[MOAB-announce] MOAB v5.5.0 is now available

Vijay S. Mahadevan vijay.m at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 15:36:29 CDT 2023

Dear MOAB users,

A new release of the MOAB library (v5.5.0) is now available. The
tarball can be downloaded from [1]. If you are working with release
branches in Bitbucket, please use the newly created "5.5.0" tag to get
the latest changes.

Some notable updates:

- New support for the calculation of scalable, bilinear maps with
TempestRemap for Climate problems
- Removed: Mesquite sources and support in MOAB; Several outdated
tools (refiner, VTK reader plugin for Paraview)
- Deprecated: ITAPS framework: iMesh interfaces are now only built
when requested with `--enable-imesh`. This will be the last version to
support iMesh. Going forward, please port your C/Fortran API to use
the now-mature iMOAB interface.
- Several fixes, enhancements, and optimizations to make the MOAB
library more robust

As always, please let us know if there are any issues with the new release.


[1] https://web.cels.anl.gov/projects/sigma/downloads/moab/moab-5.5.0.tar.gz

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