[Darshan-users] Number of non-consecutive or non-sequential reads

Phil Carns carns at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jul 23 15:47:19 CDT 2014

Hi Matthieu,

Those CONSEC and SEQ counters refer to POSIX operations.  The total 
number of POSIX operations can be found by adding CP_POSIX_READS and 

The SPLIT/COLL/NB/INDEP counters refer to MPI-IO operations, which would 
be tricky to directly relate to the POSIX CONSEC and SEQ fields.

Sorry for the confusing naming scheme here; its hard to tell which 
things are POSIX vs MPI-IO on some of these counters.


On 07/22/2014 07:47 AM, Matthieu Dorier wrote:
> Hi,
> I see that Darshan has CP_CONSEC_READS and CP_SEQ_READS counters to 
> count the number of consecutive and sequential reads.
> I would like to compute the number of non-consecutive and 
> non-sequential reads but it is unclear to me which counters I should 
> use to compute the total number of reads from which to substract the 
> number of consecutive/sequential. For instance are CP_SPLIT_READS 
> already counted in CP_COLL_READS? Are CP_NB_READS already counted in 
> Can you help?
> Thanks!
> Matthieu Dorier
> PhD student at ENS Rennes
> http://people.irisa.fr/Matthieu.Dorier

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