[cgma-dev] r2498 - cgm/trunk/geom/OCC

janehu at mcs.anl.gov janehu at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Dec 23 14:11:34 CST 2008

Author: janehu
Date: 2008-12-23 14:11:34 -0600 (Tue, 23 Dec 2008)
New Revision: 2498

Modified to consider that the curves given in create_arc_three function can have multiple solutions or none solution. In multiple solution case, the first reasonable solution will be choosing.

Modified: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	2008-12-23 19:55:52 UTC (rev 2497)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	2008-12-23 20:11:34 UTC (rev 2498)
@@ -4968,30 +4968,15 @@
   vt3 = *intscts.get();
   double u, u11, u12, u21, u22, u31, u32;
-  u12 = occ_crv1->u_from_position(vt1);
-  u11 = occ_crv1->u_from_position(vt3);
-  if(u12 < u11)
-  {
-    u = u12;
-    u12 = u11;
-    u11 = u;
-  }
-  u22 = occ_crv2->u_from_position(vt1);
-  u21 = occ_crv2->u_from_position(vt2);
-  if(u22 < u21)
-  {
-    u = u22;
-    u22 = u21;
-    u21 = u;
-  } 
-  u32 = occ_crv3->u_from_position(vt2);
-  u31 = occ_crv3->u_from_position(vt3);
-  if(u32 < u31)
-  {
-    u = u32;
-    u32 = u31;
-    u31 = u;
-  }
+  occ_crv1->get_param_range(u11, u12);
+  occ_crv2->get_param_range(u21, u22);
+  occ_crv3->get_param_range(u31, u32);
+  CubitVector pt1, pt2, pt3;
+  occ_crv1->position_from_u(u11, pt1);
+  occ_crv2->position_from_u(u21, pt2);
+  occ_crv3->position_from_u(u31, pt3);
   CubitVector tangent1, tangent2, tangent3;
   occ_crv1->get_tangent(vt1, tangent1);
   occ_crv2->get_tangent(vt2, tangent2);
@@ -5074,8 +5059,13 @@
     OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, vt1, p12, intscts,none,none);
     int_pt = *intscts.pop();
     u = occ_crv3->u_from_position (int_pt);
-    assert(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol);
-    int_pt1 = int_pt;
+    if(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol)
+      int_pt1 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
   OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p21, intscts,none,none);
@@ -5088,8 +5078,13 @@
     OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p22, intscts,none,none);
     int_pt = *intscts.pop();
     u = occ_crv1->u_from_position (int_pt);
-    assert(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol);
-    int_pt2 = int_pt;
+    if(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol)
+      int_pt2 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
   OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p31, intscts,none,none);
@@ -5102,8 +5097,13 @@
     OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p32, intscts,none,none);
     int_pt = *intscts.pop();
     u = occ_crv2->u_from_position (int_pt);
-    assert(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol);
-    int_pt3 = int_pt;
+    if(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol)
+      int_pt3 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
   //4. use the 3 intersection points to find the arc or circle.
   OCCPoint occ_p1(int_pt1);

Copied: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2493 (from rev 2493, cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp)
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2493	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2493	2008-12-23 20:11:34 UTC (rev 2498)
@@ -0,0 +1,5632 @@
+// Filename      : OCCModifyEngine.cpp
+// Purpose       : ModifyEngine for OCC geometry
+// Special Notes : Modeled after GeometryModifyEngine and AcisModifyEngine.
+// Author        : Jane Hu
+// Creation Date : 1/08
+#include "gp_Pnt.hxx"
+#include "gp_Ax2.hxx"
+#include "gp_Dir.hxx"
+#include "gp_Hypr.hxx"
+#include "gp_Parab.hxx"
+#include "gp_Elips.hxx"
+#include "gp_Pln.hxx"
+#include "gp_Cylinder.hxx"
+#include "gp_Cone.hxx"
+#include "gp_Sphere.hxx"
+#include "gp_Torus.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakeDraft.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace.hxx"
+#include "BRepBndLib.hxx"
+#include "TopoDS_Shape.hxx"
+#include "TopAbs_Orientation.hxx"
+#include "TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfCircle.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeCircle.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfHyperbola.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfParabola.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfEllipse.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeSegment.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeTrimmedCone.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeTrimmedCylinder.hxx"
+#include "gce_MakeElips.hxx"
+#include "Geom_BezierCurve.hxx"
+#include "BndLib_AddSurface.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_Plane.hxx"
+#include "BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape.hxx"
+#include "Extrema_ExtPC.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism.hxx"
+#include "BRepSweep_Revol.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.hxx"
+#include "BRepLib_FuseEdges.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeTorus.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx"
+#include "BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeEllipse.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx"
+#include "BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Copy.hxx"
+#include "LocOpe_SplitShape.hxx"
+#include "BRep_Tool.hxx"
+#include "BRep_Builder.hxx"
+#include "GProp_GProps.hxx"
+#include "BRepGProp.hxx"
+#include "TopoDS.hxx"
+#include "TopologyBridge.hpp"
+#include "ProgressTool.hpp"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Cut.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Section.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Common.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeWedge.hxx"
+#include "BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx"
+#include "BndLib_Add3dCurve.hxx"
+#include "TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector.hxx"
+#include "TopExp_Explorer.hxx"
+#include "TopExp.hxx"
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoFace.hpp"
+#include "CubitMessage.hpp"
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx"
+#include "BRepFeat_SplitShape.hxx"
+#include "TopOpeBRep_ShapeIntersector.hxx"
+#include "TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitQuadFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdgeData.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
+#include "GeometryModifyTool.hpp"
+#include "ChollaSurface.hpp"
+#include "ChollaCurve.hpp"
+#include "ChollaPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "ChollaEngine.hpp"
+#include "TDGeomFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetBoundaryPoint.hpp"
+#include "Cholla.h"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "FacetDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBIntersect.hpp"
+#include "IntegerHash.hpp"
+#include "CpuTimer.hpp"
+#include "AppUtil.hpp"
+#include "SphereEvaluator.hpp"
+#include "CylinderEvaluator.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+OCCModifyEngine* OCCModifyEngine::instance_ = 0;
+#define DEBUG
+// Function   : OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: constructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+//  assert( !instance_ );
+    // add this modify engine to geometrymodifytool
+  GeometryModifyTool::instance()->add_gme(this);
+// Function   : ~OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: destructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+        instance_ = 0;
+// Function   : make_Point
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a geometric entity point
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 10/07
+Point* OCCModifyEngine::make_Point( CubitVector const& point) const
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point.x(), point.y(), point.z());
+  TopoDS_Vertex theVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+  // Create a new PointACIS object
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge( theVertex );
+// Function   : make_Curve
+//              This function creates a curve given an existing curve, copy. 
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve(Curve * curve_ptr) const
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve_ptr, OCCCurve);
+  if (!occ_curve)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given curve.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Edge *theEdge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();  
+  BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theEdge);
+  TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theEdge);
+  TopoDS_Edge newEdge = TopoDS::Edge(newShape);
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newEdge);
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve by projecting a straight line defined by 
+//              point1_ptr, and point2_ptr onto face_ptr, third_point
+//              is used for curves that could be periodic to dertermine
+//              the correct direction.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             Surface* face_ptr,
+                             const CubitVector * third_point) const
+  assert (point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  GeometryType type = STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE;
+  CubitBoolean closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> mid_points;
+  Curve* curve = NULL;
+  if (point1_ptr != point2_ptr)
+    curve = make_Curve(type, point1_ptr, point2_ptr, mid_points);
+  else //could be a closed shape
+  {
+    if(third_point != NULL && face_ptr != NULL) 
+    {
+       closed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+       Point * Pnt = make_Point(*third_point);
+       curve = make_Curve(type, point1_ptr, Pnt, mid_points);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given duplicated points.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  Curve* new_curve = NULL;
+  if(face_ptr == NULL)
+    return curve;
+  DLIList<Point*> points;
+  new_curve = 
+	CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve)->project_curve(face_ptr, points, closed, third_point); 
+  delete curve;
+  return new_curve;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a  spline curve by using the points on surface.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+                             Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             DLIList<CubitVector*>& vector_list,
+                             Surface* face_ptr) const
+  assert(point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  if (curve_type != SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE
+      && curve_type != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given curve_type.\n"
+                 "Candidates are SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE and STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  if (curve_type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+    return make_Curve(curve_type, point1_ptr, point2_ptr, NULL, CUBIT_FORWARD);
+  OCCPoint* occ_point1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point1_ptr), OCCPoint);
+  OCCPoint* occ_point2 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point2_ptr), OCCPoint);
+  if (occ_point1 == NULL || occ_point2 == NULL)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  //project all points on the surface if possible
+  OCCSurface* occ_face = NULL;
+  if (face_ptr != NULL)
+     occ_face = CAST_TO(face_ptr, OCCSurface);
+  gp_Pnt pt;
+  int size = 2+vector_list.size();
+  TColgp_Array1OfPnt points(1, size);
+  CubitVector* vector = NULL;
+  CubitVector closest_location;
+  for(int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
+  {
+     if (i == 1) 
+     {
+       TopoDS_Vertex *point = occ_point1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+       pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(*point);
+       vector = new CubitVector(point1_ptr->coordinates());
+     }
+     else if (i == size)
+     {
+       TopoDS_Vertex *point = occ_point2->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+       pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(*point);
+       vector = new CubitVector(point2_ptr->coordinates()); 
+     } 
+     else
+     {
+       vector = vector_list.get_and_step();
+       pt.SetCoord(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
+     } 
+     if (occ_face != NULL)
+     {
+       occ_face->closest_point(*vector, &closest_location);
+       pt.SetCoord(closest_location.x(), closest_location.y(), closest_location.z()) ;  	 
+     }
+     points.SetValue(i, pt); 
+  }    
+  //make curve according to the curve type.
+  if(curve_type == SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    Geom_BezierCurve BezierCurve(points);
+    Geom_BezierCurve* curve =  new Geom_BezierCurve(BezierCurve);
+    Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) curve_ptr(curve);
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_point1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt2 = occ_point2->get_TopoDS_Vertex(); 
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt2);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge); 
+  }
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+//    intermediate_point_ptr  is not used
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the tip of the parabola
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the center of its two foci
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the center of the ellipse
+//    the two points are vertices, one gives the major radius, 
+//    the other point gives the minor radius.
+//    sense is used to determine which part of the ellipse is required
+//    arc passes three points
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+                             Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             CubitVector const* intermediate_point_ptr,
+                             CubitSense sense) const
+  assert (point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> mid_points;
+  if (intermediate_point_ptr)
+  {
+    CubitVector mid_point = *intermediate_point_ptr;
+    mid_points.append(&mid_point);
+  }
+  CubitVector v1(point1_ptr->coordinates());
+  CubitVector v2(point2_ptr->coordinates());
+  gp_Pnt pt1(v1.x(),v1.y(), v1.z());
+  gp_Pnt pt2(v2.x(),v2.y(), v2.z());
+  CubitVector v3;
+  gp_Pnt pt3;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) curve_ptr;
+  if(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL)
+  {
+    v3 = *intermediate_point_ptr;
+    pt3.SetCoord(v3.x(),v3.y(), v3.z());
+  }
+  if (curve_type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeSegment(pt1,pt2);
+  else if (curve_type == ARC_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeArcOfCircle(pt1, pt3, pt2);
+  }
+  else if (curve_type == ELLIPSE_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+     gp_Pnt center(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
+     gp_Elips ellipse;
+     gce_MakeElips ellipse1(pt1	, pt2	, center);
+     if(ellipse1.IsDone())
+       ellipse = ellipse1.Value();
+     else if(!ellipse1.IsDone() && ellipse1.Status() == gce_InvertRadius)
+     {
+        gce_MakeElips ellipse2(pt2, pt1, center);
+        if(ellipse2.IsDone())
+          ellipse = ellipse2.Value();
+        else
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Can't create an ellipse from give 3 points.\n");
+          return (Curve *)NULL;
+        }      
+     } 
+     else
+     {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Can't create an ellipse from give 3 points.\n");
+        return (Curve *)NULL;
+     }
+     CubitBoolean use_sense = (sense == CUBIT_FORWARD ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE); 
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeArcOfEllipse(ellipse, pt1, pt2, use_sense);
+  }
+  else if(curve_type == PARABOLA_CURVE_TYPE || 
+          curve_type == HYPERBOLA_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+    //find the directrix and focus of the parabola
+    //or the axis, major radius and minor radius of the hyperbola
+    CubitVector width_vec = v2 - v1;
+    if(width_vec.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "2 end points are the same.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    CubitVector midpoint_vec = (v1 + v2)/2.0;
+    CubitVector height_vec = midpoint_vec - v3;
+    gp_Pnt center(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
+    if (height_vec.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    { 
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "3 points are in the same line.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    CubitVector x = height_vec;
+    x.normalize();
+    gp_Dir x_dir(x.x(), x.y(), x.z());
+    CubitVector N = x * (v2 - v1);  
+    if (N.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "3 points are in the same line.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    N.normalize();
+    gp_Dir N_dir(N.x(), N.y(), N.z());
+    gp_Ax2 axis(center, N_dir, x_dir);  
+    if(curve_type == HYPERBOLA_CURVE_TYPE)
+    { 
+       //    (focus2) (v3) . (v2)
+       //          .   .   . (midpoint = focus1)
+       //                  . (v1)
+       CubitVector focus2 = 2 * v3 - midpoint_vec;
+       //according to the definition of hyperbola,
+       //2 * a = length(v2 - focus2)-length(v2 - focus1)
+       double major = (v2 - focus2).length()/2.0 - (v2 - midpoint_vec).length()/2.0;
+       // if a = 1/2 length major axis, b = 1/2 length minor axis and
+       // c = distance center to focus, then a*a + b*b = c*c
+       double c_squared = (midpoint_vec - v3).length_squared();
+       double minor = sqrt(c_squared  - major*major );
+       gp_Hypr hypt(axis, major, minor);
+       curve_ptr =
+             GC_MakeArcOfHyperbola(hypt, pt1, pt2, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       // Find the focus of this parabola.
+       // Since for a parabola with its peak at the origin, y = (1/(4*a))*x^2,
+       // and since we have restricted this parabola to be symmetric (per the 
+       // FastQ method, see the FastQ file getwt.f), we can use the following 
+       // relationship to
+       // determine "a", the distance the focus lies from the peak on the line
+       // formed by the peak and the midpoint of the start and end points`
+       double a = width_vec.length_squared()/(16. * height_vec.length()); 
+       gp_Parab parab(axis, a);
+       curve_ptr =
+		GC_MakeArcOfParabola(parab, pt1, pt2, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    } 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve\n"
+                  "       Invalid curve type.\n");
+      return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  OCCPoint* occ_pt1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point1_ptr),OCCPoint);
+  OCCPoint* occ_pt2 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point2_ptr),OCCPoint);
+  TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_pt1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+  TopoDS_Vertex * vt2 = occ_pt2->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+  TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt2);
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge);
+// Function   : make_Surface
+//              This function creates a surface given an existing surface, copy.
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface, OCC allows to create a stand along surface,
+//              however the CGM has a design of making all surfaces in a (sheet)
+//              body. This will add complexity on all free surface related 
+//              calculation and modification, and adding potential bugs too. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( Surface * surface_ptr,
+                                 CubitBoolean extended_from) const
+  OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface_ptr, OCCSurface);
+  if (!occ_surface)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC surface from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  //Start of the codes
+  double UMax, VMax, UMin, VMin;
+  occ_surface->get_param_range_U(UMin, UMax);
+  occ_surface->get_param_range_V(VMin, VMax);
+  TopoDS_Face *theFace = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  if( !theFace)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC surface from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Face newFace;
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*theFace);
+  CubitBox bounding_box = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->model_bounding_box();
+  double const height = 2*(bounding_box.diagonal()).length();
+  CubitBox box = occ_surface->bounding_box();
+  double ratio = height/(box.diagonal().length());
+  double middleU = (UMin + UMax)/2.0;
+  double middleV = (VMin + VMax)/2.0;
+  double U1 = middleU - (UMax-UMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double U2 = middleU + (UMax-UMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double V1 = middleV - (VMax - VMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double V2 = middleV + (VMax - VMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  if (extended_from == CUBIT_TRUE)
+  {
+     // We need to get the type of surface.
+     GeometryType type = occ_surface->geometry_type();
+     if (type  == PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+        gp_Pln plane = asurface.Plane();
+        newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+     }
+     else if(type == CONE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make an infinite cone.
+       //Given this lets create another face that is extended from it.
+       if(asurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cone)
+       {
+         gp_Cone cone = asurface.Cone();
+         gp_Pnt Apex = cone.Apex();
+         double semi_angle = cone.SemiAngle();
+         gp_Pnt p2;
+         double radius2;
+         gp_XYZ xyz;
+         if (semi_angle > 0)
+           xyz = Apex.XYZ() + cone.Position().Direction().XYZ()*height;
+  	 else
+	   xyz = Apex.XYZ() - cone.Position().Direction().XYZ()*height;
+         p2.SetXYZ(xyz);
+	 radius2 = height * tan(fabs(semi_angle));
+         Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) trimmed_cone;
+         trimmed_cone = GC_MakeTrimmedCone(Apex, p2, 0, radius2); 
+         newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(trimmed_cone);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         gp_Cylinder cylinder = asurface.Cylinder();
+         //gp_Pnt pnt = asurface.Value(UMin,V1); 
+         double radius = cylinder.Radius();
+         gp_Ax1 axis = cylinder.Axis(); 
+         Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) trimmed_cyl;
+         trimmed_cyl = GC_MakeTrimmedCylinder(axis, radius, height);
+         newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(trimmed_cyl);
+       } 
+     }
+     else if(type == SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make a whole sphere.
+       gp_Sphere sphere = asurface.Sphere();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(sphere); 
+     }
+     else if(type == TORUS_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make a whole torus
+       gp_Torus torus = asurface.Torus();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(torus);
+     }
+     else if(type == SPLINE_SURFACE_TYPE ) 
+     {
+       //extend the surfaces using the equation if possible.
+       Handle(Geom_BezierSurface) bezier = asurface.Bezier();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(bezier, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+     }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theFace);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theFace);
+    newFace = TopoDS::Face(newShape);
+  }
+  Surface *surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(
+                               newFace, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return surface;
+// Function   : make_Surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface of type surface_type, given the list of curves.
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so 
+//              disregard this option.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( GeometryType surface_type,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list,
+                                 Surface * old_surface_ptr,
+                                 bool check_edges) const
+  //Create TopoDS_Edge list to make a surface.
+  DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_loops;
+  curve_list.reset() ;
+  //check no intersections of the TopoDS_Edge's.
+  //need to check that no intersection in the middle of the curves, not at
+  //vertices or out of boundary.
+  int count = 0; //intersection point should be the same as curve_list size.
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < curve_list.size()-1 ; i++ )
+  {
+     for(int j = i+1; j < curve_list.size(); j ++)
+     {
+        DLIList<CubitVector*> intscts;
+ 	CubitBoolean bounded = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+	CubitBoolean closest = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+        CubitStatus yes_int = 
+              OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve_list[i],
+				curve_list[j], intscts, bounded, closest);
+        if(yes_int)
+        {
+           //check intscts point should be vertex or outside boundary.
+ 	   if (intscts.size() > 2 )  
+	   {
+	     PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+             return (Surface *)NULL;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+             for(int k = 0; k < intscts.size(); k++)
+             {
+               CubitVector *v = intscts.get_and_step();
+	       CubitPointContainment is_on = CAST_TO(curve_list[i],OCCCurve)->
+					point_containment(*v);
+               if (is_on == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+               {
+	 	 is_on = CAST_TO(curve_list[j],OCCCurve)->
+				point_containment(*v);
+		 if (is_on == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+                   count++;
+               }
+               else if(is_on == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+               {
+                 PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+                 return (Surface *)NULL;
+               }
+	     }
+	   }
+        }
+     }
+  }
+  if (count > curve_list.size()) 
+  {
+      PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+      return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  CubitStatus stat = sort_curves(curve_list, topo_edges_loops); 
+  if( stat == CUBIT_FAILURE ) //case of one disconnected curve 
+     return (Surface*) NULL;
+  // Use the topo_edges to make a topo_face
+  TopoDS_Face* topo_face;
+  topo_face = make_TopoDS_Face(surface_type,topo_edges_loops, old_surface_ptr);
+  for (int i = 0; i < topo_edges_loops.size(); i++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* topo_edges = topo_edges_loops.get_and_step();
+    for(int j = 0; j < topo_edges->size(); j++)
+      topo_edges->pop();
+    delete topo_edges;
+  }
+  if(!topo_face)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface object.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  // make the topology bridges for the face
+  Surface *surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(
+                               *topo_face, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  topo_face->Nullify();
+  delete topo_face;
+  return surface ;
+// Function   : sort_curves
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: sort the curves so they are in order and make closed loop 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::sort_curves(DLIList<Curve*> curve_list,
+                        DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*>& topo_edges_loops)const
+  topo_edges_loops.clean_out();
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  std::vector< DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* > topo_edges(curve_list.size());
+  int size_in = curve_list.size();
+  for(int i = 0; i < size_in; i++)
+    topo_edges[i] = new DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>;
+  curve_list.reset() ;
+  Curve const* curve_ptr = NULL ;
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = NULL;
+  TopoDS_Edge* topo_edge = NULL;
+  OCCPoint* start = NULL;
+  OCCPoint* end = NULL;
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  CubitBoolean new_end;
+  int size = curve_list.size();
+  int count = 0;
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
+  {
+     if (i == 0)
+       new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     for(int j = 0; j < curve_list.size(); j ++)
+     {
+        curve_ptr = curve_list.get() ; 
+        occ_curve = CAST_TO(const_cast<Curve*>(curve_ptr), OCCCurve);
+        if(occ_curve ==  NULL)
+        {
+           PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::sort_curves\n"
+                       "       Got a NULL pointer to OCCCurve\n") ;
+           return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        }
+        point_list.clean_out();
+        occ_curve->get_points(point_list);
+        //assert(point_list.size()==2);
+        if (i == 0)
+        {
+          start = point_list.get();
+          end = point_list.pop();  
+          break;
+        }
+        if(end->is_equal(*(point_list.get()), tol) ||
+           end->is_equal(*(point_list.step_and_get()),tol)) 
+        {
+           end = point_list.step_and_get();
+           new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+        }
+        else if(start->is_equal(*(point_list.get()), tol) ||
+           start->is_equal(*(point_list.step_and_get()),tol))
+        {
+           start = end;
+           end = point_list.step_and_get(); 
+           new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+        }
+        curve_list.step();
+     }
+     if (new_end)//found next curve 
+     {
+        topo_edge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+        topo_edges[count]->append(topo_edge);
+        curve_list.remove();
+        if(start->is_equal( *end, tol))  //formed a closed loop
+        {
+          i = -1;
+          size = curve_list.size() ;
+          topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]);
+          count++;
+        }
+        else
+          new_end = CUBIT_FALSE;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE; 
+        i = -1;
+        size = curve_list.size();
+        topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]);
+        count++;
+     }
+  }
+  if( new_end == CUBIT_FALSE ) //case of one disconnected curve
+  {
+    topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]); 
+    stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  for(int i = 0; i < size_in; i++)
+  {
+     if(topo_edges[i]->size() == 0)
+       delete topo_edges[i];
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Function   : make_TopoDS_Face
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: make a opoDS_Face of type surface_type, given the list of 
+//              TopoDS_Edge. the TopoDS_Edge's should be in order in loops.
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so
+//              disregard this option.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+TopoDS_Face* OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face(GeometryType surface_type,
+			       DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_list,
+			       Surface * old_surface_ptr)const
+  TopoDS_Face* topo_face = NULL;
+  // Make sure a supported type of surface is being requested.
+  if ( surface_type != PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE  &&
+       surface_type != BEST_FIT_SURFACE_TYPE)
+  {
+      PRINT_WARNING("In OCCGeometryEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                    "       At this time, cannot make a TopoDS_Face that isn't"
+                    " planar or best fit.\n");
+      return topo_face;
+  }
+  // Set the TopoDS_Face pointer, if requested.
+  TopoDS_Face *fit_Face = NULL;
+  Handle_Geom_Surface S;
+  if ( old_surface_ptr != NULL )
+  {
+      OCCSurface *surf = CAST_TO(old_surface_ptr, OCCSurface );
+      fit_Face = surf->get_TopoDS_Face();
+      S = BRep_Tool::Surface(*fit_Face);
+  }
+  // Make a wire from the topo_edges.
+  // Coincident TopoDS_Vertex will be deleted by OCC.
+  if(topo_edges_list.size() == 0)
+      return topo_face;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Wire*> wires;
+  GProp_GProps myProps;
+  double max_area  = 0.0;
+  TopoDS_Wire* out_Wire = NULL;
+  TopoDS_Wire test_Wire;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* topo_edges; 
+  //check and make sure the outer loop is in the first
+  for(int i = 0; i < topo_edges_list.size() ; i++)
+  {
+    topo_edges = topo_edges_list.get_and_step();
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(*(topo_edges->get()));
+    for(int j = 1; j < topo_edges->size(); j++)
+      aWire.Add(*(topo_edges->step_and_get()));
+    test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+    wires.append(&test_Wire);
+    if (topo_edges_list.size() == 1)
+      break;
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(test_Wire);
+    if (!made_face.IsDone())
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                   "   Cannot find the best fit surface for given curves.\n");
+       return topo_face;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Face test_face = made_face.Face();
+    BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(test_face, myProps); 
+    double area = myProps.Mass();
+    out_Wire = max_area > area ? out_Wire : &test_Wire;
+    max_area = max_area > area ? max_area : area;
+  } 
+  if (out_Wire)
+  {
+    wires.remove(out_Wire);
+    wires.insert_first(out_Wire);
+  }
+  //create the TopoDS_Face
+  CubitBoolean error = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  for(int i = 0; i < topo_edges_list.size() ; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Wire *the_wire = wires.get_and_step();
+    if (i == 0)
+    {
+      if( old_surface_ptr != NULL )
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(S, *the_wire);
+        if (!made_face.IsDone())
+        {
+          error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          break;
+        }
+        topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        CubitBoolean is_planar = (surface_type == PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE ?
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(*the_wire, is_planar);
+        if (!made_face.IsDone())
+        {
+          error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          break;
+        }
+        topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(*topo_face, *the_wire);
+      if (!made_face.IsDone())
+      {
+        error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+        break;
+      }
+      delete topo_face;
+      topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+    }
+  } 
+  if(error)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                 "   Cannot find the best fit surface for given curves.\n");
+    return (TopoDS_Face*) NULL;
+  }
+  return topo_face;
+// Function   : make_Lump
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a lump of one shell
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Lump* OCCModifyEngine::make_Lump( DLIList<Surface*>& surface_list ) const
+  if (surface_list.size() < 2) 
+    return (Lump*) NULL;
+  //all surfaces should be stand along surface bodies or shell bodies' surface
+  DLIList<BodySM*> body_list;
+  for(int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface);
+    if (occ_surface == NULL)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+       return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    OCCBody* occ_body = occ_surface->my_body();
+    if(occ_body && occ_body->my_sheet_surface() == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                 "The surfaces are not free.\n");
+      return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    else if(!occ_body)
+    {
+      OCCShell* shell = occ_surface->my_shell();
+      if(!shell)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("This is a bug, please report it. \n");
+        return (Lump*)NULL;
+      }
+      occ_body = shell->my_body();
+    }
+    body_list.append_unique(occ_body);
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+  CubitStatus stat = stitch_surfs(body_list, aShape);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("The surfaces are not all connected, can't make a lump. \n");
+    return (Lump*)NULL;
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex, Ex2;
+  TopoDS_Shell aShell ;
+  for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_SHELL, TopAbs_SOLID); Ex.More()&& stat; Ex.Next())
+    aShell = TopoDS::Shell(Ex.Current());
+  //check to make sure the aShell is closed.
+  int num_edges = 0;
+  int pairs = 0;
+  //sometimes there's duplicate TopoDS_Edges in the shell.
