[Darshan-commits] [Git][darshan/darshan][master] 10 commits: only throwout empty stdin, stdout, stderr stdio recs

Shane Snyder xgitlab at cels.anl.gov
Fri Jan 11 15:47:11 CST 2019

Shane Snyder pushed to branch master at darshan / darshan

e0bc4a1a by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T20:36:02Z
only throwout empty stdin,stdout,stderr stdio recs

- - - - -
4d0c757c by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T22:15:00Z
add function to query name associated with recid

- - - - -
abdf2094 by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T22:16:29Z
add posix function for registering new fd

- - - - -
5afac01b by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T22:16:43Z
wrap fileno in stdio module, forward fd to posix

- - - - -
b38ff3c3 by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T22:32:00Z
add fileno counter support to posix, bump mod ver

- - - - -
cfc92e59 by Shane Snyder at 2018-12-05T23:05:35Z
remove unused var

- - - - -
76e23680 by Shane Snyder at 2019-01-11T17:19:25Z
implement proper handling of dup family of calls

- - - - -
14521976 by Shane Snyder at 2019-01-11T17:35:37Z
refactor interface between stdio/posix for fileno

- - - - -
db253374 by Shane Snyder at 2019-01-11T20:21:23Z
refactor code and properly handle fdopen

- - - - -
d20ef28f by Shane Snyder at 2019-01-11T21:46:54Z
Merge branch 'fileno-wrapping'

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- darshan-posix-log-format.h
- darshan-runtime/darshan.h
- darshan-runtime/lib/darshan-core.c
- darshan-runtime/lib/darshan-posix.c
- darshan-runtime/lib/darshan-stdio.c
- darshan-runtime/share/ld-opts/darshan-posix-ld-opts
- darshan-stdio-log-format.h


@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@
 /* current POSIX log format version */
     /* count of posix opens */\
+    /* count of number of filenos */\
+    /* count of number of dups */\
+    X(POSIX_DUPS) \
     /* count of posix reads */\
     /* count of posix writes */\

@@ -178,6 +178,14 @@ void *darshan_core_register_record(
     int rec_len,
     struct darshan_fs_info *fs_info);
+/* darshan_core_lookup_record_name()
+ *
+ * Looks up the name associated with a given Darshan record ID.
+ */
+char *darshan_core_lookup_record_name(
+    darshan_record_id rec_id);
 /* darshan_core_wtime()
  * Returns the elapsed time relative to (roughly) the start of

@@ -2108,6 +2108,21 @@ void *darshan_core_register_record(
+char *darshan_core_lookup_record_name(darshan_record_id rec_id)
+    struct darshan_core_name_record_ref *ref;
+    char *name = NULL;
+    HASH_FIND(hlink, darshan_core->name_hash, &rec_id,
+        sizeof(darshan_record_id), ref);
+    if(ref)
+        name = ref->name_record->name;
+    return(name);
 void darshan_instrument_fs_data(int fs_type, const char *path, int fd)

