[cgma-dev] r1280 - cgm/trunk/geom/OCC

kraftche at mcs.anl.gov kraftche at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Sep 21 12:56:58 CDT 2007

Author: kraftche
Date: 2007-09-21 12:56:58 -0500 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 1280

Initial checkin for previous work provided by 3rd party

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@
+#include "FacetboolInterface.hpp"
+#include "FacetDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBIntersect.hpp"
+#include "IntegerHash.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "BodySM.hpp"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "FBDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetboolData.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "CubitBox.hpp"
+#include "FBImprint.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include "ChollaEngine.hpp"
+// Function   : webcut_FB
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: webcut a OCCBody with a FacetBool cutter
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 02/04
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::webcut_FB(BodySM *bodysm_ptr,
+                                         STD(vector)<double>& cutter_verts,
+                                         STD(vector)<int>& cutter_connections,
+                                         bool cutter_is_plane,
+                                         CubitBoolean delete_bodies,
+                                         CubitBoolean &intersects,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list)
+  intersects = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surf_list;
+  STD(vector)<double> body_verts;
+  STD(vector)<int> body_connections, newbodyfacets;
+  STD(vector)<int> newcutterfacets;
+  STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices1;
+  STD(vector)<OCCSurface *> fsurfarray;
+  STD(vector)<OCCCurve *> fcurvearray;
+  CubitStatus status;
+  int mydebug = 0;
+    OCCModifyEngine *fme = OCCModifyEngine::instance();
+    OCCBody *facet_body_ptr = CAST_TO(bodysm_ptr, OCCBody);
+    facet_body_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+    status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body_verts,
+                         body_connections,&f_c_indices1,
+                         fsurfarray,fcurvearray);
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    FBIntersect *intersector = new FBIntersect();
+    intersector->set_classify_flag(true);
+    if ( cutter_is_plane == true ) intersector->set_body2_planar(); 
+    status = intersector->intersect(body_verts,body_connections,
+                                    cutter_verts,cutter_connections,
+                                    newbodyfacets,newcutterfacets,
+                                    &f_c_indices1,
+                                    0);
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    bool *surfs_in_intersection, *surfs_in_subtraction;
+    bool *curves_in_intersection, *curves_in_subtraction;
+    surfs_in_intersection = new bool[1+fsurfarray.size()];
+    surfs_in_subtraction = new bool[1+fsurfarray.size()];
+    curves_in_intersection = new bool[1+fcurvearray.size()];
+    curves_in_subtraction = new bool[1+fcurvearray.size()];
+    unsigned int k;
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fsurfarray.size(); k++ ) 
+        surfs_in_subtraction[k] = surfs_in_intersection[k] = false;
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fcurvearray.size(); k++ ) 
+        curves_in_subtraction[k] = curves_in_intersection[k] = false;
+    status = intersector->get_persistent_entity_info(surfs_in_intersection,
+                                 curves_in_intersection,surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                 curves_in_subtraction,CUBIT_FB_INTERSECTION,1);
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    facet_surf_list.reset();
+    STD(vector)<int> surfindex, surfindex2;  
+    STD(vector)<int> curveindex, curveindex2;  
+    STD(vector)<double> vertsout, vertsout2;
+    STD(vector)<int> coordsout, coordsout2;
+    status = intersector->gather_by_boolean(vertsout,coordsout,
+                                     &surfindex,&curveindex,0,
+                                     CUBIT_FB_INTERSECTION);  
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    status = intersector->gather_by_boolean(vertsout2,coordsout2,
+                                     &surfindex2,&curveindex2,0,
+                                     CUBIT_FB_SUBTRACTION);
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    //  If there were no intersections
+    if ( (vertsout.size()  == 0) || (coordsout.size() == 0) ||
+         (vertsout2.size() == 0) || (coordsout2.size() == 0) )
+    {
+        intersects = CUBIT_FALSE;
+        delete intersector;
+        delete [] surfs_in_intersection; delete [] surfs_in_subtraction;
+        delete [] curves_in_intersection; delete [] curves_in_subtraction;
+        return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    CubitPoint *new_point;
+    STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout[k],
+                                                     vertsout[k+1],
+                                                     vertsout[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    } 
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+    DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    if(mydebug)
+      GfxDebug::clear();
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout.size(); k += 3 ) {    
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+2]] ); 
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],false,
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());
+      if(mydebug){
+        facet_ptr->debug_draw(CUBIT_YELLOW);
+        CubitVector tmp1 = points[coordsout[k]]->coordinates();
+        CubitVector tmp2 = points[coordsout[k+1]]->coordinates();
+        CubitVector tmp3 = points[coordsout[k+2]]->coordinates();
+        if(cptr[0]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp1, tmp2, CUBIT_WHITE);
+        }
+        if(cptr[1]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp2, tmp3, CUBIT_GREEN);
+        }
+        if(cptr[2]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp3, tmp1, CUBIT_BLUE);
+        }
+      }
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    if(mydebug){
+      GfxDebug::mouse_xforms();
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    double feature_angle;
+    int interp_order;
+    CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+    BodySM *body_ptr, *body_ptr2;
+      //determine if original body is a sheet body
+    Body *tmp_body = CAST_TO(bodysm_ptr->topology_entity(), Body);
+    bool is_sheet_body = false;
+    if( tmp_body->is_sheet_body() ) 
+      is_sheet_body = true;
+      //mbrewer:  This is not the best solution.  For now, we are using
+      // a no feature angle unless we are working with a sheet-body.  For
+      // sheet-bodies, however, we are not marking the vertices that
+      // bound curves.  Therefore, if we do not use a feature angle, curves
+      // are not split correctly.  The correct fix would be to mark
+      // the vertices and maintain them through the webcut.
+    if( is_sheet_body ) 
+      feature_angle = 135.0;
+    else
+      feature_angle = 0.0;
+    interp_order = 0;
+    smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_ptr);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    DLIList<BodySM*> new_bodies;
+    status = separate_shells_into_bodies( body_ptr, is_sheet_body, new_bodies );
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    for(k=new_bodies.size(); k--;)
+      results_list.append( new_bodies.get_and_step() );  
+    vertsout.clear();
+    coordsout.clear();                                 
+    facet_list.clean_out();    
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout2.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout2[k],
+                                                   vertsout2[k+1],
+                                                   vertsout2[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    }  
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout2.size(); k += 3 ) {    
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout2[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout2[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout2[k+2]] );
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex2[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex2[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex2[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex2[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],false,
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());
+      if(mydebug){
+        CubitVector tmp1 = points[coordsout2[k]]->coordinates();
+        CubitVector tmp2 = points[coordsout2[k+1]]->coordinates();
+        CubitVector tmp3 = points[coordsout2[k+2]]->coordinates();
+        if(cptr[0]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp1, tmp2, CUBIT_WHITE);
+        }
+        if(cptr[1]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp2, tmp3, CUBIT_GREEN);
+        }
+        if(cptr[2]){
+          GfxDebug::draw_line(tmp3, tmp1, CUBIT_BLUE);
+        }
+      }
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_ptr2);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    new_bodies.clean_out();
+    status = separate_shells_into_bodies( body_ptr2, is_sheet_body, new_bodies );
+    if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return status;
+    for(k=new_bodies.size(); k--;)
+      results_list.append( new_bodies.get_and_step() );  
+    if ( delete_bodies == CUBIT_TRUE )
+      make_persistents_webcut(bodysm_ptr,body_ptr,body_ptr2,fsurfarray,fcurvearray,
+                       surfs_in_intersection,surfs_in_subtraction,
+                       curves_in_intersection,curves_in_subtraction);
+    vertsout2.clear();
+    coordsout2.clear();                                 
+    delete intersector;
+    delete [] surfs_in_intersection; delete [] surfs_in_subtraction;
+    delete [] curves_in_intersection; delete [] curves_in_subtraction;
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::separate_lumps( BodySM *body_ptr, 
+                                                bool is_sheet_body)
+    //get all the shells in 'body_ptr'
+    DLIList<OCCShell*> facet_shells;
+    OCCBody *facet_body = CAST_TO( body_ptr, OCCBody );
+    facet_body->get_shells( facet_shells );
+    // some shells here might contain more than one connected
+    // patch of surfaces...which is illegal.  Separate them into their own shells.
+    bool created_shells = false;
+    int k,i;
+    for( k=facet_shells.size(); k--; )
+    {
+      OCCShell *facet_shell = facet_shells.get_and_step();
+      DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfs;
+      facet_shell->get_surfaces( facet_surfs );
+      DLIList<OCCSurface*> connected_patch;
+      int max_num_passes = facet_surfs.size();
+      int num_passes=0;  //prevents infinite loop
+      while( facet_surfs.size() && num_passes < max_num_passes )
+      {
+        connected_patch.clean_out();
+        OCCQueryEngine::instance()->get_connected_patch( facet_surfs, connected_patch );
+        if( num_passes == 0 ) 
+        {
+          int kk;
+          for( kk=connected_patch.size(); kk--; )
+          {
+            OCCSurface *f_surf = connected_patch.get_and_step();
+            if( is_sheet_body ) 
+              f_surf->set_shell_sense( facet_shell, CUBIT_UNKNOWN );
+            else
+              f_surf->set_shell_sense( facet_shell, CUBIT_FORWARD );
+          }
+        }
+        else //extract surfaces out of current shell and make them into their own shell
+        {
+          facet_shell->disconnect_surfaces( connected_patch ); 
+          DLIList<Surface*> tmp_surfs;
+          CAST_LIST( connected_patch, tmp_surfs, Surface ); 
+          ShellSM *shellsm_ptr;
+          OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_shell(tmp_surfs, shellsm_ptr);
+          if ( shellsm_ptr == NULL )
+          {
+            PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based shell entity.\n");
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            OCCShell *tmp_shell = static_cast<OCCShell*>(shellsm_ptr);
+            int kk;
+            //now for each surface, add sense wrt this new shell
+            for( kk=tmp_surfs.size(); kk--;)
+            {
+              OCCSurface *tmp_facet_surf = CAST_TO(tmp_surfs.get_and_step(), OCCSurface); 
+              //if it's not a sheet body, tag the surfs wrt the shell, FORWARD
+              if( is_sheet_body ) 
+                tmp_facet_surf->set_shell_sense( tmp_shell, CUBIT_UNKNOWN );
+              else
+                tmp_facet_surf->set_shell_sense( tmp_shell, CUBIT_FORWARD );
+            }
+            created_shells = true;
+            OCCLump *facet_lump = static_cast<OCCLump*>( facet_shell->get_lump() ); 
+            facet_lump->add_shell( tmp_shell ); 
+          }
+        }
+        num_passes++;
+      }
+    }
+    bool created_lumps = false;
+    DLIList<OCCShell*> void_shells; 
+    int number_regions = 0;
+    if( created_shells )
+    {
+      //determine which shells are regions and which are voids
+      //get a point we know is outside the body
+      CubitBox bbox;
+      CubitVector centroid;
+      double vol;
+      facet_body->mass_properties( centroid, vol );
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_facet_bounding_box( facet_body, bbox );
+      CubitVector point_outside = 2*(bbox.maximum() - centroid);  
+      point_outside = centroid + point_outside;
+      facet_shells.clean_out();
+      facet_body->get_shells( facet_shells );
+      for( k=facet_shells.size(); k--; )
+      {
+        OCCShell *facet_shell = facet_shells.get_and_step();
+        CubitPointContainment point_cont;
+        point_cont = facet_shell->point_containment( point_outside );
+        if( point_cont == CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE )
+          number_regions++;
+        else if( point_cont == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE )
+          void_shells.append( facet_shell ); 
+        //is a region...if it is the second found region, should be 
+        //in its own lump
+        if( number_regions>1 && point_cont == CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE ) 
+        {
+          created_lumps = true;
+          //remove this shell from its current Lump
+          OCCLump *tmp_lump = static_cast<OCCLump*>(facet_shell->get_lump());
+          tmp_lump->remove_shell( facet_shell ); 
+          //make a new lump containing this shell
+          Lump *new_lump;
+          DLIList<ShellSM*> sm_shells;
+          sm_shells.append( static_cast<ShellSM*>(facet_shell) );
+          OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_lump( sm_shells, new_lump );
+          //add lump to body
+          facet_body->add_lump( static_cast<OCCLump*>(new_lump) );
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( void_shells.size() && created_lumps )
+    {
+      //the void shells are still in the original lump.  We need to pair each 
+      //up with the region that encloses it 
+      //make a list of all the region (non-void) shells in the body
+      DLIList<OCCShell*> region_shells; 
+      facet_body->get_shells( region_shells );
+      for(k=void_shells.size(); k--;)
+      {
+        if( region_shells.move_to( void_shells.get_and_step() ) )
+          region_shells.change_to( NULL );
+      }
+      region_shells.remove_all_with_value( NULL );
+      //for each void lump...find the region that contains it
+      for( k=void_shells.size(); k--; )
+      {
+        OCCShell *void_shell = void_shells.get_and_step();
+        //get a point on the void
+        DLIList<OCCSurface*> tmp_surfs;
+        void_shell->get_surfaces( tmp_surfs );
+        CubitVector point_on_shell;
+        DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+        tmp_surfs.get()->tris( facet_list );
+        point_on_shell = facet_list.get()->center();
+        //get the region that contains that point
+        for( i=region_shells.size(); i--; )
+        {
+          OCCShell *region_shell = region_shells.get_and_step();
+          tmp_surfs.clean_out();
+          region_shell->get_surfaces( tmp_surfs );
+          if( region_shell->point_containment( point_on_shell ) 
+                                                        == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE )
+          {
+            //remove the void shell from it's lump
+            OCCLump *tmp_lump = static_cast<OCCLump*>(void_shell->get_lump());
+            tmp_lump->remove_shell( void_shell ); 
+            //add the void shell to the region's lump
+            tmp_lump = static_cast<OCCLump*>(region_shell->get_lump());
+            tmp_lump->add_shell( void_shell ); 
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::separate_shells_into_bodies(BodySM *body_ptr,
+                                                            bool is_sheet_body,
+                                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies)
+    //first separate the body into its lumps
+  if(!separate_lumps(body_ptr,is_sheet_body))
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    //split out each lump into it's own body
+  DLIList<BodySM*> split_bodies;
+  OCCModifyEngine::instance()->split_body( body_ptr, split_bodies);
+  new_bodies += split_bodies;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::facetbody_to_facetbool(
+                               DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surf_list,
+                               STD(vector)<double> &body_verts,
+                               STD(vector)<int> &body_connections,
+                               STD(vector)<int> *f_c_indices,
+                               STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                               STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray
+                               )
+  CubitStatus status;
+  int mydebug = 0;
+  if(mydebug){
+    GfxDebug::clear();
+  }
+  int i, j, k, m, n, vtx[3], hashvalue, *hasharrayptr, hasharraysize, ifoundit;
+  IntegerHash *hashobj;
+  double xx, yy, zz, xval, yval, zval;
+  OCCSurface *facet_surface; 
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facetlist; 
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> c_edgelist, f_edgelist;
+  DLIList<OCCCurve *> curve_list;
+  CubitPoint *point;
+  CubitFacet *facet;
+  OCCCurve *curve;
+  CubitFacetEdge *c_edge, *edge;
+  int numhashbins, c_index;
+  numhashbins = 101;
+  status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  hashobj = new IntegerHash(numhashbins,20);
+  for ( i = 0; i < facet_surf_list.size(); i++ ) {
+    facet_surface = facet_surf_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurfarray.push_back(facet_surface); 
+    facet_surface->get_my_facetedges(f_edgelist);
+    for ( m = f_edgelist.size(); m > 0; m-- ) {
+      edge = f_edgelist.get_and_step();
+      edge->set_flag(0); //  Initialize edge flags.
+      if(mydebug)
+        edge->debug_draw(CUBIT_PINK);
+    }
+    //  Assume that each facet surf occurs only once, so there won't be
+    //  duplicates on fsarray.
+    facetlist.clean_out();
+    facet_surface->tris(facetlist);
+    curve_list.clean_out();
+    facet_surface->get_curves(curve_list);
+    for ( m = 0; m < curve_list.size(); m++ ) {    
+      curve = curve_list.get_and_step();
+      c_index = findcurve(curve,fcurvearray);
+      c_edgelist.clean_out();
+      curve->get_facets(c_edgelist);
+      for ( n = c_edgelist.size(); n > 0; n-- ) {
+        c_edge = c_edgelist.get_and_step();
+        c_edge->set_flag(c_index+1);
+        if(mydebug)
+          c_edge->debug_draw(CUBIT_RED);
+      }
+    }
+    int efindex[3];
+    for ( j = facetlist.size(); j > 0; j-- ) {
+      facet = facetlist.get_and_step();
+      for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
+        point = facet->point(k);
+        edge = facet->edge(k);
+        if(mydebug){
+          if(edge->get_flag()){
+            edge->debug_draw(CUBIT_WHITE);
+          }
+        }
+        efindex[k] = edge->get_flag();
+        xx = point->x(); 
+        yy = point->y();
+        zz = point->z();
+        //  Get a vertex number.
+        hashvalue = FBDataUtil::makeahashvaluefrom_coord(xx,yy,zz,numhashbins);
+        hasharrayptr = hashobj->getHashBin(hashvalue,&hasharraysize);
+        ifoundit = -1;
+        for ( m = 0; m < hasharraysize; m++ ) {
+          n = hasharrayptr[m];
+          xval = body_verts[3*n];
+          yval = body_verts[3*n+1];
+          zval = body_verts[3*n+2];
+          if ( ( fabs(xval-xx) < 1.e-6 ) && 
+          ( fabs(yval-yy) < 1.e-6 ) &&
+          ( fabs(zval-zz) < 1.e-6 ) ) {
+            ifoundit = n;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if ( ifoundit == -1 ) {
+          ifoundit = body_verts.size()/3;
+          body_verts.push_back(xx);
+          body_verts.push_back(yy);
+          body_verts.push_back(zz);
+          hashobj->addtoHashList(hashvalue,ifoundit);
+        }
+        vtx[k] = ifoundit;
+      }
+      body_connections.push_back(vtx[0]);
+      body_connections.push_back(vtx[1]);
+      body_connections.push_back(vtx[2]);
+      f_c_indices->push_back(i+1); //  put the surface index for the facet
+      f_c_indices->push_back(efindex[2]); //  edge indices for the facet
+      f_c_indices->push_back(efindex[0]);
+      f_c_indices->push_back(efindex[1]);            
+    }    
+  }
+  if(mydebug)
+    GfxDebug::mouse_xforms();
+  delete hashobj;   
+  return status;
+// Function   : dofacetboolean
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: do facetboolean operations on a list of bodies.
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 02/04
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::dofacetboolean(DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list, 
+                             BodySM*& newBody,
+                             bool keep_old,
+                             const CubitFacetboolOp op)
+  int k;
+  BodySM *body_sm1, *body_sm2, *body_out;
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  bool intersection_found = false;
+  body_sm1 = body_list.get_and_step();
+  for ( k = body_list.size() - 1; k > 0; k-- ) {
+    body_out =0;
+    if(!body_sm1)
+      body_sm1=body_list.get_and_step();
+    else{
+      body_sm2 = body_list.get_and_step();  
+      status = dofacetboolean_2bodies(body_sm1,body_sm2,body_out,keep_old,
+                                      intersection_found,op);
+      if ( keep_old == false){
+          //if there was an intersection, we want to delete the two
+          //original bodies if we are not keeping old.
+          //Also, if we we were performing an INTERSECTION we
+          //want to delete the two original bodies even if there was
+          //no intersection between the two bodies (again if we
+          //are not keeping originals).
+        if(intersection_found == true || op == CUBIT_FB_INTERSECTION)  { 
+          OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+            delete_solid_model_entities(body_sm2);
+          OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+            delete_solid_model_entities(body_sm1);
+          body_sm2=NULL;
+          body_sm1=NULL;
+        }
+          //if we are not keeping old, we want to delete the second
+          //body even if there was no intersection between the two
+          //bodies (for a subtration).
+        else if(op == CUBIT_FB_SUBTRACTION)  { 
+          OCCQueryEngine::instance()->
+            delete_solid_model_entities(body_sm2);
+          body_sm2=NULL;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( body_out ) body_sm1 = body_out;
+    }
+  }  
+  newBody = body_sm1;
+  return status;  
+// Function   : dofacetboolean_subtract
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: do facetboolean subtract operations on a list of bodies.
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 02/04
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::dofacetboolean_subtract(BodySM*& tool_body, 
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& from_bodies,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool* to_be_deleted,
+                                      const CubitFacetboolOp op)
+  int k;
+  BodySM *body_sm2, *body_out;
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  bool intersection_found = false;
+  for ( k = 0; k < from_bodies.size(); k++ ) {
+    body_out = 0;  
+    body_sm2 = from_bodies.get_and_step();  
+    status = dofacetboolean_2bodies(body_sm2,tool_body,body_out,keep_old,
+                            intersection_found,op);
+    if ( (keep_old == false) && (intersection_found == true) ) { 
+      to_be_deleted[k] = true;
+    }
+    if ( (status == CUBIT_SUCCESS) && (body_out) ) new_bodies.append(body_out);
+  }  
+  return status;  
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::dofacetboolean_2bodies(BodySM*& body_in1, 
+                             BodySM*& body_in2,
+                             BodySM*& body_out,
+                             bool keep_old,
+                             bool& intersection_found,
+                             const CubitFacetboolOp op)
+CubitStatus status;
+STD(vector)<double> body_verts;
+STD(vector)<double> body2_verts;
+STD(vector)<int> body_connections, newbodyfacets;
+STD(vector)<int>  body2_connections, newbody2facets;
+STD(vector)<double> vertsout;
+STD(vector)<int> coordsout;
+STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices1;
+STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices2;
+STD(vector)<OCCSurface *> fsurfarray1, fsurfarray2;
+STD(vector)<OCCCurve *> fcurvearray1, fcurvearray2;
+STD(vector)<int> surfindex;  
+STD(vector)<int> curveindex;
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+    DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+    CubitPoint *new_point;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+    bool *surfs_in_intersection, *surfs_in_subtraction;
+    bool *curves_in_intersection, *curves_in_subtraction;
+    bool *surfs_in_intersection2, *surfs_in_subtraction2;
+    bool *curves_in_intersection2, *curves_in_subtraction2;
+  status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  intersection_found = true;
+  bool is_sheet_body = false;
+  Body *tmp_body_1 = CAST_TO(body_in1->topology_entity(), Body);
+  Body *tmp_body_2 = CAST_TO(body_in2->topology_entity(), Body);
+    //try to figure out if we are using sheet bodies
+    //if it is ambiguous, print a warning.
+  if(tmp_body_1 && tmp_body_1->is_sheet_body()){
+    is_sheet_body = true;
+  }
+  else if(tmp_body_2 && tmp_body_2->is_sheet_body()){
+    is_sheet_body = true;
+  }
+  if(tmp_body_1 && tmp_body_2 &&
+     tmp_body_1->is_sheet_body() != tmp_body_2->is_sheet_body())
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Geometric boolean requested for a sheet body and a non-sheet body.\n");
+  }
+  OCCBody *fbody_ptr;
+  fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(body_in1);
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surf_list;
+  fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+  status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body_verts,
+                                body_connections,&f_c_indices1,
+                                fsurfarray1,fcurvearray1);
+  facet_surf_list.clean_out();                                            
+    fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(body_in2);
+    fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+    status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body2_verts,
+                                  body2_connections,&f_c_indices2,
+                                  fsurfarray2,fcurvearray2);
+    facet_surf_list.clean_out();                                    
+    FBIntersect *intersector = new FBIntersect();
+    intersector->set_classify_flag(true);
+    status = intersector->intersect(body_verts,body_connections,
+                                    body2_verts,body2_connections,
+                                    newbodyfacets,newbody2facets,
+                                    &f_c_indices1,
+                                    &f_c_indices2);
+    STD(vector)<bool> is_body_1;
+    status = intersector->gather_by_boolean(vertsout,coordsout,
+                                     &surfindex,&curveindex,&is_body_1,op);      
+     //  If there were no intersections
+    if ( (vertsout.size() == 0) || (coordsout.size() == 0)) {
+      delete intersector;
+      intersection_found = false;
+      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    }  
+    //  If there was no body_out, we are just checking if there was any
+    //  intersection.  If we got this far, there was -- so return.
+    if ( &body_out == 0 ) return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    surfs_in_intersection = new bool[1+fsurfarray1.size()];
+    surfs_in_subtraction = new bool[1+fsurfarray1.size()];
+    curves_in_intersection = new bool[1+fcurvearray1.size()];
+    curves_in_subtraction = new bool[1+fcurvearray1.size()];
+    surfs_in_intersection2 = new bool[1+fsurfarray2.size()];
+    surfs_in_subtraction2 = new bool[1+fsurfarray2.size()];
+    curves_in_intersection2 = new bool[1+fcurvearray2.size()];
+    curves_in_subtraction2 = new bool[1+fcurvearray2.size()];
+    unsigned int k;
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fsurfarray1.size(); k++ ) {
+        surfs_in_subtraction[k] = surfs_in_intersection[k] = false;
+    }
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fcurvearray1.size(); k++ ) {
+        curves_in_subtraction[k] = curves_in_intersection[k] = false;
+    }
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fsurfarray2.size(); k++ ) {
+        surfs_in_subtraction2[k] = surfs_in_intersection2[k] = false;
+    }
+    for ( k = 1; k < 1 + fcurvearray2.size(); k++ ) {
+        curves_in_subtraction2[k] = curves_in_intersection2[k] = false;
+    }
+    status = intersector->get_persistent_entity_info(surfs_in_intersection,
+                                 curves_in_intersection,surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                 curves_in_subtraction,op,1);
+     //  If op == unite, the curves ans surfs that are undamaged are those
+     //  for which xxx_in_intereseciton = 0 false and xxx_in_subtraction == true
+    status = intersector->get_persistent_entity_info(surfs_in_intersection2,
+                                 curves_in_intersection2,surfs_in_subtraction2,
+                                 curves_in_subtraction2,op,2);
+    delete intersector;
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout[k],
+                                                     vertsout[k+1],
+                                                     vertsout[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    }  
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout.size(); k += 3 ) {    
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+2]] );
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],is_body_1[k/3],
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());                                
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    OCCModifyEngine *fme = OCCModifyEngine::instance();
+    double feature_angle;
+    int interp_order;
+    CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+    BodySM *body_ptr;
+    feature_angle = 135.0;
+    interp_order = 0;
+    smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_ptr);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( keep_old == false ) {
+      make_persistents_boolean(body_in2,body_ptr,fsurfarray2,fcurvearray2,
+                       surfs_in_intersection2,surfs_in_subtraction2,
+                       curves_in_intersection2,curves_in_subtraction2,op,false);
+      make_persistents_boolean(body_in1,body_ptr,fsurfarray1,fcurvearray1,
+                       surfs_in_intersection,surfs_in_subtraction,
+                       curves_in_intersection,curves_in_subtraction,op,true);
+    }
+    body_out = body_ptr;
+      //separate the lumps in the "body_out", these will be converted to
+      //separate volumes later in the code.
+    status=separate_lumps(body_out,is_sheet_body);
+    vertsout.clear();
+    coordsout.clear();                 
+    delete [] surfs_in_intersection; delete [] surfs_in_subtraction;
+    delete [] curves_in_intersection; delete [] curves_in_subtraction;
+    delete [] surfs_in_intersection2; delete [] surfs_in_subtraction2;
+    delete [] curves_in_intersection2; delete [] curves_in_subtraction2;
+  return status; 
+int FacetboolInterface::findcurve(OCCCurve *curve, 
+                                  STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray)
+unsigned int i;
+  for ( i = 0; i < fcurvearray.size(); i++ ) {
+    if ( fcurvearray[i] == curve ) {
+      return i;
+    }
+  }
+  fcurvearray.push_back(curve);
+  return fcurvearray.size() - 1;
+void FacetboolInterface::make_persistents_webcut(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out2,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_intersection,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                          bool *curves_in_intersection,
+                                          bool  *curves_in_subtraction
+                                         )
+unsigned int k, n;
+DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*> csa_list;                              
+OCCBody *facet_body_in = CAST_TO(body_in, OCCBody);
+OCCBody *facet_body_out1;
+OCCBody *facet_body_out2;                               
+  facet_body_out1 = CAST_TO(body_out1, OCCBody);
+  facet_body_out2 = CAST_TO(body_out2, OCCBody);                               
+//  Fix the curves.                      
+DLIList<OCCCurve*> fcurvelist, fcurvelist2; 
+    facet_body_out1->get_curves(fcurvelist);
+    facet_body_out2->get_curves(fcurvelist2);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fcurvearray.size(); n++ ) {
+    if ( (curves_in_intersection[n] == true) && (curves_in_subtraction[n] == false) ) {
+      make_persistent_curves(fcurvelist,fcurvearray,n);
+    } else if ( (curves_in_intersection[n] == false) && 
+                (curves_in_subtraction[n] == true) ) {
+      make_persistent_curves(fcurvelist2,fcurvearray,n);
+    }
+  }
+//  Fix the surfaces
+DLIList<OCCSurface*> fsurfaceslist, fsurfaceslist2;
+    facet_body_out1->get_surfaces(fsurfaceslist);
+    facet_body_out2->get_surfaces(fsurfaceslist2);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fsurfarray.size(); n++ ) {
+    if ( (surfs_in_intersection[n] == true) && (surfs_in_subtraction[n] == false) ) {
+      make_persistent_surfaces(fsurfaceslist,fsurfarray,n);                          
+    } else if ( (surfs_in_intersection[n] == false) && 
+                (surfs_in_subtraction[n] == true) ) {
+      make_persistent_surfaces(fsurfaceslist2,fsurfarray,n);                
+    }
+  }
+//  Fix the lumps.
+OCCLump *florig, *fl2;
+DLIList<OCCLump*> flumplist, flumplist2;
+    facet_body_in->get_lumps(flumplist);
+      facet_body_out1->get_lumps(flumplist2);
+      florig = flumplist.get();
+      fl2 = flumplist2.get();
+      if ( florig->owner() ) {
+        florig->owner()->swap_bridge(florig,fl2,false);
+        florig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+        for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+          CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+          fl2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+        }
+      }
+//  Fix the bodies.
+    if ( facet_body_in->owner() ) {
+      facet_body_in->owner()->swap_bridge(facet_body_in,facet_body_out1,false);
+      facet_body_in->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+      for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+        CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+        facet_body_out1->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+      } 
+    } 
+void FacetboolInterface::make_persistents_imprint(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray
+                                         )
+DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*> csa_list;                              
+OCCBody *facet_body_in = CAST_TO(body_in, OCCBody);
+OCCBody *facet_body_out1 = CAST_TO(body_out1, OCCBody);                                    
+unsigned int n;
+//  Fix the curves.                      
+    DLIList<OCCCurve*> fcurvelist; 
+    facet_body_out1->get_curves(fcurvelist);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fcurvearray.size(); n++ ) {
+      make_persistent_curves(fcurvelist,fcurvearray,n,0);
+  }
+//  Fix the surfaces
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> fsurfaceslist;
+    facet_body_out1->get_surfaces(fsurfaceslist);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fsurfarray.size(); n++ ) {
+      make_persistent_surfaces(fsurfaceslist,fsurfarray,n,0);                          
+  }
+//  Fix the lumps.
+OCCLump *florig, *fl2;
+DLIList<OCCLump*> flumplist, flumplist2;
+int k;
+    facet_body_in->get_lumps(flumplist);
+      facet_body_out1->get_lumps(flumplist2);
+      florig = flumplist.get();
+      fl2 = flumplist2.get();
+      if ( florig->owner() ) {
+        florig->owner()->swap_bridge(florig,fl2,false);
+        florig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+        for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+          CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+          fl2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+        }
+      }
+//  Fix the bodies.
+    if ( facet_body_in->owner() ) {
+      facet_body_in->owner()->swap_bridge(facet_body_in,facet_body_out1,false);
+      facet_body_in->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+      for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+        CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+        facet_body_out1->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+      }
+    }    
+void FacetboolInterface::make_persistents_boolean(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_intersection,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                          bool *curves_in_intersection,
+                                          bool  *curves_in_subtraction,
+                                          const CubitFacetboolOp op,
+                                          bool body_1
+                                         )
+  unsigned int n;
+  DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*> csa_list;                              
+  OCCBody *facet_body_in = CAST_TO(body_in, OCCBody);
+  OCCBody *facet_body_out1 = CAST_TO(body_out1, OCCBody);
+  int which_parent;
+  bool bvalue1 = false, bvalue2 = false;
+  if ( body_1 == true ) which_parent = 1;
+  else which_parent = 2;
+  switch (op) {
+    case CUBIT_FB_UNION:
+      bvalue1 = false;
+      bvalue2 = true;
+      break;
+      bvalue2 = false;
+      bvalue1 = true;
+      break;
+      if ( body_1 == true ) {
+        bvalue2 = false;
+        bvalue1 = true;
+      } else {
+        bvalue1 = false;
+        bvalue2 = true;
+      }      
+      break;      
+  }      
+//  Fix the curves.                      
+    DLIList<OCCCurve*> fcurvelist; 
+    facet_body_out1->get_curves(fcurvelist);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fcurvearray.size(); n++ ) {
+    if ( (curves_in_intersection[n] == bvalue1) && 
+         (curves_in_subtraction[n] == bvalue2) ) {
+      make_persistent_curves(fcurvelist,fcurvearray,n,which_parent);
+    }
+  }
+//  Fix the surfaces
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> fsurfaceslist;
+    facet_body_out1->get_surfaces(fsurfaceslist);
+  for ( n = 1; n < 1 + fsurfarray.size(); n++ ) {
+    if ( (surfs_in_intersection[n] == bvalue1) && 
+         (surfs_in_subtraction[n] == bvalue2) ) {
+      make_persistent_surfaces(fsurfaceslist,fsurfarray,n,which_parent);                          
+    }
+  }
+  if ( body_1 == true ) {
+//  Fix the lumps.
+OCCLump *florig, *fl2;
+DLIList<OCCLump*> flumplist, flumplist2;
+int k;
+    facet_body_in->get_lumps(flumplist);
+      facet_body_out1->get_lumps(flumplist2);
+      florig = flumplist.get();
+      fl2 = flumplist2.get();
+      if ( florig->owner() ) {
+        florig->owner()->swap_bridge(florig,fl2,false);
+        florig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+        for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+          CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+          fl2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+        }
+      }
+//  Fix the bodies.
+    if ( facet_body_in->owner() ) {
+      facet_body_in->owner()->swap_bridge(facet_body_in,facet_body_out1,false);
+      facet_body_in->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+      for ( k = csa_list.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+        CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+        facet_body_out1->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+      }
+    }    
+  }
+void FacetboolInterface::make_persistent_curves(DLIList<OCCCurve*> fcurvelist,
+                                       STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                                       int n,
+                                       int which_parent)
+int k, m, jj;
+OCCCurve *fcurveorig, *fcurve2;
+int *marked3, index;
+bool ifoundit;
+OCCPoint *fpointorig, *fpoint2; 
+DLIList<OCCPoint*> fpointlist, fpointlist2; 
+CubitFacet *cfac;
+DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*> csa_list;
+bool is_from_1, error;
+TDFacetboolData* tdf;
+  fcurveorig = fcurvearray[n-1];
+  ifoundit = false;
+  for ( k = fcurvelist.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+    fcurve2 = fcurvelist.get_and_step();
+    if ( fcurve2->owner() ) continue;  //  If owner is already set, skip it.
+    CurveFacetEvalTool *evaltool = fcurve2->get_eval_tool();
+    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edgelist;
+    CubitFacetEdge *cfedge;
+    evaltool->get_facets(edgelist);
+    cfedge = edgelist.get();
+    cfac = cfedge->adj_facet(0);
+    index = cfac->edge_index(cfedge);
+    tdf = TDFacetboolData::get(cfac);
+    if ( which_parent ) {
+      is_from_1 = tdf->parent_is_body_1();
+      if ( ( (is_from_1 == true) && (which_parent == 2) ) ||
+           ( (is_from_1 == false) && (which_parent == 1) ) ) continue;
+    } 
+    marked3 = tdf->get_edge_indices(cfac->is_backwards());
+    if ( marked3[(index+1)%3] == n ) ifoundit = true;
+    else {
+      cfac = cfedge->adj_facet(1);
+      if (cfac) {
+        index = cfac->edge_index(cfedge);
+        tdf = TDFacetboolData::get(cfac);
+        if ( which_parent ) {
+          is_from_1 = tdf->parent_is_body_1();
+          if ( ( (is_from_1 == true) && (which_parent == 2) ) ||
+               ( (is_from_1 == false) && (which_parent == 1) ) ) continue;
+        }         
+        marked3 = tdf->get_edge_indices(cfac->is_backwards());
+        if ( marked3[(index+1)%3] == n ) ifoundit = true; 
+      }
+    }
+    if ( ifoundit == true ) {
+      fpointlist.clean_out();
+      fpointlist2.clean_out();
+      fcurveorig->get_points(fpointlist);
+      fcurve2->get_points(fpointlist2);
+      for ( jj = fpointlist.size(); jj > 0; jj-- ) {
+        error = false;
+        fpointorig = fpointlist.get_and_step();
+        fpoint2 = fpointlist2.get_and_step();
+        while ( fpoint2->coordinates() != fpointorig->coordinates() ) {
+          if ( fpointlist2.is_at_beginning() == CUBIT_TRUE ) {
+//            PRINT_WARNING("Unable to make point on curve persistent.\n");
+            error = true;
+            break;
+          } 
+          fpoint2 = fpointlist2.get_and_step();
+        }
+        if ( error == true ) continue;
+        if ( fpointorig->owner() && !(fpoint2->owner()) ) {
+          fpointorig->owner()->swap_bridge(fpointorig,fpoint2,false); 
+          fpointorig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+          for ( m = csa_list.size(); m > 0; m-- ) {
+            CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+            fpoint2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                                     
+          } 
+        }             
+      }
+      if ( fcurveorig->owner() != 0 ) 
+        fcurveorig->owner()->swap_bridge(fcurveorig,fcurve2,false); 
+      fcurveorig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+      for ( m = csa_list.size(); m > 0; m-- ) {
+        CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+        fcurve2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                                     
+      }    
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+void FacetboolInterface::make_persistent_surfaces(DLIList<OCCSurface*> fsurfaceslist,
+                            STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                            int n,
+                            int which_parent)
+DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*> csa_list;                              
+int k, m;
+OCCSurface *fsorig, *fsurf2;
+bool is_from_1;
+  fsorig = fsurfarray[n-1];
+  for ( k = fsurfaceslist.size(); k > 0; k-- ) {
+    fsurf2 = fsurfaceslist.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list2;
+    fsurf2->tris(facet_list2);
+    CubitFacet* facet2 = facet_list2.get();
+    TDFacetboolData* tdf = TDFacetboolData::get(facet2);
+    if ( which_parent ) {
+      is_from_1 = tdf->parent_is_body_1();
+      if ( ( (is_from_1 == true) && (which_parent == 2) ) ||
+           ( (is_from_1 == false) && (which_parent == 1) ) ) continue;
+    }
+    int marked2 = tdf->get_surf_index(); 
+    if ( marked2 == n ) {
+      if ( fsorig->owner() != 0 )
+        fsorig->owner()->swap_bridge(fsorig,fsurf2,false); 
+      fsorig->get_simple_attribute(csa_list);
+      for ( m = csa_list.size(); m > 0; m-- ) {
+        CubitSimpleAttrib* csa = csa_list.get_and_step();
+        fsurf2->append_simple_attribute_virt(csa);                               
+      }    
+      break;
+    }
+  }    
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::FB_imprint_with_curves(BodySM*& body_in,
+                             BodySM*& body_out,                             
+                             bool keep_old)
+CubitStatus status;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = OCCModifyEngine::instance();
+  OCCBody *fbody_ptr;
+  fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(body_in);
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surf_list;
+  fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+STD(vector)<double> body_verts;
+STD(vector)<int> body_connections, newbodyfacets;
+STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices;
+STD(vector)<OCCSurface *> fsurfarray;
+STD(vector)<OCCCurve *> fcurvearray;
+STD(vector)<double> vertsout;
+STD(vector)<int> coordsout;
+STD(vector)<int> surfindex;  
+STD(vector)<int> curveindex;  
+  status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body_verts,
+                                body_connections,&f_c_indices,
+                                fsurfarray,fcurvearray);
+  facet_surf_list.clean_out();                                            
+  FBImprint *imprinter = new FBImprint();
+  status = imprinter->imprint_body_curve(body_verts,body_connections,
+                                FB_imprint_edge_coords,FB_imprint_edges,
+                                FB_imprint_edge_bboxes,&f_c_indices);            
+  status = imprinter->update_surfs_and_curves(vertsout,coordsout,
+                                          &surfindex,&curveindex);
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+    DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+    CubitPoint *new_point;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+unsigned int k;
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout[k],
+                                                     vertsout[k+1],
+                                                     vertsout[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    }  
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout.size(); k += 3 ) {        
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout[k+2]] );
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],false,
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());                                
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    double feature_angle;
+    int interp_order;
+    CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+    feature_angle = 135.0;
+    interp_order = 0;
+    smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    split_surfaces = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_out);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    vertsout.clear();
+    coordsout.clear();                                 
+    if ( keep_old == false ) {
+      make_persistents_imprint(body_in,body_out,fsurfarray,fcurvearray);
+    }
+  delete imprinter;
+  return status;
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::dofacetboolean_2bodies_imprint(BodySM*& body_in1, 
+                             BodySM*& body_in2,
+                             BodySM*& body_out1,
+                             BodySM*& body_out2,                             
+                             bool keep_old)
+CubitStatus status;
+STD(vector)<double> body_verts;
+STD(vector)<double> body2_verts;
+STD(vector)<int> body_connections, newbodyfacets;
+STD(vector)<int>  body2_connections, newbody2facets;
+STD(vector)<double> vertsout1, vertsout2;
+STD(vector)<int> coordsout1, coordsout2;
+STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices1;
+STD(vector)<int> f_c_indices2;
+STD(vector)<OCCSurface *> fsurfarray1, fsurfarray2;
+STD(vector)<OCCCurve *> fcurvearray1, fcurvearray2;
+STD(vector)<int> surfindex1, surfindex2;  
+STD(vector)<int> curveindex1, curveindex2;  
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+    DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+    CubitPoint *new_point;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = OCCModifyEngine::instance();
+  bool is_sheet_body = false;
+  Body *tmp_body_1 = CAST_TO(body_in1->topology_entity(), Body);
+  Body *tmp_body_2 = CAST_TO(body_in2->topology_entity(), Body);
+  if(tmp_body_1 && tmp_body_1->is_sheet_body()){
+    is_sheet_body = true;
+  }
+  else if(tmp_body_2 && tmp_body_2->is_sheet_body()){
+    is_sheet_body = true;
+  }
+  if(tmp_body_1->is_sheet_body() != tmp_body_2->is_sheet_body())
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Geometric boolean requested for a sheet body and a non-sheet body.\n");
+  }
+  OCCBody *fbody_ptr;
+  fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(body_in1);
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surf_list;
+  fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+  status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body_verts,
+                                body_connections,&f_c_indices1,
+                                fsurfarray1,fcurvearray1);
+  facet_surf_list.clean_out();                                            
+    fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(body_in2);
+    fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+    status = facetbody_to_facetbool(facet_surf_list,body2_verts,
+                                  body2_connections,&f_c_indices2,
+                                  fsurfarray2,fcurvearray2);
+    facet_surf_list.clean_out();                                    
+    FBIntersect *intersector = new FBIntersect();
+    intersector->set_imprint();
+    status = intersector->intersect(body_verts,body_connections,
+                                    body2_verts,body2_connections,
+                                    newbodyfacets,newbody2facets,
+                                    &f_c_indices1,
+                                    &f_c_indices2);
+    status = intersector->update_surfs_and_curves(vertsout1,coordsout1,
+                                          &surfindex1,&curveindex1,1);
+    status = intersector->update_surfs_and_curves(vertsout2,coordsout2,
+                                          &surfindex2,&curveindex2,2);
+unsigned int k;
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout1.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout1[k],
+                                                     vertsout1[k+1],
+                                                     vertsout1[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    }  
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout1.size(); k += 3 ) {        
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout1[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout1[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout1[k+2]] );
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex1[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex1[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex1[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex1[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],false,
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());                                
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    double feature_angle;
+    int interp_order;
+    CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+    feature_angle = 135.0;
+    interp_order = 0;
+    smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_out1);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    vertsout1.clear();
+    coordsout1.clear();                                 
+    facet_list.clean_out();    
+    for ( k = 0; k < vertsout2.size(); k += 3 ) {
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( vertsout2[k],
+                                                   vertsout2[k+1],
+                                                   vertsout2[k+2] );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+    }  
+    for ( k = 0; k < coordsout2.size(); k += 3 ) {    
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[coordsout2[k]],
+                                      points[coordsout2[k+1]],
+                                      points[coordsout2[k+2]] );
+      int *cptr = new int[3];
+      cptr[0] = curveindex2[k];
+      cptr[1] = curveindex2[k+1];
+      cptr[2] = curveindex2[k+2];
+      TDFacetboolData::add_facetbool_facet( facet_ptr );
+      TDFacetboolData* td = TDFacetboolData::get(facet_ptr);
+      td->set(surfindex2[k/3],cptr[0],cptr[1],cptr[2],false,
+              facet_ptr->is_backwards());                              
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    }
+    points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+    {
+        ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+        status = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                             point_list,
+                                             feature_angle,
+                                             interp_order,
+                                             smooth_non_manifold,
+                                             split_surfaces,
+                                             cholla_ptr );
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        status = fme->finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         feature_angle, interp_order,
+                                         body_out2);
+        if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+          return status;
+        if ( cholla_ptr )
+        {
+            cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+            delete cholla_ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( keep_old == false ) {
+      make_persistents_imprint(body_in1,body_out1,fsurfarray1,fcurvearray1);
+      make_persistents_imprint(body_in2,body_out2,fsurfarray2,fcurvearray2);
+    }
+      //separate the lumps in the "body_out1" and "body_out2", these will
+      //be converted to separate volumes later in the code.
+    status=separate_lumps(body_out1, is_sheet_body);
+    status=separate_lumps(body_out2, is_sheet_body);
+    vertsout2.clear();
+    coordsout2.clear();                                 
+    delete intersector;      
+  return status;
+CubitStatus FacetboolInterface::make_FB_edge_list(DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list)
+CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+Curve *ref_edge_ptr;
+OCCCurve *cfcurve;
+CubitPoint  *cfpoint;
+DLIList<CubitPoint *> cfpointlist;
+int i, j, lastvert, nextvert;
+CubitVector coords;
+   ref_edge_list.reset();
+   for( i = ref_edge_list.size(); i > 0; i-- )
+   {
+      ref_edge_ptr = ref_edge_list.get_and_step();
+      cfcurve = CAST_TO( ref_edge_ptr, OCCCurve);
+      cfpointlist.clean_out();
+      cfcurve->get_points(cfpointlist);
+      cfpoint = cfpointlist.get_and_step();
+      coords = cfpoint->coordinates();
+      lastvert = find_coord(coords.x(),coords.y(),coords.z());
+      for ( j = cfpointlist.size()-1; j > 0; j-- ) {
+        cfpoint = cfpointlist.get_and_step();
+        coords = cfpoint->coordinates();
+        nextvert = find_coord(coords.x(),coords.y(),coords.z());
+          FB_Edge *FBedge = new FB_Edge(lastvert,nextvert,0,0,false);
+          FSBoundingBox *bb = make_edge_bounding_box(lastvert,nextvert); 
+          lastvert = nextvert;         
+          FB_imprint_edges.push_back(FBedge);
+          FB_imprint_edge_bboxes.push_back(bb);
+      }
+   }
+  return success;  
+int FacetboolInterface::find_coord(double xx, double yy, double zz)
+int value;
+unsigned int i;
+  value = -1;
+  for ( i = 0; i < FB_imprint_edge_coords.size(); i++ ) {
+    if ( (fabs(FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[0] - xx) < GEOMETRY_RESABS) &&
+         (fabs(FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[1] - yy) < GEOMETRY_RESABS) &&
+         (fabs(FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[2] - zz) < GEOMETRY_RESABS) ) {
+      value = (int)i;
+      break;
+    }
+  }  
+  if ( value == -1 ) {
+    value = FB_imprint_edge_coords.size();
+    FB_Coord *FBcoord = new FB_Coord(xx,yy,zz);
+    FB_imprint_edge_coords.push_back(FBcoord);
+  }
+  return value;
+FSBoundingBox* FacetboolInterface::make_edge_bounding_box(int v0, int v1)
+FSBoundingBox *bb;
+double xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
+  xmin = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[0] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[0] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[0] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[0];
+  ymin = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[1] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[1] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[1] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[1];
+  zmin = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[2] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[2] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[2] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[2];
+  xmax = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[0] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[0] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[0] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[0];
+  ymax = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[1] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[1] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[1] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[1];
+  zmax = ( FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[2] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[2] ) ?
+           FB_imprint_edge_coords[v0]->coord[2] : FB_imprint_edge_coords[v1]->coord[2];
+  if ( (xmax - xmin) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    xmin -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    xmax += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }
+  if ( (ymax - ymin) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    ymin -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    ymax += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }              
+  if ( (zmax - zmin) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    zmin -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    zmax += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }
+  bb = new FSBoundingBox(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
+  return bb;
+void FacetboolInterface::get_edge_list_bbox(CubitBox& edge_list_bbox)
+unsigned int i;
+double min[3],max[3];
+  min[0] = min[1] = min[2] = CUBIT_DBL_MAX - 1.0;
+  max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = -CUBIT_DBL_MAX;  
+  for ( i = 0; i < FB_imprint_edge_coords.size(); i++ ) {
+    min[0] = ( min[0] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[0] ) ? min[0] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[0];
+    min[1] = ( min[1] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[1] ) ? min[1] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[1];
+    min[2] = ( min[2] < FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[2] ) ? min[2] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[2];                     
+    max[0] = ( max[0] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[0] ) ? max[0] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[0];
+    max[1] = ( max[1] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[1] ) ? max[1] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[1];
+    max[2] = ( max[2] > FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[2] ) ? max[2] : 
+                    FB_imprint_edge_coords[i]->coord[2];
+  }
+  if ( (max[0] - min[0]) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    min[0] -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    max[0] += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }
+  if ( (max[1] - min[1]) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    min[1] -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    max[1] += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }              
+  if ( (max[2] - min[2]) < 2.0*GEOMETRY_RESABS ) {
+    min[2] -= GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+    max[2] += GEOMETRY_RESABS;
+  }   
+  CubitBox box(min,max);
+  edge_list_bbox = box; 

