSet& pset )
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; ++ i )
-      {
-      os << ( pset.is_process_member( i ) ? "1" : "0" );
-      }
-    return os;
-    }
-  unsigned char processes[SHARED_PROC_BYTES];
-template< int _n >
-class MBSplitVertexIndex
+class MBMeshOutputFunctor : public MBEntityRefinerOutputFunctor
-  MBSplitVertexIndex() { }
-  MBSplitVertexIndex( const MBEntityHandle* src )
-    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src[i]; std::sort( this->handles, this->handles + _n ); }
-  MBSplitVertexIndex( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& src )
-    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src.handles[i]; }
-  MBSplitVertexIndex& operator = ( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& src )
-    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src.handles[i]; return *this; }
+  MBMeshOutputFunctor( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr );
+  ~MBMeshOutputFunctor();
-  bool operator < ( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& other ) const
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i )
-      if ( this->handles[i] < other.handles[i] )
-        return true;
-      else if ( this->handles[i] > other.handles[i] )
-        return false;
-    return false;
-    }
+  void print_vert_crud( MBEntityHandle vout, int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags );
+  void assign_global_ids( MBParallelComm* comm );
-  MBEntityHandle handles[_n];
+  void assign_tags( MBEntityHandle vhandle, const void* vtags );
-class MBSplitVerticesBase
-  MBSplitVerticesBase( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
-    {
-    this->tag_manager = tag_mgr;
-    this->mesh_in  = tag_mgr->get_input_mesh();
-    this->mesh_out = tag_mgr->get_output_mesh();
-    this->shared_procs_val.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
-    MBParallelComm* ipcomm = MBParallelComm::get_pcomm( this->mesh_in, 0 );
-    this->rank = ipcomm ? ipcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0;
-    }
-  virtual ~MBSplitVerticesBase() { }
-  virtual bool find_or_create(
-    const MBEntityHandle* split_src, const double* coords, MBEntityHandle& vert_handle,
-    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts ) = 0;
+  virtual MBEntityHandle operator () ( MBEntityHandle vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags );
+  virtual MBEntityHandle operator () ( int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags );
+  virtual void operator () ( MBEntityHandle h );
+  virtual void operator () ( MBEntityType etyp );
-  /// Determine which processes will contain an output vertex given the split vertices defining it.
-  void update_partition_counts( int num, const MBEntityHandle* split_src, std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts )
-    {
-    this->begin_vertex_procs();
-    for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++ i )
-      {
-      this->add_vertex_procs( split_src[i] );
-      }
-    this->end_vertex_procs();
-    proc_partition_counts[this->common_shared_procs]++;
-    }
-  /// Prepare to compute the processes on which a new split-vertex will live.
-  void begin_vertex_procs()
-    {
-    this->first_vertex = true;
-    this->common_shared_procs.clear();
-    }
-  /// Call this for each existing corner vertex used to define a split-vertex.
-  void add_vertex_procs( MBEntityHandle vert_in )
-    {
-    int stat;
-    bool got = false;
-    this->current_shared_procs.clear();
-    stat = this->mesh_in->tag_get_data(
-      this->tag_manager->shared_proc(), &vert_in, 1, &this->shared_procs_val[0] );
-    if ( stat == MB_SUCCESS && this->shared_procs_val[0] != -1 )
-      {
-      got = true;
-      std::cout << " s" << this->rank << " s" << this->shared_procs_val[0] << " | ";
-      this->shared_procs_val[1] = -1;
-      }
-    stat = this->mesh_in->tag_get_data(
-      this->tag_manager->shared_procs(), &vert_in, 1, &this->shared_procs_val[0] );
-    if ( stat == MB_SUCCESS && this->shared_procs_val[0] != -1 )
-      {
-      got = true;
-      int i;
-      for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && this->shared_procs_val[i] != -1; ++ i )
-        std::cout << " m" << this->shared_procs_val[i];
-      std::cout << " | ";
-      }
-    if ( got )
-      {
-      this->current_shared_procs.set_process_members( this->shared_procs_val );
-      this->current_shared_procs.set_process_member( this->rank );
-      if ( this->first_vertex )
-        {
-        this->common_shared_procs.unite( this->current_shared_procs );
-        this->first_vertex = false;
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        this->common_shared_procs.intersect( this->current_shared_procs );
-        }
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      std::cout << " not shared | ";
-      }
-    }
-  /// Call this once after all the add_vertex_procs() calls for a split-vertex to prepare queues for the second stage MPI send. 
