[MOAB-dev] r1590 - MOAB/trunk/test/h5file

kraftche at mcs.anl.gov kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Feb 5 19:02:02 CST 2008

Author: kraftche
Date: 2008-02-05 19:02:02 -0600 (Tue, 05 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1590

unit tests for serial I/O of variable-length tags

Modified: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am	2008-02-06 01:01:31 UTC (rev 1589)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/Makefile.am	2008-02-06 01:02:02 UTC (rev 1590)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/mhdf/include -I$(top_builddir)
-check_PROGRAMS = h5test h5legacy
+check_PROGRAMS = h5test h5legacy h5varlen
   check_PROGRAMS += parallel
   INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir)/parallel
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
 LDADD = $(top_builddir)/libMOAB.la
 h5test_SOURCES = h5file_test.cpp
 h5legacy_SOURCES = h5legacy.cpp
+h5varlen_SOURCES = h5varlen.cpp
 parallel_SOURCES = parallel.cpp

Added: MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5varlen.cpp
--- MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5varlen.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ MOAB/trunk/test/h5file/h5varlen.cpp	2008-02-06 01:02:02 UTC (rev 1590)
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+#include "MBCore.hpp"
+#include "TestUtil.hpp"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+static bool keep_files = false;
+void test_var_length_no_data();
+void test_var_length_data();
+void test_var_length_data_big();
+void test_var_length_opaque();
+void test_var_length_mesh_data();
+void test_var_length_default_data();
+void test_var_length_mesh_opaque();
+void test_var_length_default_opaque();
+void create_mesh( MBInterface& mb );
+void create_big_mesh( MBInterface& mb );
+void compare_tags( const char* name, MBInterface& mb1, MBInterface& mb2 );
+void read_write( const char* filename, MBInterface& write, MBInterface& reader );
+do { \
+  if (MB_SUCCESS != ERRCODE && !keep_files) \
+    remove( FILENAME ); \
+while (false)
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+  if (argc != 1) {
+    if (argc != 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-k")) {
+      fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-k]\n", argv[0] );
+      abort();
+    }
+    keep_files = true;
+  } 
+  int err_count = 0;
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_no_data );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_data );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_data_big );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_opaque );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_mesh_data );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_default_data );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_mesh_opaque );
+  err_count += RUN_TEST( test_var_length_default_opaque );
+  return err_count;
+void test_var_length_no_data()
+  MBErrorCode rval;
+  MBCore moab1, moab2;
+  MBInterface &mb1 = moab1, &mb2 = moab2;
+  MBTag tag;
+  create_mesh( mb1 );
+  rval = mb1.tag_create_variable_length( "test_tag", MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, tag );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  read_write( "test_var_length_no_data.h5m", mb1, mb2 );
+  compare_tags( "test_tag", mb1, mb2 );
+void test_var_length_data_common( const char* filename, MBInterface& mb1, bool opaque = false )
+    // create tag
+  MBErrorCode rval;
+  MBTag tag;
+  MBDataType type = opaque ? MB_TYPE_OPAQUE : MB_TYPE_INTEGER;
+  rval = mb1.tag_create_variable_length( "test_tag", MB_TAG_SPARSE, type, tag );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+    // get all entities
+  MBRange entities;
+  rval = mb1.get_entities_by_handle( 0, entities );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    // Set tag data.
+    // Tag data will be list of integer data as follows:
+    //   number of values (counting this value)
+    //   step, 2*step, 3*step, ...