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/FacetboolInterface.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+class OCCBody;
+class BodySM;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCCurve;
+class Curve;
+class CubitBox;
+#include <vector>
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "FBStructs.hpp"
+class FacetboolInterface {
+  FacetboolInterface();
+  ~FacetboolInterface();
+CubitStatus webcut_FB(BodySM *bodysm_ptr,
+                                         STD(vector)<double>& cutter_verts,
+                                         STD(vector)<int>& cutter_connections,
+                                         bool cutter_is_plane,
+                                         CubitBoolean delete_bodies,
+                                         CubitBoolean &intersects,
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list);
+  CubitStatus dofacetboolean(DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list, 
+                             BodySM*& newBody,
+                             bool keep_old,
+                             const CubitFacetboolOp op);
+  CubitStatus dofacetboolean_subtract(BodySM*& tool_body, 
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& from_bodies,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+                                      bool keep_old,
+                                      bool* to_be_deleted,
+                                      const CubitFacetboolOp op);
+  CubitStatus dofacetboolean_2bodies(BodySM*& body_in1, 
+                             BodySM*& body_in2,
+                             BodySM*& body_out,
+                             bool keep_old,
+                             bool& intersection_found,
+                             const CubitFacetboolOp op);
+CubitStatus FB_imprint_with_curves(BodySM*& body_in,
+                             BodySM*& body_out,                             
+                             bool keep_old);
+  CubitStatus dofacetboolean_2bodies_imprint(BodySM*& body_in1, 
+                             BodySM*& body_in2,
+                             BodySM*& body_out1,
+                             BodySM*& body_out2,                             
+                             bool keep_old);
+  CubitStatus make_FB_edge_list(DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list);
+  void get_edge_list_bbox(CubitBox& edge_list_bbox);
+  STD(vector)<FB_Edge*> FB_imprint_edges;
+  STD(vector)<FB_Coord*> FB_imprint_edge_coords;
+  STD(vector)<FSBoundingBox*> FB_imprint_edge_bboxes;
+  CubitStatus facetbody_to_facetbool(
+                               DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surf_list,
+                               STD(vector)<double> &body_verts,
+                               STD(vector)<int> &body_connections,
+                               STD(vector)<int> *f_c_indices,
+                               STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                               STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray
+                               );                       
+  int findcurve(OCCCurve *curve, STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray);
+  void make_persistents_webcut(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out2,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_intersection,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                          bool *curves_in_intersection,
+                                          bool  *curves_in_subtraction
+                                         );
+  void make_persistents_imprint(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray
+                                         );
+  void make_persistents_boolean(BodySM *body_in, 
+                                          BodySM *body_out1, 
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                          STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_intersection,
+                                          bool *surfs_in_subtraction,
+                                          bool *curves_in_intersection,
+                                          bool  *curves_in_subtraction,
+                                          const CubitFacetboolOp op,
+                                          bool body_1
+                                         );
+  void make_persistent_curves(DLIList<OCCCurve*> fcurvelist,
+                              STD(vector)<OCCCurve *>& fcurvearray,
+                              int n,
+                              int which_parent = 0);
+  void make_persistent_surfaces(DLIList<OCCSurface*> fsurfaceslist,
+                                STD(vector)<OCCSurface *>& fsurfarray,
+                                int n,
+                                int which_parent = 0);
+  int find_coord(double xx, double yy, double zz);
+  FSBoundingBox* make_edge_bounding_box(int v0, int v1);
+    //Separate out the different "lumps" in a given body.  Generally,
+    // lumps are disjoint volumes.  They will be converted to separate
+    // volumes later in the code.
+  CubitStatus separate_lumps( BodySM *body_ptr, bool is_sheet_body );
+    //First call separate_lumps to find the disjoing lumps in the body,
+    // and then separates the lumps into different bodies.  
+  CubitStatus separate_shells_into_bodies( BodySM *body_ptr, 
+                                           bool is_sheet_body,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies );

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "GridSearchTree.hpp"
+double dist (CubitPoint * a, CubitPoint * b){
+  return sqrt((a->x() - b->x())*(a->x() - b->x()) + (a->y() - b->y())*(a->y() - b->y()) + (a->z() - b->z())*(a->z() - b->z()) );
+CubitPoint * GridSearchTree::fix(CubitPoint * data) {
+  long i, j, k;
+  double x, y, z;
+  x=data->x();
+  y=data->y();
+  z=data->z();
+  // get the coordinates of the box containing the point
+  i=(long)(x/(2*epsilon));
+  j=(long)(y/(2*epsilon));
+  k=(long)(z/(2*epsilon));
+  if (x<0) i--;
+  if (y<0) j--;
+  if (z<0) k--;
+  int ofi;
+  int ofj;
+  int ofk;
+  int ii;
+  // calculate the i, j, k offset for the seven neighboring boxes to be searched
+  if (fabs(x-i*2*epsilon) < epsilon) ofi = -1; else ofi = 1;
+  if (fabs(y-j*2*epsilon) < epsilon) ofj = -1; else ofj = 1;
+  if (fabs(z-k*2*epsilon) < epsilon) ofk = -1; else ofk = 1;
+  // mindist holds the distance to the current closest point
+  double mindist=2*epsilon;
+  // curdist holds the distance to the current point
+  double curdist;
+  // closest is the current closest point
+  CubitPoint * closest = NULL;
+  // curpoint is the current point
+  CubitPoint * curpoint;
+  // construct grid cell ( box ) 
+  GridSearchTreeNode * curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i+ofi,j+ofj,k+ofk);
+  // attempt to find it in the tree
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    // if cell is in the tree search its list for close points
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  // construct grid cell ( box ) 
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i+ofi,j+ofj,k);
+  // attempt to find it in the tree
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    // if cell is in the tree search its list for close points
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i+ofi,j,k+ofk);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i+ofi,j,k);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i,j+ofj,k+ofk);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i,j+ofj,k);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i,j,k+ofk);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  {
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  delete curnode;
+  curnode = new GridSearchTreeNode(i,j,k);
+  pos = nodemap.find(curnode);
+  if (pos!=nodemap.end()) 
+  { 
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*> curlist = (*pos).first->get_list();
+    for (ii= curlist.size(); ii>0; ii--) 
+    {
+      curpoint = curlist.get_and_step();
+      curdist = dist(data, curpoint);
+      if (curdist<mindist) 
+      {
+        closest = curpoint;
+        mindist=curdist;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // if closest point is within epsilon distance return the closest point
+  if (mindist<=epsilon) 
+  {
+    delete curnode;
+    return closest;
+  }
+  else 
+  {          
+    // add current point and cell to tree
+    if (pos==nodemap.end()) 
+    {
+      curnode->add(data);
+      nodemap.insert(gmap::value_type(curnode, 1));
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      (*pos).first->add(data);
+      delete curnode;
+    }
+    return data;
+  }

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTree.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#ifndef GSTREE_HPP
+#define GSTREE_HPP
+#include "GridSearchTreeNode.hpp"
+#include <typeinfo>
+#if !defined(NT) && !defined(CANT_USE_STD)
+using std::type_info;
+#include <map>
+typedef STD(map)< GridSearchTreeNode* , int, GridSearchTreeNode::GSTNodeComparator > gmap;
+class GridSearchTree {
+  double epsilon;
+  gmap nodemap;
+  gmap::iterator pos;
+  GridSearchTree(double tolerance) {
+    epsilon = tolerance;
+  }
+  ~GridSearchTree() {}
+  CubitPoint * fix (CubitPoint * data);

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTreeNode.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTreeNode.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/GridSearchTreeNode.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+class GridSearchTreeNode {
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *> plist;
+  long icoord;
+  long jcoord;
+  long kcoord;
+  GridSearchTreeNode (long i, long j, long k) {
+    icoord=i;
+    jcoord=j;
+    kcoord=k;
+  }
+  ~GridSearchTreeNode() {}
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *> get_list(){
+    return plist;
+  }
+  void add(CubitPoint * data) {
+    plist.append(data);
+  }
+class GSTNodeComparator {
+  bool operator () (GridSearchTreeNode * a, GridSearchTreeNode * b) const
+  {
+    return ( a->icoord < b->icoord ) || (a->icoord==b->icoord && a->jcoord<b->jcoord) || (a->icoord == b->icoord && a->jcoord==b->jcoord && a->kcoord < b->kcoord );
+  }

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttrib.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttrib.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttrib.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CubitString.hpp"
+class CubitSimpleAttrib;
+class CubitString;
+class OCCAttrib
+  OCCAttrib( CubitSimpleAttrib* );
+  ~OCCAttrib();
+  CubitSimpleAttrib* get_CSA() const;
+  bool equals( CubitSimpleAttrib* ) const;
+  CubitStatus save( FILE* file ) const;
+  static OCCAttrib* restore( FILE* file, unsigned int endian );
+  CubitString name() const
+    { return stringArray[0]; }
+    // Use arrays rather than std::vector so IO routines
+    // can use the data without making copies.
+  CubitString* stringArray;
+  double* doubleArray;
+  int* integerArray;
+  int numStrings;
+  int numDoubles;
+  int numIntegers;
+  OCCAttrib* listNext;
+  OCCAttrib( int string_count, CubitString* strings,
+               int double_count, double* doubles,
+               int integer_count, int* integers );

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Filename      : OCCAttribSet.cpp
+// Purpose       : Common attribute functionality for MBG
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 03/01/03
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttrib.hpp"
+#include "CubitSimpleAttrib.hpp"
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+void OCCAttribSet::append_attribute( CubitSimpleAttrib* csa )
+  OCCAttrib* new_attrib = new OCCAttrib(csa);
+  new_attrib->listNext = listHead;
+  listHead = new_attrib;
+void OCCAttribSet::remove_attribute( CubitSimpleAttrib* csa )
+  if( !listHead )
+    return;
+  OCCAttrib* attrib = 0;
+  if ( listHead->equals(csa) )
+  {
+    attrib = listHead;
+    listHead = listHead->listNext;
+    delete attrib;
+    return;
+  }
+  for ( OCCAttrib* prev = listHead; prev->listNext; prev = prev->listNext )
+  {
+    if( prev->listNext->equals(csa) )
+    {
+      attrib = prev->listNext;
+      prev->listNext = attrib->listNext;
+      delete attrib;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+void OCCAttribSet::remove_all_attributes()
+  while( listHead )
+  {
+    OCCAttrib* dead = listHead;
+    listHead = dead->listNext;
+    delete dead;
+  }
+CubitStatus OCCAttribSet::get_attributes( DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& list ) const
+  for( OCCAttrib* attrib = listHead; attrib; attrib = attrib->listNext )
+    list.append( attrib->get_CSA() );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCAttribSet::get_attributes( const CubitString& name,
+                                    DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& list ) const
+  for( OCCAttrib* attrib = listHead; attrib; attrib = attrib->listNext )
+    if( attrib->name() == name )
+      list.append( attrib->get_CSA() );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCAttribSet::save_attributes( FILE* file_ptr ) const
+  OCCAttrib *curr_attrib;
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  //save # attribs
+  unsigned int size = attribute_count();
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper wrapper( file_ptr );
+  wrapper.Write( &size, 1 ); 
+  //save each attrib
+  for( curr_attrib = listHead; curr_attrib; curr_attrib = curr_attrib->listNext )
+    if( !curr_attrib->save(file_ptr) )
+      status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  return status;
+CubitStatus OCCAttribSet::restore_attributes( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned endian )
+  OCCAttrib *curr_attrib;
+  //Read # attribs
+  unsigned int size;
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper wrapper( endian, file_ptr );
+  wrapper.Read( &size, 1 ); 
+  for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    curr_attrib = OCCAttrib::restore( file_ptr, endian);  
+    if (!curr_attrib)
+    {
+        // file corrupt?  don't try to read any more
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    curr_attrib->listNext = listHead;
+    listHead = curr_attrib;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+int OCCAttribSet::attribute_count() const
+  int count = 0;
+  for( OCCAttrib* attrib = listHead; attrib; attrib = attrib->listNext )
+    count++;
+  return count;

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCAttribSet.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Filename      : OCCAttribSet.hpp
+// Purpose       : Common attrib functions for MBG
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 03/01/03
+#include <DLIList.hpp>
+class CubitSimpleAttrib;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class CubitString;
+class OCCAttribSet 
+  public:
+    OCCAttribSet() : listHead(0) {}
+    ~OCCAttribSet() { remove_all_attributes(); }
+    void append_attribute( CubitSimpleAttrib* );
+    void remove_attribute( CubitSimpleAttrib* );
+    void remove_all_attributes();
+    CubitStatus get_attributes( DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& ) const;
+    CubitStatus get_attributes( const CubitString& name,
+                                DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& ) const;
+    CubitStatus save_attributes( FILE* file ) const;
+    CubitStatus restore_attributes( FILE* file, unsigned int endian );
+    int attribute_count() const;
+  private:
+    OCCAttrib* listHead;

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+// Filename      : OCCBody.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David White
+// Creation Date : 7/18/00
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+#include <assert.h>
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CubitString.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "BodySM.hpp"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "CubitSimpleAttrib.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "CubitTransformMatrix.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttrib.hpp"
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+// Purpose       : A constructor with a list of lumps that are attached.
+// Special Notes :
+OCCBody::OCCBody(TopoDS_Shape *theShape)
+  myTopoDSShape = theShape;
+OCCBody::OCCBody(DLIList<Lump*>& my_lumps)
+  myLumps += my_lumps;
+    //Not sure what to do..
+GeometryQueryEngine* OCCBody::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+void OCCBody::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.append_attribute(csa); }
+void OCCBody::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.remove_attribute(csa); }
+void OCCBody::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  { attribSet.remove_all_attributes(); }
+CubitStatus OCCBody::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes(csa_list); }
+CubitStatus OCCBody::get_simple_attribute( const CubitString& name,
+                                          DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list )
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( name, csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCBody::save_attribs( FILE *file_ptr )
+  { return attribSet.save_attributes( file_ptr); }
+CubitStatus OCCBody::restore_attribs( FILE *file_ptr, unsigned int endian )
+  { return attribSet.restore_attributes( file_ptr, endian ); }
+// Function: copy
+// Description: create a new copy of the body.
+// Author: sjowen
+BodySM* OCCBody::copy()
+  CubitStatus rv;
+  // ----------Copy the points on the body------------------------
+  int ii;
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*> point_list;
+  get_points(point_list);
+  DLIList<Point*> copy_points;
+  point_list.reset();
+  Point *point_ptr;
+  Point *point_copy; 
+  for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    CubitVector temp_vector = point_ptr->coordinates();
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_point(temp_vector,
+                                                           point_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy points");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    copy_points.append( point_copy );
+  }
+  // ------------------Copy the curves-------------------------
+  int jj;
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> curve_list;
+  get_curves( curve_list );
+  DLIList<Curve*> copy_curves;
+  curve_list.reset();
+  Curve *curve_ptr, *curve_copy;
+  Curve *curvsm_copy = NULL;
+  OCCCurve *fcurve;
+  Point *ptsm_ptr;
+  Point *start_ptr, *end_ptr, *copy_start = NULL, *copy_end = NULL;
+  for (ii=0; ii<curve_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    curve_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
+    fcurve = CAST_TO( curve_ptr, OCCCurve );
+    start_ptr = fcurve->start_point();
+    end_ptr = fcurve->end_point();
+    int found0 = 0;
+    int found1 = 0;
+    // find the end points
+    point_list.reset();
+    copy_points.reset();
+    for (jj=0; jj<point_list.size() && (!found0 || !found1); jj++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+      ptsm_ptr = CAST_TO(point_ptr, Point);
+      point_copy = copy_points.get_and_step();
+      if (ptsm_ptr == start_ptr)
+      {
+        copy_start = point_copy;
+        found0 = 1;
+      }
+      if (ptsm_ptr == end_ptr)
+      {
+        copy_end = point_copy;
+        found1 = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new curve and update the points
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_curve(copy_start,
+                                                           copy_end, 
+                                                           curve_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy curves");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    curvsm_copy = CAST_TO(curve_copy, Curve);
+    copy_curves.append( curvsm_copy );
+  }
+  // ------------------copy coedges-----------------------
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> copy_coedges;
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  Curve *curvsm_ptr;
+  CoEdgeSM *coedge_ptr, *coedge_copy;
+  OCCCoEdge *fcoedge;
+  for (ii=0; ii<coedge_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    coedge_ptr = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    fcoedge = CAST_TO( coedge_ptr, OCCCoEdge );
+    Curve *curve_at_coedge = fcoedge->curve();
+    int found = 0;
+    // find the associated curve
+    curve_list.reset();
+    copy_curves.reset();
+    for (jj=0; jj<curve_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+    {
+      curve_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
+      curvsm_ptr = CAST_TO(curve_ptr, Curve);
+      curvsm_copy = copy_curves.get_and_step();
+      if (curve_at_coedge == curvsm_ptr)
+      {
+        found = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new coedge
+    CubitSense sense = fcoedge->sense();
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_coedge(curvsm_copy,
+                                                    sense, coedge_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy coedge");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    copy_coedges.append( coedge_copy );
+  }
+  // ----------------------copy loops--------------------------
+  int kk;
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loop_list;
+  get_loops( loop_list );
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> copy_loops;
+  loop_list.reset();
+  LoopSM *loop_ptr, *loop_copy;
+  OCCLoop *floop;
+  for (ii=0; ii<loop_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    floop = loop_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>coedges_on_loop;
+    floop->get_coedges(coedges_on_loop);
+    DLIList<CoEdgeSM *>copy_coedges_on_loop;
+    // find all associated coedges on the loop
+    for(kk=0; kk<coedges_on_loop.size(); kk++)
+    {
+      int found = 0;
+      coedge_list.reset();
+      copy_coedges.reset();
+      CoEdgeSM *coedge_on_loop = coedges_on_loop.get_and_step();
+      for (jj=0; jj<coedge_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+      {
+        coedge_ptr = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+        coedge_copy = copy_coedges.get_and_step();     
+        if (coedge_on_loop == coedge_ptr)
+        {
+          found = 1;
+          copy_coedges_on_loop.append(coedge_copy);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new loop
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_loop(copy_coedges_on_loop,
+                                                          loop_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy loops");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    copy_loops.append( loop_copy );
+  }
+  // ----------------------copy surfaces--------------------------
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  get_surfaces(surface_list);
+  DLIList<Surface*> copy_surfaces;
+  surface_list.reset();
+  Surface *surface_ptr, *surface_copy;
+  OCCSurface *fsurface;
+  for (ii=0; ii<surface_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    fsurface = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCLoop *>loops_on_surface;
+    fsurface->get_loops(loops_on_surface);
+    DLIList<LoopSM *>copy_loops_on_surface;
+    // find all associated loops on the surface
+    for(kk=0; kk<loops_on_surface.size(); kk++)
+    {
+      int found = 0;
+      loop_list.reset();
+      copy_loops.reset();
+      LoopSM *loop_on_surface = loops_on_surface.get_and_step();
+      for (jj=0; jj<loop_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+      {
+        loop_ptr = loop_list.get_and_step();
+        loop_copy = copy_loops.get_and_step();     
+        if (loop_on_surface == loop_ptr)
+        {
+          found = 1;
+          copy_loops_on_surface.append(loop_copy);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new surface
+    DLIList<CubitFacet*>facet_list;
+    DLIList<CubitPoint*>cpoint_list;
+    rv = fsurface->copy_facets( facet_list, cpoint_list );
+    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    int interp_order = fsurface->interp_order();
+    double min_dot = fsurface->min_dot();
+    const CubitEvaluatorData *eval_data = fsurface->evaluator_data();
+    CubitBoolean use_point_addresses = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_surface(eval_data,
+                                                           facet_list,
+                                                           cpoint_list, 
+                                                           copy_loops_on_surface,
+                                                           interp_order,
+                                                           min_dot,
+                                                           surface_copy, 
+                                                           use_point_addresses);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy surfaces");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    copy_surfaces.append( surface_copy );
+  }
+  // ----------------------copy shells--------------------------
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells(shell_list);
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> copy_shells;
+  shell_list.reset();
+  ShellSM *shell_ptr, *shell_copy;
+  OCCShell *fshell;
+  for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    fshell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCSurface *>surfaces_on_shell;
+    fshell->get_surfaces(surfaces_on_shell);
+    DLIList<Surface *>copy_surfaces_on_shell;
+    // find all associated loops on the surface
+    for(kk=0; kk<surfaces_on_shell.size(); kk++)
+    {
+      int found = 0;
+      surface_list.reset();
+      copy_surfaces.reset();
+      Surface *surface_on_shell = surfaces_on_shell.get_and_step();
+      for (jj=0; jj<surface_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+      {
+        surface_ptr = surface_list.get_and_step();
+        surface_copy = copy_surfaces.get_and_step();     
+        if (surface_on_shell == surface_ptr)
+        {
+          found = 1;
+          copy_surfaces_on_shell.append(surface_copy);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new shell
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_shell(copy_surfaces_on_shell,
+                                                           shell_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy shell");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    // set the sense of the surfaces on the shell - copy from the old shell
+    OCCShell *fshell_copy = CAST_TO(shell_copy, OCCShell);
+    surfaces_on_shell.reset();
+    copy_surfaces_on_shell.reset();
+    for (kk=0; kk<surfaces_on_shell.size(); kk++)
+    {
+      Surface *surface_on_shell = surfaces_on_shell.get_and_step();
+      Surface *copy_surface_on_shell = copy_surfaces_on_shell.get_and_step();
+      fsurface = CAST_TO( surface_on_shell, OCCSurface );
+      CubitSense sense = fsurface->get_shell_sense(fshell);
+      OCCSurface *copy_fsurface = CAST_TO( copy_surface_on_shell, OCCSurface );
+      copy_fsurface->set_shell_sense( fshell_copy, sense ); 
+    }
+    copy_shells.append( shell_copy );
+  }
+  // ----------------------copy lumps--------------------------
+  DLIList<OCCLump*> lump_list;
+  get_lumps(lump_list);
+  DLIList<Lump*> copy_lumps;
+  lump_list.reset();
+  Lump *lump_copy;
+  OCCLump *flump;
+  for (ii=0; ii<lump_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    flump = lump_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCShell *>shells_on_lump;
+    flump->get_shells(shells_on_lump);
+    DLIList<ShellSM *>copy_shells_on_lump;
+    // find all associated loops on the surface
+    for(kk=0; kk<shells_on_lump.size(); kk++)
+    {
+      int found = 0;
+      shell_list.reset();
+      copy_shells.reset();
+      ShellSM *shell_on_lump = shells_on_lump.get_and_step();
+      for (jj=0; jj<shell_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+      {
+        shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
+        shell_copy = copy_shells.get_and_step();     
+        if (shell_on_lump == shell_ptr)
+        {
+          found = 1;
+          copy_shells_on_lump.append(shell_copy);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // create the new lump
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_lump(copy_shells_on_lump,
+                                                          lump_copy);
+    if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy lump");
+      return (BodySM *)NULL;
+    }
+    copy_lumps.append( lump_copy );
+  }
+  // ----------------------copy body--------------------------
+  BodySM *body_copy;
+  rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_body(copy_lumps,
+                                                        body_copy);
+  if(rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy lump");
+    return (BodySM *)NULL;
+  }
+  return (BodySM*)body_copy;
+// Function: can_be_deleted 
+// Description: determine if the body can be deleted 
+// Author: sjowen 
+CubitBoolean OCCBody::can_be_deleted( DLIList <Body*> &body_list ) 
+  CubitBoolean delete_ok = CUBIT_TRUE; 
+  DLIList<OCCSurface *>surf_list; 
+  get_surfaces(surf_list); 
+  int ii; 
+  for (ii=0; ii<surf_list.size() && delete_ok; ii++) 
+  { 
+    OCCSurface *surf_ptr = surf_list.get_and_step(); 
+    DLIList<OCCBody*>my_body_list; 
+    surf_ptr->get_bodies(my_body_list); 
+    int jj; 
+    if (my_body_list.size() >= 2) 
+    { 
+      for (jj=0; jj<my_body_list.size() && delete_ok; jj++) 
+      { 
+        BodySM *my_body_ptr = my_body_list.get_and_step(); 
+        if (my_body_ptr != this) 
+        { 
+          int kk; 
+          int found = 0; 
+          for (kk=0; kk<body_list.size() && !found; kk++) 
+          { 
+            Body *body_ptr = body_list.get_and_step(); 
+            OCCBody* fbody_ptr = CAST_TO(body_ptr->get_body_sm_ptr(), OCCBody); 
+            if (fbody_ptr) 
+            { 
+              if (my_body_ptr == fbody_ptr) 
+                found = 1; 
+            } 
+          } 
+          if (!found) 
+          { 
+            delete_ok = CUBIT_FALSE; 
+            PRINT_ERROR("Body cannot be deleted because it is merged with adjacent Body\n"); 
+            PRINT_INFO("    Mesh Based Geometry entities cannot be unmerged.\n" 
+              "    Try using the no_merge option when importing the mesh\n"); 
+          } 
+        } 
+      } 
+    } 
+  } 
+  return delete_ok; 
+// Function: move
+// Description: translate the body and its child entities
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::move(double dx, double dy, double dz)
+  CubitTransformMatrix tfmat;
+  tfmat.translate( dx, dy, dz );
+  CubitStatus stat = transform( tfmat, CUBIT_FALSE );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    myTransforms.translate( dx, dy, dz );
+  return stat;
+// Function: rotate
+// Description: rotate the body and its child entities
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::rotate( double x, double y, double z, 
+                               double angle_in_degrees )
+  CubitTransformMatrix rotmat;
+  CubitVector axis( x, y, z );
+  rotmat.rotate( angle_in_degrees, axis );
+  CubitStatus stat = transform( rotmat, CUBIT_TRUE );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    myTransforms.rotate( angle_in_degrees, axis );
+  return stat;
+// Function: scale
+// Description: scale the body and its child entities
+//              use a constant scale factor
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::scale(double scale_factor )
+  return scale(scale_factor,scale_factor,scale_factor);
+// Function: scale
+// Description: scale the body and its child entities
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::scale(double scale_factor_x,
+                             double scale_factor_y,
+                             double scale_factor_z )
+  CubitTransformMatrix scalemat;
+  scalemat.scale_about_origin( scale_factor_x, 
+                               scale_factor_y, 
+                               scale_factor_z );
+  CubitStatus stat = transform( scalemat, CUBIT_FALSE );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    myTransforms.scale_about_origin( scale_factor_x, 
+                                     scale_factor_y, 
+                                     scale_factor_z );
+  // scale the facetcurve
+  DLIList<OCCCurve *> curve_list;
+  get_curves(curve_list); 
+  Curve *curv_ptr;
+  for (int ii=0; ii<curve_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    curv_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve *fcurve = CAST_TO( curv_ptr, OCCCurve );
+    if (fcurve)
+    {
+      fcurve->reset_length();
+    }
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Function: restore
+// Description: restore the body and its child entities
+//              to its original coordinates using the inverse
+//              transformation matrix
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::restore()
+  // invert the transformation matrix and apply to entities 
+  // (assumes an orthogonal matrix (ie. no shear or non-uniform scaling)
+  CubitTransformMatrix inverse_mat;
+  inverse_mat = myTransforms.inverse();
+  CubitStatus stat = transform( inverse_mat, CUBIT_TRUE );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    myTransforms.set_to_identity();
+  return stat;
+// Function: reflect
+// Description: reflect the body about a exis
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::reflect( double reflect_axis_x,
+                                double reflect_axis_y,
+                                double reflect_axis_z )
+  CubitTransformMatrix reflectmat;
+  CubitVector reflect_vector( reflect_axis_x, 
+                              reflect_axis_y, 
+                              reflect_axis_z );
+  reflectmat.reflect( reflect_vector );
+  CubitStatus stat = transform( reflectmat, CUBIT_TRUE );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    myTransforms.reflect( reflect_vector );
+  return stat;
+// Function: transform
+// Description: transform the body based on a transformation matrix
+//              main function for applying transformations to 
+//              facet-based bodies
+// Author: sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCBody::transform( CubitTransformMatrix &tfmat, 
+                                  CubitBoolean is_rotation )
+  int ii;
+  // get the list of surfaces on the body
+  DLIList<OCCSurface *>surf_list;
+  get_surfaces( surf_list );
+  Surface *surf;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf;
+  FacetEvalTool *ftool;
+#ifdef BOYD17 
+  CubitBox box;
+  //CubitVector min, max;
+  // go through all the surfaces and collect the list of all points.
+  // (some may be listed on multiple surfaces)
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  for (ii=0; ii<surf_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    surf = surf_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurf = CAST_TO( surf, OCCSurface );
+    fsurf->get_my_points( point_list );
+  }
+  // unmark all the points so we can keep track of the ones that have
+  // already been transformed
+  CubitPoint *cp;
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    cp = point_list.get_and_step();
+    cp->marked( 0 );
+  }
+  // transform the points
+  //CubitVector norm, du, dv;
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    cp = point_list.get_and_step();
+    if (!cp->marked())
+    {
+      cp->transform( tfmat );
+      if (is_rotation)
+        cp->rotate_normal( tfmat );
+      cp->marked( 1 );   
+    }
+  }
+  // check the vertices - make sure they are transformed
+  OCCPoint *fpt;
+  Point *pt;
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*>gpoint_list;
+  get_points(gpoint_list);
+  for (ii=0; ii<gpoint_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    pt = gpoint_list.get_and_step();
+    fpt = CAST_TO( pt, OCCPoint );
+    // only transform the point if it isn't already part of the facets
+    // (they could be points by themselves)
+    cp = fpt->get_cubit_point();
+    if (cp->num_adj_facets() == 0)
+    {
+      cp->transform( tfmat );
+      if (is_rotation)
+        cp->rotate_normal( tfmat );
+    }
+  }
+  // reset the bounding box and update the facet normal and plane
+  // init flags on edges to 0
+  DLIList<Surface*> tmp_surf_list( surf_list.size() );
+  CAST_LIST_TO_PARENT( surf_list, tmp_surf_list );
+  init_edge_flags( tmp_surf_list, 0 );
+  for (ii=0; ii<surf_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    surf = surf_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurf = CAST_TO( surf, OCCSurface );
+    // if we are using a bspline representation, then we also need to 
+    // transform the control points on the edges and facets
+    ftool = fsurf->get_eval_tool();
+    if (ftool->interp_order() == 4)
+    {
+      ftool->transform_control_points( tfmat );
+    }
+    ftool->reset_bounding_box();
+    DLIList<CubitFacet *>flist;
+    DLIList<CubitPoint *>plist;
+    fsurf->get_my_facets( flist, plist);
+    int jj;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    for (jj=0; jj<flist.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      facet_ptr = flist.get_and_step();
+      facet_ptr->update_plane();
+      facet_ptr->reset_bounding_box();
+    }
+    // if this facet surface has a primitive evaluator, then we need
+    // to tell it about the transformation also.
+    fsurf->add_transformation( tfmat );
+      //re-calculate the area of the surface in case it changed
+    fsurf->update_measurement();
+  }
+  init_edge_flags( tmp_surf_list, 0 );
+    // Some transforms (those incorporating reflections)
+    // invert the geometry.  Correct for it.
+    // -- jason k.
+  if ( tfmat.sub_matrix(3,3).determinant() < 0.0 )
+  {
+      // Flip CoFace senses
+    DLIList<OCCShell*> shells;
+    get_shells( shells );
+    //modified.  mbrewer.  doing both a reverse and a 
+    //reverse_surfaces.  the latter actually changes the 
+    // underlying surfaces so that the normals can all
+    // still be outward pointing.  It automatically changes 
+    // the sense, therefore we also still need excplicity
+    // call reverse so that sense is corrected.
+    while (shells.size()){
+      shells.get()->reverse_surfaces();
+      shells.pop()->reverse();
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function: init_edge_flags
+// Description: set the flags on the facet edges
+// Note:  Only done for facet eval tool with order 4 interpolation
+// Author: sjowen
+void OCCBody::init_edge_flags( DLIList<Surface *>&surf_list, 
+                                 int )
+  int ii, jj;
+  Surface *surf;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf;
+  FacetEvalTool *ftool;
+  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
+  for (ii=0; ii<surf_list.size(); ii++)
+  {  
+    DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*>edge_list;
+    surf = surf_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurf = CAST_TO( surf, OCCSurface );
+    ftool = fsurf->get_eval_tool();
+    if (ftool->interp_order() == 4)
+    {
+      ftool->get_edges( edge_list );
+      for (jj=0; jj<edge_list.size(); jj++)
+      {
+        edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
+        edge_ptr->set_flag( 0 );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+CubitStatus OCCBody::get_transforms( CubitTransformMatrix &tfm ) 
+  tfm = myTransforms;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCBody::set_transforms( CubitTransformMatrix tfm ) 
+  myTransforms = tfm;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+int OCCBody::validate(const CubitString &, DLIList <TopologyEntity*>&)
+  PRINT_ERROR("This option is not available for mesh defined geometry.\n");
+  return 0;
+void OCCBody::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& ) 
+  {}
+void OCCBody::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& lumps )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSShape, TopAbs_SOLID, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *lump = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  lumps.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCBody::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSShape, TopAbs_SOLID, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *lump = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(lump));
+  }
+void OCCBody::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCLump*> lump_list;
+  get_lumps( lump_list );
+  lump_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < lump_list.size(); i++ )
+    lump_list.next(i)->get_shells( result_list );
+void OCCBody::get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> tmp_list;
+  get_shells(shell_list);
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < shell_list.size(); i++ )
+  {
+    tmp_list.clean_out();
+    shell_list.next(i)->get_surfaces( tmp_list );
+    result_list.merge_unique( tmp_list );
+  }
+void OCCBody::get_loops( DLIList<OCCLoop*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++ )
+    surface_list.next(i)->get_loops( result_list );
+void OCCBody::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++ )
+    surface_list.next(i)->get_coedges( result_list );
+void OCCBody::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+    if (curve)
+      result_list.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+void OCCBody::get_points( DLIList<OCCPoint*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> curve_list;
+  get_curves( curve_list );
+  curve_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = curve_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCurve* curve = curve_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCPoint* point = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(curve->start_point());
+    if (point)
+      result_list.append_unique(point);
+    point = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(curve->end_point());
+    if (point)
+      result_list.append_unique(point);
+  }
+void OCCBody::add_lump( OCCLump *lump_to_add )
+  Lump* lump = dynamic_cast<Lump*>(lump_to_add);
+  if (lump)
+  {
+    lump_to_add->add_body(this);
+    myLumps.append( lump );
+  }
+void OCCBody::remove_lump( OCCLump *lump_to_remove )
+  OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(lump_to_remove);
+  if (lump)
+  {
+    assert(lump_to_remove->get_body() == this);
+    lump_to_remove->remove_body();
+    myLumps.remove( lump );
+  }
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+void OCCBody::disconnect_all_lumps()
+  myLumps.reset();
+  for (int i = myLumps.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    Lump* sm_ptr = myLumps.get_and_step();
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(sm_ptr);
+    if (lump)
+    {
+      assert(lump->get_body() == this);
+      lump->remove_body();
+    }
+  }
+  myLumps.clean_out();
+// Purpose       : Find centroid
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 05/10/04
+CubitStatus OCCBody::mass_properties( CubitVector& centroid, 
+                                        double& volume )
+  centroid.set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+  volume = 0.0;
+  DLIList<OCCLump*> lumps (myLumps.size());
+  CAST_LIST( myLumps, lumps, OCCLump );
+  assert( myLumps.size() == lumps.size() );
+  for (int i = lumps.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    CubitVector cent;
+    double vol;
+    if (CUBIT_SUCCESS != lumps.get_and_step()->mass_properties(cent,vol))
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    centroid += vol*cent;
+    volume += vol;
+  }
+  if (volume > CUBIT_RESABS)
+  {
+    centroid /= volume;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    centroid.set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    volume = 0.0;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Used to be OCCQueryEngine::is_point_in_body
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 05/10/04
+CubitPointContainment OCCBody::point_containment( const CubitVector &point )
+  CubitPointContainment pc_value; 
+  OCCLump *facet_lump;
+  int i;
+  for(i=myLumps.size(); i--;)
+  {
+    facet_lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(myLumps.get_and_step()); 
+    pc_value = facet_lump->point_containment( point );
+    if( pc_value == CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE )
+      return CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE;
+    else if( pc_value == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY )
+      return CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY;
+  }

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+// Filename      : OCCBody.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David White
+// Creation Date : 7/18/00
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "BodySM.hpp"
+#include "CubitTransformMatrix.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_CompSolid.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class Body;
+class TopologyEntity;
+class CubitString;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+class OCCBody : public BodySM
+  OCCBody(TopoDS_Shape *theShape);
+  OCCBody(DLIList<Lump*> &myLumps);
+    //- Constructor with a pointer to a ACIS BODY.
+  virtual ~OCCBody() ;
+    //- The destructor.
+  CubitBoolean can_be_deleted( DLIList <Body*> &body_list );
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME.
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual BodySM* copy();
+    //R OCCBody*
+    //R- Pointer to a OCCBody object
+    //- Copies this OCCBody object (including the ACIS BODY that it
+    //- contains) and returns a pointer to a new OCCBody object.
+  virtual CubitStatus move(double , double , double );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I dx, dy, dz
+    //I- Offset values in each of the 3 Cartesian coordinate directions
+    //- Move the ACIS BODY by dx, dy and dz
+  virtual CubitStatus rotate( double , double , double , 
+                              double );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I x, y, z
+    //I- Axis of rotation
+    //I angle_in_degrees
+    //I- Angle of rotation in degrees
+    //- Rotate the ACIS BODY angle degrees about a vector defined by 
+    //- x, y and z
+  virtual CubitStatus scale(double, double, double);
+  virtual CubitStatus scale(double);
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I scaling_factor
+    //I- Scaling factor
+    //- Scale the ACIS BODY by the factor, scaling_factor
+  CubitStatus reflect(double,double,double);
+    //- reflect about an axis
+  virtual CubitStatus restore();
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //- Restore the ACIS BODY by replacing the transformation matrix 
+    //- associated with it with a unit matrix
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  CubitStatus reverse() ;
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I BODYPtr
+    //- Reverse the face orientations on this body
+  CubitStatus get_transforms( CubitTransformMatrix &tfm );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I BODYPtr
+    //- return the transformation matrix for this body
+  CubitStatus set_transforms( CubitTransformMatrix tfm );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //R- CUBIT_SUCCESS/CUBIT_FAILURE that myTransforms was 
+    // set correctly
+    //I BODYPtr
+  int validate(const CubitString &, DLIList <TopologyEntity*>&);
+    //- does an api_entity_check for the body.
+  CubitStatus save_attribs( FILE* file_ptr );
+    // Write FactAttribs out to file
+  CubitStatus restore_attribs( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned int endian );
+    // Read FactAttribs from file
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  void disconnect_all_lumps();
+  void add_lump( OCCLump *lump_to_add );
+  void remove_lump( OCCLump *lump_to_remove );
+  virtual CubitStatus mass_properties( CubitVector& result, double& volume );
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector& pos );
+  CubitStatus transform( CubitTransformMatrix &tfmat, CubitBoolean is_rotation );
+    // main function for applying transforms to facet-based bodies
+  void init_edge_flags( DLIList<Surface *>&surf_list, int flag );
+    // set the flags on the facet edges
+  CubitTransformMatrix myTransforms;
+  DLIList<Lump*> myLumps;
+    //List of the attached lumps for the traversal functions.
+  OCCAttribSet attribSet;
+    //List of OCCAttrib*'s instead of CubitSimpleAttribs 
+  TopoDS_Shape *myTopoDSShape;

