[Darshan-users] Darshan repository moved to gitlab

Phil Carns carns at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Sep 25 13:40:22 CDT 2015

Hi everyone,

The Darshan source code, issue tracking, and milestone management has 
been moved to the Darshan gitlab page at ANL.  You can find instructions 
there for how to clone the repository:


If you have an existing clone of the Darshan repository from its 
previous location, then you can switch it to point to the new repository 
with the following command:

     git remote set-url origin 

If you are interesting in contributed to Darshan, the gitlab page brings 
several new features to the project including the ability for external 
users to sign up for accounts, simplified forking and pull requests, and 
the ability to track issues and milestones.

-Darshan development team

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