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*> edge_list;
+  for (Ex.Init(aShell, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More()&& stat; Ex.Next())
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge edge1 = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+    TopoDS_Edge* new_edge = new TopoDS_Edge(edge1);
+    edge_list.append(new_edge);
+  }
+  int size = edge_list.size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge edge1 = *edge_list[i];
+    int same = 0;
+    for (int j = i+1; j < edge_list.size(); j++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge edge2 = *edge_list[j];
+      if(edge1.IsEqual(edge2))
+      {
+           same ++;
+           edge_list.remove(&edge1);
+           i--;
+           size--;
+           break;
+      }
+    }
+    if(same > 0)
+      continue;
+    else
+      num_edges++;
+    for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)  
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge edge2 = *edge_list[j];    
+      if (!edge1.IsEqual(edge2)&& edge1.IsSame(edge2))
+      {
+        pairs++;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int k = 0; k < edge_list.size(); k++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
+    edge->Nullify();
+    delete edge;
+  }
+  if (num_edges == pairs )
+    aShell.Closed(CUBIT_TRUE);
+  else
+    PRINT_ERROR("Surfaces must make a water-tight shape to make a lump.\n");
+  if(aShell.Closed())
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid aMakeSolid(aShell);
+    if (!aMakeSolid.IsDone())
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC Lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                   "OCC internal error.\n");
+       return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Solid aSolid = aMakeSolid.Solid();
+    return
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(aSolid, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  }
+  return (Lump*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM from a surface
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( Surface *surface ) const
+  OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface, OCCSurface);
+  if(!occ_surface)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC body from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (BodySM *)NULL;
+  }
+  OCCBody* occ_body = occ_surface->my_body();
+  if(occ_body)
+     return occ_body;
+  TopoDS_Face* face = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*face, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return CAST_TO(surface, OCCSurface)->my_body();
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM given a list of Lumps.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>& lump_list ) const
+  if (lump_list.size() == 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  //Create a compsolid shape, copy all BodySM's solids to create new compbody 
+  DLIList<BodySM*> bodysm_list;
+  TopoDS_CompSolid CS;
+  BRep_Builder B;
+  B.MakeCompSolid(CS);
+  //Add every shape to the CompSolid
+  for(int i = 0; i < lump_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+     Lump* lump = lump_list.get_and_step();
+     OCCLump* occ_lump = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump);
+     if(!occ_lump)
+     {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC BodySM from the given lumps.\n"
+                    "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+        return (BodySM *)NULL;
+     }
+     TopoDS_Solid* solid = occ_lump->get_TopoDS_Solid();
+     BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*solid);
+     TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*solid);
+     B.Add(CS, newShape);
+  }
+  BodySM* bodysm = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(CS);
+  return bodysm;
+// Function   : sphere
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build an OCC sphere
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::sphere(double radius) const
+  if (radius <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL; 
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(radius);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S, 
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build an OCC brick 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( double wid, double dep, double hi ) const
+  if (wid <= 0 || dep <=0 || hi <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(wid, dep, hi);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body,OCCBody)->move(-wid/2.0, -dep/2.0, -hi/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC brick given center axes and extension
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( const CubitVector& center, 
+                                const CubitVector axes[3],
+                                const CubitVector &extension) const
+  CubitVector left_corner =  center - 0.5 * extension;
+  gp_Pnt left_point(left_corner.x(), left_corner.y(), left_corner.z());
+  gp_Dir main_dir(axes[2].x(), axes[2].y(), axes[2].z());
+  gp_Dir x_dir(axes[0].x(), axes[0].y(), axes[0].z());
+  gp_Ax2 Axis(left_point, main_dir, x_dir);
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox( Axis, extension.x(), extension.y(),
+					extension.z());
+  Lump* lump =  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body(); 
+// Function   : prism
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC prism 
+// Author     : Jane Hu  
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::prism( double height, int sides, double major,
+                               double minor) const
+  //currently OCC only support 4 sided prism
+  if (sides != 4)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  }
+  return brick(2 * major, 2 * minor, height); 
+// Function   : pyramid
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC pyramid 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::pyramid( double height, int sides, double major,
+                                 double minor, double top) const
+  //currently OCC only support 4 sided pyramid
+  if (sides != 4)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeWedge( 2 * major, 2* minor, height,
+                                        2 * top);
+  Lump* lump =  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body, OCCBody)->move(-major, -minor, -height/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC cylinder, its base shape can be ellipse with
+//		r1, r2 while r3 = 0; or it can be a cone with r1, 
+//		r3 while r2 = 0. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::cylinder( double hi, double r1, double r2, double r3 ) const
+  TopoDS_Solid S;
+  if(r2 != r1)//elliptical based cylinder
+  {
+    gp_Pnt center(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    gp_Dir main_dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+    gp_Dir x_dir(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    gp_Ax2 Axis(center, main_dir, x_dir); 
+    Handle(Geom_Curve) curve_ptr = GC_MakeEllipse(Axis, r1, r2); 
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr);
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(new_edge);
+    TopoDS_Wire test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+    BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections builder(CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    builder.AddWire(test_Wire);
+    if (r3 == 0)
+    {
+      gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( 0.0, 0.0, hi);
+      TopoDS_Vertex theVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+      builder.AddVertex(theVertex);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      gp_Pnt center2(0.0, 0.0,hi);
+      gp_Ax2 Axis2(center2, main_dir, x_dir);
+      Handle(Geom_Curve) curve_ptr = GC_MakeEllipse(Axis2, r3, r3*r2/r1);
+      TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr);
+      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(new_edge);
+      TopoDS_Wire test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+      builder.AddWire(test_Wire);
+    }
+    builder.Build() ;
+    S = TopoDS::Solid(builder.Shape());
+  }
+  else // cone
+  {
+    if(r1 == r3) //cylinder
+      S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(r1, hi);
+    else
+      S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone(r1, r3, hi);
+  }
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::cylinder\n"
+                "   Cannot create a cylinder for given radii.\n");
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  }
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body, OCCBody)->move(0, 0, -hi/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : torus
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC torus
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::torus( double r1, double r2 ) const
+  if (r1 <= 0 || r2 <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeTorus(r1, r2);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::torus\n"
+                "   Cannot create a torus for given radii.\n");
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  }
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC planar_sheet with four vectors. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::planar_sheet ( const CubitVector& p1,
+                                       const CubitVector& p2,
+                                       const CubitVector& p3,
+                                       const CubitVector& p4) const
+  Point* point1 = make_Point(p1);
+  Point* point2 = make_Point(p2);
+  Point* point3 = make_Point(p3);
+  Point* point4 = make_Point(p4);
+  Curve * curve1 = make_Curve( point1, point2);
+  if (curve1 == NULL)
+	return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve2 = make_Curve( point2, point3); 
+  if (curve2 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve3 = make_Curve( point3, point4);
+  if (curve3 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve4 = make_Curve( point4, point1);
+  if (curve4 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+  curves.append(curve1);
+  curves.append(curve2);
+  curves.append(curve3);
+  curves.append(curve4);
+  Surface* surface = make_Surface(PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+  if (surface == NULL)
+	return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(surface,OCCSurface)->my_body();
+// Function   : copy_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: copy an OCC-based body
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::copy_body ( BodySM* bodyPtr ) const
+  OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(bodyPtr, OCCBody);
+  if (!occ_body)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC bodySM from the given bodySM.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (BodySM *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_CompSolid *theCS = occ_body->get_TopoDS_Shape();
+  if (theCS == NULL) //sheet body
+  {
+    OCCShell* occ_shell = occ_body->shell();
+    if (occ_shell != NULL)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shell* shell = occ_shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+      BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*shell);
+      TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*shell);
+      TopoDS_Shell newShell = TopoDS::Shell(newShape);
+      return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newShell, CUBIT_TRUE)->my_body();
+    }
+    Surface* surface = make_Surface(occ_body->my_sheet_surface());
+    if (surface == NULL)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC sheet bodySM from the given bodySM.\n");
+       return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    return CAST_TO(surface,OCCSurface)->my_body();
+  }
+  if(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*theCS))
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theCS);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theCS);
+    TopoDS_CompSolid newCS = TopoDS::CompSolid(newShape);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newCS);
+  }
+  //single lump body
+  Lump *lump = occ_body->lumps().get();
+  TopoDS_Solid solid = *(CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_TopoDS_Solid());
+  BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(solid);
+  TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(solid);
+  TopoDS_Solid newSolid = TopoDS::Solid(newShape);
+  lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newSolid,
+							CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : stitch_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: stitch all surfs and try to make a shell body.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::stitch_surfs(
+                      DLIList<BodySM*>& surf_bodies,
+                      BodySM*& new_body) const
+  new_body = NULL;
+  if (surf_bodies.size()==0)
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  if (surf_bodies.size()==1)
+  {
+    new_body = surf_bodies.get();
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape fuse;
+  CubitStatus stat =  stitch_surfs(surf_bodies, fuse);
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+     populate_topology_bridge(fuse);
+  if (stat)
+  {
+    OCCBody* body = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), OCCBody);
+    if (body)
+      new_body = body ;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    surf_bodies.clean_out();
+    for(int i= 0; i<tbs.size(); i++)
+      surf_bodies.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), OCCBody));
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : stitch_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: stitch all surfs and try to make a TopoDS_Shell .
+//              called by stitch into surface body
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::stitch_surfs(
+                      DLIList<BodySM*>& surf_bodies,
+                      TopoDS_Shape& fuse) const
+  if (surf_bodies.size() < 2)
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> faces_to_stitch;
+  for (int i = 0; i < surf_bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+     BodySM * tool_body = surf_bodies.get_and_step();
+     OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(tool_body, OCCBody);
+     OCCSurface* surface = occ_body->my_sheet_surface();
+     OCCShell* shell = occ_body->shell();
+     if (surface == NULL && shell == NULL)
+     {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't stitch non-sheet bodySM's. \n");
+       return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+     }
+     delete occ_body;
+     if (surface)
+     {
+       delete surface->my_shell();
+       delete surface->my_lump();
+       surface->set_shell(NULL);
+       surface->set_lump(NULL);
+       surface->set_body(NULL);
+       TopoDS_Face* topods_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+       if (topods_face != NULL)
+         faces_to_stitch.append(topods_face);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       delete shell->my_lump();
+       shell->set_body(NULL);
+       shell->set_lump(NULL);
+       TopoDS_Shell* topods_shell = shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+       if(topods_shell)
+          faces_to_stitch.append(topods_shell);
+     }
+  }
+  faces_to_stitch.reset();
+  surf_bodies.reset();
+  TopoDS_Shape* first_face  = faces_to_stitch.pop();
+  TopoDS_Shape* second_face = NULL;
+  for( int i = faces_to_stitch.size()-1; i >= 0; i --)
+  {
+     second_face = faces_to_stitch[i];
+     BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse fuser(*second_face, *first_face);
+     TopoDS_Shape new_shape ;
+     for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+     {
+       TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+       if(j == 0)
+         TopExp::MapShapes(*second_face, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+       else
+         TopExp::MapShapes(*first_face, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+       for(int ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++)
+       {
+          TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(M(ii));
+          TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+          shapes.Assign(fuser.Modified(face));
+          if (shapes.Extent() == 1)
+          {
+            new_shape = shapes.First();
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(face, TopoDS::Face(new_shape), &fuser);
+          }
+          else if(fuser.IsDeleted(face) || shapes.Extent() > 1)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face null_face;
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(face, null_face, &fuser);
+          }
+        }
+      } 
+      fuse = fuser.Shape();
+      first_face = &fuse;
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  int count_shell = 0;
+  for (Ex.Init(fuse, TopAbs_SHELL, TopAbs_SOLID); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+    count_shell++;
+  if ( count_shell != 1)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Can't stitch all surfaces into one BodySM's. \n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : subtract
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: subtract boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &tool_body_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                          bool imprint,
+                                          bool keep_old) const
+  // copy the bodies in case keep_old is true
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_bodies_copy;
+  //for subtract function, tool-body has to be solid, 
+  //otherwise it's just imprint
+  DLIList<CubitBox*>* tool_boxes = new DLIList<CubitBox*>();
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume;
+  //keep the tool_body untouched
+  CubitStatus stat = 
+    get_shape_list(tool_body_list, tool_bodies_copy, is_tool_volume, CUBIT_TRUE, tool_boxes);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  //check that tool_bodies are all solid, shell and surface body can't be used
+  //for subtracting purpose.
+  if(is_tool_volume.is_in_list(CUBIT_FALSE))
+  {
+     PRINT_WARNING("Surfaces or Shells can't be used to cut a body.\n");
+     while (tool_boxes->size())
+       delete tool_boxes->pop();
+     delete tool_boxes;
+     while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+       delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  stat = do_subtract(from_bodies, tool_bodies_copy, is_tool_volume,
+                     tool_boxes, new_bodies, keep_old, imprint) ;
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries.
+  while (tool_boxes->size())
+    delete tool_boxes->pop();
+  delete tool_boxes;
+  while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+    delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+  if(!keep_old) //delete tool_bodies
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(tool_body_list);
+  return stat;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::do_subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+                                      DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> &tool_bodies_copy,
+                                      DLIList<CubitBoolean> &is_tool_volume,
+                                      DLIList<CubitBox*>* tool_boxes,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool imprint) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> from_bodies_copy;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  //get the from_bodies underling shapes
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(from_bodies, from_bodies_copy, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < tool_bodies_copy.size(); i++)
+    {
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_bodies_copy.get_and_step();
+       delete shape;
+    }
+    tool_bodies_copy.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  } 
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance(); 
+  int fraction_remaining = 100;
+  // subtract the tool body from each body in the list
+  CubitMessage* cmi = CubitMessage::instance(); 
+  TopoDS_Shape*  from_shape = from_bodies_copy.get();
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = 0; i < from_bodies_copy.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* from_body = from_bodies.get();
+    CubitBox box1 = CAST_TO(from_body, OCCBody)->get_bounding_box();
+    int count = 0;  //count for not preforming cut
+    for(int j = 0; j < tool_bodies_copy.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      if (cmi->Interrupt())
+      {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Subtraction interrupted.  Aborting...\n");
+         while (tool_boxes->size())
+           delete tool_boxes->pop();
+         delete tool_boxes;
+         while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+            delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+         while (from_bodies_copy.size())
+            delete from_bodies_copy.pop();
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      CubitBox tool_box = *tool_boxes->get_and_step();  
+      if(!tool_box.overlap(tol,box1))
+      {
+        count++;
+        continue;
+      } 
+      TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape = tool_bodies_copy.get_and_step();
+      //bodies overlap, proceed with the subtract
+      BRepAlgoAPI_Cut cutter(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape cut_shape = cutter.Shape(); 
+      //compare to see if the from_shape has gotten cut.
+      CubitBoolean has_changed;
+      check_operation(cut_shape, from_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, &cutter, keep_old);
+      CubitStatus stat;
+      if(!has_changed && !from_shape->IsNull())
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        //Add imprint code here 
+        if(imprint)
+          stat = imprint_toposhapes(from_shape, tool_shape);
+        if(!stat)
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Can't do imprint operation on the body. \n");
+          count++;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    //ok, we're done with all cuts, construct new Body'
+    if (count < tool_bodies_copy.size() )
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*from_shape);
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("The %d body did not change because cutting tools are not interscting with it.\n", i+1);
+      from_bodies.change_to(NULL);
+    }
+    from_bodies.step();
+    from_shape = from_bodies_copy.step_and_get();
+    // done with this j iteration; write out count, if necessary
+    if (from_bodies.size() * tool_bodies_copy.size() > 1)
+    {
+       int frac_done = (100 * (i+1)) / (from_bodies.size());
+       if ((100 - frac_done) < fraction_remaining)
+       {
+          fraction_remaining = 100 - frac_done;
+          PRINT_INFO("%d%% remaining.\n ", fraction_remaining+1);
+       }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }    
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries. 
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    int size  = from_bodies_copy.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = from_bodies_copy.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  } 
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+// Function   : imprint_toposhapes
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies.
+//              from_shape must be TopoDS_Face or above, tool_shape can be
+//              TopoDS_Edge or above. 
+//              on_faces works only when tool_shape is an Edge, indicates that
+//              those edges only imprint on the on_faces.
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint_toposhapes(TopoDS_Shape*& from_shape, 
+                                             TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape,
+                                             DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>*on_faces)const
+  int count = 0;   //number of imprinting
+  //indicate if there's more faces to be imprinted
+  CubitBoolean more_face = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> list_for_delete;
+  //list of face on from_shape that has been imprinted
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> from_faces; 
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  while( more_face)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Face from_face,tool_face;
+    TopoDS_Edge* common_edge = NULL;
+    DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_faces_edges;
+    TopTools_ListOfShape list_of_edges;
+    BRepFeat_SplitShape splitor(*from_shape);
+    CubitBoolean qualified = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    if (tool_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE)
+    {
+      if(count == 1)
+        break;
+      DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> faces;
+      //need to delete TopoDS_Face* in faces
+      common_edge = find_imprinting_edge(*from_shape, TopoDS::Edge(*tool_shape),faces);
+      if (common_edge)
+      {
+        if (on_faces)
+          qualified = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        for(int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++)
+        {
+          from_face = *faces.get();
+          for (int i = 0; on_faces && i < on_faces->size(); i++)
+          {
+            if (from_face.IsSame(*(on_faces->get_and_step())))
+            {
+              qualified = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          faces.get()->Nullify();
+          delete faces.get();
+          faces.step();
+        }
+        if (qualified && (from_faces.size() == 0 || (from_faces.size() && !from_face.IsSame(*from_faces.get()))) )
+          list_of_edges.Append(*common_edge);
+        else
+          from_face.Nullify();
+        common_edge->Nullify();
+        delete common_edge;
+      }
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      TopOpeBRep_ShapeIntersector intersector;
+      intersector.InitIntersection(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+      //find the intersecting edges and faces.
+      int max_edge = 0;
+      for(; intersector.MoreIntersection(); intersector.NextIntersection())
+	{
+          TopoDS_Shape face1;
+	  face1 = intersector.ChangeFacesIntersector().Face(1);
+          CubitBoolean has_imprinted = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for (int j = 0; j < from_faces.size(); j++)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get_and_step();
+            if(face1.IsSame(*topo_face))
+            {
+              has_imprinted = CUBIT_TRUE;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (has_imprinted)
+	    continue;
+          TopoDS_Shape edge_face;
+          edge_face = intersector.ChangeFacesIntersector().Face(2);
+          BRepAlgoAPI_Section section(face1, edge_face);
+          //intersection edges between face1 and edge_face
+	  TopTools_ListOfShape temp_list_of_edges;
+	  temp_list_of_edges.Assign(section.SectionEdges());
+	  int num_edges = temp_list_of_edges.Extent();
+          CubitBoolean is_same = face1.IsSame(from_face);
+          CubitBoolean is_same_tool = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for (int j = 0; j < tool_faces_edges.size(); j++)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Shape* topo_face_edge = tool_faces_edges.get_and_step();
+            if(edge_face.IsSame(*topo_face_edge))
+            {
+              is_same_tool = CUBIT_TRUE;
+	      break;
+	    }
+          }
+	  if (max_edge < num_edges )
+	    {
+	      list_of_edges.Assign(temp_list_of_edges);  
+	      max_edge =  num_edges ;
+	      from_face = TopoDS::Face(face1);
+              TopoDS_Shape* topo_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(edge_face);
+              DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+              for(int iii = 0; iii < tool_faces_edges.size(); iii++)
+              {
+                int size = shape_list.size();
+                shape_list.append_unique(tool_faces_edges.get_and_step());
+                if (size < shape_list.size())
+                {
+                  shape_list.last();
+                  shape_list.get()->Nullify();
+                  delete shape_list.get();
+                }
+              }
+              tool_faces_edges.clean_out();
+              for(int i = 0 ; i < num_edges; i++)
+                //later has to use it num_edges times 
+                tool_faces_edges.append(topo_shape);
+	    }
+          else if(num_edges == max_edge && is_same && !is_same_tool) 
+          //multi tool faces cut the same face
+          {
+            TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape Itor, temp_Itor;
+            temp_Itor.Initialize(temp_list_of_edges);
+            for(; temp_Itor.More(); temp_Itor.Next())
+            {
+              TopoDS_Edge temp_edge = TopoDS::Edge(temp_Itor.Value());
+              Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges);
+              CubitBoolean same_edge = CUBIT_FALSE;
+              GProp_GProps myProps1;
+              BRepGProp::LinearProperties(temp_edge, myProps1);
+              gp_Pnt center1 = myProps1.CentreOfMass();
+              for(; Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+              {
+                TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+                GProp_GProps myProps2;
+                BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, myProps2);
+                gp_Pnt center2 = myProps2.CentreOfMass();
+                if(center1.IsEqual(center2, tol))
+                {
+		  same_edge = CUBIT_TRUE;
+                  break;
+  		}
+	      }
+              if(!same_edge)
+              {
+                list_of_edges.Append(temp_edge);
+                TopoDS_Shape* topo_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(edge_face);
+                tool_faces_edges.append(topo_shape);
+ 	      }
+            }
+          }
+	}
+      }
+      if (from_face.IsNull())
+      {
+        more_face = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+        for(int iii = 0; iii < tool_faces_edges.size(); iii++)
+        {
+           int size = shape_list.size();
+           shape_list.append_unique(tool_faces_edges.get_and_step());
+           if (size < shape_list.size())
+           {
+              shape_list.last();
+              shape_list.get()->Nullify();
+              delete shape_list.get();
+           }
+         }
+        tool_faces_edges.clean_out();
+        for (int iii=0; iii < from_faces.size(); iii++)
+        {
+          TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get_and_step();
+          topo_face->Nullify();
+          delete topo_face;
+        }
+        for (int iii=0; iii < list_for_delete.size(); iii++)
+        {
+           TopoDS_Face* topo_face = list_for_delete.get_and_step();
+           topo_face->Nullify();
+           delete topo_face;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape Itor;
+      //list_of_edges is the intersection edges on tool_faces_edges 
+      Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges);
+      int total_edges = list_of_edges.Extent();
+      DLIList<Curve*> curve_list;
+      CubitBoolean topo_changed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+      tool_faces_edges.reset();
+      //check to see if the intersection edge is:
+      //1. on from_face: if not, skip it
+      //2. overlap with from_edges : if not, add the edge for splitting face
+      //3. if overlap, is it the same edge:if not add it for splitting edge
+      // if yes, skip it too
+      Surface* face = NULL;
+      if (OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(from_face))
+      {
+        int i = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->Find(from_face);
+        face = (OCCSurface*)(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OccToCGM->find(i))->second;
+      }
+      else
+        face = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(from_face);
+      OCCSurface* occ_face = CAST_TO(face, OCCSurface);
+      DLIList<Curve*> common_curves;
+      for(; Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+      {
+        TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+        //copy the edge for imprinting.
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(edge);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(edge);
+        edge = TopoDS::Edge(newShape);
+        Curve* curve = NULL;
+        curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(edge); 
+        if(curve)
+          common_curves.append(curve);
+      }
+      DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> temp_edge_lists;
+      list_of_edges.Clear(); 
+      if (common_curves.size() >= 1)
+      {
+        sort_curves(common_curves, temp_edge_lists);
+        DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list;
+        int size = temp_edge_lists.size();
+        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        {
+          edge_list = temp_edge_lists.pop();
+          //make sure the copied edges are sharing vertices.
+          BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire myWire;
+          edge_list->reset();
+          for(int i = 0; i < edge_list->size(); i++)
+          {
+             TopoDS_Edge e = *(edge_list->get_and_step());
+             myWire.Add(e);
+          }
+          TopoDS_Wire wire = myWire.Wire();
+          BRepTools_WireExplorer Ex(wire); 
+          for(; Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+            list_of_edges.Append(Ex.Current());
+        }
+      }
+      for(Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges); Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+      {
+        TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+        //check to see if the intersection edge is on from_face
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	CubitBoolean added = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean skipped = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        GProp_GProps myProps1;
+        BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, myProps1);
+        double d1 = myProps1.Mass();
+        gp_Pnt pt = myProps1.CentreOfMass();
+        CubitVector p(pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z());
+        CubitVector point_on_surf;
+        occ_face->closest_point_trimmed(p, point_on_surf);
+        if(p.distance_between(point_on_surf) > tol) //edge not on from_face
+        {
+          skipped = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          total_edges--;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+	  for (Ex.Init(from_face, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+	  {
+           //check if the edge is on from_face edges, add such edge on existing
+            //edge to split it.
+	    TopoDS_Edge from_edge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+            GProp_GProps myProps2;
+            BRepGProp::LinearProperties(from_edge, myProps2);
+            double d2 = myProps2.Mass();
+            Curve* curve = NULL;
+            if (OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(from_edge))
+            {
+              int i = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->Find(from_edge);
+              curve = (OCCCurve*)(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OccToCGM->find(i))->second;
+            }
+            else
+              curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(from_edge);
+            OCCCurve* occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve);
+            CubitPointContainment pc = occ_curve->point_containment(p);
+	    if(pc == CUBIT_PNT_ON) //overlap
+ 	    {
+              //check if they are the same edge, so don't need to be split
+              //the overlapped edges are considered the same if they have the
+              //same length
+              if((d2 - d1) > tol)
+              {
+	        added = CUBIT_TRUE;
+   	        splitor.Add(edge, from_edge);
+              }
+              else
+	        skipped = CUBIT_TRUE;
+              total_edges--;
+              break;
+	    }
+          } 
+        } 
+        if(added)
+        {
+          topo_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (!skipped)
+        {
+          //check if edge's inside from_face by checking bounding boxes  
+          BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(edge);
+          BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface( from_face);
+          Bnd_Box aBox_edge, aBox_face;
+          BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add(acurve, Precision::Approximation(), aBox_edge);
+          BndLib_AddSurface::Add(asurface, Precision::Approximation(), aBox_face);
+          double min[3], max[3];
+          aBox_edge.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+          CubitBox aBox_e(min, max);
+          aBox_face.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+          CubitBox aBox_f(min, max);
+          if (aBox_e <= aBox_f)
+          {
+	    Curve* curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(edge);
+	    curve_list.append(curve);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> edge_lists;
+      if (total_edges >= 1)
+	{      
+	  CubitStatus stat = sort_curves(curve_list, edge_lists); 
+	  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list;
+          int size = edge_lists.size();
+          for (int iii = 0; iii < size; iii++)
+          {
+	    edge_list = edge_lists.pop();
+            //check if the edges make a split of the surface, error out if it's
+            //just a scar on the surface
+            int count_intersection = 0;
+            if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE) //Open wire
+            {
+              count_intersection = check_intersection(edge_list, from_face);
+              if (count_intersection < 2)
+                PRINT_WARNING("Cant make a scar on existing face without splitting it. \n");
+	    } 
+            if (stat || count_intersection == 2)
+            {
+	      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire myWire;
+              edge_list->reset(); 
+	      for(int i = 0; i < edge_list->size(); i++)
+	        {
+	          TopoDS_Edge e = *(edge_list->get_and_step());
+	          myWire.Add(e); 
+	        }
+	      splitor.Add(myWire.Wire(),from_face);
+              topo_changed = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+              break;
+            }
+            for(int iii = 0; iii < edge_list->size(); iii++)
+              edge_list->pop();
+            delete edge_list;
+          }
+	} 
+      if(topo_changed)
+      {
+        splitor.Build();
+        topo_changed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(splitor.IsDone())
+        {
+          //take care of on_faces list first:after operation, the on_faces
+          // will have at least one face changed, update the pointer.
+          if (on_faces)
+          {
+            for(int k = 0; k < on_faces->size(); k++)
+            {
+              TopoDS_Face* compare_face = on_faces->get_and_step();
+              if(from_face.IsSame(*compare_face))
+              {
+                on_faces->remove(compare_face);
+                TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+                shapes.Assign(splitor.Modified(from_face)); 
+                while(shapes.Extent() > 0)
+                {
+                  TopoDS_Face* face = 
+                    new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(shapes.First())); 
+                  shapes.RemoveFirst();
+                  on_faces->append(face);
+                  list_for_delete.append(face);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          TopoDS_Shape new_from_shape = splitor.Shape();
+          if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+          {
+            TopoDS_CompSolid old_csolid = TopoDS::CompSolid(*from_shape);
+            OCCBody::update_OCC_entity(old_csolid, new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(*from_shape);
+            OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid, new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Shell old_shell = TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape);
+            OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(old_shell,new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face old_face = TopoDS::Face(*from_shape);
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(old_face,new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+          for(int i = 0; i < from_faces.size(); i++)
+          {
+             TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get();
+             shapes.Assign(splitor.Modified(*topo_face));
+             topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(shapes.First()));
+             from_faces.get()->Nullify();
+             delete from_faces.get();
+             from_faces.change_to(topo_face);
+             from_faces.step();
+          } 
+          count++;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(from_face);
+        from_faces.append(topo_face);
+      } 
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  int num_face = 0;
+  for (Ex.Init(*from_shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+  {
+     TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(Ex.Current());
+     num_face++;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG  
+  PRINT_INFO("Total %d cuts performed, with from_shape having %d faces.\n", count, num_face); 
+  if (count > 0)
+     return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : find_imprinting_edge
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies.
+//              from_shape must be TopoDS_Face or above, tool_shape must be
+//              TopoDS_Edge.
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 05/08
+TopoDS_Edge* OCCModifyEngine::find_imprinting_edge(TopoDS_Shape& from_shape,
+                                        TopoDS_Edge& tool_shape,
+                                        DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>& from_faces)const
+  TopoDS_Edge* edge = NULL;
+  //list of face on from_shape that has been imprinted
+  from_faces.clean_out();
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  for (Ex.Init(from_shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+  {
+    TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(Ex.Current());
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Common intersector(face, tool_shape);
+    TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+    shapes.Assign(intersector.Modified(tool_shape));
+    if (shapes.IsEmpty())
+      continue;
+    if ( shapes.Extent() > 1)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Edge has multiple intersection with the shape, make it simpler. \n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE)
+      continue;
+    if(edge == NULL)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge common_edge = TopoDS::Edge(shapes.First());
+       BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(common_edge);
+       TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(common_edge);
+       edge = new TopoDS_Edge(TopoDS::Edge(newShape));
+    }
+    from_faces.append(new TopoDS_Face(face));
+  }
+  return edge;
+int OCCModifyEngine::check_intersection(DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list,
+ 				        TopoDS_Face from_face)const
+  int  count_intersection = 0;
+  //Consider if edge_list has only one edge, and it intersects the from_face
+  //at two different places.
