[cgma-dev] Finding ACIS in Cubit

Jed Brown jed at 59A2.org
Mon Oct 19 13:03:47 CDT 2009

Jason Kraftcheck wrote:

> I see that in this output the script is no longer trying to use libtool,
> which is a start.  I'm still unsure why the link is failing.  If you
> compile the following (just compile, not link: g++ -c ...):
> class AcisQueryEngine { public: static AcisQueryEngine* instance_; };
> int main()
> {
>   AcisQueryEngine::instance_ = 0;
>   return 0;
> }
> and then run "nm main.o | fgrep instance_".  Is it the same mangled name
> as you see the Cubit library?

$ cat > acis.C
class AcisQueryEngine { public: static AcisQueryEngine* instance_; };

int main()
 AcisQueryEngine::instance_ = 0;
 return 0;
$ g++ -c acis.C
$ nm acis.o
                 U _ZN15AcisQueryEngine9instance_E
                 U __gxx_personality_v0
0000000000000000 T main
$ nm -D /home/jed/usr/cubit-20091014/bin/libcubiti19.so |grep AcisQueryEngine.*instance_
0000000001da4148 D _ZN15AcisQueryEngine9instance_E

They match.


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