+  for (MBRange::const_iterator i = entities.begin(); i != entities.end(); ++i) {
+    MBEntityHandle h = *i;
+      // generate some data to write
+    int num_values = h % 6 + 1;
+    MBEntityType type = mb1.type_from_handle(h);
+    int step = (h%2) ? 1+(int)type : -1-(int)type;
+    std::vector<int> tag_data( num_values, num_values );
+    for (int j = 1; j < num_values; ++j)
+      tag_data[j] = j*step;
+      // set tag data
+    const void* ptrarr[]= { &tag_data[0] };
+    num_values *= sizeof(int);    
+    rval = mb1.tag_set_data(tag, &h,1, ptrarr, &num_values );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+    // write and read tag data
+  MBCore moab;
+  MBInterface &mb2 = moab;
+  read_write( filename, mb1, mb2 );
+  compare_tags( "test_tag", mb1, mb2 );
+    // get new tag handle
+  tag = 0;
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_handle( "test_tag", tag );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    // check consistency of tag values
+  entities.clear();
+  mb2.get_entities_by_handle( 0, entities );
+    // remove sets created during read/write process
+  MBRange sets;
+  mb2.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );
+  entities = entities.subtract(sets);
+  for (MBRange::const_iterator i = entities.begin(); i != entities.end(); ++i) {
+      // get data
+    const void* ptrarr[] = { NULL };
+    int size;
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_data( tag, &*i, 1, ptrarr, &size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    const int* dataptr = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(ptrarr[0]);
+    CHECK( NULL != dataptr );
+      // check size 
+    CHECK( size > 0 );
+    CHECK_EQUAL( 0ul, size % sizeof(int) );
+    size /= sizeof(int);
+    CHECK_EQUAL( size, dataptr[0] );
+      // check other values
+    if (size > 2) {
+      int step = dataptr[1];
+      for (int j = 2; j < size; ++j)
+        CHECK_EQUAL( j*step, dataptr[j] );
+    }
+  }
+void test_var_length_data()
+  MBCore moab;
+  create_mesh( moab );
+  test_var_length_data_common( "test_var_length_data.h5m", moab );
+void test_var_length_data_big()
+  MBCore moab;
+  create_big_mesh( moab );
+  test_var_length_data_common( "test_var_length_data_big.h5m", moab );
+void test_var_length_opaque()
+  MBCore moab;
+  create_mesh( moab );
+  test_var_length_data_common( "tst_var_length_data_opaque.h5m", moab, true );  
+void test_global_value_common( bool mesh_value )
+  MBCore moab;
+  MBInterface &mb = moab;
+  create_mesh( mb );
+  // get three vertices
+  MBRange vertices;
+  MBErrorCode rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, vertices );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  CHECK( vertices.size() >= 3 );
+  MBEntityHandle handles[3];
+  MBRange::const_iterator i = vertices.begin();
+  handles[0] = *i; ++i;
+  handles[1] = *i; ++i;
+  handles[2] = *i; ++i;
+  // get vertex coordinates
+  double coords[9];
+  rval = mb.get_coords( handles, 3, coords );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  // create tag to hold vertex data
+  MBTag handle_tag = 0;
+  void* default_val = mesh_value ? 0 : handles;
+  int default_val_size = mesh_value ? 0 : 3*sizeof(MBEntityHandle);
+  rval = mb.tag_create_variable_length( "handle_tag", MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_HANDLE, handle_tag, 
+                                        default_val, default_val_size );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  // create tag to hold vertex coordinates
+  MBTag coord_tag = 0;
+  default_val = mesh_value ? 0 : coords;
+  default_val_size = mesh_value ? 0 : 9*sizeof(double);
+  rval = mb.tag_create_variable_length( "coord_tag", MB_TAG_SPARSE, MB_TYPE_DOUBLE, coord_tag, 
+                                        default_val, default_val_size );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  // if doing mesh tag, set it
+  if (mesh_value) {
+    int size = 3*sizeof(MBEntityHandle);
+    const void* ptrarr[] = { handles };