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCBody.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// Filename      : OCCCoEdge.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : A constructor with a pointer to a Facet CoEdge.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+OCCCoEdge::OCCCoEdge( TopoDS_Edge *theEdge, Curve *curv_ptr )
+  myTopoDSEdge = theEdge;
+  myCurve = curv_ptr;
+OCCCoEdge::OCCCoEdge( Curve *curv_ptr, LoopSM *loop_ptr, CubitSense sense )
+  assert(0);
+  myCurve = curv_ptr;
+  myLoop = loop_ptr;
+  edgeSense = sense; 
+// Purpose       : A constructor with a pointer to a Facet CoEdge.
+// Special Notes : Constructor used for save/restore
+// Creator       : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 02/03/03
+OCCCoEdge::OCCCoEdge( Curve *curv_ptr, CubitSense sense )
+  assert(0);
+  myCurve = curv_ptr;
+  myLoop = NULL; 
+  edgeSense = sense; 
+// Purpose       : The destructor
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: OCCQueryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+GeometryQueryEngine* OCCCoEdge::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the OSME. The name is attached to the 
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+void OCCCoEdge::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib* /*csattrib_ptr*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCCoEdge::append_simple_attribute_virt not implemented\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple 
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+void OCCCoEdge::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib* /*csattrib_ptr*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCCoEdge::remove_simple_attribute_virt not implemented\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple 
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+void OCCCoEdge::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCCoEdge::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt not implemented\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the  
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/18/00
+CubitStatus OCCCoEdge::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&
+                                              /*cubit_simple_attrib_list*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCCoEdge::get_simple_attribute not implemented\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCCoEdge::get_simple_attribute(const CubitString&,
+                                              DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&)
+  { return CUBIT_FAILURE; }
+CubitSense OCCCoEdge::sense()
+  TopAbs_Orientation d = myTopoDSEdge->Orientation();
+  if (d == TopAbs_FORWARD) return CUBIT_FORWARD;
+  else if (d == TopAbs_REVERSED) return CUBIT_REVERSED;
+  else {
+	  printf("Check Orientation");
+	  return CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+void OCCCoEdge::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies)
+  myLoop->bodysms(bodies);
+void OCCCoEdge::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+  myLoop->lumps(lumps);
+void OCCCoEdge::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  myLoop->shellsms(shellsms);
+void OCCCoEdge::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  myLoop->surfaces( surfaces );
+void OCCCoEdge::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  loopsms.append_unique( myLoop );
+void OCCCoEdge::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  coedgesms.append_unique( this );
+void OCCCoEdge::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  curves.append_unique( myCurve );
+void OCCCoEdge::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  myCurve->points( points );
+void OCCCoEdge::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents )
+  { parents.append( myLoop ); }
+void OCCCoEdge::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children )
+  { children.append( myCurve ); }
+void OCCCoEdge::reverse_sense()
+  edgeSense = CubitUtil::opposite_sense( edgeSense );
+void OCCCoEdge::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells( shell_list );
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = shell_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCShell* shell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    shell->get_lumps( result_list );
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(shell->get_lump());
+    if (lump)
+      result_list.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCCoEdge::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  if ( OCCLoop* loop = dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(myLoop) )
+    if ( OCCSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(loop->get_surface()) )
+      surf->get_shells( result_list );
+void OCCCoEdge::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  if (OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(myCurve))
+    result_list.append(curve);
+// ********** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN PROTECTED FUNCTIONS    **********
+// ********** END PROTECTED FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** END PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASSES         **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASSES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END STATIC FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Filename      : OCCCoEdge.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/23/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CubitEntity.hpp"
+#include "CoEdgeSM.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class LoopSM;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+class OCCCoEdge : public CoEdgeSM
+  OCCCoEdge(TopoDS_Edge *theEdge, Curve *curv_ptr);
+  OCCCoEdge(Curve *curv_ptr, LoopSM *loop_ptr, CubitSense sense);
+    //- A constructor
+  //
+  OCCCoEdge(Curve *curv_ptr, CubitSense sense);
+    //- A constructor (for save/restore)
+  virtual ~OCCCoEdge() ;
+    //- The destructor
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  CubitSense sense();
+    //- returns the sense of the underlying coedge wrt the underlying edge
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  void add_loop( LoopSM *loop_ptr )
+    { myLoop = loop_ptr; }
+    //- set the loop pointer that this coedge is asociated
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void set_sense( CubitSense sense );
+    //- set the sense of the coedge wrt the surface loop
+  CubitSense get_sense()
+    {return edgeSense;}
+    //- get the sense of the coedge wrt the surface loop
+  void reverse_sense();
+  Curve *curve()
+    {return myCurve;}
+    //- get the curve associated with this coedge
+  inline LoopSM* get_loop() const { return myLoop; }
+  inline void remove_loop() { myLoop = 0; }
+  inline void remove_curve() { myCurve = 0; }
+  LoopSM *myLoop;
+  Curve *myCurve;
+  CubitSense edgeSense;
+  TopoDS_Edge *myTopoDSEdge;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCoEdge.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@
+// Filename      : OCCCurve.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "CubitVector.hpp"
+#include "CubitBox.hpp"
+#include "GeometryDefines.h"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttrib.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "CoEdgeSM.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+#include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
+#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
+#include <BndLib_Add3dCurve.hxx>
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <Extrema_ExtPC.hxx>
+#include <BRepLProp_CLProps.hxx>
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : The default constructor
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator:      : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+OCCCurve::OCCCurve( TopoDS_Edge *theEdge )
+  myTopoDSEdge = theEdge;
+OCCCurve::OCCCurve(CurveFacetEvalTool *curve_facet_tool,
+                       Point *start_ptr, Point *end_ptr,
+                       DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list )
+                       : sense_(CUBIT_FORWARD)
+  assert(0);
+  static int counter = 0;
+  myId = counter++;
+    // Calculate a bounding box if there isn't one already
+  curveFacetEvalTool = curve_facet_tool; 
+  myStartPoint = start_ptr;
+  myEndPoint = end_ptr;
+  myCoEdges += coedge_list;
+  periodic = start_ptr == end_ptr;
+// Purpose       : Another constructor
+// Special Notes : Implemented for save/restore
+// Creator:      : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 02/03/03
+OCCCurve::OCCCurve(CurveFacetEvalTool *curve_facet_tool,
+                       Point *start_ptr, Point *end_ptr,
+                       CubitSense sense )
+  assert(0);
+  static int counter = 0;
+  myId = counter++;
+    // Calculate a bounding box if there isn't one already
+  curveFacetEvalTool = curve_facet_tool; 
+  myStartPoint = start_ptr;
+  myEndPoint = end_ptr;
+  periodic = start_ptr == end_ptr;
+  sense_ = sense;
+// Purpose       : The destructor. 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the GE. The name is attached to the 
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+void OCCCurve::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.append_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple 
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+void OCCCurve::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.remove_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple 
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+void OCCCurve::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  { attribSet.remove_all_attributes(); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the  
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&
+                                               csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes(csa_list); }
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::get_simple_attribute( const CubitString& name,
+                                      DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( name, csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::save_attribs( FILE *file_ptr )
+  { return attribSet.save_attributes(file_ptr); }
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::restore_attribs( FILE *file_ptr, unsigned int endian )
+  { return attribSet.restore_attributes(file_ptr, endian); }
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: OCCQueryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+GeometryQueryEngine* OCCCurve::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Purpose       : Get the bounding box of the object.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 10/23/96
+CubitBox OCCCurve::bounding_box() const 
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  Bnd_Box aBox;
+  BndLib_Add3dCurve::Add(acurve, Precision::Approximation(), aBox);
+  double min[3], max[3];
+  aBox.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+  return CubitBox(min, max);
+// Purpose       : Return the length of the curve.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+double OCCCurve::measure()
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  return GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(acurve);
+// Purpose       : Return the arc length along the Curve starting from
+//                 the point represented by the parameter1 going to the 
+//                 point represented by parameter2.
+// Special Notes : The sign of the returned length value is always positive.
+//                 Parameter1 and parameter2 are with respect to the EDGE.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+double OCCCurve::length_from_u( double parameter1, double parameter2 )
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  return GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(acurve, parameter1, parameter2);
+// Purpose       : Returns CUBIT_TRUE and the associated period value. Not
+//                 implemented yet
+// Special Notes :  
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitBoolean OCCCurve::is_periodic(double& period)
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  if (acurve.IsPeriodic())
+  {
+    period = acurve.Period();
+    return CUBIT_TRUE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose: Returns CUBIT_TRUE and the associated parametric values, 
+//          if the facet curve associated with the first EDGE is 
+//          parametric.
+//          Otherwise returns CUBIT_FALSE and the values of 
+//          the lower and upper parametric bounds are undetermined.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitBoolean OCCCurve::get_param_range( double& lower_bound,
+                                          double& upper_bound )
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  lower_bound = acurve.FirstParameter();
+  upper_bound = acurve.LastParameter();
+  return CUBIT_TRUE;
+// Purpose:        Finds the extrema along this Curve. 
+// Special Notes : It is the responsibility of the
+//                 calling code to delete the CubitVectors added to 
+//                 interior_points!
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 05/29/01
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::get_interior_extrema(
+  DLIList<CubitVector*>& interior_points,
+  CubitSense& return_sense )
+  // Danilov: try to use GeomAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve
+  assert(0);
+  // Need curveFacetEvalTool to get point list
+  if( ! curveFacetEvalTool ) 
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  // Get list of points defining this curve
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
+  get_points( point_list );
+  // If there are only 2 points, then the curve is a line and there
+  // are no interior extrema
+  if( point_list.size() < 3 )
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  // Return sense is whatever the sense of this curve is.
+  return_sense = sense_;
+  // Get a vector between the first two points
+  point_list.reset();
+  CubitVector prev_pt = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+  CubitVector curr_pt = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+  CubitVector prev_vct = curr_pt - prev_pt;
+  CubitVector next_vct;
+  for( int i = point_list.size(); i > 2; i-- )
+  {
+    // Get a vector between the next two points
+    next_vct = point_list.get()->coordinates() - curr_pt;
+    // In CurveACIS::get_interior_extrema, the extrema seem to
+    // be evaluated with respect to the principle axes, so do
+    // the same here.  The extrema are points at which the
+    // derivitive in the specified direction (principle axis)
+    // is zero.  So look for a sign change in the slope across
+    // a point wrt each principle direction.
+    if( (prev_vct.x() * next_vct.x() < 0.) ||  // x extrema
+        (prev_vct.y() * next_vct.y() < 0.) ||  // y extrema
+        (prev_vct.z() * next_vct.z() < 0.)  )  // z extrema
+      interior_points.append( new CubitVector( curr_pt ) );
+    // Advance to next point.
+    prev_vct = next_vct;
+    curr_pt = point_list.get_and_step()->coordinates();
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : This function computes the point on the curve closest 
+//                 to the input location.  Optionally, it can also compute
+//                 the tangent and curvature on the Curve at the point on
+//                 on the Curve closest to the input location.
+// Special Notes : The tangent direction is always in the positive direction of the 
+//                 owning RefEdge, regardless of the positive direction of the
+//                 underlying solid model entities.
+//                 If the calling code needs the tangent and/or the curvature,
+//                 it is responsible for allocating the memory for these
+//                 CubitVector(s) and sending in the relevant non-NULL
+//                 pointers to this routine.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::closest_point( 
+  CubitVector const& location, 
+  CubitVector& closest_location,
+  CubitVector* tangent_ptr,
+  CubitVector* curvature_ptr,
+  double* param)
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  double newVal=0.0;
+  int i;
+  BRepLProp_CLProps CLP(acurve, 2, Precision::PConfusion());
+  Extrema_ExtPC ext(p, acurve, Precision::Approximation());
+  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+		  if ( ext.IsMin(i) ) {
+			  newVal = ext.Point(i).Parameter();
+			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
+			  CLP.SetParameter(newVal);
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
+  if (tangent_ptr != NULL) {
+	  gp_Dir tangent;
+	  if (CLP.IsTangentDefined()) {
+		  CLP.Tangent(tangent);
+		  *tangent_ptr = CubitVector(tangent.X(), tangent.Y(), tangent.Z()); 
+	  }
+  }
+  if (curvature_ptr != NULL) {
+	  double curvature = CLP.Curvature();
+	  // Danilov: confused here
+  }
+  if (param != NULL) {
+	  *param = newVal;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose: This function returns the coordinate of a point in the local
+//          parametric (u) space that corresponds to the input position 
+//          in global (world) space.  The input point is first moved to 
+//          the closest point on the Curve and the parameter value of 
+//          that point is determined. 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::position_from_u (double u_value,
+                                        CubitVector& output_position)
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  gp_Pnt p = acurve.Value(u_value);
+  output_position.x(p.X());
+  output_position.y(p.Y());
+  output_position.z(p.Z());
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : This function returns the coordinate of a point in the local
+//                 parametric (u) space that corresponds to the input position 
+//                 in global (world) space.  The input point is first moved to 
+//                 the closest point on the Curve and the parameter value of 
+//                 that point is determined. 
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Malcolm J. Panthaki
+// Creation Date : 2/25/97
+double OCCCurve::u_from_position (const CubitVector& input_position)
+    // Get the closest point on the Curve to the input position
+  CubitVector closest_point;
+  double u_val;
+  this->closest_point(input_position, closest_point,
+                      NULL, NULL, &u_val);
+    // closest_point already makes adjustments for sense and periodicity
+  return u_val;
+// Purpose: This function returns the parameter value of the point 
+//          that is "arc_length" away from the root point, in the
+//          positive sense direction of the owning RefEdge.
+// Special Notes : 
+//   If arc_length is negative, the new point (whose parameter value
+//   is being computed) is in the negative sense direction (along
+//   the RefEdge) from the root point (whose parameter value is
+//   root_param).
+//   If the curve is not periodic and the new point, "arc_length"
+//   away from the root point in the appropriate direction, goes
+//   beyond the end point of the first EDGE, that end point is used
+//   to generate the returned parameter value.
+// If the curve is periodic and the new point, "arc_length" away
+// from the root point in the appropriate direction, goes beyond
+// the end point of the first EDGE, wrap around is done.  After
+// wrap around, the point is treated as with other curves
+// NOTE:
+// The important assumption that is made in this routine is that
+// the end points of the RefEdge that owns this CurveACIS are the
+// same as the end points of the first ACIS EDGE in the list of EDGEs
+// associated with this CurveACIS.
+// Assume that the parameter root_param is with respect to the
+// RefEdge as well as arc_length.  Before calling the ACIS "curve",
+// we need to get them with respect to the curve.   
+// Creator       : Malcolm J. Panthaki
+// Creation Date : 2/28/97
+double OCCCurve::u_from_arc_length ( double root_param,
+                                       double arc_length )
+  BRepAdaptor_Curve acurve(*myTopoDSEdge);
+  GCPnts_AbscissaPoint abs(acurve, arc_length, root_param);
+  if (abs.IsDone()) return abs.Parameter();
+  else return 0.0;
+// Purpose       : This function tests the passed in position to see if
+//                 is on the underlying curve. 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitBoolean OCCCurve::is_position_on( const CubitVector &test_position )
+  CubitVector new_point;
+  CubitStatus stat = closest_point(test_position, new_point, NULL,NULL,NULL);
+  if ( !stat )
+    return CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitVector result_vec = test_position - new_point;
+  if ( result_vec.length_squared() < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
+    return CUBIT_TRUE;
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : This function returns the type of underlying curve. 
+// Special Notes : It checks to see if *any* of the ACIS curves associated
+//                 with the EDGEs in the list of EDGEs of this Curve is of
+//                 a particular type and returns the appropriate value
+//                 of the enum, CurveType.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+GeometryType OCCCurve::geometry_type()
+// Purpose       : Return direction of point on curve
+// Special Notes : not currently implemented
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::get_point_direction( CubitVector& point, 
+                                             CubitVector& direction )
+  point = point;
+  direction = direction;
+  PRINT_DEBUG_122("OCCCurve::get_point_direction currently not implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Purpose       : Return the center and radius of an arc
+// Special Notes : not currently implemented
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::get_center_radius( CubitVector& center, 
+                                           double& radius )
+  center = center;
+  radius = radius;
+  PRINT_DEBUG_122("OCCCurve::get_center_radius currently not implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Purpose       : This function returns the start parameter.
+// Special Notes : The start param is with respect to the ref_edge.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+double OCCCurve::start_param()
+   double start = 0.0, end = 0.0;
+   get_param_range( start, end );
+   return start;
+// Purpose       : This function returns the end parameter.
+// Special Notes : The end param is with respect to the ref_edge.
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+double OCCCurve::end_param()
+   double start = 0.0, end = 0.0;
+   get_param_range( start, end );
+   return end;
+void OCCCurve::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->bodysms(bodies);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->lumps(lumps);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->shellsms(shellsms);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->surfaces(surfaces);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  int ii; 
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->loopsms(loopsms);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  int ii; 
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    coedgesms.append_unique( myCoEdges.get_and_step() );
+  } 
+void OCCCurve::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  curves.append_unique( this );
+void OCCCurve::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  points.append_unique( myStartPoint );
+  points.append_unique( myEndPoint );
+void OCCCurve::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents ) 
+  { CAST_LIST_TO_PARENT( myCoEdges, parents ); }
+void OCCCurve::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children ) 
+	TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+	TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSEdge, TopAbs_VERTEX, M);
+	TopologyBridge *point1, *point2;
+	if (M.Extent()==1) {
+		point1 = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(1));
+		children.append_unique(point1);
+	} else if (M.Extent()==2) {
+		if (  fabs(BRep_Tool::Parameter(TopoDS::Vertex(M(1)), *myTopoDSEdge)-start_param()) > 
+				fabs(BRep_Tool::Parameter(TopoDS::Vertex(M(2)), *myTopoDSEdge)-start_param())  ) {
+			point1 = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(2));
+			point2 = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(1));
+		} else {
+			point1 = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(1));
+			point2 = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(2));
+		}
+		if (point1 == point2) {
+			children.append_unique(point1);
+		} else {
+			children.append_unique(point1);
+			children.append_unique(point2);
+		}
+	}
+// Purpose       : Check for G1 discontinuity
+// Special Notes : not implemented
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+CubitBoolean OCCCurve::G1_discontinuous( 
+      double param, CubitVector* mtan, CubitVector* ptan )
+  assert(0);
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
+  curveFacetEvalTool->get_points( point_list );
+  CubitVector position;
+  position_from_u( param, position );
+  point_list.reset();
+  CubitPoint* prev = point_list.get_and_step();
+  for( int i = point_list.size(); i > 2; i--)
+  {
+    CubitPoint* point = point_list.get_and_step();
+    if( (point->coordinates() - position).length_squared() < 
+    {
+      if( mtan )
+      {
+        *mtan = point->coordinates() - prev->coordinates();
+      }
+      if( ptan )
+      {
+        *ptan = point_list.get()->coordinates() - point->coordinates();
+      }
+      return CUBIT_TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : retreive the facet edge list for this curve
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/10/00
+void OCCCurve::get_facets(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*>& facet_list)
+  if (curveFacetEvalTool)
+  {
+    curveFacetEvalTool->get_facets(facet_list);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("curve facet evaluation tool not defined for OCCCurve\n");
+  }
+// Purpose       : retreive the facet point list for this curve
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/10/00
+void OCCCurve::get_points(DLIList<CubitPoint*>& point_list)
+  if (curveFacetEvalTool)
+  {
+    curveFacetEvalTool->get_points(point_list);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("curve facet evaluation tool not defined for OCCCurve\n");
+  }
+// Purpose       : set the facetLength in the CurveFacetEvalTool
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 03/19/02
+void OCCCurve::reset_length()
+  if (curveFacetEvalTool)
+  {
+    curveFacetEvalTool->set_length();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("curve facet evaluation tool not defined for OCCCurve\n");
+  }
+void OCCCurve::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells( shell_list );
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = shell_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCShell* shell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    shell->get_lumps( result_list );
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(shell->get_lump());
+    if (lump)
+      result_list.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> temp_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = surface_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surface = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    temp_list.clean_out();
+    surface->get_shells( temp_list );
+    result_list.merge_unique( temp_list );
+  }
+void OCCCurve::get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loop_list;
+  get_loops( loop_list );
+  loop_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = loop_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCLoop* loop = loop_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCSurface* surface = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(loop->get_surface());
+    if (surface)
+      result_list.append_unique(surface);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::get_loops( DLIList<OCCLoop*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCLoop* loop = dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(coedge->get_loop());
+    if (loop)
+      result_list.append_unique(loop);
+  }
+void OCCCurve::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  myCoEdges.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < myCoEdges.size(); i++ )
+    if ( OCCCoEdge* coedge = dynamic_cast<OCCCoEdge*>(myCoEdges.next(i)) )
+      result_list.append(coedge);
+void OCCCurve::get_points( DLIList<OCCPoint*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSEdge, TopAbs_VERTEX, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=M.Extent(); ii>0; ii--) {
+	  TopologyBridge *point = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(point));
+  }
+// ********** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN PROTECTED FUNCTIONS    **********
+// ********** END PROTECTED FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS      **********
+// Adjusts the input parameter so that it falls within the
+// parameter range of this Curve, if possible.  Necessary for
+// periodic curves.
+void OCCCurve::adjust_periodic_parameter(double& param)
+  assert(0);
+    // Adjustment only legal if this is a periodic curve.
+  double period;
+  if ( this->is_periodic(period) && (fabs(period) > CUBIT_RESABS))
+  {
+    double upper_bound, lower_bound;
+    this->get_param_range( lower_bound, upper_bound );
+    double edge_range = upper_bound - lower_bound;
+		assert( edge_range > CUBIT_RESABS * 100 );
+    lower_bound -= CUBIT_RESABS;
+    upper_bound += CUBIT_RESABS;
+      // Make sure period is positive
+    if (period < 0.)
+      period = -period;
+      // Move the parameter above the low param
+    while (param < lower_bound)
+      param += period;
+      // Move the parameter below the high param
+    while (param > upper_bound)
+      param -= period;
+  }
+CubitPointContainment OCCCurve::point_containment( const CubitVector &/*point*/ )
+CubitPointContainment OCCCurve::point_containment( double /*u_param*/, 
+                                                       double /*v_param*/ )
+CubitPointContainment OCCCurve::point_containment( CubitVector &/*point*/, 
+                                                       double /*u_param*/,
+                                                       double /*v_param*/ )
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+CubitStatus OCCCurve::disconnect_coedge( OCCCoEdge* coedge )
+  assert(0);
+  if (!myCoEdges.move_to(coedge))
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  myCoEdges.remove();
+  assert(coedge->curve() == this);
+  coedge->remove_curve();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// ********** END PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASSES         **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASSES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END STATIC FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+// Filename      : OCCCurve.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/14/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "Curve.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class CurveFacetEvalTool;
+class FacetEvalTool;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class CurveFacetEvalTool;
+class Point;
+class CubitPoint;
+class CubitFacetEdge;
+class CubitFacetEdge;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCPoint;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+class OCCCurve : public Curve
+public :
+  OCCCurve( TopoDS_Edge *theEdge );
+  OCCCurve( CurveFacetEvalTool *curve_facet_tool,
+              Point *fp0, Point *fp1,
+              DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgelist );
+    //I- curve_facet_eval_tool_ptr pointer
+    //I- A pointer to the set of facet edges that define this curve.
+  OCCCurve( CurveFacetEvalTool *curve_facet_tool,
+              Point *fp0, Point *fp1,
+              CubitSense sense );
+    //I- curve_facet_eval_tool_ptr pointer
+    //I- start and end points 
+    //I- Sense of curve 
+  virtual ~OCCCurve() ;
+    //- The destructor
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
+    //- see comments in GeometryEntity.hpp
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  virtual double measure();
+    //R double
+    //R- The numeric value of the measure (its units depend on the dimension
+    //R- of the RefEntity being "measured")
+    //- A generic geometric extent function.
+    //- Returns volume for Lump, area for Surface, length for Curve and 
+    //- 1.0 for Point
+    //-
+    //- If there is an error computing the length a value of -1.0 is
+    //- returned.
+  virtual double length_from_u( double parameter1,
+                                double parameter2 );
+    //R double
+    //R- Returned length value
+    //I parameter1
+    //I- The first parameter value
+    //I parameter2
+    //I- The second parameter value
+    //- This function returns the arc length along the Curve starting from
+    //- the point represented by the parameter1 going to the point represented
+    //- by parameter2.
+    //-
+    //- The sign of the returned length value is always positive.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic( double& period);
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O period
+    //O- Returned period value
+    //- This function determines whether the underlying geometry of the
+    //- Curve is periodic or not.  Returns CUBIT_TRUE if it is and 
+    //- CUBIT_FALSE if it is not.
+    //-
+    //- If it is periodic, then it returns the period in the input
+    //- reference variable, "period". This value is set to 0.0 if
+    //- the Curve is not periodic.
+    //- 
+  virtual CubitBoolean get_param_range( double& lower_bound,
+                                        double& upper_bound );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O lower_bound
+    //O- The lower bound of the parametric range.
+    //O upper_bound
+    //O- The upper bound of the parametric range.
+    //- Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
+    //- Curve.
+    //-
+    //- Note that the lower bound is the parameter value of the start
+    //- location of the RefEdge that uses this Curve and the upper
+    //- bound is the parameter value of the end location of the RefEdge
+    //- that uses this Curve.  This takes into account the sense of the
+    //- RefEdge with respect to the Curve (which could be REVERSED).
+    //- Hence, the numerical value of the lower parameter bound could be
+    //- greater than that of the upper parameter bound.
+  virtual CubitStatus get_interior_extrema(DLIList<CubitVector*>& interior_points,
+                                           CubitSense& return_sense);
+    //- Finds the extrema along this RefEdge.  An extremum is defined as
+    //- a local min or max in the direction of one of the primary axial directions.
+    //- O-interior_points: list of coordinates where the extrema occur.
+    //- O-return_sense: Whether the interior extrema are ordered in the
+    //-                 FORWARD or REVERSED direction of this RefEdge.
+    //-
+    //- ***IMPORTANT!!!***
+    //-    This function dynamically allocates the CubitVectors appended to
+    //-    interior_points.  It is the responsibility of the calling code to
+    //-    delete these CubitVectors (or in the case of RefEdge, to make sure
+    //-    that *it's* calling code knows that it should delete the CubitVectors)!
+  virtual CubitStatus closest_point( CubitVector const& location, 
+                                     CubitVector& closest_location,
+                                     CubitVector* tangent_ptr = NULL,
+                                     CubitVector* curvature_ptr = NULL,
+                                     double *param = NULL);
+    //R void
+    //I location
+    //I- The point to which the closest point on the Curve is desired.
+    //O closest_location
+    //O- The point on the Curve, closest to the input location which
+    //O- might not be on the Curve.  This is input as a reference 
+    //O- so that the function can modify its contents.
+    //O tangent_ptr
+    //O- The tangent to the Curve (output as a unit vector) at the 
+    //O- closest_location.
+    //O curvature_ptr
+    //O- The curvature of the Curve at the closest_location.
+    //- This function computes the point on the Curve closest to the input 
+    //- location.
+    //-
+    //- If the tangent and/or curvature is required, then the calling code
+    //- is responsible for allocating space for the CubitVector(s) and
+    //- sending in the relevant non-NULL pointers.  If either of these
+    //- pointers is NULL, the related quantity is not computed.
+    //-
+    //- Notes:
+    //- The tangent direction is always in the positive direction of the 
+    //- *owning RefEdge*, regardless of the positive direction of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities.
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_tangent( CubitVector const& location, 
+                    CubitVector& tangent);
+    //- this function returns the tangent vector at the given location
+  void get_curvature( CubitVector const& location, 
+                      CubitVector& curvature);
+    //- this function returns the curvature vector at the given location
+  virtual CubitStatus position_from_u (double u_value,
+                                       CubitVector& output_position);
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I u_value
+    //I- The input u parameter value
+    //O output_position
+    //O- The output position
+    //- This function returns the coordinates of a point in the global
+    //- (world) space that corresponds to the input parametric position 
+    //- in the local space.
+    //-
+    //- If the input parameter value is not defined for the Curve, then 
+    //- the input CubitVector is not modified and CUBIT_FAILURE is
+    //- returned. Otherwise, position is appropriately modified and
+    //- CUBIT_SUCCESS is returned.
+    //-
+    //- If the curve is periodic, the input u_value is first "normalized"
+    //- to the fundamental period of the Curve before its position
+    //- in global space is determined.
+  double u_from_position (const CubitVector& input_position);
+  virtual double u_from_arc_length ( double root_param,
+                                     double arc_length );
+    //R double
+    //R- Returned parameter value
+    //I root_param
+    //I- The parameter value of the "root point"
+    //I arc_length
+    //I- A distance along the Curve
+    //- This function returns the parameter value of the point that is
+    //- "arc_length" away from the root point in the
+    //- positive sense direction of the owning RefEdge.
+    //-
+    //- If arc_length is negative, the new point (whose parameter value is
+    //- being computed) is in the negative sense direction (along the 
+    //- RefEdge) from the root point (whose parameter value is root_param).
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_position_on( const CubitVector &test_position );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //I CubitVector
+    //I- position, point where we want to test, whether or not it
+    //- is on the curve.
+  GeometryType geometry_type();
+    //R GeometryType (enum)
+    //R- The enumerated type of the geometric representation
+  CubitStatus get_point_direction( CubitVector& origin, CubitVector& direction );
+  //- Only valid for straight lines
+  //- Finds the underlying line's origin and direction unit vector
+  //- Returns CUBIT_FAILURE if curve is not a line
+  CubitStatus get_center_radius( CubitVector& center, double& radius );
+  //- Only valid for arcs
+  //- Finds the underlying arc's center point and radius
+  //- Returns CUBIT_FAILURE if curve is not an arc
+  virtual double start_param();
+    //R double parameter
+    //R- start parameter of curve with respect to refEdge.
+  virtual double end_param();
+    //R double parameter
+    //R- start parameter of curve with respect to refEdge.
+  virtual CubitBoolean G1_discontinuous( double param,
+                                         CubitVector* minus_tangent = NULL,
+                                         CubitVector* plus_tangent = NULL );
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point );
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( double u, double v );
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( CubitVector &point, 
+                                                   double u, double v );
+    //R CubitPointContainment - is the point outside, inside or on the boundary?
+    //I CubitVector
+    //I- position to check, known to be on the Surface
+    //I double
+    //I- u coordinate, if known (significantly faster, if this is known - however
+    //                           if not known let the function figure it out)
+    //I double
+    //I- v coordinate, if known (significantly faster, if this is known - however
+    //                           if not known let the function figure it out)
+  CubitStatus save_attribs( FILE* file_ptr );
+    // Write FactAttribs out to file
+  CubitStatus restore_attribs( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned int endian );
+    // Read FactAttribs from file
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  void add_loop( LoopSM *loop_ptr )
+    { myLoops.append_unique( loop_ptr ); }
+    //- associate this curve with a coedge
+  void add_coedge( CoEdgeSM *coedge_ptr )
+    { myCoEdges.append_unique( coedge_ptr ); }
+    //- associate this curve with a coedge
+  void get_facets(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*>& facet_list);
+    //- Gets the list of facets describing this curve.
+  void get_points(DLIList<CubitPoint*>& point_list);
+    //- Gets the list of points describing this curve.
+  void reset_length();
+    //- update the length of the facet curve
+  CurveFacetEvalTool *get_eval_tool()
+    { return curveFacetEvalTool; }
+    //- return the curve evaluation tool
+  void set_eval_tool( CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool)
+    { curveFacetEvalTool = eval_tool; } 
+    //- set the curve evaluation tool
+  Point *start_point()
+    { assert(0);return myStartPoint; }
+  Point *end_point()
+    { assert(0);return myEndPoint; }
+  CubitSense get_sense() { return sense_; }
+  CubitStatus disconnect_coedge( OCCCoEdge* coedge );
+  void remove_start_point() { myStartPoint = 0; }
+  void remove_end_point() { myEndPoint = 0; }
+  bool has_parent_coedge() { return myCoEdges.size() > 0; }
+  CubitSense get_relative_curve_sense();
+    //R CubitSense
+    //R- Returned sense value
+    //- Returns the sense of the RefEdge with respect to the underlying
+    //- facet curve.
+  void adjust_periodic_parameter(double& param);
+  CubitSense sense_;
+    //- The sense of the RefEdge that owns this Curve with respect
+    //- to the positive sense of the first EDGE in EDGEPtrList_.
+    //- When a Curve is first constructed, this value is arbitrarily
+    //- set to CUBIT_FORWARD.
+    //- MJP NOTE:
+    //- Not only does the RefEdge have a sense wrt its Curve, but each
+    //- ACIS EDGE has a sense wrt its underlying "curve" object.
+  OCCAttribSet attribSet;
+    //List of OCCAttrib*'s instead of CubitSimpleAttribs 
+  friend void run_test_function();
+  CurveFacetEvalTool *curveFacetEvalTool;
+  TopoDS_Edge *myTopoDSEdge;
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> myLoops;
+  Point *myStartPoint;
+  Point *myEndPoint;
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> myCoEdges;
+  int myId;
+  bool periodic;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCCurve.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCGeometryCreator.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCGeometryCreator.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCGeometryCreator.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Filename      : OCCGeometryCreator.hpp 
+// Purpose       : For a list of facets, builds a topology of
+//                 surfaces, curves and vertices 
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Date          : 4/29/2001
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+class FacetEntity;
+class FacetCurveMesh;
+class FacetSurfaceMesh;
+class FacetVolumeMesh;
+class LoopSM;
+class Body;
+class Surface;
+class FacetPointMesh;
+class CubitPoint;
+class CubitFacetEdge;
+class CubitFacet;
+class FacetGeometryCreator
+  FacetGeometryCreator( );
+  FacetGeometryCreator(DLIList<FacetEntity*> &face_list,
+                       DLIList<FacetEntity*> &edge_list,
+                       DLIList<FacetEntity*> &point_list );
+  //- Constructor
+  ~FacetGeometryCreator();
+  //- Destructor
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  CubitStatus create_geometry(CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,
+                              double angle,
+                              int interp_order,
+                              CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                              CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                              DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+    //- Creates the geometry infrastructure based on
+    //- the given mesh data.
+  void print_me();
+  DLIList<FacetEntity*> faceList;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity*> edgeList;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity*> pointList;
+  DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> facetSurfaceList;
+  DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> facetCurveList;
+  DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> facetPointList;
+  DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> *hashCurveArray;
+  int hashCurveSize;
+  DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> *hashPointArray;
+  int hashPointSize;
+  void set_up_tool_datas( );
+  void delete_tool_datas( );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  int facet_dimension(FacetEntity *facet_ptr);
+    //- returns the dimension of the facet entity.
+  CubitStatus create_volume_boundaries( DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> &facet_surface_sheets,
+                                        CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,
+                                        double min_dot,
+                                        CubitBoolean split_surfaces );
+    //- creates the correct facetsurfaces for all the element blocks.
+  CubitStatus create_surface_boundaries( DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> &facet_surface_list,
+                                         DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list,
+                                         CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,
+                                         double min_dot );
+    //- creates the correct blockcurves for all the surfaces
+  CubitStatus create_curve_boundaries( DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list,
+                                       DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> &facet_point_list );
+    //- creates the correct blockpoints for all the curves
+  CubitStatus classify_edge( FacetEntity *edge_ptr,
+                             DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list,
+                             FacetSurfaceMesh *fsm_ptr );
+    //- sorts a edge into its correct curve based on its associated
+    //- blocks and sidesets.  Creates a new facet curve if necessary.
+  CubitStatus classify_point(CubitPoint *point_ptr,
+                             DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> &facet_point_list,
+                             FacetCurveMesh *fcm_ptr ); 
+    //- sorts a node into correct point based on its associated
+    //- curve.  Creates a new facet point if necessary
+  CubitStatus build_geometry( DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> &facet_surface_list,
+                              DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list,
+                              DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> &facet_point_list,
+                              int interp_order,
+                              CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,
+                              double min_dot,
+                              CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold ,
+                              CubitBoolean split_surfaces );
+    //- build the CUBIT geometry based on the Facet entity class lists
+  CubitStatus build_point_geometry( DLIList<FacetPointMesh*> &facet_point_list );
+    //- From the facet point list, create geometric points for each
+  CubitStatus build_curve_geometry( DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list );
+    //- From the facet curve list, create geometric curves for each
+  CubitStatus build_loop_geometry( DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> &facet_curve_list,
+                                   FacetSurfaceMesh *fsm_ptr,
+                                   DLIList<LoopSM*> &loop_list,
+                                   int &ncurves );
+    //- From the facet curve list of a surface, create geometric loops
+  CubitStatus build_surface_geometry( DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> &facet_surface_list,
+                                      int interp_order, double min_dot );
+    //- From the facet surface list, create geometric surface,
+    //- loops and coedges for each surface in the list
+  CubitStatus init_hash_curves( );
+  void delete_hash_curves( );
+  int get_curve_hash_key( DLIList<FacetSurfaceMesh*> *bsm_list_ptr );
+    // functions for hashing curves - to speed up edge classification
+  CubitStatus init_hash_points( );
+  void delete_hash_points( );
+  int get_point_hash_key( DLIList<FacetCurveMesh*> *bsm_list_ptr );
+    // functions for hashing points - to speed up node classification
+  CubitStatus clean_geometry( CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                            CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                            CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,
+                            double min_dot,
+                            DLIList <FacetCurveMesh *> &facet_curve_list );
+    //- fix the edge control points and the normals so they are conforming
+    //- (or non-conforming) accross curves

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+// Filename      : OCCLoop.cpp
+// Purpose       : Loops for Facet-based geometry module
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/06/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "CoEdgeSM.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the FacetEvalTool.
+// Special Notes :
+OCCLoop::OCCLoop( TopoDS_Wire *theWire )
+  myTopoDSWire = theWire;
+OCCLoop::OCCLoop( Surface *surf_ptr,
+                      DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list )
+  mySurface = surf_ptr;
+  myCoEdges += coedge_list;
+// Purpose       : The constructor with coedges.
+// Special Notes :
+OCCLoop::OCCLoop( DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list )
+  myCoEdges += coedge_list;
+// Purpose       : The default destructor.
+// Special Notes :
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the GE. The name is attached to the
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes :
+void OCCLoop::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib* /*csattrib_ptr*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCLoop::append_simple_attribute_virt not defined\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes :
+void OCCLoop::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib* /*csattrib_ptr*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCLoop::remove_simple_attribute_virt not defined\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes :
+void OCCLoop::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  //PRINT_ERROR(" OCCLoop::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt not defined\n");
+  return;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitStatus OCCLoop::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&
+                                                 /*cubit_simple_attrib_list*/)
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCLoop::get_simple_attribute not defined\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCLoop::get_simple_attribute(const CubitString&,
+                                              DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&)
+  { return CUBIT_FAILURE; }
+// Purpose       : compute bounding box of loop
+// Special Notes :
+CubitBox OCCLoop::bounding_box() const
+   CubitBox box;
+   PRINT_ERROR("OCCLoop::bounding_box not implemented\n");
+   return box;
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: OCCQueryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+GeometryQueryEngine* OCCLoop::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+   return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+void OCCLoop::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies)
+  mySurface->bodysms(bodies);
+void OCCLoop::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+  mySurface->lumps(lumps);
+void OCCLoop::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  mySurface->shellsms(shellsms);
+void OCCLoop::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  surfaces.append_unique( mySurface );
+void OCCLoop::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  loopsms.append_unique( this );
+void OCCLoop::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    coedgesms.append_unique(myCoEdges.get_and_step());
+  }
+void OCCLoop::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->curves(curves);
+  }
+void OCCLoop::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCoEdges.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCoEdges.get_and_step()->points(points);
+  }
+void OCCLoop::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents )
+  { parents.append( mySurface ); }
+void OCCLoop::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSWire, TopAbs_EDGE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *curve = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  children.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+void OCCLoop::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells( shell_list );
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = shell_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCShell* shell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    shell->get_lumps( result_list );
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(shell->get_lump());
+    if (lump)
+      result_list.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCLoop::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  if ( OCCSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurface) )
+    surf->get_shells( result_list );
+void OCCLoop::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSWire, TopAbs_EDGE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *curve = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCCoEdge*>(curve));
+  }
+void OCCLoop::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+    if (curve)
+      result_list.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+void OCCLoop::disconnect_all_coedges()
+  myCoEdges.reset();
+  for (int i = myCoEdges.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    CoEdgeSM* sm_ptr = myCoEdges.get_and_step();
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = dynamic_cast<OCCCoEdge*>(sm_ptr);
+    if (coedge)
+    {
+      assert(coedge->get_loop() == this);
+      coedge->remove_loop();
+    }
+  }
+  myCoEdges.clean_out();