@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(open64, int, (const char *path, int flags, ...));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(__open_2, int, (const char *path, int oflag));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(creat, int, (const char* path, mode_t mode));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(creat64, int, (const char* path, mode_t mode));
+DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(dup, int, (int oldfd));
+DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(dup2, int, (int oldfd, int newfd));
+DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(dup3, int, (int oldfd, int newfd, int flags));
+DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(fileno, int, (FILE *stream));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(mkstemp, int, (char *template));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(mkostemp, int, (char *template, int flags));
 DARSHAN_FORWARD_DECL(mkstemps, int, (char *template, int suffixlen));
@@ -166,6 +170,9 @@ extern void dxt_posix_write(darshan_record_id rec_id, int64_t offset,
 extern void dxt_posix_read(darshan_record_id rec_id, int64_t offset,
     int64_t length, double start_time, double end_time);
+/* extern function def for querying record name from a STDIO stream */
+extern char *darshan_stdio_lookup_record_name(FILE *stream);
 static struct posix_runtime *posix_runtime = NULL;
 static pthread_mutex_t posix_runtime_mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP;
 static int my_rank = -1;
@@ -192,38 +199,49 @@ static int enable_dxt_io_trace = 0;
 } while(0)
 #define POSIX_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __path, __mode, __tm1, __tm2) do { \
-    darshan_record_id rec_id; \
-    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref; \
-    char *newpath; \
+    darshan_record_id __rec_id; \
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *__rec_ref; \
+    char *__newpath; \
     if(__ret < 0) break; \
-    newpath = darshan_clean_file_path(__path); \
-    if(!newpath) newpath = (char *)__path; \
-    if(darshan_core_excluded_path(newpath)) { \
-        if(newpath != __path) free(newpath); \
+    __newpath = darshan_clean_file_path(__path); \
+    if(!__newpath) __newpath = (char *)__path; \
+    if(darshan_core_excluded_path(__newpath)) { \
+        if(__newpath != __path) free(__newpath); \
         break; \
     } \
-    rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(newpath); \
-    rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->rec_id_hash, &rec_id, sizeof(darshan_record_id)); \
-    if(!rec_ref) rec_ref = posix_track_new_file_record(rec_id, newpath); \
-    if(!rec_ref) { \
-        if(newpath != __path) free(newpath); \
+    __rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(__newpath); \
+    __rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->rec_id_hash, &__rec_id, sizeof(darshan_record_id)); \
+    if(!__rec_ref) __rec_ref = posix_track_new_file_record(__rec_id, __newpath); \
+    if(!__rec_ref) { \
+        if(__newpath != __path) free(__newpath); \
         break; \
     } \
-    if(__mode) \
-        rec_ref->file_rec->counters[POSIX_MODE] = __mode; \
-    rec_ref->offset = 0; \
-    rec_ref->last_byte_written = 0; \
-    rec_ref->last_byte_read = 0; \
-    rec_ref->file_rec->counters[POSIX_OPENS] += 1; \
-    if(rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] == 0 || \
-     rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] > __tm1) \
-        rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] = __tm1; \
-    rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_END_TIMESTAMP] = __tm2; \
-    DARSHAN_TIMER_INC_NO_OVERLAP(rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_META_TIME], \
-        __tm1, __tm2, rec_ref->last_meta_end); \
-    darshan_add_record_ref(&(posix_runtime->fd_hash), &__ret, sizeof(int), rec_ref); \
-    darshan_instrument_fs_data(rec_ref->fs_type, newpath, __ret); \
-    if(newpath != __path) free(newpath); \
+    _POSIX_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __mode, __tm1, __tm2, 1, -1); \
+    darshan_instrument_fs_data(__rec_ref->fs_type, __newpath, __ret); \
+    if(__newpath != __path) free(__newpath); \
+} while(0)
+#define POSIX_RECORD_REFOPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __tm1, __tm2, __ref_counter) do { \
+    if(__ret < 0 || !__rec_ref) break; \
+    _POSIX_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, 0, __tm1, __tm2, 0, __ref_counter); \
+} while(0)
+#define _POSIX_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __mode, __tm1, __tm2, __reset_flag, __ref_counter) do { \
