[Darshan-users] dynamic/static linking

Harms, Kevin N. harms at alcf.anl.gov
Tue Jul 22 17:26:12 CDT 2014

  ok... I figured it out. My brain wasn't fully engaged. You captured data
from the static calls, MPI and HDF5 but not the dynamic calls. POSIX
write/read/stat/etc. So CP_BYTES_READ and CP_BYTES_WRITTEN are derived
from the POSIX calls which you didn¹t capture. You either need to switch
to all static or all dynamic linking.

  if you look at:

$ darshan-parser file.gz  | grep MPI
-1	753191520991278725	CP_F_MPI_META_TIME	0.019597	...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5	/lustr
e02	lustre
-1	753191520991278725	CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME	0.000000	...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5	/lustr
e02	lustre
-1	753191520991278725	CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME	9.065533	...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5	/lust
re02	lustre

  you can at least get the time. One of our TODOs is tracking the bytes
read and written at the MPI-IO level.


>I am trying to link in darshan to my simple HDF5 application to gather
>some performance data.  I am able to gather some data but not all. Most
>of my graphs are empty and that seems to be because darshan is not
>collecting some of the data to be able to generate
> the graphs. I might be missing somethings and I am hoping I can get a
>hint as to what.
>My application uses the intel compilers and it statically links in the
>intel MPI libraries as well as the HDF5 Libraries but the rest is left
>dynamic so not a fully static executable as you can see.
>ldd h5testcode 
>        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff9939c000)
>        libz.so.1 => /lib64/libz.so.1 (0x00002acc4dafc000)
>        libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00002acc4dd12000)
>        libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00002acc4df16000)
>        librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x00002acc4e190000)
>        libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00002acc4e399000)
>        libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00002acc4e5b6000)
>        libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00002acc4e7cd000)
>        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00002acc4d8db000)
>nm h5testcode | grep darsha
>0000000000721a90 T darshan_condense
>00000000007233d0 t darshan_file_by_fd
>0000000000724aa0 T darshan_file_by_handle
>000000000071a110 T darshan_file_by_name
>0000000000723280 t darshan_file_by_name_setfd
>0000000000724950 T darshan_file_by_name_sethandle
>0000000000724b40 T darshan_file_closehandle
>0000000000459e70 t darshan_file_reduce
>0000000000724940 T darshan_finalize
>000000000045afd0 T darshan_get_exe_and_mounts
>0000000000d435f0 B darshan_global_job
>0000000000724ff0 T darshan_hash
>0000000000724c40 T darshan_initialize
>0000000000d1e7c4 d darshan_mem_alignment
>000000000045b7c0 T darshan_mnt_id_from_path
>000000000045b890 T darshan_mpi_initialize
>0000000000723460 T darshan_search_bench
>0000000000451a10 T darshan_shutdown
>0000000000721d80 T darshan_shutdown_bench
>000000000045ae50 T darshan_walk_file_accesses
>The little application runs and generates a log file and I can process it
>to generate a PDF. But the pdf is mostly empty.
>If I run darshan-parser to see the data I can see that many of the values
>are zero.
>darshan-parser filename.gz > log.txt
>grep BYTES log.txt
>#   CP_BYTES_*: total bytes read and written.
>#   CP_*_RANK_BYTES: fastest, slowest and variance of bytes transfer.
>-1      753191520991278725      CP_BYTES_READ   0
>...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5      /lustre02       lustre
>-1      753191520991278725      CP_BYTES_WRITTEN        0
>...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5      /lustre02       lustre
>-1      753191520991278725      CP_FASTEST_RANK_BYTES   0
>...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5      /lustre02       lustre
>-1      753191520991278725      CP_SLOWEST_RANK_BYTES   0
>...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5      /lustre02       lustre
>-1      753191520991278725      CP_F_VARIANCE_RANK_BYTES        0.000000
>      ...mr0/SDS_chnk.h5      /lustre02       lustre
>I know I am writting data and the application works. I have a valid HDF5
>file with data after the application is done. So it can¹t be writing zero
>I am attaching the compressed log file if that helps.
>Thanks in advanced for any help on this.
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