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// Filename      : OCCLoop.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/06/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+#ifndef LOOP_Facet_HPP
+#define LOOP_Facet_HPP
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CubitEntity.hpp"
+#include "LoopSM.hpp"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+class GeometryEntity;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+class OCCLoop : public LoopSM
+public :
+  OCCLoop( TopoDS_Wire *theWire );	
+  OCCLoop( Surface *surf_ptr,
+             DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list );
+    //I- surf_ptr
+    //I- A pointer to the set of CoEdges that bound this loop
+  OCCLoop( DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list );
+    //I- A pointer to the set of CoEdges that bound this loop
+  virtual ~OCCLoop() ;
+    //- The destructor
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
+    // see comments in GeometryEntity.hpp
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  void add_surface( Surface *new_surface_ptr )
+    { mySurface = new_surface_ptr; }
+  void reverse()
+    { myCoEdges.reverse(); }
+  inline Surface* get_surface() const { return mySurface; }
+  inline void remove_surface() { mySurface = 0; }
+  void disconnect_all_coedges();
+  Surface *mySurface;
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> myCoEdges;
+  TopoDS_Wire *myTopoDSWire;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLoop.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// Filename      : OCCLump.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Creator       : David White
+// Creation Date : 7/18/2000
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+#include <assert.h>
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitVector.hpp"
+#include "CubitString.hpp"
+#include "ShellSM.hpp"
+#include "BodySM.hpp"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class RefVolume;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the owning shells and body.
+// Special Notes :
+OCCLump::OCCLump(TopoDS_Solid *theSolid)
+  myTopoDSSolid = theSolid;
+OCCLump::OCCLump(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shells,
+                     BodySM *body_ptr )
+  myBodyPtr = body_ptr;
+  myShells += shells;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the GE. The name is attached to the 
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Malcolm J. Panthaki
+// Creation Date : 11/21/96
+void OCCLump::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.append_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple 
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : David R. White
+// Creation Date : 03/18/97
+void OCCLump::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa )
+  { attribSet.remove_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple 
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Greg Nielson
+// Creation Date : 07/10/98
+void OCCLump::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+{ attribSet.remove_all_attributes(); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the  
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+CubitStatus OCCLump::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCLump::get_simple_attribute( const CubitString& name,
+                                        DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list )
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( name, csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCLump::save_attribs( FILE *file_ptr )
+  { return attribSet.save_attributes( file_ptr ); }
+CubitStatus OCCLump::restore_attribs( FILE *file_ptr, unsigned int endian )
+  { return attribSet.restore_attributes( file_ptr, endian ); }
+// Purpose       : Get the bounding box of the object.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitBox OCCLump::bounding_box() const 
+  CubitBox my_box, temp_box;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  int ii;
+  const_cast<OCCLump*>(this)->get_surfaces(surfaces);
+  if (surfaces.size() > 0)
+  {
+    Surface* surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+    my_box = surface->bounding_box();
+    for ( ii = surfaces.size(); ii > 1; ii-- )
+    {
+      surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+      temp_box = surface->bounding_box();
+        //unite the boxes..
+      my_box |= temp_box;
+    }
+  }
+  return my_box;
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: AcisGeometryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+                 OCCLump::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+   return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Purpose       : Returns the volume of the Lump
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : 
+// Creation Date : 
+double OCCLump::measure()
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> bounding_facets;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> bounding_points;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  Surface *curr_surface;
+  OCCSurface *facet_surface;
+    //if this is a sheet body... return 0.0
+    //Body *tmp_body = CAST_TO(myBodyPtr->topology_entity(), Body);
+  if( is_sheet() ) 
+    return 0.0;
+  int ii;
+  get_surfaces(surfaces);
+  if (surfaces.size() > 0)
+  { 
+    for ( ii = surfaces.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+    {
+      curr_surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+      facet_surface = CAST_TO(curr_surface, OCCSurface);
+      if ( facet_surface == NULL )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Facet lump has surfaces that aren't facets?");
+        return 1;
+      }
+      facet_surface->get_my_facets(bounding_facets, bounding_points);
+    }
+  }
+  double volume, curr_facet_area, summation = 0.0;
+  CubitFacet *curr_facet;
+  CubitVector normal_of_curr_facet, vector_of_point;
+  CubitPoint *point_1, *point_2, *point_3;
+  for( int jj = bounding_facets.size(); jj > 0; jj-- )
+  {
+    curr_facet = bounding_facets.get_and_step();
+    curr_facet_area = curr_facet->area();  // Current facet's area
+    normal_of_curr_facet = curr_facet->normal(); // Current facet's normal
+    curr_facet->points(point_1, point_2, point_3); // Current facet's points
+    vector_of_point = point_1->coordinates(); // One point's vector
+    summation += ( double(vector_of_point % normal_of_curr_facet) * curr_facet_area);
+  }
+  volume = summation / 3;
+  return volume;
+void OCCLump::get_parents_virt(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &bodies) 
+  if (myBodyPtr != NULL )
+    bodies.append_unique(myBodyPtr);
+void OCCLump::get_children_virt(DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &shellsms)
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSSolid, TopAbs_SHELL, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *shell = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  shellsms.append_unique(shell);
+  }
+void OCCLump::get_bodies( DLIList<OCCBody*>& result_list )
+  OCCBody* body = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(myBodyPtr);
+  if (body)
+    result_list.append(body);
+void OCCLump::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSSolid, TopAbs_SHELL, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *shell = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCShell*>(shell));
+  }
+void OCCLump::get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> tmp_list;
+  get_shells(shell_list);
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < shell_list.size(); i++ )
+  {
+    tmp_list.clean_out();
+    shell_list.next(i)->get_surfaces( tmp_list );
+    result_list.merge_unique( tmp_list );
+  }
+void OCCLump::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++ )
+    surface_list.next(i)->get_coedges( result_list );
+void OCCLump::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+    if (curve)
+      result_list.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+void OCCLump::add_shell( OCCShell *shell )
+    ShellSM* sm_ptr; 
+    sm_ptr = dynamic_cast<ShellSM*>(shell);
+    if( sm_ptr )
+      myShells.append( sm_ptr );
+    shell->add_lump( this );
+void OCCLump::remove_shell( OCCShell *shell )
+    ShellSM* sm_ptr; 
+    sm_ptr = dynamic_cast<ShellSM*>(shell);
+    if( sm_ptr )
+      myShells.remove( sm_ptr );
+    shell->remove_lump();
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+void OCCLump::disconnect_all_shells()
+  myShells.reset();
+  for (int i = myShells.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    ShellSM* sm_ptr = myShells.get_and_step();
+    OCCShell* shell = dynamic_cast<OCCShell*>(sm_ptr);
+    if (shell)
+    {
+      assert(shell->get_lump() == this);
+      shell->remove_lump();
+    }
+  }
+  myShells.clean_out();
+// Purpose       : Calculate centroid
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 05/12/04
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+CubitStatus OCCLump::mass_properties( CubitVector& centroid, double& volume )
+  int i;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shells( myShells.size() );
+  CAST_LIST( myShells, shells, OCCShell );
+  assert( myShells.size() == shells.size() );
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> surf_shells;
+  get_surfaces( surfaces );
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets, surf_facets;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> junk;
+  DLIList<CubitSense> senses;
+  for (i = surfaces.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surf = surfaces.step_and_get();
+    surf_shells.clean_out();
+    surf->get_shells( surf_shells );
+    surf_shells.intersect( shells );
+    assert( surf_shells.size() );
+    CubitSense sense = surf->get_shell_sense( surf_shells.get() );
+    if (surf_shells.size() == 1 && CUBIT_UNKNOWN != sense)
+    {
+      surf_facets.clean_out();
+      junk.clean_out();
+      surf->get_my_facets( surf_facets, junk );
+      facets += surf_facets;
+      for (int j = surf_facets.size(); j--; )
+        senses.append(sense);
+    }
+  }
+  const CubitVector p0 = bounding_box().center();
+  CubitVector p1, p2, p3, normal;
+  centroid.set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+  volume = 0.0;
+  facets.reset();
+  senses.reset();
+  for (i = facets.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    CubitFacet* facet = facets.get_and_step();
+    CubitSense sense = senses.get_and_step();
+    p1 = facet->point(0)->coordinates();
+    p2 = facet->point(1)->coordinates();
+    p3 = facet->point(2)->coordinates();
+    normal = (p3 - p1) * (p2 - p1);
+    double two_area = normal.length();
+    if (two_area > CUBIT_RESABS )
+    {
+      if (CUBIT_REVERSED == sense)
+        normal = -normal;
+      normal /= two_area;
+      double height = normal % (p0 - p1);
+      double vol = two_area * height;
+      volume += vol;
+      centroid += vol * (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3);
+    }
+  }
+  if (volume > CUBIT_RESABS)
+    centroid /= 4.0 * volume;
+  volume /= 6.0;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitPointContainment OCCLump::point_containment( const CubitVector &point )
+  CubitPointContainment pc_value; 
+  OCCShell *facet_shell;
+  int i;
+  for(i=myShells.size(); i--;)
+  {
+    facet_shell = dynamic_cast<OCCShell*>(myShells.get_and_step()); 
+    pc_value = facet_shell->point_containment( point );
+    if( pc_value == CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE )
+      return CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;
+    else if( pc_value == CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY )
+      return CUBIT_PNT_BOUNDARY;
+  }
+//Determine whether this lump is really a sheet (that is, sheet-body).
+CubitBoolean OCCLump::is_sheet( )
+  OCCShell *facet_shell;
+  int i;
+    //if any of the shells are sheets, the body is assume to be a sheet
+    // for our purposes...
+  for(i=myShells.size(); i--;)
+  {
+    facet_shell = dynamic_cast<OCCShell*>(myShells.get_and_step()); 
+    if(facet_shell->is_sheet()){
+      return CUBIT_TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Filename      : OCCLump.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David White
+// Creation Date : 7/18/2000
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "Lump.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class BodySM;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+class OCCLump : public Lump
+  OCCLump(TopoDS_Solid *theSolid);
+  OCCLump(DLIList<ShellSM*> &my_shells,
+            BodySM *body_sm_ptr = NULL);
+    //Pass in a list of shells attached to this lump if you have them.
+    //Also pass in the body that this lump belongs to.
+  virtual ~OCCLump();
+    //- The destructor
+  void add_body(BodySM* new_body)
+    {myBodyPtr = new_body;}
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  virtual CubitStatus merge( GeometryEntity* /*GEPtr*/)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("BUG: In OCCLump::merge\n"
+                  "     This function should not be called at all\n"
+                  "  This is a Bug -- please report it!\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  virtual TopologyEntity* unmerge(DLIList<RefVolume*>)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR( "BUG: In OCCLump::unmerge\n"
+                   "     This function should not be called\n"
+                   "  This is a Bug -- please report it!\n" );
+      return (TopologyEntity*)NULL;
+    }
+  virtual double measure();
+    //R double
+    //R- The numeric value of the measure (its units depend on the dimension
+    //R- of the RefEntity being "measured")
+    //- A generic geometric extent function.
+    //- Returns volume for Lump, area for Surface, length for Curve and 
+    //- 1.0 for Point
+  CubitStatus save_attribs( FILE* file_ptr );
+    // Write FactAttribs out to file
+  CubitStatus restore_attribs( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned int endian );
+    // Read FactAttribs from file
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  inline BodySM* get_body() const { return myBodyPtr; }
+  inline void remove_body() {myBodyPtr = 0;}
+  void add_shell( OCCShell *shell ); 
+  void remove_shell( OCCShell *shell ); 
+  void disconnect_all_shells();
+  CubitStatus mass_properties( CubitVector& centroid, double& volume );
+  CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point );
+    //is this lump a sheet
+  CubitBoolean is_sheet( );
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> myShells;
+  BodySM *myBodyPtr;
+  TopoDS_Solid *myTopoDSSolid;
+  OCCAttribSet attribSet;
+    //List of OCCAttrib*'s instead of CubitSimpleAttribs 
+} ;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCLump.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,4647 @@
+// Filename      : OCCModifyEngine.cpp
+// Purpose       : ModifyEngine for faceted geometry
+// Special Notes : Modeled after GeometryModifyEngine and AcisModifyEngine.
+// Creator       : John Fowler
+// Creation Date : 6/02
+// Owner         : John Fowler
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "CubitMessage.hpp"
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitQuadFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdgeData.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
+#include "GeometryModifyTool.hpp"
+#include "ChollaSurface.hpp"
+#include "ChollaCurve.hpp"
+#include "ChollaPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "ChollaEngine.hpp"
+#include "TDGeomFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetBoundaryPoint.hpp"
+#include "Cholla.h"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "FacetDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "FBIntersect.hpp"
+#include "IntegerHash.hpp"
+#include "FacetboolInterface.hpp"
+#include "CpuTimer.hpp"
+#include "ProgressTool.hpp"
+#include "AppUtil.hpp"
+#include "SphereEvaluator.hpp"
+#include "CylinderEvaluator.hpp"
+OCCModifyEngine* OCCModifyEngine::instance_ = 0;
+// Function   : OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: constructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+//  assert( !instance_ );
+    // add this modify engine to geometrymodifytool
+  GeometryModifyTool::instance()->add_gme(this);
+// Function   : ~OCCModifyEngine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: destructor
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+        instance_ = 0;
+// Function   : make_Point
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a geometric entity point
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Point* OCCModifyEngine::make_Point( CubitVector const& /*point*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Point*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve(Curve * /*curve_ptr*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( Point const* /*point1_ptr*/,
+                             Point const* /*point2_ptr*/,
+                             Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                             const CubitVector * /*third_point*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType /*curve_type*/,
+                             Point const* /*point1_ptr*/,
+                             Point const* /*point2_ptr*/,
+                             DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*vector_list*/,
+                             Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a curve
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType /*curve_type*/,
+                             Point const* /*point1_ptr*/,
+                             Point const* /*point2_ptr*/,
+                             CubitVector const* /*intermediate_point_ptr*/,
+                             CubitSense /*sense*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( Surface * /*old_surface_ptr*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*extended_from*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Surface*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a surface
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Surface* OCCModifyEngine::make_Surface( GeometryType /*surface_type*/,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*>& /*curve_list*/,
+                                 Surface * /*old_surface_ptr*/,
+                                 bool /*check_edges*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Surface*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_Lump
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a lump
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Lump* OCCModifyEngine::make_Lump( DLIList<Surface*>& /*surface_list*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Lump*) NULL;
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( Surface * ) const
+    {return NULL ;}
+// Function   : make_BodySM
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: make a BodySM
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>& /*lump_list*/ ) const
+    {return NULL ;}
+// Function   : fillinedge
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: put points on this edge of triangle to be refined
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 11/02
+void OCCModifyEngine::fillinedge( 
+  int *edge, 
+  int numpointsonanedge, 
+  double radius, 
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *>& points) const
+  int numintervals, i;
+  double xbegin, ybegin, zbegin, xend, yend, zend, xincr, yincr, zincr;
+  double dist;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  numintervals = numpointsonanedge - 1;
+  if ( numintervals < 1 ) return;
+  xbegin = points[edge[0]]->x();
+  ybegin = points[edge[0]]->y();  
+  zbegin = points[edge[0]]->z();
+  xend = points[edge[numintervals]]->x();
+  yend = points[edge[numintervals]]->y();  
+  zend = points[edge[numintervals]]->z();  
+  xincr = (xend-xbegin)/(double)(numintervals);  
+  yincr = (yend-ybegin)/(double)(numintervals);  
+  zincr = (zend-zbegin)/(double)(numintervals);  
+  for ( i = 0; i < numintervals - 1; i++ ) {
+    xbegin += xincr; 
+    ybegin += yincr;
+    zbegin += zincr;
+    dist = sqrt(xbegin*xbegin + ybegin*ybegin + zbegin*zbegin);
+    new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xbegin*radius/dist, ybegin*radius/dist, 
+    							zbegin*radius/dist ); 
+    edge[i+1] = points.size(); // get the point number
+    points.push_back(new_point);   
+  }
+// Function   : refinetriangle
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: add internal points and make connections for this triangle
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 11/02
+void OCCModifyEngine::refinetriangle(
+  int level, 
+  int numpointsonanedge, 
+  int *iedge1, 
+  int *iedge2, 
+  int *iedge3,
+  int isign1, 
+  int isign2, 
+  int isign3, 
+  double radius,
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *>& points,
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *>& facet_list) const
+int i, numintervals, icount, j, jcount;
+int ntris;
+int iedge1cnt, iedge2cnt, iedge3cnt;
+int increment, trissofar, i1s, i2s, i1e;  
+int nverts1, nverts;
+double dlev;
+int *vertnumarray, index, iskip;
+CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+CubitPoint *new_point;
+		double x1inc, y1inc, z1inc, x2inc, y2inc, z2inc;
+		double xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, dist;
+			double xinternalinc, yinternalinc, zinternalinc;
+  numintervals = numpointsonanedge - 1;
+  iedge1cnt = ( isign1 == 1 ) ? 0 : numintervals;
+  iedge2cnt = ( isign2 == 1 ) ? 0 : numintervals;
+  iedge3cnt = ( isign3 == 1 ) ? 0 : numintervals;
+	index = points.size();
+	dlev = 1. + (double)level;
+	nverts1 = (int)(0.5*(dlev+1.)*dlev);
+	ntris = (level+1)*(level+1);
+	dlev += 1.;	
+	nverts = (int)(0.5*(dlev+1.)*dlev);
+	vertnumarray = new int[nverts];
+//  Put the point numbers for the interior points into vertnumarray.
+	if ( numintervals > 2 ) {  // numintervals must be at least 3 to make interior points
+		jcount = 1;
+		icount = 2;
+		for ( i = 2; i < numintervals; i++ ) {
+			icount += 2;
+			for ( j = 0; j < jcount; j++ ) {
+				vertnumarray[icount] = index++;
+				icount += 1;
+			}
+			jcount += 1;		
+		}	
+	}	
+	i = 3;
+	iskip = 2;
+	vertnumarray[0] = iedge1[iedge1cnt]; iedge1cnt += isign1;
+	vertnumarray[1] = iedge1[iedge1cnt]; iedge1cnt += isign1;
+	iedge2cnt += isign2;
+	vertnumarray[2] = iedge2[iedge2cnt]; iedge2cnt += isign2;
+	while ( i < nverts1 ) {
+		vertnumarray[i] = iedge1[iedge1cnt]; iedge1cnt += isign1;
+		vertnumarray[i+iskip] = iedge2[iedge2cnt]; iedge2cnt += isign2;
+		i += iskip+1;
+		iskip += 1;	
+	}
+	for ( i = nverts1; i < nverts; i++ ) {
+		vertnumarray[i] = iedge3[iedge3cnt]; iedge3cnt += isign3;
+	}	
+//!  Make the internal points, and put them on the sphere.
+	if ( numintervals > 2 ) {
+		int i1first, i1last, i2first, i2last;
+		if ( isign1 == 1 ) {
+			i1first = 0; i1last = numintervals;
+		} else {
+			i1last = 0; i1first = numintervals;
+		}
+		if ( isign2 == 1 ) {
+			i2first = 0; i2last = numintervals;
+		} else {
+			i2last = 0; i2first = numintervals;
+		}
+		x1inc = (points[iedge1[i1last]]->x() - points[iedge1[i1first]]->x())/numintervals;	
+		y1inc = (points[iedge1[i1last]]->y() - points[iedge1[i1first]]->y())/numintervals;	
+		z1inc = (points[iedge1[i1last]]->z() - points[iedge1[i1first]]->z())/numintervals;	
+		x2inc = (points[iedge2[i2last]]->x() - points[iedge2[i2first]]->x())/numintervals;	
+		y2inc = (points[iedge2[i2last]]->y() - points[iedge2[i2first]]->y())/numintervals;	
+		z2inc = (points[iedge2[i2last]]->z() - points[iedge2[i2first]]->z())/numintervals;	
+		icount = 2;
+		jcount = 1;
+		for ( i = 2; i < numintervals; i++ ) {
+		xstart = points[iedge1[i1first]]->x() + (double)i*x1inc;
+		ystart = points[iedge1[i1first]]->y() + (double)i*y1inc;
+		zstart = points[iedge1[i1first]]->z() + (double)i*z1inc;
+		xend = points[iedge2[i2first]]->x() + (double)i*x2inc;
+		yend = points[iedge2[i2first]]->y() + (double)i*y2inc;
+		zend = points[iedge2[i2first]]->z() + (double)i*z2inc;
+			xinternalinc = (xend-xstart)/(icount);    
+			yinternalinc = (yend-ystart)/(icount);    
+			zinternalinc = (zend-zstart)/(icount);    
+				for ( j = 0; j < jcount; j++ ) {
+					xstart += xinternalinc;
+					ystart += yinternalinc;
+					zstart += zinternalinc;
+    					dist = sqrt(xstart*xstart + ystart*ystart + zstart*zstart);
+  					new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xstart*radius/dist, 
+  											ystart*radius/dist,
+   											zstart*radius/dist );
+  					points.push_back(new_point);					
+				}
+			icount += 1;
+			jcount += 1;
+		}	
+	}
+//!  Make the connections.
+	increment = trissofar = 0;
+	i1s = 0;
+	i2s = 1;
+	while ( trissofar < ntris ) {
+		i1e = i1s + increment;
+		while ( i1s < i1e) {
+  			facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnumarray[i1s]],
+  							points[vertnumarray[i2s]], 
+							points[vertnumarray[i2s+1]] );
+  			facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  			facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnumarray[i1s]],
+  							points[vertnumarray[i2s+1]], 
+							points[vertnumarray[i1s+1]] );
+  			facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+			i1s++;
+			i2s++;
+			trissofar += 2;
+		}
+  			facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnumarray[i1s]],
+  							points[vertnumarray[i2s]], 
+							points[vertnumarray[i2s+1]] );
+  			facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+		increment++;
+		trissofar++;
+		i1s++;
+		i2s += 2;
+	}
+	delete [] vertnumarray;
+// Function   : sphere
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build a sphere with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::sphere(double radius) const
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  double feature_angle;
+  int i, interp_order;
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+  BodySM *body_ptr = NULL;
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+//! We use a vector for the points because when refining the triangles, we will
+//! need fast random access to them.  After all of the points have been made,
+//! they will go onto the DLIList point_list.  Then the points vector will be
+//! deleted.
+//! xp and yp are the fundamental units for an icosahedron.
+  const double xp = 0.525731112119133606*radius, zp = 0.850650808352039932*radius;
+//!  Makes an icosahedron and then refines the triangles as they are made.  Number
+//!  of levels is given by the variable "level". 
+  int level, numpointsonanedge;
+  int *edge[30];
+//! 20 faces in an icosahedron.  const int basefacets[][] holds the connections.
+//! 30 edges in an icosahedron.  const int edgeendverts[][] holds the edge endpoints.
+  const int basefacets[20][3] = { {0,1,2},{0,2,3},{3,2,4},{2,5,4},
+  				  {2,1,5},{5,1,6},{5,6,7},{4,5,7},
+				  {4,7,8},{8,7,9},{9,7,6},{9,6,10},
+				  {9,10,11},{11,10,0},{0,10,1},{10,6,1},
+				  {3,11,0},{3,8,11},{3,4,8},{9,11,8} };
+  const int edgeendverts[30][2] = { {0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{0,11},{0,10},{1,2},
+  			            {1,5},{1,6},{1,10},{2,3},{2,4},{2,5},
+			            {3,4},{3,8},{3,11},{4,5},{4,7},{4,8},
+			            {5,6},{5,7},{6,7},{6,9},{6,10},{7,8},
+			            {7,9},{8,9},{8,11},{9,10},{9,11},{10,11} };
+//!  triedges[][] holds the three edges for each of the 20 triangles.  A minus sign means
+//!  that the edge will be traversed backward.  To accommodate a zero, one has been added
+//!  to the magnitude of the edge.  So, for example, the first triangle has edges 0, 5, and 1,
+//!  with the last being traversed from end to beginning.
+  const int triedges[20][3] = { {1,2,6},{2,3,10},{-10,13,11},{12,11,-16,},
+  				{-6,12,7,},{-7,19,8,},{19,20,21},{16,17,20},
+				{17,18,24,},{-24,26,25},{-25,-22,-21},{-22,28,23},
+				{28,29,30},{-30,-4,-5},{5,1,-9},{-23,-9,-8},
+				{15,-3,-4},{14,15,27},{13,14,18},{29,-26,-27} };
+//!  12 points in an icosahedron.  svert[][] holds these. 
+  const double svert[12][3] = { {-xp,0.,zp}, {xp,0.,zp}, {0.,zp,xp}, {-zp, xp, 0.},
+  				{0.,zp,-xp}, {zp,xp,0.}, {zp,-xp,0.}, {xp,0.,-zp},
+				{-xp,0.,-zp}, {0.,-zp,-xp}, {0.,-zp,xp}, {-zp,-xp,0.} };
+  level = 7;  // gives a sphere with 642 vertices and 1280 triangles.
+  	      // Eventually this should be user-selectable.
+  numpointsonanedge = 2 + level;  
+  for ( i = 0; i < 30; i++ ) { // make the edges
+    edge[i] = new int[numpointsonanedge];
+    edge[i][0] = edgeendverts[i][0];
+    edge[i][numpointsonanedge-1] = edgeendverts[i][1];
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { // make the icosahedron vertices
+    new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( svert[i][0],svert[i][1],svert[i][2] );
+    points.push_back(new_point);
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < 30; i++ ) { // put points on the edges
+    fillinedge(edge[i], numpointsonanedge, radius, points); 
+  }
+ int sign1, sign2, sign3, edg1, edg2, edg3; 
+  for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { // refine the 20 triangles
+    edg1 = ( triedges[i][0] > 0 ) ? triedges[i][0] - 1 : -triedges[i][0] - 1;
+    edg2 = ( triedges[i][1] > 0 ) ? triedges[i][1] - 1 : -triedges[i][1] - 1;
+    edg3 = ( triedges[i][2] > 0 ) ? triedges[i][2] - 1 : -triedges[i][2] - 1;
+//! sign1, etc., says in which direction to traverse an edge
+    sign1 = ( triedges[i][0] > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
+    sign2 = ( triedges[i][1] > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
+    sign3 = ( triedges[i][2] > 0 ) ? 1 : -1;
+    refinetriangle(level,numpointsonanedge,edge[edg1],edge[edg2],edge[edg3],
+    		sign1,sign2,sign3,radius,points,facet_list);
+  }
+//! Put the points in point_list and then delete the points vector.	 
+  for ( unsigned int z = 0; z < points.size(); z++ ) {
+    point_list.append(points[z]);
+  }
+  points.clear();
+  for ( i = 0; i < 30; i++ ) delete[] edge[i];  
+  feature_angle = -1.0;
+  interp_order = 0;
+  smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = const_cast<OCCModifyEngine *> (this);
+  rv = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                   point_list,
+                                   feature_angle,
+                                   interp_order,
+                                   smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   split_surfaces,
+                                   cholla_ptr );
+  if ( rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+      CubitEvaluatorData **sphere_data;
+      set_sphere_eval_data( cholla_ptr, radius, sphere_data );
+      finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                         (const CubitEvaluatorData **)sphere_data,
+                         feature_angle,
+                         interp_order,
+                         body_ptr);
+      if ( cholla_ptr )
+      {
+         cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+         delete cholla_ptr;
+      }
+      if ( sphere_data[0] ) delete sphere_data[0];
+      delete sphere_data;
+  }
+  return body_ptr;
+void OCCModifyEngine::set_sphere_eval_data
+    ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr,
+    double radius,
+    CubitEvaluatorData **&eval_data ) const
+    eval_data = new CubitEvaluatorData*;
+    SphereEvaluatorData *data = new SphereEvaluatorData;
+    data->radius = radius;
+    data->center.set( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+    eval_data[0] = data;
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: build a brick with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( double wid, double dep, double hi ) const
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
+  DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  int i, numpoints, numtris;
+  double feature_angle;
+  int interp_order;
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+  BodySM *body_ptr = NULL;
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+  numpoints = 14;
+  numtris = 24;
+  xmin = -0.5*wid;
+  xmax = 0.5*wid;
+  ymin = -0.5*dep;
+  ymax = 0.5*dep;
+  zmin = -0.5*hi;
+  zmax = 0.5*hi;
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmin,ymin,zmin ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmax,ymin,zmin ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmax,ymin,zmax ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);  
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmin,ymin,zmax ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point); 
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmin,ymax,zmin ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmax,ymax,zmin ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmax,ymax,zmax ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);  
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmin,ymax,zmax ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);   
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.5*(xmin+xmax),0.5*(ymin+ymax),zmin ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);  
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmax,0.5*(ymin+ymax),0.5*(zmin+zmax) ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);    
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.5*(xmin+xmax),0.5*(ymin+ymax),zmax ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);  
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xmin,0.5*(ymin+ymax),0.5*(zmin+zmax) ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);   
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.5*(xmin+xmax),ymin,0.5*(zmin+zmax) ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);   
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.5*(xmin+xmax),ymax,0.5*(zmin+zmax) ); 
+  points.push_back(new_point);   
+  for ( i = 0; i < numpoints; i++ ) {
+    point_list.append(points[i]);
+  }    
+  // bottom face      
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[0],points[1], points[12] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[1],points[2], points[12] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[2],points[3], points[12] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[3],points[0], points[12] );
+  // back face
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[1],points[0], points[8] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[5],points[1], points[8] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );  
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[4],points[5], points[8] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[0],points[4], points[8] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  // left face
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[0],points[3], points[11] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[3],points[7], points[11] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[7],points[4], points[11] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[4],points[0], points[11] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr ); 
+  // top face
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[7],points[6], points[13] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[6],points[5], points[13] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[5],points[4], points[13] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[4],points[7], points[13] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr ); 
+  // right face
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[1],points[5], points[9] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[5],points[6], points[9] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[6],points[2], points[9] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[2],points[1], points[9] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr ); 
+  // front face  
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[3],points[2], points[10] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[2],points[6], points[10] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[6],points[7], points[10] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[7],points[3], points[10] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );   
+  points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+  feature_angle = 100.0;
+  interp_order = 0;
+  smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = const_cast<OCCModifyEngine *> (this);
+  rv = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                   point_list,
+                                   feature_angle,
+                                   interp_order,
+                                   smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   split_surfaces,
+                                   cholla_ptr );
+  if ( rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+      finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                         NULL,
+                         feature_angle,
+                         interp_order,
+                         body_ptr);
+      if ( cholla_ptr )
+      {
+         cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+         delete cholla_ptr;
+      }
+  }
+  return body_ptr;
+// Function   : finish_facet_Body
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: general function for creating a facet-based Body given a closed
+//              set of facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::finish_facet_Body( ChollaEngine *&cholla_ptr,
+                                                  const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+                                                  double feature_angle,
+                                                  int interp_order,
+                                                  BodySM *&bodysm_ptr) const
+  DLIList<Surface *> surface_list;
+  ShellSM *shell_ptr;
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> shell_list;
+  Lump *lump_ptr;
+  DLIList<Lump*> lump_list;
+  CubitStatus rv;
+  DLIList<ChollaSurface *> cholla_surface_list;
+  DLIList<ChollaCurve *> cholla_curve_list;
+  DLIList<ChollaPoint *> cholla_point_list;
+  cholla_ptr->get_curves( cholla_curve_list );
+  cholla_ptr->get_surfaces( cholla_surface_list );
+  cholla_ptr->get_points( cholla_point_list );
+  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle;
+  if (feature_angle < 0.0)
+    use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  else
+    use_feature_angle = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  GeometryQueryTool *gti = GeometryQueryTool::instance();  
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = const_cast<OCCModifyEngine *> (this);
+  rv = fme->build_cholla_geometry( eval_data,
+                                   cholla_surface_list,
+                                   cholla_curve_list,
+                                   cholla_point_list,
+                                   use_feature_angle, 
+                                   feature_angle,
+                                   interp_order, surface_list );
+  if ( surface_list.size() == 0 || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based surfaces.\n");
+    rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    goto end_brick;
+  }
+  // make a body out of it
+  rv = fme->make_facet_shell(surface_list,shell_ptr);
+  if ( shell_ptr == NULL || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based shell entity.\n");
+    rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    goto end_brick;
+  } 
+      //Set the sense for the surfaces (will be cofaces) on this shell.
+      //Assumption: The sense is always forward when creating geom from facets.
+      // (This may not be correct -especially with multiple shells in a body)
+  int ii;
+  OCCShell* facet_shell;
+  facet_shell = CAST_TO( shell_ptr, OCCShell );
+  for( ii = surface_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    Surface* surf = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCSurface* facet_surf = CAST_TO( surf, OCCSurface );
+    facet_surf->set_shell_sense( facet_shell, CUBIT_FORWARD );
+  }
+  shell_list.append(shell_ptr);
+  rv = fme->make_facet_lump(shell_list,lump_ptr);
+  if ( lump_ptr == NULL || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based lump entity.\n");
+    rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    goto end_brick;
+  }
+  lump_list.append(lump_ptr);
+  rv = fme->make_facet_body(lump_list,bodysm_ptr);
+  if ( rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based body entity.\n");
+    rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    goto end_brick;
+  }
+  PRINT_INFO("Body successfully created.\n");
+  PRINT_INFO("  Number of vertices = %d\n", gti->num_ref_vertices());
+  PRINT_INFO("  Number of edges = %d\n", gti->num_ref_edges());
+  PRINT_INFO("  Number of faces = %d\n", gti->num_ref_faces());
+  PRINT_INFO("  Number of volumes = %d\n", gti->num_ref_volumes());
+  PRINT_INFO("  Number of bodies = %d\n", gti->num_bodies());
+  return rv;
+  bodysm_ptr = (BodySM *)NULL;
+  return rv;
+// Function   : brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a brick with facets given center axes and extension
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::brick( const CubitVector &/*center*/, 
+                                  const CubitVector* /*axes[3]*/,
+                                  const CubitVector &/*extension*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Function   : prism
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a prism with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::prism( double /*height*/, int /*sides*/, double /*major*/,
+                               double /*minor*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Function   : pyramid
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a pyramid with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::pyramid( double /*height*/, int /*sides*/, double /*major*/,
+                                 double /*minor*/, double /*top*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Function   : cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a cylinder with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::cylinder( double hi, double r1, double r2, double r3 ) const
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  int i, j, numpoints;
+  double feature_angle;
+  int interp_order;
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+  BodySM *body_ptr = NULL;
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+  int reslevel;  // relative level of resolution
+  int nl;  // number of axial divisions
+  int nr;  // number of radil divisions
+  double cfac, rinc, linc;
+  double x, y, z;
+  int istart, iend, V3, pend;
+  double zoffset, lpos, rpos, xrad, yrad;
+  double rad_ratio = 1.0;
+  reslevel = 4;
+  nl = reslevel;
+  nr = 8*reslevel;
+  rinc = 360.0/(double)nr;
+  linc = hi/(double)nl;
+  cfac = CUBIT_PI/180.;
+  if ( r3 > 0.0 ) {
+    //  Cylinder:
+    numpoints = (nl + 1)*nr + 2;
+    istart = 0; iend = nl+1;
+    V3 = (nl+1)*nr;
+    pend = nl;
+    rad_ratio = r2/r1;
+  } else {
+    //  Cone:
+   	numpoints = nl*nr + 2;
+    istart = 0; iend = nl;
+    V3 = nl*nr;
+    pend = nl-1;
+  }
+  //  Make the points.
+  zoffset = 0.0;
+  lpos = -0.5*hi; 
+  xrad = r1;
+  yrad = r2;
+  for ( i = istart; i < iend; i++ ) {
+    rpos = 10.0;
+    xrad = zoffset*r3/hi + (hi - zoffset)*r1/hi;
+    yrad = zoffset*r3*rad_ratio/hi + (hi - zoffset)*r2/hi;
+    for ( j = 0; j < nr; j++ ) {
+      x = xrad*cos(cfac*rpos);
+      y = yrad*sin(cfac*rpos);
+      z = lpos;
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( x,y,z );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+      rpos += rinc;   
+    }
+    lpos += linc;
+    zoffset += linc;
+  } 
+  //  Add the two apoint on the axis at the ends.
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.,0.,-0.5*hi );
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( 0.,0.,0.5*hi );
+  points.push_back(new_point);
+  for ( i = 0; i < numpoints; i++ ) {
+    point_list.append(points[i]);
+  }  
+  //  Make the triangles.
+  int vertnum;
+  vertnum = 0;
+  for ( i = 0; i < pend; i++ ) {
+    for ( j = 0; j < nr-1; j++ ) {
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnum+j],points[vertnum+j+1], points[vertnum+j+nr] );
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnum+j+1],points[vertnum+j+1+nr], points[vertnum+j+nr] );
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr ); 
+    }
+    facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnum],points[vertnum+nr], points[vertnum+2*nr-1] );
+    facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnum+nr-1],points[vertnum], points[vertnum+2*nr-1] );
+    facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+    vertnum += nr;
+  }
+  //  Endcap(s)
+  for ( i = 0; i < nr-1; i++ ) { // top cap
+    facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[vertnum+i],points[vertnum+i+1], points[V3+1] );
+    facet_list.append( facet_ptr );  
+  }   
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[nr-1+vertnum],points[vertnum], points[V3+1] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );    
+  for ( i = 0; i < nr-1; i++ ) { // bottom cap
+    facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[i+1],points[i], points[V3] );
+    facet_list.append( facet_ptr );  
+  }   
+  facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[0],points[nr-1], points[V3] );
+  facet_list.append( facet_ptr );    
+  points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+  feature_angle = 135.0;
+  interp_order = 0;
+  smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = const_cast<OCCModifyEngine *> (this);
+  rv = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                   point_list,
+                                   feature_angle,
+                                   interp_order,
+                                   smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   split_surfaces,
+                                   cholla_ptr );
+  if ( rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+      CubitEvaluatorData **cyl_data = NULL;
+      set_cylinder_eval_data( cholla_ptr, hi, r1, r2, r3, cyl_data );
+      finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                         (const CubitEvaluatorData**)cyl_data,
+                         feature_angle,
+                         interp_order,
+                         body_ptr);
+      if ( cholla_ptr )
+      {
+         cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+         delete cholla_ptr;
+      }
+      if ( cyl_data )
+      {
+          if ( cyl_data[0] ) delete cyl_data[0];
+          if ( cyl_data[1] ) delete cyl_data[1];
+          if ( cyl_data[2] ) delete cyl_data[2];
+          delete []cyl_data;
+      }
+  }
+  return body_ptr;
+void OCCModifyEngine::set_cylinder_eval_data
+    ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr,
+    double height,
+    double base_radius_xdir,
+    double base_radius_ydir,
+    double top_radius,
+    CubitEvaluatorData **&eval_data ) const
+    DLIList<ChollaSurface *> cholla_surface_list;
+    cholla_ptr->get_surfaces( cholla_surface_list );
+    cholla_surface_list.reset();
+    eval_data = NULL;
+    if ( cholla_surface_list.size() != 3 )
+    {
+        // This cylinder/cone is shaped quite unusually such that the cholla engine
+        // found more than 3 faces on it.  This is likely because it is quite smashed
+        // in the minor radius direction.  As such, there is not a cylindrical
+        // surface so exit.
+        return;
+    }
+    eval_data = new CubitEvaluatorData* [3];
+    eval_data[0] =
+    eval_data[1] =
+    eval_data[2] = NULL;
+    int isurf;
+    for ( isurf = 0; isurf < cholla_surface_list.size(); isurf++ )
+    {
+        eval_data[isurf] = NULL;
+        DLIList<ChollaCurve*> cholla_curve_list;
+        ChollaSurface *csurf = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
+        csurf->get_curves( cholla_curve_list );
+        if ( cholla_curve_list.size() == 2 )
+        {
+            // this is the cylindrical face around the cylinder.
+            CylinderEvaluatorData *data = new CylinderEvaluatorData;
+            data->height = height;
+            data->height = height;
+            data->base_radius_x = base_radius_xdir;
+            data->base_radius_y = base_radius_ydir;
+            data->top_radius = top_radius;
+            eval_data[isurf] = data;
+        }
+    }
+// Function   : torus
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a torus with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::torus( double r1, double r2 ) const
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  int numpoints;
+  double feature_angle;
+int interp_order;
+CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, split_surfaces;
+  BodySM *body_ptr = NULL;
+  STD(vector)<CubitPoint *> points;
+  int reslevel;  // relative level of resolution
+  double theta, thetainc, phi, phiinc, x, z, xp, yp, zp, rmajor, rminor;
+  int numtheta, numphi, i, j;
+  reslevel = 4;
+  numtheta = 8*reslevel;
+  numphi = 8*reslevel;  
+  numpoints = numtheta*numphi;
+  rmajor = r1;
+  rminor = r2;  
+  thetainc = 2.*CUBIT_PI/(double)numtheta;
+  phiinc = 2.*CUBIT_PI/(double)numphi;
+  phi = 0.;
+//  Make the points in the y=0 plane
+  for ( j = 0; j < numphi; j++ ) {
+    theta = 0.;
+    for ( i = 0; i < numtheta; i++ ) {
+      x = rmajor + rminor*cos(theta);
+      z = rminor*sin(theta);
+//  Rotate around the z axis
+      xp = x*cos(phi);
+      zp = z;
+      yp = x*sin(phi);
+      new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xp,yp,zp );
+      points.push_back(new_point);
+      theta += thetainc;
+    }
+    phi += phiinc;	
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < numpoints; i++ ) {
+    point_list.append(points[i]);
+  } 
+//  Make the triangles  
+  int m, k, m2, numtris;
+  m = numtheta;
+  numtris = 0;
+  for ( j = 0; j < numphi; j++ ) {
+    if ( j == numphi-1 ) m2 = 0;
+    else m2 = m;
+    for ( i = 0; i < numtheta; i++ ) {
+      k = (i+1)%numtheta;
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[i+m-numtheta], points[m2+i], points[m2+k] );
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );     
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( points[i+m-numtheta], points[m2+k], points[m-numtheta+k] );
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+      numtris += 2; 	
+    }
+    m += numtheta;
+  }
+  points.clear(); //  clear out the points vector since we are through with it.
+  feature_angle = 135.0;
+  interp_order = 0;
+  smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = NULL;
+  OCCModifyEngine *fme = const_cast<OCCModifyEngine *> (this);
+  rv = fme->build_cholla_surfaces( facet_list,
+                                   point_list,
+                                   feature_angle,
+                                   interp_order,
+                                   smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   split_surfaces,
+                                   cholla_ptr );
+  if ( rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+      finish_facet_Body( cholla_ptr,
+                         NULL,
+                         feature_angle,
+                         interp_order,
+                         body_ptr);
+      if ( cholla_ptr )
+      {
+         cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+         delete cholla_ptr;
+      }
+  }
+  return body_ptr;
+// Function   : planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a planar_sheet with facets
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::planar_sheet ( const CubitVector& /*p1*/,
+                                       const CubitVector& /*p2*/,
+                                       const CubitVector& /*p3*/,
+                                       const CubitVector& /*p4*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Function   : copy_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: copy a facet-based body
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+BodySM* OCCModifyEngine::copy_body ( BodySM* /*bodyPtr*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Function   : subtract
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: subtract boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &tool_body_list,
+                                            DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+                                            DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+                                            bool keep_old) const
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  int i;
+  BodySM *tool_body, *from_body;
+  FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+  CubitFacetboolOp op;
+  bool *to_be_deleted = new bool[from_bodies.size()];
+  from_bodies.reset();
+  tool_body_list.reset();
+  for ( i = 0; i < from_bodies.size(); i++ ) to_be_deleted[i] = false;
+  for ( i = tool_body_list.size(); i > 0; i-- ) { 
+    tool_body = tool_body_list.get_and_step(); 
+    fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+    status = fbint->dofacetboolean_subtract(tool_body,from_bodies,new_bodies,
+                                            keep_old,to_be_deleted,op);
+    delete fbint;
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(tool_body);    
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < from_bodies.size(); i++ ) {
+    from_body = from_bodies.get_and_step();
+    if ( to_be_deleted[i] == true ) 
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(from_body);  
+  }
+  delete [] to_be_deleted;
+  return status; 
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint(BodySM* /*BodyPtr1*/, BodySM* /*BodyPtr2*/,
+                                           BodySM*& /*newBody1*/, BodySM*& /*newBody2*/,
+                                           bool  /*keep_old*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_body_list ,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &new_from_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    // total number of imprints to be done
+  const int num_bodies = from_body_list.size();
+//  int total_imprints = (num_bodies *(num_bodies-1))/2;
+  int i, j;
+  CubitBox bbox1, bbox2; 
+  STD(vector)<BodySM*> bodies_vector;
+  for ( i = 0; i < from_body_list.size(); i++ ) 
+    bodies_vector.push_back(from_body_list.get_and_step());
+    // pass in keep_old to the delete_owner_attrib flag; if we're not keeping
+    // old bodies, we want to keep the owner attrib, so we can pick up entities
+    // that didn't change
+//  bool delete_attribs =
+      (GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_new_ids() || keep_old);
+  from_body_list.reset();
+  for (i = 0; success && i < num_bodies - 1; i++) {
+    for (j = i + 1; j < num_bodies; j++) {
+      BodySM *Body_Ptr1 = bodies_vector[i];
+      success = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_facet_bounding_box(
+                                             Body_Ptr1,
+                                             bbox1);
+      if (CubitMessage::instance()->Interrupt())
+      {
+        success = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        break;
+      }    
+      BodySM *Body_Ptr2 = bodies_vector[j];
+      success = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_facet_bounding_box(
+                                               Body_Ptr2,
+                                               bbox2);
+      if (bbox1.overlap(GEOMETRY_RESABS, bbox2)) {
+        FacetboolInterface *FBInt = new FacetboolInterface;
+        BodySM *out_Body_Ptr1, *out_Body_Ptr2;
+        FBInt->dofacetboolean_2bodies_imprint(Body_Ptr1,Body_Ptr2,
+                                              out_Body_Ptr1,out_Body_Ptr2,
+                                              keep_old);
+        delete FBInt;
+        instance()->get_gqe()->delete_solid_model_entities(bodies_vector[i]);
+        instance()->get_gqe()->delete_solid_model_entities(bodies_vector[j]);
+        bodies_vector[i] = out_Body_Ptr1;
+        bodies_vector[j] = out_Body_Ptr2;                                         
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  from_body_list.reset();
+  for ( i = 0; i < from_body_list.size(); i++ ) {  
+      new_from_body_list.append(bodies_vector[i]);
+  }
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+                                           bool keep_old,
+                                           bool show_messages) const
+  CubitStatus success = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//  bool delete_attribs =
+      (GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_new_ids() || keep_old);
+  int i;
+  CubitBox edge_list_bbox, bbox2; 
+  const int num_bodies = body_list.size();
+  FacetboolInterface *FBInt = new FacetboolInterface;
+  FBInt->make_FB_edge_list(ref_edge_list);
+  FBInt->get_edge_list_bbox(edge_list_bbox);
+  for (i = 0; success && i < num_bodies; i++) {
+    BodySM *Body_Ptr = body_list.next(i);
+    success = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_facet_bounding_box(
+                                             Body_Ptr,
+                                             bbox2);
+    if (edge_list_bbox.overlap(GEOMETRY_RESABS, bbox2)) {
+    BodySM *new_body;
+      FBInt->FB_imprint_with_curves(Body_Ptr,new_body,keep_old);
+      new_body_list.append(new_body);      
+    }
+  }
+  delete FBInt;
+  body_list.reset();
+  for ( i = 0; i < body_list.size(); i++ ) {  
+      instance()->get_gqe()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_list.get_and_step());
+  }
+  return success;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &/*ref_face_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_body_list*/,
+                                           bool /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &/*surface_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> &/*curve_lists_list*/,
+                                           BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                           bool /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : imprint
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: imprint boolean operation on facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &/*body_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<CubitVector*> &/*vector_list*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_body_list*/,
+                                           bool keep_old /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &/*ref_face_list*/,
+                                                           DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_body_list*/,
+                                                           bool /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                                           bool /*keep_free_edges*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : imprint_projected_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::imprint_projected_edges(DLIList<Surface*> &/*ref_face_list*/,
+                                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &/*body_list*/,
+                                                           DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                                           DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_body_list*/,
+                                                           bool /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                                           bool /*keep_free_edges*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : project_edges
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::project_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &/*ref_face_list*/,
+                                                 DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list_in*/,
+                                                 DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list_new*/,
+                                                 bool /*print_error*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : intersect
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: intersect boolean operation between facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::intersect(BodySM*  tool_body_ptr,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*>  &from_bodies,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*>  &new_bodies,
+                                             bool  keep_old) const
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  int i;
+  BodySM *from_body, *newBody;
+  FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+  CubitFacetboolOp op;
+  DLIList<BodySM*> bodies;
+  fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+  from_bodies.reset();
+  for ( i = from_bodies.size(); i > 0; i-- ) {
+    bodies.clean_out();
+    bodies.append(tool_body_ptr);    
+    from_body = from_bodies.get_and_step();
+    bodies.append(from_body);
+    fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+    status = fbint->dofacetboolean(bodies,newBody,keep_old,op);
+    delete fbint;     
+    if ( status == CUBIT_SUCCESS && newBody) new_bodies.append(newBody);
+  }
+  return status;
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : chop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: chop boolean operation between facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus      OCCModifyEngine::chop(DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*> &intersectBodies, 
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*> &outsideBodies,
+                                         BodySM*& leftoversBody,
+                                         bool keep_old ,
+                                         bool nonreg) const
+//Note:  there is never any leftover body.
+FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+CubitFacetboolOp op;
+bool keep_old_this = keep_old;
+CubitStatus status;
+BodySM *body_1, *body_2;
+bool intersection_found;
+BodySM* intersectBody = NULL;
+BodySM* outsideBody = NULL;
+  if ( bodies.size() > 2 ) {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Chop not yet supported for more than two bodies.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  body_1 = bodies.get_and_step();
+  body_2 = bodies.get();
+  fbint = new FacetboolInterface;  
+  status = fbint->dofacetboolean_2bodies(body_2,body_1,intersectBody,
+                                         keep_old_this,intersection_found,op);
+  intersectBodies.append( intersectBody );
+  delete fbint;                                     
+  fbint = new FacetboolInterface;  
+  status = fbint->dofacetboolean_2bodies(body_1,body_2,outsideBody,
+                                       keep_old_this,intersection_found,op);
+  outsideBodies.append( outsideBody );
+  delete fbint;                                       
+  if ( keep_old == false ) {
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_1);
+      OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_2);        
+  }
+  return status;
+// Function   : unite
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: unite boolean operation between facet-based bodies
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus     OCCModifyEngine::unite(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies, 
+                                         DLIList<BodySM*> &newBodies,
+                                         bool keep_old) const
+CubitStatus status;
+FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+CubitFacetboolOp op;
+  fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+  BodySM *newBody = NULL;
+  status = fbint->dofacetboolean(bodies,newBody,keep_old,op);
+  newBodies.append( newBody );
+  delete fbint;
+  return status;
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : thicken
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::thicken(DLIList<BodySM*>& /*bodies*/, 
+                                       DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_bodies*/,
+                                       double /*depth*/,
+                                       bool /*both*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : flip_normals
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine :: flip_normals( DLIList<Surface*>& face_list ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : sweep_translational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_translational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& /*ref_ent_list*/,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& /*result_body_list*/,
+  const CubitVector& /*sweep_vector*/,
+  double /*draft_angle*/,
+  int /*draft_type*/,
+  bool /*switchside*/,
+  bool /*rigid*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : sweep_perpendicular
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_perpendicular(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& /*ref_ent_list*/,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& /*result_body_list*/,
+  double /*distance*/,
+  double /*draft_angle*/,
+  int /*draft_type*/,
+  bool /*switchside*/,
+  bool /*rigid*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : sweep_rotational
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine:: sweep_rotational(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& /*ref_ent_list*/,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& /*result_body_list*/,
+  const CubitVector& /*point*/,
+  const CubitVector& /*direction*/,
+  double /*angle*/,
+  int /*steps*/,
+  double /*draft_angle*/,
+  int /*draft_type*/,
+  bool /*switchside*/,
+  bool /*make_solid*/,
+  bool /*rigid*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : sweep_along_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::sweep_along_curve(
+  DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& /*ref_ent_list*/,
+  DLIList<BodySM*>& /*result_body_list*/,
+  DLIList<Curve*>& /*ref_edge_list*/,
+  double /*draft_angle*/,
+  int /*draft_type*/,
+  bool /*rigid*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+//HEADER- Webcut-related functions
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+                              const CubitVector &v1,
+                              const CubitVector &v2,
+                              const CubitVector &v3,
+                              DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                              bool imprint ) const
+CubitBox super_bbox;
+CubitStatus status;
+int i;
+  CubitBoolean delete_bodies = (GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_new_ids() ?
+                                CUBIT_FALSE : CUBIT_TRUE);
+//  Find the bounding box of all of the bodies.  This will be used to make
+//  the cutting plane.
+  status = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_super_facet_bounding_box(webcut_body_list,
+                                             super_bbox);
+//  Find the size of the cutting plane (x,y) in terms of super_bbox.
+  DLIList<CubitVector> intersection_points;
+  FBDataUtil::intersect_plane_with_boundingbox(super_bbox,
+                                  v1,v2,v3,intersection_points); 
+  int numpts = intersection_points.size();;
+  if ( numpts < 3 ) {
+      PRINT_INFO("INFO: Cutting Tool overlaps the original volume,\n"
+                 "      Or cutting plane does not pass through volume.\n"
+                 "         The original volume is unaffected.\n" );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }                                            
+double xsize, ysize, xcen, ycen, zcen;
+double xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax, xx, yy, zz;
+  xmin = ymin = zmin = CUBIT_DBL_MAX;
+  xmax = ymax = zmax = -xmin + 1;
+  xcen = ycen = zcen = 0.0;
+  for ( i = 0; i < numpts; i++ ) {
+    xx = intersection_points[i].x();
+    yy = intersection_points[i].y();
+    zz = intersection_points[i].z();
+    xcen += xx;
+    ycen += yy;
+    zcen += zz;
+    xmin = (xmin < xx ) ? xmin : xx; 
+    ymin = (ymin < yy ) ? ymin : yy; 
+    zmin = (zmin < zz ) ? zmin : zz; 
+    xmax = (xmax > xx ) ? xmax : xx; 
+    ymax = (ymax > yy ) ? ymax : yy; 
+    zmax = (zmax > zz ) ? zmax : zz;        
+  }
+  xcen /= numpts; ycen /= numpts; zcen /= numpts;  
+  //  Could do this better by rotating the intersection points into the
+  //  x-y plane and then getting xsize and ysize.  Factor of 1.3 is just
+  //  to make sure that the plane extends beyond the bodies.
+  xsize = ysize = 1.3*sqrt( (xmax-xmin)*(xmax-xmin) + 
+                            (ymax-ymin)*(ymax-ymin) +
+                            (zmax-zmin)*(zmax-zmin) );
+  STD(vector)<double> cutter_verts;
+  STD(vector)<int> cutter_connections;
+  int numx, numy;
+  numx = 20;
+  numy = 20;
+  //  Make the cutter surface.
+  status = FBDataUtil::FBmake_xy_plane(cutter_verts, cutter_connections, 
+                  xsize, ysize, numx, numy);
+  CubitVector va, vb;
+  va = v1 - v2;
+  vb = v3 - v2;               
+  CubitVector rotate_to;
+  rotate_to = vb*va;
+  rotate_to.normalize();
+  CubitVector center_pt(xcen,ycen,zcen);
+  status = FBDataUtil::rotate_FB_object(cutter_verts,rotate_to,center_pt);
+  FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+  bool cutter_is_plane = true;
+  //  Now make the facetbool objects for the bodies. 
+  webcut_body_list.reset();                
+BodySM *body_sm;
+  for ( i = webcut_body_list.size(); i > 0; i-- ) {
+    CubitBoolean intersects;
+    body_sm = webcut_body_list.get_and_step();
+    fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+    status = fbint->webcut_FB(body_sm,cutter_verts,cutter_connections,
+                              cutter_is_plane,delete_bodies,
+                              intersects,results_list); 
+    delete fbint;    
+    if ( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+    {
+        PRINT_ERROR(" Unable to perform webcut.\n" );
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if ( status == CUBIT_SUCCESS && intersects )  
+    {
+      instance()->get_gqe()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_sm);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("INFO: Cutting Tool overlaps the original volume,\n"
+                 "      Or cutting plane does not pass through volume.\n"
+                 "         The original volume is unaffected.\n" );
+    }
+  }
+  return status;
+// Function   : webcut
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                 BodySM const* /*tool_body*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                 bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_across_translate
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::webcut_across_translate( DLIList<BodySM*>& /*body_list*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf1*/,
+                                                          Surface* /*plane_surf2*/,
+                                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                                          bool /*imprint*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sheet(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                 BodySM * /*sheet_body*/,
+                                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                 bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_extended_surf
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_extended_surf(DLIList<BodySM*> & /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                                         Surface * /*extend_from*/,
+                                                         DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodies*/,
+                                                         int & /*num_cut*/,
+                                                         bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_cylinder
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_cylinder(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+                                            double radius,
+                                            const CubitVector &axis,
+                                            const CubitVector &center,
+                                            DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+                                            bool imprint )
+CubitBox super_bbox;
+CubitStatus status;
+int i;
+CubitVector bodies_center, my_center, diagonal, my_axis;
+  CubitBoolean delete_bodies = (GeometryModifyTool::instance()->get_new_ids() ?
+                                CUBIT_FALSE : CUBIT_TRUE);
+  status = OCCQueryEngine::instance()->create_super_facet_bounding_box(
+    webcut_body_list,super_bbox);
+  STD(vector)<double> cutter_verts;
+  STD(vector)<int> cutter_connections;
+  int nr, nz;
+  double length;
+  diagonal = super_bbox.diagonal();
+//  length = 2.3*diagonal.length() + 2.0*center.length();
+  bodies_center = super_bbox.center();
+  length = 3.*sqrt((bodies_center.x() - center.x())*(bodies_center.x() - center.x()) +
+                   (bodies_center.y() - center.y())*(bodies_center.y() - center.y()) +
+                   (bodies_center.z() - center.z())*(bodies_center.z() - center.z()) );
+  length += 3.*diagonal.length();
+    //length = sqrt(length*length + radius*radius);
+    //  bodies_center += center;
+  nr = 30;
+  nz = 5;
+  //  Make the cutter surface.
+  status = FBDataUtil::FBmake_cylinder(cutter_verts, cutter_connections, 
+                  radius, length, nr, nz);
+  my_center = center;
+  my_axis = axis;
+  status = FBDataUtil::rotate_FB_object(cutter_verts,my_axis,my_center);
+  FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+  bool cutter_is_plane = false;
+  //  Now make the facetbool objects for the bodies.                  
+  webcut_body_list.reset();                
+  BodySM* body_sm;
+  for ( i = webcut_body_list.size(); i > 0; i-- ) {
+    CubitBoolean intersects;
+    body_sm = webcut_body_list.get_and_step();
+    fbint = new FacetboolInterface;
+     status = fbint->webcut_FB(body_sm,cutter_verts,cutter_connections,
+                               cutter_is_plane,delete_bodies,
+                               intersects,results_list);   
+    delete fbint;    
+    if ( status == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+    {
+        PRINT_ERROR(" Unable to perform webcut.\n" );
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if ( status == CUBIT_SUCCESS && intersects )  
+    {
+      instance()->get_gqe()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_sm);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("INFO: Cutting Tool overlaps the original volume,\n"
+                 "      Or cutting plane does not pass through volume.\n"
+                 "         The original volume is unaffected.\n" );
+    }
+  }
+  return status;
+// Function   : webcut_with_brick
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_brick( 
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                      const CubitVector* /*axes[3]*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector &/*extension*/,
+                                      DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                      bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_planar_sheet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_planar_sheet( 
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*>& /*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                          const CubitVector &/*center*/,
+                                          const CubitVector* /*axes[2]*/,
+                                          double /*width*/, 
+                                          double /*height*/,
+                                          DLIList<BodySM*> &/*results_list*/,
+                                          bool /*imprint*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : webcut_with_curve_loop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_curve_loop(
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> &/*webcut_body_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<Curve*> &/*ref_edge_list*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*>& /*results_list*/,
+                                              bool /*imprint*/)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : section
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::section( DLIList<BodySM*> &/*section_body_list*/,
+                                        const CubitVector &/*point_1*/,
+                                        const CubitVector &/*point_2*/,
+                                        const CubitVector &/*point_3*/,
+                                        DLIList<BodySM*>& /*new_body_list*/,
+                                        bool /*keep_normal_side*/,
+                                        bool /*keep_old*/,
+                                        bool /*keep_both_sides*/)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : split_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Splits multiple lumps in one body into separate bodies
+// Author     : Corey Ernst 
+// Date       : 08/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_body( BodySM *body_ptr,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies )
+  //get the all lumps of input body
+  DLIList<Lump*> lumps;
+  body_ptr->lumps( lumps );
+  if( lumps.size() == 1 )
+  {
+    new_bodies.append( body_ptr );
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  //for each lump except one first one, create a new body
+  DLIList<Lump*> single_lump;
+  lumps.reset();
+  lumps.step();
+  int i;
+  OCCBody *tmp_facet_body = static_cast<OCCBody*>( body_ptr );
+  for( i=lumps.size()-1; i--; )
+  {
+    BodySM *bodysm_ptr;
+    single_lump.clean_out();
+    tmp_facet_body->remove_lump( static_cast<OCCLump*>(lumps.get())); 
+    single_lump.append( lumps.get_and_step() );
+    make_facet_body(single_lump, bodysm_ptr);
+    if( bodysm_ptr )
+      new_bodies.append(bodysm_ptr);
+  }
+  new_bodies.append( body_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : reverse_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Turn body inside-out
+// Author     : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Date       : 05/25/04
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::reverse_body( BodySM* body_ptr )
+  OCCBody* body = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body_ptr);
+  if (0 == body)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Non-facet body in FME::reverse.\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+    // Flip CoFace senses
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shells;
+  body->get_shells( shells );
+  while (shells.size())
+    shells.pop()->reverse();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : split_periodic
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::split_periodic( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus    OCCModifyEngine::regularize_body( BodySM * /*body_ptr*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : regularize_refentity
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus  OCCModifyEngine::regularize_entity( GeometryEntity * /*old_entity_ptr*/,  
+                                                      BodySM *& /*new_body_ptr*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : offset_curves
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::offset_curves( DLIList<Curve*>& /*ref_edge_list*/, 
+                                              DLIList<Curve*>&,
+                                              double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                              const CubitVector& /*offset_direction*/, 
+                                              int /*gap_type*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : trim_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::trim_curve( Curve* /*trim_curve*/, 
+                                      const CubitVector& /*trim_vector*/,
+                                      const CubitVector& /*keep_vector*/,
+                                      bool )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return 0;
+// Function   : create_body_from_surfs
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : Steve Owen
+// Date       : 9/11/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_body_from_surfs(DLIList<Surface*> & ref_face_list,
+                                                      BodySM *& new_body,
+                                                      bool keep_old,
+                                                      bool heal) const
+  // get the facets from the faces
+  int ii;
+  Surface *surf_ptr;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list;
+#ifdef BOYD17 
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>edge_list;
+  if (heal)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("\"heal\" option for facet-based geometry is not supported.\n"); 
+  }
+  ref_face_list.reset();
+  for(ii=0; ii<ref_face_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    surf_ptr = ref_face_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurf_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface *>(surf_ptr);
+    assert(fsurf_ptr != NULL);
+    if (fsurf_ptr == NULL)
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    point_list.clean_out();
+    fsurf_ptr->get_my_facets( facet_list, point_list );
+  }
+  // copy the facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> new_facet_list;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> new_point_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> new_edge_list;
+  FacetDataUtil::copy_facets( facet_list, new_facet_list, new_point_list, new_edge_list );
+  // generate new geometry
+  const char *file_name = NULL; 
+  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE; 
+  double feature_angle = 0.0;
+  int interp_order = 0;
+  double tol=0.0;
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitBoolean stitch = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  CubitBoolean improve = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  DLIList <CubitQuadFacet *> quad_facet_list;
+  DLIList<Surface *> surface_list;
+  FacetFileFormat file_format = FROM_FACET_LIST;
+  CubitStatus rv = 
+    OCCQueryEngine::instance()->import_facets( file_name, 
+                                               use_feature_angle,
+                                               feature_angle,
+                                               tol,
+                                               interp_order,
+                                               smooth_non_manifold,
+                                               split_surfaces,
+                                               stitch,
+                                               improve,
+                                               quad_facet_list,
+                                               new_facet_list,
+                                               surface_list,
+                                               file_format );
+  if (rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+  {
+    surf_ptr = surface_list.get();
+    new_body = surf_ptr->bodysm();
+    // delete the old model
+    if (!keep_old)
+    {
+      DLIList<BodySM*> mybody_list;
+      DLIList<BodySM*> body_list;
+      for(ii=0; ii<ref_face_list.size(); ii++)
+      {
+        mybody_list.clean_out();
+        surf_ptr = ref_face_list.get_and_step();
+        surf_ptr->bodysms(mybody_list);
+        if (mybody_list.size() == 1)
+        {
+          body_list.append_unique( mybody_list.get() );
+        }
+      }
+      if (body_list.size() > 0)
+      {
+        OCCQueryEngine::instance()->delete_solid_model_entities(body_list);
+        //GeometryQueryTool::instance()->delete_Body( body_list );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    new_body = NULL;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Point* /*ref_vertex1*/, 
+                                            Point* /*ref_vertex2*/,
+                                            Point* /*ref_vertex3*/, 
+                                            bool /*full*/ )
+{ return NULL;
+// Function   : create_arc_three
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_three( Curve* /*ref_edge1*/, 
+                                            Curve* /*ref_edge2*/,
+                                            Curve* /*ref_edge3*/, 
+                                            bool /*full*/  )
+{ return NULL;
+// Function   : create_arc_center_edge
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+Curve* OCCModifyEngine::create_arc_center_edge( Point* /*ref_vertex1*/, 
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex2*/,
+                                                  Point* /*ref_vertex3*/,
+                                                  const CubitVector& /*normal*/, 
+                                                  double /*radius*/,
+                                                  bool /*full*/ ) 
+  return NULL; 
+OCCModifyEngine::create_curve_combine( DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list, 
+                                    Curve *&new_curve_ptr )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Curve combine is not implemented for facet based models\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_gqe
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: get the facet geometry query engince instance pointer
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+GeometryQueryEngine *OCCModifyEngine::get_gqe()
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : is_modify_engine
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: return CUBIT_TRUE if the tb_ptr belongs to this modify engine
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitBoolean OCCModifyEngine::is_modify_engine(const TopologyBridge *tb_ptr) const 
+  return tb_ptr->get_geometry_query_engine() == OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge1*/, 
+                                                         Curve* /*ref_edge2*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_first*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_offset_intersections
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_offset_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge_ptr*/, 
+                                                         Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                                         DLIList<CubitVector*> & /*intersection_list*/,
+                                                         double /*offset*/,
+                                                         CubitBoolean /*ext_surf*/ )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : surface_intersection
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::surface_intersection( Surface * /*surface1_ptr*/,
+                                                     Surface * /*surface2_ptr*/,
+                                                     DLIList<Curve*> &/*inter_graph*/,
+                                                     const double /*tol*/) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : get_mid_plane
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: 
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::get_mid_plane( const CubitVector & /*point_1*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_2*/,
+                                              const CubitVector & /*point_3*/,
+                                              BodySM * /*body_to_trim_to*/,
+                                              BodySM *& /*midplane_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer curves on solid bodies.  The left and right offsets are
+//              with respect to the curve direction.  If the given right offset
+//              is negative, the left offset is used.  Users can preview to
+//              clarify the meaning of left and right.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                              double /*left_offset*/,
+                                              DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                              double /*right_offset*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_chamfer
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Chamfer vertices on solid or sheet bodies.  On a solid body 
+//              there can be up to 3 offsets; on a sheet body up to 2 offsets.
+//              The offsets are in the direction of the supplied edges.  If 
+//              multiple vertices are supplied, only one offset value is 
+//              allowed and the edges are not used.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Point*> & /*point_list*/, 
+                                  double /*offset1*/,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge1*/,
+                                  double /*offset2*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge2*/,
+                                  double /*offset3*/,
+                                  Curve * /*edge3*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                  CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on solid 
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/, 
+                                             double /*radius*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on a solid 
+//              body.  The fillet has a variable radius from the start to the
+//              end of the curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( Curve * /*curve_ptr*/, 
+                                             double /*start_radius*/,
+                                             double /*end_radius*/,
+                                             BodySM *& /*new_bodysm_ptr*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_fillet
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given vertices on sheet
+//              bodies.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+OCCModifyEngine::tweak_fillet( DLIList<Point*> & /*ref_vertex_list*/, 
+                                 double /*radius*/,
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/,
+                                 CubitBoolean /*preview*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_move
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body along a vector.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_move( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                           const CubitVector & /*delta*/,
+                                           DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                           CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes by offsetting
+//              those faces by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/, 
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_offset
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified curves of a sheet body or bodies by offsetting
+//              those curves by the offset distance.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_offset( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,  
+                                             double /*offset_distance*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove surfaces from a body and then extend the 
+//              remaining surfaces to fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*extend_adjoining*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_surface*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_remove
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Function to remove curves from a sheet body and then extend the 
+//              remaining curves or fill the gap or hole.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_remove( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes up to a target 
+//              surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Surface*> & /*surface_list*/,
+                                             Surface * /*target_surf_ptr*/,
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*reverse_flg*/,
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a surface or set of surfaces (in sheet
+//              bodies) up to a target surface.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                             Surface * /*target_surf_ptr*/, 
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : tweak_target
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: Tweak specified edges of a sheet body or bodies up to a target
+//              curve that is part of a sheet body.  The target is a surface 
+//              created by thickening the owning surface of the target curve.
+// Author     : 
+// Date       : 
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> & /*curve_list*/,
+                                             Curve * /*target_curve_ptr*/, 
+                                             DLIList<BodySM*> & /*new_bodysm_list*/, 
+                                             CubitBoolean /*keep_old_body*/ ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Surface*>& /*ref_face_list*/, 
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/,
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_u*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> & /*vec_lists_v*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a net surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_net_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*u_curves*/, 
+                                                   DLIList<Curve*>& /*v_curves*/,
+                                                   BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                   double /*net_tol*/, 
+                                                   CubitBoolean /*heal*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_surface( Surface* /*ref_face_ptr*/, 
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/, 
+                                                      double /*offset_distance*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates an offset body.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_offset_body( BodySM* body_ptr, 
+                                                   BodySM*& new_bodysm, 
+                                                   double offset_distance ) const
+  return OCCModifyEngine::instance()->
+    create_shell_offset( body_ptr, new_bodysm, offset_distance );
+// Description: Creates a skin surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_skin_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& /*curves*/, 
+                                                    BodySM*& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body from lofting surfaces.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                              Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                              const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                              BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                              CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                              CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a body by lofting surfaces between bodies.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::loft_surfaces_to_body( Surface * /*face1*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff1*/,
+                                                      Surface * /*face2*/, 
+                                                      const double & /*takeoff2*/,
+                                                      BodySM*& /*new_body*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*arc_length_option*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*twist_option*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*align_direction*/, 
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*perpendicular*/,
+                                                      CubitBoolean /*simplify_option*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_surface( DLIList<CubitVector*>& /*vec_list*/, 
+                                               BodySM *& /*new_body*/, 
+                                               Surface * /*ref_face_ptr*/,
+                                               CubitBoolean /*project_points*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Creates a weld surface.
+// Author     : Tyronne Lim
+// Date       : 08/18/03
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_weld_surface( CubitVector & /*root*/,
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face1*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg1*/, 
+                                                    Surface * /*ref_face2*/, 
+                                                    double /*leg2*/,
+                                                    BodySM *& /*new_body*/ ) const
+   PRINT_ERROR("Function not implemented in this engine.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+//    Facet-based geometry entities
+//    Methods for building specific facet-based geometry entities
+// Function   : make_facet_point
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet point given a pointer to the 
+//              associated CubitPoint
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/28/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_point( CubitPoint *thePoint,
+                                                 Point *&new_point_ptr )
+  //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+  OCCPoint *new_facet_point = new OCCPoint( thePoint, curves );
+  new_point_ptr = (Point*) new_facet_point;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_point
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet point given its location
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_point( CubitVector &location,
+                                                 Point *&new_point_ptr )
+  //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  DLIList<Curve*> curves;
+  OCCPoint *new_facet_point = new OCCPoint( location, curves );
+  new_point_ptr = (Point*) new_facet_point;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet curve
+//              (Assumes the curve will have an associated parent surface.
+//               Evaluations will be done on the surface -- uses the same
+//               order evaluations as the surface)
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_curve( Point *start_ptr,
+                                                 Point *end_ptr, 
+                                                 Curve *&new_curve_ptr,
+                                                 CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr)
+  //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> coedgesms; 
+  OCCCurve *new_facet_curv = new OCCCurve( eval_tool_ptr, start_ptr, 
+                                               end_ptr, coedgesms );
+  new_curve_ptr = (Curve*) new_facet_curv;
+  OCCPoint *facet_start_point = CAST_TO( start_ptr, OCCPoint );
+  OCCPoint *facet_end_point = CAST_TO( end_ptr, OCCPoint );
+  facet_start_point->add_curve( new_curve_ptr );
+  facet_end_point->add_curve( new_curve_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_curve
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet curve given its edge facets
+//              (this can be used for generating a facet curve representation
+//               that does not have a parent surface associated -- currently
+//               only linear evaluations are possible)
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 2/17/01
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_curve(
+  Point *start_ptr,              // endpoints on the curve
+  Point *end_ptr,
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list, // the ordered facet edges on this curve
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,    // the ordered points on this curve
+  Curve *&new_curve_ptr,          // return the new curve pointer
+  CurveFacetEvalTool *curve_facet_tool )
+  if ( curve_facet_tool == NULL )
+  {
+    curve_facet_tool = new CurveFacetEvalTool;
+    CubitStatus status = curve_facet_tool->initialize( edge_list, point_list );
+    if ( status != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+    {
+        return status;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!curve_facet_tool)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> coedgesms; 
+  OCCCurve *new_facet_curv = new OCCCurve( curve_facet_tool, start_ptr, 
+                                               end_ptr, coedgesms );
+  new_curve_ptr = (Curve*) new_facet_curv;
+  OCCPoint *facet_start_point = CAST_TO( start_ptr, OCCPoint );
+  OCCPoint *facet_end_point = CAST_TO( end_ptr, OCCPoint );
+  facet_start_point->add_curve( new_curve_ptr );
+  facet_end_point->add_curve( new_curve_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_coedge
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet coedge
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_coedge( Curve *curv_ptr,
+                                                    CubitSense sense,
+                                                    CoEdgeSM *&new_coedge_ptr )
+    //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  LoopSM *loop_ptr = NULL;
+    //Now create a new loop.
+  OCCCoEdge *new_facet_coedge = new OCCCoEdge(curv_ptr, loop_ptr, sense);
+  new_coedge_ptr = (CoEdgeSM*) new_facet_coedge;
+  OCCCurve *facet_curve = CAST_TO( curv_ptr, OCCCurve );
+  facet_curve->add_coedge( new_coedge_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_loop
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet loop
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_loop( DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list,
+                                                  LoopSM *&new_loop_ptr )
+    //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  Surface *surf_ptr = NULL;
+    //Now create a new loop.
+  OCCLoop *new_facet_loop = new OCCLoop(surf_ptr, coedge_list );
+  new_loop_ptr = (LoopSM*) new_facet_loop;
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = coedge_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    CoEdgeSM* coedge_ptr = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCoEdge *facet_coedge = CAST_TO(coedge_ptr, OCCCoEdge);
+    facet_coedge->add_loop(new_loop_ptr);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet surface from Quad facets
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_surface(
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet*> &quad_facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> &my_loops,
+  int interp_order,
+  double min_dot,
+  Surface *&new_surface_ptr)
+  CubitQuadFacet *qfacet;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+  int ii;
+  quad_facet_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<quad_facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    qfacet = quad_facet_list.get_and_step();
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 0 ) );
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 1 ) );
+  }
+  return make_facet_surface( NULL, facet_list, point_list, my_loops, 
+                             interp_order, min_dot,  new_surface_ptr );
+// Function   : make_facet_surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet surface
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_surface( const CubitEvaluatorData *eval_data,
+                                                   DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list,
+                                                   DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,
+                                                   DLIList<LoopSM*> &my_loops,
+                                                   int interp_order,
+                                                   double min_dot,
+                                                   Surface *&new_surface_ptr,
+                                                   CubitBoolean use_point_addresses,
+                                                   FacetEvalTool *facet_eval_tool)
+    //Create a new surface given the facets and point list.
+  if (facet_eval_tool == NULL)
+  {
+    facet_eval_tool = new FacetEvalTool(facet_list, point_list, 
+                                         interp_order, min_dot );
+  }
+    //We don't know in this function what to attach it to, so do that later.
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> shellsms;
+  OCCSurface *new_facet_surf;
+    //Now create a new surface.
+  if ( eval_data && eval_data->ask_type() == SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE )
+  {
+      new_facet_surf = new OCCSurface( (const SphereEvaluatorData*)eval_data,
+                                         facet_eval_tool,
+                                         shellsms,
+                                         my_loops );
+  }
+  else if ( eval_data && eval_data->ask_type() == CONE_SURFACE_TYPE )
+  {
+      new_facet_surf = new OCCSurface( (const CylinderEvaluatorData*)eval_data,
+                                         facet_eval_tool,
+                                         shellsms,
+                                         my_loops );
+  }
+  else
+  {
+      new_facet_surf = new OCCSurface( facet_eval_tool,
+                                         shellsms, my_loops );
+  }
+  new_surface_ptr = (Surface*) new_facet_surf;
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = my_loops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    LoopSM* loop_ptr = my_loops.get_and_step();
+    OCCLoop *facet_loop = CAST_TO(loop_ptr, OCCLoop);
+    facet_loop->add_surface(new_surface_ptr);
+#ifdef BOYD17 
+    DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> coedges;
+  }
+   // generate the curve facet evaluaion tools for each of the curves on this
+   // surface - they are based on the surface evaluation tool
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedges;
+  new_facet_surf->get_coedges( coedges );
+  for (ii=0; ii<coedges.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge *coedgesm_ptr = coedges.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCCurve*> curve_list;
+    coedgesm_ptr->get_curves( curve_list );
+    OCCCurve *facet_curve =curve_list.get();
+    CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool = facet_curve->get_eval_tool(); 
+    if (eval_tool == NULL) 
+    {
+      Point *start_point = facet_curve->start_point();
+      Point *end_point = facet_curve->end_point();
+      OCCCoEdge *facet_coedge_ptr = CAST_TO( coedgesm_ptr, OCCCoEdge );
+      CubitSense sense = facet_coedge_ptr->get_sense();
+      CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+      eval_tool = new CurveFacetEvalTool;
+      if (!use_point_addresses)
+      {
+        CubitVector temp_vec1 = start_point->coordinates();
+        CubitVector temp_vec2 = end_point->coordinates();
+        status = eval_tool->initialize( facet_eval_tool,
+                                        temp_vec1,
+                                        temp_vec2,
+                                        sense );
+        if ( status != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+        {
+            return status;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        OCCPoint *start_facet_pt_ptr = CAST_TO( start_point, OCCPoint );
+        OCCPoint *end_facet_pt_ptr = CAST_TO( end_point, OCCPoint );
+        CubitPoint *start_pt = start_facet_pt_ptr->get_cubit_point();
+        CubitPoint *end_pt = end_facet_pt_ptr->get_cubit_point();
+        status = eval_tool->initialize( facet_eval_tool,
+                                        start_pt,
+                                        end_pt,
+                                        sense );
+        if ( status != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+        {
+            return status;
+        }
+      }
+      if( !eval_tool->has_good_curve_data() )
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      facet_curve->set_eval_tool( eval_tool );
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_shell
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet shell
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_shell(DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                                                  ShellSM *&new_shell_ptr)
+  Lump* my_lump = NULL;
+  OCCShell *new_facet_shell = new OCCShell(my_lump, surface_list);
+  new_shell_ptr = (ShellSM*) new_facet_shell;
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = surface_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    Surface* surface_ptr = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCSurface *facet_surface = CAST_TO(surface_ptr, OCCSurface);
+    facet_surface->add_shell(new_shell_ptr);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_lump
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet lump
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_lump(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shell_list,
+                                                 Lump *&new_lump_ptr)
+  OCCLump *new_facet_lump = new OCCLump(shell_list);
+  new_lump_ptr = (Lump*) new_facet_lump;
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = shell_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    ShellSM* shell_ptr = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCShell *facet_shell = CAST_TO(shell_ptr, OCCShell);
+    facet_shell->add_lump(new_lump_ptr);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : make_facet_body
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create a new facet body
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 12/6/00
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::make_facet_body(DLIList<Lump*> &lump_list,
+                                                 BodySM *&new_body_ptr)
+  OCCBody *new_facet_body = new OCCBody(lump_list);
+  new_body_ptr = (BodySM*) new_facet_body;
+    //Now attach the lower entites.
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = lump_list.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    Lump* lump_ptr = lump_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCLump *facet_lump = CAST_TO(lump_ptr, OCCLump);
+    facet_lump->add_body(new_body_ptr);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : build_facet_surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: same as build_facet_surface below, but takes a list of quad facets
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 4/30/01
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_facet_surface(
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &quad_facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>&point_list,  // fills this in if not provided
+  double feature_angle,
+  int interp_order,
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list) 
+  CubitQuadFacet *qfacet;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+  int ii;
+  quad_facet_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<quad_facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    qfacet = quad_facet_list.get_and_step();
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 0 ) );
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 1 ) );
+  }
+  return build_facet_surface( NULL, facet_list, point_list, feature_angle, 
+                             interp_order, smooth_non_manifold,
+                             split_surfaces, surface_list );
+// Function   : build_facet_surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: same as build_facet_surface below, both quad and triangle facets
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 4/30/01
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_facet_surface(
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &quad_facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tri_facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>&point_list,  // fills this in if not provided
+  double feature_angle,
+  int interp_order,
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list) 
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  CubitQuadFacet *qfacet;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+  int ii;
+  quad_facet_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<quad_facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    qfacet = quad_facet_list.get_and_step();
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 0 ) );
+    facet_list.append( qfacet->get_tri_facet( 1 ) );
+  }
+  facet_list += tri_facet_list;
+  rv = build_facet_surface( NULL, facet_list, point_list, feature_angle, 
+                            interp_order, smooth_non_manifold,
+                            split_surfaces, surface_list );
+  return rv; 
+// Function   : build_cholla_surfaces
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create one or more surfaces from the list of facets.  Also creates
+//              the lower order entities.  Generate curves (split surfaces), based
+//              on feature angle.  If feature_angle < 0 then ignore feature_angle
+// Note       : This function is the main interface for Cubit to the Cholla library
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 4/26/01
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_surfaces
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list,  // fills this in if not provided
+  double feature_angle,
+  int interp_order,
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+  ChollaEngine *&cholla_ptr
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  // generate the edge and point lists from the facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity*> pe_list;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity *> pf_list;
+  FacetDataUtil::get_edges( facet_list, edge_list );
+  if (facet_list.size() > 0 && point_list.size() == 0)
+    FacetDataUtil::get_points( facet_list, point_list );
+  CAST_LIST( point_list, pf_list, FacetEntity );
+  CAST_LIST( edge_list, pe_list, FacetEntity );
+  // create the surfaces
+  if (rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+  {
+    DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_entity_list;
+    CAST_LIST( facet_list, facet_entity_list, FacetEntity );
+    cholla_ptr = new ChollaEngine( facet_entity_list, 
+                                   pe_list, pf_list );
+    CubitBoolean use_feature_angle;
+    if (feature_angle < 0.0)
+      use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    else
+      use_feature_angle = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    rv = cholla_ptr->create_geometry( use_feature_angle, feature_angle, 
+                                      interp_order, smooth_non_manifold, 
+                                      split_surfaces );
+  }
+  return rv;
+// Function   : build_facet_surface
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: create one or more surfaces from the list of facets.  Also creates
+//              the lower order entities.  Generate curves (split surfaces), based
+//              on feature angle.  If feature_angle < 0 then ignore feature_angle
+// Note       : This function is the main interface for Cubit to the Cholla library
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 4/26/01
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_facet_surface(
+  const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,  // fills this in if not provided
+  double feature_angle,
+  int interp_order,
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list) 
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  // generate the edge and point lists from the facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity*> pe_list;
+  DLIList<FacetEntity *> pf_list;
+  FacetDataUtil::get_edges( facet_list, edge_list );
+  if (point_list.size() == 0)
+    FacetDataUtil::get_points( facet_list, point_list );
+  CAST_LIST( point_list, pf_list, FacetEntity );
+  CAST_LIST( edge_list, pe_list, FacetEntity );
+  // create the surfaces
+  if (rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+  {
+    DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_entity_list;
+    CAST_LIST( facet_list, facet_entity_list, FacetEntity );
+    ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr = new ChollaEngine( facet_entity_list, 
+                                                 pe_list, pf_list );
+    cholla_ptr->set_flip_flag(CUBIT_TRUE);
+    CubitBoolean use_feature_angle;
+    if (feature_angle < 0.0)
+      use_feature_angle = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    else
+      use_feature_angle = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    rv = cholla_ptr->create_geometry( use_feature_angle, feature_angle, 
+                                      interp_order, smooth_non_manifold, 
+                                      split_surfaces );
+    // make CUBIT geometry out of the Cholla entities
+    if (rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      DLIList<ChollaSurface *> cholla_surface_list;
+      cholla_ptr->get_surfaces( cholla_surface_list );
+      DLIList<ChollaCurve *> cholla_curve_list;
+      cholla_ptr->get_curves( cholla_curve_list );
+      DLIList<ChollaPoint *> cholla_point_list;
+      cholla_ptr->get_points( cholla_point_list );
+      rv = build_cholla_geometry(eval_data, cholla_surface_list, cholla_curve_list,
+                                 cholla_point_list, use_feature_angle, 
+                                 feature_angle, interp_order, surface_list);
+    }
+    cholla_ptr->delete_me();
+    delete cholla_ptr;
+  }
+  return rv;
+// Function   : build_cholla_geometry
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: build the CUBIT geometry based on the Facet entity class lists
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_geometry(
+  const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> &cholla_surface_list,
+  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list,
+  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> &cholla_point_list,
+  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, 
+  double feature_angle, 
+  int interp_order,
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list)
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  //- convert feature angle to a dot product
+  double min_dot = 0.0;
+  if (use_feature_angle)
+  {
+    if (feature_angle > 180.0) feature_angle = 180.0;
+    if (feature_angle < 0.0) feature_angle = 0.0;
+    double rad_angle = (180.0 - feature_angle) * CUBIT_PI / 180.0;
+    min_dot = cos( rad_angle );
+  }
+  // build the CUBIT geometry based on Cholla entities
+  stat = build_cholla_point_geometry( cholla_point_list );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    stat = build_cholla_curve_geometry( cholla_curve_list );
+  if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    stat = build_cholla_surface_geometry( eval_data,
+                                          cholla_surface_list,
+                                          interp_order, min_dot,
+                                          surface_list);
+  return stat;
+// Function   : build_cholla_point_geometry
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: From the cholla point list, create geometric points for each
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_point_geometry(
+  DLIList<ChollaPoint*> &cholla_point_list )
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  int kk;
+  //int mydebug = 0;
+  for ( kk = cholla_point_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
+  {
+    ChollaPoint *chpnt_ptr = cholla_point_list.get_and_step();
+    Point *point_ptr = (Point *)chpnt_ptr->get_geometric_point();
+    if (point_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      FacetEntity *facet_ptr = chpnt_ptr->get_facets();
+      CubitPoint *cp_ptr = CAST_TO( facet_ptr, CubitPoint );
+      Point *point = NULL;
+      stat = make_facet_point( cp_ptr, point );
+      if ( point == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based points.\n");
+        return stat;
+      }
+      point_ptr = (Point *)point;
+      chpnt_ptr->assign_geometric_point((void *)point_ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Function   : build_cholla_curve_geometry
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: From the cholla curve list, create geometric curves for each
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_curve_geometry(
+  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list )
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  int kk;
+  for ( kk = cholla_curve_list.size(); kk > 0; kk-- )
+  {
+    ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
+    Curve *curv_ptr = (Curve *)chcurv_ptr->get_geometric_curve();
+    if (curv_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      DLIList<ChollaPoint*> fpoint_list = chcurv_ptr->get_points( );
+      ChollaPoint *fpm0_ptr = fpoint_list.get_and_step();
+      ChollaPoint *fpm1_ptr = fpoint_list.get_and_step();
+      CubitPoint *start_point, *end_point;
+      chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_point, end_point );
+      if (fpm0_ptr->get_facets() != start_point)
+      {
+        ChollaPoint *temp_ptr;
+        temp_ptr = fpm0_ptr;
+        fpm0_ptr = fpm1_ptr;
+        fpm1_ptr = temp_ptr;
+      }
+      Point *start_ptr = (Point *) fpm0_ptr->get_geometric_point();
+      Point *end_ptr = (Point *) fpm1_ptr->get_geometric_point();
+      // if this is a curve without a parent surface then handle it 
+      // differently.  (Curves with parents use the surface to evaluate to
+      // With only a curve, it must evaluate to the curve)
+      DLIList<ChollaSurface*> fsm_list = chcurv_ptr->get_surfaces();
+      if (fsm_list.size() == 0)
+      {
+        DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_list;
+        DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;  // needs to be filled in
+        facet_list = chcurv_ptr->get_facet_list();
+        DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> edge_list;
+        CAST_LIST( facet_list, edge_list, CubitFacetEdge );
+        if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+          return stat;
+        // the CurveFacetEvalTool was computed in Cholla.  Retreive it
+        // and pass it to make_facet_curve so it can store it with the 
+        // new curve
+        CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
+        if (eval_tool_ptr == NULL)
+          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        stat = make_facet_curve( start_ptr, end_ptr,
+                                 edge_list, point_list,
+                                 curv_ptr, eval_tool_ptr );
+        if (stat == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+        {
+          Curve *curvsm_ptr = CAST_TO( curv_ptr, Curve );
+          GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_free_RefEdge( curvsm_ptr );
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = chcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
+        if (eval_tool_ptr == NULL)
+          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        stat = make_facet_curve( start_ptr, end_ptr,
+                                 curv_ptr, eval_tool_ptr );
+        if ( curv_ptr == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+        {
+          PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based curves.\n");
+          return stat;
+        }
+      }
+      chcurv_ptr->assign_geometric_curve((void *)curv_ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Function   : build_cholla_loop_geometry
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: From the cholla curve list of a surface, create geometric loops 
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_loop_geometry(
+  DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list,   // curves on a surface
+  ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr,                    // the surface
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> &loop_list,                  // append to this loop list
+  int &ncurves,                                 // number of curves used
+  int debug_draw )
+  // find the first unused curve on the list.  Use that as the starting curve
+  // in the loop
+  ncurves = 0;
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  int ii, jj;
+  int found = 0;
+  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr = NULL;
+  for(ii=0; ii<cholla_curve_list.size() && !found; ii++)
+  {
+    chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
+    if (chcurv_ptr->get_flag() == 0)
+      found = 1;
+  }
+  if (!found)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // all the curves have already been used in this surface
+  // get the orientation of this curve w.r.t. this surface
+  CubitSense orientation;
+  stat = ChollaEngine::determine_curve_orientation( chsurf_ptr, 
+                                   chcurv_ptr, orientation );
+  if (orientation == CUBIT_UNKNOWN  || stat == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  CubitPoint *start_ptr, *end_ptr;
+  chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_ptr, end_ptr );
+  // create a new coedge
+  CoEdgeSM *coedge_ptr = NULL;
+  Curve *curv_ptr = (Curve *)chcurv_ptr->get_geometric_curve();
+  stat = make_facet_coedge( curv_ptr, orientation, coedge_ptr );
+  if ( coedge_ptr == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based coedges.\n");
+    return stat;
+  }
+  if (debug_draw)
+  {
+    CubitVector s = start_ptr->coordinates();
+    CubitVector e = end_ptr->coordinates();
+    CubitSense sense = coedge_ptr->sense();
+    if (sense == CUBIT_FORWARD)
+      GfxDebug::draw_line(s, e, CUBIT_GREEN);
+    else
+      GfxDebug::draw_line(s, e, CUBIT_RED);
+    GfxDebug::draw_point(s, CUBIT_GREEN);
+    GfxDebug::draw_label(0, s.x(), s.y(), s.z(), CUBIT_GREEN);
+    GfxDebug::draw_point(e, CUBIT_RED);
+    GfxDebug::draw_label(1, e.x(), e.y(), e.z(), CUBIT_RED);
+    GfxDebug::flush();
+    debug_draw=debug_draw;
+  }
+  // start a list of coedges for this loop
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> coedge_list;
+  coedge_list.append( coedge_ptr );
+  chcurv_ptr->set_flag(1);
+  ChollaCurve *last_chcurv_ptr = chcurv_ptr;
+  // loop through and determine the rest of the coedges based on the
+  // orientation of the first curve in the loop
+  chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_ptr, end_ptr );
+  FacetEntity *n0_ptr, *n1_ptr;
+  if (orientation == CUBIT_FORWARD)
+  {
+    n0_ptr = start_ptr;
+    n1_ptr = end_ptr;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    n1_ptr = start_ptr;
+    n0_ptr = end_ptr;
+  }
+  while (n0_ptr != n1_ptr)
+  {
+    // find the next curve in the loop
+    int ntimes = 0;
+    found = 0;
+    while(!found)
+    {
+      for ( jj = 0; jj < cholla_curve_list.size() && !found; jj++)
+      {
+        chcurv_ptr = cholla_curve_list.get_and_step();
+        if (last_chcurv_ptr != chcurv_ptr && (chcurv_ptr->get_flag() == 0 || ntimes > 0))
+        {
+          chcurv_ptr->get_ends( start_ptr, end_ptr );
+          if (start_ptr == n1_ptr)
+          {
+            found = 1;
+            orientation = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+            n1_ptr = end_ptr;
+          }
+          else if (end_ptr == n1_ptr)
+          {
+            found = 1;
+            orientation = CUBIT_REVERSED;
+            n1_ptr = start_ptr;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (!found)
+      {
+        // in this special case - we have gone through the whole list without
+        // finding the next curve on the loop.  In the first pass we have assumed
+        // that each curve is only used once.  This may not be the case.  Go
+        // back and see of we can find a curve that has already been used that
+        // will work.  If we fail the second time through, then we fail!
+        ntimes++;
+        if (ntimes > 1)
+          // return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // didn't find the next curve in the loop
+          goto create_loop;
+      }
+    }
+    // create a new coedge
+    coedge_ptr = NULL;
+    curv_ptr = (Curve *)chcurv_ptr->get_geometric_curve();
+    stat = make_facet_coedge( curv_ptr, orientation,coedge_ptr );
+    if ( coedge_ptr == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based coedges.\n");
+      return stat;
+    }
+    if (debug_draw)
+    {
+      CubitVector s = start_ptr->coordinates();
+      CubitVector e = end_ptr->coordinates();
+      CubitSense sense = coedge_ptr->sense();
+      if (sense == CUBIT_FORWARD)
+        GfxDebug::draw_line(s, e, CUBIT_GREEN);
+      else
+        GfxDebug::draw_line(s, e, CUBIT_RED);
+      GfxDebug::draw_point(s, CUBIT_GREEN);
+      GfxDebug::draw_label(0, s.x(), s.y(), s.z(), CUBIT_GREEN);
+      GfxDebug::draw_point(e, CUBIT_RED);
+      GfxDebug::draw_label(1, e.x(), e.y(), e.z(), CUBIT_RED);
+      GfxDebug::flush();
+      debug_draw=debug_draw;
+    }
+    coedge_list.append( coedge_ptr );
+    if (coedge_list.size() > 2*cholla_curve_list.size())
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;  // more curves in the loop than their are curves ????
+    chcurv_ptr->set_flag(1);
+    last_chcurv_ptr = chcurv_ptr;
+  } 
+  // create the loop
+  LoopSM *loop_ptr = NULL;
+  stat = make_facet_loop( coedge_list, loop_ptr );
+  if ( coedge_ptr == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based loops.\n");
+    return stat;
+  }
+  loop_list.append( loop_ptr );
+  ncurves = coedge_list.size();
+  return stat;
+// Function   : build_cholla_surface_geometry (PRIVATE)
+// Member Type: PRIVATE
+// Description: From the facet surface list, create geometric surface,
+//              loops and coedges for each surface in the list
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::build_cholla_surface_geometry(
+  const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+  DLIList<ChollaSurface*> &cholla_surface_list,
+  int interp_order,
+  double min_dot,
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list)
+  CubitStatus stat = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  int ii, isurface;
+  // make sure the facet flags have been reset
+  ChollaCurve *chcurv_ptr;
+  cholla_surface_list.reset();
+  for ( isurface = 0; isurface < cholla_surface_list.size(); isurface++ )
+  {
+    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
+    chsurf_ptr->reset_facet_flags();
+  }
+  // now loop through surfaces and create them
+  int mydebug = 0;
+  cholla_surface_list.reset();
+  for ( isurface = 0; isurface < cholla_surface_list.size(); isurface++ )
+  {
+    const CubitEvaluatorData *surf_eval_data = eval_data == NULL ? NULL : eval_data[isurface];
+    int num_curves = 0;
+    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr = cholla_surface_list.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> chcurve_list;
+    chsurf_ptr->get_curves( chcurve_list );
+    // init flags for curves on this surface
+    for (ii=0; ii< chcurve_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      chcurv_ptr = chcurve_list.get_and_step();
+      chcurv_ptr->set_flag(0);
+      if (mydebug)
+      {
+        chcurv_ptr->debug_draw();
+      }
+    }
+    // generate loops - keep going until we have used all the curves in the list
+    DLIList<LoopSM*> loop_list;
+    int debug_draw = 0;
+    while (num_curves < chcurve_list.size())
+    {
+      int ncurves = 0;
+      stat = build_cholla_loop_geometry( chcurve_list, chsurf_ptr, 
+                                         loop_list, ncurves, debug_draw );
+      if (stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Can't build geometric loop from facets\n");
+        return stat;
+      }
+      num_curves += ncurves;
+    }
+    // create the surface
+    Surface *surf_ptr = (Surface *)chsurf_ptr->get_geometric_surface();
+    if (surf_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      DLIList<FacetEntity*> facet_entity_list;
+      DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
+      chsurf_ptr->get_points(point_list);
+      chsurf_ptr->get_facets(facet_entity_list);
+      DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+      CAST_LIST( facet_entity_list, facet_list, CubitFacet );
+      FacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = chsurf_ptr->get_eval_tool();
+      if (eval_tool_ptr == NULL)
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      stat = make_facet_surface(surf_eval_data, facet_list,point_list,loop_list,
+                                interp_order,min_dot,surf_ptr, CUBIT_TRUE, eval_tool_ptr);
+      if ( surf_ptr == NULL || stat != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problems building mesh based surfaces.\n");
+        return stat;
+      }
+      chsurf_ptr->assign_geometric_surface((void *)surf_ptr);
+      surface_list.append(surf_ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  return stat;
+// Description: improve the facets on a surface
+// Author     : Steve Owen
+// Date       : 8/28/2003
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::improve_facets( RefFace *ref_face_ptr )
+  //CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  // This must be a facet-based surface - return now if it isn't
+  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface *>(surf_ptr);
+  if (fsurf_ptr == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't improve facets on surface %d. It is not a facet-based geometry.\n",
+                 ref_face_ptr->id());
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
+  // get the facets from the facet-based surface
+  fsurf_ptr->get_my_facets(facet_list, point_list);
+  FacetDataUtil::get_edges(facet_list, edge_list);
+  // compute normals if necessary  
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    point_ptr->normal();
+  }
+  // main clean loop
+  CubitFacet *facet0, *facet1;
+  CubitFacetData *cfacet0, *cfacet1;
+  CubitPoint *pt0, *pt1, *pt2, *pt3;
+  CubitFacetEdge *edge;
+  CubitFacetEdgeData *cedge;
+  int nflip = 0;
+  CubitVector n0, n1, n2, n3;
+  CubitVector c0, c1, c2, c3;
+  double q0, q1, q2, q3;
+  CubitVector nt0, nt1, nt2, nt3;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *>adj_facets;
+  int nedges = edge_list.size();
+  for(ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
+  {
+    edge = edge_list.get();
+    // can't be a feature (edge is on a curve)
+    if(edge->is_feature())
+    {
+      edge_list.step();
+      continue;
+    }
+    pt0 = edge->point(0);
+    pt1 = edge->point(1);
+    adj_facets.clean_out();
+    edge->facets( adj_facets );
+    // must be 2 adjacent facets.
+    if (adj_facets.size() != 2)
+    {
+      edge_list.step();
+      continue;
+    }
+    facet0 = adj_facets.get_and_step();
+    facet1 = adj_facets.get();
+    // get the adjacent vertices, make sure we are oriented correctly 
+    // - swap pt0 and pt1 if necessary
+    pt2 = facet0->next_node(pt1);
+    if(pt2 == pt0)
+    {
+      pt2 = pt0;
+      pt0 = pt1;
+      pt1 = pt2;
+      pt2 = facet0->next_node(pt1);
+    }
+    pt3 = facet1->next_node(pt0);
+    // get the normals from the vertices
+    n0 = pt0->normal( facet0 );
+    n1 = pt1->normal( facet0 );
+    n2 = pt2->normal( facet0 );
+    n3 = pt3->normal( facet1 );
+    c0 = pt0->coordinates();
+    c1 = pt1->coordinates();
+    c2 = pt2->coordinates();
+    c3 = pt3->coordinates();
+    // compute triangle normals by averaging vertices
+    nt0 = n0 + n1 + n2;
+    nt0.normalize();
+    nt1 = n0 + n1 + n3;
+    nt1.normalize();
+    nt2 = n0 + n2 + n3;
+    nt2.normalize();
+    nt3 = n1 + n2 + n3;
+    nt3.normalize();
+    // compute quality for each of the four tris... 2 existing tris
+    // and the two potential tris if we flip
+    q0 = FacetDataUtil::quality(c0, c1, c2, nt0);
+    q1 = FacetDataUtil::quality(c1, c0, c3, nt1);
+    q2 = FacetDataUtil::quality(c0, c3, c2, nt2);
+    q3 = FacetDataUtil::quality(c1, c2, c3, nt3);
+    q0 = CUBIT_MIN( q0, q1 );
+    q2 = CUBIT_MIN( q2, q3 );
+    if (q2 > q0)
+    {
+      // flip
+      facet_list.remove( facet0 );  // these take too long - find another way to remove them
+      facet_list.remove( facet1 );
+      edge_list.change_to(NULL);
+      cfacet0 = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData *>( facet0 );
+      cfacet1 = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetData *>( facet1 );
+      cedge = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdgeData *>( edge );
+      delete cfacet0;
+      delete cfacet1;
+      delete cedge;
+      // get edges
+      CubitFacetEdge *e[4];
+      e[0] = pt2->get_edge( pt0 );
+      e[1] = pt0->get_edge( pt3 );
+      e[2] = pt3->get_edge( pt1 );
+      e[3] = pt1->get_edge( pt2 );
+      cedge = new CubitFacetEdgeData( pt2, pt3 );
+      edge = dynamic_cast<CubitFacetEdge *>( cedge ); 
+      cfacet0 = new CubitFacetData( edge, e[0], e[1] );
+      cfacet1 = new CubitFacetData( edge, e[2], e[3] );
+      facet0 = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *>( cfacet0 );
+      facet1 = dynamic_cast<CubitFacet *>( cfacet1 );
+      edge_list.append( edge );
+      facet_list.append( facet0 );
+      facet_list.append( facet1 );
+      nflip++;
+    }
+    edge_list.step();
+  }
+  edge_list.remove_all_with_value(NULL);
+  assert(edge_list.size() == nedges);
+  if (nflip > 0)
+  {
+    fsurf_ptr->get_eval_tool()->replace_facets(facet_list);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Description: smooth the facets on a surface
+// Author     : Steve Owen
+// Date       : 8/28/2003
+// Note: free_laplacian = TRUE will not project the node back to a tangent plane
+//       free_laplacian = FALSE will project to local tangent plane
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::smooth_facets( RefFace *ref_face_ptr, int niter,
+                                              CubitBoolean free_laplacian )
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  // This must be a facet-based surface - return now if it isn't
+  Surface *surf_ptr = ref_face_ptr->get_surface_ptr();
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface *>(surf_ptr);
+  if (fsurf_ptr == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't smooth facets on surface %d. It is not a facet-based geometry.\n",
+                 ref_face_ptr->id());
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  // get the points from the facet-basec surface
+  fsurf_ptr->get_my_points(point_list);
+  // compute normals if necessary  
+  int ii, jj;
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    point_ptr->normal();
+    point_ptr->marked(0);
+  }
+  // get the points on the facet curves associated with this surface
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>cpoint_list;
+  OCCCurve *fcurv_ptr;
+  Curve *curv_ptr;
+  int idx;
+  DLIList<Curve *> curves;
+  fsurf_ptr->curves(curves);
+  OCCCurve **fcurve_array = new OCCCurve * [curves.size()];
+  for (ii=0; ii<curves.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    idx = ii+1;
+    curv_ptr = curves.get_and_step();
+    fcurv_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve *>(curv_ptr);
+    if (!fcurv_ptr)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't smooth facets on surface %d. At least one of it curves is not a facet-based geometry.\n",
+                   ref_face_ptr->id());
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    // mark the points on the curve with the index of the curve in the array
+    // this will allow us to project the point back to the owning curve
+    cpoint_list.clean_out();
+    fcurv_ptr->get_points(cpoint_list);
+    for (jj=0; jj<cpoint_list.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = cpoint_list.get_and_step();
+      point_ptr->marked(  idx  );
+    }
+    fcurve_array[idx-1] = fcurv_ptr;
+    // mark the vertices with a negative value so we don't touch them
+    DLIList<Point *> verts;
+    fcurv_ptr->points(verts);
+    for(jj=0; jj<verts.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      Point *vert = verts.get_and_step();
+      OCCPoint *fvert = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint *> (vert);
+      fvert->get_cubit_point()->marked(-1);
+    }
+  }
+  // laplacian smoothing
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> adj_points;
+  int iter, nadj;
+  CubitPoint *adj_point_ptr;
+  CubitVector new_location; 
+  for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)
+  {
+    for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+      // don't smooth points at vertices
+      if (point_ptr->marked() >= 0)
+      {
+        adj_points.clean_out();
+        point_ptr->adjacent_points( adj_points );
+        new_location.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+        nadj=0;
+        for (jj = 0; jj<adj_points.size(); jj++)
+        {
+          adj_point_ptr = adj_points.get_and_step();
+          if (point_ptr->marked()) // is on a curve
+          {
+            // only use points on the same curve to influence the new location
+            if (point_ptr->marked() == adj_point_ptr->marked()) 
+            {
+              new_location += adj_point_ptr->coordinates();
+              nadj++;
+            }
+          }
+          // interior nodes use all adjacent points
+          else
+          {
+            new_location += adj_point_ptr->coordinates();
+            nadj++;
+          }
+        }
+        new_location /= nadj;
+        // project it to a tangent plane defined at the point.
+        // except if we are on a curve or we're using free-laplacian option
+        if (!free_laplacian && point_ptr->marked() == 0)
+          new_location = point_ptr->project_to_tangent_plane( new_location );
+        // for points on a curve project to the curve definition
+        if(point_ptr->marked() != 0)
+        {
+          const CubitVector temp = new_location;
+          fcurve_array[point_ptr->marked()-1]->closest_point( temp, 
+                                                            new_location );
+        }
+        if (point_ptr->check_inverted_facets(new_location) == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+        {
+          point_ptr->set(new_location);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // update the normals
+    for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+      point_ptr->compute_avg_normal();
+    }
+  }
+  return rv;
+// Description: create a shell that is the normal offset of the given shell
+// Author     : Steve Owen
+// Date       : 8/28/2003
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::create_shell_offset( BodySM *bodysm_ptr, 
+                                                    BodySM *&new_bodysm, double offset )
+  // check that this is a facet body
+  OCCBody *fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(bodysm_ptr);
+  if (fbody_ptr == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Body is not a facet-based geometry.  This command is intended for use with facetted models\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // The facet and point lists
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+  // get the surfaces.  Check that they are also all facet bodies
+  int ii;
+  Surface *surf_ptr;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr;
+  DLIList<Surface *> surface_list;
+  fbody_ptr->surfaces( surface_list );
+  for (ii=0; ii<surface_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    surf_ptr = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    fsurf_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface *>(surf_ptr);
+    if (fsurf_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("At least one of the surfaces in Body is not facet-based geometry.\n"  
+                  "This command is intended for use with facetted models\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    fsurf_ptr->get_my_facets(facet_list, point_list);
+  }
+  // create an array of points so we can reference them quickly when generating new facets
+  CubitPoint **points = new CubitPoint * [point_list.size()];
+  // make a unique set of points
+  int id = 0;
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  for (ii=0; ii < point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_list.get_and_step()->marked(1);
+  }
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    if (point_ptr->marked() == 1)
+    {
+      point_ptr->marked(0);
+      points[id] = point_ptr;
+      point_ptr->set_id( id );
+      id ++;
+    }
+  }
+  int npoints = id;
+  // get the curves and mark any point on a curve as non-smoothable.
+  int jj;
+  Curve *curv_ptr;
+  OCCCurve *fcurv_ptr;
+  DLIList<Curve *> curve_list;
+  fbody_ptr->curves( curve_list );
+  for(ii=0; ii<curve_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    curv_ptr = curve_list.get_and_step();
+    fcurv_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve *>(curv_ptr);
+    if (fcurv_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("At least one of the curves in Body is not a facet-based geometry.\n"  
+                  "This command is intended for use with facetted models\n"); 
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    point_list.clean_out();
+    fcurv_ptr->get_points( point_list );
+    for(jj=0; jj<point_list.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+      point_ptr->marked(1);
+    }
+  }
+  // smooth the normals to reduce chance of overlap on concave regions
+  CubitVector new_normal, normal;
+  const int niter = 3;
+  int iter, nadj;
+  CubitPoint *adj_point_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> adj_points;
+  for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)
+  {
+    for (ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = points[ii];
+      // don't smooth points on curves
+      if (point_ptr->marked() != 1)
+      {
+        adj_points.clean_out();
+        point_ptr->adjacent_points( adj_points );
+        new_normal.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+        nadj = adj_points.size();
+        for (jj = 0; jj<nadj; jj++)
+        {
+          adj_point_ptr = adj_points.get_and_step();
+          new_normal += adj_point_ptr->normal();
+        }
+        new_normal.normalize();
+        point_ptr->normal(new_normal);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // generate a new set of points offset from the original
+  CubitPointData *new_point;
+  CubitVector new_location;
+  CubitPoint **new_points = new CubitPoint * [npoints];
+  for (ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = points[ii];
+    new_location = point_ptr->coordinates() + point_ptr->normal() * offset;
+    new_point = new CubitPointData( new_location );
+    new_point->set_id( ii );
+    new_points[ii] = (CubitPoint *) new_point;
+  }
+  // generate triangles for the new shell
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> fix_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> orig_list;
+  double dot;
+  double mindot = 1.0;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr, *new_facet_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> new_facet_list;
+  CubitPoint *p0, *p1, *p2;
+  CubitPoint *np0, *np1, *np2;
+  for(ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    facet_ptr->points( p0, p1, p2 );
+    np0 = new_points[p0->id()];
+    np1 = new_points[p1->id()];
+    np2 = new_points[p2->id()];
+    new_facet_ptr = (CubitFacet *) new CubitFacetData( np0, np1, np2 );
+    new_facet_list.append( new_facet_ptr );
+    // compare normals to see if we inverted anything
+    normal = facet_ptr->normal();
+    new_normal = new_facet_ptr->normal();
+    dot = normal % new_normal;
+    if (dot < mindot) mindot = dot;
+    if (dot < 0.707)
+    {
+      new_facet_ptr->marked(1);
+      fix_list.append( new_facet_ptr );
+      orig_list.append( facet_ptr );
+    }
+  }
+  // go back and try to uninvert tris if needed
+  int kk;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> problem_list;
+  if (fix_list.size() > 0)
+  {
+    CubitVector new_location; 
+    for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)
+    {
+      for (ii=0; ii<fix_list.size(); ii++)
+      {
+        facet_ptr = fix_list.get_and_step();
+        point_list.clean_out();
+        facet_ptr->points( point_list );
+        for (jj=0; jj<point_list.size(); jj++)
+        {
+          point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+          // don't smooth marked points
+          if (point_ptr->marked() != 1)
+          {
+            adj_points.clean_out();
+            point_ptr->adjacent_points( adj_points );
+            new_location.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+            nadj = adj_points.size();
+            for (kk = 0; kk<nadj; kk++)
+            {
+              adj_point_ptr = adj_points.get_and_step();
+              new_location += adj_point_ptr->coordinates();
+            }
+            new_location /= nadj;
+            point_ptr->set(new_location);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // see if it worked
+    fix_list.reset();
+    orig_list.reset();
+    for(ii=0; ii<fix_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      new_facet_ptr = fix_list.get_and_step();
+      facet_ptr = orig_list.get_and_step();
+      new_facet_ptr->update_plane();
+      new_normal = new_facet_ptr->normal();
+      normal = facet_ptr->normal();
+      dot = normal % new_normal;
+      if (dot < 0.707)
+      {
+        problem_list.append( new_facet_ptr );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // set the normals back the way they were and clean up
+  for (ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = points[ii];
+    point_ptr->compute_avg_normal();
+  }
+  delete [] points;
+  delete [] new_points;
+  // build the geometry
+  const char *file_name = NULL;
+  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  double feature_angle = 0.0;
+  int interp_order = 0;
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitBoolean stitch = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitBoolean improve = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> quad_facet_list;
+  DLIList<Surface *> new_surface_list;
+  FacetFileFormat file_format = FROM_FACET_LIST;
+  CubitStatus rv =
+  OCCQueryEngine::instance()->import_facets( file_name, use_feature_angle, feature_angle, 0.0, 
+                                   interp_order, smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   split_surfaces, stitch, improve, quad_facet_list,
+                                   new_facet_list, new_surface_list, file_format );
+  if(problem_list.size() > 0)
+  {
+    PRINT_WARNING("Offset process on facet body, may have resulted in %d overalapping facets.\n"
+                  "Check results carefully. Problem facet(s) are displayed in red.)\n", 
+                  problem_list.size());
+    for (ii=0; ii<problem_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      facet_ptr = problem_list.get_and_step();
+      GfxDebug::draw_facet(facet_ptr, CUBIT_RED);
+    }
+    GfxDebug::flush();
+  }
+  if( new_surface_list.size() )
+  {
+    new_bodysm = new_surface_list.get()->bodysm();
+    if( !new_bodysm ) 
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problem offsetting Body\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problem offsetting Body\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return rv;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool sweep_perp, 
+                                 bool through_all,
+                                 bool outward,
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                                 bool through_all, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_surfaces_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 bool up_to_next, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::webcut_with_sweep_curves_rotated(
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                                 DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                                 const CubitVector &point, 
+                                 const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                                 double angle, 
+                                 Surface *stop_surf, 
+                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                                 CubitBoolean imprint)
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::scale( BodySM *&body, const CubitVector& factors )
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance()->scale( body, factors );
+CubitStatus OCCModifyEngine::tolerant_imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies_in,
+                                                 DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies )  const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// EOF