+  CubitBoolean double_check = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  if (edge_list->size() == 1)
+    double_check = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  gp_Pnt intsec_pnt[2];
+  for(int j = 0; j < edge_list->size(); j++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = edge_list->get_and_step();
+    BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*edge);
+    double lower_bound = acurve.FirstParameter();
+    double upper_bound = acurve.LastParameter();
+    TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+    gp_Pnt newP[2];
+    double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+    for (Ex.Init(from_face, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge from_edge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+      BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve2(from_edge);
+      double lower_bound2 = acurve2.FirstParameter();
+      double upper_bound2 = acurve2.LastParameter();
+      BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape distShapeShape(*edge, from_edge);
+      CubitBoolean qualified[2] = {CUBIT_FALSE, CUBIT_FALSE};
+      if (distShapeShape.IsDone() && distShapeShape.Value() < tol)
+      {
+        newP[0] = distShapeShape.PointOnShape1(1);
+        if (double_check && distShapeShape.NbSolution() == 2)
+          newP[1] = distShapeShape.PointOnShape1(2);
+        double newVal[2];
+        for(int j =0; j < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); j++)
+        {
+          Extrema_ExtPC ext(newP[j], acurve, Precision::Approximation());
+          if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+            for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+              if ( ext.IsMin(i) ) {
+        	newVal[j] = ext.Point(i).Parameter();
+		if ((newVal[j]-lower_bound) >= -tol && 
+                    (upper_bound - newVal[j]) >= -tol)
+		{
+		  qualified[j] = CUBIT_TRUE;
+		  break;
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+          }
+        }
+        for(int j = 0; j < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); j++)
+        {
+	  if (qualified[j])
+	  {
+	    qualified[j] = CUBIT_FALSE;
+	    Extrema_ExtPC ext(newP[j], acurve2, Precision::Approximation());
+	    double newVal;
+	    if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	      for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+	      	if ( ext.IsMin(i) ) {
+		  newVal = ext.Point(i).Parameter();
+                  if ((newVal-lower_bound2) >= -tol &&
+                      (upper_bound2 - newVal) >= -tol)
+		  {
+		    qualified[j] = CUBIT_TRUE;
+		    break;
+		  }
+		}
+    	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+        }
+        for(int k = 0; k < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); k++)
+        {
+          if (qualified[k])
+            count_intersection++;
+          intsec_pnt[count_intersection-1] = newP[k];
+          if (count_intersection == 2)
+          {
+            //make sure the two intersect point are not the same one 
+            if (intsec_pnt[0].IsEqual(intsec_pnt[1], tol))
+              count_intersection--;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (count_intersection == 2)
+	break;
+    } //for loop
+  }
+  return count_intersection;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 04/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint(BodySM* BodyPtr1, BodySM* BodyPtr2,
+                                         BodySM*& newBody1, BodySM*& newBody2,
+                                         bool  keep_old) const
+  newBody1 = NULL;
+  newBody2 = NULL;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  DLIList<BodySM*> bodysm_list;
+  bodysm_list.append(BodyPtr1);
+  bodysm_list.append(BodyPtr2);
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(bodysm_list,shape_list,is_volume,keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  TopoDS_Shape* shape1 = shape_list.get();
+  TopoDS_Shape* shape2 = shape_list.step_and_get();
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape1, shape2);
+  if(stat)
+  {
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape1); 
+    newBody1 = CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM);
+  }
+  else if(!stat && keep_old)
+  {
+    delete shape1;
+    PRINT_INFO("There's no imprint on the first body.\n");
+    newBody1 = BodyPtr1;
+  }
+  tbs.clean_out();
+  stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape2, shape1);
+  if(stat)
+  {
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape2);
+    newBody2 = CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM);     
+  }
+  else if(!stat && keep_old)
+  {
+    delete shape2;
+    PRINT_INFO("There's no imprint on the second body.\n");
+    newBody2 = BodyPtr2;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : get_the_shape_list
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: get the TopoDS_Shape list for imprinting use. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_shape_list(DLIList<BodySM*>& BodySM_list, 
+                                         DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*>& shape_list,
+                                         DLIList<CubitBoolean>& is_volume,
+                                         bool  keep_old,
+                                         DLIList<CubitBox*>* b_boxes) const
+  OCCBody* occ_body = NULL;
+  shape_list.clean_out();
+  is_volume.clean_out();
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  for(int i = 0; i <BodySM_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    occ_body = CAST_TO(BodySM_list.get_and_step(), OCCBody);
+    if (!occ_body)
+      continue;
+    OCCSurface* surface = occ_body->my_sheet_surface();
+    OCCShell*   shell = occ_body->shell();
+    is_volume.append( CUBIT_TRUE);
+    if(b_boxes)
+    {
+      CubitBox *tool_box = new CubitBox(occ_body->get_bounding_box());
+      b_boxes->append(tool_box);
+    }
+    if(surface)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Face* topo_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+      if(!topo_face)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topo_face);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topo_face);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(topo_face);
+      is_volume.change_to( CUBIT_FALSE);
+    }
+    else if(shell)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shell* topo_shell = shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+      if(!topo_shell)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topo_shell);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topo_shell);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(topo_shell);
+      is_volume.change_to( CUBIT_FALSE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      DLIList<Lump*> lumps = occ_body->lumps();
+      if (lumps.size() > 1)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Can't do boolean operation on CompSolid types. \n");
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      TopoDS_Solid* solid = CAST_TO(lumps.get(), OCCLump)->get_TopoDS_Solid();
+      if(!solid)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*solid);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*solid);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(solid);
+    }
+  }
+  if(!stat)
+  {   
+    for (int i = 0; keep_old && i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+          TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+          delete shape;
+    }
+    shape_list.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint multiple bodies at once
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 04/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_body_list ,
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*> &new_from_body_list,
+                                     bool keep_old,
+                                     DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* new_tbs,
+                                     DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* att_tbs) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(from_body_list, shape_list, is_vo,keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  int size = shape_list.size();
+  // total number of imprints to be done
+  int total_imprints = (size * (size -1))/2;
+  if( size > 2 )
+  {
+     char message[128];
+     sprintf(message, "Imprinting %d OCC Bodies", from_body_list.size() ); 
+     AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->start(0, total_imprints, message);
+  }
+  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape1 = shape_list[i];
+    CubitBoolean modified = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    for(int j = i+1; j < size+i; j ++)
+    {
+       if (CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt())
+       {
+          success = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+          break;
+       }
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape2 = shape_list[j%size];
+       DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+       CubitStatus stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape1, shape2);
+       if(stat)
+          modified = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+    }
+    if(modified)
+    {
+      DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape1);
+      new_from_body_list.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+    shape_list.reset();
+    if( size > 2 )
+      AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->step();
+  }
+  if( size > 2 )
+    AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->end();
+  if( CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt() )
+        PRINT_INFO("Imprint aborted.\n");
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint curves onto body_list
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old,
+                                           bool show_messages) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list, tool_shapes;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(body_list, shape_list, is_vo, keep_old);
+  if (!stat)
+    return stat;
+  int size = ref_edge_list.size();
+  // total number of imprints to be done
+  if( size > 2 && show_messages)
+  {
+     char message[128];
+     sprintf(message, "Imprinting %d OCC Bodies", body_list.size() );
+     AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->start(0, size, message);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve) ;
+    if (!curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+    if (edge->IsNull())
+      continue;
+    if (CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt())
+    {
+       success = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       break;
+    }
+    for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get();
+      stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape, (TopoDS_Shape*)edge);
+      if (stat)
+        shape_list.change_to(shape);
+      shape_list.step();
+      body_list.step();
+    }
+    if( size > 2 )
+      AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->step();
+  }   
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+    new_body_list.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+  }
+  if( size > 2 )
+    AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->end();
+  if( CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt() )
+        PRINT_INFO("Imprint aborted.\n"); 
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: to be consistante with Acis imprint.
+//              The surfaces must be part of a body, but the curves 
+//              just have to be valid OCC edge.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                      DLIList<Curve*> &edge_list,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                      bool keep_old ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> face_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  face_edge_imprint(ref_face_list, edge_list, face_list, shape_list, keep_old);
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+    {
+      if(!OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*shape)) 
+      {
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_SOLID);Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          TopoDS_Shape subshape = Ex.Current();
+          tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(subshape);
+          new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+      new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+  }
+  if (keep_old)
+  {
+    for(int i = 0; i < face_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+      face->Nullify();
+      delete face;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : face_edge_imprint
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: to be consistante with Acis imprint.
+//              The surfaces must be part of a body, but the curves
+//              just have to be valid OCC edge.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+OCCModifyEngine::face_edge_imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                    DLIList<Curve*> &edge_list,
+                                    DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>& face_list,
+                                    DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*>& shape_list,
+                                    bool keep_old ) const
+  for(int i = 0; i <ref_face_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_face_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface);
+    if(!surface)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Face* topo_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+    face_list.append(topo_face);
+    if(surface->my_shell() && !surface->my_body())//shell body
+      shape_list.append(surface->my_shell()->get_TopoDS_Shell());
+    else if(surface->my_body()) //a sheet body
+      shape_list.append(topo_face);
+    else
+    {
+      //int size = shape_list.size();
+      OCCQueryEngine* oqe = OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+      DLIList <OCCBody* > *bodies = oqe->BodyList;
+      TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape M;
+      OCCBody * body = NULL;
+      for(int j = 0; j <  bodies->size(); j++)
+      {
+        body = bodies->get_and_step();
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        TopoDS_Face the_face;
+        TopoDS_Shape ashape = *(body->get_TopoDS_Shape());
+        M.Clear();
+        TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(ashape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_COMPSOLID, M);
+        if(!M.Contains(*topo_face))
+          continue;
+        shape_list.append_unique(body->get_TopoDS_Shape());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    for(int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get();
+      BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+      for(int j = 0; j < face_list.size(); j++)
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          if(face->IsSame(Ex.Current()))
+          {
+            face = new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(api_copy.ModifiedShape(*face)));
+            face_list.change_to(face);
+          }
+        }
+        face_list.step();
+      }
+      shape_list.change_to(Shape1);
+      shape_list.step();
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve) ;
+    if (!curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+    if (edge->IsNull())
+      continue;
+    for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+      imprint_toposhapes(shape, (TopoDS_Shape*)edge, &face_list);
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: To be consistent with  AcisModifyEngine, althought it's hard 
+//              to have a GUI interface for users to input. All surface must
+//              on the same body. 
+// Author     : Jane HU 
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*>& surface_list,
+                                   DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*>& curve_lists_list,
+                                   BodySM*& new_body,
+                                   bool keep_old ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> face_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list_all;
+  assert (surface_list.size() == curve_lists_list.size());
+  for(int j = 0; j < surface_list.size(); j++)
+  {
+    Surface* surface = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<Surface*> ref_face_list;
+    ref_face_list.append(surface);
+    DLIList<Curve*> *edge_list = curve_lists_list.get_and_step();
+    face_edge_imprint(ref_face_list, *edge_list, face_list, shape_list, keep_old);
+    for(int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+      shape_list_all.append_unique(shape);
+    }
+    shape_list.clean_out();
+    if (keep_old)
+    {
+      for(int i = 0; i < face_list.size(); i++)
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+        face->Nullify();
+        delete face;
+      }
+    }
+    face_list.clean_out();
+  }
+  DLIList<BodySM*> new_body_list;
+  shape_to_bodySM(shape_list, new_body_list);
+  if (new_body_list.size() == 1)
+  {
+    new_body = new_body_list.get();
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : shape_to_bodySM
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: After imprint, update shape list to bodySM_list
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+void OCCModifyEngine::shape_to_bodySM( DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list)const
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+    {
+      if(!OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*shape))
+      {
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_SOLID);Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          TopoDS_Shape subshape = Ex.Current();
+          tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(subshape);
+          new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+      new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+  }
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Imprints locations to bodies (for splitting curves, there's
+//              no known ways to put hard points on surfaces in OCC, so I just
+//              add free_vertex on OCCSurface definition, mesh should look on
+//              this structure).   
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                           DLIList<CubitVector*> &vector_list,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old,
+                                           DLIList<TopologyBridge*>*,
+                                           DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(body_list, shape_list, is_vo, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  for (int i = 0; i < body_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCBody* body = CAST_TO(body_list.get_and_step(), OCCBody);
+    TopoDS_Shape* from_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (!body)
+      continue;
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+    DLIList<OCCCurve*> curves;
+    body->get_all_surfaces(surfaces);
+    body->get_all_curves(curves);
+    CubitBoolean on_vertex = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    CubitBoolean on_curve = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    for (int j = 0; j < vector_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      CubitVector* v = vector_list[j];
+      if(v == NULL)
+        continue;
+      for (int k = 0;  k < curves.size(); k ++)
+      {
+         OCCCurve* curve = curves.get_and_step();
+         CubitPointContainment pc = curve->point_containment(*v);
+         if(pc == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+         {
+           on_vertex = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+         }
+         else if( pc == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+         {
+           LocOpe_SplitShape splitor(*from_shape); 
+           on_curve = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           TopoDS_Edge edge = *curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+           gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt(v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
+           TopoDS_Vertex vertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+           double param = curve->u_from_position(*v);
+           splitor.Add(vertex, param, edge);
+           //update the curve_list
+           TopTools_ListOfShape edge_shapes;
+           edge_shapes.Assign(splitor.DescendantShapes(edge));
+           while(edge_shapes.Extent())
+           {
+             TopoDS_Shape edge_shape = edge_shapes.First();
+             TopoDS_Edge occ_edge = TopoDS::Edge(edge_shape);
+             OCCCurve* test_curve; 
+             test_curve = CAST_TO(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(occ_edge), OCCCurve);
+             if(test_curve)
+               curves.append(test_curve);
+             edge_shapes.RemoveFirst();
+           }
+           curves.remove(curve);
+           TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+           shapes.Assign(splitor.DescendantShapes(*from_shape));
+           if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() ==TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+             OCCBody::update_OCC_entity(*from_shape, shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+             OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Solid(*from_shape), 
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+             OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape),
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE)
+             OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Face(*from_shape), 
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           from_shape->Nullify();
+           delete from_shape;
+           from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(shapes.First());
+           break;
+         }  
+       } 
+       if(on_vertex || on_curve)
+         continue;
+       //check possible on surface
+       for(int n = 0; n < surfaces.size(); n ++)
+       {
+          OCCSurface* surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+          if(!surface->is_position_on(*v))
+            continue;
+          CubitPointContainment ps = surface->point_containment(*v);
+          if(ps == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+          {
+             Point* p = make_Point(*v);
+             if(p)
+               surface->add_hardpoint(CAST_TO(p, OCCPoint));
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+  }       
+  shape_to_bodySM(shape_list, new_body_list);
+  return stat;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of Curves on to a list of Surfaces
+//              and imprint the faces with the new Curves
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                          DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                          bool keep_old_body,
+                                          bool keep_free_edges) const
+  DLIList<Curve*> projected_curves;
+  CubitStatus 
+     stat = project_edges(ref_face_list, ref_edge_list, projected_curves);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  // imprint Surface with curves
+  stat = imprint(ref_face_list, projected_curves, new_body_list, keep_old_body );
+  if(keep_free_edges)
+     return  stat;
+  PRINT_INFO( "Removing projected curves \n");
+  for(int i=0; i< projected_curves.size();i++)
+  {
+    // Now delete this Curve and its underlying solid model entities
+    Curve* curve = projected_curves.get_and_step();
+    stat = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities( curve );
+    if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCQueryEngine::delete_geometry\n"
+                 "       Could not delete OCCCurve.\n"
+                 "       The Model database is likely corrupted "
+                 "due to\n       this unsuccessful deletion.\n" );
+    }
+  } 
+  return stat;
+// Function   : project_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of Curves on to a list of Surfaces
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::project_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                            DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                            DLIList<Curve*> &projected_curves,
+                                            bool print_error ) const
+  CubitVector* v = NULL;
+  Curve* projected_curve = NULL;
+  DLIList<Point*> points;
+  //project curves onto surfaces.
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve);
+    if(!curve)
+       continue;
+    for (int j = 0; j < ref_face_list.size(); j++)
+    {
+      OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_face_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface); 
+      if(!surface)
+        continue;
+      if(surface->is_closed_in_U() || surface->is_closed_in_V())
+      {
+        if(print_error)
+          PRINT_ERROR("This function can't project curves on closed surfaces.\n");
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      projected_curve = NULL;
+      projected_curve = curve->project_curve(surface, points, CUBIT_FALSE, v);
+      if(projected_curve)
+        projected_curves.append_unique(projected_curve);
+    }
+  }
+  while(points.size() > 0)
+    delete points.pop();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of curves on to a list of surfaces
+//              and imprint the bodies with the new curves
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges(DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                         DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                         bool keep_old,
+                                         bool keep_free_edges) const
+  DLIList<Curve*> projected_curves;
+  CubitStatus
+     stat = project_edges(ref_face_list, ref_edge_list, projected_curves);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat; 
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  // imprint bodies with curves
+  stat = imprint(body_list,projected_curves, new_body_list, keep_old);
+  if (keep_free_edges)
+        return  stat;
+  PRINT_INFO( "Removing projected curves \n");
+  for(int i=0; i< projected_curves.size();i++)
+  {
+    // Now delete this Curve 
+    Curve* curve = projected_curves.get_and_step();
+    stat = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+          delete_solid_model_entities( curve );
+    if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::delete_geometry\n"
+                   "       Could not delete Curve.\n"
+                   "       The Model database is likely corrupted "
+                   "due to\n       this unsuccessful deletion.\n" );
+    }
+  }
+  return stat; 
+// Function   : intersect
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: intersect boolean operation of body with list of bodies.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::intersect(BodySM*  tool_body_ptr,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>  &from_bodies,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>  &new_bodies,
+                                       bool  keep_old) const
+  DLIList<BodySM*> tool_bodies;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_shapes;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume, is_volume;
+  tool_bodies.append(tool_body_ptr);
+  //get tool_body's underlying shape, copy it, so boolean wouldn't touch it.
+  CubitStatus stat = 
+       get_shape_list(tool_bodies, tool_shapes, is_tool_volume, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  stat =  get_shape_list(from_bodies, shape_list, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < tool_shapes.size(); i++)
+    {
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_shapes.get_and_step();
+       delete shape;
+    }
+    tool_shapes.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape = tool_shapes.get();
+  CubitBoolean has_changed;
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+  { 
+    TopoDS_Shape* from_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    //BodySM* from_body = from_bodies.get_and_step();
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Common intersector(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+    TopoDS_Shape common_shape = intersector.Shape();
+    check_operation(common_shape, from_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, 
+                    &intersector, keep_old); 
+    if(from_shape->IsNull())
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("The %d body did not have common part with the tool_body.\n", i+1);
+      continue; 
+    }
+    else
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*from_shape);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries.
+  if(!keep_old)
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(tool_body_ptr);   
+  for(int i = 0; i < tool_shapes.size(); i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_shapes.get_and_step();
+    shape->Nullify();
+    delete shape;
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    int size  = shape_list.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : check_operation
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: check and update the from_shape according to type of the body.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+void OCCModifyEngine::check_operation(TopoDS_Shape& cut_shape,
+                                      TopoDS_Shape*& from_shape, //output
+                                      CubitBoolean  is_volume,
+                                      CubitBoolean& has_changed, //output
+                                      BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation* op,
+                                      CubitBoolean keep_old) const
+   //compare to see if the from_shape has gotten cut.
+   double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+   if(is_volume)
+   {
+     GProp_GProps myProps;
+     BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(*from_shape, myProps);
+     double orig_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(cut_shape, myProps);
+     double after_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     if(fabs(-after_mass + orig_mass) <= tol)
+     {
+        has_changed= CUBIT_FALSE; //common is itself
+        return;
+     }
+     //got cut. Update the entities
+     if(after_mass < tol) //no common section
+       cut_shape.Nullify();
+     has_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+     Ex.Init(*from_shape, TopAbs_SOLID);
+     TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(Ex.Current()); 
+     OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid , cut_shape, op);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     GProp_GProps myProps;
+     BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(*from_shape, myProps);
+     double orig_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(cut_shape, myProps);
+     double after_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     if(fabs(-after_mass + orig_mass) <= tol)
+     {
+       has_changed= CUBIT_FALSE; //common is itself, or not cut
+       return;
+     }
+     //got cut. Update the entities
+     if(after_mass < tol)//no common section
+       cut_shape.Nullify();
+     has_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+     {
+       TopoDS_Shell old_shell = TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape);
+       OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(old_shell,cut_shape, op);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       TopoDS_Face old_face = TopoDS::Face(*from_shape);
+       OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(old_face,cut_shape, op);
+     }
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+    delete from_shape;
+  from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(cut_shape);
+// Function   : chop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: chop boolean operation between OCC-based bodies
+//              bodies has a size() = 2, a blank body and a tool body.
+//              chops the blank with the  tool, returing the body formed
+//              by subtracting the tool from the blank, and the body formed
+//              by intersecting the tool with the blank, simultaneously.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus  OCCModifyEngine::chop(DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+                                   DLIList<BodySM*> &intersectBodies, 
+                                   DLIList<BodySM*> &outsideBodies,
+                                   BodySM*& leftoversBody,
+                                   bool keep_old ,
+                                   bool nonreg) const
+  //according to Acis chop function, leftoverBody = 0;
+  leftoversBody = 0;
+  //there's no effect of nonreg. keep_old mean if to keep the tool_body
+  if(bodies.size() != 2)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Chop operation works only on two bodies. Nothing modified\n");  
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE; 
+  }
+  //outsideBodies keeps the surface, curve ids if keep_old is false.
+  BodySM* blank_body = bodies.get();
+  //copy blank_body for intersect operation, because it will get changed.
+  DLIList<BodySM*> tool_bodies, from_bodies;
+  from_bodies.append(blank_body);
+  BodySM* tool_body = bodies.step_and_get();
+  tool_bodies.append(tool_body);
+  CubitStatus stat = intersect(tool_body, from_bodies, 
+                               intersectBodies, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if(!stat)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  stat = subtract(tool_bodies, from_bodies, outsideBodies, 
+                  CUBIT_FALSE, keep_old);
+  return stat;
+// Function   : unite
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: unite boolean operation between OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::unite(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies, 
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*> &newBodies,
+                                       bool keep_old) const
+  if(bodies.size() < 2)
+  {
+    newBodies = bodies;
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  //all bodies must have only one lump in order for boolean operation to work.
+  DLIList<Lump*> lumps;
+  for (int i = 0; i < bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+    lumps = CAST_TO(bodies.get_and_step(), OCCBody)->lumps();
+    if (lumps.size() > 1)
+    {
+      PRINT_WARNING("All bodies must have only one lump for boolean operations to work.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  CubitStatus stat =
+    get_shape_list(bodies, shape_list, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  //find a non-sheet body to be the first shape
+  TopoDS_Shape* first_shape;
+  CubitBoolean first_is_volume;
+  if((first_is_volume = is_volume.move_to(CUBIT_TRUE)))
+  {
+    int index = is_volume.get_index();
+    first_shape = shape_list[index];
+    shape_list.remove(first_shape);
+    is_volume.step(index);
+    is_volume.remove();
+    bodies.step(index);
+    bodies.remove();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    first_shape = shape_list.pop();
+    bodies.pop();
+  }
+  int size = shape_list.size();
+  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* second_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse fuser(*first_shape, *second_shape);
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape = fuser.Shape();
+    CubitBoolean has_changed;
+    check_operation(new_shape, first_shape, first_is_volume, has_changed, &fuser, keep_old);
+    check_operation(new_shape,second_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, &fuser, keep_old);
+  }      
+  //ok, we're done with all unites, construct new Body'
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*first_shape);
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      newBodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  //ok, we're done with all unites, delete unnecessaries.
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    shape_list.append(first_shape);
+    int size  = shape_list.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::thicken( DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                      double depth,
+                                      CubitBoolean both) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : hollow
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Hollow existing solid body by remove one or several surfaces 
+//              Can only take one body at a time.
+//              depth > 0, thick body going outside bodies
+//              depth < 0, thick body going inside bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::hollow( DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+                                     DLIList<Surface*>& surfs_to_remove,
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                     double depth) const
+  if(bodies.size() != 1 || surfs_to_remove.size() < 1)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Making thick solid in OCC will take one body and at least one surface at a time.\n"); 
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(bodies, shape_list, is_volume, CUBIT_FALSE);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  if(!is_volume.get())//sheet body
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Making thick solid in OCC needs an initial solid body to hollow with.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //make sure the body to be hollowed has only one lump
+  OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(bodies.get(), OCCBody);
+  DLIList<Lump*> lumps;
+  lumps = occ_body->lumps();
+  if(lumps.size()!=1)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("bodies with more than one lump can't be hollowed to make a thick body.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //make sure surfs_to_remove are all in bodies
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  TopTools_ListOfShape face_shapes;
+  occ_body->get_all_surfaces(surfaces);
+  for(int i = 0; i < surfs_to_remove.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surf = CAST_TO(surfs_to_remove.get(), OCCSurface);
+    if(!occ_surf)
+      continue;
+    if(!surfaces.is_in_list(occ_surf))
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Face * face = occ_surf->get_TopoDS_Face();
+    face_shapes.Append(*face); 
+  }
+  if(face_shapes.IsEmpty())
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("The surfaces provided should be from the body to be hollowed.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  double tol = 1.e-3; //hard coded for now, can be changed by application
+  TopoDS_Shape* solid = shape_list.get();
+  BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid hollower(*solid, face_shapes, depth, tol,
+                                        BRepOffset_Skin, Standard_False,
+                                        Standard_False, GeomAbs_Intersection);
+  TopoDS_Shape new_shape = hollower.Shape();
+  TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(*solid);
+  OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid , new_shape, &hollower); 
+  //ok, we're done with all hollowing, construct new Body'
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : flip_normals
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine :: flip_normals( DLIList<Surface*>& face_list ) const
+  DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
+  while (face_list.size())
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(face_list.pop(), OCCSurface);
+    OCCShell* occ_shell = occ_surface->my_shell();
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+    surfaces.append(occ_surface);
+    if(occ_shell) //find all surfaces in face_list that belong to this shell
+    {
+      int size = face_list.size();
+      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+      {
+        occ_surface = CAST_TO(face_list.get(), OCCSurface); 
+        if(occ_shell == occ_surface->my_shell())
+          surfaces.append(CAST_TO(face_list.remove(),OCCSurface));
+        else
+          face_list.step();
+      } 
+      if (!occ_shell->is_sheet())
+      {
+        DLIList<OCCCoFace*> cofaces;
+        cofaces = occ_shell->cofaces();
+        for(int i = 0; i < cofaces.size(); i++)
+        {
+          OCCCoFace* coface =cofaces.get_and_step();
+          occ_surface = coface->surface();
+          if(surfaces.is_in_list(occ_surface))
+          { 
+            TopoDS_Face* topoface = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+            TopAbs_Orientation ori = topoface->Orientation();
+            topoface->Orientation(ori == TopAbs_FORWARD ? TopAbs_REVERSED :
+                                                      TopAbs_FORWARD);
+            occ_surface->set_TopoDS_Face(*topoface);
+            coface->set_sense(coface->sense() == CUBIT_FORWARD ? 
+                                 CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD);
+            surface_list.append(occ_surface);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      else //sheet body 
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* topoface = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+        TopAbs_Orientation ori = topoface->Orientation();
+        topoface->Orientation(ori == TopAbs_FORWARD ? TopAbs_REVERSED :
+                                                    TopAbs_FORWARD);
+        occ_surface->set_TopoDS_Face(*topoface);
+        surface_list.append(occ_surface);
+      }
+      PRINT_INFO( "Modified volume\n" );
+    }
+    else
+      PRINT_WARNING( "Volume was not modified\n" );
+  }
+  face_list = surface_list;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_translational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 09/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_translational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+  double draft_angle, //in Radius
+  int draft_type, //RightCorner=1 or RoundCorner =2
+  bool switchside,//not used, shell and surfaces are one sided, not like Acis
+  bool rigid, //not used here, in Acis, it means whether the end surface is
+              // parallel to the starting surface, or perpendicular to the path
+  Surface* stop_surf,
+  BodySM* to_body) const
+  //in OCC, there's no sweep surface with draft option, this can be done by
+  //creating draft shell then make solid to achieve.
+  //while if draft_angle is 0, and stop_surf = 0, to_body = 0
+  // directly use sweep functions.
+  TopoDS_Shape *stop_shape = NULL;
+  if(stop_surf)
+  {
+     OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(stop_surf, OCCSurface);
+     stop_shape = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  }
+  else if(to_body)
+  {
+     OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(to_body, OCCBody);
+     if(occ_body->is_sheet_body())
+       stop_shape = occ_body->my_sheet_surface()->get_TopoDS_Face();
+     else if(occ_body->shell())
+       stop_shape = occ_body->shell()->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+     else
+       stop_shape = occ_body->get_TopoDS_Shape();
+  }
+  gp_Dir adir(sweep_vector.x(), sweep_vector.y(), sweep_vector.z());
+  gp_Vec aVec(sweep_vector.x(), sweep_vector.y(), sweep_vector.z());
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, &sweep_vector, toposhape);   
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    //create the draft or the sweep
+    if(stop_shape == NULL && draft_angle == 0.)
+    {
+      BRepSweep_Prism swept(toposhape, aVec);
+      TopoDS_Shape new_shape = swept.Shape();
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+      assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+      BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM); 
+      if (bodysm)
+        result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+      continue;
+    }
+    BRepOffsetAPI_MakeDraft draft(toposhape, adir, draft_angle);
+    BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode Cornertype;
+    if(draft_type == 1)
+      Cornertype = BRepBuilderAPI_RightCorner;
+    else if(draft_type == 2)
+      Cornertype = BRepBuilderAPI_RoundCorner;
+    draft.SetOptions(Cornertype);
+    if(stop_shape)
+      draft.Perform(*stop_shape);    
+    else
+      draft.Perform(sweep_vector.length());
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape = draft.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if(bodysm && surface != NULL) //only gets swept side and original surfaces
+    {
+       //get surfaces from the shell body and create a top surface to
+       //make a swept solid.
