[Darshan-commits] [Git][darshan/darshan][dev-new-regression-tests] 9 commits: fix dynamic ld flags in config and pkgconfig

Shane Snyder xgitlab at cels.anl.gov
Fri Apr 24 12:47:52 CDT 2020

Shane Snyder pushed to branch dev-new-regression-tests at darshan / darshan

beb6eeef by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:25:21-05:00
fix dynamic ld flags in config and pkgconfig

- - - - -
8dbe970a by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:40:12-05:00
Merge branch 'dev-fix-dynamic-ld-flags' into 'master'

fix dynamic ld flags in darshan-config and pkgconfig

See merge request darshan/darshan!49
- - - - -
29137c36 by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
remove old bluegene regression test stuff

- - - - -
7f395272 by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
add static/dynamic variants of prof-conf test

- - - - -
2c3ac243 by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
rename workstation-static test to cc-wrapper test

- - - - -
53d59541 by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
rename dynamic test case to ld-preload

- - - - -
27eb5aad by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
updated regression readme for new test cases

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c8c7470f by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00

- - - - -
59bb8f1d by Shane Snyder at 2020-04-24T12:47:42-05:00
try static/dynamic theta tests for gitlab ci

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- darshan-runtime/darshan-config.in
- darshan-runtime/lib/pkgconfig/darshan-runtime.pc.in
- − darshan-test/regression/README.BG.ALCF.txt
- darshan-test/regression/README.txt
- − darshan-test/regression/bg-profile-conf-alcf/runjob.sh
- darshan-test/regression/workstation-static/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-cc-wrapper/env.sh
- darshan-test/regression/workstation-dynamic/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-ld-preload/env.sh
- darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf-dynamic/env.sh
- darshan-test/regression/bg-profile-conf-alcf/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf-static/env.sh


@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ variables:
   - build
-  - test
+  - test_static
+  - test_dynamic
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ build_darshan:
       - install/
     - shell
     - ecp-theta
@@ -40,12 +41,41 @@ test_darshan:
     - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedules" && $RUN_TESTS == "true"'
       when: on_success
-  stage: test
+  stage: test_static
-    - ls $PWD/install
-    - ls $PWD/install/bin
+    - export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
     - darshan-test/regression/run-all.sh $PWD/install $PWD/scratch cray-module-alcf
+    - ldd $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test
+    - nm $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test | grep darshan
+    - nm $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test | grep MPI
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+        - $PWD/scratch/*.darshan
+        - $PWD/scratch/*.debuglog
+        - $PWD/scratch/*.out
+        - $PWD/scratch/*.err
+  tags:
+    - shell
+    - ecp-theta
+  rules:
+    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "web" && $RUN_TESTS == "true"'
+      when: on_success
+    - if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedules" && $RUN_TESTS == "true"'
+      when: on_success
+  stage: test_dynamic
+  script:
+    - export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
+    - darshan-test/regression/run-all.sh $PWD/install $PWD/scratch cray-module-alcf
+    - ldd $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test
+    - nm $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test | grep darshan
+    - nm $PWD/scratch/mpi-io-test | grep MPI

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ POST_LD_FLAGS="-L$DARSHAN_LIB_PATH -ldarshan -lz -lrt -lpthread"
 # - when dynamic linking there is no need for wrapping options, we simply
 #   need to get the darshan symbol definitions early enough in the link
 #   order.  We also set no-as-needed for linkers that may not identify
+DYN_LD_FLAGS="-L$DARSHAN_LIB_PATH $DARSHAN_LD_FLAGS -Wl,-rpath=$DARSHAN_LIB_PATH -Wl,-no-as-needed -ldarshan"
 Usage: darshan-config [--pre-ld-flags] [--post-ld-flags] [--dyn-ld-flags]"

