[Darshan-commits] [Darshan] branch, dev-modular, updated. darshan-2.3.1-159-gfab0224

Service Account git at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 25 14:31:30 CDT 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "".

The branch, dev-modular has been updated
       via  fab0224e40a04833418f345e4b391fa918156e44 (commit)
       via  e5172a88ac2646efa6049bc41e2ccafe51ea33ab (commit)
      from  168fe00f798234d2da5bdd059939eb38f59f04c6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fab0224e40a04833418f345e4b391fa918156e44
Author: Shane Snyder <ssnyder at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Tue Aug 25 14:30:44 2015 -0500

    stubbed out version of job summary script

commit e5172a88ac2646efa6049bc41e2ccafe51ea33ab
Author: Shane Snyder <ssnyder at mcs.anl.gov>
Date:   Tue Aug 25 14:17:39 2015 -0500

    remove load-mysql source


Summary of changes:
 .../bin/darshan-job-summary.pl.in                  | 1350 +-------------------
 darshan-util/darshan-load-mysql.c                  |  509 --------
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1856 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 darshan-util/darshan-load-mysql.c

Diff of changes:
diff --git a/darshan-util/darshan-job-summary/bin/darshan-job-summary.pl.in b/darshan-util/darshan-job-summary/bin/darshan-job-summary.pl.in
index 1663244..13041ed 100755
--- a/darshan-util/darshan-job-summary/bin/darshan-job-summary.pl.in
+++ b/darshan-util/darshan-job-summary/bin/darshan-job-summary.pl.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
-#  (C) 2009 by Argonne National Laboratory.
+#  (C) 2015 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 #      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
@@ -18,1315 +18,6 @@ use English;
 use Number::Bytes::Human qw(format_bytes);
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
-# system commands used
-my $darshan_parser = "$PREFIX/bin/darshan-parser";
-my $pdflatex       = "pdflatex";
-my $epstopdf       = "epstopdf";
-my $cp             = "cp";
-my $mv             = "mv";
-my $gnuplot;
-# Prefer gnuplot installed with darshan, if present.
-if(-x "$PREFIX/bin/gnuplot")
-    $gnuplot       = "$PREFIX/bin/gnuplot";
-    $gnuplot       = "gnuplot";
-my $orig_dir = getcwd;
-my $output_file = "summary.pdf";
-my $verbose_flag = 0;
-my $input_file = "";
-my %access_hash = ();
-my @access_size = ();
-my %hash_files = ();
-my $size_est_flag = 0;
-my $read_interval_overflow_flag = 0;
-my $write_interval_overflow_flag = 0;
-# data structures for calculating performance
-my %hash_unique_file_time = ();
-my $shared_file_time = 0;
-my $total_job_bytes = 0;
-my $tmp_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => !$verbose_flag );
-if ($verbose_flag)
-    print "verbose: $tmp_dir\n";
-open(TRACE, "$darshan_parser $input_file |") || die("Can't execute \"$darshan_parser $input_file\": $!\n");
-open(FA_READ, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-read.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-open(FA_WRITE, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-write.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-open(FA_READ_SH, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-read-sh.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-open(FA_WRITE_SH, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-write-sh.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-my $last_read_start = 0;
-my $last_write_start = 0;
-my $cumul_read_indep = 0;
-my $cumul_read_bytes_indep = 0;
-my $cumul_write_indep = 0;
-my $cumul_write_bytes_indep = 0;
-my $cumul_read_shared = 0;
-my $cumul_read_bytes_shared = 0;
-my $cumul_write_shared = 0;
-my $cumul_write_bytes_shared = 0;
-my $cumul_meta_shared = 0;
-my $cumul_meta_indep = 0;
-my $first_data_line = 1;
-my $current_rank = 0;
-my $current_hash = 0;
-my %file_record_hash = ();
-my %fs_data = ();
-while ($line = <TRACE>) {
-    chomp($line);
-    if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
-        # ignore blank lines
-    }
-    elsif ($line =~ /^#/) {
-	if ($line =~ /^# exe: /) {
-	    ($junk, $cmdline) = split(':', $line, 2);
-            # add escape characters if needed for special characters in
-            # command line
-            $cmdline = encode('latex', $cmdline);
-	}
-	if ($line =~ /^# nprocs: /) {
-	    ($junk, $nprocs) = split(':', $line, 2);
-	    $procreads[$nprocs] = 0;
-	}
-	if ($line =~ /^# run time: /) {
-	    ($junk, $runtime) = split(':', $line, 2);
-	}
-	if ($line =~ /^# start_time: /) {
-	    ($junk, $starttime) = split(':', $line, 2);
-	}
-	if ($line =~ /^# uid: /) {
-	    ($junk, $uid) = split(':', $line, 2);
-	}
-        if ($line =~ /^# jobid: /) {
-	    ($junk, $jobid) = split(':', $line, 2);
-        }
-        if ($line =~ /^# darshan log version: /) {
-            ($junk, $version) = split(':', $line, 2);
-            $version =~ s/^\s+//;
-            ($major, $minor) = split(/\./, $version, 2);
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        # parse line
-	@fields = split(/[\t ]+/, $line);
-        # encode the file system name to protect against special characters
-        $fields[5] = encode('latex', $fields[5]);
-        # is this our first piece of data?
-        if($first_data_line)
-        {
-            $current_rank = $fields[0];
-            $current_hash = $fields[1];
-            $first_data_line = 0;
-        }
-        # is this a new file record?