+       OCCShell* occ_shell = CAST_TO(bodysm, OCCBody)->shell();
+       if(!occ_shell)
+       {
+         PRINT_WARNING("Sweep surface failed inside OCC engine.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+       DLIList<OCCCoFace*> cofaces = occ_shell->cofaces();
+       DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
+       for(int i = 0; i < cofaces.size(); i++)
+         surface_list.append(cofaces.get_and_step()->surface());
+       //create the top surface from edges.
+       DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedges;
+       for(int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++)
+         CAST_TO(surface_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface)->get_coedges(coedges);
+       for(int i = 0; i < coedges.size(); i++)
+       {
+         OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedges[i];
+         if(coedge == NULL)
+           continue;
+         for(int j = i+1; j < coedges.size(); j++)
+         {
+            OCCCoEdge* temp_coedge = coedges[j];
+            if(temp_coedge == NULL)
+              continue; 
+            if(coedge->curve() == temp_coedge->curve() &&
+               coedge->sense() != temp_coedge->sense())
+            {
+              coedges.move_to(coedge);
+              coedges.change_to((OCCCoEdge*)NULL);
+              coedges.move_to(temp_coedge);
+              coedges.change_to((OCCCoEdge*)NULL);
+            }
+         }
+       } 
+       coedges.remove_all_with_value(NULL);
+       assert(coedges.size() > 0);
+       DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+       for(int i = 0; i < coedges.size(); i++)
+         curves.append(coedges.get_and_step()->curve());
+       Surface* surf = make_Surface(PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+       if(!surf)
+         surf = make_Surface(BEST_FIT_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+       if(!surf)
+       {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Can't calculate for the top surface.\n");
+         continue;
+       }
+       surface_list.append(surf);
+       DLIList<BodySM*> bodies;
+       create_solid_bodies_from_surfs(surface_list, bodies);
+       if(bodies.size() == 1)
+         bodysm = bodies.get();
+       else
+       {
+         PRINT_WARNING("Sweep surface failed in creating solid.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+    }
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_sweepable_toposhape(OCCCurve*& curve,
+                                              TopoDS_Shape& toposhape)const
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loops;
+  loops =  curve->loops();
+  if( loops.size()) //not a free curve
+  {
+    //copy the curve
+    Curve* c_curve = make_Curve(curve);
+    if(c_curve)
+     curve = CAST_TO(c_curve, OCCCurve);
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Can't copy the curve for sweep.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  TopoDS_Edge *edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge( );
+  toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(*edge);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_sweepable_toposhape(OCCSurface*& surface,
+                                                  const CubitVector* sweep_v_p,
+                                                  TopoDS_Shape& toposhape)const
+  GeometryEntity* ref_ent = NULL;
+  //Make copy of the surface if it's not a sheet surface.
+  Surface* c_surface = NULL;
+  if(surface != NULL)
+  {
+    //check if the surface is sheet body, if not, copy it.
+    if(surface->my_body() == NULL) //not a sheet body
+    {
+      c_surface = make_Surface(surface);
+      if (c_surface == NULL)
+      {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Cannot copy surface in sweep_translational.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      surface = CAST_TO(c_surface, OCCSurface);
+    }
+    if(sweep_v_p)
+    {
+      CubitVector center = surface->center_point();
+      CubitVector normal;
+      surface->closest_point(center,NULL,&normal);
+      CubitVector sweep_vector = *sweep_v_p;
+      if(normal % sweep_vector > 0)
+      {
+        DLIList<Surface*> surfaces;
+        surfaces.append(surface);
+        flip_normals(surfaces);
+        surface = CAST_TO(surfaces.get(), OCCSurface);
+        ref_ent = (GeometryEntity *)surface;
+      }
+      else if(normal % sweep_vector == 0)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Sweeping direction should not be on the surface.\n");
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      ref_ent = (GeometryEntity *)surface;
+    if(surface->my_body() != NULL) //sheet body
+    {
+      delete surface->my_body();
+      delete surface->my_shell();
+      delete surface->my_lump();
+      surface->set_shell(NULL);
+      surface->set_lump(NULL);
+      surface->set_body(NULL);
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape* toposhape_prt = 
+          OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_TopoDS_Shape_of_entity(ref_ent);
+    if(!toposhape_prt)
+    {
+      PRINT_WARNING("GeometryEntity without TopoDS_Shape found.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    toposhape = *toposhape_prt;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_perpendicular(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  double distance,
+  double draft_angle,
+  int draft_type,
+  bool switchside, //has no effect
+  bool rigid, //has no effect
+  Surface* stop_surf,
+  BodySM* to_body) const
+  //find the vector perpendicular to the ref_ent normal, and sweep_translate
+  //the 'distance' along this vector
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*> edge_list;
+  CubitVector vec;
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_ent_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+     GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+     Surface *face = CAST_TO(ref_ent, Surface);
+     Curve* edge = CAST_TO(ref_ent, Curve);
+     DLIList<GeometryEntity*> face_list;
+     if(face != NULL)
+     {
+        OCCSurface* occ_face = CAST_TO(face, OCCSurface);
+        CubitVector center = occ_face->center_point();
+        CubitVector closest_p, unit_normal;
+        CubitStatus stat = 
+                    occ_face->closest_point(center, &closest_p, &unit_normal);
+        if(stat)
+        {
+          vec = distance * unit_normal;
+          face_list.append(ref_ent);
+          stat = sweep_translational(face_list, result_body_list, vec, 
+                                     draft_angle, draft_type, switchside,
+                                     rigid, stop_surf, to_body);
+       }
+     }
+     else if (edge != NULL)
+     {
+        edge_list.append(ref_ent);
+     }
+  }
+  if(edge_list.size())
+    PRINT_ERROR("Curves cannot be swept perpendicularly, please use the vector sweep.\n");
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_rotational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_rotational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  const CubitVector& point,
+  const CubitVector& direction,
+  double angle, //in radians
+  int steps,  //not used
+  double draft_angle, //not used
+  int draft_type,  //not used
+  bool switchside, //not used
+  bool make_solid,
+  bool rigid,  //not used
+  Surface* stop_surf,  //not used
+  BodySM* to_body ) const  //not used
+  gp_Dir adir(direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z()); 
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point.x(), point.y(), point.z());
+  gp_Ax1 axis = gp_Ax1(pt, adir);
+  gp_Lin line = gp_Lin(axis);
+  TopoDS_Edge edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(line);
+  OCCCurve* acurve = new OCCCurve(&edge);
+  assert(acurve);
+  CubitVector start;
+  CubitVector end;
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface or curve for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, (CubitVector*)NULL, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+      //only non-intersecting of surface and axis can be swept.
+      DLIList<CubitVector*> intersect_pts;
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(acurve, surface,
+                                    intersect_pts, CUBIT_TRUE);
+      if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+      { 
+        PRINT_ERROR("Only surfaces with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+        continue;
+      } 
+    }
+    else if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+      //closed curve can't intersect with the axis, while open curve can only
+      //intersect the axis at the end points. 
+      //only curve not intersecting with axis in curve's middle locations
+      //can be revolved
+      DLIList<CubitVector*> intersect_pts;
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve, acurve,
+                                  intersect_pts, CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_TRUE);
+      if(!toposhape.Closed())
+      {
+        //get start and end points
+        DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+        curve->get_points(point_list);
+        assert(2 == point_list.size());
+        GeometryType type = curve->geometry_type();
+        start = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+        end = point_list.get()->coordinates();
+        CubitBoolean start_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean end_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+        {
+          double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+          CubitBoolean non_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for(int i = 0; i < intersect_pts.size(); i++)
+          {
+             CubitVector prt = *(intersect_pts.get_and_step());
+             if(prt.distance_between(start) > tol &&
+                prt.distance_between(end) > tol)
+             {
+                non_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+                PRINT_ERROR("Only curves with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+                break;
+             }
+             else if(prt.distance_between(start) <= tol)
+                start_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+             else if(prt.distance_between(end) <= tol)
+                end_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          }
+          if(non_int)
+            continue;
+          if(start_int && end_int && type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+          {
+            PRINT_ERROR("Sweep along curve itself is not allowed.\n");
+            continue;
+          } 
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Only curves with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+          continue;
+        }  
+      }
+    } 
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Only surface or curve can be revolve-swept.\n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape;
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    if(make_solid && curve != NULL )
+    //giving an open wire and want a solid
+    {
+      if(!toposhape.Closed())
+      {
+        //project the start and end points onto the axis
+        CubitBoolean start_closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean end_closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(acurve->point_containment(start) != CUBIT_PNT_OFF)
+          start_closed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+        if(acurve->point_containment(end) != CUBIT_PNT_OFF)
+          end_closed = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+        CubitVector start_proj, end_proj;
+        TopoDS_Edge edge1, edge2;
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire m_wire;
+        if(!start_closed)
+        {
+          acurve->closest_point(start, start_proj);
+          gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( start.x(), start.y(), start.z()); 
+          gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( start_proj.x(), start_proj.y(), start_proj.z());
+          edge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt1, pt2);
+          m_wire.Add(edge1);
+          m_wire.Add(TopoDS::Wire(toposhape));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          m_wire.Add(TopoDS::Wire(toposhape));
+          start_proj = start;
+        }
+        if(!end_closed)
+        {
+          acurve->closest_point(end,end_proj);
+          gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( end.x(), end.y(), end.z());
+          gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( end_proj.x(), end_proj.y(), end_proj.z());
+          edge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt1, pt2);
+          m_wire.Add(edge2);
+        }
+        else
+          end_proj = end;
+        gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( end_proj.x(), end_proj.y(), end_proj.z());
+        gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( start_proj.x(), start_proj.y(), start_proj.z());
+        TopoDS_Edge edge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt2, pt1);
+        m_wire.Add(edge3);
+        TopoDS_Wire wire = m_wire.Wire();
+        toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire);
+      }
+      else //closed
+      {
+        TopoDS_Wire wire = TopoDS::Wire(toposhape);
+        toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire);
+      }
+    }
+    BRepSweep_Revol revol(toposhape, axis, angle);
+    new_shape = revol.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+    continue;
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(acurve);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_along_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: The ref_edge_list must provide a list of curves which are
+//              connected, and making G1 continuous wire.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::sweep_along_curve(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  DLIList<Curve*>& ref_edge_list,
+  double draft_angle, //only used for straight curve case
+  int draft_type, //only used for straight curve case
+  bool rigid, //not used
+  Surface* stop_surf, //not used
+  BodySM* to_body) const //not used
+  //make wire out of ref_edge_list
+  BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire awire;
+  TopTools_ListOfShape L;
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = NULL;
+  GeometryType type;
+  int num_curve = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    Curve* curve = ref_edge_list.get_and_step();
+    occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve);
+    if(!occ_curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* topoedge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge( );
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topoedge);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topoedge);
+    L.Append(newShape);
+    type = occ_curve->geometry_type();
+    num_curve++;
+  }
+  if(L.IsEmpty())
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("There's no valid sweeping path.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(num_curve == 1 && type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE && draft_angle != 0.0)
+  {
+    DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+    occ_curve->get_points(point_list);
+    CubitVector v1 = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+    CubitVector v2 = point_list.get()->coordinates();
+    CubitVector sweep_vector = v2-v1;
+    return sweep_translational(ref_ent_list,result_body_list,sweep_vector,
+                               draft_angle, draft_type, CUBIT_FALSE, 
+                               rigid, stop_surf, to_body); 
+  }
+  awire.Add(L);
+  TopoDS_Wire wire;
+  wire = awire.Wire();
+  BRepTools_WireExplorer it(wire);
+  int num_edges = 0;
+  for(; it.More(); it.Next())
+    num_edges++; 
+  BRepLib_FuseEdges fuser(wire);
+  fuser.SetConcatBSpl();
+  fuser.Perform();
+  TopoDS_Shape  spline = fuser.Shape();
+  wire = TopoDS::Wire(spline);
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface or curve for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, (CubitVector*)NULL, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    } 
+    else if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    //sweep along the wire
+    BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe maker(wire, toposhape);
+    if(!maker.IsDone())
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Can't sweep along the provided curve(s).\n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = maker.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newShape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+    continue;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//HEADER- Webcut-related functions
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+                              const CubitVector &v1,
+                              const CubitVector &v2,
+                              const CubitVector &v3,
+                              DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                              bool imprint ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                 BodySM const* /*tool_body*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                 bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_across_translate
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut_across_translate( DLIList<BodySM*>& /*body_list*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf1*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf2*/,
+                                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                                          bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sheet(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                 BodySM * /*sheet_body*/,
+                                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                 bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_extended_surf
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_extended_surf(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                         Surface * /*extend_from*/,
+                                                         DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                         int & /*num_cut*/,
+                                                         bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_cylinder(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+                                            double radius,
+                                            const CubitVector &axis,
+                                            const CubitVector &center,
+                                            DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                                            bool imprint )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_brick( 
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                      const CubitVector* /*axes[3]*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*extension*/,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                      bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_planar_sheet( 
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                          const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                          const CubitVector* /*axes[2]*/,
+                                          double /*width*/, 
+                                          double /*height*/,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                          bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_curve_loop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_curve_loop(
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> &/*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                              bool /*imprint*/)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : section
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 11/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::section( DLIList<BodySM*> &section_body_list,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_1,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_2,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_3,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                      bool keep_normal_side,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool keep_both_sides)
+  if (keep_both_sides == CUBIT_TRUE )
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("keeping both sides of section is not implemented.\n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //Calculate normal of the section plan
+  CubitVector v1, v2, normal;
+  v1 = point_2 - point_1;
+  v2 = point_3 - point_1; 
+  normal = ~(v1 * v2); 
+  if(normal.length() != 1)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("The three points are co-linear, and can't be used as a cutting plane.\n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(keep_normal_side)
+    normal *= -1;
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point_1.x(), point_1.y(), point_1.z());
+  gp_Dir normal_dir(normal.x(), normal.y(), normal.z()); 
+  gp_Pln plane(pt, normal_dir);
+  gp_Vec vec(normal_dir);
+  pt =  pt.Translated(vec);
+  TopoDS_Face face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane);
+  TopoDS_Solid solid = BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, pt);
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume;
+  is_tool_volume.append(CUBIT_TRUE);
+  DLIList<CubitBox*> tool_boxes ;
+  Bnd_Box box;
+  BRepBndLib::Add(solid, box);
+  double min[3], max[3];
+  box.Get(min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+  CubitBox* cBox = new CubitBox(min, max);
+  tool_boxes.append(cBox);
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> solids;
+  solids.append(&solid);
+  CubitStatus stat = do_subtract(section_body_list, solids, is_tool_volume,
+                     &tool_boxes, new_body_list, keep_old) ;
+  delete cBox;
+  return stat;
+// Function   : split_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Splits multiple lumps in one body into separate bodies
+// Author     : Corey Ernst 
+// Date       : 08/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_body( BodySM *body_ptr,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies )
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : reverse_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Turn body inside-out
+// Author     : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Date       : 05/25/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::reverse_body( BodySM* body_ptr )
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : split_periodic
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_periodic( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::regularize_body( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_refentity
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus  OCCModifyEngine::regularize_entity( GeometryEntity * /*old_entity_ptr*/,  
+                                                      BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : offset_curves
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::offset_curves( DLIList<Curve*>& /*ref_edge_list*/, 
+                                              DLIList<Curve*>&,
+                                              double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                              const CubitVector& /*offset_direction*/, 
+                                              int /*gap_type*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : trim_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::trim_curve( Curve* /*trim_curve*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector& /*trim_vector*/,
+                                      const CubitVector& /*keep_vector*/,
+                                      bool )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return 0;
+// Function   : create_body_from_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description:
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 4/22/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_solid_bodies_from_surfs(DLIList<Surface*> & ref_face_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                          bool keep_old,
+                                          bool heal) const
+  //keep_old and heal are ignored, always delete old.
+  //all surfaces should be stand along surface bodies or shell bodies' surface
+  Lump* lump = make_Lump(ref_face_list);
+  if (!lump)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  new_bodies.append(CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body());
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 12/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Point* pt1, 
+                                          Point* pt2,
+                                          Point* pt3, 
+                                          bool full )
+  if(!full)
+  {
+    CubitVector v2(pt2->coordinates());
+    return make_Curve(ARC_CURVE_TYPE,pt1,pt3, &v2, CUBIT_FORWARD);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    CubitVector v1(pt1->coordinates());
+    CubitVector v2(pt2->coordinates());
+    CubitVector v3(pt3->coordinates());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt1(v1.x(),v1.y(), v1.z());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt2(v2.x(),v2.y(), v2.z());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt3(v3.x(),v3.y(), v3.z());
+    Handle(Geom_Circle) curve_ptr;
+    curve_ptr = GC_MakeCircle(gp_pt1,gp_pt2,gp_pt3); 
+    OCCPoint* occ_pt1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(pt1),OCCPoint);
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_pt1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt1);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge);
+  }
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 12/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Curve* curve1, 
+                                          Curve* curve2,
+                                          Curve* curve3, 
+                                          bool full  )
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv1 = CAST_TO(curve1, OCCCurve);
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv2 = CAST_TO(curve2, OCCCurve);
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv3 = CAST_TO(curve3, OCCCurve);
+  GeometryType type1 = occ_crv1->geometry_type();
+  GeometryType type2 = occ_crv2->geometry_type();
+  GeometryType type3 = occ_crv3->geometry_type();
+  if(type1 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE || type2 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE ||
+     type3 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Need three straight curves to calculate incenter.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  } 
+  //0.check that non of the curves are parallel of each other.
+  double u11, u12, u21, u22, u31, u32;
+  occ_crv1->get_param_range(u11, u12);
+  occ_crv2->get_param_range(u21, u22);
+  occ_crv3->get_param_range(u31, u32);
+  CubitVector pt1, pt2, pt3;
+  occ_crv1->position_from_u(u11, pt1);
+  occ_crv2->position_from_u(u21, pt2);
+  occ_crv3->position_from_u(u31, pt3);
+  CubitVector tangent1, tangent2, tangent3;
+  occ_crv1->get_tangent(pt1, tangent1);
+  occ_crv2->get_tangent(pt2, tangent2);
+  occ_crv3->get_tangent(pt3, tangent3); 
+  CubitVector normal1 = tangent1 * tangent2;
+  CubitVector normal2 = tangent2 * tangent3;
+  CubitVector normal3 = tangent3 * tangent1;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  if( normal1.length()< tol || normal2.length()< tol ||
+      normal3.length() < tol )
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Three curves must be able to form a triangle.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  }
+  //normals must parallel to each other, meaning all curves must be on
+  //the same plane.
+  normal1.normalize();
+  normal2.normalize();
+  normal3.normalize();
+  CubitVector parallel1 = normal1 * normal2;
+  CubitVector parallel2 = normal2 * normal3;
+  CubitVector parallel3 = normal3 * normal1;
+  if(parallel1.length() > tol || parallel2.length() > tol ||
+     parallel3.length() > tol)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Three curves must be able to form a triangle.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  }
+  //1.find the angle between each of the two curves
+  double angle1, angle2, angle3;
+  angle1 = tangent1.interior_angle(tangent2);
+  angle2 = tangent2.interior_angle(tangent3);
+  angle3 = tangent3.interior_angle(tangent1);
+  //2.create curves to bisection each of the angle passing through the
+  // vertices of the triangle
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> intscts;
+  CubitVector vt1, vt2, vt3;
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, curve2, intscts,0,0);
+  vt1 = *intscts.get(); 
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2,curve3, intscts,0,0);
+  vt2 = *intscts.get();
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, curve1, intscts,0,0);
+  vt3 = *intscts.get();
+  //Create 6 curves, find 3 of them which have intersection points inside
+  // the third curve
+  CubitVector t_curve11 = 
+         vectorRotate(angle1/2.0, normal1, tangent1);  
+  t_curve11.normalize();
+  CubitVector p11 = vt1+t_curve11;
+  CubitVector t_curve12 = 
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle1/2.0, -normal1, tangent1);
+  t_curve12.normalize();
+  CubitVector p12 = vt1 + t_curve12;
+  CubitVector t_curve21 =
+         vectorRotate(angle2/2.0, normal2, tangent2);
+  t_curve21.normalize();
+  CubitVector p21 = vt2 + t_curve21;
+  CubitVector t_curve22 = 
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle2/2.0, -normal2, tangent2);
+  t_curve22.normalize();
+  CubitVector p22 = vt2 + t_curve22;
+  CubitVector t_curve31 = 
+         vectorRotate(angle3/2.0, normal3, tangent3);
+  t_curve31.normalize();
+  CubitVector p31 = vt3 + t_curve31;
+  CubitVector t_curve32 =
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle3/2.0, -normal3, tangent3);
+  t_curve32.normalize();
+  CubitVector p32 = vt3 + t_curve32;
+  //3. find the intersection of each of the bisection curve with the third curve
+  CubitVector int_pt1, int_pt2, int_pt3;
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  CubitBoolean none = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, vt1, p11, intscts,none,none);
+  CubitVector int_pt = *intscts.pop(); 
+  double u = occ_crv3->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt1 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, vt1, p12, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv3->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    if(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol)
+      int_pt1 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p21, intscts,none,none);
+  int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+  u = occ_crv1->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt2 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p22, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv1->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    if(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol)
+      int_pt2 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p31, intscts,none,none);
+  int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+  u = occ_crv2->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt3 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p32, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv2->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    if(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol)
+      int_pt3 = int_pt;
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't find the intesection point to create circle.\n");
+       return (Curve*) NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  //4. use the 3 intersection points to find the arc or circle.
+  OCCPoint occ_p1(int_pt1);
+  OCCPoint occ_p2(int_pt2);      
+  OCCPoint occ_p3(int_pt3);
+  return create_arc_three(&occ_p1, &occ_p2, &occ_p3, full); 
+// Function   : create_arc_center_edge
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_center_edge( Point* /*ref_vertex1*/, 
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex2*/,
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex3*/,
+                                                  const CubitVector& /*normal*/, 
+                                                  double /*radius*/,
+                                                  bool /*full*/ ) 
+  return NULL; 
+OCCModifyEngine::create_curve_combine( DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list, 
+                                    Curve *&new_curve_ptr )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Curve combine is not implemented for facet based models\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_gqe
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: get the facet geometry query engince instance pointer
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+GeometryQueryEngine *OCCModifyEngine::get_gqe()
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : is_modify_engine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: return CUBIT_TRUE if the tb_ptr belongs to this modify engine
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitBoolean OCCModifyEngine::is_modify_engine(const TopologyBridge *tb_ptr) const 
+  return tb_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine() == OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge1*/, 
+                                                         Curve* /*ref_edge2*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_first*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge_ptr*/, 
+                                                         Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*> & /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_surf*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : surface_intersection
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::surface_intersection( Surface * /*surface1_ptr*/,
+                                                     Surface * /*surface2_ptr*/,
+                                                     DLIList<Curve*> &/*inter_graph*/,
+                                                     const double /*tol*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_mid_plane
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_mid_plane( const CubitVector & /*point_1*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_2*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_3*/,
+                                              BodySM * /*body_to_trim_to*/,
+                                              BodySM *& /*midplane_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_spheric_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_conic_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_toric_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer curves on solid bodies.  The left and right offsets are
+//              with respect to the curve direction.  If the given right offset
+//              is negative, the left offset is used.  Users can preview to
+//              clarify the meaning of left and right.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                              double /*left_offset*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                              double /*right_offset*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer vertices on solid or sheet bodies.  On a solid body 
+//              there can be up to 3 offsets; on a sheet body up to 2 offsets.
+//              The offsets are in the direction of the supplied edges.  If 
+//              multiple vertices are supplied, only one offset value is 
+//              allowed and the edges are not used.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Point*> & /*point_list*/, 
+                                  double /*offset1*/,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge1*/,
+                                  double /*offset2*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge2*/,
+                                  double /*offset3*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge3*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on solid 
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                             double /*radius*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on a solid 
+//              body.  The fillet has a variable radius from the start to the
+//              end of the curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( Curve * /*curve_ptr*/, 
+                                             double /*start_radius*/,
+                                             double /*end_radius*/,
+                                             BodySM *& /*new_bodysm_ptr*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given vertices on sheet
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Point*> & /*ref_vertex_list*/, 
+                                 double /*radius*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes by offsetting
+//              those faces by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body or bodies by offsetting
+//              those curves by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,  
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove surfaces from a body and then extend the 
+//              remaining surfaces to fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*extend_adjoining*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_surface*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove curves from a sheet body and then extend the 
+//              remaining curves or fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes up to a target 
+//              surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Surface*> & ,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*reverse_flg*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a surface or set of surfaces (in sheet
+//              bodies) up to a target surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Surface*> & /*target_surfs*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean ,
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a sheet body or bodies up to a target
+//              curve that is part of a sheet body.  The target is a surface 
+//              created by thickening the owning surface of the target curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> & /*target_curve_ptr*/, 
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean,
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::remove_curve_slivers( BodySM* /*body*/,
+                                                   double /*lengthlimit*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Surface*>& /*ref_face_list*/, 
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/,
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_u*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_v*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*u_curves*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<Curve*>& /*v_curves*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_surface( Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/, 
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                      double /*offset_distance*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset body.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_body( BodySM* body_ptr, 
+                                                   BodySM*& new_bodysm, 
+                                                   double offset_distance ) const
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a skin surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_skin_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*curves*/, 
+                                                    BodySM*& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body from lofting surfaces.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                              Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                              BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body by lofting surfaces between bodies.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces_to_body( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                                      Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_surface( DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*vec_list*/, 
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                               Surface * /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                               CubitBoolean /*project_points*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a weld surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_weld_surface( CubitVector & /*root*/,
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face1*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg1*/, 
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face2*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg2*/,
+                                                    BodySM *& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool sweep_perp, 
+                                 bool through_all,
+                                 bool outward,
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool through_all, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::scale( BodySM *&body, const CubitVector& factors )
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->scale( body, factors );
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tolerant_imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies_in,
+                                               DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                               DLIList<TopologyBridge*>*,
+                                               DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* )  const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// EOF

Copied: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2494 (from rev 2494, cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp)
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2494	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp_2494	2008-12-23 20:11:34 UTC (rev 2498)
@@ -0,0 +1,5631 @@
+// Filename      : OCCModifyEngine.cpp
+// Purpose       : ModifyEngine for OCC geometry
+// Special Notes : Modeled after GeometryModifyEngine and AcisModifyEngine.
+// Author        : Jane Hu
+// Creation Date : 1/08
+#include "gp_Pnt.hxx"
+#include "gp_Ax2.hxx"
+#include "gp_Dir.hxx"
+#include "gp_Hypr.hxx"
+#include "gp_Parab.hxx"
+#include "gp_Elips.hxx"
+#include "gp_Pln.hxx"
+#include "gp_Cylinder.hxx"
+#include "gp_Cone.hxx"
+#include "gp_Sphere.hxx"
+#include "gp_Torus.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakeDraft.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace.hxx"
+#include "BRepBndLib.hxx"
+#include "TopoDS_Shape.hxx"
+#include "TopAbs_Orientation.hxx"
+#include "TColgp_Array1OfPnt.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfCircle.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeCircle.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfHyperbola.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfParabola.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeArcOfEllipse.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeSegment.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeTrimmedCone.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeTrimmedCylinder.hxx"
+#include "gce_MakeElips.hxx"
+#include "Geom_BezierCurve.hxx"
+#include "BndLib_AddSurface.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_Plane.hxx"
+#include "BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape.hxx"
+#include "Extrema_ExtPC.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism.hxx"
+#include "BRepSweep_Revol.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.hxx"
+#include "BRepLib_FuseEdges.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeTorus.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Transform.hxx"
+#include "BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx"
+#include "GC_MakeEllipse.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx"
+#include "BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx"
+#include "BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Sewing.hxx"
+#include "BRepBuilderAPI_Copy.hxx"
+#include "LocOpe_SplitShape.hxx"
+#include "BRep_Tool.hxx"
+#include "BRep_Builder.hxx"
+#include "GProp_GProps.hxx"
+#include "BRepGProp.hxx"
+#include "TopoDS.hxx"
+#include "TopologyBridge.hpp"
+#include "ProgressTool.hpp"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Cut.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Section.hxx"
+#include "BRepAlgoAPI_Common.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox.hxx"
+#include "BRepPrimAPI_MakeWedge.hxx"
+#include "BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_TrimmedCurve.hxx"
+#include "Handle_Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx"
+#include "BndLib_Add3dCurve.hxx"
+#include "TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector.hxx"
+#include "TopExp_Explorer.hxx"
+#include "TopExp.hxx"
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoFace.hpp"
+#include "CubitMessage.hpp"
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx"
+#include "BRepFeat_SplitShape.hxx"
+#include "TopOpeBRep_ShapeIntersector.hxx"
+#include "TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitQuadFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdgeData.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
+#include "GeometryModifyTool.hpp"
+#include "ChollaSurface.hpp"
+#include "ChollaCurve.hpp"
+#include "ChollaPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "ChollaEngine.hpp"
+#include "TDGeomFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetBoundaryPoint.hpp"
+#include "Cholla.h"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "FacetDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBIntersect.hpp"
+#include "IntegerHash.hpp"
+#include "CpuTimer.hpp"
+#include "AppUtil.hpp"
+#include "SphereEvaluator.hpp"
+#include "CylinderEvaluator.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+OCCModifyEngine* OCCModifyEngine::instance_ = 0;
+#define DEBUG
+// Function   : OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: constructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+//  assert( !instance_ );
+    // add this modify engine to geometrymodifytool
+  GeometryModifyTool::instance()->add_gme(this);
+// Function   : ~OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: destructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+        instance_ = 0;
+// Function   : make_Point
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a geometric entity point
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 10/07
+Point* OCCModifyEngine::make_Point( CubitVector const& point) const
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point.x(), point.y(), point.z());
+  TopoDS_Vertex theVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+  // Create a new PointACIS object
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge( theVertex );
+// Function   : make_Curve
+//              This function creates a curve given an existing curve, copy. 
