[Darshan-commits] [Git][darshan/darshan][master] 3 commits: apmpi/pydarshan: update the pydarshan to process APMPI records

Sudheer Chunduri xgitlab at cels.anl.gov
Thu Apr 1 16:19:46 CDT 2021

Sudheer Chunduri pushed to branch master at darshan / darshan

dcc18274 by Sudheer Chunduri at 2021-03-31T23:44:37+00:00
apmpi/pydarshan: update the pydarshan to process APMPI records

- - - - -
7e18ce28 by Sudheer Chunduri at 2021-04-01T21:16:57+00:00
autoperf few fixes and code cleanup

- - - - -
bdec8139 by Sudheer Chunduri at 2021-04-01T16:19:43-05:00
Merge branch 'apmpi-pydarshan-fixes' into 'master'

Apmpi pydarshan fixes

See merge request darshan/darshan!93
- - - - -

5 changed files:

- − darshan-runtime/configure
- − darshan-util/configure
- darshan-util/pydarshan/darshan/backend/cffi_backend.py
- darshan-util/pydarshan/darshan/report.py
- − darshan-util/pydarshan/examples/apmpi_analysis.py


darshan-runtime/configure deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

darshan-util/configure deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ def counter_names(mod_name, fcnts=False, special=''):
         i += 1
     return names

@@ -670,40 +670,82 @@ class DarshanReport(object):
             # skip mod
-        #print(mod+"-HEADER")
-        #print(_structdefs[mod+"-HEADER"])
         # handling options
         dtype = dtype if dtype else self.dtype
-        self.records[mod] = []
+        self.records[mod] = DarshanRecordCollection(mod=mod, report=self)
         # update module metadata
-        self.modules[mod]['num_records'] = 0
+        self._modules[mod]['num_records'] = 0
         if mod not in self.counters:
             self.counters[mod] = {}
+        # fetch records
         # fetch header record
-        header_rec = backend.log_get_apmpi_record(self.log, _structdefs[mod+"-HEADER"])
-        self.records[mod].append(header_rec)
+        rec = backend.log_get_apmpi_record(self.log, mod, "HEADER", dtype=dtype)
+        while rec != None:
+            self.records[mod].append(rec)
+            self.data['modules'][mod]['num_records'] += 1
+            # fetch next
+            rec = backend.log_get_apmpi_record(self.log, mod, "PERF", dtype=dtype)
+        if self.lookup_name_records:
+            self.update_name_records()
+        pass
+    def mod_read_all_apxc_records(self, mod, dtype=None, warnings=True):
+        """ 
+        Reads all APXC records for provided module.
+        Args:
+            mod (str): Identifier of module to fetch all records
+            dtype (str): 'numpy' for ndarray (default), 'dict' for python dictionary
+        Return:
+            None
+        """
+        if mod not in self.data['modules']:
+            if warnings:
+                logger.warning(f"Skipping. Log does not contain data for mod: {mod}")
+            return
+        supported =  ['APXC'] 
+        if mod not in supported:
+            if warnings:
+                logger.warning(f" Skipping. Unsupported module: {mod} in in mod_read_all_apxc_records(). Supported: {supported}")
+            # skip mod
+            return
+        # handling options
+        dtype = dtype if dtype else self.dtype
+        self.records[mod] = DarshanRecordCollection(mod=mod, report=self)
+        cn = backend.counter_names(mod)
+        # update module metadata
+        self._modules[mod]['num_records'] = 0
+        if mod not in self.counters:
+            self.counters[mod] = {}
         # fetch records
-        rec = backend.log_get_apmpi_record(self.log, _structdefs[mod+"-PERF"])
+        # fetch header record
+        rec = backend.log_get_apxc_record(self.log, mod, "HEADER", dtype=dtype)
         while rec != None:
-            if dtype == 'numpy':
-                self.records[mod].append(rec)
-            else:
-                self.records[mod].append(rec)
+            self.records[mod].append(rec)
             self.data['modules'][mod]['num_records'] += 1
             # fetch next
-            rec = backend.log_get_apmpi_record(self.log, _structdefs[mod+"-PERF"])
+            rec = backend.log_get_apxc_record(self.log, mod, "PERF", dtype=dtype)
         if self.lookup_name_records:
-        pass 
+        pass
     def mod_read_all_dxt_records(self, mod, dtype=None, warnings=True, reads=True, writes=True):
         Reads all dxt records for provided module.