-        if($fields[0] != $current_rank || $fields[1] != $current_hash)
-        {
-            # process previous record
-            process_file_record($current_rank, $current_hash, \%file_record_hash);
-            # reset variables for next record 
-            $current_rank = $fields[0];
-            $current_hash = $fields[1];
-            %file_record_hash = ();
-            $file_record_hash{CP_NAME_SUFFIX} = $fields[4];
-        }
-        $file_record_hash{$fields[2]} = $fields[3];
-	$summary{$fields[2]} += $fields[3];
-	# record per-process POSIX read count
-	if ($fields[2] eq "CP_POSIX_READS" || $fields[2] eq "CP_POSIX_FREADS") {
-	    if ($fields[0] == -1) {
-		$procreads[$nprocs] += $fields[3];
-	    }
-	    else {
-		$procreads[$fields[0]] += $fields[3];
-	    }
-	}
-	# record per-proces POSIX write count
-	if ($fields[2] eq "CP_POSIX_WRITES" || $fields[2] eq "CP_POSIX_FWRITES") {
-	    if ($fields[0] == -1) {
-		$procwrites[$nprocs] += $fields[3];
-	    }
-	    else {
-		$procwrites[$fields[0]] += $fields[3];
-	    }
-	}
-        # seperate accumulators for independent and shared reads and writes
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME" && $fields[0] == -1){
-            $cumul_read_shared += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME" && $fields[0] != -1){
-            $cumul_read_indep += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME" && $fields[0] == -1){
-            $cumul_write_shared += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME" && $fields[0] != -1){
-            $cumul_write_indep += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME" && $fields[0] == -1){
-            $cumul_meta_shared += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME" && $fields[0] != -1){
-            $cumul_meta_indep += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ((($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_READ") or
-             ($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_WRITTEN")) and
-            not defined($fs_data{$fields[5]}))
-        {
-            $fs_data{$fields[5]} = [0,0];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_READ" && $fields[0] == -1){
-            $cumul_read_bytes_shared += $fields[3];
-            $fs_data{$fields[5]}->[0] += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_READ" && $fields[0] != -1){
-            $cumul_read_bytes_indep += $fields[3];
-            $fs_data{$fields[5]}->[0] += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_WRITTEN" && $fields[0] == -1){
-            $cumul_write_bytes_shared += $fields[3];
-            $fs_data{$fields[5]}->[1] += $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_BYTES_WRITTEN" && $fields[0] != -1){
-            $cumul_write_bytes_indep += $fields[3];
-            $fs_data{$fields[5]}->[1] += $fields[3];
-        }
-        # record start and end of reads and writes
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_READ_START_TIMESTAMP") {
-            # store until we find the end
-            # adjust for systems that give absolute time stamps
-            $last_read_start = $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_READ_END_TIMESTAMP" && $fields[3] != 0) {
-            # assume we got the read start already 
-            my $xdelta = $fields[3] - $last_read_start;
-            # adjust for systems that have absolute time stamps 
-            if($last_read_start > $starttime) {
-                $last_read_start -= $starttime;
-            }
-            if($fields[3] > $runtime && !$read_interval_overflow_flag)
-            {
-                $read_interval_overflow_flag = 1;
-                print "Warning: detected read access at time $fields[3] but runtime is only $runtime seconds.\n";
-            }
-            if($fields[0] == -1){
-                print FA_READ_SH "$last_read_start\t0\t$xdelta\t0\n";
-            }
-            else{
-                print FA_READ "$last_read_start\t$fields[0]\t$xdelta\t0\n";
-            }
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_WRITE_START_TIMESTAMP") {
-            # store until we find the end
-            $last_write_start = $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] eq "CP_F_WRITE_END_TIMESTAMP" && $fields[3] != 0) {
-            # assume we got the write start already 
-            my $xdelta = $fields[3] - $last_write_start;
-            # adjust for systems that have absolute time stamps 
-            if($last_write_start > $starttime) {
-                $last_write_start -= $starttime;
-            }
-            if($fields[3] > $runtime && !$write_interval_overflow_flag)
-            {
-                $write_interval_overflow_flag = 1;
-                print "Warning: detected write access at time $fields[3] but runtime is only $runtime seconds.\n";
-            }
-            if($fields[0] == -1){
-                print FA_WRITE_SH "$last_write_start\t0\t$xdelta\t0\n";
-            }
-            else{
-                print FA_WRITE "$last_write_start\t$fields[0]\t$xdelta\t0\n";
-            }
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] =~ /^CP_ACCESS(.)_ACCESS/) {
-            $access_size[$1] = $fields[3];
-        }
-        if ($fields[2] =~ /^CP_ACCESS(.)_COUNT/) {
-            my $tmp_access_size = $access_size[$1];
-            if(defined $access_hash{$tmp_access_size}){
-                $access_hash{$tmp_access_size} += $fields[3];
-            }
-            else{
-                $access_hash{$tmp_access_size} = $fields[3];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-close(TRACE) || die "darshan-parser failure: $! $?";
-# Exit out if there are no actual file accesses
-if ($first_data_line)
-    $strtm = strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime($starttime));
-    print "This darshan log has no file records. No summary was produced.\n";
-    print "    jobid:$jobid\n";
-    print "      uid:$uid\n";
-    print "starttime: $strtm ($starttime )\n";
-    print "  runtime:$runtime (seconds)\n";
-    print "   nprocs:$nprocs\n";
-    print "  version: $version\n";
-    exit(1);
-# process last file record
-$file_record_hash{CP_NAME_SUFFIX} = $fields[4];
-process_file_record($current_rank, $current_hash, \%file_record_hash);
-# Fudge one point at the end to make xrange match in read and write plots.
-# For some reason I can't get the xrange command to work.  -Phil
-print FA_READ "$runtime\t-1\t0\t0\n";
-print FA_WRITE "$runtime\t-1\t0\t0\n";
-print FA_READ_SH "$runtime\t0\t0\t0\n";
-print FA_WRITE_SH "$runtime\t0\t0\t0\n";
-# counts of operations
-open(COUNTS, ">$tmp_dir/counts.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print COUNTS "# P=POSIX, MI=MPI-IO indep., MC=MPI-IO coll., R=read, W=write\n";
-print COUNTS "# PR, MIR, MCR, PW, MIW, MCW, Popen, Pseek, Pstat\n";
-my $total_posix_opens = $summary{CP_POSIX_OPENS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FOPENS};
-my $total_syncs = $summary{CP_POSIX_FSYNCS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FDSYNCS};
-print COUNTS "Read, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_READS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FREADS}, ", ",
-    $summary{CP_INDEP_READS}, ", ", $summary{CP_COLL_READS}, "\n",
-    "Write, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_WRITES} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FWRITES}, ", ", 
-    $summary{CP_INDEP_WRITES}, ", ", $summary{CP_COLL_WRITES}, "\n",
-    "Open, ", $total_posix_opens, ", ", $summary{CP_INDEP_OPENS},", ",
-    $summary{CP_COLL_OPENS}, "\n",
-    "Stat, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_STATS}, ", 0, 0\n",
-    "Seek, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_SEEKS}, ", 0, 0\n",
-    "Mmap, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_MMAPS}, ", 0, 0\n",