+    if(__mode) __rec_ref->file_rec->counters[POSIX_MODE] = __mode; \
+    if(__reset_flag) { \
+        __rec_ref->offset = 0; \
+        __rec_ref->last_byte_written = 0; \
+        __rec_ref->last_byte_read = 0; \
+    } \
+    __rec_ref->file_rec->counters[POSIX_OPENS] += 1; \
+    if(__ref_counter >= 0) __rec_ref->file_rec->counters[__ref_counter] += 1; \
+    if(__rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] == 0 || \
+     __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] > __tm1) \
+        __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] = __tm1; \
+    __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_OPEN_END_TIMESTAMP] = __tm2; \
+    DARSHAN_TIMER_INC_NO_OVERLAP(__rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[POSIX_F_META_TIME], \
+        __tm1, __tm2, __rec_ref->last_meta_end); \
+    darshan_add_record_ref(&(posix_runtime->fd_hash), &__ret, sizeof(int), __rec_ref); \
 } while(0)
 #define POSIX_RECORD_READ(__ret, __fd, __pread_flag, __pread_offset, __aligned, __tm1, __tm2) do { \
@@ -491,6 +509,111 @@ int DARSHAN_DECL(creat64)(const char* path, mode_t mode)
+int DARSHAN_DECL(dup)(int oldfd)
+    int ret;
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    double tm1, tm2;
+    MAP_OR_FAIL(dup);
+    tm1 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    ret = __real_dup(oldfd);
+    tm2 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    if(ret >= 0)
+    {
+        POSIX_PRE_RECORD();
+        rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->fd_hash,
+            &oldfd, sizeof(oldfd));
+        POSIX_RECORD_REFOPEN(ret, rec_ref, tm1, tm2, POSIX_DUPS);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+int DARSHAN_DECL(dup2)(int oldfd, int newfd)
+    int ret;
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    double tm1, tm2;
+    MAP_OR_FAIL(dup2);
+    tm1 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    ret = __real_dup2(oldfd, newfd);
+    tm2 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    if(ret >=0)
+    {
+        POSIX_PRE_RECORD();
+        rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->fd_hash,
+            &oldfd, sizeof(oldfd));
+        POSIX_RECORD_REFOPEN(ret, rec_ref, tm1, tm2, POSIX_DUPS);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+int DARSHAN_DECL(dup3)(int oldfd, int newfd, int flags)
+    int ret;
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    double tm1, tm2;
+    MAP_OR_FAIL(dup3);
+    tm1 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    ret = __real_dup3(oldfd, newfd, flags);
+    tm2 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    if(ret >=0)
+    {
+        POSIX_PRE_RECORD();
+        rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->fd_hash,
+            &oldfd, sizeof(oldfd));
+        POSIX_RECORD_REFOPEN(ret, rec_ref, tm1, tm2, POSIX_DUPS);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+int DARSHAN_DECL(fileno)(FILE *stream)
+    int ret;
+    double tm1, tm2;
+    darshan_record_id rec_id;
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    MAP_OR_FAIL(fileno);
+    tm1 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    ret = __real_fileno(stream);
+    tm2 = darshan_core_wtime();
+    if(ret >= 0)
+    {
+        char *rec_name = darshan_stdio_lookup_record_name(stream);
+        if(rec_name)
+        {
+            rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(rec_name);
+            POSIX_PRE_RECORD();
+            rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->rec_id_hash,
+                &rec_id, sizeof(darshan_record_id));
+            if(!rec_ref)
+                rec_ref = posix_track_new_file_record(rec_id, rec_name);
+            POSIX_RECORD_REFOPEN(ret, rec_ref, tm1, tm2, POSIX_FILENOS);
+            POSIX_POST_RECORD();
+        }
+    }
+    return(ret);
 int DARSHAN_DECL(mkstemp)(char* template)
     int ret;
@@ -1760,6 +1883,24 @@ static void posix_cleanup_runtime()
+char *darshan_posix_lookup_record_name(int fd)
+    struct posix_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    char *rec_name = NULL;
+    POSIX_LOCK();
+    if(posix_runtime)
+    {
+        rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(posix_runtime->fd_hash,
+            &fd, sizeof(fd));
+        if(rec_ref)
+            rec_name = darshan_core_lookup_record_name(rec_ref->file_rec->base_rec.id);
+    }
+    return(rec_name);
 /* posix module shutdown benchmark routine */
 void darshan_posix_shutdown_bench_setup(int test_case)