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCModifyEngine.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,828 @@
+// Filename      : OCCModifyEngine.hpp
+// Purpose       : ModifyEngine for faceted geometry
+// Special Notes : Modeled after GeometryModifyEngine and AcisModifyEngine.
+// Creator       : John Fowler
+// Creation Date : 6/02
+// Owner         : John Fowler
+#include "GeometryModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+class Point;
+class TopologyBridge;
+class TopologyEntity;
+class ChollaSurface;
+class ChollaCurve;
+class ChollaPoint;
+class ChollaEngine;
+class CurveFacetEvalTool;
+class FacetEvalTool;
+class CubitPoint;
+class CubitFacet;
+class CubitFacetEdge;
+class CubitQuadFacet;
+class Point;
+class CoEdgeSM;
+class ShellSM;
+class OCCBody;
+class Body;
+class RefFace;
+class OCCSurface;
+class CubitEvaluatorData;
+class SphereEvaluatorData;
+class CylinderEvaluatorData;
+class OCCModifyEngine : public GeometryModifyEngine
+  //HEADER- Constructor and Destructor
+  OCCModifyEngine();
+  static OCCModifyEngine* instance_;
+  static inline OCCModifyEngine* instance()
+  {
+    if( !instance_ )
+      instance_ = new OCCModifyEngine;
+    return instance_;
+  }
+  virtual ~OCCModifyEngine();
+  //- virtual destructor
+  virtual Point* make_Point( CubitVector const& point) const ;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve(Curve *curve_ptr) const;
+  //- creates a curve from an existing curve.  This creates totally
+  //- new topology.  This function is useful for constructing geometry
+  //- from existing geometry.
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( Point const* point1_ptr,
+    Point const* point2_ptr,
+    Surface* ref_face_ptr,
+    const CubitVector *third_point = NULL) const;
+  //- Create a curve exactly on the give ref_face.
+  //- Make sure the points are on the underlying surface.
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+    Point const* point1_ptr,
+    Point const* point2_ptr,
+    DLIList<CubitVector*>& vector_list,
+    Surface* ref_face_ptr = NULL) const;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( GeometryType curve_type,
+    Point const* point1_ptr,
+    Point const* point2_ptr,
+    CubitVector const* intermediate_point_ptr,
+    CubitSense sense) const;
+  virtual Surface* make_Surface( Surface *old_surface_ptr,
+    CubitBoolean extended_from = CUBIT_FALSE) const;
+  virtual Surface* make_Surface( GeometryType surface_type,
+    DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list,
+    Surface *old_surface_ptr = NULL,
+    bool check_edges = true ) const;
+  virtual Lump* make_Lump( DLIList<Surface*>& surface_list ) const;
+  //virtual Body *make_Body(Surface *) const;
+  virtual BodySM* make_BodySM( Surface * ) const;
+  virtual BodySM* make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>& /*lump_list*/ ) const;
+  //virtual Chain *make_Chain(Curve *) const;
+  virtual BodySM* sphere(double radius) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* brick( double wid, double dep, double hi ) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* brick( const CubitVector &center, 
+                         const CubitVector axes[3],
+                         const CubitVector &extension) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* prism( double height, int sides, double major,
+    double minor) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* pyramid( double height, int sides, double major,
+    double minor, double top=0.0) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* cylinder( double hi, double r1, double r2,
+    double r3 ) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* torus( double r1, double r2 ) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* planar_sheet ( const CubitVector& p1,
+    const CubitVector& p2,
+    const CubitVector& p3,
+    const CubitVector& p4 ) const;
+  virtual BodySM* copy_body ( BodySM* bodyPtr) const ;
+  virtual CubitStatus subtract(DLIList<BodySM*> &tool_body_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+    bool keep_old = false) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint(BodySM* BodyPtr1, BodySM* BodyPtr2,
+    BodySM*& newBody1, BodySM*& newBody2,
+    bool keep_old) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint(DLIList<BodySM*> &from_body_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_from_body_list,
+    bool keep_old) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_old_body,
+    bool show_messages=CUBIT_TRUE) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_old_body ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint( DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+    DLIList<DLIList<Curve*>*> &curve_lists_list,
+    BodySM*& new_body,
+    bool keep_old_body ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+    DLIList<CubitVector*> &vector_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_old_body ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint_projected_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_old_body,
+    bool keep_free_edges) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus imprint_projected_edges(DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &body_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_old_body,
+    bool keep_free_edges) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus project_edges( DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list_in,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list_new,
+    bool print_error = true ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus intersect(BodySM* tool_body_ptr,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &from_bodies,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+    bool keep_old = CUBIT_FALSE) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus chop(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies, 
+                           DLIList<BodySM*> &intersectBodies,
+                           DLIList<BodySM*> &outsideBody, 
+                           BodySM*& leftoversBody,
+                           bool keep_old = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                           bool nonreg = CUBIT_FALSE) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus unite(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies, 
+                            DLIList<BodySM*> &newBodies,
+    bool keep_old = CUBIT_FALSE) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus thicken(DLIList<BodySM*>& bodies, 
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_bodies,
+    double depth,
+    bool both = CUBIT_FALSE) const ;
+  virtual CubitStatus flip_normals( DLIList<Surface*>& face_list ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus  sweep_translational(
+    DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+    const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+    double draft_angle,
+    int draft_type,
+    bool switchside,
+    bool rigid) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus  sweep_perpendicular(
+    DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+    double distance,
+    double draft_angle,
+    int draft_type,
+    bool switchside,
+    bool rigid) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus  sweep_rotational(
+    DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+    const CubitVector& point,
+    const CubitVector& direction,
+    double angle,
+    int steps = 0,
+    double draft_angle = 0.0,
+    int draft_type = 0,
+    bool switchside = CUBIT_FALSE,
+    bool make_solid = CUBIT_FALSE,
+    bool rigid = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus sweep_along_curve(
+    DLIList<GeometryEntity*>& ref_ent_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& result_body_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*>& ref_edge_list,
+    double draft_angle = 0.0,
+    int draft_type = 0,
+    bool rigid = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+    virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_sweep_surfaces(
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                          DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                          const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                          bool sweep_perp, 
+                          bool through_all,
+                          bool outward,
+                          bool up_to_next, 
+                          Surface *stop_surf, 
+                          Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                          CubitBoolean imprint = false);
+    virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_sweep_curves(
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                          DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                          const CubitVector& sweep_vector,
+                          bool through_all, 
+                          Surface *stop_surf, 
+                          Curve *curve_to_sweep_along, 
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                          CubitBoolean imprint = false);
+    virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_sweep_curves_rotated(
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                          DLIList<Curve*> &curves,
+                          const CubitVector &point,
+                          const CubitVector &sweep_axis,
+                          double angle,
+                          Surface *stop_surf, 
+                          DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                          CubitBoolean imprint = false);
+    virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_sweep_surfaces_rotated(
+                            DLIList<BodySM*> &blank_bodies,
+                            DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces,
+                            const CubitVector &point, 
+                            const CubitVector &sweep_axis, 
+                            double angle, 
+                            Surface *stop_surf, 
+                            bool up_to_next, 
+                            DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+                            CubitBoolean imprint = false); 
+  //HEADER- Webcut-related functions
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+    const CubitVector &v1,
+    const CubitVector &v2,
+    const CubitVector &v3,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+    bool imprint = false ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut(DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+    BodySM const* tool_body,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+    bool imprint = false ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_across_translate( DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list,
+    Surface* plane_surf1,
+    Surface* plane_surf2,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+    bool imprint = false ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_sheet(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+    BodySM *sheet_body,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_extended_surf(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+    Surface *extend_from,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies,
+    int &num_cut,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_cylinder(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+    double radius,
+    const CubitVector &axis,
+    const CubitVector &center,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_brick( DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list, 
+    const CubitVector &center,
+    const CubitVector axes[3], 
+    const CubitVector &extension,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_planar_sheet( DLIList<BodySM*>& webcut_body_list,
+    const CubitVector &center,
+    const CubitVector axes[2],
+    double width, double height,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &results_list,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus webcut_with_curve_loop(DLIList<BodySM*> &webcut_body_list,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &ref_edge_list,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& results_list,
+    bool imprint = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus section( DLIList<BodySM*> &section_body_list,
+    const CubitVector &point_1,
+    const CubitVector &point_2,
+    const CubitVector &point_3,
+    DLIList<BodySM*>& new_body_list,
+    bool keep_normal_side,
+    bool keep_old = false,
+    bool keep_both_sides = false);
+  virtual CubitStatus split_body( BodySM *body_ptr,
+    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies );
+  virtual CubitStatus reverse_body( BodySM *body_to_reverse );
+  virtual CubitStatus split_periodic( BodySM *body_ptr,
+    BodySM *&new_body );
+  virtual CubitStatus regularize_body( BodySM *body_ptr,
+    BodySM *&new_body_ptr );
+  virtual CubitStatus regularize_entity(GeometryEntity *old_entity_ptr,  
+                                           BodySM *&new_body_ptr);
+  virtual CubitStatus offset_curves( DLIList<Curve*>& ref_edge_list, 
+                                     DLIList<Curve*>& result_curve_list,
+                                     double offset_distance,
+                                     const CubitVector& offset_direction, 
+                                     int gap_type = 1 );
+  virtual CubitStatus scale ( BodySM *&body, const CubitVector& factors );
+  virtual Curve* trim_curve( Curve* trim_curve, 
+                             const CubitVector& trim_vector,
+                             const CubitVector& keep_vector,
+                             bool keep_old = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus create_body_from_surfs(DLIList<Surface*> &ref_face_list,
+    BodySM *&new_body,
+    bool keep_old = false,
+    bool heal = false) const;
+  virtual Curve* create_arc_three( Point* ref_vertex1, 
+                                   Point* ref_vertex2,
+                                   Point* ref_vertex3, 
+                                   bool full = false );
+  virtual Curve* create_arc_three( Curve* ref_edge1, 
+                                   Curve* ref_edge2,
+                                   Curve* ref_edge3, 
+                                   bool full = false );
+  virtual Curve* create_arc_center_edge( 
+                                   Point* ref_vertex1, 
+                                   Point* ref_vertex2,
+                                   Point* ref_vertex3, 
+                                   const CubitVector &normal,
+                                   double radius = CUBIT_DBL_MAX,
+                                   bool full = false );
+  virtual CubitStatus create_curve_combine( DLIList<Curve*>& curve_list, 
+                                    Curve *&new_curve_ptr );
+    //-  Uses the solid modeller to create a new RefEdge that is a combination 
+    //- of the input chain of edges.  
+    //-
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine *get_gqe();
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_modify_engine(const TopologyBridge *tb_ptr) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_offset_intersections( 
+                               Curve* ref_edge1, 
+                               Curve* ref_edge2,
+                               DLIList<CubitVector*>& intersection_list,
+                               double offset,
+                               bool ext_first = true );
+  virtual CubitStatus get_offset_intersections( 
+                               Curve* ref_edge_ptr, 
+                               Surface* ref_face_ptr,
+                               DLIList<CubitVector*> &intersection_list,
+                               double offset = 0.0,
+                               bool ext_surf = true );
+  virtual CubitStatus surface_intersection( Surface *surface1_ptr,
+    Surface *surface2_ptr,
+    DLIList<Curve*> &inter_graph,
+    const double tol) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_mid_plane( const CubitVector &point_1,
+    const CubitVector &point_2,
+    const CubitVector &point_3,
+    BodySM *body_to_trim_to,
+    BodySM *&midplane_body ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list, 
+                                     double left_offset,
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                     double right_offset = -1.0,
+                                     CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                     CubitBoolean preview = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Chamfer curves on solid bodies.  The left and right offsets are with 
+    *   respect to the curve direction.  If the given right offset is negative,
+    *   the left offset is used.  Users can preview to clarify the meaning of
+    *   left and right.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_chamfer( DLIList<Point*> &point_list, 
+                                     double offset1, 
+                                     DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                     Curve *edge1 = NULL,
+                                     double offset2 = -1.0,
+                                     Curve *edge2 = NULL,
+                                     double offset3 = -1.0,
+                                     Curve *edge3 = NULL,
+                                     CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                     CubitBoolean preview = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Chamfer vertices on solid or sheet bodies.  On a solid body there can
+    *   be up to 3 offsets; on a sheet body up to 2 offsets.  The offsets are
+    *   in the direction of the supplied edges.  If multiple vertices are 
+    *   supplied, only one offset value is allowed and the edges are not used.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_fillet( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list, 
+                                    double radius,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                    CubitBoolean preview = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curves on solid bodies.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_fillet( Curve *curve_ptr, 
+                                    double start_radius,
+                                    double end_radius,
+                                    BodySM *&new_body_ptr,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                    CubitBoolean preview = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given curve on a solid body.
+    *   The fillet has a variable radius from the start to the end of the curve.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_fillet( DLIList<Point*> &point_list, 
+                                    double radius,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                    CubitBoolean preview = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Create a round fillet (or blend) at the given vertices on sheet bodies.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_move( DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                                  const CubitVector &delta,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                  CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes along a vector.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_move( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list,
+                                  const CubitVector &delta,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                  CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified curves of a sheet body along a vector.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_offset( DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                                    double offset_distance,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes by offsetting those faces
+    *   by the offset distance.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_offset( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list,
+                                    double offset_distance,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified curves of a sheet body or bodies by offsetting those
+    *   curves by the offset distance.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_remove( DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean extend_adjoining = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_surface = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Remove surfaces from a body or bodies and then extend the adjoining
+    *   surfaces to fill the gap or remove the hole.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_remove( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list, 
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Remove curves from a sheet body or bodies and then extend the remaining
+    *   curves to fill the gap.  If an internal loop of curves is removed the
+    *   hole is removed.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_target( DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                                    Surface *target_surf_ptr,
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list,
+                                    CubitBoolean reverse_flg = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified faces of a volume or volumes up to a target surface.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list,
+                                    Surface *target_surf_ptr, 
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list, 
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified edges of a surface or set of surfaces (in sheet
+    *   bodies) up to a target surface.  This essentially extends or
+    *   trims the attached surfaces of the sheet body.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus tweak_target( DLIList<Curve*> &curve_list,
+                                    Curve *target_curve_ptr, 
+                                    DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodysm_list, 
+                                    CubitBoolean keep_old_body = CUBIT_FALSE ) const;
+  /**<  Tweak specified edges of a sheet body or bodies up to a target curve 
+    *   that is part of a sheet body.  The target is a surface created by
+    *   thickening the owning surface of the target curve.
+    */
+  virtual CubitStatus create_net_surface( DLIList<Surface*>& ref_face_list, BodySM *& new_body,
+                                          DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> &vec_lists_u, 
+                                          DLIList<DLIList<CubitVector*>*> &vec_lists_v, 
+                                          double net_tol = 1e-3,
+                                          CubitBoolean heal = CUBIT_TRUE ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_net_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& u_curves, DLIList<Curve*>& v_curves,
+                                          BodySM *& new_body,
+                                          double net_tol = 1e-3, 
+                                          CubitBoolean heal = CUBIT_TRUE ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_offset_surface( Surface* ref_face_ptr, BodySM*& new_body, double offset_distance ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_offset_body( BodySM* body_ptr, BodySM*& new_body, double offset_distance ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_skin_surface( DLIList<Curve*>& curves, BodySM*& new_body ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus loft_surfaces( Surface *face1, const double &takeoff1,
+                                     Surface *face2, const double &takeoff2,
+                                     BodySM*& new_body,
+                                     CubitBoolean arc_length_option = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                     CubitBoolean twist_option = CUBIT_FALSE,
+                                     CubitBoolean align_direction = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                     CubitBoolean perpendicular = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                     CubitBoolean simplify_option = CUBIT_FALSE) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus loft_surfaces_to_body( Surface *face1, const double &takeoff1,
+                                             Surface *face2, const double &takeoff2,
+                                             BodySM*& new_body,
+                                             CubitBoolean arc_length_option,
+                                             CubitBoolean twist_option,
+                                             CubitBoolean align_direction,
+                                             CubitBoolean perpendicular,
+                                             CubitBoolean simplify_option) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_surface( DLIList<CubitVector*>& vec_list,
+                                      BodySM *&new_body,
+                                      Surface *ref_face_ptr, 
+			                             CubitBoolean project_points ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus create_weld_surface( CubitVector &root,
+                                           Surface *ref_face1, double leg1, Surface *ref_face2, double leg2,
+                                           BodySM *&new_body ) const;
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------
+   //- Methods for building specific facet-based geometry entities
+   //--------------------------------------------------------------
+  CubitStatus make_facet_point( CubitPoint *thePoint,
+                                Point *&new_point_ptr );
+  CubitStatus make_facet_point( CubitVector &location,
+                                Point *&new_point_ptr );
+    //- create a new facet point
+  CubitStatus make_facet_curve( Point *start_ptr,
+                                Point *end_ptr,
+                                Curve *&new_curve_ptr,
+                                CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = NULL);
+  CubitStatus make_facet_curve( Point *start_ptr,
+                                Point *end_ptr,
+                                DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list,
+                                DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,
+                                Curve *&new_curve_ptr,
+                                CurveFacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = NULL);
+   //- create a new facet curve 
+  CubitStatus make_facet_coedge( Curve *curv_ptr,
+                                 CubitSense sense,
+                                 CoEdgeSM *&new_coedge_ptr );
+   //- create a new facet coedge
+  CubitStatus make_facet_loop( DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedge_list,
+                               LoopSM *&new_loop_ptr );
+   //- create a new facet loop
+  CubitStatus make_facet_surface(const CubitEvaluatorData *eval_data,
+                                 DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list,
+                                 DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,
+                                 DLIList<LoopSM*> &my_loops,
+                                 int interp_order,
+                                 double min_dot,
+                                 Surface *&new_surface_ptr,
+                                 CubitBoolean use_point_addresses = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 FacetEvalTool *eval_tool_ptr = NULL);
+    //-creates a new OCCSurface given the points and facet list.
+  CubitStatus make_facet_surface(DLIList<CubitQuadFacet*> &facet_list,
+                                 DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list,
+                                 DLIList<LoopSM*> &my_loops,
+                                 int interp_order,
+                                 double min_dot,
+                                 Surface *&new_surface_ptr);
+    //-creates a new OCCSurface given the points and quad facet list.
+  CubitStatus make_facet_shell(DLIList<Surface*> &surface_list,
+                               ShellSM *&new_shell_ptr);
+    //-creates a new shell, given the list of surfaces.
+  CubitStatus make_facet_lump(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shell_list,
+                              Lump*& new_lump_ptr);
+    //-creates a new lump, given the list of shells.
+  CubitStatus make_facet_body(DLIList<Lump*> &lump_list,
+                              BodySM *&new_body_ptr);
+    //-creates a new body, given the list of lump.
+  CubitStatus build_facet_surface( const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+                                   DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,
+                                   DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                   double feature_angle,
+                                   int interp_order,
+                                   CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                                   DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+  CubitStatus build_facet_surface( DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &qfacet_list,
+                                   DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tfacet_list,
+                                   DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                   double feature_angle,
+                                   int interp_order,
+                                   CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                                   DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+  CubitStatus build_facet_surface( DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &facet_list,
+                                   DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                   double feature_angle,
+                                   int interp_order,
+                                   CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                                   CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                                   DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+    //- creates one or more new OCCSurfaces with all of its lower
+    //- order entities.  Use an optional feature_angle to break
+    //- surface
+  CubitStatus smooth_facets( RefFace *ref_face_ptr, int niter, CubitBoolean free_laplacian );
+    //- attempt to clean up facets by smoothing the points on the surface
+  CubitStatus create_shell_offset( BodySM *bodysm_ptr, BodySM *&new_bodysm, double offset );
+    // create a shell offset from body
+  CubitStatus improve_facets( RefFace *ref_face_ptr );
+    // improve the facets by local swaps
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_surfaces( DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list,
+                                     DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list,
+                                     double feature_angle,
+                                     int interp_order,
+                                     CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                                     CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                                     ChollaEngine *&cholla_ptr );
+/*  virtual CubitStatus finish_facet_Body(
+    GeometryType surface_type,
+    const CubitEvaluatorData *eval_data,
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *>facet_list,
+    DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list,
+    double feature_angle,
+    int interp_order,
+    CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold, 
+    CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+    BodySM *&body_ptr) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus finish_facet_Body( ChollaEngine *&cholla_ptr,
+                                         const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+                                         double feature_angle,
+                                         int interp_order,
+                                         BodySM *&bodysm_ptr) const;
+  void set_sphere_eval_data( ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr,
+                             double radius,
+                             CubitEvaluatorData **&eval_data ) const;
+  void set_cylinder_eval_data( ChollaEngine *cholla_ptr,
+                               double height,
+                               double base_radius_xdir,
+                               double base_radius_ydir,
+                               double top_radius,
+                               CubitEvaluatorData **&eval_data ) const;
+  // non-virtual specific functions for building facet-based geometry
+  // from Cholla geometry
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_geometry(
+    const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> &cholla_surface_list,
+    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list,
+    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> &cholla_point_list,
+    CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, 
+    double feature_angle, 
+    int interp_order,
+    DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+    // build the CUBIT geometry based on the Cholla entity class lists
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_point_geometry(
+    DLIList<ChollaPoint*> &cholla_point_list );
+    // From the cholla point list, create geometric points for each
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_curve_geometry(
+    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list );
+    // From the cholla curve list, create geometric curves for each
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_surface_geometry(
+    const CubitEvaluatorData **eval_data,
+    DLIList<ChollaSurface*> &cholla_surface_list,
+    int interp_order,
+    double min_dot,
+    DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list);
+    // From the facet surface list, create geometric surface,
+    // loops and coedges for each surface in the list  
+    CubitStatus tolerant_imprint( DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies_in,
+                                  DLIList<BodySM*> &new_bodies ) const; 
+  CubitStatus build_cholla_loop_geometry(
+    DLIList<ChollaCurve*> &cholla_curve_list,
+    ChollaSurface *chsurf_ptr,
+    DLIList<LoopSM*> &loop_list,
+    int &ncurves,
+    int debug_draw = 0 );
+    // From the cholla curve list of a surface, create geometric loops 
+  void fillinedge( 
+    int *edge, 
+    int numpointsonanedge, 
+    double radius, 
+#ifdef CANT_USE_STD
+    vector<CubitPoint *>& points) const;
+    std::vector<CubitPoint *>& points) const;
+    //!  Put points on this edge of a triangle being refined.
+  void refinetriangle(
+    int level, 
+    int numpointsonanedge, 
+    int *iedge1, 
+    int *iedge2, 
+    int *iedge3,
+    int isign1, 
+    int isign2, 
+    int isign3, 
+    double radius, 
+#ifdef CANT_USE_STD
+    vector<CubitPoint *>& points,
+    std::vector<CubitPoint *>& points,
+    DLIList<CubitFacet *>& facet_list) const;    
+    //! add internal points and make connections for this triangle
+} ;