-    "Fsync, ", $total_syncs, ", 0, 0\n";
-close COUNTS;
-# histograms of reads and writes
-open (HIST, ">$tmp_dir/hist.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print HIST "# size_range read write\n";
-print HIST "0-100, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_0_100}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_0_100}, "\n";
-print HIST "101-1K, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_100_1K}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_100_1K}, "\n";
-print HIST "1K-10K, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_1K_10K}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_1K_10K}, "\n";
-print HIST "10K-100K, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_10K_100K}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_10K_100K}, "\n";
-print HIST "100K-1M, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_100K_1M}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_100K_1M}, "\n";
-print HIST "1M-4M, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_1M_4M}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_1M_4M}, "\n";
-print HIST "4M-10M, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_4M_10M}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_4M_10M}, "\n";
-print HIST "10M-100M, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_10M_100M}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_10M_100M}, "\n";
-print HIST "100M-1G, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_100M_1G}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_100M_1G}, "\n";
-print HIST "1G+, ", $summary{CP_SIZE_READ_1G_PLUS}, ", ",
-                 $summary{CP_SIZE_WRITE_1G_PLUS}, "\n";
-close HIST;
-# sequential and consecutive accesses
-open (PATTERN, ">$tmp_dir/pattern.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print PATTERN "# op total sequential consecutive\n";
-print PATTERN "Read, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_READS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FREADS}, ", ",
-    $summary{CP_SEQ_READS}, ", ", $summary{CP_CONSEC_READS}, "\n";
-print PATTERN "Write, ", $summary{CP_POSIX_WRITES} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FWRITES}, ", ",
-    $summary{CP_SEQ_WRITES}, ", ", $summary{CP_CONSEC_WRITES}, "\n";
-close PATTERN;
-# aligned I/O
-open (ALIGN, ">$tmp_dir/align.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print ALIGN "# total unaligned_mem unaligned_file align_mem align_file\n";
-print ALIGN $summary{CP_POSIX_READS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_WRITES} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FREADS} + $summary{CP_POSIX_FWRITES}
-, ", ",
-    $summary{CP_MEM_NOT_ALIGNED}, ", ", $summary{CP_FILE_NOT_ALIGNED}, "\n";
-close ALIGN;
-# MPI types
-open (TYPES, ">$tmp_dir/types.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print TYPES "# type use_count\n";
-print TYPES "Named, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_NAMED}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Dup, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_DUP}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Contig, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Vector, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_VECTOR}, "\n";
-print TYPES "HvecInt, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_HVECTOR_INTEGER}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Hvector, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_HVECTOR}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Indexed, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_INDEXED}, "\n";
-print TYPES "HindInt, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_HINDEXED_INTEGER}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Hindexed, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_HINDEXED}, "\n";
-print TYPES "IndBlk, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_INDEXED_BLOCK}, "\n";
-print TYPES "StructInt, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_STRUCT_INTEGER}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Struct, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_STRUCT}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Subarray, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_SUBARRAY}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Darray, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_DARRAY}, "\n";
-print TYPES "F90Real, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_F90_REAL}, "\n";
-print TYPES "F90Complex, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_F90_COMPLEX}, "\n";
-print TYPES "F90Int, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_F90_INTEGER}, "\n";
-print TYPES "Resized, ", $summary{CP_COMBINER_RESIZED}, "\n";
-close TYPES;
-# generate histogram of process I/O counts
-$minprocread = (defined $procreads[0]) ? $procreads[0] : 0;
-$maxprocread = (defined $procreads[0]) ? $procreads[0] : 0;
-for ($i=1; $i < $nprocs; $i++) {
-    $rdi = (defined $procreads[$i]) ? $procreads[$i] : 0;
-    $minprocread = ($rdi > $minprocread) ? $minprocread : $rdi;
-    $maxprocread = ($rdi < $maxprocread) ? $maxprocread : $rdi;
-$minprocread += $procreads[$nprocs];
-$maxprocread += $procreads[$nprocs];
-# print "$minprocread $maxprocread\n";
- at bucket = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
-for ($i=0; $i < $nprocs; $i++) {
-    $mysize = ((defined $procreads[$i]) ? $procreads[$i] : 0) +
-	$procreads[$nprocs];
-    $mysize -= $minprocread;
-    $mybucket = ($mysize > 0) ?
-	(($mysize * 10) / ($maxprocread - $minprocread)) : 0;
-    $bucket[$mybucket]++;
-open(IODIST, ">$tmp_dir/iodist.dat") || die("error opening output file: $!\n");
-print IODIST "# bucket n_procs_rd n_procs_wr\n";
-$bucketsize = $maxprocread - $minprocread / 10;
-# TODO: do writes also, is dropping a 0 in for now
-for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {
-    print IODIST $bucketsize * $i + $minprocread, "-",
-    $bucketsize * ($i+1) + $minprocread, ", ", $bucket[$i], ", 0\n";
-close IODIST;
-# generate title for summary
-($executable, $junk) = split(' ', $cmdline, 2);
- at parts = split('/', $executable);
-$cmd = $parts[$#parts];
- at timearray = localtime($starttime);
-$year = $timearray[5] + 1900;
-$mon = $timearray[4] + 1;
-$mday = $timearray[3];
-open(TITLE, ">$tmp_dir/title.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print TITLE "
-\\rhead{\\thepage\\ of \\pageref{LastPage}}
-\\large $cmd ($mon/$mday/$year)
-\\large $cmd ($mon/$mday/$year)
-close TITLE;
-open(TABLES, ">$tmp_dir/job-table.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print TABLES "
-jobid: $jobid \& uid: $uid \& nprocs: $nprocs \& runtime: $runtime seconds\\\\
-close TABLES;
-open(TABLES, ">$tmp_dir/access-table.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print TABLES "
-\\multicolumn{2}{c}{ } \\\\
-\\multicolumn{2}{c}{Most Common Access Sizes} \\\\
-access size \& count \\\\
-# sort access sizes (descending)
-my $i = 0;
-foreach $value (sort {$access_hash{$b} <=> $access_hash{$a} } keys %access_hash) {
-    if($i == 4) {
-        last;
-    }
-    if($access_hash{$value} == 0) {
-        last;
-    }
-    print TABLES "$value \& $access_hash{$value} \\\\\n";
-    $i++;
-print TABLES "
-close TABLES;
-open(TABLES, ">$tmp_dir/file-count-table.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print TABLES "
-\\multicolumn{4}{c}{ } \\\\
-\\multicolumn{4}{c}{File Count Summary} \\\\
-if($size_est_flag == 1)
-print TABLES "
-\\multicolumn{4}{c}{(estimated by I/O access offsets)} \\\\
-print TABLES "
-type \& number of files \& avg. size \& max size \\\\
-my $counter;
-my $sum;
-my $max;
-my $key;
-my $avg;
-$counter = 0;
-$sum = 0;
-$max = 0;
-foreach $key (keys %hash_files) {
-    $counter++;