+    rval = mb.tag_set_data( handle_tag, 0, 0, ptrarr, &size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    size = 9*sizeof(double);
+    ptrarr[0] = coords;
+    rval = mb.tag_set_data( coord_tag, 0, 0, ptrarr, &size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+    // write and read file
+  MBCore moab2;
+  MBInterface &mb2 = moab2;
+  read_write( mesh_value ? "test_var_length_mesh_data.h5m" : "test_var_length_default_data.h5m", mb, mb2 );
+  compare_tags( "handle_tag", mb, mb2 );
+  compare_tags( "coord_tag", mb, mb2 );
+    // get tag handles
+  handle_tag = coord_tag = 0;
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_handle( "handle_tag", handle_tag );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_handle( "coord_tag", coord_tag );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    // get tag data
+  int handle_tag_size = 0, coord_tag_size = 0;
+  const void* ptrs[2];
+  if (mesh_value) {
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_data( handle_tag, 0, 0, ptrs, &handle_tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_data( coord_tag, 0, 0, ptrs+1, &coord_tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+  else {
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_default_value( handle_tag, ptrs[0], handle_tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_default_value( coord_tag, ptrs[1], coord_tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+    // check expected sizes
+  CHECK_EQUAL( 3*sizeof(MBEntityHandle), (size_t)handle_tag_size );
+  CHECK_EQUAL( 9*sizeof(double), (size_t)coord_tag_size );
+  CHECK( ptrs[0] != NULL );
+  CHECK( ptrs[1] != NULL );
+    // check valid handles
+  const MBEntityHandle* handle_vals = reinterpret_cast<const MBEntityHandle*>(ptrs[0]);
+  CHECK( handle_vals[0] != 0 );
+  CHECK( handle_vals[1] != 0 );
+  CHECK( handle_vals[2] != 0 );
+  CHECK_EQUAL( MBVERTEX, mb2.type_from_handle( handle_vals[0] ) );
+  CHECK_EQUAL( MBVERTEX, mb2.type_from_handle( handle_vals[1] ) );
+  CHECK_EQUAL( MBVERTEX, mb2.type_from_handle( handle_vals[2] ) );
+    // check correct coordinate values
+  const double* coord_vals = reinterpret_cast<const double*>(ptrs[1]);
+  rval = mb2.get_coords( handle_vals, 3, coords );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[0], coord_vals[0], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[1], coord_vals[1], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[2], coord_vals[2], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3], coord_vals[3], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[4], coord_vals[4], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[5], coord_vals[5], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[6], coord_vals[6], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[7], coord_vals[7], 1e-12 );
+  CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[8], coord_vals[8], 1e-12 );
+void test_var_length_mesh_data()
+  test_global_value_common( true );
+void test_var_length_default_data()
+  test_global_value_common( false );
+void test_global_opaque_common( bool mesh_value )
+  MBErrorCode rval;
+  MBCore moab;
+  MBInterface &mb = moab;
+  create_mesh( mb );
+  const char data[] = { 'J', 'A', 'S', 'O', 'N' };
+  const int datalen = sizeof(data);
+  CHECK_EQUAL( 5, datalen );
+  // create tag 
+  MBTag tag = 0;
+  const void* default_val = mesh_value ? 0 : data;
+  int default_val_size = mesh_value ? 0 : datalen;
+  rval = mb.tag_create_variable_length( "opaque_tag", MB_TAG_DENSE, MB_TYPE_OPAQUE, tag, 
+                                         default_val, default_val_size );
+  CHECK_ERR( rval );
+  // if doing mesh tag, set it
+  if (mesh_value) {
+    const void* ptrarr[] = { data };
+    rval = mb.tag_set_data( tag, 0, 0, ptrarr, &datalen );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+    // write and read file
+  MBCore moab2;
+  MBInterface &mb2 = moab2;
+  read_write( mesh_value ? "test_var_length_mesh_opaque.h5m" : "test_var_length_default_opaque.h5m", mb, mb2 );
