[codes-ross-users] Straggler event?

Caitlin Ross rossc3 at rpi.edu
Thu Aug 9 14:49:03 CDT 2018

It’s saying that a PE received an event that has a time stamp less than the current GVT, which shouldn’t be possible. 

But your line number for the error in network-mpi.c is off from what it is currently in the master branch of ROSS. There’s been some changes in the MPI layer of ROSS relatively recently (in May/June), so my first recommendation is to update your version of ROSS and see if you still get the error. If you do still get the error, could you also send some more details on the simulation run that causes this error?


> On Aug 9, 2018, at 2:20 PM, Jian Peng <jpeng10 at hawk.iit.edu> wrote:
> Hi All, 
> Just ran into an issue with error:
>  "error: network-mpi.c:388: 1:Received straggler from 7: 2938789.459012 3193751.109728 (0)" . Which is cause by failure of 
> if(e->recv_ts < me->GVT)
> in
> recv_finish(tw_pe *me, tw_event *e, char * buffer)
> Any suggestion of fixing this issue? Thanks!
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