@@ -162,6 +162,16 @@ static struct stdio_file_record_ref *stdio_track_new_file_record(
     darshan_record_id rec_id, const char *path);
 static void stdio_cleanup_runtime();
+/* extern function def for querying record name from a POSIX fd */
+extern char *darshan_posix_lookup_record_name(int fd);
+/* we need access to fileno (defined in POSIX module) for instrumenting fopen calls */
+extern int (*__real_fileno)(FILE *stream);
+extern int __real_fileno(FILE *stream);
 #define STDIO_LOCK() pthread_mutex_lock(&stdio_runtime_mutex)
 #define STDIO_UNLOCK() pthread_mutex_unlock(&stdio_runtime_mutex)
@@ -180,35 +190,46 @@ static void stdio_cleanup_runtime();
 } while(0)
 #define STDIO_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __path, __tm1, __tm2) do { \
-    darshan_record_id rec_id; \
-    struct stdio_file_record_ref* rec_ref; \
-    char *newpath; \
+    darshan_record_id __rec_id; \
+    struct stdio_file_record_ref *__rec_ref; \
+    char *__newpath; \
     int __fd; \
-    if(__ret == NULL) break; \
-    newpath = darshan_clean_file_path(__path); \
-    if(!newpath) newpath = (char*)__path; \
-    if(darshan_core_excluded_path(newpath)) { \
-        if(newpath != (char*)__path) free(newpath); \
+    MAP_OR_FAIL(fileno); \
+    if(!__ret || !__path) break; \
+    __newpath = darshan_clean_file_path(__path); \
+    if(!__newpath) __newpath = (char*)__path; \
+    if(darshan_core_excluded_path(__newpath)) { \
+        if(__newpath != (char*)__path) free(__newpath); \
         break; \
     } \
-    rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(newpath); \
-    rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(stdio_runtime->rec_id_hash, &rec_id, sizeof(rec_id)); \
-    if(!rec_ref) rec_ref = stdio_track_new_file_record(rec_id, newpath); \
-    if(!rec_ref) { \
-        if(newpath != (char*)__path) free(newpath); \
+    __rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(__newpath); \
+    __rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(stdio_runtime->rec_id_hash, &__rec_id, sizeof(darshan_record_id)); \
+    if(!__rec_ref) __rec_ref = stdio_track_new_file_record(__rec_id, __newpath); \
+    if(!__rec_ref) { \
+        if(__newpath != (char*)__path) free(__newpath); \
         break; \
     } \
-    rec_ref->offset = 0; \
-    rec_ref->file_rec->counters[STDIO_OPENS] += 1; \
-    if(rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] == 0 || \
-     rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] > __tm1) \
-        rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] = __tm1; \
-    rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_END_TIMESTAMP] = __tm2; \
-    DARSHAN_TIMER_INC_NO_OVERLAP(rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_META_TIME], __tm1, __tm2, rec_ref->last_meta_end); \
-    darshan_add_record_ref(&(stdio_runtime->stream_hash), &(__ret), sizeof(__ret), rec_ref); \
-    __fd = fileno(__ret); \
-    darshan_instrument_fs_data(rec_ref->fs_type, newpath, __fd); \
-    if(newpath != (char*)__path) free(newpath); \
+    _STDIO_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __tm1, __tm2, 1, -1); \
+    __fd = __real_fileno(__ret); \
+    darshan_instrument_fs_data(__rec_ref->fs_type, __newpath, __fd); \
+    if(__newpath != (char*)__path) free(__newpath); \
+} while(0)
+#define STDIO_RECORD_REFOPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __tm1, __tm2, __ref_counter) do { \
+    if(!ret || !rec_ref) break; \
+    _STDIO_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __tm1, __tm2, 0, __ref_counter); \
+} while(0)
+#define _STDIO_RECORD_OPEN(__ret, __rec_ref, __tm1, __tm2, __reset_flag, __ref_counter) do { \
+    if(__reset_flag) __rec_ref->offset = 0; \
+    __rec_ref->file_rec->counters[STDIO_OPENS] += 1; \
+    if(__ref_counter >= 0) __rec_ref->file_rec->counters[__ref_counter] += 1; \
+    if(__rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] == 0 || \
