[ExM Users] Generating Blobs in Swift/T

Justin M Wozniak wozniak at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 14 16:05:03 CDT 2014


Sorry- that message is a debugging line that unfortunately made it into 
the release.  It is already removed from our trunk and will not be in 
the next release- you can just remove it from your source.

I will fix the blob doc issue now but feel free to post any additional 
questions here in the meantime...


On 07/14/2014 03:52 PM, Knight, Samuel wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing a program in Swift/T that generates blob objects inside a 
> leaf function. Binary data is generated with a Swig-wrapped C 
> function, and the blob construct is produced by making a list out of 
> the pointer and length in the Tcl wrapper.
> Here is a sample from my Tcl script:
> proc c_initVect { s o } {
> set len [ expr $s * [blobutils_sizeof_int32] ]
>         set ptr [ blobutils_malloc $len ]
>         initVect [blobutils_cast_to_int_ptr $ptr] $s $o # C leaf function
>         return [ list [ blobutils_cast_to_int  $ptr] $len ] # creating 
> the blob
> }
> When I run the program with this snippet, my output fills with 
> 'uncache_blob' messages.
> Here is an example:
> uncache_blob: 67376368 4000 3uncache_blob: 67380384 4000 4
> Which is the output from a program that generates 2 blobs with the 
> function above.
> The output is automatically generated by the runtime, and I have no 
> control over when blobs are uncached.
> I've traced that output to ADLB_Local_Blob_Free_Cmd function 
> in src/tcl/adlb/tcl-adlb.c
> For programs that allocate a large number of blobs, the output from 
> the runtime becomes overwhelming, and I am starting to think my 
> snippet is generating blobs incorrectly. So far, the only example I 
> can find that generates blobs that are returned to Swift/T is a the 
> fortran example from the leaf functions guide (Section 3.4 
> www.mcs.anl.gov/exm/local/guides/leaf.html). There is a promising link 
> in Section 3.3.3 of the leaf guide that explains blobs, but when I 
> click on it I get a 403 error.
> Is anyone aware of additional examples or tutorials that explain how 
> to generate and manage blobs in Swift/T.
> Thank you,
> Samuel Knight
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Justin M Wozniak

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