-    if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} >
-        $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'})
-    {
-        $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} > $max)
-        {
-            $max = $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > $max)
-        {
-            $max = $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-        }
-    }
-if($counter > 0) { $avg = $sum / $counter; }
-else { $avg = 0; }
-$avg = format_bytes($avg);
-$max = format_bytes($max);
-print TABLES "total opened \& $counter \& $avg \& $max \\\\\n";
-$counter = 0;
-$sum = 0;
-$max = 0;
-foreach $key (keys %hash_files) {
-    if($hash_files{$key}{'was_read'} && !($hash_files{$key}{'was_written'}))
-    {
-        $counter++;
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} >
-            $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'})
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-if($counter > 0) { $avg = $sum / $counter; }
-else { $avg = 0; }
-$avg = format_bytes($avg);
-$max = format_bytes($max);
-print TABLES "read-only files \& $counter \& $avg \& $max \\\\\n";
-$counter = 0;
-$sum = 0;
-$max = 0;
-foreach $key (keys %hash_files) {
-    if(!($hash_files{$key}{'was_read'}) && $hash_files{$key}{'was_written'})
-    {
-        $counter++;
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} >
-            $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'})
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-if($counter > 0) { $avg = $sum / $counter; }
-else { $avg = 0; }
-$avg = format_bytes($avg);
-$max = format_bytes($max);
-print TABLES "write-only files \& $counter \& $avg \& $max \\\\\n";
-$counter = 0;
-$sum = 0;
-$max = 0;
-foreach $key (keys %hash_files) {
-    if($hash_files{$key}{'was_read'} && $hash_files{$key}{'was_written'})
-    {
-        $counter++;
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} >
-            $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'})
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-if($counter > 0) { $avg = $sum / $counter; }
-else { $avg = 0; }
-$avg = format_bytes($avg);
-$max = format_bytes($max);
-print TABLES "read/write files \& $counter \& $avg \& $max \\\\\n";
-$counter = 0;
-$sum = 0;
-$max = 0;
-foreach $key (keys %hash_files) {
-    if($hash_files{$key}{'was_written'} &&
-        $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} == 0 &&
-        $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > 0)
-    {
-        $counter++;
-        if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} >
-            $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'})
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'min_open_size'};
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $sum += $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            if($hash_files{$key}{'max_size'} > $max)
-            {
-                $max = $hash_files{$key}{'max_size'};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-if($counter > 0) { $avg = $sum / $counter; }
-else { $avg = 0; }
-$avg = format_bytes($avg);
-$max = format_bytes($max);
-print TABLES "created files \& $counter \& $avg \& $max \\\\\n";
-print TABLES "
-# Generate Per Filesystem Data
-open(TABLES, ">$tmp_dir/fs-data-table.tex") || die("error opening output files:$!\n");
-if (($major > 1) or ($minor > 23))
-    print TABLES "
-    \\begin{tabular}{c|r|r|r|r}
-    \\multicolumn{5}{c}{ } \\\\
-    \\multicolumn{5}{c}{Data Transfer Per Filesystem} \\\\
-    \\hline
-    \\multirow{2}{*}{File System} \& \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Write} \\vline \& \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Read} \\\\
-    \\cline{2-5}
-    \& MiB \& Ratio \& MiB \& Ratio \\\\\
-    \\hline
-    \\hline
-    ";
-    foreach $key (keys %fs_data)
-    {
-        my $wr_total_mb = ($fs_data{$key}->[1] / (1024*1024));
-        my $rd_total_mb = ($fs_data{$key}->[0] / (1024*1024));
-        my $wr_total_rt;
-        if ($cumul_write_bytes_shared+$cumul_write_bytes_indep)
-        {
-            $wr_total_rt = ($fs_data{$key}->[1] / ($cumul_write_bytes_shared + $cumul_write_bytes_indep));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $wr_total_rt = 0;
-        }
-        my $rd_total_rt;
-        if ($cumul_read_bytes_shared+$cumul_read_bytes_indep)
-        {
-            $rd_total_rt = ($fs_data{$key}->[0] / ($cumul_read_bytes_shared + $cumul_read_bytes_indep));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $rd_total_rt = 0;
-        }
-        printf TABLES "%s \& %.5f \& %.5f \& %.5f \& %.5f \\\\\n",
-            $key, $wr_total_mb, $wr_total_rt, $rd_total_mb, $rd_total_rt;
-print TABLES "
-    print TABLES "
-\\parbox{5in}{Log versions prior to 1.24 do not support per-filesystem data.}
-open(TIME, ">$tmp_dir/time-summary.dat") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print TIME "# <type>, <app time>, <read>, <write>, <meta>\n";
-print TIME "POSIX, ", ((($runtime * $nprocs - $summary{CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME} -
-    $summary{CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME} -
-    $summary{CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME})/($runtime * $nprocs)) * 100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100), "\n";
-print TIME "MPI-IO, ", ((($runtime * $nprocs - $summary{CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME} -
-    $summary{CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME} -
-    $summary{CP_F_MPI_META_TIME})/($runtime * $nprocs)) * 100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100);
-print TIME ", ", (($summary{CP_F_MPI_META_TIME}/($runtime * $nprocs))*100), "\n";
-close TIME;
-# copy template files to tmp tmp_dir
-system "$cp $PREFIX/share/*.gplt $tmp_dir/";
-system "$cp $PREFIX/share/*.tex $tmp_dir/";
-# generate template for file access plot (we have to set range)
-my $ymax = $nprocs;
-my $yinc = int($nprocs / 8);
-if($yinc == 0) {$yinc=1;}
-my $ymaxtic = $nprocs-1;
-open(FILEACC, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-read-eps.gplt") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print FILEACC "#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
-set terminal postscript eps color solid font \"Helvetica\" 18 size 10in,2.5in
-set output \"file-access-read.eps\"
-set ylabel \"MPI rank\"
-set xlabel \"hours:minutes:seconds\"
-set xdata time
-set timefmt \"%s\"
-set format x \"%H:%M:%S\"
-set yrange [-1:$ymax]
-set title \"Timespan from first to last read access on independent files\"
-set xrange [\"0\":\"$runtime\"]
-set ytics 0,$yinc,$ymaxtic
-#set ytics -1,1
-set lmargin 4
-# color blindness work around
-set style line 2 lc 3
-set style line 3 lc 4
-set style line 4 lc 5
-set style line 5 lc 2
-set style increment user
-# lw 3 to make lines thicker...
-# note that writes are slightly offset for better visibility
-plot \"file-access-read.dat\" using 1:2:3:4 with vectors nohead filled notitle
-close FILEACC;
-open(FILEACC, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-write-eps.gplt") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print FILEACC "#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
-set terminal postscript eps color solid font \"Helvetica\" 18 size 10in,2.5in
-set output \"file-access-write.eps\"
-set ylabel \"MPI rank\"
-set xlabel \"hours:minutes:seconds\"
-set xdata time
-set timefmt \"%s\"
-set format x \"%H:%M:%S\"
-set title \"Timespan from first to last write access on independent files\"
-set yrange [-1:$ymax]
-set xrange [\"0\":\"$runtime\"]
-#set ytics -1,1
-set ytics 0,$yinc,$ymaxtic
-set lmargin 4
-# color blindness work around
-set style line 2 lc 3
-set style line 3 lc 4
-set style line 4 lc 5
-set style line 5 lc 2
-set style increment user
-# lw 3 to make lines thicker...