-  void end_vertex_procs()
-    {
-    std::cout << "    Common procs " << this->common_shared_procs;
-    std::cout << "\n";
-    // FIXME: Here is where we add the vertex to the appropriate queues.
-    }
-  MBInterface* mesh_in; // Input mesh. Needed to determine tag values on split_src verts
-  MBInterface* mesh_out; // Output mesh. Needed for new vertex set in vert_handle
-  MBRefinerTagManager* tag_manager;
-  std::vector<int> shared_procs_val; // Used to hold procs sharing an input vert.
-  MBProcessSet current_shared_procs; // Holds process list as it is being accumulated
-  MBProcessSet common_shared_procs; // Holds intersection of several shared_procs_vals.
-  int rank; // This process' rank.
-  bool first_vertex; // True just after begin_vertex_procs() is called.
-template< int _n >
-class MBSplitVertices : public std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle>, public MBSplitVerticesBase
-  typedef std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle> MapType;
-  typedef typename std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle>::iterator MapIteratorType;
-  MBSplitVertices( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
-    : MBSplitVerticesBase( tag_mgr )
-    {
-    this->shared_procs_val.resize( _n * MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
-    }
-  virtual ~MBSplitVertices() { }
-  virtual bool find_or_create(
-    const MBEntityHandle* split_src, const double* coords, MBEntityHandle& vert_handle,
-    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts )
-    {
-    MBSplitVertexIndex<_n> key( split_src );
-    MapIteratorType it = this->find( key );
-    if ( it == this->end() )
-      {
-      if ( this->mesh_out->create_vertex( coords, vert_handle ) != MB_SUCCESS )
-        {
-        return false;
-        }
-      (*this)[key] = vert_handle;
-      this->update_partition_counts( _n, split_src, proc_partition_counts );
-      return true;
-      }
-    vert_handle = it->second;
-    return false;
-    }
-class MBMeshOutputFunctor : public MBEntityRefinerOutputFunctor
   MBInterface* mesh_in;
   MBInterface* mesh_out;
   bool input_is_output;
@@ -284,198 +37,6 @@
   MBRefinerTagManager* tag_manager;
   MBEntityHandle destination_set;
   std::map<MBProcessSet,int> proc_partition_counts;
-  MBMeshOutputFunctor( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
-    {
-    this->mesh_in  = tag_mgr->get_input_mesh();
-    this->mesh_out = tag_mgr->get_output_mesh();
-    this->input_is_output = ( this->mesh_in == this->mesh_out );
-    this->tag_manager = tag_mgr;
-    this->destination_set = 0; // don't place output entities in a set by default.
-    this->split_vertices.resize( 4 );
-    this->split_vertices[0] = 0; // Vertices (0-faces) cannot be split
-    this->split_vertices[1] = new MBSplitVertices<1>( this->tag_manager );
-    this->split_vertices[2] = new MBSplitVertices<2>( this->tag_manager );
-    this->split_vertices[3] = new MBSplitVertices<3>( this->tag_manager );
-    }
-  ~MBMeshOutputFunctor()
-    {
-    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++ i )
-      delete this->split_vertices[i];
-    }
-  void print_vert_crud( MBEntityHandle vout, int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
-    {
-    std::cout << "+ {";
-    for ( int i = 0; i < nvhash; ++ i )
-      std::cout << " " << vhash[i];
-    std::cout << " } -> " << vout << " ";
-    std::cout << "[ " << vcoords[0];
-    for ( int i = 1; i < 6; ++i )
-      std::cout << ", " << vcoords[i];
-    std::cout << " ] ";
-#if 0
-    double* x = (double*)vtags;
-    int* m = (int*)( (char*)vtags + 2 * sizeof( double ) );
-    std::cout << "< " << x[0]
-              << ", " << x[1];
-    for ( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
-      std::cout << ", " << m[i];
-#endif // 0
-    std::cout << " >\n";
-    }
-  void print_partition_counts( MBParallelComm* comm )