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+// File: OCCParamTool.cpp
+// Descripiton: interface for 3D-2D parameterization algorithms
+#include "OCCParamTool.hpp"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "FacetorTool.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitBox.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetBoundaryPoint.hpp"
+#ifdef ROADKILL
+#include "ParamManager.hpp"
+#define DETERM(p1,q1,p2,q2,p3,q3)\
+     ((q3)*((p2)-(p1)) + (q2)*((p1)-(p3)) + (q1)*((p3)-(p2)))
+#define INSIDE_TOL 1.0e-6
+// Function: OCCParamTool (Public)
+// Description: Constructor
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 1/02
+OCCParamTool::OCCParamTool(int numn, int nume, double* nodes, int* tri) 
+// Function:    OCCParamTool
+// Description: constructor
+// Author:      chynes
+// Date:        7/10/2002
+OCCParamTool::OCCParamTool(Surface *surf) 
+	refSurf = surf;
+// Function: ~OCCParamTool
+// Description: Deconstructor
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 1/02
+OCCParamTool::~OCCParamTool() {}
+// Function: set_up_space (Public)
+// Description: sets up space of flattening, flattens, and then updates surface
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 7/10/02
+CubitStatus OCCParamTool::set_up_space() 
+#ifdef ROADKILL
+	FacetEvalTool *fetool = CAST_TO(refSurf, OCCSurface)->get_eval_tool();
+	if ((fetool->loops())->size() != 1)
+	{
+		PRINT_WARNING("Cannot parameterize surface.  Multiple loops detected\n");
+		return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	DLIList<CubitPoint *> my_point_list;
+	fetool->get_points(my_point_list);
+	DLIList<CubitFacet *> my_facet_list;
+	fetool->get_facets(my_facet_list);
+  // make arrays out of the points and facets
+	double *points = new double [3 * my_point_list.size()];
+	int *facets = new int [3 * my_facet_list.size()];
+	if (!points || !facets)
+	{
+		PRINT_ERROR("Could not define parameterization for surface (out of memory)\n");
+		return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	int ii;
+	CubitPoint *pt;
+	my_point_list.reset();
+	for (ii=0; ii<my_point_list.size(); ii++)
+	{
+		pt = my_point_list.get_and_step();
+		points[ii*3] = pt->x();
+		points[ii*3+1] = pt->y();
+		points[ii*3+2] = pt->z();
+		pt->marked(ii);
+	}
+	CubitFacet *facet;
+	CubitPoint *pts[3];
+	for (ii=0; ii<my_facet_list.size(); ii++)
+	{
+		facet = my_facet_list.get_and_step();    
+		facet->points( pts[0], pts[1], pts[2] );
+		facets[ii*3]   = pts[0]->marked();
+		facets[ii*3+1] = pts[1]->marked();
+		facets[ii*3+2] = pts[2]->marked();
+	}
+	//debug, export facets
+//	export_facets(my_point_list.size(), my_facet_list.size(), points, facets);
+//	PRINT_ERROR("Debugging Failure.  Please remove export_facets from OCCParamTool\n");
+//	return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+	// do the parameterization
+	ParamManager parammanager( my_point_list.size(), my_facet_list.size(),
+							points, facets );
+	if(!parammanager.flatten())
+	{
+		PRINT_ERROR("Surface Parameterizer Failed\n");
+		return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		double ratio;
+		double *sizes;
+		parammanager.build_sizing();
+		double *uv = parammanager.get_uvs_sizing( ratio, sizes ); 
+		// update the points with uvs values
+		TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp;
+		CubitBoolean on_internal_boundary;
+		my_point_list.reset();
+		for (ii=0; ii<my_point_list.size(); ii++)
+		{
+			pt = my_point_list.get_and_step();
+			DLIList <CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+			pt->facets_on_surf( fetool->tool_id(), facet_list, on_internal_boundary );
+			if (on_internal_boundary)
+			{
+				td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt );
+				if (!td_fbp)
+				{
+					TDFacetBoundaryPoint::add_facet_boundary_point( pt );
+					td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( pt );
+					td_fbp->add_surf_facets( facet_list );
+					td_fbp->set_uvs( facet_list.get(), uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1], sizes[ii]);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if (td_fbp->set_uvs( facet_list.get(),
+						uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1], sizes[ii] ) != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+					{
+						td_fbp->add_surf_facets( facet_list );
+						td_fbp->set_uvs( facet_list.get(), uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1], sizes[ii]);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				pt->set_uvs( uv[ii*2], uv[ii*2+1], sizes[ii]);
+			}
+		}
+		PRINT_INFO("Surface Parameterization succeeded\n");
+		delete [] sizes;
+		delete [] uv;
+	}
+	// clean up
+	delete [] points;
+	delete [] facets;
+// Function: transform_to_uv (Public)
+// Description: same as title, set_up_space must have been already called
+// the local sizing will be returned in the z coord 
+// of the uv location vector
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 7/10/02
+CubitStatus OCCParamTool::transform_to_uv(CubitVector &xyz_location, CubitVector &uv_location) 
+	DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list; 
+	FacetEvalTool *fetool;
+	CubitFacet *tri_ptr;
+	CubitBoolean outside = CUBIT_FALSE;
+	CubitVector closest_point;
+	CubitVector area_coord;
+	double u, v, s;
+	double compare_tol;
+	// find best compare_tol
+	fetool = CAST_TO(refSurf, OCCSurface)->get_eval_tool();
+	compare_tol = 1e-3*(fetool->bounding_box().diagonal().length());
+	// locate point
+	CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+	fetool->get_facets(facet_list);
+	rv = FacetEvalTool::project_to_facets(facet_list, 
+										  tri_ptr, 
+										  0, 
+										  compare_tol, 
+										  xyz_location, 
+										  CUBIT_FALSE, 
+										  &outside, 
+										  &closest_point, 
+										  NULL);
+	// determine barycentric coordinates for in facet
+	if(rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS) 
+	{
+		FacetEvalTool::facet_area_coordinate(tri_ptr, closest_point, area_coord);
+		// extract data
+		double u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2, s0, s1, s2;
+		CubitPoint *p0, *p1, *p2;
+		tri_ptr->points(p0, p1, p2);
+		p0->get_uvs(tri_ptr, u0, v0, s0);
+		p1->get_uvs(tri_ptr, u1, v1, s1);
+		p2->get_uvs(tri_ptr, u2, v2, s2);
+		// determine u coordinate
+		u = (area_coord.x()*u0) + (area_coord.y()*u1) + (area_coord.z()*u2);
+		// determine v coordinate
+		v = (area_coord.x()*v0) + (area_coord.y()*v1) + (area_coord.z()*v2);
+		// determine sizing
+		s = (area_coord.x()*s0) + (area_coord.y()*s1) + (area_coord.z()*s2);
+		uv_location.set(u,v,s);
+	}
+		return rv;	
+// Function: transform_to_xyz (Public)
+// Description: same as title
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 7/10/02
+CubitStatus OCCParamTool::transform_to_xyz(CubitVector &xyz_location, CubitVector &uv_location) 
+	CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+	CubitFacet *tri_ptr;
+	OCCSurface *facet_surf = CAST_TO(refSurf, OCCSurface);
+	CubitVector area_coord;
+	double x, y, z;
+	//locate point
+	rv = locate_point_in_uv(facet_surf, uv_location, tri_ptr);
+	if(rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		// create uv facet
+		CubitPoint* uvpoint_array[3];
+		DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list;
+		CubitPoint *pt_ptr;
+		double u,v;
+		int ii;
+		tri_ptr->points(point_list);
+		for(ii = 0; ii<3; ii++)
+		{
+			pt_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+			pt_ptr->get_uv(tri_ptr, u, v);
+			uvpoint_array[ii] = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(u, v, 0.0);
+		}
+		CubitFacet *uvfacet_ptr = (CubitFacet *) new CubitFacetData( uvpoint_array[0], 
+																	 uvpoint_array[1], 
+																	 uvpoint_array[2] );
+		// determine barycentric coordinates of uv point in uv facet
+		FacetEvalTool::facet_area_coordinate(uvfacet_ptr, uv_location, area_coord);
+		//delete created objects
+		delete uvfacet_ptr;
+		for(ii = 0; ii<3; ii++)
+		{
+			pt_ptr = uvpoint_array[ii];
+			delete pt_ptr;
+		}
+		CubitPoint *p0, *p1, *p2;
+		CubitVector coord0, coord1, coord2;
+		tri_ptr->points(p0,p1,p2);
+		coord0 = p0->coordinates();
+		coord1 = p1->coordinates();
+		coord2 = p2->coordinates();
+		//determine x coordinate
+		x =   (area_coord.x()*coord0.x())
+			+ (area_coord.y()*coord1.x())
+			+ (area_coord.z()*coord2.x());
+		//determine y coordinate
+		y =   (area_coord.x()*coord0.y())
+			+ (area_coord.y()*coord1.y())
+			+ (area_coord.z()*coord2.y());
+		//determine z coordinate
+		z =   (area_coord.x()*coord0.z())
+			+ (area_coord.y()*coord1.z())
+			+ (area_coord.z()*coord2.z());
+		xyz_location.set(x,y,z);
+	}
+	return rv;
+// Function: locate_point_in_uv (Public)
+// Description: same as title (the_point must have coords (u,v,0.0))
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 7/10/02
+CubitStatus OCCParamTool::
+locate_point_in_uv(OCCSurface *surf, CubitVector &the_point, CubitFacet *&tri_ptr) 
+	CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+	DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+	int tool_id = surf->get_eval_tool()->tool_id();
+	surf->get_eval_tool()->get_facets(facet_list);
+	tri_ptr = facet_list.get();
+	// loop until we find something
+	CubitPoint *p0, *p1, *p2;
+	double aa, bb, cc;
+	double u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2;
+	CubitBoolean found = CUBIT_FALSE;
+	while(!found && rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		tri_ptr->points(p0, p1, p2);
+		p0->get_uv(tri_ptr, u0, v0);
+		p1->get_uv(tri_ptr, u1, v1);
+		p2->get_uv(tri_ptr, u2, v2);
+		aa = DETERM(the_point.x(), the_point.y(), u1, v1, u2, v2);
+		bb = DETERM(u0, v0, the_point.x(), the_point.y(), u2, v2);
+		cc = DETERM(u0, v0, u1, v1, the_point.x(), the_point.y());
+		if (aa > -INSIDE_TOL &&
+			bb > -INSIDE_TOL &&
+			cc > -INSIDE_TOL)
+		{
+			found = CUBIT_TRUE;  // this is the one
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			// set up to check the next logical neighbor
+			if (aa <= bb && aa <= cc) {
+				int edge_index = 1;
+				tri_ptr = tri_ptr->adjacent( edge_index, &tool_id );
+			}
+			else if (bb <= aa && bb <= cc) {
+				int edge_index = 2;
+				tri_ptr = tri_ptr->adjacent( edge_index, &tool_id );
+			}
+			else {
+				int edge_index = 0;
+				tri_ptr = tri_ptr->adjacent( edge_index, &tool_id);
+			}
+			// check to see if we've left the triangulation
+			if (tri_ptr == NULL)
+			{
+				rv = exhaustive_locate_point_in_uv(surf, the_point, tri_ptr );
+				found = CUBIT_TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return rv;
+// Function: exhaustive_locate_point_in_uv (Public)
+// Description: same as title
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 7/10/02
+CubitStatus OCCParamTool::
+exhaustive_locate_point_in_uv(OCCSurface *surf, CubitVector &the_point, CubitFacet *&tri_ptr) 
+	CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+	DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+	surf->get_eval_tool()->get_facets(facet_list);
+	// loop until we find something
+	CubitPoint *p0, *p1, *p2;
+	int ii;
+	double aa, bb, cc;
+	double u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2;
+	CubitBoolean found = CUBIT_FALSE;
+	for(ii = 0; ii < facet_list.size() && !found; ii++)
+	{
+		tri_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+		tri_ptr->points(p0, p1, p2);
+		p0->get_uv(tri_ptr, u0, v0);
+		p1->get_uv(tri_ptr, u1, v1);
+		p2->get_uv(tri_ptr, u2, v2);
+		aa = DETERM(the_point.x(), the_point.y(), u1, v1, u2, v2);
+		bb = DETERM(u0, v0, the_point.x(), the_point.y(), u2, v2);
+		cc = DETERM(u0, v0, u1, v1, the_point.x(), the_point.y());
+		if (aa > -INSIDE_TOL &&
+			bb > -INSIDE_TOL &&
+			cc > -INSIDE_TOL)
+		{
+			found = CUBIT_TRUE;  // this is the one
+		}
+	}
+	if (!found)
+	{
+		tri_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	return rv;
+// Function: flatten
+// Description: accessor function to the parameterization algorithms
+// Author: chynes
+// Date: 1/02

