[cgma-dev] [MOAB-dev] [Meshkit-dev] How to build cgma+moab+lasso+meshkit+mesquite together succesfully on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit?

Jiangtao Hu jiangtao_ma at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 20 09:37:41 CDT 2014


For cgma 13.1, I use OCC 6.6.0 and the compile process is OK, but the 
make check process appear some tests failed. If I use OCE replace OCC, the compile process also is OK, but 
make check process appear some compile errors.
Can I use OCE to replace OCC?Which OCE version is better?
$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/itaps  --enable-shared  --with-occ=/home/why/software/OCC/660/Linux
$ make
$ make check 
$ make install

As Rajeev said, we didn't test OCE on Linux. Your approach of using OCC6.6.0 on cgma13.1 build for Linux system should work if you apply the geom/OCC/occ_patches_6.6.0 on your OCC6.6.0 build.

Good luck!

Asst. Researcher
Dept. of Engineering Physics
UW @ Madison

"And we know that for those who love God, that is, for those who are called according to his purpose, all things are working together for good." (Romans 8:28)

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:11 AM, Rajeev Jain <jain at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
Hi Huayi,

Yes, we have successfully built on Ubuntu 12.04LTS. 
We use OCE for OSX and OCC for Linux, you may be able to use OCE for Linux, but we haven't tested this.
Regarding, the Zoltan error: try using /usr/lib in MOAB prefix, the directory should have libparmetis.a file.

I've CC'd moab-dev and cgm-dev, they may give more input.

My configure line for mesquite is:
--with-imesh=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/moab/ --with-igeom=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/cgmtrunk/ --with-irel=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/lasso/ IMESH_DEFS=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/moab/lib/iMesh-Defs.inc IGEOM_DEFS=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/CGM-2k14/lib/iGeom-Defs.inc IREL_DEFS=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/lasso/lib/iRel-Defs.inc --prefix=/Users/rajeevjain/pll/install/mesquite-2.99 --with-mpi --enable-debug


 From: "魏华祎(Wei, Huayi)" <huayiwei1984 at gmail.com>
To: "meshkit-dev at mcs.anl.gov" <meshkit-dev at mcs.anl.gov> 
Subject: [Meshkit-dev] How to build cgma+moab+lasso+meshkit+mesquite together succesfully on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 Bit?

Hi, there,
I want to implement some mesh generation and optimization algorithms based on MeshKit. But I find it very hard to build cgma+moab+lasso+meshkit+mesquite together successfully.
My os is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit. I first install most of the dependents from Ubuntu source:
$ sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev openmpi-common openmpi-checkpoint
$ sudo apt-get install libparmetis-dev libparmetis3.1 $ sudo apt-get install libscotch-5.1 libscotch-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libptscotch-5.1 libptscotch-dev 
$ sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin python-netcdf libnetcdf6 libnetcdf-dev 
$ sudo apt-get install h5utils hdf5-tools libhdf5-openmpi-1.8.4 libhdf5-openmpi-dev 
I can compile and install Zoltan 3.8 without any error:
$ ../configure --prefix=/home/why/software/zoltan --enable-mpi --with-mpi=/usr/lib/openmpi --with-libs=-lsuperlu --with-parmetis --with-parmetis-incdir=/usr/include/parmetis --with-parmetis-libdir=/usr/lib --with-scotch --with-scotch-libdir=/usr/lib --with-scotch-incdir=/usr/include/sc otch
$ make install 
For cgma 13.1, I use OCC 6.6.0 and the compile process is OK, but the make check process appear some tests failed. If I use OCE replace OCC, the compile process also is OK, but make check process appear some compile errors. 
Can I use OCE to replace OCC?Which OCE version is better?
$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/itaps  --enable-shared  --with-occ=/home/why/software/OCC/660/Linux
$ make
$ make check 
$ make install 
For moab 4.6, I configure it like this:
$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/itaps \
--enable-docs  \
--with-mpi \
--with-netcdf \
--with-hdf5 \
--with-zoltan=/home/why/software/zoltan \
--with-parmetis=/usr \
--with-vtk=/home/why/software/vtk \
But it appear such an error, is the version 3.8 of zoltan suitable? 
checking for zoltan_cpp.h... yes
checking for Zoltan_LB_Partition in -lzoltan... no
checking for Zoltan_LB_Partition in -lzoltan... no
configure: error: zoltan library not found or not usable.  Perhaps you need to specify --with-parmetis=[DIR]? 
For lasso, 
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/itaps --with-mpi  --with-igeom=/home/why/software/itaps --with-imesh=/home/why/software/itaps 
$ make 
$ make check
$ make install 
For mesquite 2.3, I can compile it successfully like this:
$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/mesquite/230/ --with-mpi
$ make 
$ make install 
Here do I need to add the ―with-igeom, ―with-imesh, ―irel, or ―imeshp option?
$ ./configure --prefix=/home/why/software/itaps --with-mpi --with-igeom=/home/why/software/itaps --with-imesh=/home/why/software/itaps--with-irel=/home/why/software/itaps --with-fbigeom=/home/why/software/itaps --with-tetgen=/home/why/software/tetgen/tetgen1.5.0 --with-triangle=/home/why/software/triangle  --with-netgen=/usr  --with-mesquite=/home/why/software/mesquite/230 
Does anyone have installed MeshKit on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS? Please give me some suggestion and help me to install MeshKit correctly, thanks very much.
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