[AG-TECH] New MacOS X vic

Douglas Kosovic douglask at itee.uq.edu.au
Thu Jul 21 20:54:02 CDT 2005


If anybody wants to try a new Aqua based vic for MacOS X, it can be 
downloaded from:

It's a work in progress, but as it stands now, it's more useable than the 
OpenMash vic that comes with AGTk 2.3, so I've decide to make it available. 
As I make progress, new versions of vic will be found in the above URL.

Differences from OpenMash vic:
* Based on AG vic (with Steve Smith's OpenSSH mods)
* Works with encrypted venues
* Aqua buttons and text aren't truncated
* Uses native anti-aliased fonts (not bitmap X11 fonts)

* work with multiple capture devices (almost working)
* Provide a  video capture device adjustments dialog box
* Put some menus in the Mac menubar
* Write a binary Python module for AGTk to list the video capture devices.

Perhaps the simplest way to use the new vic with AGTk, is to replace the 
existing AGTk vics located at:


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