+     __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] > __tm1) \
+        __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_START_TIMESTAMP] = __tm1; \
+    __rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_OPEN_END_TIMESTAMP] = __tm2; \
+    DARSHAN_TIMER_INC_NO_OVERLAP(__rec_ref->file_rec->fcounters[STDIO_F_META_TIME], __tm1, __tm2, __rec_ref->last_meta_end); \
+    darshan_add_record_ref(&(stdio_runtime->stream_hash), &(__ret), sizeof(__ret), __rec_ref); \
 } while(0)
@@ -291,6 +312,8 @@ FILE* DARSHAN_DECL(fdopen)(int fd, const char *mode)
     FILE* ret;
     double tm1, tm2;
+    darshan_record_id rec_id;
+    struct stdio_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
@@ -298,9 +321,23 @@ FILE* DARSHAN_DECL(fdopen)(int fd, const char *mode)
     ret = __real_fdopen(fd, mode);
     tm2 = darshan_core_wtime();
-    STDIO_RECORD_OPEN(ret, "UNKNOWN-FDOPEN", tm1, tm2);
+    if(ret)
+    {
+        char *rec_name = darshan_posix_lookup_record_name(fd);
+        if(rec_name)
+        {
+            rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id(rec_name);
+            STDIO_PRE_RECORD();
+            rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(stdio_runtime->rec_id_hash,
+                &rec_id, sizeof(darshan_record_id));
+            if(!rec_ref)
+                rec_ref = stdio_track_new_file_record(rec_id, rec_name);
+            STDIO_RECORD_REFOPEN(ret, rec_ref, tm1, tm2, STDIO_FDOPENS);
+            STDIO_POST_RECORD();
+        }
+    }
@@ -949,7 +986,6 @@ int DARSHAN_DECL(fsetpos64)(FILE *stream, const fpos64_t *pos)
  * Internal functions for manipulating STDIO module state *
@@ -1228,18 +1264,26 @@ static void stdio_shutdown(
      * logic above has likely broken the mapping to the static array.
      * We walk it manually here instead.
+    darshan_record_id stdin_rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id("<STDIN>");
+    darshan_record_id stdout_rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id("<STDOUT>");
+    darshan_record_id stderr_rec_id = darshan_core_gen_record_id("<STDERR>");
     for(i=0; i<stdio_rec_count; i++)
-        if(stdio_rec_buf[i].counters[STDIO_WRITES] == 0 &&
-            stdio_rec_buf[i].counters[STDIO_READS] == 0)
+        if((stdio_rec_buf[i].base_rec.id == stdin_rec_id) ||
+           (stdio_rec_buf[i].base_rec.id == stdout_rec_id) ||
+           (stdio_rec_buf[i].base_rec.id == stderr_rec_id))
-            if(i != (stdio_rec_count-1))
+            if(stdio_rec_buf[i].counters[STDIO_WRITES] == 0 &&
+                stdio_rec_buf[i].counters[STDIO_READS] == 0)
-                memmove(&stdio_rec_buf[i], &stdio_rec_buf[i+1],
-                    (stdio_rec_count-i-1)*sizeof(stdio_rec_buf[i]));
-                i--;
+                if(i != (stdio_rec_count-1))
+                {
+                    memmove(&stdio_rec_buf[i], &stdio_rec_buf[i+1],
+                        (stdio_rec_count-i-1)*sizeof(stdio_rec_buf[i]));
+                    i--;
+                }
+                stdio_rec_count--;
-            stdio_rec_count--;
@@ -1398,6 +1442,23 @@ static void stdio_shared_record_variance(MPI_Comm mod_comm,
+char *darshan_stdio_lookup_record_name(FILE *stream)
+    struct stdio_file_record_ref *rec_ref;
+    char *rec_name = NULL;
+    STDIO_LOCK();
+    if(stdio_runtime)
+    {
+        rec_ref = darshan_lookup_record_ref(stdio_runtime->stream_hash,
+            &stream, sizeof(stream));
+        if(rec_ref)
+            rec_name = darshan_core_lookup_record_name(rec_ref->file_rec->base_rec.id);
+    }
+    return(rec_name);
  * Local variables:

@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
@@ -36,3 +39,4 @@

@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
     /* count of fopens */\
+    /* count of fdopens */\
     /* number of reads */ \
     /* number of writes */ \

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