-plot \"file-access-write.dat\" using 1:2:3:4 with vectors nohead filled lt 2 notitle
-close FILEACC;
-open(FILEACC, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-shared-eps.gplt") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print FILEACC "#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
-set terminal postscript eps color solid font \"Helvetica\" 18 size 10in,2.5in
-set output \"file-access-shared.eps\"
-set xlabel \"hours:minutes:seconds\"
-set xdata time
-set timefmt \"%s\"
-set format x \"%H:%M:%S\"
-unset ytics
-set ylabel \"All processes\"
-set xrange [\"0\":\"$runtime\"]
-set yrange [-1:1]
-set title \"Timespan from first to last access on files shared by all processes\"
-set lmargin 4
-# color blindness work around
-set style line 2 lc 3
-set style line 3 lc 4
-set style line 4 lc 5
-set style line 5 lc 2
-set style increment user
-plot \"file-access-read-sh.dat\" using 1:2:3:4 with vectors nohead filled lw 10 title \"read\", \\
-\"file-access-write-sh.dat\" using 1:((\$2)-.2):3:4 with vectors nohead filled lw 10 title \"write\"
-close FILEACC;
-$cumul_read_indep /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_read_bytes_indep /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_read_bytes_indep /= 1048576.0;
-$cumul_write_indep /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_write_bytes_indep /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_write_bytes_indep /= 1048576.0;
-$cumul_read_shared /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_read_bytes_shared /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_read_bytes_shared /= 1048576.0;
-$cumul_write_shared /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_write_bytes_shared /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_write_bytes_shared /= 1048576.0;
-$cumul_meta_shared /= $nprocs;
-$cumul_meta_indep /= $nprocs;
-open(FILEACC, ">$tmp_dir/file-access-table.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print FILEACC "
-\\multicolumn{3}{c}{Average I/O per process} \\\\
- \& Cumulative time spent in I/O functions (seconds) \& Amount of I/O (MB) \\\\
-# printf to get consistent precision in output
-printf(FILEACC "Independent reads \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_read_indep, $cumul_read_bytes_indep);
-printf(FILEACC "Independent writes \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_write_indep, $cumul_write_bytes_indep);
-printf(FILEACC "Independent metadata \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{N/A} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_meta_indep);
-printf(FILEACC "Shared reads \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_read_shared, $cumul_read_bytes_shared);
-printf(FILEACC "Shared writes \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_write_shared, $cumul_write_bytes_shared);
-printf(FILEACC "Shared metadata \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{%f} \& \\multicolumn{1}{r}{N/A} \\\\", 
-    $cumul_meta_shared);
-print FILEACC "
-# Variance Data
-open(VARP, ">$tmp_dir/variance-table.tex") || die("error opening output file:$!\n");
-print VARP "
-\\multicolumn{10}{c}{} \\\\
-\\multicolumn{10}{c}{Variance in Shared Files} \\\\
-File \& Processes \& \\multicolumn{3}{c}{Fastest} \\vline \&
-\\multicolumn{3}{c}{Slowest} \\vline \& \\multicolumn{2}{c}{\$\\sigma\$} \\\\
-Suffix \&  \& Rank \& Time \& Bytes \& Rank \& Time \& Bytes \& Time \& Bytes \\\\
-my $curcount = 1;
-foreach $key (sort { $hash_files{$b}{'slowest_time'} <=> $hash_files{$a}{'slowest_time'} } keys %hash_files) {
-    if ($curcount > 20) { last; }
-    if ($hash_files{$key}{'procs'} > 1)
-    {
-        my $vt = sprintf("%.3g", sqrt($hash_files{$key}{'variance_time'}));
-        my $vb = sprintf("%.3g", sqrt($hash_files{$key}{'variance_bytes'}));
-        my $fast_bytes = format_bytes($hash_files{$key}{'fastest_bytes'});
-        my $slow_bytes = format_bytes($hash_files{$key}{'slowest_bytes'});
-        my $name = encode('latex', $hash_files{$key}{'name'});
-        print VARP "
-               $name \&
-               $hash_files{$key}{'procs'} \&
-               $hash_files{$key}{'fastest_rank'} \&
-               $hash_files{$key}{'fastest_time'} \&
-               $fast_bytes \&
-               $hash_files{$key}{'slowest_rank'} \&
-               $hash_files{$key}{'slowest_time'} \& 
-               $slow_bytes \&
-               $vt \&
-               $vb \\\\
-         ";
-        $curcount++;
-    }
-print VARP "
-# calculate performance
-# what was the slowest time by any proc for unique file access?
-my $slowest_uniq_time = 0;
-if(keys %hash_unique_file_time > 0)
-    $slowest_uniq_time < $_ and $slowest_uniq_time = $_ for values %hash_unique_file_time;
-print("Slowest unique file time: $slowest_uniq_time\n");
-print("Slowest shared file time: $shared_file_time\n");
-print("Total bytes read and written by app (may be incorrect): $total_job_bytes\n");
-my $tmp_total_time = $slowest_uniq_time+$shared_file_time;
-print("Total absolute I/O time: $tmp_total_time\n");
-# move to tmp_dir
-chdir $tmp_dir;
-# execute gnuplot scripts
-system "$gnuplot counts-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf counts.eps";
-system "$gnuplot hist-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf hist.eps";
-system "$gnuplot pattern-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf pattern.eps";
-system "$gnuplot time-summary-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf time-summary.eps";
-system "$gnuplot file-access-read-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf file-access-read.eps";
-system "$gnuplot file-access-write-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf file-access-write.eps";
-system "$gnuplot file-access-shared-eps.gplt";
-system "$epstopdf file-access-shared.eps";
-#system "gnuplot align-pdf.gplt";
-#system "gnuplot iodist-pdf.gplt";
-#system "gnuplot types-pdf.gplt";
-# generate summary PDF
-# NOTE: an autoconf test determines if -halt-on-error is available and sets
-# __CP_PDFLATEX_HALT_ON_ERROR accordingly
-$system_rc = system "$pdflatex @__CP_PDFLATEX_HALT_ON_ERROR@ summary.tex > latex.output";
-    print("LaTeX generation (phase1) failed [$system_rc], aborting summary creation.\n");
-    print("error log:\n");
-    system("tail latex.output");
-    exit(1);
-$system_rc = system "$pdflatex @__CP_PDFLATEX_HALT_ON_ERROR@ summary.tex > latex.output2";
-    print("LaTeX generation (phase2) failed [$system_rc], aborting summary creation.\n");
-    print("error log:\n");
-    system("tail latex.output2");
-    exit(1);
-# get back out of tmp dir and grab results
-chdir $orig_dir;
-system "$mv $tmp_dir/summary.pdf $output_file";
-sub process_file_record
-    my $rank = $_[0];
-    my $hash = $_[1];
-    my(%file_record) = %{$_[2]};
-    if($file_record{'CP_INDEP_OPENS'} == 0 &&
-        $file_record{'CP_COLL_OPENS'} == 0 &&
-        $file_record{'CP_POSIX_OPENS'} == 0 &&
-        $file_record{'CP_POSIX_FOPENS'} == 0)
-    {
-        # file wasn't really opened, just stat probably
-        return;
-    }
-    # record smallest open time size reported by any rank
-    if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'min_open_size'}) ||
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'min_open_size'} > 
-        $file_record{'CP_SIZE_AT_OPEN'})
-    {
-        # size at open will be set to -1 if the darshan library was not
-        # configured to stat files at open time
-        if($file_record{'CP_SIZE_AT_OPEN'} < 0)
-        {
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'min_open_size'} = 0;
-            # set flag indicating that file sizes are estimated 
-            $size_est_flag = 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'min_open_size'} = 
-                $file_record{'CP_SIZE_AT_OPEN'};
-        }
-    }
-    # record largest size that the file reached at any rank
-    if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'}) ||
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'} <  
-        ($file_record{'CP_MAX_BYTE_READ'} + 1))
-    {
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'} = 
-            $file_record{'CP_MAX_BYTE_READ'} + 1;
-    }
-    if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'}) ||
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'} <  
-        ($file_record{'CP_MAX_BYTE_WRITTEN'} + 1))
-    {
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'max_size'} = 
-            $file_record{'CP_MAX_BYTE_WRITTEN'} + 1;
-    }
-    # make sure there is an initial value for read and write flags
-    if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'was_read'}))
-    {
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'was_read'} = 0;
-    }
-    if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'was_written'}))
-    {
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'was_written'} = 0;
-    }
-    if($file_record{'CP_INDEP_OPENS'} > 0 ||
-        $file_record{'CP_COLL_OPENS'} > 0)
-    {
-        # mpi file
-        if($file_record{'CP_INDEP_READS'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_COLL_READS'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_SPLIT_READS'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_NB_READS'} > 0)
-        {
-            # data was read from the file
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'was_read'} = 1;
-        }
