[Minotaur-dev] minotaur daily test results

amahajan amahajan at iitb.ac.in
Tue Jan 24 11:24:53 CST 2017

Minotaur daily test report
Tue Jan 24 22:37:01 IST 2017
Linux origin 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Detailed log available at  http://www.ieor.iitb.ac.in/files/faculty/amahajan/minotaur/nightly/origin/index.html
Not using any user specified doxygen installation
Not using any user specified cmake installation

Minotaur src directory checked out.
Minotaur version: v0.2-133-g168b2dd

compiling build-base: OK.
make utest output for build-base: OK (39)
compiling build-base-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-base-debug: OK (39)
compiling build-base-static: OK.
make utest output for build-base-static: OK (39)
compiling build-filter: OK.
make utest output for build-filter: OK (39)
compiling build-filter-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-filter-debug: OK (39)
compiling build-filter-static: OK.
make utest output for build-filter-static: OK (39)
compiling build-ipopt: OK.
make utest output for build-ipopt: OK (42)
compiling build-ipopt-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-ipopt-debug: OK (42)
compiling build-ipopt-static: OK.
make utest output for build-ipopt-static: OK (42)
compiling build-osi: OK.
make utest output for build-osi: OK (39)
compiling build-osi-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-osi-debug: OK (39)
compiling build-osi-static: OK.
make utest output for build-osi-static: OK (39)
compiling build-ampl: OK.
make utest output for build-ampl: OK (58)
compiling build-ampl-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-ampl-debug: OK (58)
compiling build-ampl-static: OK.
make utest output for build-ampl-static: OK (58)
compiling build-all: OK.
make utest output for build-all: OK (69)
compiling build-all-debug: OK.
make utest output for build-all-debug: OK (69)
compiling build-all-static: OK.
make utest output for build-all-static: OK (69)
compiling build-all-manual: OK.

Errors in build-all-debug:
: logger ok! OK (69)
==9211== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==9211== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==9211== Using Valgrind-3.10.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==9211== Command: ./unittest all
: logger ok! TimerUT.cpp:36:Assertion
Test name: TimerUT::testSleep
assertion failed
- Expression: time_used <= 0.001

Failures !!!
Run: 69   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0
==9211== HEAP SUMMARY:
==9211==     in use at exit: 160 bytes in 1 blocks
==9211==   total heap usage: 171,614 allocs, 171,613 frees, 888,071,374 bytes allocated
==9211== 160 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1
==9211==    at 0x4C29180: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:324)
==9211==    by 0x4A4CDA: Minotaur::TimerFactory::getTimer() (Timer.h:162)
==9211==    by 0x4A3F59: TimerUT::testSleep() (TimerUT.cpp:30)
==9211==    by 0x4A5655: CppUnit::TestCaller<TimerUT>::runTest() (TestCaller.h:166)
==9211==    by 0x4E576A1: CppUnit::TestCaseMethodFunctor::operator()() const (TestCase.cpp:32)
==9211==    by 0x4E4DD6F: CppUnit::DefaultProtector::protect(CppUnit::Functor const&, CppUnit::ProtectorContext const&) (DefaultProtector.cpp:15)
==9211==    by 0x4E54A7C: operator() (ProtectorChain.cpp:20)
==9211==    by 0x4E54A7C: CppUnit::ProtectorChain::protect(CppUnit::Functor const&, CppUnit::ProtectorContext const&) (ProtectorChain.cpp:77)
==9211==    by 0x4E5D418: CppUnit::TestResult::protect(CppUnit::Functor const&, CppUnit::Test*, std::string const&) (TestResult.cpp:181)
==9211==    by 0x4E573F9: CppUnit::TestCase::run(CppUnit::TestResult*) (TestCase.cpp:92)
==9211==    by 0x4E57A22: CppUnit::TestComposite::doRunChildTests(CppUnit::TestResult*) (TestComposite.cpp:64)
==9211==    by 0x4E5793D: CppUnit::TestComposite::run(CppUnit::TestResult*) (TestComposite.cpp:23)
==9211==    by 0x4E57A22: CppUnit::TestComposite::doRunChildTests(CppUnit::TestResult*) (TestComposite.cpp:64)
==9211== LEAK SUMMARY:
==9211==    definitely lost: 160 bytes in 1 blocks
==9211==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9211==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9211==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9211==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==9211== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==9211== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Errors in build-all:
: logger ok! OK (69)
Errors in build-all-manual:
Makefile:542: minotaur.d: No such file or directory
Errors in build-all-static:
: logger ok! OK (69)
Errors in build-ampl-debug:
: logger ok! OK (58)
Errors in build-ampl:
: logger ok! OK (58)
Errors in build-ampl-static:
: logger ok! OK (58)
Errors in build-base-debug:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-base:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-base-static:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-filter-debug:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-filter:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-filter-static:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-ipopt-debug:
: logger ok! OK (42)
Errors in build-ipopt:
: logger ok! OK (42)
Errors in build-ipopt-static:
: logger ok! OK (42)
Errors in build-osi-debug:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-osi:
: logger ok! OK (39)
Errors in build-osi-static:
: logger ok! OK (39)

End of tests
Tue Jan 24 22:54:53 IST 2017

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