-    {
-    int lnparts = this->proc_partition_counts.size();
-    std::vector<unsigned char> lpdefns;
-    std::vector<int> lpsizes;
-    lpdefns.resize( MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * lnparts );
-    lpsizes.resize( lnparts );
-    std::cout << "**** Partition Counts ****\n";
-    int i = 0;
-    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator it;
-    for ( it = this->proc_partition_counts.begin(); it != this->proc_partition_counts.end(); ++ it, ++ i )
-      {
-      for ( int j = 0; j < MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ j )
-        lpdefns[MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * i + j] = it->first.data()[j];
-      lpsizes[i] = it->second;
-      std::cout << "Partition " << it->first << ": " << it->second << "\n";
-      }
-    if ( ! comm )
-      return;
-    std::vector<int> nparts;
-    std::vector<int> dparts;
-    unsigned long prank = comm->proc_config().proc_rank();
-    unsigned long psize = comm->proc_config().proc_size();
-    nparts.resize( psize );
-    dparts.resize( psize + 1 );
-    MPI_Allgather( &lnparts, 1, MPI_INT, &nparts[0], 1, MPI_INT, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
-    unsigned long ndefs = 0;
-    for ( int rank = 1; rank <= psize; ++ rank )
-      {
-      dparts[rank] = nparts[rank - 1] + dparts[rank - 1];
-      std::cout << "Proc " << rank << ": " << nparts[rank-1] << " partitions, offset: " << dparts[rank] << "\n";
-      }
-    std::vector<unsigned char> part_defns;
-    std::vector<int> part_sizes;
-    part_defns.resize( MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * dparts[psize] );
-    part_sizes.resize( dparts[psize] );
-    MPI_Allgatherv(
-      &lpsizes[0], lnparts, MPI_INT,
-      &part_sizes[0], &nparts[0], &dparts[0], MPI_INT, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
-    for ( int rank = 0; rank < psize; ++ rank )
-      {
-      nparts[rank] *= MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES;
-      dparts[rank] *= MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES;
-      }
-    MPI_Allgatherv(
-      &lpdefns[0], MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * lnparts, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR,
-      &part_defns[0], &nparts[0], &dparts[0], MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, comm->proc_config().proc_comm() );
-    for ( int i = 0; i < dparts[psize]; ++ i )
-      {
-      MBProcessSet pset( &part_defns[MBProcessSet::SHARED_PROC_BYTES * i] );
-      std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator it = this->proc_partition_counts.find( pset );
-      if ( it != this->proc_partition_counts.end() )
-        {
-        std::cout << "Partition " << pset << ( it->second == part_sizes[i] ? " matches" : " broken" ) << ".\n";
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        this->proc_partition_counts[pset] = part_sizes[i];
-        }
-      }
-    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>::iterator pcit;
-    for ( pcit = this->proc_partition_counts.begin(); pcit != this->proc_partition_counts.end(); ++ pcit )
-      {
-      std::cout << "Partition " << pcit->first << ": " << pcit->second << " #\n";
-      }
-    }
-  void assign_tags( MBEntityHandle vhandle, const void* vtags )
-    {
-    if ( ! vhandle )
-      return; // Ignore bad vertices
-    int num_tags = this->tag_manager->get_number_of_vertex_tags();
-    MBTag tag_handle;
-    int tag_offset;
-    for ( int i = 0; i < num_tags; ++i )
-      {
-      this->tag_manager->get_output_vertex_tag( i, tag_handle, tag_offset );
-      this->mesh_out->tag_set_data( tag_handle, &vhandle, 1, vtags );
-      }
-    }
-  virtual MBEntityHandle operator () ( MBEntityHandle vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
-    {
-    if ( this->input_is_output )
-      { // Don't copy the original vertex!