+  compare_tags( "opaque_tag", mb, mb2 );
+    // get tag handles
+  tag = 0;
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_handle( "opaque_tag", tag );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+    // get tag data
+  int tag_size = 0;
+  const void* ptrs[1];
+  if (mesh_value) {
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_data( tag, 0, 0, ptrs, &tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+  else {
+    rval = mb2.tag_get_default_value( tag, ptrs[0], tag_size );
+    CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  }
+    // check size
+  CHECK_EQUAL( datalen, tag_size );
+  CHECK( ptrs[0] != NULL );
+    // check values
+  const char* tag_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptrs[0]);
+  for (int i = 0; i < datalen; ++i)
+    CHECK_EQUAL( data[i], tag_data[i] );
+void test_var_length_mesh_opaque()
+  test_global_opaque_common( true );
+void test_var_length_default_opaque()
+  test_global_opaque_common( false );
+void create_structured_quad_mesh( MBInterface& mb, int x, int y )
+  MBErrorCode rval;
+  const double z = 2.1;
+  std::vector<MBEntityHandle> verts((x+1)*(y+1));
+  for (int i = 0; i <= x; ++i) {
+    for (int j = 0; j<= y; ++j) {
+      double coords[3] = { i, j, z };
+      rval = mb.create_vertex( coords, verts[i + (x+1)*j] );
+      CHECK_ERR( rval );
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<MBEntityHandle> elems(x*y);
+  for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
+    for (int j = 0; j < y; ++j ) {
+      MBEntityHandle conn[4] = { verts[i +     (x+1)* j   ],
+                                 verts[i + 1 + (x+1)* j   ],
+                                 verts[i + 1 + (x+1)*(j+1)],
+                                 verts[i +     (x+1)*(j+1)] };
+      rval = mb.create_element( MBQUAD, conn, 4, elems[i + x*j] );
+      CHECK_ERR( rval );
+    }
+  }
+void create_mesh( MBInterface& mb )
+  create_structured_quad_mesh( mb, 2, 2 );
+void create_big_mesh( MBInterface& mb )
+  create_structured_quad_mesh( mb, 100, 100 );
+void compare_tags( const char* name, MBInterface& mb1, MBInterface& mb2 )
+  MBErrorCode rval;
+  MBTag tag1, tag2;
+  rval = mb1.tag_get_handle( name, tag1 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_handle( name, tag2 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  int size;
+  CHECK_EQUAL( MB_VARIABLE_DATA_LENGTH, mb1.tag_get_size( tag1, size ) );
+  CHECK_EQUAL( MB_VARIABLE_DATA_LENGTH, mb2.tag_get_size( tag2, size ) );
+  MBTagType storage1, storage2;
+  rval = mb1.tag_get_type( tag1, storage1 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_type( tag2, storage2 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  CHECK_EQUAL( storage1, storage2 );
+  MBDataType type1, type2;
+  rval = mb1.tag_get_data_type( tag1, type1 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = mb2.tag_get_data_type( tag2, type2 );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  const void *defval1, *defval2;
+  int defsize1, defsize2;
+  MBErrorCode rval1 = mb1.tag_get_default_value( tag1, defval1, defsize1 );
+  MBErrorCode rval2 = mb2.tag_get_default_value( tag2, defval2, defsize2 );
+  if (MB_SUCCESS == rval1) {
+    CHECK_ERR(rval2);
+    CHECK_EQUAL( defsize1, defsize2 );
+    CHECK( !memcmp( defval1, defval2, defsize1 ) );
+  }
+  else if (MB_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND == rval1 || MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND == rval1) 
+    CHECK_EQUAL( rval1, rval2 );
+  else 
+    CHECK_ERR( rval1 );
+void read_write( const char* filename, MBInterface& writer, MBInterface& reader )
+  MBErrorCode rval = writer.write_mesh( filename );
+  if (!keep_files && MB_SUCCESS != rval)
+    remove( filename );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);
+  rval = reader.load_mesh( filename );
+  if (!keep_files)
+    remove( filename );
+  CHECK_ERR(rval);

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