darshan-util/pydarshan/examples/apmpi_analysis.py deleted
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# coding: utf-8
-# # DarshanUtils for Python for processing APMPI records
-# This notebook gives an overwiew of features provided by the Python bindings for DarshanUtils.
-# By default all AMMPI module records, metadata, and the name records are loaded when opening a Darshan log:
-import argparse
-import darshan
-import cffi
-import numpy
-import pandas
-import matplotlib
-#import pprint
-import pandas as pd
-import logging
-from darshan.backend.cffi_backend import ffi
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-from darshan.report import DarshanReport
-import darshan.backend.cffi_backend as backend
-import darshan
-import pandas as pd
-import time
-from rich import print  as rprint
-from rich import pretty
-from rich.panel import Panel
-from rich import inspect
-from rich.color import Color
-from rich.console import Console
-console = Console()
-from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import FigureCanvasPdf, PdfPages
-from matplotlib.figure import Figure
-#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
-#color = Color.parse("blue")
-#inspect(color, methods=True)
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--quiet",
-        dest="quiet",
-        action="store_true",
-        default=False,
-        help="Surpress zero count calls",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "logname", metavar="logname", type=str, nargs=1, help="Logname to parse"
-    )
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    report = darshan.DarshanReport(args.logname[0], read_all=False)
-    report.info()
-    if "APMPI" not in report.modules:
-        print("This log does not contain AutoPerf MPI data")
-        return
-    r = report.mod_read_all_apmpi_records("APMPI")
-    report.update_name_records()
-    report.info()
-    pdf = matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages("apmpi_output.pdf")
-    header_rec = report.records["APMPI"][0]
-    print("# darshan log version: ", header_rec["version"])
-    sync_flag = header_rec["sync_flag"]
-    print(
-        "APMPI Variance in total mpi time: ", header_rec["variance_total_mpitime"], "\n"
-    )
-    if sync_flag:
-        print(
-            "APMPI Variance in total mpi sync time: ",
-            header_rec["variance_total_mpisynctime"],
-        )
-    df_apmpi = pd.DataFrame()
-    list_mpiop = []
-    list_rank = []
-    for rec in report.records["APMPI"][
-        1:
-    ]:  # skip the first record which is header record
-        mpi_nonzero_callcount = []
-        for k, v in rec["all_counters"].items():
-            if k.endswith("_CALL_COUNT") and v > 0:
-                mpi_nonzero_callcount.append(k[: -(len("CALL_COUNT"))])
-        df_rank = pd.DataFrame()
-        for mpiop in mpi_nonzero_callcount:
-            ncall = mpiop
-            ncount = mpiop + "CALL_COUNT"
-            nsize = mpiop + "TOTAL_BYTES"
-            h0 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_0_256"
-            h1 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_256_1K"
-            h2 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_1K_8K"
-            h3 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_8K_256K"
-            h4 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_256K_1M"
-            h5 = mpiop + "MSG_SIZE_AGG_1M_PLUS"
-            ntime = mpiop + "TOTAL_TIME"
-            mintime = mpiop + "MIN_TIME"
-            maxtime = mpiop + "MAX_TIME"
-            if sync_flag:
-                totalsync = mpiop + "TOTAL_SYNC_TIME"
-            mpiopstat = {}
-            mpiopstat["Rank"] = rec["rank"]
-            mpiopstat["Node_ID"] = rec["node_name"]
-            mpiopstat["Call"] = ncall[:-1]
-            mpiopstat["Total_Time"] = rec["all_counters"][ntime]