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCParamTool.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+//   File:OCCParamTool.hpp
+//   Purpose: interface for 3D-2D parameterization algorithms for facets
+#include "ParamTool.hpp"
+class Surface;
+class OCCSurface;
+class CubitFacet;
+class CubitVector;
+class OCCParamTool : public ParamTool
+  OCCParamTool(int numn, int nume, double* nodes, int* tri);
+       //~constructor
+  OCCParamTool(Surface *surf);
+	//- constructor
+  ~OCCParamTool();
+       //~deconstructor
+  CubitStatus set_up_space(void);
+  CubitStatus transform_to_uv(CubitVector &xyz_location, CubitVector &uv_location);
+  CubitStatus transform_to_xyz(CubitVector &xyz_location, CubitVector &uv_location);
+  CubitStatus locate_point_in_uv(OCCSurface *surf, CubitVector &the_point, CubitFacet *&tri_ptr);
+  CubitStatus exhaustive_locate_point_in_uv(OCCSurface *surf, CubitVector &the_point, CubitFacet *&tri_ptr); 
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  CubitStatus export_facets(int numn, int numf, double *points, int *facets);
+  // - debug function for testing inputs to roadkill
+  int flatten();
+      //accessor function to the parameterization algorithms
+  double* get_uvs_sizing(double& ratio, double*& sizings);
+      //after calling flatten, returns an array of the u,v parameters, accessing
+      //d_flat_mesh
+	Surface *refSurf;
+	//- reference surface

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+// Filename      : OCCPoint.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/15/00
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+#include <assert.h>
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitMessage.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttrib.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "RefVertex.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "Curve.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the associated VERTEX . 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+OCCPoint::OCCPoint( CubitVector &location, DLIList<Curve*> &curves )
+  assert(0);
+  myPoint = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( location );
+  myCurves += curves;
+  iCreated = CUBIT_TRUE;
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the associated CubitPoint . 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/28/00
+OCCPoint::OCCPoint( CubitPoint *thePoint, DLIList<Curve*> &curves )
+  assert(0);
+  myPoint = thePoint;
+  myCurves += curves;
+  iCreated = CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the associated CubitPoint . 
+// Special Notes : Was make especially for save/restore
+// Creator       : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 02/03/03
+OCCPoint::OCCPoint( CubitPoint *thePoint ) 
+  assert(0);
+  myPoint = thePoint;
+  iCreated = CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the associated TopoDS_Vertex . 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 12/28/00
+OCCPoint::OCCPoint( TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint, DLIList<Curve*> &curves )
+  assert(0);
+  myTopoDSVertex = thePoint;
+  myCurves += curves;
+  iCreated = CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the associated TopoDS_Vertex . 
+// Special Notes : Was make especially for save/restore
+// Creator       : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 02/03/03
+OCCPoint::OCCPoint( TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint ) 
+  myTopoDSVertex = thePoint;
+  iCreated = CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : The destructor. 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+  if (iCreated && myPoint != NULL)
+  {
+    delete myPoint;
+  }
+  myPoint = NULL;
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the GE. The name is attached to the 
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+void OCCPoint::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.append_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple 
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+void OCCPoint::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.remove_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple 
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+void OCCPoint::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  { attribSet.remove_all_attributes(); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the  
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+CubitStatus OCCPoint::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&
+                                               csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes(csa_list); }
+CubitStatus OCCPoint::get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                     DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list )
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( name, csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCPoint::save_attribs( FILE *file_ptr )
+  { return attribSet.save_attributes(file_ptr); }
+CubitStatus OCCPoint::restore_attribs( FILE *file_ptr, unsigned int endian )
+  { return attribSet.restore_attributes(file_ptr, endian); }
+// Purpose       : Returns the coordinates of this Point. 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+CubitVector OCCPoint::coordinates() const
+  gp_Pnt Point = BRep_Tool::Pnt(*myTopoDSVertex);
+  CubitVector p(Point.X(), Point.Y(), Point.Z());
+  return p;
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: AcisGeometryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+GeometryQueryEngine* OCCPoint::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+  return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Purpose       : Get the bounding box of the object.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 07/16/00
+CubitBox OCCPoint::bounding_box() const 
+  CubitVector temp_vector = this->coordinates();
+  CubitBox temp_box(temp_vector);
+  return temp_box;
+void OCCPoint::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCurves.get_and_step()->bodysms(bodies);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCurves.get_and_step()->lumps(lumps);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCurves.get_and_step()->shellsms(shellsms);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCurves.get_and_step()->surfaces(surfaces);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myCurves.get_and_step()->loopsms(loopsms);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+     myCurves.get_and_step()->coedgesms(coedgesms);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myCurves.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    curves.append_unique( myCurves.get_and_step() );
+  }
+void OCCPoint::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  points.append_unique( this );
+void OCCPoint::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents ) 
+  { CAST_LIST_TO_PARENT( myCurves, parents ); }
+void OCCPoint::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& ) 
+  {  }
+void OCCPoint::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells( shell_list );
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = shell_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCShell* shell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    shell->get_lumps( result_list );
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(shell->get_lump());
+    if (lump)
+      result_list.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> temp_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = surface_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surface = surface_list.get_and_step();
+    temp_list.clean_out();
+    surface->get_shells( temp_list );
+    result_list.merge_unique( temp_list );
+  }
+void OCCPoint::get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loop_list;
+  get_loops( loop_list );
+  loop_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = loop_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCLoop* loop = loop_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCSurface* surface = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(loop->get_surface());
+    if (surface)
+      result_list.append_unique(surface);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::get_loops( DLIList<OCCLoop*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCLoop* loop = dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(coedge->get_loop());
+    if (loop)
+      result_list.append_unique(loop);
+  }
+void OCCPoint::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> curve_list;
+  get_curves( curve_list );
+  curve_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = curve_list.size(); i--; )
+    curve_list.get_and_step()->get_coedges( result_list );
+void OCCPoint::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  myCurves.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < myCurves.size(); i++ )
+    if ( OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(myCurves.next(i)) )
+      result_list.append(curve);
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+CubitStatus OCCPoint::disconnect_curve (OCCCurve* curve)
+  assert(0);
+  if (!myCurves.move_to(curve))
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  myCurves.remove();
+  if (curve->start_point() == this)
+    curve->remove_start_point();
+  if (curve->end_point() == this)
+    curve->remove_end_point();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// ********** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN PROTECTED FUNCTIONS    **********
+// ********** END PROTECTED FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** END PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASSES         **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASSES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END STATIC FUNCTIONS         **********

