[cgma-dev] OCCModifyEngine method implementations

Boyd Tidwell bktidwell373 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 15:31:06 CST 2011

Tim and Jane,

  In my testing I discovered a number of methods that hadn't been
implemented and, because they didn't seem to difficult, I implemented

I am told that it is OK to share them with cgma so here they are.  I
can't claim they are perfect but they passed all the testing I threw
at them.


 - Boyd

CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_rectangle_surface( double width,

             double height,

             CubitVector plane,

             BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  //create points at the 4 corners
  CubitVector pos1( width*0.5, height*0.5, 0 );
  CubitVector pos2( -width*0.5, height*0.5, 0 );
  CubitVector pos3( -width*0.5, -height*0.5, 0 );
  CubitVector pos4( width*0.5, -height*0.5, 0 );

  DLIList<CubitVector*> vec_list(4);
  vec_list.append( &pos1 );
  vec_list.append( &pos2 );
  vec_list.append( &pos3 );
  vec_list.append( &pos4 );

  CubitStatus status = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->create_surface(
vec_list, sheet_body, 0, CUBIT_FALSE );

  //rotate it so that it is aligned with the plane defined by vector 'plane'
  CubitVector current_plane(0,0,1);
  CubitVector axis_of_rotation = current_plane * plane;
  double angle_of_rotation = axis_of_rotation.vector_angle(
current_plane, plane );

  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->rotate( sheet_body, axis_of_rotation,
RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(angle_of_rotation) );

  return status;

CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_ellipse_surface( TBPoint *pt1,

          TBPoint *pt3,

          CubitVector center_point,

          BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  // make ellipse by creating two ellipse arcs in each sense direction
  Curve *ellipse1 =
OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_elliptical_Curve( pt1, pt3,
center_point, 0, 360, CUBIT_FORWARD );
  if( NULL == ellipse1 )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list(2);
  curve_list.append( ellipse1 );

  Curve *ellipse2 =
OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_elliptical_Curve( pt1, pt3,
center_point, 0, 360, CUBIT_REVERSED );
  if( NULL == ellipse2 )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  curve_list.append( ellipse2 );

  Surface *tmp_surface = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Surface(
PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curve_list, NULL, false );
  if( NULL == tmp_surface )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  sheet_body = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_BodySM( tmp_surface );
  if( NULL == sheet_body)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;


CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_ellipse_surface( double major_radius,

          double minor_radius,

          CubitVector plane,

          BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  //create the points
  CubitVector tmp_pt( major_radius, 0, 0 );
  TBPoint *pt1 = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( tmp_pt );

  tmp_pt.set( 0, minor_radius, 0 );
  TBPoint *pt2 = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( tmp_pt );

  CubitVector center_point(0,0,0);

  // make ellipse by creating two ellipse arcs in each sense direction
  Curve *ellipse1 =
OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_elliptical_Curve( pt1, pt2,
center_point, 0, 360, CUBIT_FORWARD );
  if( NULL == ellipse1 )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list(2);
  curve_list.append( ellipse1 );

  Curve *ellipse2 =
OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_elliptical_Curve( pt1, pt2,
center_point, 0, 360, CUBIT_REVERSED );
  if( NULL == ellipse2 )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  curve_list.append( ellipse2 );

  Surface *tmp_surface = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Surface(
PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curve_list, NULL, false );
  if( NULL == tmp_surface )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  sheet_body = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_BodySM( tmp_surface );
  if( NULL == sheet_body)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  //rotate it so that it is aligned with the plane defined by vector 'plane'
  CubitVector current_plane(0,0,1);
  CubitVector axis_of_rotation = current_plane * plane;
  double angle_of_rotation = axis_of_rotation.vector_angle(
current_plane, plane );

  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->rotate( sheet_body, axis_of_rotation,
RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(angle_of_rotation) );


Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_elliptical_Curve( TBPoint const* point1,

 TBPoint const* point2,

 CubitVector &center_point,

 double start_angle,

 double end_angle,

 CubitSense sense) const
  GeometryType curve_type = ELLIPSE_CURVE_TYPE;
  Curve *curve = make_Curve(curve_type, point1, point2, &center_point, sense );
  if ( curve == NULL )
    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_elliptical_Curve\n"
                "       Cannot make Curve object.\n");
    return (Curve *)NULL;
  return curve;

CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_circle_surface( TBPoint *pt1,

        CubitVector center_point,

        TBPoint *pt3,

        BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  TBPoint *tmp_pt = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( center_point );
  Curve *circle = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->create_arc_three( pt1,
tmp_pt, pt3, CUBIT_TRUE );

  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities( tmp_pt );

  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list(1);
  curve_list.append( circle );
  Surface *tmp_surface = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Surface(
PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curve_list, NULL, false );
  if( NULL == tmp_surface )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  sheet_body = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_BodySM( tmp_surface );
  if( NULL == sheet_body)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;


CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_circle_surface( TBPoint *pt1,

        TBPoint *pt3,

        CubitVector center_point,

        BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  TBPoint *tmp_center_pt =	OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point(
center_point );
  CubitVector normal(0,0,0);
  Curve *circle = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->create_arc_center_edge(
tmp_center_pt, pt1, pt3, normal, CUBIT_DBL_MAX, CUBIT_TRUE );

  if( NULL == circle )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities( tmp_center_pt );

  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list(1);
  curve_list.append( circle );
  Surface *tmp_surface = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Surface(
PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curve_list, NULL, false );
  if( NULL == tmp_surface )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  sheet_body = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_BodySM( tmp_surface );
  if( NULL == sheet_body)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;


CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_circle_surface( double radius,

        CubitVector plane,

        BodySM *&sheet_body) const
  CubitVector center_pt;
  center_pt.set(0, 0, 0);
  CubitVector pt2, pt3;
  if (plane.x() > 0 )
    pt2.set( 0, radius, 0 );
    pt3.set( 0, 0, radius);
  else if (plane.y() > 0)
    pt2.set(radius, 0, 0);
    pt3.set(0, 0, -radius);
  else if (plane.z() > 0)
    pt2.set(radius, 0, 0);
    pt3.set(0, radius, 0);
    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::create_circle_surface\n"
                "       Invalid plane specified.\n");
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
  CubitVector normal(plane.x(), plane.y(), plane.z());

  TBPoint *tbpt1 = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( center_pt );
  TBPoint *tbpt2 = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( pt2 );
  TBPoint *tbpt3 = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Point( pt3 );
  Curve *circle = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->create_arc_center_edge(
                               tbpt1, tbpt2, tbpt3, normal, radius,

  DLIList<Curve*> curve_list(1);
  curve_list.append( circle );
  Surface *tmp_surface = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_Surface(
PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curve_list, NULL, false );
  if( NULL == tmp_surface )
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;

  sheet_body = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_BodySM( tmp_surface );
  if( NULL == sheet_body)
    return CUBIT_FAILURE;



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