[Minotaur-dev] [minotaur-solver/minotaur] 2e02fb: Making the lazy cuts callback thread safe in LSTOA.

Meenarli Sharma noreply at github.com
Mon Dec 23 04:28:45 CST 2019

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/minotaur-solver/minotaur
  Commit: 2e02fb3e380ff4a16dd1bbc444b8ff4c0e054682
  Author: meenarli <kukku.meenarli at gmail.com>
  Date:   2019-12-23 (Mon, 23 Dec 2019)

  Changed paths:
    M src/base/STOAHandler.cpp
    M src/base/STOAHandler.h
    M src/engines/Cplex/CplexMILPEngine.cpp

  Log Message:
  Making the lazy cuts callback thread safe in LSTOA.

We were using mutex lock to avoid multiple threads access the lazy cuts
callback in CplexMILPEngine. The STOAHandler has been modified now to
avoid any data races if multiple threads access it simultaneously.

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