-      this->print_vert_crud( vhash, 1, &vhash, vcoords, vtags );
-      return vhash;
-      }
-    MBEntityHandle vertex_handle;
-    if ( this->mesh_out->create_vertex( vcoords + 3, vertex_handle ) != MB_SUCCESS )
-      {
-      std::cerr << "Could not insert mid-edge vertex!\n";
-      }
-    this->assign_tags( vertex_handle, vtags );
-    this->print_vert_crud( vertex_handle, 1, &vhash, vcoords, vtags );
-    return vertex_handle;
-    }
-  virtual MBEntityHandle operator () ( int nvhash, MBEntityHandle* vhash, const double* vcoords, const void* vtags )
-    {
-    MBEntityHandle vertex_handle;
-    if ( nvhash == 1 )
-      {
-      vertex_handle = (*this)( *vhash, vcoords, vtags );
-      }
-    else if ( nvhash < 4 )
-      {
-      bool newly_created = this->split_vertices[nvhash]->find_or_create(
-        vhash, vcoords, vertex_handle, this->proc_partition_counts );
-      if ( newly_created )
-        {
-        this->assign_tags( vertex_handle, vtags );
-        }
-      if ( ! vertex_handle )
-        {
-        std::cerr << "Could not insert mid-edge vertex!\n";
-        }
-      this->print_vert_crud( vertex_handle, nvhash, vhash, vcoords, vtags );
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      vertex_handle = 0;
-      std::cerr << "Not handling splits on faces with " << nvhash << " corners yet.\n";
-      }
-    return vertex_handle;
-    }
-  virtual void operator () ( MBEntityHandle h )
-    {
-    std::cout << h << " ";
-    this->elem_vert.push_back( h );
-    }
-  virtual void operator () ( MBEntityType etyp )
-    {
-    MBEntityHandle elem_handle;
-    if ( this->mesh_out->create_element( etyp, &this->elem_vert[0], this->elem_vert.size(), elem_handle ) == MB_FAILURE )
-      {
-      std::cerr << " *** ";
-      }
-    this->elem_vert.clear();
-    std::cout << "---------> " << elem_handle << " ( " << etyp << " )\n\n";
-    }

Modified: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshRefiner.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshRefiner.cpp	2008-07-15 23:45:31 UTC (rev 2018)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBMeshRefiner.cpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
-  this->output_functor->print_partition_counts( this->comm );
+  this->output_functor->assign_global_ids( this->comm );
   return true;

Added: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.cpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include "MBProcessSet.hpp"
+  this->clear();
+MBProcessSet::MBProcessSet( const unsigned char* psetbits )
+  for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
+    this->processes[i] = psetbits[i];
+void MBProcessSet::unite( const MBProcessSet& other )
+  for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
+    {
+    this->processes[i] |= other.processes[i];
+    }
+void MBProcessSet::intersect( const MBProcessSet& other )
+  for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
+    {
+    this->processes[i] &= other.processes[i];
+    }
+void MBProcessSet::clear()
+  memset( this->processes, 0, SHARED_PROC_BYTES );
+void MBProcessSet::set_process_member( int i )
+  int byte = i / 8;
+  int bitmask = 1 << ( i % 8 );
+  this->processes[byte] |= bitmask;
+void MBProcessSet::set_process_members( const std::vector<int>& procs )
+  for ( std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = procs.begin(); it != procs.end() && *it != -1; ++ it )
+    {
+    this->set_process_member( *it );
+    }
+bool MBProcessSet::is_process_member( int i ) const
+  int byte = i / 8;
+  int bitmask = 1 << ( i % 8 );
+  return ( this->processes[byte] & bitmask ) ? true : false;
+const unsigned char* MBProcessSet::data() const
+  return this->processes;
+bool MBProcessSet::operator < ( const MBProcessSet& other ) const
+  for ( int i = 0; i < SHARED_PROC_BYTES; ++ i )
+    {
+    if ( this->processes[i] < other.processes[i] )
+      return true;
+    else if ( this->processes[i] > other.processes[i] )
+      return false;
+    }
+  return false; // equality
+std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const MBProcessSet& pset )
+  for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS; ++ i )
+    {
+    os << ( pset.is_process_member( i ) ? "1" : "0" );
+    }
+  return os;

Added: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBProcessSet.hpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "MBTypes.h"
+#include "MBParallelComm.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+/**\brief Represent a set of processes using a bit vector.
+  *
+  * This is used by the mesh refiner when determining where to record
+  * split vertices so that labeling can be inferred across process
+  * boundaries without communicating anything other than the number of
+  * entities in a given partition.
+  */
+class MBProcessSet
+  enum
+    {
+    };
+  MBProcessSet();
+  MBProcessSet( const unsigned char* psetbits );
+  ~MBProcessSet();
+  void unite( const MBProcessSet& other );
+  void intersect( const MBProcessSet& other );
+  void clear();
+  void set_process_member( int i );
+  void set_process_members( const std::vector<int>& procs );
+  bool is_process_member( int i ) const;
+  const unsigned char* data() const;
+  bool operator < ( const MBProcessSet& other ) const;
+  friend std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, const MBProcessSet& pset );
+  unsigned char processes[SHARED_PROC_BYTES];
+#endif /* MB_PROCESSSET_HPP */

Added: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.cpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "MBSplitVertices.hpp"
+#include "MBRefinerTagManager.hpp"
+MBSplitVerticesBase::MBSplitVerticesBase( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
+  this->tag_manager = tag_mgr;
+  this->mesh_in  = tag_mgr->get_input_mesh();
+  this->mesh_out = tag_mgr->get_output_mesh();
+  this->shared_procs_val.resize( MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
+  MBParallelComm* ipcomm = MBParallelComm::get_pcomm( this->mesh_in, 0 );
+  this->rank = ipcomm ? ipcomm->proc_config().proc_rank() : 0;
+/// Determine which processes will contain an output vertex given the split vertices defining it.