@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ darshan_libdir= -L${darshan_prefix}/lib
-Libs: -ldarshan
+Libs: ${darshan_libdir} -Wl,-rpath=${darshan_prefix}/lib -Wl,-no-as-needed -ldarshan
 Libs.private: ${darshan_linkopts} ${darshan_libdir} -lfmpich -lmpichcxx -ldarshan

darshan-test/regression/README.BG.ALCF.txt deleted
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-See README.txt for general instructions.  This file contains notes for testing on the Blue Gene platform 
-(more specifically: cetus.alcf.anl.gov).  This example assumes that you are using the MPICH profile conf
-method to add instrumentation.
-To run regression tests:
-- compile and install both darshan-runtime and darshan-util in the same directory
-  examples:
-  # darshan runtime
-  ../configure --with-mem-align=16 --with-log-path=/projects/SSSPPg/carns/darshan-logs --prefix=/home/carns/working/darshan/install-cetus --with-jobid-env=COBALT_JOBID --with-zlib=/soft/libraries/alcf/current/gcc/ZLIB --host=powerpc-bgp-linux CC=/bgsys/drivers/V1R2M2/ppc64/comm/bin/gcc/mpicc
-  make install
-  # darshan util
-  ../configure --prefix=/home/carns/working/darshan/install-cetus
-  make install
-- start a screen session by running "screen"
-  note: this is suggested because the tests may take a while to complete depending on scheduler 
-  availability
-- within the screen session, set your path to point to a stock set of MPI compiler scripts
-  export PATH=/bgsys/drivers/V1R2M2/ppc64/comm/bin/gcc:$PATH
-- run regression tests
-  ./run-all.sh /home/carns/working/darshan/install-cetus /projects/SSSPPg/carns/darshan-test bg-profile-conf-alcf
-  note: the f90 test is expected to fail due to a known problem in the profiling interface for the 
-    F90 MPICH implementation on Mira.

@@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ The master script must be executed with three arguments:
 2) path to temporary directory (for building executables, collecting logs, 
    etc. during test)
 3) platform type; options include:
-   - workstation-static (for static instrumentation on a standard workstation)
-   - workstation-dynamic (for dynamic instrumentation on a standard workstation)
-   - workstation-profile-conf (for static instrumentation using MPI profiling
-     configuration hooks on a standard workstation)
-   - bg-profile-conf-alcf (for static instrumentation using MPI profiling configuration
-     hooks on BGQ platforms @ the ALCF only)
-   - cray-module-alcf (for static instrumentation using a Darshan Cray module on
-     Cray systems @ the ALCF only)
+   - workstation-cc-wrapper (for static/dynamic instrumentation on a standard
+     workstation using Darshan compiler wrappers)
+   - workstation-profile-conf-static (for static instrumentation using MPI
+     profiling configuration hooks on a standard workstation)
+   - workstation-profile-conf-dynamic (for dynamic instrumentation using MPI
+     profiling configuration hooks on a standard workstation)
+   - workstation-ld-preload (for dynamic instrumentation via LD_PRELOAD on a
+     standard workstation)
+   - cray-module-alcf (for static/dynamic instrumentation using a Darshan
+     Cray module on Cray systems @ the ALCF only)
+   - cray-module-nersc (for static/dynamic instrumentation using a Darshan
+     Cray module on Cray systems @ NERSC only)
 The platform type should map to a subdirectory containing scripts
 that describe how to perform platform-specific tasks (like loading or

darshan-test/regression/bg-profile-conf-alcf/runjob.sh deleted
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# convert DXT env setting
-if [ -n "${DXT_ENABLE_IO_TRACE+defined}" ]; then
-# submit job and get job id
-jobid=`qsub --env DARSHAN_LOGFILE=$DARSHAN_LOGFILE $DXT_ENV --mode c16 --proccount $DARSHAN_DEFAULT_NPROCS -A radix-io -t 10 -n 1 --output $DARSHAN_TMP/$$-tmp.out --error $DARSHAN_TMP/$$-tmp.err --debuglog $DARSHAN_TMP/$$-tmp.debuglog "$@"`
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	echo "Error: failed to qsub $@"
-	exit 1
-# loop as long as qstat succeeds and shows information about job
-while [ -n "$output" -a "$rc" -eq 0 ]; do
-	sleep 5
-	output=`qstat $jobid`
-	rc=$?
-# look for return code
-grep "exit code of 0" $DARSHAN_TMP/$$-tmp.debuglog >& /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-	exit 1
-	exit 0