-        if($file_record{'CP_INDEP_WRITES'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_COLL_WRITES'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_SPLIT_WRITES'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_NB_WRITES'} > 0)
-        {
-            # data was written to the file
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'was_written'} = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        # posix file
-        if($file_record{'CP_POSIX_READS'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_POSIX_FREADS'} > 0)
-        {
-            # data was read from the file
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'was_read'} = 1;
-        }
-        if($file_record{'CP_POSIX_WRITES'} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{'CP_POSIX_FWRITES'} > 0)
-        {
-            # data was written to the file 
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'was_written'} = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    $hash_files{$hash}{'name'} = $file_record{CP_NAME_SUFFIX};
-    if ($rank == -1)
-    {
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'procs'}          = $nprocs;
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_rank'}   = $file_record{'CP_SLOWEST_RANK'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_time'}   = $file_record{'CP_F_SLOWEST_RANK_TIME'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_bytes'}  = $file_record{'CP_SLOWEST_RANK_BYTES'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_rank'}   = $file_record{'CP_FASTEST_RANK'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_time'}   = $file_record{'CP_F_FASTEST_RANK_TIME'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_bytes'}  = $file_record{'CP_FASTEST_RANK_BYTES'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time'}  = $file_record{'CP_F_VARIANCE_RANK_TIME'};
-        $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes'} = $file_record{'CP_F_VARIANCE_RANK_BYTES'};
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        my $total_time = $file_record{'CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME'} +
-                         $file_record{'CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME'} +
-                         $file_record{'CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME'};
-        my $total_bytes = $file_record{'CP_BYTES_READ'} +
-                          $file_record{'CP_BYTES_WRITTEN'};
-        if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_time'}) ||
-           $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_time'} < $total_time)
-        {
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_time'}  = $total_time;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_rank'}  = $rank;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'slowest_bytes'} = $total_bytes;
-        }
-        if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_time'}) ||
-           $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_time'} > $total_time)
-        {
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_time'}  = $total_time;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_rank'}  = $rank;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'fastest_bytes'} = $total_bytes;
-        }
-        if(!defined($hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_S'}))
-        {
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_S'} = 0;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_T'} = $total_time;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_n'} = 1;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_S'} = 0;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_T'} = $total_bytes;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_n'} = 1;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'procs'} = 1;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time'} = 0;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes'} = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            my $n = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_n'};
-            my $m = 1;
-            my $T = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_T'};
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_S'} += ($m/($n*($n+$m)))*(($n/$m)*$total_time - $T)*(($n/$m)*$total_time - $T);
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_T'} += $total_time;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_n'} += 1;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time'}    = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_S'} / $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_n'};
-            $n = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_n'};
-            $m = 1;
-            $T = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_T'};
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_S'} += ($m/($n*($n+$m)))*(($n/$m)*$total_bytes - $T)*(($n/$m)*$total_bytes - $T);
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_T'} += $total_bytes;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_n'} += 1;
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes'}    = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_S'} / $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_bytes_n'};
-            $hash_files{$hash}{'procs'} = $hash_files{$hash}{'variance_time_n'};
-        }
-    }
-    # if this is a non-shared file, then add the time spent here to the
-    # total for that particular rank
-    if ($rank != -1)
-    {
-        # is it mpi-io or posix?
-        if($file_record{CP_INDEP_OPENS} > 0 ||
-            $file_record{CP_COLL_OPENS} > 0)
-        {
-            # add up mpi times
-            if(defined($hash_unique_file_time{$rank}))
-            {
-                $hash_unique_file_time{$rank} +=
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_META_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME};
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                $hash_unique_file_time{$rank} =
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_META_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME};
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            # add up posix times
-            if(defined($hash_unique_file_time{$rank}))
-            {
-                $hash_unique_file_time{$rank} +=
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME};
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                $hash_unique_file_time{$rank} =
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME} + 
-                    $file_record{CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME};
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        # cumulative time spent on shared files by slowest proc
-        if($major > 1)
-        {
-            # new file format
-            $shared_file_time += $file_record{'CP_F_SLOWEST_RANK_TIME'};
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            # old file format.  Guess time spent as duration between first open
-            # and last io
-            if($file_record{'CP_F_READ_END_TIMESTAMP'} >
-                $file_record{'CP_F_WRITE_END_TIMESTAMP'})
-            {
-                # be careful of files that were opened but not read or
-                # written
-                if($file_record{'CP_F_READ_END_TIMESTAMP'} > $file_record{'CP_F_OPEN_TIMESTAMP'}) {
-                    $shared_file_time += $file_record{'CP_F_READ_END_TIMESTAMP'} -
-                        $file_record{'CP_F_OPEN_TIMESTAMP'};
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if($file_record{'CP_F_WRITE_END_TIMESTAMP'} > $file_record{'CP_F_OPEN_TIMESTAMP'}) {
-                    $shared_file_time += $file_record{'CP_F_WRITE_END_TIMESTAMP'} -
-                        $file_record{'CP_F_OPEN_TIMESTAMP'};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my $mpi_did_read = 
-        $file_record{'CP_INDEP_READS'} + 
-        $file_record{'CP_COLL_READS'} + 
-        $file_record{'CP_NB_READS'} + 
-        $file_record{'CP_SPLIT_READS'};
-    # add up how many bytes were transferred
-    if(($file_record{CP_INDEP_OPENS} > 0 ||
-        $file_record{CP_COLL_OPENS} > 0) && (!($mpi_did_read)))
-    {
-        # mpi file that was only written; disregard any read accesses that
-        # may have been performed for sieving at the posix level
-        $total_job_bytes += $file_record{'CP_BYTES_WRITTEN'}; 
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        # normal case
-        $total_job_bytes += $file_record{'CP_BYTES_WRITTEN'} +
-            $file_record{'CP_BYTES_READ'};
-    }
-    # TODO 
-    # (detect mpi or posix and):
-    # - sum meta time per rank for uniq files
-    # - sum io time per rank for uniq files
-    # - sum time from first open to last io for shared files
-    # - sum meta time/nprocs for shared files
-    # - sum io time/nprocs for shared files
-    # TODO: ideas
-    # graph time spent performing I/O per rank
-    # for rank that spent the most time performing I/O:
-    # - meta on ro files, meta on wo files, read time, write time
-    # table with nfiles accessed, ro, wo, rw, created
 sub process_args
@@ -1408,9 +99,9 @@ sub check_prereqs
         print("error: failed to execute $gnuplot.\n");
     $output =~ /gnuplot (\d+)\.(\d+)/;
-    if($1 < 4 || $2 < 2)
+    if($1 < 4 || ($1 < 5 && $2 < 2))
         print("error: detected $gnuplot version $1.$2, but darshan-job-summary requires at least 4.2.\n");
@@ -1419,41 +110,6 @@ sub check_prereqs
-# Execute which to see if the binary can be found in
-# the users path.