+void MBSplitVerticesBase::update_partition_counts(
+  int num, const MBEntityHandle* split_src, std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts )
+  this->begin_vertex_procs();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++ i )
+    {
+    this->add_vertex_procs( split_src[i] );
+    }
+  this->end_vertex_procs();
+  proc_partition_counts[this->common_shared_procs]++;
+/// Prepare to compute the processes on which a new split-vertex will live.
+void MBSplitVerticesBase::begin_vertex_procs()
+  this->first_vertex = true;
+  this->common_shared_procs.clear();
+/// Call this for each existing corner vertex used to define a split-vertex.
+void MBSplitVerticesBase::add_vertex_procs( MBEntityHandle vert_in )
+  int stat;
+  bool got = false;
+  this->current_shared_procs.clear();
+  stat = this->mesh_in->tag_get_data(
+    this->tag_manager->shared_proc(), &vert_in, 1, &this->shared_procs_val[0] );
+  if ( stat == MB_SUCCESS && this->shared_procs_val[0] != -1 )
+    {
+    got = true;
+    std::cout << " s" << this->rank << " s" << this->shared_procs_val[0] << " | ";
+    this->shared_procs_val[1] = -1;
+    }
+  stat = this->mesh_in->tag_get_data(
+    this->tag_manager->shared_procs(), &vert_in, 1, &this->shared_procs_val[0] );
+  if ( stat == MB_SUCCESS && this->shared_procs_val[0] != -1 )
+    {
+    got = true;
+    int i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_SHARING_PROCS && this->shared_procs_val[i] != -1; ++ i )
+      std::cout << " m" << this->shared_procs_val[i];
+    std::cout << " | ";
+    }
+  if ( got )
+    {
+    this->current_shared_procs.set_process_members( this->shared_procs_val );
+    this->current_shared_procs.set_process_member( this->rank );
+    if ( this->first_vertex )
+      {
+      this->common_shared_procs.unite( this->current_shared_procs );
+      this->first_vertex = false;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+      this->common_shared_procs.intersect( this->current_shared_procs );
+      }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    std::cout << " not shared | ";
+    }
+/// Call this once after all the add_vertex_procs() calls for a split-vertex to prepare queues for the second stage MPI send. 
+void MBSplitVerticesBase::end_vertex_procs()
+  std::cout << "    Common procs " << this->common_shared_procs;
+  std::cout << "\n";
+  // FIXME: Here is where we add the vertex to the appropriate queues.

Added: MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.hpp
--- MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/refiner/MBSplitVertices.hpp	2008-07-16 03:47:38 UTC (rev 2019)
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#include "MBTypes.h"
+#include "MBProcessSet.hpp"
+#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+class MBRefinerTagManager;
+/** An array of existing vertex handles used as a key in a dictionary of new vertices.
+  */
+template< int _n >
+class MBSplitVertexIndex
+  MBSplitVertexIndex() { }
+  MBSplitVertexIndex( const MBEntityHandle* src )
+    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src[i]; std::sort( this->handles, this->handles + _n ); }
+  MBSplitVertexIndex( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& src )
+    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src.handles[i]; this->process_set = src.process_set; }
+  MBSplitVertexIndex& operator = ( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& src )
+    { for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i ) this->handles[i] = src.handles[i]; this->process_set = src.process_set; return *this; }
+  void set_common_processes( const MBProcessSet& procs )
+    { this->process_set = procs; }
+  MBProcessSet& common_processes()
+    { return this->process_set; }
+  const MBProcessSet& common_processes() const
+    { return this->process_set; }
+  bool operator < ( const MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>& other ) const
+    {
+    // Ignore the process set. Only program errors lead to mismatched process sets with identical handles.
+    for ( int i = 0; i < _n; ++ i )
+      if ( this->handles[i] < other.handles[i] )
+        return true;
+      else if ( this->handles[i] > other.handles[i] )
+        return false;
+    return false;
+    }
+  MBEntityHandle handles[_n];
+  MBProcessSet process_set;
+/** A non-templated base class that the template subclasses all share.