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve(Curve * curve_ptr) const
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve_ptr, OCCCurve);
+  if (!occ_curve)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given curve.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Edge *theEdge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();  
+  BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theEdge);
+  TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theEdge);
+  TopoDS_Edge newEdge = TopoDS::Edge(newShape);
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newEdge);
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve by projecting a straight line defined by 
+//              point1_ptr, and point2_ptr onto face_ptr, third_point
+//              is used for curves that could be periodic to dertermine
+//              the correct direction.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             Surface* face_ptr,
+                             const CubitVector * third_point) const
+  assert (point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  GeometryType type = STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE;
+  CubitBoolean closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> mid_points;
+  Curve* curve = NULL;
+  if (point1_ptr != point2_ptr)
+    curve = make_Curve(type, point1_ptr, point2_ptr, mid_points);
+  else //could be a closed shape
+  {
+    if(third_point != NULL && face_ptr != NULL) 
+    {
+       closed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+       Point * Pnt = make_Point(*third_point);
+       curve = make_Curve(type, point1_ptr, Pnt, mid_points);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given duplicated points.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  Curve* new_curve = NULL;
+  if(face_ptr == NULL)
+    return curve;
+  DLIList<Point*> points;
+  new_curve = 
+	CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve)->project_curve(face_ptr, points, closed, third_point); 
+  delete curve;
+  return new_curve;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a  spline curve by using the points on surface.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+                             Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             DLIList<CubitVector*>& vector_list,
+                             Surface* face_ptr) const
+  assert(point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  if (curve_type != SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE
+      && curve_type != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given curve_type.\n"
+                 "Candidates are SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE and STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  if (curve_type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+    return make_Curve(curve_type, point1_ptr, point2_ptr, NULL, CUBIT_FORWARD);
+  OCCPoint* occ_point1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point1_ptr), OCCPoint);
+  OCCPoint* occ_point2 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point2_ptr), OCCPoint);
+  if (occ_point1 == NULL || occ_point2 == NULL)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  //project all points on the surface if possible
+  OCCSurface* occ_face = NULL;
+  if (face_ptr != NULL)
+     occ_face = CAST_TO(face_ptr, OCCSurface);
+  gp_Pnt pt;
+  int size = 2+vector_list.size();
+  TColgp_Array1OfPnt points(1, size);
+  CubitVector* vector = NULL;
+  CubitVector closest_location;
+  for(int i = 1; i <= size; i++)
+  {
+     if (i == 1) 
+     {
+       TopoDS_Vertex *point = occ_point1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+       pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(*point);
+       vector = new CubitVector(point1_ptr->coordinates());
+     }
+     else if (i == size)
+     {
+       TopoDS_Vertex *point = occ_point2->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+       pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(*point);
+       vector = new CubitVector(point2_ptr->coordinates()); 
+     } 
+     else
+     {
+       vector = vector_list.get_and_step();
+       pt.SetCoord(vector->x(), vector->y(), vector->z());
+     } 
+     if (occ_face != NULL)
+     {
+       occ_face->closest_point(*vector, &closest_location);
+       pt.SetCoord(closest_location.x(), closest_location.y(), closest_location.z()) ;  	 
+     }
+     points.SetValue(i, pt); 
+  }    
+  //make curve according to the curve type.
+  if(curve_type == SPLINE_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    Geom_BezierCurve BezierCurve(points);
+    Geom_BezierCurve* curve =  new Geom_BezierCurve(BezierCurve);
+    Handle(Geom_BoundedCurve) curve_ptr(curve);
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_point1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt2 = occ_point2->get_TopoDS_Vertex(); 
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt2);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge); 
+  }
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+//    intermediate_point_ptr  is not used
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the tip of the parabola
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the center of its two foci
+//    intermediate_point_ptr is the center of the ellipse
+//    the two points are vertices, one gives the major radius, 
+//    the other point gives the minor radius.
+//    sense is used to determine which part of the ellipse is required
+//    arc passes three points
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 01/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+                             Point const* point1_ptr,
+                             Point const* point2_ptr,
+                             CubitVector const* intermediate_point_ptr,
+                             CubitSense sense) const
+  assert (point1_ptr != NULL && point2_ptr != NULL);
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> mid_points;
+  if (intermediate_point_ptr)
+  {
+    CubitVector mid_point = *intermediate_point_ptr;
+    mid_points.append(&mid_point);
+  }
+  CubitVector v1(point1_ptr->coordinates());
+  CubitVector v2(point2_ptr->coordinates());
+  gp_Pnt pt1(v1.x(),v1.y(), v1.z());
+  gp_Pnt pt2(v2.x(),v2.y(), v2.z());
+  CubitVector v3;
+  gp_Pnt pt3;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) curve_ptr;
+  if(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL)
+  {
+    v3 = *intermediate_point_ptr;
+    pt3.SetCoord(v3.x(),v3.y(), v3.z());
+  }
+  if (curve_type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeSegment(pt1,pt2);
+  else if (curve_type == ARC_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeArcOfCircle(pt1, pt3, pt2);
+  }
+  else if (curve_type == ELLIPSE_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+     assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+     gp_Pnt center(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
+     gp_Elips ellipse;
+     gce_MakeElips ellipse1(pt1	, pt2	, center);
+     if(ellipse1.IsDone())
+       ellipse = ellipse1.Value();
+     else if(!ellipse1.IsDone() && ellipse1.Status() == gce_InvertRadius)
+     {
+        gce_MakeElips ellipse2(pt2, pt1, center);
+        if(ellipse2.IsDone())
+          ellipse = ellipse2.Value();
+        else
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Can't create an ellipse from give 3 points.\n");
+          return (Curve *)NULL;
+        }      
+     } 
+     else
+     {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Can't create an ellipse from give 3 points.\n");
+        return (Curve *)NULL;
+     }
+     CubitBoolean use_sense = (sense == CUBIT_FORWARD ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE); 
+     curve_ptr = GC_MakeArcOfEllipse(ellipse, pt1, pt2, use_sense);
+  }
+  else if(curve_type == PARABOLA_CURVE_TYPE || 
+          curve_type == HYPERBOLA_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    assert(intermediate_point_ptr != NULL);
+    //find the directrix and focus of the parabola
+    //or the axis, major radius and minor radius of the hyperbola
+    CubitVector width_vec = v2 - v1;
+    if(width_vec.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "2 end points are the same.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    CubitVector midpoint_vec = (v1 + v2)/2.0;
+    CubitVector height_vec = midpoint_vec - v3;
+    gp_Pnt center(v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
+    if (height_vec.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    { 
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "3 points are in the same line.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    CubitVector x = height_vec;
+    x.normalize();
+    gp_Dir x_dir(x.x(), x.y(), x.z());
+    CubitVector N = x * (v2 - v1);  
+    if (N.length_squared() < tol * tol)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create a parabola or hyperbola curve from the given points.\n"
+                 "3 points are in the same line.\n");
+       return (Curve *)NULL;
+    }
+    N.normalize();
+    gp_Dir N_dir(N.x(), N.y(), N.z());
+    gp_Ax2 axis(center, N_dir, x_dir);  
+    if(curve_type == HYPERBOLA_CURVE_TYPE)
+    { 
+       //    (focus2) (v3) . (v2)
+       //          .   .   . (midpoint = focus1)
+       //                  . (v1)
+       CubitVector focus2 = 2 * v3 - midpoint_vec;
+       //according to the definition of hyperbola,
+       //2 * a = length(v2 - focus2)-length(v2 - focus1)
+       double major = (v2 - focus2).length()/2.0 - (v2 - midpoint_vec).length()/2.0;
+       // if a = 1/2 length major axis, b = 1/2 length minor axis and
+       // c = distance center to focus, then a*a + b*b = c*c
+       double c_squared = (midpoint_vec - v3).length_squared();
+       double minor = sqrt(c_squared  - major*major );
+       gp_Hypr hypt(axis, major, minor);
+       curve_ptr =
+             GC_MakeArcOfHyperbola(hypt, pt1, pt2, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       // Find the focus of this parabola.
+       // Since for a parabola with its peak at the origin, y = (1/(4*a))*x^2,
+       // and since we have restricted this parabola to be symmetric (per the 
+       // FastQ method, see the FastQ file getwt.f), we can use the following 
+       // relationship to
+       // determine "a", the distance the focus lies from the peak on the line
+       // formed by the peak and the midpoint of the start and end points`
+       double a = width_vec.length_squared()/(16. * height_vec.length()); 
+       gp_Parab parab(axis, a);
+       curve_ptr =
+		GC_MakeArcOfParabola(parab, pt1, pt2, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    } 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve\n"
+                  "       Invalid curve type.\n");
+      return (Curve *)NULL;
+  }
+  OCCPoint* occ_pt1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point1_ptr),OCCPoint);
+  OCCPoint* occ_pt2 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(point2_ptr),OCCPoint);
+  TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_pt1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+  TopoDS_Vertex * vt2 = occ_pt2->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+  TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt2);
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge);
+// Function   : make_Surface
+//              This function creates a surface given an existing surface, copy.
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface, OCC allows to create a stand along surface,
+//              however the CGM has a design of making all surfaces in a (sheet)
+//              body. This will add complexity on all free surface related 
+//              calculation and modification, and adding potential bugs too. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( Surface * surface_ptr,
+                                 CubitBoolean extended_from) const
+  OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface_ptr, OCCSurface);
+  if (!occ_surface)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC surface from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  //Start of the codes
+  double UMax, VMax, UMin, VMin;
+  occ_surface->get_param_range_U(UMin, UMax);
+  occ_surface->get_param_range_V(VMin, VMax);
+  TopoDS_Face *theFace = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  if( !theFace)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC surface from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Face newFace;
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*theFace);
+  CubitBox bounding_box = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->model_bounding_box();
+  double const height = 2*(bounding_box.diagonal()).length();
+  CubitBox box = occ_surface->bounding_box();
+  double ratio = height/(box.diagonal().length());
+  double middleU = (UMin + UMax)/2.0;
+  double middleV = (VMin + VMax)/2.0;
+  double U1 = middleU - (UMax-UMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double U2 = middleU + (UMax-UMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double V1 = middleV - (VMax - VMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  double V2 = middleV + (VMax - VMin)/2.0 * ratio;
+  if (extended_from == CUBIT_TRUE)
+  {
+     // We need to get the type of surface.
+     GeometryType type = occ_surface->geometry_type();
+     if (type  == PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+        gp_Pln plane = asurface.Plane();
+        newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+     }
+     else if(type == CONE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make an infinite cone.
+       //Given this lets create another face that is extended from it.
+       if(asurface.GetType() == GeomAbs_Cone)
+       {
+         gp_Cone cone = asurface.Cone();
+         gp_Pnt Apex = cone.Apex();
+         double semi_angle = cone.SemiAngle();
+         gp_Pnt p2;
+         double radius2;
+         gp_XYZ xyz;
+         if (semi_angle > 0)
+           xyz = Apex.XYZ() + cone.Position().Direction().XYZ()*height;
+  	 else
+	   xyz = Apex.XYZ() - cone.Position().Direction().XYZ()*height;
+         p2.SetXYZ(xyz);
+	 radius2 = height * tan(fabs(semi_angle));
+         Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) trimmed_cone;
+         trimmed_cone = GC_MakeTrimmedCone(Apex, p2, 0, radius2); 
+         newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(trimmed_cone);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         gp_Cylinder cylinder = asurface.Cylinder();
+         //gp_Pnt pnt = asurface.Value(UMin,V1); 
+         double radius = cylinder.Radius();
+         gp_Ax1 axis = cylinder.Axis(); 
+         Handle(Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface) trimmed_cyl;
+         trimmed_cyl = GC_MakeTrimmedCylinder(axis, radius, height);
+         newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(trimmed_cyl);
+       } 
+     }
+     else if(type == SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make a whole sphere.
+       gp_Sphere sphere = asurface.Sphere();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(sphere); 
+     }
+     else if(type == TORUS_SURFACE_TYPE)
+     {
+       //make a whole torus
+       gp_Torus torus = asurface.Torus();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(torus);
+     }
+     else if(type == SPLINE_SURFACE_TYPE ) 
+     {
+       //extend the surfaces using the equation if possible.
+       Handle(Geom_BezierSurface) bezier = asurface.Bezier();
+       newFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(bezier, U1, U2, V1, V2);
+     }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theFace);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theFace);
+    newFace = TopoDS::Face(newShape);
+  }
+  Surface *surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(
+                               newFace, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return surface;
+// Function   : make_Surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface of type surface_type, given the list of curves.
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so 
+//              disregard this option.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( GeometryType surface_type,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list,
+                                 Surface * old_surface_ptr,
+                                 bool check_edges) const
+  //Create TopoDS_Edge list to make a surface.
+  DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_loops;
+  curve_list.reset() ;
+  //check no intersections of the TopoDS_Edge's.
+  //need to check that no intersection in the middle of the curves, not at
+  //vertices or out of boundary.
+  int count = 0; //intersection point should be the same as curve_list size.
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < curve_list.size()-1 ; i++ )
+  {
+     for(int j = i+1; j < curve_list.size(); j ++)
+     {
+        DLIList<CubitVector*> intscts;
+ 	CubitBoolean bounded = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+	CubitBoolean closest = CUBIT_TRUE;//dummy arg.
+        CubitStatus yes_int = 
+              OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve_list[i],
+				curve_list[j], intscts, bounded, closest);
+        if(yes_int)
+        {
+           //check intscts point should be vertex or outside boundary.
+ 	   if (intscts.size() > 2 )  
+	   {
+	     PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+             return (Surface *)NULL;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+             for(int k = 0; k < intscts.size(); k++)
+             {
+               CubitVector *v = intscts.get_and_step();
+	       CubitPointContainment is_on = CAST_TO(curve_list[i],OCCCurve)->
+					point_containment(*v);
+               if (is_on == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+               {
+	 	 is_on = CAST_TO(curve_list[j],OCCCurve)->
+				point_containment(*v);
+		 if (is_on == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+                   count++;
+               }
+               else if(is_on == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+               {
+                 PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+                 return (Surface *)NULL;
+               }
+	     }
+	   }
+        }
+     }
+  }
+  if (count > curve_list.size()) 
+  {
+      PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                "       Cannot make Surface with intersecting curves.\n");
+      return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  CubitStatus stat = sort_curves(curve_list, topo_edges_loops); 
+  if( stat == CUBIT_FAILURE ) //case of one disconnected curve 
+     return (Surface*) NULL;
+  // Use the topo_edges to make a topo_face
+  TopoDS_Face* topo_face;
+  topo_face = make_TopoDS_Face(surface_type,topo_edges_loops, old_surface_ptr);
+  for (int i = 0; i < topo_edges_loops.size(); i++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* topo_edges = topo_edges_loops.get_and_step();
+    for(int j = 0; j < topo_edges->size(); j++)
+      topo_edges->pop();
+    delete topo_edges;
+  }
+  if(!topo_face)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface\n"
+                 "       Cannot make Surface object.\n");
+     return (Surface *)NULL;
+  }
+  // make the topology bridges for the face
+  Surface *surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(
+                               *topo_face, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  topo_face->Nullify();
+  delete topo_face;
+  return surface ;
+// Function   : sort_curves
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: sort the curves so they are in order and make closed loop 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::sort_curves(DLIList<Curve*> curve_list,
+                        DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*>& topo_edges_loops)const
+  topo_edges_loops.clean_out();
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  std::vector< DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* > topo_edges(curve_list.size());
+  int size_in = curve_list.size();
+  for(int i = 0; i < size_in; i++)
+    topo_edges[i] = new DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>;
+  curve_list.reset() ;
+  Curve const* curve_ptr = NULL ;
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = NULL;
+  TopoDS_Edge* topo_edge = NULL;
+  OCCPoint* start = NULL;
+  OCCPoint* end = NULL;
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  CubitBoolean new_end;
+  int size = curve_list.size();
+  int count = 0;
+  for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ )
+  {
+     if (i == 0)
+       new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     for(int j = 0; j < curve_list.size(); j ++)
+     {
+        curve_ptr = curve_list.get() ; 
+        occ_curve = CAST_TO(const_cast<Curve*>(curve_ptr), OCCCurve);
+        if(occ_curve ==  NULL)
+        {
+           PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::sort_curves\n"
+                       "       Got a NULL pointer to OCCCurve\n") ;
+           return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        }
+        point_list.clean_out();
+        occ_curve->get_points(point_list);
+        //assert(point_list.size()==2);
+        if (i == 0)
+        {
+          start = point_list.get();
+          end = point_list.pop();  
+          break;
+        }
+        if(end->is_equal(*(point_list.get()), tol) ||
+           end->is_equal(*(point_list.step_and_get()),tol)) 
+        {
+           end = point_list.step_and_get();
+           new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+        }
+        else if(start->is_equal(*(point_list.get()), tol) ||
+           start->is_equal(*(point_list.step_and_get()),tol))
+        {
+           start = end;
+           end = point_list.step_and_get(); 
+           new_end = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+        }
+        curve_list.step();
+     }
+     if (new_end)//found next curve 
+     {
+        topo_edge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+        topo_edges[count]->append(topo_edge);
+        curve_list.remove();
+        if(start->is_equal( *end, tol))  //formed a closed loop
+        {
+          i = -1;
+          size = curve_list.size() ;
+          topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]);
+          count++;
+        }
+        else
+          new_end = CUBIT_FALSE;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE; 
+        i = -1;
+        size = curve_list.size();
+        topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]);
+        count++;
+     }
+  }
+  if( new_end == CUBIT_FALSE ) //case of one disconnected curve
+  {
+    topo_edges_loops.append(topo_edges[count]); 
+    stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  for(int i = 0; i < size_in; i++)
+  {
+     if(topo_edges[i]->size() == 0)
+       delete topo_edges[i];
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Function   : make_TopoDS_Face
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: make a opoDS_Face of type surface_type, given the list of 
+//              TopoDS_Edge. the TopoDS_Edge's should be in order in loops.
+//              check edges option is done in GeometryModifyTool level, so
+//              disregard this option.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+TopoDS_Face* OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face(GeometryType surface_type,
+			       DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> topo_edges_list,
+			       Surface * old_surface_ptr)const
+  TopoDS_Face* topo_face = NULL;
+  // Make sure a supported type of surface is being requested.
+  if ( surface_type != PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE  &&
+       surface_type != BEST_FIT_SURFACE_TYPE)
+  {
+      PRINT_WARNING("In OCCGeometryEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                    "       At this time, cannot make a TopoDS_Face that isn't"
+                    " planar or best fit.\n");
+      return topo_face;
+  }
+  // Set the TopoDS_Face pointer, if requested.
+  TopoDS_Face *fit_Face = NULL;
+  Handle_Geom_Surface S;
+  if ( old_surface_ptr != NULL )
+  {
+      OCCSurface *surf = CAST_TO(old_surface_ptr, OCCSurface );
+      fit_Face = surf->get_TopoDS_Face();
+      S = BRep_Tool::Surface(*fit_Face);
+  }
+  // Make a wire from the topo_edges.
+  // Coincident TopoDS_Vertex will be deleted by OCC.
+  if(topo_edges_list.size() == 0)
+      return topo_face;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Wire*> wires;
+  GProp_GProps myProps;
+  double max_area  = 0.0;
+  TopoDS_Wire* out_Wire = NULL;
+  TopoDS_Wire test_Wire;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* topo_edges; 
+  //check and make sure the outer loop is in the first
+  for(int i = 0; i < topo_edges_list.size() ; i++)
+  {
+    topo_edges = topo_edges_list.get_and_step();
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(*(topo_edges->get()));
+    for(int j = 1; j < topo_edges->size(); j++)
+      aWire.Add(*(topo_edges->step_and_get()));
+    test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+    wires.append(&test_Wire);
+    if (topo_edges_list.size() == 1)
+      break;
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(test_Wire);
+    if (!made_face.IsDone())
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                   "   Cannot find the best fit surface for given curves.\n");
+       return topo_face;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Face test_face = made_face.Face();
+    BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(test_face, myProps); 
+    double area = myProps.Mass();
+    out_Wire = max_area > area ? out_Wire : &test_Wire;
+    max_area = max_area > area ? max_area : area;
+  } 
+  if (out_Wire)
+  {
+    wires.remove(out_Wire);
+    wires.insert_first(out_Wire);
+  }
+  //create the TopoDS_Face
+  CubitBoolean error = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  for(int i = 0; i < topo_edges_list.size() ; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Wire *the_wire = wires.get_and_step();
+    if (i == 0)
+    {
+      if( old_surface_ptr != NULL )
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(S, *the_wire);
+        if (!made_face.IsDone())
+        {
+          error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          break;
+        }
+        topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        CubitBoolean is_planar = (surface_type == PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE ?
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(*the_wire, is_planar);
+        if (!made_face.IsDone())
+        {
+          error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          break;
+        }
+        topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace made_face(*topo_face, *the_wire);
+      if (!made_face.IsDone())
+      {
+        error = CUBIT_TRUE;
+        break;
+      }
+      delete topo_face;
+      topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(made_face.Face());
+    }
+  } 
+  if(error)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::make_TopoDS_Face\n"
+                 "   Cannot find the best fit surface for given curves.\n");
+    return (TopoDS_Face*) NULL;
+  }
+  return topo_face;
+// Function   : make_Lump
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a lump of one shell
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+Lump* OCCModifyEngine::make_Lump( DLIList<Surface*>& surface_list ) const
+  if (surface_list.size() < 2) 
+    return (Lump*) NULL;
+  //all surfaces should be stand along surface bodies or shell bodies' surface
+  DLIList<BodySM*> body_list;
+  for(int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface);
+    if (occ_surface == NULL)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+       return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    OCCBody* occ_body = occ_surface->my_body();
+    if(occ_body && occ_body->my_sheet_surface() == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                 "The surfaces are not free.\n");
+      return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    else if(!occ_body)
+    {
+      OCCShell* shell = occ_surface->my_shell();
+      if(!shell)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("This is a bug, please report it. \n");
+        return (Lump*)NULL;
+      }
+      occ_body = shell->my_body();
+    }
+    body_list.append_unique(occ_body);
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+  CubitStatus stat = stitch_surfs(body_list, aShape);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("The surfaces are not all connected, can't make a lump. \n");
+    return (Lump*)NULL;
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex, Ex2;
+  TopoDS_Shell aShell ;
+  for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_SHELL, TopAbs_SOLID); Ex.More()&& stat; Ex.Next())
+    aShell = TopoDS::Shell(Ex.Current());
+  //check to make sure the aShell is closed.
+  int num_edges = 0;
+  int pairs = 0;
+  //sometimes there's duplicate TopoDS_Edges in the shell.
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*> edge_list;
+  for (Ex.Init(aShell, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More()&& stat; Ex.Next())
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge edge1 = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+    TopoDS_Edge* new_edge = new TopoDS_Edge(edge1);
+    edge_list.append(new_edge);
+  }
+  int size = edge_list.size();
+  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge edge1 = *edge_list[i];
+    int same = 0;
+    for (int j = i+1; j < edge_list.size(); j++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge edge2 = *edge_list[j];
+      if(edge1.IsEqual(edge2))
+      {
+           same ++;
+           edge_list.remove(&edge1);
+           i--;
+           size--;
+           break;
+      }
+    }
+    if(same > 0)
+      continue;
+    else
+      num_edges++;
+    for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)  
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge edge2 = *edge_list[j];    
+      if (!edge1.IsEqual(edge2)&& edge1.IsSame(edge2))
+      {
+        pairs++;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int k = 0; k < edge_list.size(); k++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = edge_list.get_and_step();
+    edge->Nullify();
+    delete edge;
+  }
+  if (num_edges == pairs )
+    aShell.Closed(CUBIT_TRUE);
+  else
+    PRINT_ERROR("Surfaces must make a water-tight shape to make a lump.\n");
+  if(aShell.Closed())
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid aMakeSolid(aShell);
+    if (!aMakeSolid.IsDone())
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC Lump from the given surfaces.\n"
+                   "OCC internal error.\n");
+       return (Lump *)NULL;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Solid aSolid = aMakeSolid.Solid();
+    return
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(aSolid, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  }
+  return (Lump*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM from a surface
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( Surface *surface ) const
+  OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(surface, OCCSurface);
+  if(!occ_surface)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC body from the given surface.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (BodySM *)NULL;
+  }
+  OCCBody* occ_body = occ_surface->my_body();
+  if(occ_body)
+     return occ_body;
+  TopoDS_Face* face = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  surface = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*face, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return CAST_TO(surface, OCCSurface)->my_body();
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM given a list of Lumps.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 02/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>& lump_list ) const
+  if (lump_list.size() == 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  //Create a compsolid shape, copy all BodySM's solids to create new compbody 
+  DLIList<BodySM*> bodysm_list;
+  TopoDS_CompSolid CS;
+  BRep_Builder B;
+  B.MakeCompSolid(CS);
+  //Add every shape to the CompSolid
+  for(int i = 0; i < lump_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+     Lump* lump = lump_list.get_and_step();
+     OCCLump* occ_lump = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump);
+     if(!occ_lump)
+     {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC BodySM from the given lumps.\n"
+                    "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+        return (BodySM *)NULL;
+     }
+     TopoDS_Solid* solid = occ_lump->get_TopoDS_Solid();
+     BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*solid);
+     TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*solid);
+     B.Add(CS, newShape);
+  }
+  BodySM* bodysm = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(CS);
+  return bodysm;
+// Function   : sphere
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build an OCC sphere
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::sphere(double radius) const
+  if (radius <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL; 
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere(radius);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S, 
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build an OCC brick 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( double wid, double dep, double hi ) const
+  if (wid <= 0 || dep <=0 || hi <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(wid, dep, hi);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body,OCCBody)->move(-wid/2.0, -dep/2.0, -hi/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC brick given center axes and extension
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( const CubitVector& center, 
+                                const CubitVector axes[3],
+                                const CubitVector &extension) const
+  CubitVector left_corner =  center - 0.5 * extension;
+  gp_Pnt left_point(left_corner.x(), left_corner.y(), left_corner.z());
+  gp_Dir main_dir(axes[2].x(), axes[2].y(), axes[2].z());
+  gp_Dir x_dir(axes[0].x(), axes[0].y(), axes[0].z());
+  gp_Ax2 Axis(left_point, main_dir, x_dir);
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox( Axis, extension.x(), extension.y(),
+					extension.z());
+  Lump* lump =  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+								CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body(); 
+// Function   : prism
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC prism 
+// Author     : Jane Hu  
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::prism( double height, int sides, double major,
+                               double minor) const
+  //currently OCC only support 4 sided prism
+  if (sides != 4)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  }
+  return brick(2 * major, 2 * minor, height); 
+// Function   : pyramid
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC pyramid 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::pyramid( double height, int sides, double major,
+                                 double minor, double top) const
+  //currently OCC only support 4 sided pyramid
+  if (sides != 4)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeWedge( 2 * major, 2* minor, height,
+                                        2 * top);
+  Lump* lump =  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body, OCCBody)->move(-major, -minor, -height/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC cylinder, its base shape can be ellipse with
+//		r1, r2 while r3 = 0; or it can be a cone with r1, 
+//		r3 while r2 = 0. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::cylinder( double hi, double r1, double r2, double r3 ) const
+  TopoDS_Solid S;
+  if(r2 != r1)//elliptical based cylinder
+  {
+    gp_Pnt center(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    gp_Dir main_dir(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+    gp_Dir x_dir(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    gp_Ax2 Axis(center, main_dir, x_dir); 
+    Handle(Geom_Curve) curve_ptr = GC_MakeEllipse(Axis, r1, r2); 
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr);
+    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(new_edge);
+    TopoDS_Wire test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+    BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections builder(CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_TRUE);
+    builder.AddWire(test_Wire);
+    if (r3 == 0)
+    {
+      gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( 0.0, 0.0, hi);
+      TopoDS_Vertex theVertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+      builder.AddVertex(theVertex);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      gp_Pnt center2(0.0, 0.0,hi);
+      gp_Ax2 Axis2(center2, main_dir, x_dir);
+      Handle(Geom_Curve) curve_ptr = GC_MakeEllipse(Axis2, r3, r3*r2/r1);
+      TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr);
+      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aWire(new_edge);
+      TopoDS_Wire test_Wire = aWire.Wire();
+      builder.AddWire(test_Wire);
+    }
+    builder.Build() ;
+    S = TopoDS::Solid(builder.Shape());
+  }
+  else // cone
+  {
+    if(r1 == r3) //cylinder
+      S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder(r1, hi);
+    else
+      S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone(r1, r3, hi);
+  }
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::cylinder\n"
+                "   Cannot create a cylinder for given radii.\n");
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  }
+  BodySM* body = CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+  if(body)
+    CAST_TO(body, OCCBody)->move(0, 0, -hi/2.0);
+  return body;
+// Function   : torus
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC torus
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::torus( double r1, double r2 ) const
+  if (r1 <= 0 || r2 <= 0)
+    return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  TopoDS_Solid S = BRepPrimAPI_MakeTorus(r1, r2);
+  Lump* lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(S,
+                                                                CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if (lump == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::torus\n"
+                "   Cannot create a torus for given radii.\n");
+    return (BodySM*)NULL;
+  }
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create an OCC planar_sheet with four vectors. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::planar_sheet ( const CubitVector& p1,
+                                       const CubitVector& p2,
+                                       const CubitVector& p3,
+                                       const CubitVector& p4) const
+  Point* point1 = make_Point(p1);
+  Point* point2 = make_Point(p2);
+  Point* point3 = make_Point(p3);
+  Point* point4 = make_Point(p4);
+  Curve * curve1 = make_Curve( point1, point2);
+  if (curve1 == NULL)
+	return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve2 = make_Curve( point2, point3); 
+  if (curve2 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve3 = make_Curve( point3, point4);
+  if (curve3 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  Curve * curve4 = make_Curve( point4, point1);
+  if (curve4 == NULL)
+        return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+  curves.append(curve1);
+  curves.append(curve2);
+  curves.append(curve3);
+  curves.append(curve4);
+  Surface* surface = make_Surface(PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+  if (surface == NULL)
+	return (BodySM*) NULL;
+  return CAST_TO(surface,OCCSurface)->my_body();
+// Function   : copy_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: copy an OCC-based body
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::copy_body ( BodySM* bodyPtr ) const
+  OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(bodyPtr, OCCBody);
+  if (!occ_body)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC bodySM from the given bodySM.\n"
+                 "Possible incompatible geometry engines.\n");
+     return (BodySM *)NULL;
+  }
+  TopoDS_CompSolid *theCS = occ_body->get_TopoDS_Shape();
+  if (theCS == NULL) //sheet body
+  {
+    OCCShell* occ_shell = occ_body->shell();
+    if (occ_shell != NULL)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shell* shell = occ_shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+      BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*shell);
+      TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*shell);
+      TopoDS_Shell newShell = TopoDS::Shell(newShape);
+      return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newShell, CUBIT_TRUE)->my_body();
+    }
+    Surface* surface = make_Surface(occ_body->my_sheet_surface());
+    if (surface == NULL)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Cannot create an OCC sheet bodySM from the given bodySM.\n");
+       return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    return CAST_TO(surface,OCCSurface)->my_body();
+  }
+  if(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*theCS))
+  {
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*theCS);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*theCS);
+    TopoDS_CompSolid newCS = TopoDS::CompSolid(newShape);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newCS);
+  }
+  //single lump body
+  Lump *lump = occ_body->lumps().get();
+  TopoDS_Solid solid = *(CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_TopoDS_Solid());
+  BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(solid);
+  TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(solid);
+  TopoDS_Solid newSolid = TopoDS::Solid(newShape);
+  lump = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newSolid,
+							CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body();
+// Function   : stitch_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: stitch all surfs and try to make a shell body.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::stitch_surfs(
+                      DLIList<BodySM*>& surf_bodies,
+                      BodySM*& new_body) const
+  new_body = NULL;
+  if (surf_bodies.size()==0)
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  if (surf_bodies.size()==1)
+  {
+    new_body = surf_bodies.get();
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape fuse;
+  CubitStatus stat =  stitch_surfs(surf_bodies, fuse);
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+     populate_topology_bridge(fuse);
+  if (stat)
+  {
+    OCCBody* body = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), OCCBody);
+    if (body)
+      new_body = body ;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    surf_bodies.clean_out();
+    for(int i= 0; i<tbs.size(); i++)
+      surf_bodies.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), OCCBody));
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : stitch_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: stitch all surfs and try to make a TopoDS_Shell .
