[ExM Users] turbine engine and n

Tim Armstrong tim.g.armstrong at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 10:31:26 CDT 2014

Unfortunately in that case I think you have to sacrifice all the cores on a
node to run an ADLB server on one of them.

I think this is actually a difficult problem to solve with the way
OpenMP/MPI is usually done with one MPI communication context per process,
since ADLB server can't easily share them.

- Tim

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Ketan Maheshwari <ketan at mcs.anl.gov>wrote:

> What if the application tasks are openmp as is the case with my current
> runs. They need to run as one process per node.
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Wozniak, Justin M. <wozniak at mcs.anl.gov>wrote:
>>  Hi
>>     You can set the environment variable PPN (processes-per-node) to
>> change this behavior.  PPN defaults to 1.
>>     Justin
>> On 04/14/2014 10:18 AM, Ketan Maheshwari wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  From my recent runs on ALCF systems, it looks like the n parameter
>> corresponds to the number of compute nodes. So, n = 3 will start a Turbine
>> engine, an ADLB server and a worker. However, it starts a three node job
>> and I was wondering if Turbine engine and ADLB server needs a full node as
>> opposed to a core to run.
>>  Thanks,
>> Ketan
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