-            mpiopstat["Count"] = rec["all_counters"][ncount]
-            mpiopstat["Total_Bytes"] = rec["all_counters"].get(nsize, None)
-            mpiopstat["[0-256B]"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h0, None)
-            mpiopstat["[256-1KB]"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h1, None)
-            mpiopstat["[1K-8KB]"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h2, None)
-            mpiopstat["[8K-256KB]"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h3, None)
-            mpiopstat["256K-1MB"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h4, None)
-            mpiopstat["[>1MB]"] = rec["all_counters"].get(h5, None)
-            mpiopstat["Min_Time"] = rec["all_counters"][mintime]
-            mpiopstat["Max_Time"] = rec["all_counters"][maxtime]
-            if sync_flag:
-                mpiopstat["Total_SYNC_Time"] = rec["all_counters"][totalsync]
-            list_mpiop.append(mpiopstat)
-        rankstat = {}
-        rankstat["Rank"] = rec["rank"]
-        rankstat["Node_ID"] = rec["node_name"]
-        rankstat["Call"] = "Total_MPI_time"
-        rankstat["Total_Time"] = rec["all_counters"]["RANK_TOTAL_MPITIME"]
-        list_rank.append(rankstat)
-    df_rank = pd.DataFrame(list_rank)
-    avg_total_time = df_rank["Total_Time"].mean()
-    max_total_time = df_rank["Total_Time"].max()
-    min_total_time = df_rank["Total_Time"].min()
-    max_rank = df_rank.loc[df_rank["Total_Time"].idxmax()]["Rank"]
-    min_rank = df_rank.loc[df_rank["Total_Time"].idxmin()]["Rank"]
-    # assumption: row index and rank id are same in df_rank 
-    # .. need to check if that is an incorrect assumption
-    mean_rank = (
-        (df_rank["Total_Time"] - df_rank["Total_Time"].mean()).abs().argsort()[:1][0]
-    )
-    list_combined = list_mpiop + list_rank
-    df_apmpi = pd.DataFrame(list_combined)
-    df_apmpi = df_apmpi.sort_values(by=["Rank", "Total_Time"], ascending=[True, False])
-    print("[bold green] MPI stats for rank with maximum MPI time")#, border_style="blue")
-    print("[bold green] MPI stats for rank with maximum MPI time\n", df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == max_rank])
-    print("[bold green] MPI stats for rank with minimum MPI time")# border_style="blue")
-    print(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == min_rank])
-    print("[bold green] MPI stats for rank with mean MPI time")#, border_style="blue")
-    print(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == mean_rank])
-    # print(df_apmpi)
-    df_apmpi.to_csv('apmpi.csv', index=False)
-    fig = Figure()
-    ax = fig.gca()
-    ax.plot(df_rank["Rank"], df_rank["Total_Time"])
-    ax.set_xlabel("Rank")
-    ax.set_ylabel("MPI Total time(s)")
-    canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig)
-    canvas.print_figure(pdf)
-    fig = Figure()
-    ax = fig.gca()
-    #fig2.plot(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == max_rank])
-    ax.plot(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == max_rank]["Call"], df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == max_rank]["Total_Time"])
-    ax.set_xlabel("MPI OP")
-    ax.set_ylabel("Total time(s)")
-    canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig)
-    #canvas.print_figure(pdf)
-    fig = Figure()
-    ax = fig.gca()
-    ax.plot(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == min_rank]["Call"], df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == min_rank]["Total_Time"])
-    ax.set_xlabel("MPI OP")
-    ax.set_ylabel("Total time(s)")
-    ax.set_title("Min rank MPI times")
-    canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig)
-    #canvas.print_figure(pdf)
-    #fig3.plot(df_apmpi.loc[df_apmpi["Rank"] == min_rank])
-    return
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()

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