+//              called by stitch into surface body
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::stitch_surfs(
+                      DLIList<BodySM*>& surf_bodies,
+                      TopoDS_Shape& fuse) const
+  if (surf_bodies.size() < 2)
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> faces_to_stitch;
+  for (int i = 0; i < surf_bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+     BodySM * tool_body = surf_bodies.get_and_step();
+     OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(tool_body, OCCBody);
+     OCCSurface* surface = occ_body->my_sheet_surface();
+     OCCShell* shell = occ_body->shell();
+     if (surface == NULL && shell == NULL)
+     {
+       PRINT_ERROR("Can't stitch non-sheet bodySM's. \n");
+       return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+     }
+     delete occ_body;
+     if (surface)
+     {
+       delete surface->my_shell();
+       delete surface->my_lump();
+       surface->set_shell(NULL);
+       surface->set_lump(NULL);
+       surface->set_body(NULL);
+       TopoDS_Face* topods_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+       if (topods_face != NULL)
+         faces_to_stitch.append(topods_face);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       delete shell->my_lump();
+       shell->set_body(NULL);
+       shell->set_lump(NULL);
+       TopoDS_Shell* topods_shell = shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+       if(topods_shell)
+          faces_to_stitch.append(topods_shell);
+     }
+  }
+  faces_to_stitch.reset();
+  surf_bodies.reset();
+  TopoDS_Shape* first_face  = faces_to_stitch.pop();
+  TopoDS_Shape* second_face = NULL;
+  for( int i = faces_to_stitch.size()-1; i >= 0; i --)
+  {
+     second_face = faces_to_stitch[i];
+     BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse fuser(*second_face, *first_face);
+     TopoDS_Shape new_shape ;
+     for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+     {
+       TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+       if(j == 0)
+         TopExp::MapShapes(*second_face, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+       else
+         TopExp::MapShapes(*first_face, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+       for(int ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++)
+       {
+          TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(M(ii));
+          TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+          shapes.Assign(fuser.Modified(face));
+          if (shapes.Extent() == 1)
+          {
+            new_shape = shapes.First();
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(face, TopoDS::Face(new_shape), &fuser);
+          }
+          else if(fuser.IsDeleted(face) || shapes.Extent() > 1)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face null_face;
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(face, null_face, &fuser);
+          }
+        }
+      } 
+      fuse = fuser.Shape();
+      first_face = &fuse;
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  int count_shell = 0;
+  for (Ex.Init(fuse, TopAbs_SHELL, TopAbs_SOLID); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+    count_shell++;
+  if ( count_shell != 1)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("Can't stitch all surfaces into one BodySM's. \n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : subtract
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: subtract boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &tool_body_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                          bool imprint,
+                                          bool keep_old) const
+  // copy the bodies in case keep_old is true
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_bodies_copy;
+  //for subtract function, tool-body has to be solid, 
+  //otherwise it's just imprint
+  DLIList<CubitBox*>* tool_boxes = new DLIList<CubitBox*>();
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume;
+  //keep the tool_body untouched
+  CubitStatus stat = 
+    get_shape_list(tool_body_list, tool_bodies_copy, is_tool_volume, CUBIT_TRUE, tool_boxes);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  //check that tool_bodies are all solid, shell and surface body can't be used
+  //for subtracting purpose.
+  if(is_tool_volume.is_in_list(CUBIT_FALSE))
+  {
+     PRINT_WARNING("Surfaces or Shells can't be used to cut a body.\n");
+     while (tool_boxes->size())
+       delete tool_boxes->pop();
+     delete tool_boxes;
+     while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+       delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  stat = do_subtract(from_bodies, tool_bodies_copy, is_tool_volume,
+                     tool_boxes, new_bodies, keep_old, imprint) ;
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries.
+  while (tool_boxes->size())
+    delete tool_boxes->pop();
+  delete tool_boxes;
+  while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+    delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+  if(!keep_old) //delete tool_bodies
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(tool_body_list);
+  return stat;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::do_subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+                                      DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> &tool_bodies_copy,
+                                      DLIList<CubitBoolean> &is_tool_volume,
+                                      DLIList<CubitBox*>* tool_boxes,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool imprint) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> from_bodies_copy;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  //get the from_bodies underling shapes
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(from_bodies, from_bodies_copy, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < tool_bodies_copy.size(); i++)
+    {
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_bodies_copy.get_and_step();
+       delete shape;
+    }
+    tool_bodies_copy.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  } 
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance(); 
+  int fraction_remaining = 100;
+  // subtract the tool body from each body in the list
+  CubitMessage* cmi = CubitMessage::instance(); 
+  TopoDS_Shape*  from_shape = from_bodies_copy.get();
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = 0; i < from_bodies_copy.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* from_body = from_bodies.get();
+    CubitBox box1 = CAST_TO(from_body, OCCBody)->get_bounding_box();
+    int count = 0;  //count for not preforming cut
+    for(int j = 0; j < tool_bodies_copy.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      if (cmi->Interrupt())
+      {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Subtraction interrupted.  Aborting...\n");
+         while (tool_boxes->size())
+           delete tool_boxes->pop();
+         delete tool_boxes;
+         while (tool_bodies_copy.size())
+            delete tool_bodies_copy.pop();
+         while (from_bodies_copy.size())
+            delete from_bodies_copy.pop();
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      CubitBox tool_box = *tool_boxes->get_and_step();  
+      if(!tool_box.overlap(tol,box1))
+      {
+        count++;
+        continue;
+      } 
+      TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape = tool_bodies_copy.get_and_step();
+      //bodies overlap, proceed with the subtract
+      BRepAlgoAPI_Cut cutter(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape cut_shape = cutter.Shape(); 
+      //compare to see if the from_shape has gotten cut.
+      CubitBoolean has_changed;
+      check_operation(cut_shape, from_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, &cutter, keep_old);
+      CubitStatus stat;
+      if(!has_changed && !from_shape->IsNull())
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        //Add imprint code here 
+        if(imprint)
+          stat = imprint_toposhapes(from_shape, tool_shape);
+        if(!stat)
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Can't do imprint operation on the body. \n");
+          count++;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    //ok, we're done with all cuts, construct new Body'
+    if (count < tool_bodies_copy.size() )
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*from_shape);
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("The %d body did not change because cutting tools are not interscting with it.\n", i+1);
+      from_bodies.change_to(NULL);
+    }
+    from_bodies.step();
+    from_shape = from_bodies_copy.step_and_get();
+    // done with this j iteration; write out count, if necessary
+    if (from_bodies.size() * tool_bodies_copy.size() > 1)
+    {
+       int frac_done = (100 * (i+1)) / (from_bodies.size());
+       if ((100 - frac_done) < fraction_remaining)
+       {
+          fraction_remaining = 100 - frac_done;
+          PRINT_INFO("%d%% remaining.\n ", fraction_remaining+1);
+       }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }    
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries. 
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    int size  = from_bodies_copy.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = from_bodies_copy.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  } 
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+// Function   : imprint_toposhapes
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies.
+//              from_shape must be TopoDS_Face or above, tool_shape can be
+//              TopoDS_Edge or above. 
+//              on_faces works only when tool_shape is an Edge, indicates that
+//              those edges only imprint on the on_faces.
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 03/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint_toposhapes(TopoDS_Shape*& from_shape, 
+                                             TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape,
+                                             DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>*on_faces)const
+  int count = 0;   //number of imprinting
+  //indicate if there's more faces to be imprinted
+  CubitBoolean more_face = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> list_for_delete;
+  //list of face on from_shape that has been imprinted
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> from_faces; 
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  while( more_face)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Face from_face,tool_face;
+    TopoDS_Edge* common_edge = NULL;
+    DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_faces_edges;
+    TopTools_ListOfShape list_of_edges;
+    BRepFeat_SplitShape splitor(*from_shape);
+    CubitBoolean qualified = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    if (tool_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE)
+    {
+      if(count == 1)
+        break;
+      DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> faces;
+      //need to delete TopoDS_Face* in faces
+      common_edge = find_imprinting_edge(*from_shape, TopoDS::Edge(*tool_shape),faces);
+      if (common_edge)
+      {
+        if (on_faces)
+          qualified = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        for(int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++)
+        {
+          from_face = *faces.get();
+          for (int i = 0; on_faces && i < on_faces->size(); i++)
+          {
+            if (from_face.IsSame(*(on_faces->get_and_step())))
+            {
+              qualified = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          faces.get()->Nullify();
+          delete faces.get();
+          faces.step();
+        }
+        if (qualified && (from_faces.size() == 0 || (from_faces.size() && !from_face.IsSame(*from_faces.get()))) )
+          list_of_edges.Append(*common_edge);
+        else
+          from_face.Nullify();
+        common_edge->Nullify();
+        delete common_edge;
+      }
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      TopOpeBRep_ShapeIntersector intersector;
+      intersector.InitIntersection(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+      //find the intersecting edges and faces.
+      int max_edge = 0;
+      for(; intersector.MoreIntersection(); intersector.NextIntersection())
+	{
+          TopoDS_Shape face1;
+	  face1 = intersector.ChangeFacesIntersector().Face(1);
+          CubitBoolean has_imprinted = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for (int j = 0; j < from_faces.size(); j++)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get_and_step();
+            if(face1.IsSame(*topo_face))
+            {
+              has_imprinted = CUBIT_TRUE;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (has_imprinted)
+	    continue;
+          TopoDS_Shape edge_face;
+          edge_face = intersector.ChangeFacesIntersector().Face(2);
+          BRepAlgoAPI_Section section(face1, edge_face);
+          //intersection edges between face1 and edge_face
+	  TopTools_ListOfShape temp_list_of_edges;
+	  temp_list_of_edges.Assign(section.SectionEdges());
+	  int num_edges = temp_list_of_edges.Extent();
+          CubitBoolean is_same = face1.IsSame(from_face);
+          CubitBoolean is_same_tool = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for (int j = 0; j < tool_faces_edges.size(); j++)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Shape* topo_face_edge = tool_faces_edges.get_and_step();
+            if(edge_face.IsSame(*topo_face_edge))
+            {
+              is_same_tool = CUBIT_TRUE;
+	      break;
+	    }
+          }
+	  if (max_edge < num_edges )
+	    {
+	      list_of_edges.Assign(temp_list_of_edges);  
+	      max_edge =  num_edges ;
+	      from_face = TopoDS::Face(face1);
+              TopoDS_Shape* topo_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(edge_face);
+              DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+              for(int iii = 0; iii < tool_faces_edges.size(); iii++)
+              {
+                int size = shape_list.size();
+                shape_list.append_unique(tool_faces_edges.get_and_step());
+                if (size < shape_list.size())
+                {
+                  shape_list.last();
+                  shape_list.get()->Nullify();
+                  delete shape_list.get();
+                }
+              }
+              tool_faces_edges.clean_out();
+              for(int i = 0 ; i < num_edges; i++)
+                //later has to use it num_edges times 
+                tool_faces_edges.append(topo_shape);
+	    }
+          else if(num_edges == max_edge && is_same && !is_same_tool) 
+          //multi tool faces cut the same face
+          {
+            TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape Itor, temp_Itor;
+            temp_Itor.Initialize(temp_list_of_edges);
+            for(; temp_Itor.More(); temp_Itor.Next())
+            {
+              TopoDS_Edge temp_edge = TopoDS::Edge(temp_Itor.Value());
+              Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges);
+              CubitBoolean same_edge = CUBIT_FALSE;
+              GProp_GProps myProps1;
+              BRepGProp::LinearProperties(temp_edge, myProps1);
+              gp_Pnt center1 = myProps1.CentreOfMass();
+              for(; Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+              {
+                TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+                GProp_GProps myProps2;
+                BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, myProps2);
+                gp_Pnt center2 = myProps2.CentreOfMass();
+                if(center1.IsEqual(center2, tol))
+                {
+		  same_edge = CUBIT_TRUE;
+                  break;
+  		}
+	      }
+              if(!same_edge)
+              {
+                list_of_edges.Append(temp_edge);
+                TopoDS_Shape* topo_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(edge_face);
+                tool_faces_edges.append(topo_shape);
+ 	      }
+            }
+          }
+	}
+      }
+      if (from_face.IsNull())
+      {
+        more_face = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+        for(int iii = 0; iii < tool_faces_edges.size(); iii++)
+        {
+           int size = shape_list.size();
+           shape_list.append_unique(tool_faces_edges.get_and_step());
+           if (size < shape_list.size())
+           {
+              shape_list.last();
+              shape_list.get()->Nullify();
+              delete shape_list.get();
+           }
+         }
+        tool_faces_edges.clean_out();
+        for (int iii=0; iii < from_faces.size(); iii++)
+        {
+          TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get_and_step();
+          topo_face->Nullify();
+          delete topo_face;
+        }
+        for (int iii=0; iii < list_for_delete.size(); iii++)
+        {
+           TopoDS_Face* topo_face = list_for_delete.get_and_step();
+           topo_face->Nullify();
+           delete topo_face;
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape Itor;
+      //list_of_edges is the intersection edges on tool_faces_edges 
+      Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges);
+      int total_edges = list_of_edges.Extent();
+      DLIList<Curve*> curve_list;
+      CubitBoolean topo_changed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+      tool_faces_edges.reset();
+      //check to see if the intersection edge is:
+      //1. on from_face: if not, skip it
+      //2. overlap with from_edges : if not, add the edge for splitting face
+      //3. if overlap, is it the same edge:if not add it for splitting edge
+      // if yes, skip it too
+      Surface* face = NULL;
+      if (OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(from_face))
+      {
+        int i = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->Find(from_face);
+        face = (OCCSurface*)(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OccToCGM->find(i))->second;
+      }
+      else
+        face = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(from_face);
+      OCCSurface* occ_face = CAST_TO(face, OCCSurface);
+      DLIList<Curve*> common_curves;
+      for(; Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+      {
+        TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+        //copy the edge for imprinting.
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(edge);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(edge);
+        edge = TopoDS::Edge(newShape);
+        Curve* curve = NULL;
+        curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(edge); 
+        if(curve)
+          common_curves.append(curve);
+      }
+      DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> temp_edge_lists;
+      list_of_edges.Clear(); 
+      if (common_curves.size() >= 1)
+      {
+        sort_curves(common_curves, temp_edge_lists);
+        DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list;
+        int size = temp_edge_lists.size();
+        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        {
+          edge_list = temp_edge_lists.pop();
+          //make sure the copied edges are sharing vertices.
+          BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire myWire;
+          edge_list->reset();
+          for(int i = 0; i < edge_list->size(); i++)
+          {
+             TopoDS_Edge e = *(edge_list->get_and_step());
+             myWire.Add(e);
+          }
+          TopoDS_Wire wire = myWire.Wire();
+          BRepTools_WireExplorer Ex(wire); 
+          for(; Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+            list_of_edges.Append(Ex.Current());
+        }
+      }
+      for(Itor.Initialize(list_of_edges); Itor.More(); Itor.Next())
+      {
+        TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(Itor.Value());
+        //check to see if the intersection edge is on from_face
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	CubitBoolean added = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean skipped = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        GProp_GProps myProps1;
+        BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, myProps1);
+        double d1 = myProps1.Mass();
+        gp_Pnt pt = myProps1.CentreOfMass();
+        CubitVector p(pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z());
+        CubitVector point_on_surf;
+        occ_face->closest_point_trimmed(p, point_on_surf);
+        if(p.distance_between(point_on_surf) > tol) //edge not on from_face
+        {
+          skipped = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          total_edges--;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+	  for (Ex.Init(from_face, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+	  {
+           //check if the edge is on from_face edges, add such edge on existing
+            //edge to split it.
+	    TopoDS_Edge from_edge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+            GProp_GProps myProps2;
+            BRepGProp::LinearProperties(from_edge, myProps2);
+            double d2 = myProps2.Mass();
+            Curve* curve = NULL;
+            if (OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(from_edge))
+            {
+              int i = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->Find(from_edge);
+              curve = (OCCCurve*)(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OccToCGM->find(i))->second;
+            }
+            else
+              curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(from_edge);
+            OCCCurve* occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve);
+            CubitPointContainment pc = occ_curve->point_containment(p);
+	    if(pc == CUBIT_PNT_ON) //overlap
+ 	    {
+              //check if they are the same edge, so don't need to be split
+              //the overlapped edges are considered the same if they have the
+              //same length
+              if((d2 - d1) > tol)
+              {
+	        added = CUBIT_TRUE;
+   	        splitor.Add(edge, from_edge);
+              }
+              else
+	        skipped = CUBIT_TRUE;
+              total_edges--;
+              break;
+	    }
+          } 
+        } 
+        if(added)
+        {
+          topo_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (!skipped)
+        {
+          //check if edge's inside from_face by checking bounding boxes  
+          BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(edge);
+          BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface( from_face);
+          Bnd_Box aBox_edge, aBox_face;
+          BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add(acurve, Precision::Approximation(), aBox_edge);
+          BndLib_AddSurface::Add(asurface, Precision::Approximation(), aBox_face);
+          double min[3], max[3];
+          aBox_edge.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+          CubitBox aBox_e(min, max);
+          aBox_face.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+          CubitBox aBox_f(min, max);
+          if (aBox_e <= aBox_f)
+          {
+	    Curve* curve = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(edge);
+	    curve_list.append(curve);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      DLIList<DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>*> edge_lists;
+      if (total_edges >= 1)
+	{      
+	  CubitStatus stat = sort_curves(curve_list, edge_lists); 
+	  DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list;
+          int size = edge_lists.size();
+          for (int iii = 0; iii < size; iii++)
+          {
+	    edge_list = edge_lists.pop();
+            //check if the edges make a split of the surface, error out if it's
+            //just a scar on the surface
+            int count_intersection = 0;
+            if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE) //Open wire
+            {
+              count_intersection = check_intersection(edge_list, from_face);
+              if (count_intersection < 2)
+                PRINT_WARNING("Cant make a scar on existing face without splitting it. \n");
+	    } 
+            if (stat || count_intersection == 2)
+            {
+	      BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire myWire;
+              edge_list->reset(); 
+	      for(int i = 0; i < edge_list->size(); i++)
+	        {
+	          TopoDS_Edge e = *(edge_list->get_and_step());
+	          myWire.Add(e); 
+	        }
+	      splitor.Add(myWire.Wire(),from_face);
+              topo_changed = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+              break;
+            }
+            for(int iii = 0; iii < edge_list->size(); iii++)
+              edge_list->pop();
+            delete edge_list;
+          }
+	} 
+      if(topo_changed)
+      {
+        splitor.Build();
+        topo_changed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(splitor.IsDone())
+        {
+          //take care of on_faces list first:after operation, the on_faces
+          // will have at least one face changed, update the pointer.
+          if (on_faces)
+          {
+            for(int k = 0; k < on_faces->size(); k++)
+            {
+              TopoDS_Face* compare_face = on_faces->get_and_step();
+              if(from_face.IsSame(*compare_face))
+              {
+                on_faces->remove(compare_face);
+                TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+                shapes.Assign(splitor.Modified(from_face)); 
+                while(shapes.Extent() > 0)
+                {
+                  TopoDS_Face* face = 
+                    new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(shapes.First())); 
+                  shapes.RemoveFirst();
+                  on_faces->append(face);
+                  list_for_delete.append(face);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          TopoDS_Shape new_from_shape = splitor.Shape();
+          if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+          {
+            TopoDS_CompSolid old_csolid = TopoDS::CompSolid(*from_shape);
+            OCCBody::update_OCC_entity(old_csolid, new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(*from_shape);
+            OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid, new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Shell old_shell = TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape);
+            OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(old_shell,new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          else if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE)
+          {
+            TopoDS_Face old_face = TopoDS::Face(*from_shape);
+            OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(old_face,new_from_shape, &splitor);
+            from_shape->Nullify();
+            delete from_shape;
+            from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(new_from_shape);
+          }
+          TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+          for(int i = 0; i < from_faces.size(); i++)
+          {
+             TopoDS_Face* topo_face = from_faces.get();
+             shapes.Assign(splitor.Modified(*topo_face));
+             topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(shapes.First()));
+             from_faces.get()->Nullify();
+             delete from_faces.get();
+             from_faces.change_to(topo_face);
+             from_faces.step();
+          } 
+          count++;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* topo_face = new TopoDS_Face(from_face);
+        from_faces.append(topo_face);
+      } 
+  }
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  int num_face = 0;
+  for (Ex.Init(*from_shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+  {
+     TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(Ex.Current());
+     num_face++;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG  
+  PRINT_INFO("Total %d cuts performed, with from_shape having %d faces.\n", count, num_face); 
+  if (count > 0)
+     return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : find_imprinting_edge
+// Member Type: PROTECTED
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies.
+//              from_shape must be TopoDS_Face or above, tool_shape must be
+//              TopoDS_Edge.
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 05/08
+TopoDS_Edge* OCCModifyEngine::find_imprinting_edge(TopoDS_Shape& from_shape,
+                                        TopoDS_Edge& tool_shape,
+                                        DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>& from_faces)const
+  TopoDS_Edge* edge = NULL;
+  //list of face on from_shape that has been imprinted
+  from_faces.clean_out();
+  TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+  for (Ex.Init(from_shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+  {
+    TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(Ex.Current());
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Common intersector(face, tool_shape);
+    TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+    shapes.Assign(intersector.Modified(tool_shape));
+    if (shapes.IsEmpty())
+      continue;
+    if ( shapes.Extent() > 1)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Edge has multiple intersection with the shape, make it simpler. \n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE)
+      continue;
+    if(edge == NULL)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge common_edge = TopoDS::Edge(shapes.First());
+       BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(common_edge);
+       TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(common_edge);
+       edge = new TopoDS_Edge(TopoDS::Edge(newShape));
+    }
+    from_faces.append(new TopoDS_Face(face));
+  }
+  return edge;
+int OCCModifyEngine::check_intersection(DLIList<TopoDS_Edge*>* edge_list,
+ 				        TopoDS_Face from_face)const
+  int  count_intersection = 0;
+  //Consider if edge_list has only one edge, and it intersects the from_face
+  //at two different places.
