[Minotaur-dev] [minotaur-solver/minotaur] 967a53: Removed major and minor version numbers from CMake...

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Tue Oct 17 14:53:09 CDT 2017

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/minotaur-solver/minotaur
  Commit: 967a5382948f8de33ce02dc0218b9b55ce3e8a18
  Author: Ashutosh Mahajan <amahajan at iitb.ac.in>
  Date:   2017-10-18 (Wed, 18 Oct 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M CMakeLists.txt
    M Makefile.manual
    M src/base/CNode.cpp
    M src/base/PerspCon.cpp
    M src/base/Problem.cpp
    M src/base/Types.h
    M src/interfaces/ampl/AMPLInterface.cpp

  Log Message:
  Removed major and minor version numbers from CMakeLists. Cleaned up some

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