darshan-test/regression/workstation-static/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-cc-wrapper/env.sh
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # variables (as in a dynamically linked environment), or generate mpicc
 # wrappers (as in a statically linked environment).
-# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-static)
+# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-cc-wrapper)
 # This particular env script assumes that mpicc and its variants for other 
 # languages are already in the path.  The compiler scripts to be used in

darshan-test/regression/workstation-dynamic/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-ld-preload/env.sh
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 # variables (as in a dynamically linked environment), or generate mpicc
 # wrappers (as in a statically linked environment).
-# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-dynamic)_
+# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-ld-preload)
 # This particular env script assumes that mpicc and its variants for other 
 # languages are already in the path, and that they will produce dynamic
-# executables by default.  Test programs are compile usign the existing
+# executables by default.  Test programs are compiled using the existing
 # scripts, and LD_PRELOAD is set to enable instrumentation.
 # The runjob command is just mpiexec, no scheduler

darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf-dynamic/env.sh
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 # variables (as in a dynamically linked environment), or generate mpicc
 # wrappers (as in a statically linked environment).
-# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-dynamic)_
+# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-profile-conf-dynamic)
 # This particular env script assumes that mpicc and its variants for other 
-# languages are already in the path, and that they will produce static 
+# languages are already in the path, and that they will produce dynamic 
 # executables by default.  Darshan instrumentation is added by specifying
 # a profiling configuration file using environment variables.

darshan-test/regression/bg-profile-conf-alcf/env.sh → darshan-test/regression/workstation-profile-conf-static/env.sh
@@ -16,24 +16,26 @@
 # variables (as in a dynamically linked environment), or generate mpicc
 # wrappers (as in a statically linked environment).
-# Notes specific to this platform (bg-profile-conf-alcf)
+# Notes specific to this platform (workstation-profile-conf-static)
 # This particular env script assumes that mpicc and its variants for other 
 # languages are already in the path, and that they will produce static 
 # executables by default.  Darshan instrumentation is added by specifying
 # a profiling configuration file using environment variables.
-# the RUNJOB command is the most complex part here.  We use a script that submits
-# a cobalt job, waits for its completion, and checks its return status
+# The runjob command is just mpiexec, no scheduler
 export DARSHAN_CC=mpicc
 export DARSHAN_CXX=mpicxx
 export DARSHAN_F77=mpif77
 export DARSHAN_F90=mpif90
-export MPICC_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-bg-cc
-export MPICXX_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-bg-cxx
-export MPIF90_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-bg-f
-export MPIF77_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-bg-f
+export MPICC_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-cc-static
+export MPICXX_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-cxx-static
+export MPIF90_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-f-static
+export MPIF77_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-f-static
+# MPICH 3.1.1 and newer use MPIFORT rather than MPIF90 and MPIF77 in env var
+# name
+export MPIFORT_PROFILE=$DARSHAN_PATH/share/mpi-profile/darshan-f-static
-export DARSHAN_RUNJOB="bg-profile-conf-alcf/runjob.sh"

View it on GitLab: https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/darshan/darshan/compare/672cd7e9ebf3b8da190dc9197b02309690f1f868...59bb8f1db5bd54a10e499a80249d43ea24f2b71f

View it on GitLab: https://xgitlab.cels.anl.gov/darshan/darshan/compare/672cd7e9ebf3b8da190dc9197b02309690f1f868...59bb8f1db5bd54a10e499a80249d43ea24f2b71f
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