+  CubitBoolean double_check = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  if (edge_list->size() == 1)
+    double_check = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  gp_Pnt intsec_pnt[2];
+  for(int j = 0; j < edge_list->size(); j++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = edge_list->get_and_step();
+    BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*edge);
+    double lower_bound = acurve.FirstParameter();
+    double upper_bound = acurve.LastParameter();
+    TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+    gp_Pnt newP[2];
+    double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+    for (Ex.Init(from_face, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+    {
+      TopoDS_Edge from_edge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+      BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve2(from_edge);
+      double lower_bound2 = acurve2.FirstParameter();
+      double upper_bound2 = acurve2.LastParameter();
+      BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape distShapeShape(*edge, from_edge);
+      CubitBoolean qualified[2] = {CUBIT_FALSE, CUBIT_FALSE};
+      if (distShapeShape.IsDone() && distShapeShape.Value() < tol)
+      {
+        newP[0] = distShapeShape.PointOnShape1(1);
+        if (double_check && distShapeShape.NbSolution() == 2)
+          newP[1] = distShapeShape.PointOnShape1(2);
+        double newVal[2];
+        for(int j =0; j < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); j++)
+        {
+          Extrema_ExtPC ext(newP[j], acurve, Precision::Approximation());
+          if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+            for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+              if ( ext.IsMin(i) ) {
+        	newVal[j] = ext.Point(i).Parameter();
+		if ((newVal[j]-lower_bound) >= -tol && 
+                    (upper_bound - newVal[j]) >= -tol)
+		{
+		  qualified[j] = CUBIT_TRUE;
+		  break;
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+          }
+        }
+        for(int j = 0; j < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); j++)
+        {
+	  if (qualified[j])
+	  {
+	    qualified[j] = CUBIT_FALSE;
+	    Extrema_ExtPC ext(newP[j], acurve2, Precision::Approximation());
+	    double newVal;
+	    if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	      for ( int i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+	      	if ( ext.IsMin(i) ) {
+		  newVal = ext.Point(i).Parameter();
+                  if ((newVal-lower_bound2) >= -tol &&
+                      (upper_bound2 - newVal) >= -tol)
+		  {
+		    qualified[j] = CUBIT_TRUE;
+		    break;
+		  }
+		}
+    	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+        }
+        for(int k = 0; k < distShapeShape.NbSolution(); k++)
+        {
+          if (qualified[k])
+            count_intersection++;
+          intsec_pnt[count_intersection-1] = newP[k];
+          if (count_intersection == 2)
+          {
+            //make sure the two intersect point are not the same one 
+            if (intsec_pnt[0].IsEqual(intsec_pnt[1], tol))
+              count_intersection--;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (count_intersection == 2)
+	break;
+    } //for loop
+  }
+  return count_intersection;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 04/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint(BodySM* BodyPtr1, BodySM* BodyPtr2,
+                                         BodySM*& newBody1, BodySM*& newBody2,
+                                         bool  keep_old) const
+  newBody1 = NULL;
+  newBody2 = NULL;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  DLIList<BodySM*> bodysm_list;
+  bodysm_list.append(BodyPtr1);
+  bodysm_list.append(BodyPtr2);
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(bodysm_list,shape_list,is_volume,keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  TopoDS_Shape* shape1 = shape_list.get();
+  TopoDS_Shape* shape2 = shape_list.step_and_get();
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape1, shape2);
+  if(stat)
+  {
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape1); 
+    newBody1 = CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM);
+  }
+  else if(!stat && keep_old)
+  {
+    delete shape1;
+    PRINT_INFO("There's no imprint on the first body.\n");
+    newBody1 = BodyPtr1;
+  }
+  tbs.clean_out();
+  stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape2, shape1);
+  if(stat)
+  {
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape2);
+    newBody2 = CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM);     
+  }
+  else if(!stat && keep_old)
+  {
+    delete shape2;
+    PRINT_INFO("There's no imprint on the second body.\n");
+    newBody2 = BodyPtr2;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : get_the_shape_list
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: get the TopoDS_Shape list for imprinting use. 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_shape_list(DLIList<BodySM*>& BodySM_list, 
+                                         DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*>& shape_list,
+                                         DLIList<CubitBoolean>& is_volume,
+                                         bool  keep_old,
+                                         DLIList<CubitBox*>* b_boxes) const
+  OCCBody* occ_body = NULL;
+  shape_list.clean_out();
+  is_volume.clean_out();
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  for(int i = 0; i <BodySM_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    occ_body = CAST_TO(BodySM_list.get_and_step(), OCCBody);
+    if (!occ_body)
+      continue;
+    OCCSurface* surface = occ_body->my_sheet_surface();
+    OCCShell*   shell = occ_body->shell();
+    is_volume.append( CUBIT_TRUE);
+    if(b_boxes)
+    {
+      CubitBox *tool_box = new CubitBox(occ_body->get_bounding_box());
+      b_boxes->append(tool_box);
+    }
+    if(surface)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Face* topo_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+      if(!topo_face)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topo_face);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topo_face);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(topo_face);
+      is_volume.change_to( CUBIT_FALSE);
+    }
+    else if(shell)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shell* topo_shell = shell->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+      if(!topo_shell)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topo_shell);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topo_shell);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(topo_shell);
+      is_volume.change_to( CUBIT_FALSE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      DLIList<Lump*> lumps = occ_body->lumps();
+      if (lumps.size() > 1)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Can't do boolean operation on CompSolid types. \n");
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      TopoDS_Solid* solid = CAST_TO(lumps.get(), OCCLump)->get_TopoDS_Solid();
+      if(!solid)
+      {
+        stat = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }
+      if(keep_old)
+      {
+        BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*solid);
+        TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*solid);
+        TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+        shape_list.append(Shape1);
+      }
+      else
+        shape_list.append(solid);
+    }
+  }
+  if(!stat)
+  {   
+    for (int i = 0; keep_old && i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+          TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+          delete shape;
+    }
+    shape_list.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint multiple bodies at once
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane HU
+// Date       : 04/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_body_list ,
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*> &new_from_body_list,
+                                     bool keep_old,
+                                     DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* new_tbs,
+                                     DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* att_tbs) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(from_body_list, shape_list, is_vo,keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  int size = shape_list.size();
+  // total number of imprints to be done
+  int total_imprints = (size * (size -1))/2;
+  if( size > 2 )
+  {
+     char message[128];
+     sprintf(message, "Imprinting %d OCC Bodies", from_body_list.size() ); 
+     AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->start(0, total_imprints, message);
+  }
+  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape1 = shape_list[i];
+    CubitBoolean modified = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    for(int j = i+1; j < size+i; j ++)
+    {
+       if (CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt())
+       {
+          success = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+          break;
+       }
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape2 = shape_list[j%size];
+       DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+       CubitStatus stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape1, shape2);
+       if(stat)
+          modified = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+    }
+    if(modified)
+    {
+      DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape1);
+      new_from_body_list.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+    shape_list.reset();
+    if( size > 2 )
+      AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->step();
+  }
+  if( size > 2 )
+    AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->end();
+  if( CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt() )
+        PRINT_INFO("Imprint aborted.\n");
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint curves onto body_list
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old,
+                                           bool show_messages) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list, tool_shapes;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(body_list, shape_list, is_vo, keep_old);
+  if (!stat)
+    return stat;
+  int size = ref_edge_list.size();
+  // total number of imprints to be done
+  if( size > 2 && show_messages)
+  {
+     char message[128];
+     sprintf(message, "Imprinting %d OCC Bodies", body_list.size() );
+     AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->start(0, size, message);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve) ;
+    if (!curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+    if (edge->IsNull())
+      continue;
+    if (CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt())
+    {
+       success = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       break;
+    }
+    for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get();
+      stat = imprint_toposhapes(shape, (TopoDS_Shape*)edge);
+      if (stat)
+        shape_list.change_to(shape);
+      shape_list.step();
+      body_list.step();
+    }
+    if( size > 2 )
+      AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->step();
+  }   
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+    new_body_list.append(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+  }
+  if( size > 2 )
+    AppUtil::instance()->progress_tool()->end();
+  if( CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt() )
+        PRINT_INFO("Imprint aborted.\n"); 
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: to be consistante with Acis imprint.
+//              The surfaces must be part of a body, but the curves 
+//              just have to be valid OCC edge.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                      DLIList<Curve*> &edge_list,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                      bool keep_old ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> face_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  face_edge_imprint(ref_face_list, edge_list, face_list, shape_list, keep_old);
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+    {
+      if(!OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*shape)) 
+      {
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_SOLID);Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          TopoDS_Shape subshape = Ex.Current();
+          tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(subshape);
+          new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+      new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+  }
+  if (keep_old)
+  {
+    for(int i = 0; i < face_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+      face->Nullify();
+      delete face;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : face_edge_imprint
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: to be consistante with Acis imprint.
+//              The surfaces must be part of a body, but the curves
+//              just have to be valid OCC edge.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 05/08
+OCCModifyEngine::face_edge_imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                    DLIList<Curve*> &edge_list,
+                                    DLIList<TopoDS_Face*>& face_list,
+                                    DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*>& shape_list,
+                                    bool keep_old ) const
+  for(int i = 0; i <ref_face_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_face_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface);
+    if(!surface)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Face* topo_face = surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+    face_list.append(topo_face);
+    if(surface->my_shell() && !surface->my_body())//shell body
+      shape_list.append(surface->my_shell()->get_TopoDS_Shell());
+    else if(surface->my_body()) //a sheet body
+      shape_list.append(topo_face);
+    else
+    {
+      //int size = shape_list.size();
+      OCCQueryEngine* oqe = OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+      DLIList <OCCBody* > *bodies = oqe->BodyList;
+      TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape M;
+      OCCBody * body = NULL;
+      for(int j = 0; j <  bodies->size(); j++)
+      {
+        body = bodies->get_and_step();
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        TopoDS_Face the_face;
+        TopoDS_Shape ashape = *(body->get_TopoDS_Shape());
+        M.Clear();
+        TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(ashape, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_COMPSOLID, M);
+        if(!M.Contains(*topo_face))
+          continue;
+        shape_list.append_unique(body->get_TopoDS_Shape());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    for(int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get();
+      BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*shape);
+      TopoDS_Shape* Shape1 = new TopoDS_Shape(newShape);
+      for(int j = 0; j < face_list.size(); j++)
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          if(face->IsSame(Ex.Current()))
+          {
+            face = new TopoDS_Face(TopoDS::Face(api_copy.ModifiedShape(*face)));
+            face_list.change_to(face);
+          }
+        }
+        face_list.step();
+      }
+      shape_list.change_to(Shape1);
+      shape_list.step();
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve) ;
+    if (!curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+    if (edge->IsNull())
+      continue;
+    for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+      imprint_toposhapes(shape, (TopoDS_Shape*)edge, &face_list);
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: To be consistent with  AcisModifyEngine, althought it's hard 
+//              to have a GUI interface for users to input. All surface must
+//              on the same body. 
+// Author     : Jane HU 
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*>& surface_list,
+                                   DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*>& curve_lists_list,
+                                   BodySM*& new_body,
+                                   bool keep_old ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Face*> face_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list_all;
+  assert (surface_list.size() == curve_lists_list.size());
+  for(int j = 0; j < surface_list.size(); j++)
+  {
+    Surface* surface = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<Surface*> ref_face_list;
+    ref_face_list.append(surface);
+    DLIList<Curve*> *edge_list = curve_lists_list.get_and_step();
+    face_edge_imprint(ref_face_list, *edge_list, face_list, shape_list, keep_old);
+    for(int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+      shape_list_all.append_unique(shape);
+    }
+    shape_list.clean_out();
+    if (keep_old)
+    {
+      for(int i = 0; i < face_list.size(); i++)
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* face = face_list.get();
+        face->Nullify();
+        delete face;
+      }
+    }
+    face_list.clean_out();
+  }
+  DLIList<BodySM*> new_body_list;
+  shape_to_bodySM(shape_list, new_body_list);
+  if (new_body_list.size() == 1)
+  {
+    new_body = new_body_list.get();
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : shape_to_bodySM
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: After imprint, update shape list to bodySM_list
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+void OCCModifyEngine::shape_to_bodySM( DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list)const
+  for(int j = 0; j < shape_list.size(); j ++)
+  {
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+    {
+      if(!OCCQueryEngine::instance()->OCCMap->IsBound(*shape))
+      {
+        TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+        for (Ex.Init(*shape, TopAbs_SOLID);Ex.More(); Ex.Next())
+        {
+          TopoDS_Shape subshape = Ex.Current();
+          tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(subshape);
+          new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*shape);
+      new_body_list.append_unique(CAST_TO(tbs.get(),BodySM));
+    }
+  }
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Imprints locations to bodies (for splitting curves, there's
+//              no known ways to put hard points on surfaces in OCC, so I just
+//              add free_vertex on OCCSurface definition, mesh should look on
+//              this structure).   
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                           DLIList<CubitVector*> &vector_list,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old,
+                                           DLIList<TopologyBridge*>*,
+                                           DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* ) const
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_vo;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(body_list, shape_list, is_vo, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  for (int i = 0; i < body_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCBody* body = CAST_TO(body_list.get_and_step(), OCCBody);
+    TopoDS_Shape* from_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    if (!body)
+      continue;
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+    DLIList<OCCCurve*> curves;
+    body->get_all_surfaces(surfaces);
+    body->get_all_curves(curves);
+    CubitBoolean on_vertex = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    CubitBoolean on_curve = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    for (int j = 0; j < vector_list.size(); j ++)
+    {
+      CubitVector* v = vector_list[j];
+      if(v == NULL)
+        continue;
+      for (int k = 0;  k < curves.size(); k ++)
+      {
+         OCCCurve* curve = curves.get_and_step();
+         CubitPointContainment pc = curve->point_containment(*v);
+         if(pc == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY)
+         {
+           on_vertex = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           break;
+         }
+         else if( pc == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+         {
+           LocOpe_SplitShape splitor(*from_shape); 
+           on_curve = CUBIT_TRUE;
+           TopoDS_Edge edge = *curve->get_TopoDS_Edge();
+           gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt(v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
+           TopoDS_Vertex vertex = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(pt);
+           double param = curve->u_from_position(*v);
+           splitor.Add(vertex, param, edge);
+           //update the curve_list
+           TopTools_ListOfShape edge_shapes;
+           edge_shapes.Assign(splitor.DescendantShapes(edge));
+           while(edge_shapes.Extent())
+           {
+             TopoDS_Shape edge_shape = edge_shapes.First();
+             TopoDS_Edge occ_edge = TopoDS::Edge(edge_shape);
+             OCCCurve* test_curve; 
+             test_curve = CAST_TO(OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(occ_edge), OCCCurve);
+             if(test_curve)
+               curves.append(test_curve);
+             edge_shapes.RemoveFirst();
+           }
+           curves.remove(curve);
+           TopTools_ListOfShape shapes;
+           shapes.Assign(splitor.DescendantShapes(*from_shape));
+           if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() ==TopAbs_COMPSOLID)
+             OCCBody::update_OCC_entity(*from_shape, shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID)
+             OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Solid(*from_shape), 
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+             OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape),
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           else if(shapes.First().TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE)
+             OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(TopoDS::Face(*from_shape), 
+                    shapes.First(), 
+                    (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShape*) NULL, &splitor);
+           from_shape->Nullify();
+           delete from_shape;
+           from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(shapes.First());
+           break;
+         }  
+       } 
+       if(on_vertex || on_curve)
+         continue;
+       //check possible on surface
+       for(int n = 0; n < surfaces.size(); n ++)
+       {
+          OCCSurface* surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+          if(!surface->is_position_on(*v))
+            continue;
+          CubitPointContainment ps = surface->point_containment(*v);
+          if(ps == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE)
+          {
+             Point* p = make_Point(*v);
+             if(p)
+               surface->add_hardpoint(CAST_TO(p, OCCPoint));
+             break;
+          }
+       }
+    }
+  }       
+  shape_to_bodySM(shape_list, new_body_list);
+  return stat;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of Curves on to a list of Surfaces
+//              and imprint the faces with the new Curves
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                          DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                          bool keep_old_body,
+                                          bool keep_free_edges) const
+  DLIList<Curve*> projected_curves;
+  CubitStatus 
+     stat = project_edges(ref_face_list, ref_edge_list, projected_curves);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  // imprint Surface with curves
+  stat = imprint(ref_face_list, projected_curves, new_body_list, keep_old_body );
+  if(keep_free_edges)
+     return  stat;
+  PRINT_INFO( "Removing projected curves \n");
+  for(int i=0; i< projected_curves.size();i++)
+  {
+    // Now delete this Curve and its underlying solid model entities
+    Curve* curve = projected_curves.get_and_step();
+    stat = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities( curve );
+    if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCQueryEngine::delete_geometry\n"
+                 "       Could not delete OCCCurve.\n"
+                 "       The Model database is likely corrupted "
+                 "due to\n       this unsuccessful deletion.\n" );
+    }
+  } 
+  return stat;
+// Function   : project_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of Curves on to a list of Surfaces
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::project_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                            DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                            DLIList<Curve*> &projected_curves,
+                                            bool print_error ) const
+  CubitVector* v = NULL;
+  Curve* projected_curve = NULL;
+  DLIList<Point*> points;
+  //project curves onto surfaces.
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_edge_list.get_and_step(), OCCCurve);
+    if(!curve)
+       continue;
+    for (int j = 0; j < ref_face_list.size(); j++)
+    {
+      OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_face_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface); 
+      if(!surface)
+        continue;
+      if(surface->is_closed_in_U() || surface->is_closed_in_V())
+      {
+        if(print_error)
+          PRINT_ERROR("This function can't project curves on closed surfaces.\n");
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      projected_curve = NULL;
+      projected_curve = curve->project_curve(surface, points, CUBIT_FALSE, v);
+      if(projected_curve)
+        projected_curves.append_unique(projected_curve);
+    }
+  }
+  while(points.size() > 0)
+    delete points.pop();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Projects a list of curves on to a list of surfaces
+//              and imprint the bodies with the new curves
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges(DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                         DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                         bool keep_old,
+                                         bool keep_free_edges) const
+  DLIList<Curve*> projected_curves;
+  CubitStatus
+     stat = project_edges(ref_face_list, ref_edge_list, projected_curves);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat; 
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  // imprint bodies with curves
+  stat = imprint(body_list,projected_curves, new_body_list, keep_old);
+  if (keep_free_edges)
+        return  stat;
+  PRINT_INFO( "Removing projected curves \n");
+  for(int i=0; i< projected_curves.size();i++)
+  {
+    // Now delete this Curve 
+    Curve* curve = projected_curves.get_and_step();
+    stat = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+          delete_solid_model_entities( curve );
+    if (stat == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+    {
+       PRINT_ERROR("In OCCModifyEngine::delete_geometry\n"
+                   "       Could not delete Curve.\n"
+                   "       The Model database is likely corrupted "
+                   "due to\n       this unsuccessful deletion.\n" );
+    }
+  }
+  return stat; 
+// Function   : intersect
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: intersect boolean operation of body with list of bodies.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::intersect(BodySM*  tool_body_ptr,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>  &from_bodies,
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>  &new_bodies,
+                                       bool  keep_old) const
+  DLIList<BodySM*> tool_bodies;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> tool_shapes;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume, is_volume;
+  tool_bodies.append(tool_body_ptr);
+  //get tool_body's underlying shape, copy it, so boolean wouldn't touch it.
+  CubitStatus stat = 
+       get_shape_list(tool_bodies, tool_shapes, is_tool_volume, CUBIT_TRUE); 
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  stat =  get_shape_list(from_bodies, shape_list, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < tool_shapes.size(); i++)
+    {
+       TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_shapes.get_and_step();
+       delete shape;
+    }
+    tool_shapes.clean_out();
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  TopoDS_Shape* tool_shape = tool_shapes.get();
+  CubitBoolean has_changed;
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = 0; i < shape_list.size(); i++)
+  { 
+    TopoDS_Shape* from_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    //BodySM* from_body = from_bodies.get_and_step();
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Common intersector(*from_shape, *tool_shape);
+    TopoDS_Shape common_shape = intersector.Shape();
+    check_operation(common_shape, from_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, 
+                    &intersector, keep_old); 
+    if(from_shape->IsNull())
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("The %d body did not have common part with the tool_body.\n", i+1);
+      continue; 
+    }
+    else
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*from_shape);
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  //ok, we're done wih all cuts, delete unnecessaries.
+  if(!keep_old)
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(tool_body_ptr);   
+  for(int i = 0; i < tool_shapes.size(); i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* shape = tool_shapes.get_and_step();
+    shape->Nullify();
+    delete shape;
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    int size  = shape_list.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : check_operation
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: check and update the from_shape according to type of the body.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+void OCCModifyEngine::check_operation(TopoDS_Shape& cut_shape,
+                                      TopoDS_Shape*& from_shape, //output
+                                      CubitBoolean  is_volume,
+                                      CubitBoolean& has_changed, //output
+                                      BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperation* op,
+                                      CubitBoolean keep_old) const
+   //compare to see if the from_shape has gotten cut.
+   double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+   if(is_volume)
+   {
+     GProp_GProps myProps;
+     BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(*from_shape, myProps);
+     double orig_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(cut_shape, myProps);
+     double after_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     if(fabs(-after_mass + orig_mass) <= tol)
+     {
+        has_changed= CUBIT_FALSE; //common is itself
+        return;
+     }
+     //got cut. Update the entities
+     if(after_mass < tol) //no common section
+       cut_shape.Nullify();
+     has_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+     Ex.Init(*from_shape, TopAbs_SOLID);
+     TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(Ex.Current()); 
+     OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid , cut_shape, op);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     GProp_GProps myProps;
+     BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(*from_shape, myProps);
+     double orig_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(cut_shape, myProps);
+     double after_mass = myProps.Mass();
+     if(fabs(-after_mass + orig_mass) <= tol)
+     {
+       has_changed= CUBIT_FALSE; //common is itself, or not cut
+       return;
+     }
+     //got cut. Update the entities
+     if(after_mass < tol)//no common section
+       cut_shape.Nullify();
+     has_changed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+     if(from_shape->TShape()->ShapeType() == TopAbs_SHELL)
+     {
+       TopoDS_Shell old_shell = TopoDS::Shell(*from_shape);
+       OCCShell::update_OCC_entity(old_shell,cut_shape, op);
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       TopoDS_Face old_face = TopoDS::Face(*from_shape);
+       OCCSurface::update_OCC_entity(old_face,cut_shape, op);
+     }
+  }
+  if(keep_old)
+    delete from_shape;
+  from_shape = new TopoDS_Shape(cut_shape);
+// Function   : chop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: chop boolean operation between OCC-based bodies
+//              bodies has a size() = 2, a blank body and a tool body.
+//              chops the blank with the  tool, returing the body formed
+//              by subtracting the tool from the blank, and the body formed
+//              by intersecting the tool with the blank, simultaneously.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus  OCCModifyEngine::chop(DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+                                   DLIList<BodySM*> &intersectBodies, 
+                                   DLIList<BodySM*> &outsideBodies,
+                                   BodySM*& leftoversBody,
+                                   bool keep_old ,
+                                   bool nonreg) const
+  //according to Acis chop function, leftoverBody = 0;
+  leftoversBody = 0;
+  //there's no effect of nonreg. keep_old mean if to keep the tool_body
+  if(bodies.size() != 2)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Chop operation works only on two bodies. Nothing modified\n");  
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE; 
+  }
+  //outsideBodies keeps the surface, curve ids if keep_old is false.
+  BodySM* blank_body = bodies.get();
+  //copy blank_body for intersect operation, because it will get changed.
+  DLIList<BodySM*> tool_bodies, from_bodies;
+  from_bodies.append(blank_body);
+  BodySM* tool_body = bodies.step_and_get();
+  tool_bodies.append(tool_body);
+  CubitStatus stat = intersect(tool_body, from_bodies, 
+                               intersectBodies, CUBIT_TRUE);
+  if(!stat)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  stat = subtract(tool_bodies, from_bodies, outsideBodies, 
+                  CUBIT_FALSE, keep_old);
+  return stat;
+// Function   : unite
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: unite boolean operation between OCC-based bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::unite(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies, 
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*> &newBodies,
+                                       bool keep_old) const
+  if(bodies.size() < 2)
+  {
+    newBodies = bodies;
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  //all bodies must have only one lump in order for boolean operation to work.
+  DLIList<Lump*> lumps;
+  for (int i = 0; i < bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+    lumps = CAST_TO(bodies.get_and_step(), OCCBody)->lumps();
+    if (lumps.size() > 1)
+    {
+      PRINT_WARNING("All bodies must have only one lump for boolean operations to work.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  CubitStatus stat =
+    get_shape_list(bodies, shape_list, is_volume, keep_old);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  //find a non-sheet body to be the first shape
+  TopoDS_Shape* first_shape;
+  CubitBoolean first_is_volume;
+  if((first_is_volume = is_volume.move_to(CUBIT_TRUE)))
+  {
+    int index = is_volume.get_index();
+    first_shape = shape_list[index];
+    shape_list.remove(first_shape);
+    is_volume.step(index);
+    is_volume.remove();
+    bodies.step(index);
+    bodies.remove();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    first_shape = shape_list.pop();
+    bodies.pop();
+  }
+  int size = shape_list.size();
+  for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    TopoDS_Shape* second_shape = shape_list.get_and_step();
+    BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse fuser(*first_shape, *second_shape);
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape = fuser.Shape();
+    CubitBoolean has_changed;
+    check_operation(new_shape, first_shape, first_is_volume, has_changed, &fuser, keep_old);
+    check_operation(new_shape,second_shape, is_volume[i], has_changed, &fuser, keep_old);
+  }      
+  //ok, we're done with all unites, construct new Body'
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(*first_shape);
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      newBodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  //ok, we're done with all unites, delete unnecessaries.
+  if(keep_old)
+  {
+    shape_list.append(first_shape);
+    int size  = shape_list.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+      TopoDS_Shape* shape = shape_list.pop();
+      shape->Nullify();
+      delete shape;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::thicken( DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                      double depth,
+                                      CubitBoolean both) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for OCC based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : hollow
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Hollow existing solid body by remove one or several surfaces 
+//              Can only take one body at a time.
+//              depth > 0, thick body going outside bodies
+//              depth < 0, thick body going inside bodies
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::hollow( DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+                                     DLIList<Surface*>& surfs_to_remove,
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                     double depth) const
+  if(bodies.size() != 1 || surfs_to_remove.size() < 1)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Making thick solid in OCC will take one body and at least one surface at a time.\n"); 
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> shape_list;
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_volume;
+  CubitStatus stat = get_shape_list(bodies, shape_list, is_volume, CUBIT_FALSE);
+  if(!stat)
+    return stat;
+  if(!is_volume.get())//sheet body
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Making thick solid in OCC needs an initial solid body to hollow with.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //make sure the body to be hollowed has only one lump
+  OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(bodies.get(), OCCBody);
+  DLIList<Lump*> lumps;
+  lumps = occ_body->lumps();
+  if(lumps.size()!=1)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("bodies with more than one lump can't be hollowed to make a thick body.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //make sure surfs_to_remove are all in bodies
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  TopTools_ListOfShape face_shapes;
+  occ_body->get_all_surfaces(surfaces);
+  for(int i = 0; i < surfs_to_remove.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surf = CAST_TO(surfs_to_remove.get(), OCCSurface);
+    if(!occ_surf)
+      continue;
+    if(!surfaces.is_in_list(occ_surf))
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Face * face = occ_surf->get_TopoDS_Face();
+    face_shapes.Append(*face); 
+  }
+  if(face_shapes.IsEmpty())
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("The surfaces provided should be from the body to be hollowed.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  double tol = 1.e-3; //hard coded for now, can be changed by application
+  TopoDS_Shape* solid = shape_list.get();
+  BRepOffsetAPI_MakeThickSolid hollower(*solid, face_shapes, depth, tol,
+                                        BRepOffset_Skin, Standard_False,
+                                        Standard_False, GeomAbs_Intersection);
+  TopoDS_Shape new_shape = hollower.Shape();
+  TopoDS_Solid old_solid = TopoDS::Solid(*solid);
+  OCCLump::update_OCC_entity(old_solid , new_shape, &hollower); 
+  //ok, we're done with all hollowing, construct new Body'
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+  for (int i = 0; i< tbs.size(); i++)
+  {
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get_and_step(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : flip_normals
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 06/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine :: flip_normals( DLIList<Surface*>& face_list ) const
+  DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
+  while (face_list.size())
+  {
+    OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(face_list.pop(), OCCSurface);
+    OCCShell* occ_shell = occ_surface->my_shell();
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+    surfaces.append(occ_surface);
+    if(occ_shell) //find all surfaces in face_list that belong to this shell
+    {
+      int size = face_list.size();
+      for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+      {
+        occ_surface = CAST_TO(face_list.get(), OCCSurface); 
+        if(occ_shell == occ_surface->my_shell())
+          surfaces.append(CAST_TO(face_list.remove(),OCCSurface));
+        else
+          face_list.step();
+      } 
+      if (!occ_shell->is_sheet())
+      {
+        DLIList<OCCCoFace*> cofaces;
+        cofaces = occ_shell->cofaces();
+        for(int i = 0; i < cofaces.size(); i++)
+        {
+          OCCCoFace* coface =cofaces.get_and_step();
+          occ_surface = coface->surface();
+          if(surfaces.is_in_list(occ_surface))
+          { 
+            TopoDS_Face* topoface = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+            TopAbs_Orientation ori = topoface->Orientation();
+            topoface->Orientation(ori == TopAbs_FORWARD ? TopAbs_REVERSED :
+                                                      TopAbs_FORWARD);
+            occ_surface->set_TopoDS_Face(*topoface);
+            coface->set_sense(coface->sense() == CUBIT_FORWARD ? 
+                                 CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD);
+            surface_list.append(occ_surface);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      else //sheet body 
+      {
+        TopoDS_Face* topoface = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+        TopAbs_Orientation ori = topoface->Orientation();
+        topoface->Orientation(ori == TopAbs_FORWARD ? TopAbs_REVERSED :
+                                                    TopAbs_FORWARD);
+        occ_surface->set_TopoDS_Face(*topoface);
+        surface_list.append(occ_surface);
+      }
+      PRINT_INFO( "Modified volume\n" );
+    }
+    else
+      PRINT_WARNING( "Volume was not modified\n" );
+  }
+  face_list = surface_list;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_translational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 09/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_translational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+  double draft_angle, //in Radius
+  int draft_type, //RightCorner=1 or RoundCorner =2
+  bool switchside,//not used, shell and surfaces are one sided, not like Acis
+  bool rigid, //not used here, in Acis, it means whether the end surface is
+              // parallel to the starting surface, or perpendicular to the path
+  Surface* stop_surf,
+  BodySM* to_body) const
+  //in OCC, there's no sweep surface with draft option, this can be done by
+  //creating draft shell then make solid to achieve.
+  //while if draft_angle is 0, and stop_surf = 0, to_body = 0
+  // directly use sweep functions.
+  TopoDS_Shape *stop_shape = NULL;
+  if(stop_surf)
+  {
+     OCCSurface* occ_surface = CAST_TO(stop_surf, OCCSurface);
+     stop_shape = occ_surface->get_TopoDS_Face();
+  }
+  else if(to_body)
+  {
+     OCCBody* occ_body = CAST_TO(to_body, OCCBody);
+     if(occ_body->is_sheet_body())
+       stop_shape = occ_body->my_sheet_surface()->get_TopoDS_Face();
+     else if(occ_body->shell())
+       stop_shape = occ_body->shell()->get_TopoDS_Shell();
+     else
+       stop_shape = occ_body->get_TopoDS_Shape();
+  }
+  gp_Dir adir(sweep_vector.x(), sweep_vector.y(), sweep_vector.z());
+  gp_Vec aVec(sweep_vector.x(), sweep_vector.y(), sweep_vector.z());
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, &sweep_vector, toposhape);   
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    //create the draft or the sweep
+    if(stop_shape == NULL && draft_angle == 0.)
+    {
+      BRepSweep_Prism swept(toposhape, aVec);
+      TopoDS_Shape new_shape = swept.Shape();
+      tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+      assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+      BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM); 
+      if (bodysm)
+        result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+      continue;
+    }
+    BRepOffsetAPI_MakeDraft draft(toposhape, adir, draft_angle);
+    BRepBuilderAPI_TransitionMode Cornertype;
+    if(draft_type == 1)
+      Cornertype = BRepBuilderAPI_RightCorner;
+    else if(draft_type == 2)
+      Cornertype = BRepBuilderAPI_RoundCorner;
+    draft.SetOptions(Cornertype);
+    if(stop_shape)
+      draft.Perform(*stop_shape);    
+    else
+      draft.Perform(sweep_vector.length());
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape = draft.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if(bodysm && surface != NULL) //only gets swept side and original surfaces
+    {
+       //get surfaces from the shell body and create a top surface to
+       //make a swept solid.