-sub checkbin($)
-    my $binname = shift;
-    my $rc;
-    # save stdout/err
-    open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT");
-    open(SAVEERR, ">&STDERR");
-    # redirect stdout/error
-    open(STDERR, '>/dev/null');
-    open(STDOUT, '>/dev/null');
-    $rc = system("which $binname");
-    if ($rc)
-    {
-        $rc = 1;
-    }
-    close(STDOUT);
-    close(STDERR);
-    # suppress perl warning
-    select(SAVEERR);
-    select(SAVEOUT);
-    # restore stdout/err
-    open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");
-    open(STDERR, ">&SAVEERR");
-    return $rc;
 sub print_help
     print <<EOF;
diff --git a/darshan-util/darshan-load-mysql.c b/darshan-util/darshan-load-mysql.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9c2d8..0000000
--- a/darshan-util/darshan-load-mysql.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ftw.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <mysql.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <readline/readline.h>
-#include "darshan-logutils.h"
-#define MAXSQL (1024*1024)
-#define STOPWALK (1)
-#define CONTWALK (0)
-#define OPT_HOST (1)
-#define OPT_USER (2)
-#define OPT_PASS (3)
-#define OPT_DB   (4)
-#define OPT_PATH (5)
-const char *insert_job_fmt  = "insert into %s values('%d','%s','%s','%s',\
-const char *insert_mnt_fmt  = "insert into %s values('%d','%d','%" PRId64 "','%s','%s')";
-const char *insert_file_fmt = "insert into %s values('%d','%ld','%" PRId64 "','%d',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-'%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "','%" PRId64 "',\
-MYSQL *mysql = NULL;
-int debug = 0;
-int tree_walk (const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb, int typeflag)
-    struct darshan_file file;
-    struct darshan_job  job;
-    darshan_fd          dfile = NULL;
-    int                 ret;
-    int                 rc;
-    int                 nofiles;
-    char                exe[4096];
-    char               *base;
-    char               *dash;
-    char               *username;
-    char               *jobid;
-    char               *sqlstmt = NULL;
-    int                 count;
-    int                 i;
-    int64_t            *devs;
-    char              **mnts;
-    char              **fstypes;
-    regex_t             regex;
-    regmatch_t          match[1];
-    char               *filepath = NULL;
-    int                 prev_rank;
-    rc      = CONTWALK;
-    count   = 0;
-    /* Only Process Files */
-    if (typeflag != FTW_F) return CONTWALK;
-    sqlstmt = malloc(MAXSQL);
-    if (!sqlstmt)
-    {
-        perror("malloc");
-        rc = STOPWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    filepath = strdup(fpath);
-    if (!filepath)
-    {
-        perror("strdup");
-        rc = STOPWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    /* Process Log Files */
-    dfile = darshan_log_open(fpath, "r");
-    if (dfile == NULL)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "darshan_log_open() failed to open %s\n.", fpath);
-        rc = CONTWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    ret = darshan_log_getjob(dfile, &job);
-    if (ret < 0)
-    {
-        perror("darshan_log_getjob");
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fpath);
-        rc = CONTWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    memset(exe, 0, sizeof(exe));
-    ret = darshan_log_getexe(dfile, exe, &nofiles);
-    if (ret < 0)
-    {
-        perror("darshan_log_getexe");
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fpath);
-        rc = CONTWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    base     = basename(filepath);
-    username = base;
-    dash     = index(base, '_');
-    *dash    = '\0';
-    jobid    = dash+1;
-    /*
-     * Find jobid for log file name
-     */
-    ret = regcomp(&regex, "_id[[:digit:]]+_", REG_EXTENDED);
-    if (ret != 0)
-    {
-        char buf[256];
-        regerror(ret, &regex, buf, sizeof(buf));
-        fprintf(stderr, "regcomp: %s\n", buf);
-        rc = STOPWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    ret = regexec(&regex, jobid, 1, match, 0);
-    if (ret != 0)
-    {
-        char buf[256];
-        regerror(ret, &regex, buf, sizeof(buf));
-        fprintf(stderr, "regexec: %s\n", buf);
-        rc = STOPWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    regfree(&regex);
-    dash   = jobid;
-    jobid += (match[0].rm_so + 3);
-    dash  += (match[0].rm_eo - 1);
-    *dash  = 0;
-    /*
-     * Insert Job Record
-     */
-    snprintf(sqlstmt, MAXSQL, insert_job_fmt, "darshan_job_intrepid",
-        atoi(jobid), username, job.version_string, exe, job.uid,
-        job.start_time, job.end_time, job.nprocs);
-    if (debug) printf("sql: %s\n", sqlstmt);
-    ret = mysql_query(mysql, sqlstmt);
-    if (ret)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "log not processed: %s [mysql: %d (%s)] : \
-jobid=%d start_time=%ld\n",
-            fpath, mysql_errno(mysql), mysql_error(mysql),
-            atoi(jobid), job.start_time);
-        rc = CONTWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Insert MountPoint Record (if present)
-     */
-    ret = darshan_log_getmounts(dfile,&devs,&mnts,&fstypes,&count,&nofiles);
-    if (ret < 0)
-    {
-        perror("darshan_log_getmounts");
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fpath);
-        rc = STOPWALK;
-        goto exit;
-    }
-    for (i=0; (i<count); i++)
-    {
-        snprintf(sqlstmt,MAXSQL,insert_mnt_fmt, "darshan_mountpoints_intrepid",
-            atoi(jobid), job.start_time, devs[i], mnts[i], fstypes[i]);
-        if (debug) printf("sql: %s\n", sqlstmt);
-        ret = mysql_query(mysql, sqlstmt);
-        if (ret)
-        {
-            fprintf(stderr, "mysql: %d (%s)\n", mysql_errno(mysql),
-                mysql_error(mysql));
-            rc = STOPWALK;
-            goto exit;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Insert File Records (if present)
-     */
-    if (!nofiles)
-    {
-        while ((ret = darshan_log_getfile(dfile, &job, &file)) == 1)
-        {
-            /*
-             * Work around issue where bogus file data was in older logs.