+  *
+  * All methods that need to be accessed by other classes should be
+  * declared by the base class so that no knowledge of template parameters
+  * is required.
+  */
+class MBSplitVerticesBase
+  MBSplitVerticesBase( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr );
+  virtual ~MBSplitVerticesBase();
+  virtual bool find_or_create(
+    const MBEntityHandle* split_src, const double* coords, MBEntityHandle& vert_handle,
+    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts ) = 0;
+  virtual void assign_global_ids( std::map<MBProcessSet,MBEntityHandle>& gids ) = 0;
+  /// Determine which processes will contain an output vertex given the split vertices defining it.
+  void update_partition_counts( int num, const MBEntityHandle* split_src, std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts );
+  /// Prepare to compute the processes on which a new split-vertex will live.
+  void begin_vertex_procs();
+  /// Call this for each existing corner vertex used to define a split-vertex.
+  void add_vertex_procs( MBEntityHandle vert_in );
+  /// Call this once after all the add_vertex_procs() calls for a split-vertex to prepare queues for the second stage MPI send. 
+  void end_vertex_procs();
+  MBInterface* mesh_in; // Input mesh. Needed to determine tag values on split_src verts
+  MBInterface* mesh_out; // Output mesh. Needed for new vertex set in vert_handle
+  MBRefinerTagManager* tag_manager;
+  std::vector<int> shared_procs_val; // Used to hold procs sharing an input vert.
+  MBProcessSet current_shared_procs; // Holds process list as it is being accumulated
+  MBProcessSet common_shared_procs; // Holds intersection of several shared_procs_vals.
+  int rank; // This process' rank.
+  bool first_vertex; // True just after begin_vertex_procs() is called.
+/** A map from a set of pre-existing entities to a new mesh entity.
+  *
+  * This is used as a dictionary to determine whether a new vertex should be
+  * created on the given n-simplex (n being the template parameter) or whether
+  * it has already been created as part of the refinement of a neighboring entity.
+  */
+template< int _n >
+class MBSplitVertices : public std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle>, public MBSplitVerticesBase
+  typedef std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle> MapType;
+  typedef typename std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle>::iterator MapIteratorType;
+  MBSplitVertices( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr );
+  virtual ~MBSplitVertices();
+  virtual bool find_or_create(
+    const MBEntityHandle* split_src, const double* coords, MBEntityHandle& vert_handle,
+    std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts );
+  virtual void assign_global_ids( std::map<MBProcessSet,MBEntityHandle>& gids );
+// ------------------------- Template member definitions ----------------------
+template< int _n >
+MBSplitVertices<_n>::MBSplitVertices( MBRefinerTagManager* tag_mgr )
+  : MBSplitVerticesBase( tag_mgr )
+  this->shared_procs_val.resize( _n * MAX_SHARING_PROCS );
+template< int _n >
+template< int _n >
+bool MBSplitVertices<_n>::find_or_create(
+  const MBEntityHandle* split_src, const double* coords, MBEntityHandle& vert_handle,
+  std::map<MBProcessSet,int>& proc_partition_counts )
+  MBSplitVertexIndex<_n> key( split_src );
+  MapIteratorType it = this->find( key );
+  if ( it == this->end() )
+    {
+    this->update_partition_counts( _n, split_src, proc_partition_counts );
+    key.set_common_processes( this->common_shared_procs );
+    if ( this->mesh_out->create_vertex( coords, vert_handle ) != MB_SUCCESS )
+      {
+      return false;
+      }
+    (*this)[key] = vert_handle;
+    return true;
+    }
+  vert_handle = it->second;
+  return false;
+template< int _n >
+void MBSplitVertices<_n>::assign_global_ids( std::map<MBProcessSet,MBEntityHandle>& gids )
+  MBTag tag_gid;
+  int zero = 0;
+  MBErrorCode result = this->mesh_out->tag_create(
+    GLOBAL_ID_TAG_NAME, sizeof(int), MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag_gid, &zero, true );
+  if ( result != MB_SUCCESS && result != MB_ALREADY_ALLOCATED )
+    return;
+  typename std::map<MBSplitVertexIndex<_n>,MBEntityHandle>::iterator it;
+  for ( it = this->begin(); it != this->end(); ++ it )
+    {
+    int gid = gids[it->first.process_set] ++;
+    this->mesh_out->tag_set_data( tag_gid, &it->second, 1, &gid );
+    }

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