+       OCCShell* occ_shell = CAST_TO(bodysm, OCCBody)->shell();
+       if(!occ_shell)
+       {
+         PRINT_WARNING("Sweep surface failed inside OCC engine.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+       DLIList<OCCCoFace*> cofaces = occ_shell->cofaces();
+       DLIList<Surface*> surface_list;
+       for(int i = 0; i < cofaces.size(); i++)
+         surface_list.append(cofaces.get_and_step()->surface());
+       //create the top surface from edges.
+       DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedges;
+       for(int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++)
+         CAST_TO(surface_list.get_and_step(), OCCSurface)->get_coedges(coedges);
+       for(int i = 0; i < coedges.size(); i++)
+       {
+         OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedges[i];
+         if(coedge == NULL)
+           continue;
+         for(int j = i+1; j < coedges.size(); j++)
+         {
+            OCCCoEdge* temp_coedge = coedges[j];
+            if(temp_coedge == NULL)
+              continue; 
+            if(coedge->curve() == temp_coedge->curve() &&
+               coedge->sense() != temp_coedge->sense())
+            {
+              coedges.move_to(coedge);
+              coedges.change_to((OCCCoEdge*)NULL);
+              coedges.move_to(temp_coedge);
+              coedges.change_to((OCCCoEdge*)NULL);
+            }
+         }
+       } 
+       coedges.remove_all_with_value(NULL);
+       assert(coedges.size() > 0);
+       DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+       for(int i = 0; i < coedges.size(); i++)
+         curves.append(coedges.get_and_step()->curve());
+       Surface* surf = make_Surface(PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+       if(!surf)
+         surf = make_Surface(BEST_FIT_SURFACE_TYPE, curves);
+       if(!surf)
+       {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Can't calculate for the top surface.\n");
+         continue;
+       }
+       surface_list.append(surf);
+       DLIList<BodySM*> bodies;
+       create_solid_bodies_from_surfs(surface_list, bodies);
+       if(bodies.size() == 1)
+         bodysm = bodies.get();
+       else
+       {
+         PRINT_WARNING("Sweep surface failed in creating solid.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+       }
+    }
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS; 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_sweepable_toposhape(OCCCurve*& curve,
+                                              TopoDS_Shape& toposhape)const
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loops;
+  loops =  curve->loops();
+  if( loops.size()) //not a free curve
+  {
+    //copy the curve
+    Curve* c_curve = make_Curve(curve);
+    if(c_curve)
+     curve = CAST_TO(c_curve, OCCCurve);
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Can't copy the curve for sweep.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  TopoDS_Edge *edge = curve->get_TopoDS_Edge( );
+  toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(*edge);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_sweepable_toposhape(OCCSurface*& surface,
+                                                  const CubitVector* sweep_v_p,
+                                                  TopoDS_Shape& toposhape)const
+  GeometryEntity* ref_ent = NULL;
+  //Make copy of the surface if it's not a sheet surface.
+  Surface* c_surface = NULL;
+  if(surface != NULL)
+  {
+    //check if the surface is sheet body, if not, copy it.
+    if(surface->my_body() == NULL) //not a sheet body
+    {
+      c_surface = make_Surface(surface);
+      if (c_surface == NULL)
+      {
+         PRINT_ERROR("Cannot copy surface in sweep_translational.\n");
+         return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      surface = CAST_TO(c_surface, OCCSurface);
+    }
+    if(sweep_v_p)
+    {
+      CubitVector center = surface->center_point();
+      CubitVector normal;
+      surface->closest_point(center,NULL,&normal);
+      CubitVector sweep_vector = *sweep_v_p;
+      if(normal % sweep_vector > 0)
+      {
+        DLIList<Surface*> surfaces;
+        surfaces.append(surface);
+        flip_normals(surfaces);
+        surface = CAST_TO(surfaces.get(), OCCSurface);
+        ref_ent = (GeometryEntity *)surface;
+      }
+      else if(normal % sweep_vector == 0)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Sweeping direction should not be on the surface.\n");
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+      ref_ent = (GeometryEntity *)surface;
+    if(surface->my_body() != NULL) //sheet body
+    {
+      delete surface->my_body();
+      delete surface->my_shell();
+      delete surface->my_lump();
+      surface->set_shell(NULL);
+      surface->set_lump(NULL);
+      surface->set_body(NULL);
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape* toposhape_prt = 
+          OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_TopoDS_Shape_of_entity(ref_ent);
+    if(!toposhape_prt)
+    {
+      PRINT_WARNING("GeometryEntity without TopoDS_Shape found.\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    toposhape = *toposhape_prt;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_perpendicular(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  double distance,
+  double draft_angle,
+  int draft_type,
+  bool switchside, //has no effect
+  bool rigid, //has no effect
+  Surface* stop_surf,
+  BodySM* to_body) const
+  //find the vector perpendicular to the ref_ent normal, and sweep_translate
+  //the 'distance' along this vector
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*> edge_list;
+  CubitVector vec;
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_ent_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+     GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+     Surface *face = CAST_TO(ref_ent, Surface);
+     Curve* edge = CAST_TO(ref_ent, Curve);
+     DLIList<GeometryEntity*> face_list;
+     if(face != NULL)
+     {
+        OCCSurface* occ_face = CAST_TO(face, OCCSurface);
+        CubitVector center = occ_face->center_point();
+        CubitVector closest_p, unit_normal;
+        CubitStatus stat = 
+                    occ_face->closest_point(center, &closest_p, &unit_normal);
+        if(stat)
+        {
+          vec = distance * unit_normal;
+          face_list.append(ref_ent);
+          stat = sweep_translational(face_list, result_body_list, vec, 
+                                     draft_angle, draft_type, switchside,
+                                     rigid, stop_surf, to_body);
+       }
+     }
+     else if (edge != NULL)
+     {
+        edge_list.append(ref_ent);
+     }
+  }
+  if(edge_list.size())
+    PRINT_ERROR("Curves cannot be swept perpendicularly, please use the vector sweep.\n");
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_rotational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu 
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_rotational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  const CubitVector& point,
+  const CubitVector& direction,
+  double angle, //in radians
+  int steps,  //not used
+  double draft_angle, //not used
+  int draft_type,  //not used
+  bool switchside, //not used
+  bool make_solid,
+  bool rigid,  //not used
+  Surface* stop_surf,  //not used
+  BodySM* to_body ) const  //not used
+  gp_Dir adir(direction.x(), direction.y(), direction.z()); 
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point.x(), point.y(), point.z());
+  gp_Ax1 axis = gp_Ax1(pt, adir);
+  gp_Lin line = gp_Lin(axis);
+  TopoDS_Edge edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(line);
+  OCCCurve* acurve = new OCCCurve(&edge);
+  assert(acurve);
+  CubitVector start;
+  CubitVector end;
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface or curve for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, (CubitVector*)NULL, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+      //only non-intersecting of surface and axis can be swept.
+      DLIList<CubitVector*> intersect_pts;
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(acurve, surface,
+                                    intersect_pts, CUBIT_TRUE);
+      if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+      { 
+        PRINT_ERROR("Only surfaces with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+        continue;
+      } 
+    }
+    else if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+      //closed curve can't intersect with the axis, while open curve can only
+      //intersect the axis at the end points. 
+      //only curve not intersecting with axis in curve's middle locations
+      //can be revolved
+      DLIList<CubitVector*> intersect_pts;
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve, acurve,
+                                  intersect_pts, CUBIT_TRUE, CUBIT_TRUE);
+      if(!toposhape.Closed())
+      {
+        //get start and end points
+        DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+        curve->get_points(point_list);
+        assert(2 == point_list.size());
+        GeometryType type = curve->geometry_type();
+        start = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+        end = point_list.get()->coordinates();
+        CubitBoolean start_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean end_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+        {
+          double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+          CubitBoolean non_int = CUBIT_FALSE;
+          for(int i = 0; i < intersect_pts.size(); i++)
+          {
+             CubitVector prt = *(intersect_pts.get_and_step());
+             if(prt.distance_between(start) > tol &&
+                prt.distance_between(end) > tol)
+             {
+                non_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+                PRINT_ERROR("Only curves with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+                break;
+             }
+             else if(prt.distance_between(start) <= tol)
+                start_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+             else if(prt.distance_between(end) <= tol)
+                end_int = CUBIT_TRUE;
+          }
+          if(non_int)
+            continue;
+          if(start_int && end_int && type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+          {
+            PRINT_ERROR("Sweep along curve itself is not allowed.\n");
+            continue;
+          } 
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if(intersect_pts.size() > 0)
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Only curves with no intersection point with the axis can be revolve-swept.\n");
+          continue;
+        }  
+      }
+    } 
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Only surface or curve can be revolve-swept.\n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape new_shape;
+    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+    if(make_solid && curve != NULL )
+    //giving an open wire and want a solid
+    {
+      if(!toposhape.Closed())
+      {
+        //project the start and end points onto the axis
+        CubitBoolean start_closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        CubitBoolean end_closed = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        if(acurve->point_containment(start) != CUBIT_PNT_OFF)
+          start_closed = CUBIT_TRUE;
+        if(acurve->point_containment(end) != CUBIT_PNT_OFF)
+          end_closed = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+        CubitVector start_proj, end_proj;
+        TopoDS_Edge edge1, edge2;
+        BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire m_wire;
+        if(!start_closed)
+        {
+          acurve->closest_point(start, start_proj);
+          gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( start.x(), start.y(), start.z()); 
+          gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( start_proj.x(), start_proj.y(), start_proj.z());
+          edge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt1, pt2);
+          m_wire.Add(edge1);
+          m_wire.Add(TopoDS::Wire(toposhape));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          m_wire.Add(TopoDS::Wire(toposhape));
+          start_proj = start;
+        }
+        if(!end_closed)
+        {
+          acurve->closest_point(end,end_proj);
+          gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( end.x(), end.y(), end.z());
+          gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( end_proj.x(), end_proj.y(), end_proj.z());
+          edge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt1, pt2);
+          m_wire.Add(edge2);
+        }
+        else
+          end_proj = end;
+        gp_Pnt pt1 = gp_Pnt( end_proj.x(), end_proj.y(), end_proj.z());
+        gp_Pnt pt2 = gp_Pnt( start_proj.x(), start_proj.y(), start_proj.z());
+        TopoDS_Edge edge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(pt2, pt1);
+        m_wire.Add(edge3);
+        TopoDS_Wire wire = m_wire.Wire();
+        toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire);
+      }
+      else //closed
+      {
+        TopoDS_Wire wire = TopoDS::Wire(toposhape);
+        toposhape = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(wire);
+      }
+    }
+    BRepSweep_Revol revol(toposhape, axis, angle);
+    new_shape = revol.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_shape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+    continue;
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(acurve);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : sweep_along_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: The ref_edge_list must provide a list of curves which are
+//              connected, and making G1 continuous wire.
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 10/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::sweep_along_curve(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+  DLIList<Curve*>& ref_edge_list,
+  double draft_angle, //only used for straight curve case
+  int draft_type, //only used for straight curve case
+  bool rigid, //not used
+  Surface* stop_surf, //not used
+  BodySM* to_body) const //not used
+  //make wire out of ref_edge_list
+  BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire awire;
+  TopTools_ListOfShape L;
+  OCCCurve* occ_curve = NULL;
+  GeometryType type;
+  int num_curve = 0;
+  for(int i = 0; i < ref_edge_list.size(); i++)
+  {
+    Curve* curve = ref_edge_list.get_and_step();
+    occ_curve = CAST_TO(curve, OCCCurve);
+    if(!occ_curve)
+      continue;
+    TopoDS_Edge* topoedge = occ_curve->get_TopoDS_Edge( );
+    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy api_copy(*topoedge);
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = api_copy.ModifiedShape(*topoedge);
+    L.Append(newShape);
+    type = occ_curve->geometry_type();
+    num_curve++;
+  }
+  if(L.IsEmpty())
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("There's no valid sweeping path.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(num_curve == 1 && type == STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE && draft_angle != 0.0)
+  {
+    DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+    occ_curve->get_points(point_list);
+    CubitVector v1 = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+    CubitVector v2 = point_list.get()->coordinates();
+    CubitVector sweep_vector = v2-v1;
+    return sweep_translational(ref_ent_list,result_body_list,sweep_vector,
+                               draft_angle, draft_type, CUBIT_FALSE, 
+                               rigid, stop_surf, to_body); 
+  }
+  awire.Add(L);
+  TopoDS_Wire wire;
+  wire = awire.Wire();
+  BRepTools_WireExplorer it(wire);
+  int num_edges = 0;
+  for(; it.More(); it.Next())
+    num_edges++; 
+  BRepLib_FuseEdges fuser(wire);
+  fuser.SetConcatBSpl();
+  fuser.Perform();
+  TopoDS_Shape  spline = fuser.Shape();
+  wire = TopoDS::Wire(spline);
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> tbs;
+  for (int i = ref_ent_list.size(); i > 0; i--)
+  {
+    GeometryEntity *ref_ent = ref_ent_list.get_and_step();
+    //Make copy of the surface or curve for later to build solid.
+    OCCSurface* surface = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCSurface);
+    OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO(ref_ent, OCCCurve);
+    TopoDS_Shape toposhape ;
+    if(surface != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(surface, (CubitVector*)NULL, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    } 
+    else if(curve != NULL)
+    {
+      CubitStatus stat = get_sweepable_toposhape(curve, toposhape);
+      if(!stat)
+        continue;
+    }
+    //sweep along the wire
+    BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe maker(wire, toposhape);
+    if(!maker.IsDone())
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Can't sweep along the provided curve(s).\n");
+      continue;
+    }
+    TopoDS_Shape newShape = maker.Shape();
+    tbs += OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(newShape);
+    assert(tbs.size() == 1);
+    BodySM* bodysm = CAST_TO(tbs.get(), BodySM);
+    if (bodysm)
+      result_body_list.append(bodysm);
+    continue;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//HEADER- Webcut-related functions
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+                              const CubitVector &v1,
+                              const CubitVector &v2,
+                              const CubitVector &v3,
+                              DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                              bool imprint ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                 BodySM const* /*tool_body*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                 bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_across_translate
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut_across_translate( DLIList<BodySM*>& /*body_list*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf1*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf2*/,
+                                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                                          bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sheet(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                 BodySM * /*sheet_body*/,
+                                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                 bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_extended_surf
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_extended_surf(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                         Surface * /*extend_from*/,
+                                                         DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                         int & /*num_cut*/,
+                                                         bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_cylinder(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+                                            double radius,
+                                            const CubitVector &axis,
+                                            const CubitVector &center,
+                                            DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                                            bool imprint )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_brick( 
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                      const CubitVector* /*axes[3]*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*extension*/,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                      bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_planar_sheet( 
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                          const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                          const CubitVector* /*axes[2]*/,
+                                          double /*width*/, 
+                                          double /*height*/,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                          bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_curve_loop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_curve_loop(
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> &/*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                              bool /*imprint*/)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : section
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 11/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::section( DLIList<BodySM*> &section_body_list,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_1,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_2,
+                                      const CubitVector &point_3,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                      bool keep_normal_side,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool keep_both_sides)
+  if (keep_both_sides == CUBIT_TRUE )
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("keeping both sides of section is not implemented.\n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //Calculate normal of the section plan
+  CubitVector v1, v2, normal;
+  v1 = point_2 - point_1;
+  v2 = point_3 - point_1; 
+  normal = ~(v1 * v2); 
+  if(normal.length() != 1)
+  {
+     PRINT_ERROR("The three points are co-linear, and can't be used as a cutting plane.\n");
+     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(keep_normal_side)
+    normal *= -1;
+  gp_Pnt pt = gp_Pnt( point_1.x(), point_1.y(), point_1.z());
+  gp_Dir normal_dir(normal.x(), normal.y(), normal.z()); 
+  gp_Pln plane(pt, normal_dir);
+  gp_Vec vec(normal_dir);
+  pt =  pt.Translated(vec);
+  TopoDS_Face face = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(plane);
+  TopoDS_Solid solid = BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, pt);
+  DLIList<CubitBoolean> is_tool_volume;
+  is_tool_volume.append(CUBIT_TRUE);
+  DLIList<CubitBox*> tool_boxes ;
+  Bnd_Box box;
+  BRepBndLib::Add(solid, box);
+  double min[3], max[3];
+  box.Get(min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+  CubitBox* cBox = new CubitBox(min, max);
+  tool_boxes.append(cBox);
+  DLIList<TopoDS_Shape*> solids;
+  solids.append(&solid);
+  CubitStatus stat = do_subtract(section_body_list, solids, is_tool_volume,
+                     &tool_boxes, new_body_list, keep_old) ;
+  delete cBox;
+  return stat;
+// Function   : split_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Splits multiple lumps in one body into separate bodies
+// Author     : Corey Ernst 
+// Date       : 08/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_body( BodySM *body_ptr,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies )
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : reverse_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Turn body inside-out
+// Author     : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Date       : 05/25/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::reverse_body( BodySM* body_ptr )
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : split_periodic
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_periodic( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::regularize_body( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_refentity
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus  OCCModifyEngine::regularize_entity( GeometryEntity * /*old_entity_ptr*/,  
+                                                      BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : offset_curves
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::offset_curves( DLIList<Curve*>& /*ref_edge_list*/, 
+                                              DLIList<Curve*>&,
+                                              double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                              const CubitVector& /*offset_direction*/, 
+                                              int /*gap_type*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : trim_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::trim_curve( Curve* /*trim_curve*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector& /*trim_vector*/,
+                                      const CubitVector& /*keep_vector*/,
+                                      bool )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return 0;
+// Function   : create_body_from_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description:
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 4/22/08
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_solid_bodies_from_surfs(DLIList<Surface*> & ref_face_list,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                          bool keep_old,
+                                          bool heal) const
+  //keep_old and heal are ignored, always delete old.
+  //all surfaces should be stand along surface bodies or shell bodies' surface
+  Lump* lump = make_Lump(ref_face_list);
+  if (!lump)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  new_bodies.append(CAST_TO(lump, OCCLump)->get_body());
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 12/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Point* pt1, 
+                                          Point* pt2,
+                                          Point* pt3, 
+                                          bool full )
+  if(!full)
+  {
+    CubitVector v2(pt2->coordinates());
+    return make_Curve(ARC_CURVE_TYPE,pt1,pt3, &v2, CUBIT_FORWARD);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    CubitVector v1(pt1->coordinates());
+    CubitVector v2(pt2->coordinates());
+    CubitVector v3(pt3->coordinates());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt1(v1.x(),v1.y(), v1.z());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt2(v2.x(),v2.y(), v2.z());
+    gp_Pnt gp_pt3(v3.x(),v3.y(), v3.z());
+    Handle(Geom_Circle) curve_ptr;
+    curve_ptr = GC_MakeCircle(gp_pt1,gp_pt2,gp_pt3); 
+    OCCPoint* occ_pt1 = CAST_TO(const_cast<Point*>(pt1),OCCPoint);
+    TopoDS_Vertex * vt1 = occ_pt1->get_TopoDS_Vertex();
+    TopoDS_Edge new_edge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(curve_ptr, *vt1, *vt1);
+    return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->populate_topology_bridge(new_edge);
+  }
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Jane Hu
+// Date       : 12/08
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Curve* curve1, 
+                                          Curve* curve2,
+                                          Curve* curve3, 
+                                          bool full  )
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv1 = CAST_TO(curve1, OCCCurve);
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv2 = CAST_TO(curve2, OCCCurve);
+  OCCCurve* occ_crv3 = CAST_TO(curve3, OCCCurve);
+  GeometryType type1 = occ_crv1->geometry_type();
+  GeometryType type2 = occ_crv2->geometry_type();
+  GeometryType type3 = occ_crv3->geometry_type();
+  if(type1 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE || type2 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE ||
+     type3 != STRAIGHT_CURVE_TYPE)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Need three straight curves to calculate incenter.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  } 
+  //0.check that non of the curves are parallel of each other.
+  DLIList<CubitVector*> intscts;
+  CubitVector vt1, vt2, vt3;
+  CubitBoolean none = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, curve2, intscts,none,none);
+  vt1 = *intscts.get();
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2,curve3, intscts,none,none);
+  vt2 = *intscts.get();
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, curve1, intscts,none,none);
+  vt3 = *intscts.get();
+  double u, u11, u12, u21, u22, u31, u32;
+  u12 = occ_crv1->u_from_position(vt1);
+  u11 = occ_crv1->u_from_position(vt3);
+  if(u12 < u11)
+  {
+    u = u12;
+    u12 = u11;
+    u11 = u;
+  }
+  u22 = occ_crv2->u_from_position(vt1);
+  u21 = occ_crv2->u_from_position(vt2);
+  if(u22 < u21)
+  {
+    u = u22;
+    u22 = u21;
+    u21 = u;
+  } 
+  u32 = occ_crv3->u_from_position(vt2);
+  u31 = occ_crv3->u_from_position(vt3);
+  if(u32 < u31)
+  {
+    u = u32;
+    u32 = u31;
+    u31 = u;
+  }
+  CubitVector tangent1, tangent2, tangent3;
+  occ_crv1->get_tangent(vt1, tangent1);
+  occ_crv2->get_tangent(vt2, tangent2);
+  occ_crv3->get_tangent(vt3, tangent3); 
+  CubitVector normal1 = tangent1 * tangent2;
+  CubitVector normal2 = tangent2 * tangent3;
+  CubitVector normal3 = tangent3 * tangent1;
+  double tol = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_sme_resabs_tolerance();
+  if( normal1.length()< tol || normal2.length()< tol ||
+      normal3.length() < tol )
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Three curves must be able to form a triangle.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  }
+  //normals must parallel to each other, meaning all curves must be on
+  //the same plane.
+  normal1.normalize();
+  normal2.normalize();
+  normal3.normalize();
+  CubitVector parallel1 = normal1 * normal2;
+  CubitVector parallel2 = normal2 * normal3;
+  CubitVector parallel3 = normal3 * normal1;
+  if(parallel1.length() > tol || parallel2.length() > tol ||
+     parallel3.length() > tol)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Three curves must be able to form a triangle.\n");
+    return (Curve*) NULL;
+  }
+  //1.find the angle between each of the two curves
+  double angle1, angle2, angle3;
+  angle1 = tangent1.interior_angle(tangent2);
+  angle2 = tangent2.interior_angle(tangent3);
+  angle3 = tangent3.interior_angle(tangent1);
+  //2.create curves to bisection each of the angle passing through the
+  // vertices of the triangle
+  CubitVector t_curve11 = 
+         vectorRotate(angle1/2.0, normal1, tangent1);  
+  t_curve11.normalize();
+  CubitVector p11 = vt1+t_curve11;
+  CubitVector t_curve12 = 
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle1/2.0, -normal1, tangent1);
+  t_curve12.normalize();
+  CubitVector p12 = vt1 + t_curve12;
+  CubitVector t_curve21 =
+         vectorRotate(angle2/2.0, normal2, tangent2);
+  t_curve21.normalize();
+  CubitVector p21 = vt2 + t_curve21;
+  CubitVector t_curve22 = 
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle2/2.0, -normal2, tangent2);
+  t_curve22.normalize();
+  CubitVector p22 = vt2 + t_curve22;
+  CubitVector t_curve31 = 
+         vectorRotate(angle3/2.0, normal3, tangent3);
+  t_curve31.normalize();
+  CubitVector p31 = vt3 + t_curve31;
+  CubitVector t_curve32 =
+         vectorRotate(90.0 - angle3/2.0, -normal3, tangent3);
+  t_curve32.normalize();
+  CubitVector p32 = vt3 + t_curve32;
+  //3. find the intersection of each of the bisection curve with the third curve
+  CubitVector int_pt1, int_pt2, int_pt3;
+  intscts.clean_out();
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, vt1, p11, intscts,none,none);
+  CubitVector int_pt = *intscts.pop(); 
+  u = occ_crv3->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt1 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve3, vt1, p12, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv3->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    assert(u >= u31-tol && u <= u32+tol);
+    int_pt1 = int_pt;
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p21, intscts,none,none);
+  int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+  u = occ_crv1->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt2 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve1, vt2, p22, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv1->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    assert(u >= u11-tol && u <= u12+tol);
+    int_pt2 = int_pt;
+  }
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p31, intscts,none,none);
+  int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+  u = occ_crv2->u_from_position (int_pt);
+  if(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol) //found intersection point
+    int_pt3 = int_pt;
+  else
+  {
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_intersections(curve2, vt3, p32, intscts,none,none);
+    int_pt = *intscts.pop();
+    u = occ_crv2->u_from_position (int_pt);
+    assert(u >= u21-tol && u <= u22+tol);
+    int_pt3 = int_pt;
+  }
+  //4. use the 3 intersection points to find the arc or circle.
+  OCCPoint occ_p1(int_pt1);
+  OCCPoint occ_p2(int_pt2);      
+  OCCPoint occ_p3(int_pt3);
+  return create_arc_three(&occ_p1, &occ_p2, &occ_p3, full); 
+// Function   : create_arc_center_edge
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_center_edge( Point* /*ref_vertex1*/, 
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex2*/,
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex3*/,
+                                                  const CubitVector& /*normal*/, 
+                                                  double /*radius*/,
+                                                  bool /*full*/ ) 
+  return NULL; 
+OCCModifyEngine::create_curve_combine( DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list, 
+                                    Curve *&new_curve_ptr )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Curve combine is not implemented for facet based models\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_gqe
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: get the facet geometry query engince instance pointer
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+GeometryQueryEngine *OCCModifyEngine::get_gqe()
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : is_modify_engine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: return CUBIT_TRUE if the tb_ptr belongs to this modify engine
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitBoolean OCCModifyEngine::is_modify_engine(const TopologyBridge *tb_ptr) const 
+  return tb_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine() == OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge1*/, 
+                                                         Curve* /*ref_edge2*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_first*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge_ptr*/, 
+                                                         Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*> & /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_surf*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : surface_intersection
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::surface_intersection( Surface * /*surface1_ptr*/,
+                                                     Surface * /*surface2_ptr*/,
+                                                     DLIList<Curve*> &/*inter_graph*/,
+                                                     const double /*tol*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_mid_plane
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_mid_plane( const CubitVector & /*point_1*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_2*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_3*/,
+                                              BodySM * /*body_to_trim_to*/,
+                                              BodySM *& /*midplane_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_spheric_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_conic_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_toric_mid_surface( Surface* surface_ptr1,
+                                                        Surface* surface_ptr2,
+                                                        BodySM* body_to_trim_to,
+                                                        BodySM*& midsurface_body ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer curves on solid bodies.  The left and right offsets are
+//              with respect to the curve direction.  If the given right offset
+//              is negative, the left offset is used.  Users can preview to
+//              clarify the meaning of left and right.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                              double /*left_offset*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                              double /*right_offset*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer vertices on solid or sheet bodies.  On a solid body 
+//              there can be up to 3 offsets; on a sheet body up to 2 offsets.
+//              The offsets are in the direction of the supplied edges.  If 
+//              multiple vertices are supplied, only one offset value is 
+//              allowed and the edges are not used.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Point*> & /*point_list*/, 
+                                  double /*offset1*/,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge1*/,
+                                  double /*offset2*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge2*/,
+                                  double /*offset3*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge3*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on solid 
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                             double /*radius*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on a solid 
+//              body.  The fillet has a variable radius from the start to the
+//              end of the curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( Curve * /*curve_ptr*/, 
+                                             double /*start_radius*/,
+                                             double /*end_radius*/,
+                                             BodySM *& /*new_bodysm_ptr*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given vertices on sheet
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Point*> & /*ref_vertex_list*/, 
+                                 double /*radius*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes by offsetting
+//              those faces by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body or bodies by offsetting
+//              those curves by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,  
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove surfaces from a body and then extend the 
+//              remaining surfaces to fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*extend_adjoining*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_surface*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove curves from a sheet body and then extend the 
+//              remaining curves or fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes up to a target 
+//              surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Surface*> & ,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*reverse_flg*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a surface or set of surfaces (in sheet
+//              bodies) up to a target surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Surface*> & /*target_surfs*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean ,
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a sheet body or bodies up to a target
+//              curve that is part of a sheet body.  The target is a surface 
+//              created by thickening the owning surface of the target curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> & /*target_curve_ptr*/, 
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean,
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                           CubitBoolean show_preview ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::remove_curve_slivers( BodySM* /*body*/,
+                                                   double /*lengthlimit*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Surface*>& /*ref_face_list*/, 
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/,
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_u*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_v*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*u_curves*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<Curve*>& /*v_curves*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_surface( Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/, 
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                      double /*offset_distance*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset body.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_body( BodySM* body_ptr, 
+                                                   BodySM*& new_bodysm, 
+                                                   double offset_distance ) const
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a skin surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_skin_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*curves*/, 
+                                                    BodySM*& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body from lofting surfaces.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                              Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                              BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body by lofting surfaces between bodies.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces_to_body( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                                      Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_surface( DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*vec_list*/, 
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                               Surface * /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                               CubitBoolean /*project_points*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a weld surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_weld_surface( CubitVector & /*root*/,
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face1*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg1*/, 
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face2*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg2*/,
+                                                    BodySM *& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool sweep_perp, 
+                                 bool through_all,
+                                 bool outward,
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool through_all, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::scale( BodySM *&body, const CubitVector& factors )
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->scale( body, factors );
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tolerant_imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies_in,
+                                               DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                               DLIList<TopologyBridge*>*,
+                                               DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* )  const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// EOF

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