-             * Bogus data was files taht were 'stat'd but not opened.
-             */
-            if (file.rank != -1 && file.rank < prev_rank)
-            {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (file.rank != -1)
-                prev_rank = file.rank;
-            snprintf(sqlstmt, MAXSQL, insert_file_fmt, "darshan_file_intrepid",
-                atoi(jobid), job.start_time, file.hash, file.rank, file.name_suffix,
-                file.counters[CP_INDEP_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_COLL_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_INDEP_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_INDEP_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_COLL_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_COLL_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_SPLIT_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_SPLIT_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_NB_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_NB_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_SYNCS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_SEEKS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_STATS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_MMAPS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FREADS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FWRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FOPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FSEEKS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FSYNCS],
-                file.counters[CP_POSIX_FDSYNCS],
-                file.counters[CP_INDEP_NC_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_COLL_NC_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_HDF5_OPENS],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_NAMED],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_DUP],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_CONTIGUOUS],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_VECTOR],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_HVECTOR_INTEGER],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_HVECTOR],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_INDEXED],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_HINDEXED_INTEGER],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_HINDEXED],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_INDEXED_BLOCK],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_STRUCT_INTEGER],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_STRUCT],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_SUBARRAY],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_DARRAY],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_F90_REAL],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_F90_COMPLEX],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_F90_INTEGER],
-                file.counters[CP_COMBINER_RESIZED],
-                file.counters[CP_HINTS],
-                file.counters[CP_VIEWS],
-                file.counters[CP_MODE],
-                file.counters[CP_BYTES_READ],
-                file.counters[CP_BYTES_WRITTEN],
-                file.counters[CP_MAX_BYTE_READ],
-                file.counters[CP_MAX_BYTE_WRITTEN],
-                file.counters[CP_CONSEC_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_CONSEC_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_SEQ_READS],
-                file.counters[CP_SEQ_WRITES],
-                file.counters[CP_RW_SWITCHES],
-                file.counters[CP_MEM_NOT_ALIGNED],
-                file.counters[CP_MEM_ALIGNMENT],
-                file.counters[CP_FILE_NOT_ALIGNED],
-                file.counters[CP_FILE_ALIGNMENT],
-                file.counters[CP_MAX_READ_TIME_SIZE],
-                file.counters[CP_MAX_WRITE_TIME_SIZE],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_1K_10K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_1K_10K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_1K_10K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_READ_AGG_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_1K_10K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_WRITE_AGG_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_1K_10K], 
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_READ_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_0_100],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_100_1K],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_1K_10K],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_10K_100K],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_100K_1M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_1M_4M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_4M_10M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_10M_100M],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_100M_1G],
-                file.counters[CP_EXTENT_WRITE_1G_PLUS],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE1_STRIDE],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE2_STRIDE],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE3_STRIDE],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE4_STRIDE],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE1_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE2_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE3_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_STRIDE4_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS1_ACCESS],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS2_ACCESS],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS3_ACCESS],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS4_ACCESS],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS1_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS2_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS3_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_ACCESS4_COUNT],
-                file.counters[CP_DEVICE],
-                file.counters[CP_SIZE_AT_OPEN],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_OPEN_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_READ_START_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_WRITE_START_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_CLOSE_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_READ_END_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_WRITE_END_TIMESTAMP],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_POSIX_READ_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_POSIX_WRITE_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_POSIX_META_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_MPI_META_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_MPI_READ_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_MPI_WRITE_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_MAX_READ_TIME],
-                file.fcounters[CP_F_MAX_WRITE_TIME]);
-            if (debug) printf("sql: %s\n", sqlstmt);
-            ret = mysql_query(mysql, sqlstmt);
-            if (ret)
-            {
-                fprintf(stderr, "mysql: %d (%s)\n", mysql_errno(mysql),
-                    mysql_error(mysql));
-                rc = STOPWALK;
-                goto exit;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (dfile) darshan_log_close(dfile);
-    if (count > 0)
-    {
-        for(i=0; i<count; i++)
-        {
-            if (mnts[i]) free(mnts[i]);
-            if (fstypes[i]) free(fstypes[i]);
-        }
-        if (devs) free(devs);
-        if (mnts) free(mnts);
-        if (fstypes) free(fstypes);
-    }
-    if (sqlstmt)
-    {
-        free(sqlstmt);
-    }
-    if (filepath)
-    {
-        free(filepath);
-    }
-    return rc;
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
-    char base[256] = "";
-    char host[256] = "";
-    char user[256] = "";
-    char pass[256] = "";
-    char db[256]   = "";
-    int  ret = 0;
-    while(1)
-    {
-        static struct option options[] = {
-            {"host", 1, NULL, OPT_HOST},
-            {"user", 1, NULL, OPT_USER},
-            {"pass", 1, NULL, OPT_PASS},
-            {"db",   1, NULL, OPT_DB},
-            {"path", 1, NULL, OPT_PATH},
-            {NULL,   0, NULL, 0}
-        };
-        int o = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", options, NULL);
-        if (o == -1) break;
-        switch(o)
-        {
-        case OPT_HOST:
-            strncpy(host, optarg, sizeof(host));
-            break;
-        case OPT_USER:
-            strncpy(user, optarg, sizeof(user));
-            break;
-        case OPT_PASS:
-            strncpy(pass, optarg, sizeof(pass));
-            break;
-        case OPT_DB:
-            strncpy(db, optarg, sizeof(db));
-            break;
-        case OPT_PATH:
-            strncpy(base, optarg, sizeof(base));
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (strcmp(pass, "") == 0)
-    {
-        char *line = readline(NULL);
-        if (line)
-        {
-            strncpy(pass, line, sizeof(pass));
-        }
-    }
-    mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
-    if (mysql == NULL)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "mysql_init failed");
-        exit(-1);
-    }
-    mysql = mysql_real_connect(mysql, host, user, pass, db, 0, NULL, 0);
-    if (mysql == NULL)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect");
-        exit(-1);
-    }
-    /* Turn off auto commits, hopefuly for performance sake */
-    (void) mysql_autocommit(mysql, 0);
-    ret = ftw(base, tree_walk, 512);
-    if(ret != 0)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Error: failed to walk path: %s\n", base);
-        return(-1);
-    }
-    ret = mysql_commit(mysql);
-    if (ret)
-    {
-        fprintf(stderr, "mysql: %d (%s)\n", mysql_errno(mysql),
-            mysql_error(mysql));
-    }
-    mysql_close(mysql);
-    return 0;


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