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCPoint.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Filename      : OCCPoint.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Steven J. Owen
+// Creation Date : 08/02/96
+// Owner         : Steven J. Owen
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "Point.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+#include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN FORWARD DECLARATIONS   **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class CubitSimpleAttrib;
+class RefVertex;
+class RefVolume;
+class RefVolume;
+class CubitPoint;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS     **********
+class OCCPoint : public Point
+  DLIList<Curve*> myCurves;
+  CubitPoint *myPoint;
+  CubitBoolean iCreated;
+  TopoDS_Vertex *myTopoDSVertex;
+  OCCAttribSet attribSet;
+    //List of OCCAttrib*'s instead of CubitSimpleAttribs 
+public :
+  OCCPoint(CubitVector &location, DLIList<Curve*> &curves );
+    //I- CubitVector &location
+    //I- location of point (creates a CubiPoint).
+    //I- DLIList<Curve*> curves
+    //I- curves attaced to point
+  OCCPoint(CubitPoint *thePoint, DLIList<Curve*> &curves );
+    //I- CubitPoint *thePoint
+    //I- pointer to the CubitPoint associated with OCCPoint
+    //I- DLIList<Curve*> curves
+    //I- curves attaced to point
+  OCCPoint(CubitPoint *thePoint ); 
+    //I- CubitPoint *thePoint
+    //I- pointer to the CubitPoint associated with OCCPoint
+  OCCPoint(TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint, DLIList<Curve*> &curves );
+    //I- TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint
+    //I- pointer to the TopoDS_Vertex associated with OCCPoint
+    //I- DLIList<Curve*> curves
+    //I- curves attaced to point
+  OCCPoint(TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint ); 
+    //I- TopoDS_Vertex *thePoint
+    //I- pointer to the TopoDS_Vertex associated with OCCPoint
+  virtual ~OCCPoint();
+    //- The destructor
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  OCCPoint *copy();
+    // make a new copy of this point and return it
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual CubitVector coordinates() const;
+    //R CubitVector
+    //R- Contains the coordinate values {x y z} of this Point
+    //- Returns the spatial coordinates of this Point.
+  virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
+    // see comments in GeometryEntity.hpp
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  CubitStatus move( CubitVector &delta );
+    //- Move the first vertex's point by the delta.
+  void add_curve( Curve* curv_ptr )
+    { myCurves.append_unique( curv_ptr ); }
+    // associate this point with a curve
+  CubitPoint *get_cubit_point()
+    { return myPoint; }
+    // return the CubitPoint associated with this facet point
+  CubitStatus save_attribs( FILE* file_ptr );
+    // Write FactAttribs out to file
+  CubitStatus restore_attribs( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned int endian );
+    // Read FactAttribs from file
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  CubitStatus disconnect_curve( OCCCurve* curve );
+  inline bool has_parent_curve() const { return myCurves.size() > 0; }
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,4963 @@
+// Filename      : OCCQueryEngine.cpp
+// Purpose       : Implementation of the OCCQueryEngine class.
+//                 This class provides facet-based implementations
+//                 of various virtual functions in the GeometryQueryEngine
+//                 hierarchy.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David R. White
+// Creation Date : 7/17/00
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCModifyEngine.hpp"
+#include "FacetboolInterface.hpp"
+#include "TopologyEntity.hpp"
+#include "TopologyBridge.hpp"
+#include "RefEntity.hpp"
+#include "Body.hpp"
+#include "Shell.hpp"
+#include "Loop.hpp"
+#include "Chain.hpp"
+#include "CoEdge.hpp"
+#include "CoFace.hpp"
+#include "RefVolume.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "RefEdge.hpp"
+#include "RefVertex.hpp"
+#include "GeometryEntity.hpp"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "CubitBox.hpp"
+#include "CubitString.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdgeData.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitQuadFacet.hpp"
+#include "CubitQuadFacetData.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "GMem.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "CurveFacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryTool.hpp"
+#include "debug.hpp"
+#include "CubitObserver.hpp"
+#include "ChollaEngine.hpp"
+#include "ChollaSurface.hpp"
+#include "ChollaCurve.hpp"
+#include "ChollaPoint.hpp"
+#include "Cholla.h"
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+#include "CubitFile.hpp"
+#include "TDFacetBoundaryPoint.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include "KDDTree.hpp"
+#include "RTree.hpp"
+#include "FacetDataUtil.hpp"
+#include "GridSearchTree.hpp"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
+#include <BRepTools.hxx>
+#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_CompSolid.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Solid.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Shell.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Wire.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
+#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
+#include <BndLib_AddSurface.hxx>
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
+using namespace NCubitFile;
+OCCQueryEngine* OCCQueryEngine::instance_ = NULL;
+int OCCQueryEngine::hashPointSize = 0;
+DLIList<CubitPoint*> *OCCQueryEngine::hashPointArray = NULL;
+const int OCCQueryEngine::OCCQE_MAJOR_VERSION = 6;
+const int OCCQueryEngine::OCCQE_MINOR_VERSION = 1;
+const int OCCQueryEngine::OCCQE_SUBMINOR_VERSION = 0;
+TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger *OCCQueryEngine::OCCMap = new TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger;
+TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger *OCCQueryEngine::OCCMapr = new TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger;
+DLIList<TopologyBridge*> *OCCQueryEngine::CGMList = new DLIList<TopologyBridge*>;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+OCCQueryEngine* OCCQueryEngine::instance()
+  if (instance_ == NULL ) {
+      instance_ = new OCCQueryEngine;
+   }
+  return instance_;
+// Description:  default constructor
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+  GeometryQueryTool::instance()->add_gqe( this );
+// Description:  destructor
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+  instance_ = NULL;
+// Description:  can_delete_bodies
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 4/25/02
+CubitBoolean OCCQueryEngine::can_delete_bodies(DLIList<Body*>body_list)
+  CubitBoolean delete_ok = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=0; ii<body_list.size() && delete_ok; ii++)
+  {
+    Body *body_ptr = body_list.get_and_step();
+    // Extract the BODY from Body
+    OCCBody* fbody_ptr = CAST_TO(body_ptr->get_body_sm_ptr(), OCCBody);
+    if (fbody_ptr)
+    {
+      delete_ok = fbody_ptr->can_be_deleted(body_list);
+    }
+  }
+  return delete_ok;
+int OCCQueryEngine::get_major_version()
+int OCCQueryEngine::get_minor_version()
+int OCCQueryEngine::get_subminor_version()
+CubitString OCCQueryEngine::get_engine_version_string()
+  CubitString version_string = "OCC Geometry Engine version ";
+  version_string += CubitString(get_major_version());
+  version_string += CubitString(".");
+  version_string += CubitString(get_minor_version());
+  version_string += CubitString(".");
+  version_string += CubitString(get_subminor_version());
+  return version_string;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+const type_info& OCCQueryEngine::entity_type_info() const
+   return typeid(*this);
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Point* OCCQueryEngine::make_Point( GeometryType ,
+                                        CubitVector const& ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Point*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Curve* OCCQueryEngine::make_Curve(Curve *) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Curve* OCCQueryEngine::make_Curve( Point const* ,
+                                        Point const* ,
+                                        RefFace* ,
+                                        CubitVector * ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Curve* OCCQueryEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType ,
+                                        Point const* ,
+                                        Point const* ,
+                                        DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                        RefFace*  ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Curve* OCCQueryEngine::make_Curve( GeometryType ,
+                                        Point const* ,
+                                        Point const* ,
+                                        CubitVector const* ,
+                                        CubitSense ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Curve*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Surface* OCCQueryEngine::make_Surface( Surface *,
+                                            DLIList<Loop*> &,
+                                            CubitBoolean  ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Surface*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Surface* OCCQueryEngine::make_Surface( GeometryType ,
+                                            DLIList<Curve*>& ,
+                                            DLIList<Loop*> &,
+                                            Surface *) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Surface*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+Lump* OCCQueryEngine::make_Lump( GeometryType ,
+                                      DLIList<Surface*>&  ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (Lump*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+BodySM* OCCQueryEngine::make_BodySM( Surface * ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+BodySM* OCCQueryEngine::make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>&  ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return (BodySM*) NULL;
+// Description: create a new body by copying
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 9/7/01
+Body* OCCQueryEngine::copy_body( Body *body_ptr )
+  BodySM* bodysm_ptr = body_ptr->get_body_sm_ptr();
+  OCCBody *facet_body_ptr = CAST_TO(bodysm_ptr, OCCBody);
+  if (!facet_body_ptr)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Attempt to copy mesh-based geometry Body.  This body is not MBG.");
+    return (Body*)NULL;
+  }
+  BodySM* osme_body_ptr = (BodySM*)facet_body_ptr->copy();
+  if (!osme_body_ptr)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Failed to copy mesh-based geometry Body");
+    return (Body*)NULL;
+  }
+  Body *new_body_ptr = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_Body( osme_body_ptr );
+  return new_body_ptr;
+// Description: reflect body about an axis
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 9/7/01
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::reflect( BodySM *bodysm,
+                                       const CubitVector& axis)
+  OCCBody *fbody = CAST_TO(bodysm, OCCBody);
+  if (!fbody)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Attempt to reflect mesh-based geometry Body.  This body is not MBG.");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  fbody->reflect( axis.x(), axis.y(), axis.z() );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_connected_patch(
+                      DLIList<OCCSurface*>& remaining_surfs,
+                      DLIList<OCCSurface*>& output_patch )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> stack, curve_surfs;
+  STD(set)<OCCSurface*> marked;
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> curves;
+  int debug_this = 0;
+  if(debug_this){
+    GfxDebug::clear();
+  }
+  int i;
+  for (i = remaining_surfs.size(); i--; )
+    marked.insert( remaining_surfs.get_and_step() );
+  // Choose one surface to start with
+  OCCSurface* surf = remaining_surfs.pop();
+  marked.erase( surf );
+  stack.append( surf );
+  // Get all connected surfaces
+  while( stack.size() )
+  {
+    surf = stack.pop();
+    if(debug_this){
+      surf->get_eval_tool()->debug_draw_facets(CUBIT_BLUE);
+      GfxDebug::mouse_xforms();
+    }
+    output_patch.append( surf );
+    surf->get_curves( curves );
+    while (curves.size())
+    {
+      OCCCurve* curve = curves.pop();
+      curve->get_surfaces( curve_surfs );
+      if(debug_this && curve_surfs.size() < 2){
+        PRINT_INFO("Curve is not connected to 2 surfaces.\n");
+        curve->get_eval_tool()->debug_draw_facet_edges(CUBIT_MAGENTA);
+      }
+      while (curve_surfs.size())
+      {
+        OCCSurface* curve_surf = curve_surfs.pop();
+        if (marked.erase(curve_surf))
+          stack.append( curve_surf );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Remove output surfaces from input list
+  // At this point, "marked" contains all the surfaces not in "ouput_patch"
+  remaining_surfs.last();
+  for (i = remaining_surfs.size(); i--; )
+    if (marked.find(remaining_surfs.step_and_get()) == marked.end())
+      remaining_surfs.change_to( 0 );
+    remaining_surfs.remove_all_with_value( 0 );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_graphics( Surface* surface_ptr,
+                                                     int& number_triangles,
+                                                     int& number_points,
+                                                     int& number_facets,
+                                                     GMem* gMem,
+                                                     unsigned short ,
+                                                     double ) const
+    //  get the OCCSurface.
+  int i;
+  OCCSurface *facet_surf_ptr = CAST_TO(surface_ptr,OCCSurface);
+  if( ! facet_surf_ptr )
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    // get the facets for the surface
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> surface_facets;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> surface_points;
+  facet_surf_ptr->get_my_facets(surface_facets, surface_points);
+    // set return values, and if GMem is NULL return
+    // (caller just wanted to know the counts.)
+  number_facets = surface_facets.size() * 4;
+  number_points = surface_points.size();
+  number_triangles = surface_facets.size();
+  if( !gMem )
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    // Allocate space in GMem
+  gMem->allocate_tri(surface_facets.size());
+  gMem->fListCount = number_facets;
+  gMem->pointListCount = number_points;
+    // Copy points to GMem
+  surface_points.reset();
+  GPoint* pt_itor = gMem->point_list();
+  for ( i = 0; i < number_points; i++ )
+  {
+    CubitPoint* point = surface_points.get_and_step();
+    pt_itor->x = (float)point->x();
+    pt_itor->y = (float)point->y();
+    pt_itor->z = (float)point->z();
+    point->marked(i);
+    pt_itor++;
+  }
+    // Copy facets to Gmem
+  surface_facets.reset();
+  int* f_itor = gMem->facet_list();
+  for ( i = 0; i < number_triangles; i++ )
+  {
+    *(f_itor++) = 3;
+    CubitFacet* facet = surface_facets.get_and_step();
+    for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
+      *(f_itor++) = facet->point(j)->marked();
+  }
+    // cleanup
+  while( surface_points.size() )
+    surface_points.pop()->marked(0);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_graphics( Curve* curve_ptr,
+                                            int& num_points,
+                                            GMem* gMem,
+                                            double /*tolerance*/ ) const
+  //  get the OCCCurve.
+  OCCCurve *facet_curv_ptr = CAST_TO(curve_ptr,OCCCurve);
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> curve_facets;
+  facet_curv_ptr->get_facets(curve_facets);
+  int number_facets = curve_facets.size();
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> curve_points;
+  facet_curv_ptr->get_points(curve_points);
+  curve_points.reset();
+  curve_facets.reset();
+  num_points = curve_points.size();
+  GPoint *new_point_list = new GPoint[num_points];
+  int *new_facet_list = new int [number_facets*3];
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = 0; ii < num_points; ii++ )
+  {
+    new_point_list[ii].x = curve_points.get()->x();
+    new_point_list[ii].y = curve_points.get()->y();
+    new_point_list[ii].z = curve_points.get()->z();
+      //mark the point with the index into the point list.
+      //This is very important to make sure we can index these
+      //points when we do the facet array.
+    curve_points.get_and_step()->marked(ii);
+  }
+  for ( ii = 0; ii < number_facets; ii++ )
+  {
+      //All our facets are segments.  So the first value is 2.
+    int index_count = 3*ii;
+    new_facet_list[index_count] = 2;
+    int jj = index_count + 1;
+    int ll, kk;
+    CubitFacetEdge *facet_ptr = curve_facets.get_and_step();
+    CubitPoint *temp_point;
+    for ( kk = jj, ll = 0; kk < jj+2; kk++, ll++)
+    {
+      temp_point = facet_ptr->point(ll);
+      int index_to_point = temp_point->marked();
+      if ( index_to_point < 0 || index_to_point > num_points )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Bad logic in converting edge facets to drawing facets.\n");
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      new_facet_list[kk] = index_to_point;
+    }
+  }
+  gMem->replace_point_list(new_point_list, num_points, num_points);
+  gMem->replace_facet_list(new_facet_list, number_facets*3, number_facets*3);
+  gMem->points_consolidated(CUBIT_TRUE);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_isoparametric_points(Surface* ,
+                                                          int &nu, int &nv,
+                                                          GMem*&) const
+  nu = nv = 0;
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_u_isoparametric_points(Surface* ,
+                                                            double, int&,
+                                                            GMem*&) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_v_isoparametric_points(Surface* ,
+                                                            double, int&,
+                                                            GMem*&) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::transform_vec_position( CubitVector const& ,
+                                                         BodySM *,
+                                                         CubitVector & ) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description:
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_intersections( Curve* , CubitVector& ,
+                                                 CubitVector&,
+                                                    DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                                    CubitBoolean,
+                                                    CubitBoolean )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_intersections( Curve* , Curve* ,
+                                                    DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                                    CubitBoolean,
+                                                    CubitBoolean )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_intersections( Curve*,
+                                                   Curve*,
+                                                   DLIList<CubitVector*>&,
+                                                   double, CubitBoolean )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+OCCQueryEngine::get_intersections( Curve* /*ref_edge*/, Surface* /*ref_face*/,
+                                        DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                        CubitBoolean )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+   return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Find extrema position on an entity list
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+OCCQueryEngine::entity_extrema( DLIList<GeometryEntity*> &,
+                                  const CubitVector *,
+                                  const CubitVector *,
+                                  const CubitVector *,
+                                  CubitVector &,
+                                  GeometryEntity *& )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Description: Find distance between two entities and closest positions.
+// Author     :
+// Date       :
+OCCQueryEngine::entity_entity_distance( GeometryEntity *,
+                                          GeometryEntity *,
+                                          CubitVector &, CubitVector &,
+                                          double & )
+  PRINT_ERROR("Option not supported for mesh based geometry.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+//Function Name: save_temp_geom_file
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  function called for save/restore to save temporary FACET file
+//              If file is created, CubitString 'created_file' and
+//              'create_file_type' are set
+//Author:       Corey Ernst
+//Date:         1/18/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::save_temp_geom_file( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& ref_entity_list,
+                                                   const char *file_name,
+                                                   const CubitString &cubit_version,
+                                                   CubitString &created_file,
+                                                   CubitString &created_file_type)
+  int size_before = ref_entity_list.size();
+  CubitString temp_filename(file_name);
+  temp_filename += ".mbg";
+  if( export_solid_model( ref_entity_list, temp_filename.c_str(), "FACET",
+                          cubit_version ) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR( "Error occured while trying to save temporary MESH_BASED_GEOMETRY file\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  int size_after = ref_entity_list.size();
+  if( size_before > size_after )
+  {
+    created_file +=  temp_filename;
+    created_file_type += "FACET";
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name:export_solid_model
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  function called for save/restore to save temporary FACET file
+//Author:       Corey Ernst
+//Date:         1/18/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::export_solid_model( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& ref_entity_list,
+                                                     const char* file_name,
+                                                     const char* file_type,
+                                                     const CubitString &,
+                                                     const char*)
+  if( strcmp( file_type, "FACET" ) )
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<OCCBody*>    facet_bodies;
+  DLIList<OCCLump*>    facet_lumps;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*>   facet_shells;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfaces;
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*>    facet_loops;
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>  facet_coedges;
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*>   facet_curves;
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*>   facet_points;
+  DLIList<TopologyBridge*> ref_entities_handled;
+  int i;
+  //Collect all free entities (bodies, curves, vertices )
+  ref_entity_list.reset();
+  for(i=ref_entity_list.size(); i>0; i--)
+  {
+    TopologyBridge* ref_entity_ptr = ref_entity_list.get();
+    CubitBoolean handled = CUBIT_TRUE;
+    //if it is a Vertex
+    if( OCCPoint* pt = CAST_TO( ref_entity_ptr, OCCPoint) )
+      facet_points.append( pt );
+    //if it is a Curve
+    else if( OCCCurve* curve = CAST_TO( ref_entity_ptr, OCCCurve) )
+      facet_curves.append( curve );
+    /*
+    //if it is a Surface -- I don't think you can ever have a free surface
+    //without it being a Body
+    else if( OCCSurface* surf = CAST_TO( ref_entity_ptr, OCCSurface) )
+      facet_surfaces.append( surf );
+   */
+    //if it is a Body
+    else if( OCCBody* body = CAST_TO( ref_entity_ptr, OCCBody ) )
+      facet_bodies.append( body );
+    else
+      handled = CUBIT_FALSE;
+    if( handled == CUBIT_TRUE )
+    {
+      ref_entities_handled.append( ref_entity_ptr );
+      ref_entity_list.change_to(NULL);
+    }
+    ref_entity_list.step();
+  }
+  ref_entity_list.remove_all_with_value(NULL);
+  int free_body_count = facet_bodies.size();
+  int free_curve_count = facet_curves.size();
+  int free_point_count = facet_points.size();
+  //if nothing to write out...return
+  if( free_body_count == 0 && free_curve_count == 0 && free_point_count == 0)
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  //get file pointer
+  FILE *file_ptr = fopen( file_name, "wb" );
+  //get all child entities from the bodies, curves, & vertices
+  gather_all_facet_entities( facet_bodies, facet_lumps,
+                             facet_shells, facet_surfaces,
+                             facet_loops, facet_coedges,
+                             facet_curves, facet_points );
+  //create a wrapper object for writing
+  CIOWrapper file_writer( file_ptr );
+  // write out file type "MESHED_BASED_GEOMETRY"
+  file_writer.BeginWriteBlock(0);
+  file_writer.Write( "MESH_BASED_GEOMETRY", 19 );
+  // write out Endian value
+  UnsignedInt32 endian_value = CCubitFile::mintNativeEndian;
+  file_writer.Write( &endian_value, 1 );
+  // write out version #
+  UnsignedInt32 version = 1;
+  file_writer.Write( &version, 1 );
+  //save the facets (geometry info )
+  CubitStatus status;
+  status = save_facets( file_ptr, facet_surfaces, facet_curves, facet_points );
+  if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE ) return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  //write out topology and attributes
+  status = write_topology( file_ptr,
+                           facet_bodies, facet_lumps,
+                           facet_shells, facet_surfaces,
+                           facet_loops, facet_coedges,
+                           facet_curves, facet_points );
+  if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE ) return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  if( free_body_count || free_curve_count || free_point_count )
+      PRINT_INFO( "\nExported:" );
+   int flg = 0;
+   if( free_body_count )
+   {
+      if( flg )PRINT_INFO( "         " );else flg=1;
+      if( DEBUG_FLAG( 153 ) )
+      {
+        if( free_body_count == 1 )
+           PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Body\n", free_body_count );
+        else
+           PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Bodies\n", free_body_count );
+      }
+      if( facet_lumps.size() == 1 )
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Volume\n", facet_lumps.size() );
+      else
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Volumes\n", facet_lumps.size() );
+   }
+   if( free_curve_count )
+   {
+      if( flg )PRINT_INFO( "         " );else flg=1;
+      if( free_curve_count == 1 )
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Curve\n", free_curve_count );
+      else
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Curves\n", free_curve_count );
+   }
+   if( free_point_count )
+   {
+      if( flg )PRINT_INFO( "         " );else flg=1;
+      if( free_point_count == 1 )
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Point\n", free_point_count );
+      else
+         PRINT_INFO( "%4d Facet Points\n", free_point_count );
+   }
+   PRINT_INFO( "\n" );
+  fclose( file_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+OCCQueryEngine::gather_all_facet_entities( DLIList<OCCBody*> &facet_bodies,
+                                             DLIList<OCCLump*> &facet_lumps,
+                                             DLIList<OCCShell*> &facet_shells,
+                                             DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surfaces,
+                                             DLIList<OCCLoop*> &facet_loops,
+                                             DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> &facet_coedges,
+                                             DLIList<OCCCurve*> &facet_curves,
+                                             DLIList<OCCPoint*> &facet_points )
+  int i;
+  //Collect OCCLumps from OCCBody
+  for(i=0; i<facet_bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCBody *facet_body = facet_bodies.get_and_step();
+    facet_body->get_lumps( facet_lumps );
+  }
+  //Collect OCCShells from OCCLumps
+  for(i=0; i<facet_lumps.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCLump *facet_lump = facet_lumps.get_and_step();
+    facet_lump->get_shells( facet_shells );
+  }
+  //Collect OCCSurfaces from OCCShells
+  for(i=0; i<facet_shells.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCShell *facet_shell = facet_shells.get_and_step();
+    facet_shell->get_surfaces( facet_surfaces );
+  }
+  facet_surfaces.uniquify_unordered();
+  //Collect OCCLoops from OCCSurfaces
+  for(i=0; i<facet_surfaces.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface *facet_surface = facet_surfaces.get_and_step();
+    facet_surface->get_loops( facet_loops );
+  }
+  //Collect OCCCoEdges from OCCLoops
+  for(i=0; i<facet_loops.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCLoop *facet_loop = facet_loops.get_and_step();
+    facet_loop->get_coedges( facet_coedges );
+  }
+  //Collect FacetCurves from OCCCoEdges
+  for( i=0; i<facet_coedges.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge *facet_coedge = facet_coedges.get_and_step();
+    facet_coedge->get_curves( facet_curves );
+  }
+  facet_curves.uniquify_unordered();
+  //Collect OCCPoints from FacetCurves
+  for( i=0; i<facet_curves.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve *facet_curve = facet_curves.get_and_step();
+    facet_curve->get_points( facet_points );
+  }
+  //uniquify lists
+  facet_points.uniquify_unordered();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+OCCQueryEngine::write_topology( FILE *file_ptr,
+                                  DLIList<OCCBody*> &facet_bodies,
+                                  DLIList<OCCLump*> &facet_lumps,
+                                  DLIList<OCCShell*> &facet_shells,
+                                  DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surfaces,
+                                  DLIList<OCCLoop*> &facet_loops,
+                                  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> &facet_coedges,
+                                  DLIList<OCCCurve*> &facet_curves,
+                                  DLIList<OCCPoint*> &facet_points )
+  int i;
+  //create a wrapper object for writing
+  CIOWrapper file_writer( file_ptr );
+  //-----------------write OCCPoints--------------
+  UnsignedInt32 size = facet_points.size();
+  //write out number of OCCPoints
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_points.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_points.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCPoint *curr_point = facet_points.get_and_step();
+    int id = curr_point->get_cubit_point()->id();
+    file_writer.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&id), 1 );
+    if( curr_point->save_attribs(file_ptr) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //-----------------write FacetCurves--------------
+  size = facet_curves.size();
+  //write out number of FacetCurves
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_curves.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_curves.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCurve *curr_curve = facet_curves.get_and_step();
+    Point *s_point, *e_point;
+    s_point = curr_curve->start_point();
+    e_point = curr_curve->end_point();
+    int data_to_write[4];
+    // get start&end points implicit ids
+    OCCPoint *temp_point = NULL;
+    temp_point = CAST_TO( s_point, OCCPoint );
+    if( !temp_point ) assert(0);
+    int found;
+    found = facet_points.where_is_item( temp_point );
+    if( found == -1)
+      assert(0);
+    data_to_write[0] = found;
+    temp_point = CAST_TO( e_point, OCCPoint );
+    if( !temp_point ) assert(0);
+    found = facet_points.where_is_item( temp_point );
+    if( found == -1)
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Curves\n");
+    data_to_write[1] = found;
+    //convert Sense info to integer
+    if( curr_curve->get_sense() == CUBIT_UNKNOWN )
+      data_to_write[2] = -1;
+    else
+      data_to_write[2] = (curr_curve->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED) ? 1 : 0;
+    data_to_write[3] = curr_curve->get_eval_tool()->get_output_id();
+    //write the data
+    file_writer.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(data_to_write), 4 );
+    if( curr_curve->save_attribs(file_ptr) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //-----------------write FacetCoedges--------------
+  size = facet_coedges.size();
+  // write out number of FacetCurves
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_coedges.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_coedges.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge *curr_coedge = facet_coedges.get_and_step();
+    Curve *curve_sm;
+    curve_sm = curr_coedge->curve();
+    OCCCurve *temp_curve = NULL;
+    temp_curve = CAST_TO( curve_sm, OCCCurve );
+    int data_to_write[2];
+    // get implicit id of this curve
+    int found;
+    found = facet_curves.where_is_item( temp_curve );
+    if( found == -1)
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet CoEdges\n");
+    data_to_write[0] = found;
+    // convert sense info to integer
+    if( curr_coedge->get_sense() == CUBIT_UNKNOWN )
+      data_to_write[1] = -1;
+    else
+      data_to_write[1] = (curr_coedge->get_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED) ? 1 : 0;
+    // write out the data
+    file_writer.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(data_to_write), 2 );
+  }
+  //-----------------write OCCLoops--------------
+  size = facet_loops.size();
+  // write out number of OCCLoops
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_loops.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_loops.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCLoop *curr_loop = facet_loops.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+    curr_loop->get_coedges( coedge_list );
+    // get number of coedges in this loop
+    UnsignedInt32 *data_to_write;
+    size = coedge_list.size();
+    data_to_write = new UnsignedInt32[ size + 1 ];
+    data_to_write[0] = size;
+    UnsignedInt32 j;
+    // get implicit ids of coedges
+    coedge_list.reset();
+    for( j=1; j<size+1; j++)
+    {
+      OCCCoEdge *temp_coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+      int found;
+      found = facet_coedges.where_is_item( temp_coedge );
+      if( found == -1)
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Loops\n");
+      data_to_write[j] = found;
+    }
+    // write out the data
+    file_writer.Write( data_to_write, size + 1);
+    delete [] data_to_write;
+  }
+  //-----------------write OCCSurfaces--------------
+  size = facet_surfaces.size();
+  // write out number of OCCSurfaces
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_surfaces.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_surfaces.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCSurface *curr_surface = facet_surfaces.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCLoop*> loop_list;
+    curr_surface->get_loops( loop_list );
+    int num_loops = loop_list.size();
+    int data_to_write[6];
+    // convert sense info to integer
+    // if( curr_surface->get_relative_surface_sense() == CUBIT_UNKNOWN )
+//       data_to_write[0] = -1;
+//     else
+//       data_to_write[0] = (curr_surface->get_relative_surface_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED) ? 1 : 0;
+    data_to_write[0]=0;
+    // get "useFacets"
+    data_to_write[1] = 1;
+    // get output id of FacetEvalTool
+    data_to_write[2] = curr_surface->get_eval_tool()->get_output_id();
+    // get Shell Sense stuff
+    CubitSense sense0;
+    curr_surface->get_shell_sense( sense0 );
+    if( sense0 == CUBIT_UNKNOWN )
+      data_to_write[3] = -1;
+    else
+      data_to_write[3] = (sense0 == CUBIT_REVERSED) ? 1 : 0;
+//    if( sense1 == CUBIT_UNKNOWN )
+      data_to_write[4] = -1;
+//    else
+//      data_to_write[4] = (sense1 == CUBIT_REVERSED) ? 1 : 0;
+    // get number of loops
+    data_to_write[5] = num_loops;
+    file_writer.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(data_to_write), 6 );
+    // get implicit ids of loops
+    if( num_loops > 0 )
+    {
+      int *loop_ids = new int[num_loops];
+      int j;
+      loop_list.reset();
+      for( j=0; j<num_loops; j++)
+      {
+       OCCLoop *temp_loop = loop_list.get_and_step();
+       int found;
+       found = facet_loops.where_is_item( temp_loop );
+       if( found == -1 )
+         PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Surfaces\n");
+       loop_ids[j] = found;
+      }
+      // write out data
+      file_writer.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(loop_ids), num_loops );
+      delete [] loop_ids;
+    }
+    if( curr_surface->save_attribs(file_ptr) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //-----------------write OCCShells--------------
+  size = facet_shells.size();
+  // write out number of OCCShells
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_shells.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_shells.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCShell *curr_shell= facet_shells.get_and_step(); //number of surfaces
+    DLIList<OCCSurface*> temp_facet_surf_list;
+    curr_shell->get_surfaces( temp_facet_surf_list );
+    // get number of surfaces in this shell
+    UnsignedInt32 *data_to_write;
+    int num_surfs = temp_facet_surf_list.size();
+    data_to_write = new UnsignedInt32[ num_surfs + 1];
+    data_to_write[0] = num_surfs;
+    // get implicit ids of surfaces
+    int j;
+    temp_facet_surf_list.reset();
+    for( j=1; j<num_surfs+1; j++)
+    {
+      OCCSurface *temp_facet_surface = temp_facet_surf_list.get_and_step();
+      int found;
+      found = facet_surfaces.where_is_item( temp_facet_surface );
+      if( found == -1 )
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Shells\n");
+      data_to_write[j] = found;
+    }
+    // write the data
+    file_writer.Write( data_to_write, num_surfs + 1 );
+    delete [] data_to_write;
+  }
+  //-----------------write OCCLumps--------------
+  size = facet_lumps.size();
+  // write out number of OCCLumps
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_lumps.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_lumps.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCLump *curr_lump = facet_lumps.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCShell*> temp_facet_shell_list;
+    curr_lump->get_shells( temp_facet_shell_list );
+    // get number of shells in this lump
+    UnsignedInt32 *data_to_write;
+    int num_shells= temp_facet_shell_list.size();
+    data_to_write = new UnsignedInt32[ num_shells+ 1];
+    data_to_write[0] = num_shells;
+    //get implicit ides of the lumps in this shell
+    int j;
+    temp_facet_shell_list.reset();
+    for( j=1; j<num_shells+1; j++)
+    {
+      OCCShell *temp_facet_shell = temp_facet_shell_list.get_and_step();
+      int found;
+      found = facet_shells.where_is_item( temp_facet_shell );
+      if( found == -1 )
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Lumps\n");
+      data_to_write[j] = found;
+    }
+    //write the data
+    file_writer.Write( data_to_write, num_shells + 1 );
+    delete [] data_to_write;
+    if( curr_lump->save_attribs(file_ptr) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //-----------------write FacetBodies--------------
+  size = facet_bodies.size();
+  // write out number of FacetBodies
+  file_writer.Write( &size, 1 );
+  facet_bodies.reset();
+  for( i=0; i<facet_bodies.size(); i++)
+  {
+    OCCBody *curr_body = facet_bodies.get_and_step();
+    DLIList<OCCLump*> temp_facet_lump_list;
+    curr_body->get_lumps( temp_facet_lump_list );
+    // get the number of lumps in this body
+    UnsignedInt32 *data_to_write;
+    int num_lumps = temp_facet_lump_list.size();
+    data_to_write = new UnsignedInt32[ num_lumps + 1];
+    data_to_write[0] = num_lumps;
+    // get the implicit ids of the lumps in this body
+    int j;
+    temp_facet_lump_list.reset();
+    for( j=1; j<num_lumps+1; j++)
+    {
+      OCCLump *temp_facet_lump = temp_facet_lump_list.get_and_step();
+      int found;
+      found = facet_lumps.where_is_item( temp_facet_lump );
+      if( found == -1 )
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problem saving Facet Bodies\n");
+      data_to_write[j] = found;
+    }
+    // write the data
+    file_writer.Write( data_to_write, num_lumps + 1 );
+    delete [] data_to_write;
+    // write the transformation matrix of this body
+    CubitTransformMatrix trans_matrix;
+    curr_body->get_transforms( trans_matrix );
+    UnsignedInt32 num_rows  = trans_matrix.num_rows();
+    UnsignedInt32 num_cols  = trans_matrix.num_cols();
+    UnsignedInt32 rows_and_cols[2];
+    rows_and_cols[0] = num_rows;
+    rows_and_cols[1] = num_cols;
+    file_writer.Write( rows_and_cols, 2 );
+    double *trans_matrix_array;
+    trans_matrix_array = new double[ num_rows*num_cols ];
+    //fill up the array row-by-row
+    unsigned u, k = 0;
+    for(u=0; u<num_rows; u++)
+    {
+      for(k=0; k<num_cols; k++)
+        trans_matrix_array[(u*num_cols)+k] = trans_matrix.get(u,k);
+    }
+    file_writer.Write( trans_matrix_array, u*k );
+    delete [] trans_matrix_array;
+    if( curr_body->save_attribs(file_ptr) == CUBIT_FAILURE )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+OCCQueryEngine::restore_topology( FILE *file_ptr,
+                                    unsigned int endian,
+                                    int num_points,
+                                    CubitPoint **points_array,
+                                    int num_cfet,
+                                    CurveFacetEvalTool** cfev_array,
+                                    int num_fet,
+                                    FacetEvalTool** fev_array,
+                                    DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities )
+  //get file pointer
+  unsigned int size;
+  unsigned int i, j;
+  int id, k;
+  OCCPoint **facet_points;
+  OCCCurve **facet_curves;
+  OCCCoEdge **facet_coedges;
+  OCCLoop **facet_loops;
+  OCCSurface **facet_surfaces;
+  OCCShell **facet_shells;
+  OCCLump **facet_lumps;
+  OCCBody **facet_bodies;
+  OCCPoint *tmp_point;
+  OCCCurve *tmp_curve;
+  OCCCoEdge *tmp_coedge;
+  OCCLoop *tmp_loop;
+  OCCSurface *tmp_surf;
+  OCCShell *tmp_shell;
+  OCCLump *tmp_lump;
+  OCCBody*tmp_body;
+  int num_facet_points = 0;
+  int num_facet_curves = 0;
+  int num_facet_coedges = 0;
+  int num_facet_loops = 0;
+  int num_facet_surfaces = 0;
+  int num_facet_shells = 0;
+  int num_facet_lumps = 0;
+  int num_facet_bodies = 0;
+  //create a wrapper object for writing
+  CIOWrapper file_reader( endian, file_ptr );
+  //-----------------Read OCCPoints------------------
+  // Read number of OCCPoints
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  // Allocate memory for OCCPoints
+  facet_points = new OCCPoint*[size];
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    file_reader.Read( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&id), 1 );
+    if( id >= num_points || id < 0 )
+    {
+      delete [] facet_points;
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    tmp_point = new OCCPoint( points_array[ id ] );
+    if( tmp_point == NULL )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    num_facet_points++;
+    facet_points[i] = tmp_point;
+    tmp_point->restore_attribs( file_ptr, endian );
+  }
+  //-----------------Read FacetCurves------------------
+  //Read number of FacetCurves
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  // Allocate memory for FacetCurves
+  facet_curves = new OCCCurve*[size];
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    int data[4];
+    file_reader.Read( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(data), 4 );
+    if( data[0] >= num_facet_points || data[0] < 0 ||
+        data[1] >= num_facet_points || data[1] < 0 ||
+        data[3] >= num_cfet ||  data[3] < 0 )
+    {
+      delete [] facet_curves;
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    CubitSense sense;
+    if (data[2] == -1 )
+      sense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+    else
+      sense = data[2] ? CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD;
+    tmp_curve = new OCCCurve( cfev_array[ data[3] ], facet_points[ data[0] ],
+                                facet_points[ data[1] ], sense );
+    if( tmp_curve == NULL )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    // Add curve to OCCPoints
+    facet_points[data[0]]->add_curve( tmp_curve );
+    facet_points[data[1]]->add_curve( tmp_curve );
+    num_facet_curves++;
+    facet_curves[i] = tmp_curve;
+    tmp_curve->restore_attribs( file_ptr, endian );
+  }
+  //-----------------Read OCCCoEdges------------------
+  //Read number of OCCCoEdges
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  facet_coedges = new OCCCoEdge*[ size ];
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    int data[2];
+    file_reader.Read( reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(data), 2 );
+    if( data[0] >= num_facet_curves || data[0] < 0 )
+    {
+      delete [] facet_coedges;
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    CubitSense sense;
+    if (data[1] == -1 )
+      sense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+    else
+      sense = data[1] ? CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD;
+    tmp_coedge =  new OCCCoEdge( facet_curves[ data[0] ], sense );
+    if( tmp_coedge == NULL )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    facet_coedges[i] = tmp_coedge;
+    num_facet_coedges++;
+    // Add OCCCoEdge to OCCCurve
+    facet_curves[ data[0] ]->add_coedge( tmp_coedge );
+  }
+  //-----------------Read OCCLoops------------------
+  //Read number of OCCLoops
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> temp_coedge_list;
+  facet_loops = new OCCLoop*[ size ];
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    temp_coedge_list.clean_out();
+    unsigned int num_coedges = 0;
+    file_reader.Read( &num_coedges, 1);
+    int* coedge_ids = new int[ num_coedges];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned*)coedge_ids, num_coedges );
+    for( j=0; j<num_coedges; j++)
+    {
+      if( coedge_ids[j] >= num_facet_coedges || coedge_ids[j] < 0 )
+      {
+        delete [] facet_loops;
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      temp_coedge_list.append( facet_coedges[ coedge_ids[j] ] );
+    }
+    tmp_loop = new OCCLoop( temp_coedge_list );
+    if( tmp_loop == NULL)
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    num_facet_loops++;
+    facet_loops[i] = tmp_loop;
+    for( j=0; j<num_coedges; j++)
+      facet_coedges[ coedge_ids[j] ]->add_loop( tmp_loop );
+    delete [] coedge_ids;
+  }
+  //-----------------Read OCCSurfaces------------------
+  //Read number of OCCSurfaces
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  facet_surfaces = new OCCSurface*[size];
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> temp_loops;
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    temp_loops.clean_out();
+    int data[6];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned int*)data, 6);
+    CubitSense sense, sense0, sense1;
+    if (data[0] == -1 )
+      sense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+    else
+      sense = data[0] ? CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD;
+    CubitBoolean useFacets;
+    useFacets = data[1] ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE;
+    // make sure FacetEvalTool ID is in range
+    if( data[2] >= num_fet || data[2] < 0 )
+    {
+      delete [] facet_surfaces;
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if (data[3] == -1 )
+      sense0 = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+    else
+      sense0 = data[3] ? CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD;
+    if (data[4] == -1 )
+      sense1 = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+    else
+      sense1 = data[4] ? CUBIT_REVERSED : CUBIT_FORWARD;
+    int num_loops = data[5];
+    int* loop_ids = new int[ num_loops ];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned*)loop_ids, num_loops );
+    for( k=0; k<num_loops; k++)
+    {
+      if( loop_ids[k] >= num_facet_loops ||
+          loop_ids[k] < 0 )
+      {
+        delete [] loop_ids;
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      temp_loops.append( facet_loops[ loop_ids[k] ] );
+    }
+    tmp_surf = new OCCSurface( fev_array[ data[2] ],
+                                 sense, sense0,
+                                 useFacets, temp_loops );
+    if( tmp_surf == NULL)
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    facet_surfaces[i] = tmp_surf;
+    num_facet_surfaces++;
+    // Add OCCSurface to OCCLoops
+    for( k=0; k<num_loops; k++)
+      facet_loops[ loop_ids[k] ]->add_surface( tmp_surf );
+    delete [] loop_ids;
+    tmp_surf->restore_attribs( file_ptr, endian );
+  }
+  //-----------------Read OCCShells------------------
+  //Read number of OCCShells
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  facet_shells = new OCCShell*[size];
+  DLIList<Surface*> temp_surfs;
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    temp_surfs.clean_out();
+    unsigned int num_surfs = 0;
+    file_reader.Read( &num_surfs, 1 );
+    int* surface_ids = new int[ num_surfs ];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned*)surface_ids, num_surfs );
+    for( j=0; j<num_surfs; j++)
+    {
+      if( surface_ids[j] >= num_facet_surfaces ||
+          surface_ids[j] < 0 )
+      {
+        delete [] facet_shells;
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      temp_surfs.append( facet_surfaces[ surface_ids[j] ] );
+    }
+    tmp_shell = new OCCShell( temp_surfs );
+    facet_shells[i] = tmp_shell;
+    num_facet_shells++;
+    // Add this shell to surfaces
+    for( j=0; j<num_surfs; j++)
+      facet_surfaces[ surface_ids[j] ]->add_shell( tmp_shell );
+    delete [] surface_ids;
+  }
+  //-----------------Read OCCLumps------------------
+  //Read number of OCCLumps
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  facet_lumps = new OCCLump*[size];
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> temp_shells;
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    temp_shells.clean_out();
+    unsigned int num_shells = 0;
+    file_reader.Read( &num_shells, 1 );
+    int* shell_ids = new int[ num_shells ];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned*)shell_ids, num_shells );
+    for( j=0; j<num_shells; j++)
+    {
+      if( shell_ids[j] >= num_facet_shells )
+      {
+        delete [] facet_lumps;
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      temp_shells.append( facet_shells[ shell_ids[j] ] );
+    }
+    tmp_lump = new OCCLump( temp_shells );
+    if( tmp_lump == NULL )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    facet_lumps[i] = tmp_lump;
+    num_facet_lumps++;
+    for( j=0; j<num_shells; j++)
+      facet_shells[ shell_ids[j] ]->add_lump( tmp_lump );
+    delete [] shell_ids;
+    tmp_lump->restore_attribs( file_ptr, endian );
+  }
+  //-----------------Read FacetBodies ------------------
+  //Read number of FacetBodies
+  file_reader.Read( &size, 1 );
+  facet_bodies = new OCCBody*[size];
+  DLIList<Lump*> temp_lumps;
+  for(i=0; i<size; i++)
+  {
+    temp_lumps.clean_out();
+    unsigned int num_lumps= 0;
+    file_reader.Read( &num_lumps, 1 );
+    int* lump_ids = new int[ num_lumps ];
+    file_reader.Read( (unsigned*)lump_ids, num_lumps );
+    for( j=0; j<num_lumps; j++)
+    {
+      if( lump_ids[j] >= num_facet_lumps )
+      {
+        delete [] facet_bodies;
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      temp_lumps.append( facet_lumps[ lump_ids[j] ] );
+    }
+    tmp_body = new OCCBody( temp_lumps );
+    if( tmp_body == NULL )
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    facet_bodies[i] = tmp_body;
+    num_facet_bodies++;
+    // Add this OCCBody to OCCLumps
+    for( j=0; j<num_lumps; j++)
+      facet_lumps[ lump_ids[j] ]->add_body( tmp_body );
+    delete [] lump_ids;
+    //read in trans matrix
+    unsigned int rows_and_cols[2];
+    file_reader.Read( rows_and_cols, 2 );
+    unsigned int num_rows = rows_and_cols[0];
+    unsigned int num_cols = rows_and_cols[1];
+    if( num_rows || num_cols)
+    {
+      CubitTransformMatrix trans_matrix;
+      double *trans_matrix_array;
+      trans_matrix_array = new double[ num_rows*num_cols ];
+      file_reader.Read( trans_matrix_array, num_rows*num_cols );
+      unsigned c;
+      for(j=0; j<num_rows; j++ )
+      {
+        for(c=0; c<num_cols; c++)
+          trans_matrix.add(j,c, trans_matrix_array[(j*num_cols)+c] );
+      }
+      tmp_body->set_transforms( trans_matrix );
+      delete [] trans_matrix_array;
+    }
+    tmp_body->restore_attribs( file_ptr, endian );
+  }
+  // Here is where we determine if the entites are free or not
+  // bodies, all bodies are free
+  for(k=0; k<num_facet_bodies; k++)
+    imported_entities.append( facet_bodies[k] );
+  // surfaces are free if they are not in a shell
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  for(k=0; k<num_facet_surfaces; k++)
+  {
+    shell_list.clean_out();
+    facet_surfaces[k]->get_shells( shell_list );
+    if( shell_list.size() == 0 )
+      imported_entities.append( facet_surfaces[k] );
+  }
+  // curves are free if they are not associate with a coedge
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  for(k=0; k<num_facet_curves; k++)
+  {
+    coedge_list.clean_out();
+    facet_curves[k]->get_coedges( coedge_list );
+    if( coedge_list.size() == 0 )
+      imported_entities.append( facet_curves[k] );
+  }
+  // points are free if they are not associate with a curve
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> curve_list;
+  for(k=0; k<num_facet_points; k++)
+  {
+    curve_list.clean_out();
+    facet_points[k]->get_curves( curve_list );
+    if( curve_list.size() == 0 )
+      imported_entities.append( facet_points[k] );
+  }
+  // clean up
+  delete [] facet_points;
+  delete [] facet_curves;
+  delete [] facet_coedges;
+  delete [] facet_loops;
+  delete [] facet_surfaces;
+  delete [] facet_shells;
+  delete [] facet_lumps;
+  delete [] facet_bodies;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+OCCQueryEngine::import_temp_geom_file(FILE* file_ptr,
+                                        const char* /*file_name*/,
+                                        const char* file_type,
+                                        DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &bridge_list )
+  //make sure that file_type == "FACET"
+  if( !strcmp( file_type,"FACET") )
+    return import_solid_model( file_ptr, file_type, bridge_list );
+  else
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::import_solid_model(
+                                                 const char* file_name ,
+                                                 const char* file_type,
+                                                 DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities,
+                                                 CubitBoolean print_results,
+                                                 const char* logfile_name,
+                                                 CubitBoolean heal_step,
+                                                 CubitBoolean import_bodies,
+                                                 CubitBoolean import_surfaces,
+                                                 CubitBoolean import_curves,
+                                                 CubitBoolean import_vertices,
+                                                 CubitBoolean free_surfaces)
+  TopoDS_Shape *aShape = new TopoDS_Shape;
+  BRep_Builder aBuilder;
+  Standard_Boolean result = BRepTools::Read(*aShape, (char*) file_name, aBuilder);
+  if (result==0) return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  OCCBody *body = new OCCBody(aShape);
+//  CGMList->append(body);
+  imported_entities.append(body);
+//  OCCMap->Bind(*aShape, CGMList->where_is_item(body));
+  populate_topology_bridge_solid(*aShape, imported_entities);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_solid(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_SOLID); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Solid *posolid =  new TopoDS_Solid;
+ 		*posolid = TopoDS::Solid(Ex.Current());
+		OCCLump *lump;
+		if (!OCCMap->IsBound(*posolid)) {
+			printf("Adding solid\n");
+			lump = new OCCLump(posolid);
+			CGMList->append(lump);
+//			imported_entities.append(lump);
+			OCCMap->Bind(*posolid, CGMList->where_is_item(lump));
+			populate_topology_bridge_shell(*posolid, imported_entities);
+		} else {
+			lump = (OCCLump*)((*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(*posolid)]);
+		}
+	}
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_shell(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_SHELL); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Shell *poshell = new TopoDS_Shell;
+		*poshell = TopoDS::Shell(Ex.Current());
+		OCCShell *shell;
+		if (!OCCMap->IsBound(*poshell)) {
+			printf("Adding shell\n");
+			shell = new OCCShell(poshell);
+			CGMList->append(shell);
+//			imported_entities.append(shell);
+			OCCMap->Bind(*poshell, CGMList->where_is_item(shell));
+			populate_topology_bridge_face(*poshell, imported_entities);
+		} else {
+			shell = (OCCShell*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(*poshell)];
+		}
+		shell->add_lump((OCCLump*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(aShape)]);
+	}
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_face(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_FACE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Face *poface = new TopoDS_Face;
+		*poface = TopoDS::Face(Ex.Current());
+		OCCSurface *surface;
+		if (!OCCMap->IsBound(*poface)) {
+			printf("Adding face\n");
+/*			BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*poface);
+			Bnd_Box aBox;
+			double min[3], max[3];
+			BndLib_AddSurface::Add(asurface, Precision::Approximation(), aBox);
+			aBox.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+			printf(".  .  .  box: %lf %lf %lf, %lf %lf %lf\n", min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);*/
+			surface = new OCCSurface(poface);
+			CGMList->append(surface);
+//			imported_entities.append(surface);
+			OCCMap->Bind(*poface, CGMList->where_is_item(surface));
+			populate_topology_bridge_wire(*poface, imported_entities);
+		} else {
+			surface = (OCCSurface*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(*poface)];
+		}
+		surface->add_shell((OCCShell*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(aShape)]);
+	}
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_wire(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_WIRE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Wire *powire = new TopoDS_Wire;
+		*powire = TopoDS::Wire(Ex.Current());
+		OCCLoop *loop;
+		if (!OCCMap->IsBound(*powire)) {
+			printf("Adding wire\n");
+			loop = new OCCLoop(powire);
+			CGMList->append(loop);
+//			imported_entities.append(loop);
+			OCCMap->Bind(*powire, CGMList->where_is_item(loop));
+			populate_topology_bridge_edge(*powire, imported_entities);
+		} else {
+			loop = (OCCLoop*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(*powire)];
+		}
+		loop->add_surface((OCCSurface*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(aShape)]);
+	}
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_edge(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger *Map, *Mapr;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_EDGE); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Edge *poedge = new TopoDS_Edge;
+		*poedge = TopoDS::Edge(Ex.Current());
+		Curve *curve;
+		OCCCoEdge *coedge;
+		TopoDS_Shape test = *poedge;
+		if (poedge->Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD) {
+			Map = OCCMap;
+			Mapr = OCCMapr;
+		} else if (poedge->Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) {
+			Map = OCCMapr;
+			Mapr = OCCMap;
+		} else {
+			printf("Oooooop!\n");
+		}
+		if (!Mapr->IsBound(*poedge)) {
+			printf("Adding edge\n");
+			curve = new OCCCurve(poedge);
+		} else {
+			curve = ((OCCCoEdge*)(*CGMList)[Mapr->Find(*poedge)])->curve();
+		}
+		if (!Map->IsBound(*poedge)) {
+			printf("Adding coedge\n");
+			coedge = new OCCCoEdge(poedge, curve);
+			CGMList->append(coedge);
+//			CGMList->append(curve);
+			Map->Bind(*poedge, CGMList->where_is_item(coedge));
+			populate_topology_bridge_vertex(*poedge, imported_entities, curve);
+		} else {
+			coedge = (OCCCoEdge*)(*CGMList)[Map->Find(*poedge)];
+		}
+		coedge->add_loop((OCCLoop*)occ_to_cgm(aShape));
+	}
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::populate_topology_bridge_vertex(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities, Curve *curve)
+	TopExp_Explorer Ex;
+	for (Ex.Init(aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX); Ex.More(); Ex.Next()) {
+		TopoDS_Vertex *povertex = new TopoDS_Vertex;
+		*povertex = TopoDS::Vertex(Ex.Current());
+		OCCPoint *point;
+		if (!OCCMap->IsBound(*povertex)) {
+			printf("Adding vertex\n");
+			point = new OCCPoint(povertex);
+			CGMList->append(point);
+//			imported_entities.append(point);
+			OCCMap->Bind(*povertex, CGMList->where_is_item(point));
+		} else {
+			point = (OCCPoint*)(*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(*povertex)];
+		}
+		point->add_curve(curve);
+	}
+TopologyBridge* OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(TopoDS_Shape shape)
+	if ((shape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE) || (shape.Orientation() == TopAbs_FORWARD)) return (*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(shape)];
+	else return (*CGMList)[OCCMapr->Find(shape)];
+/*	if (OCCMap->IsBound(shape))*/ return (*CGMList)[OCCMap->Find(shape)];
+//	else return (*CGMList)[(*OCCMapt)[shape]];
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::import_solid_model(FILE *file_ptr,
+                                                 const char* /*file_type*/,
+                                                 DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities,
+                                                 CubitBoolean ,
+                                                 const char* ,
+                                                 CubitBoolean,
+                                                 CubitBoolean,
+                                                 CubitBoolean,
+                                                 CubitBoolean,
+                                                 CubitBoolean,
+                                                 CubitBoolean )
+  CubitPoint **points_array = NULL;
+  CurveFacetEvalTool **cfet_array = NULL;
+  FacetEvalTool **fet_array = NULL;
+  int num_points, num_edges, num_facets;
+  int num_cfet, num_fet;
+  // read in the file type "MESHED_BASED_GEOMETRY"
+  char fileType[19] = {0};
+  if( fread( fileType, 1, 19, file_ptr) != 19 )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Trouble reading in file type for MBG\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if( strncmp( fileType, "MESH_BASED_GEOMETRY", 19 ) )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Not MESH_BASED_GEOMETRY file type\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // read in the endian value
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper file_reader(file_ptr, 19, 0);
+  // read in version #
+  UnsignedInt32 version;
+  file_reader.Read( &version, 1 );
+  //Read in points/edges/facets
+  CubitStatus status;
+  status = restore_facets( file_ptr, file_reader.get_endian(),
+                           num_points, num_edges,
+                           num_facets, points_array, num_cfet,
+                           num_fet, cfet_array, fet_array );
+  if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems restore facets\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  //Restore Topology
+  status = restore_topology( file_ptr, file_reader.get_endian(),
+                             num_points, points_array,
+                             num_cfet, cfet_array, num_fet,
+                             fet_array, imported_entities);
+  if( status == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Problems restore MDB topology\n");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(cfet_array != NULL)
+    delete [] cfet_array;
+  if(fet_array != NULL)
+    delete [] fet_array;
+  if(points_array != NULL)
+    delete [] points_array;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : restore_facets
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: restore facets and eval tools onto the list of entities
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 1/26/03
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::restore_facets(
+  FILE *fp,  // CUB file we are currently reading
+  unsigned int endian,
+  int &num_points,
+  int &num_edges,
+  int &num_facets,
+  CubitPoint **&points,
+  int &num_cfet,
+  int &num_fet,
+  CurveFacetEvalTool **&cfet_array,
+  FacetEvalTool **&fet_array)
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  CubitFacet **facets = NULL;
+  CubitFacetEdge **edges = NULL;
+  // read facets from the file and build arrays of facet entities
+  rv = read_facets( fp, endian,
+                    num_facets, num_edges, num_points,
+                    facets,     edges,   points );
+  // create the CurveFacetEvalTools and FacetEval Tools
+  if (rv != CUBIT_FAILURE )
+  {
+    rv = restore_eval_tools( fp, endian,
+                             num_facets, num_edges, num_points,
+                             facets,     edges,  points,
+                             num_cfet, num_fet,
+                             cfet_array, fet_array );
+  }
+  if (facets != NULL)
+    delete [] facets;
+  if(edges != NULL)
+    delete [] edges;
+  return rv;
+// Function   : read_facets
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: read facets from the file and create facet entities
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 1/26/03
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::read_facets(
+  FILE *fp,
+  unsigned int endian,
+  int &num_facets,
+  int &num_edges,
+  int &num_points,
+  CubitFacet **&facets,
+  CubitFacetEdge **&edges,
+  CubitPoint **&points )
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(endian, fp );
+  int ii;
+  // read points
+  UnsignedInt32 npoints;
+  double uu,vv,ss;
+  cio.Read(&npoints, 1);
+  num_points = (int)npoints;
+  if (num_points > 0)
+  {
+    double* coord_array  = new double [num_points * 3];
+    double* uvs_array = new double [num_points * 3];
+    cio.Read(coord_array, npoints*3);
+    cio.Read(uvs_array, npoints*3);
+    // create CubitPoints
+    CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+    //CubitVector normal;
+    points = new CubitPoint * [num_points];
+    for(ii=0; ii<num_points; ii++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( coord_array[ii*3],
+                                                     coord_array[ii*3+1],
+                                                     coord_array[ii*3+2] );
+      points[ii] = point_ptr;
+      uu = uvs_array[ii*3];
+      vv = uvs_array[ii*3+1];
+      ss = uvs_array[ii*3+2];
+      point_ptr->set_uvs(uu, vv, ss);
+    }
+    //Clean up
+    delete [] coord_array;
+    delete [] uvs_array;
+  }
+  //Read in Normals
+  int nnormals;
+  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nnormals), 1);
+  if( nnormals > 0 )
+  {
+    double* normal_array = new double [nnormals * 3];
+    int* normal_ids = new int[nnormals * 3];
+    cio.Read(normal_array, nnormals * 3);
+    cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(normal_ids), nnormals);
+    CubitVector normal;
+    for(ii=0; ii<nnormals; ii++)
+    {
+      normal.x( normal_array[ii*3] );
+      normal.y( normal_array[ii*3+1] );
+      normal.z( normal_array[ii*3+2] );
+      points[ normal_ids[ii] ]->normal( normal );
+    }
+    //Clean up
+    delete [] normal_array;
+    delete [] normal_ids;
+  }
+  // read edges and edge control points
+  UnsignedInt32 nedges;
+  cio.Read(&nedges, 1);
+  num_edges = (int)nedges;
+  if (num_edges > 0)
+  {
+    UnsignedInt32 *edge_vert_array = new UnsignedInt32 [nedges*2];
+    cio.Read(edge_vert_array, nedges*2);
+    UnsignedInt32 nctrl_pts;
+    cio.Read(&nctrl_pts, 1);
+    double *control_points = NULL;
+    if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+    {
+      control_points = new double [nctrl_pts*3];
+      cio.Read(control_points, nctrl_pts*3);
+    }
+    unsigned id0, id1, ii;
+    edges = new CubitFacetEdge * [num_edges];
+    CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
+    for(ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
+    {
+      id0 = edge_vert_array[ii*2];
+      id1 = edge_vert_array[ii*2+1];
+      edge_ptr = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( points[id0], points[id1] );
+      edges[ii] = edge_ptr;
+      if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+      {
+        edge_ptr->set_control_points(&control_points[ii*NUM_EDGE_CPTS*3]);
+      }
+    }
+    //Clean up
+    delete [] edge_vert_array;
+    delete [] control_points;
+    edge_vert_array = NULL;
+    control_points = NULL;
+  }
+  // read the facets and the facet control points
+  UnsignedInt32 nfacets;
+  cio.Read(&nfacets, 1);
+  num_facets = (int)nfacets;
+  if(num_facets > 0)
+  {
+    UnsignedInt32 *facet_edge_array = new UnsignedInt32 [nfacets*3];
+    cio.Read(facet_edge_array, nfacets*3);
+    int *int_data = new int [nfacets*2];
+    cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(int_data), nfacets*2);
+    UnsignedInt32 nctrl_pts;
+    cio.Read(&nctrl_pts, 1);
+    double *control_points = NULL;
+    if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+    {
+      control_points = new double [nctrl_pts*3];
+      cio.Read(control_points, nctrl_pts*3);
+    }
+    unsigned id0, id1, id2, ii;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+    facets = new CubitFacet * [num_facets];
+    for (ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
+    {
+      id0 = facet_edge_array[ii*3];
+      id1 = facet_edge_array[ii*3+1];
+      id2 = facet_edge_array[ii*3+2];
+      facet_ptr = (CubitFacet *) new CubitFacetData(edges[id0], edges[id1], edges[id2]);
+      facets[ii] = facet_ptr;
+      facet_ptr->is_flat( int_data[ii*2] );
+      facet_ptr->is_backwards( int_data[ii*2+1] );
+      if(nctrl_pts > 0)
+      {
+        facet_ptr->set_control_points(&control_points[ii*NUM_TRI_CPTS*3]);
+      }
+    }
+    //Clean up
+    delete [] facet_edge_array;
+    delete [] control_points;
+    delete [] int_data;
+    facet_edge_array = NULL;
+    control_points = NULL;
+    int_data = NULL;
+  }
+  // read the extra info at the surface boundaries
+  UnsignedInt32 num_c_zero_points = 0;
+  cio.Read(&num_c_zero_points, 1);
+  if (num_c_zero_points > 0)
+  {
+    UnsignedInt32 c_zero_int_data_size;
+    cio.Read(&c_zero_int_data_size, 1);
+    if (c_zero_int_data_size <= 0)
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    UnsignedInt32 *c_zero_int32_data = new UnsignedInt32 [c_zero_int_data_size];
+    cio.Read(c_zero_int32_data, c_zero_int_data_size);
+    int *c_zero_int_data = new int [c_zero_int_data_size];
+    unsigned int jj;
+    for (jj=0; jj<c_zero_int_data_size; jj++)
+      c_zero_int_data[jj] = (int) c_zero_int32_data[jj];
+    UnsignedInt32 c_zero_double_data_size;
+    cio.Read(&c_zero_double_data_size, 1);
+    if (c_zero_double_data_size <= 0)
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    double *c_zero_double_data = new double [c_zero_double_data_size];
+    cio.Read(c_zero_double_data, c_zero_double_data_size);
+    // create the facet boundary tool datas and assign to points
+    int didx = 0;
+    int iidx = 0;
+    UnsignedInt32 zz;
+    for (zz=0; zz<num_c_zero_points; zz++)
+    {
+      if (didx >= (int)c_zero_double_data_size ||
+          iidx >= (int)c_zero_int_data_size)
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      TDFacetBoundaryPoint::new_facet_boundary_point( points, facets,
+        iidx, didx, c_zero_int_data, c_zero_double_data );
+    }
+    //Clean up
+    delete [] c_zero_int_data;
+    delete [] c_zero_int32_data;
+    delete [] c_zero_double_data;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Deletes all solid model entities associated with the
+//                 Bodies in the input list.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Steve Owen
+// Creation Date : 4/23/01
+void OCCQueryEngine::delete_solid_model_entities(DLIList<BodySM*>&BodyList) const
+  BodySM* BodyPtr = NULL;
+  for (int i = 0; i < BodyList.size(); i++ )
+  {
+    BodyPtr = BodyList.get_and_step();
+    this->delete_solid_model_entities(BodyPtr);
+  }
+  return;
+// Purpose       : Delete a OCCBody and child entities.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+OCCQueryEngine::delete_solid_model_entities( BodySM* bodysm ) const
+  OCCBody* fbody = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(bodysm);
+  if (!fbody)
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  DLIList<OCCLump*> lumps;
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shells;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surfaces;
+  fbody->get_lumps(lumps);
+  fbody->disconnect_all_lumps();
+  delete fbody;
+  for (int i = lumps.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCLump* lump = lumps.get_and_step();
+    shells.clean_out();
+    lump->get_shells(shells);
+    lump->disconnect_all_shells();
+    delete lump;
+    for (int j = shells.size(); j--; )
+    {
+      OCCShell* shell = shells.get_and_step();
+      surfaces.clean_out();
+      shell->get_surfaces(surfaces);
+      shell->disconnect_all_surfaces();
+      delete shell;
+      for (int k = surfaces.size(); k--; )
+      {
+        OCCSurface* surface = surfaces.get_and_step();
+        if (!surface->has_parent_shell())
+          delete_solid_model_entities(surface);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Delete a OCCSurface and child entities.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+OCCQueryEngine::delete_solid_model_entities( Surface* surface ) const
+  OCCSurface* fsurf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(surface);
+  if (!fsurf || fsurf->has_parent_shell())
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loops;
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedges;
+  fsurf->get_loops(loops);
+  fsurf->disconnect_all_loops();
+  delete fsurf;
+  for (int i = loops.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCLoop* loop = loops.get_and_step();
+    coedges.clean_out();
+    loop->get_coedges(coedges);
+    loop->disconnect_all_coedges();
+    delete loop;
+    for (int j = coedges.size(); j--; )
+    {
+      OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedges.get_and_step();
+      OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+      if (curve)
+      {
+        curve->disconnect_coedge(coedge);
+        if (!curve->has_parent_coedge())
+          delete_solid_model_entities(curve);
+      }
+      delete coedge;
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Delete a OCCCurve and child entities.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+OCCQueryEngine::delete_solid_model_entities( Curve* curve ) const
+  OCCCurve* fcurve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(curve);
+  if (!fcurve || fcurve->has_parent_coedge())
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  OCCPoint* start = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(fcurve->start_point());
+  OCCPoint*   end = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(fcurve->end_point()  );
+  if (start == end )
+      end = NULL;
+  if (start)
+  {
+    start->disconnect_curve(fcurve);
+    if (!start->has_parent_curve())
+      delete_solid_model_entities(start);
+  }
+  if (end)
+  {
+    end->disconnect_curve(fcurve);
+    if (!end->has_parent_curve())
+      delete_solid_model_entities(end);
+  }
+  delete curve;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Delete a OCCPoint and child entities.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+OCCQueryEngine::delete_solid_model_entities( Point* point ) const
+  OCCPoint* fpoint = dynamic_cast<OCCPoint*>(point);
+  if (!fpoint || fpoint->has_parent_curve())
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  delete point;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::fire_ray(BodySM *,
+                                          const CubitVector &,
+                                          const CubitVector &,
+                                          DLIList<double>&,
+                                          DLIList<GeometryEntity*> *) const
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::fire_ray not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  //- fire a ray at the specified body, returning the entities hit and
+  //- the parameters along the ray; return CUBIT_FAILURE if error
+double OCCQueryEngine::get_sme_resabs_tolerance() const
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::get_sme_resabs_tolerance not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Gets solid modeler's resolution absolute tolerance
+double OCCQueryEngine::set_sme_resabs_tolerance( double )
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::set_sme_resabs_tolerance not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::set_int_option( const char* , int )
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::set_int_option not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::set_dbl_option( const char* , double )
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::set_dbl_option not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::set_str_option( const char* , const char* )
+  PRINT_ERROR("OCCQueryEngine::set_str_option not yet implemented.\n");
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  //- Set solid modeler options
+//Function Name: make_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  creates Cubit quad facet entities from the hash points and
+//              connectivity
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::make_facets(
+  int *conn,        // conectivity array (size = 4 * nfacets)
+  int nfacets,      // total number of facets (tri+quad)
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &facet_list ) // return the facet list
+  CubitQuadFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  CubitPoint *point0, *point1, *point2, *point3;
+  // create the facet array
+  for(int ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
+  {
+    if (conn[ii*4+2] != conn[ii*4+3])
+    {
+      point0 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4]);
+      point1 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4+1]);
+      point2 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4+2]);
+      point3 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4+3]);
+      facet_ptr = new CubitQuadFacetData( point0, point1, point2, point3 );
+      if (!facet_ptr)
+      {
+        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        return rv;
+      }
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+    }
+  }
+  return rv;
+//Function Name: make_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  creates Cubit tri facet entities from the hash points and
+//              connectivity
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::make_facets(
+  int *conn,        // conectivity array (size = 4 * nfacets)
+  int nfacets,      // total number of facets (tri+quad)
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list ) // return the facet list
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  CubitPoint *point0, *point1, *point2;
+  // create the facet array
+  for(int ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
+  {
+    if (conn[ii*4+2] == conn[ii*4+3])
+    {
+      point0 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4]);
+      point1 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4+1]);
+      point2 = get_hash_point(conn[ii*4+2]);
+      if( (point0 == point1) || (point0 == point2) || (point1 == point2) ){
+          PRINT_ERROR("Point used more than once in a single facet.  This is not allowed.\n");
+          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      if( !point0 || !point1 || !point2 ){
+          PRINT_ERROR("Point in facet is undefined.  This is not allowed.\n");
+          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( point0, point1, point2 );
+      if (!facet_ptr)
+      {
+        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        return rv;
+      }
+      facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+    }
+  }
+ return rv;
+//Function Name: ensure_is_ascii_stl_file
+//Member Type:
+//Description: returns CUBIT_TRUE in is_ascii if fp is an ascii stl file
+//Author: Plamen Stoyanov (USF)
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::ensure_is_ascii_stl_file(FILE * fp, CubitBoolean &is_ascii)
+  char line[128]="";
+  if (fgets(line, 128, fp)==NULL)
+  {
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (fgets(line, 128, fp)==NULL)
+  {
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (strlen(line)==127)
+  {
+    if (fgets(line, 128, fp)==NULL)
+    {
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  unsigned int dummy_int=0;
+  while (isspace(line[dummy_int])&& dummy_int<strlen(line)) dummy_int++;
+  if (strlen(line)-dummy_int>5)
+  {
+    if (tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='f' &&
+      tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='a' &&
+      tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='c' &&
+      tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='e' &&
+      tolower(line[dummy_int])=='t')
+    {
+      if (fgets(line, 128, fp)==NULL)
+      {
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      dummy_int=0;
+      while (isspace(line[dummy_int])&& dummy_int<strlen(line))
+      {
+        dummy_int++;
+      }
+      if (strlen(line)-dummy_int>5)
+      {
+        if (tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='o' &&
+          tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='u' &&
+          tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='t' &&
+          tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='e' &&
+          tolower(line[dummy_int])=='r')
+        {
+          if (fgets(line, 128, fp)==NULL)
+          {
+            return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+          }
+          dummy_int=0;
+          while (isspace(line[dummy_int])&& dummy_int<strlen(line)) {
+            dummy_int++;
+          }
+          if (strlen(line)-dummy_int>6)
+          {
+            if (tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='v' &&
+              tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='e' &&
+              tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='r' &&
+              tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='t' &&
+              tolower(line[dummy_int++])=='e'	&&
+              tolower(line[dummy_int])=='x')
+            {
+              is_ascii=CUBIT_TRUE;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name: read_facets_stl
+//Member Type:
+//Description:  read facets from stl file combining vertices within tolerance
+//Author: Plamen Stoyanov (USF)
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::read_facets_stl_tolerance(
+                                              DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tfacet_list,
+                                              DLIList<CubitPoint *> & /*point_list*/,
+                                              const char * file_name,
+                                              int &npoints,
+                                              int &ntri,
+                                              long& seek_address,
+                                              double tolerance
+                                              )
+  FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+  if (fp == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", file_name);
+    seek_address = 0;
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *> file_points;
+  CubitPoint *current_point;
+  int points_in_file=0;
+  int ii;
+  CubitBoolean is_ascii=CUBIT_FALSE;
+  if (!ensure_is_ascii_stl_file(fp, is_ascii))
+  {
+    seek_address = 0;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (is_ascii==CUBIT_TRUE)
+  {
+    PRINT_INFO("Reading facets...\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+    fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+    fseek(fp,seek_address,SEEK_SET);
+    char line[128], junk[30];
+    int numverts;
+    double xx[3], yy[3], zz[3];
+    int linenumber, num;
+    bool done, error_found, eof_found;
+    linenumber = 0;
+    strcpy(line,"");
+    done = false;
+    error_found = false;
+    eof_found = false;
+    while ( (strstr(line,"endsolid") == 0) && (error_found == false) ) {
+      numverts = 0;    
+      while ( numverts < 3 ) {
+        if ( fgets(line,127,fp) == 0 ) {
+          linenumber++;
+          eof_found = true;
+          break; // EOF
+        }
+        linenumber++;        
+//      makelowercase(line);
+        int len, ij;
+        len = strlen(line);
+        for ( ij = 0; ij < len; ij++ ) 
+          line[ij] = tolower(line[ij]);
+        if ( strstr(line,"endsolid") != 0 ) {
+          done = true;
+          break; // End of part definition
+        }
+        if ( strstr(line,"vertex") != 0 ) {
+          num = sscanf(line,"%s %le %le %le",junk,&xx[numverts],&yy[numverts],&zz[numverts]);
+          if ( num != 4 ) {
+            error_found = true;
+            break; // error in reading vertices
+          }
+          numverts += 1;
+        }
+      } // end of while ( numverts < 3 )  
+      if ( (eof_found == true) || (done == true)  || 
+           (error_found == true) || (numverts != 3) ) break;
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[0],yy[0],zz[0]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[1],yy[1],zz[1]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[2],yy[2],zz[2]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+    }
+    seek_address = 0;
+    if ( eof_found == true ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Premature end-of-file on STL file. Body may be incomplete.\n");
+      fclose(fp);
+      goto end_read_file_points;
+    }
+    if ( error_found == true ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Error found while reading line number %d of file %s. Body may be incomplete.\n",
+              linenumber,file_name);
+      fclose(fp);       
+      goto end_read_file_points;
+    }
+    if ( done == false ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Error found while reading line number %d of file %s. Body may be incomplete.\n",
+              linenumber,file_name); 
+      fclose(fp);         
+      goto end_read_file_points;
+    }  
+    if ( (eof_found == false) && (error_found == false) && (done == true) ) {
+      while ( fgets(line,127,fp) != 0 ) {
+        if ( (strstr(line,"solid") != 0) && (strstr(line,"endsolid") == 0) ) {
+          seek_address = ftell(fp);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    goto end_read_file_points;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    fclose(fp);
+    // file is closed so that it can be opened as binary
+    fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
+    if (fp == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", file_name);
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    char dummy;
+        // iterates through the facets of the file
+    float cur[12];		// an array to hold 48 bytes representing 1AVS facet
+    fseek(fp, 80, SEEK_SET);
+    fread(&ntri, 4, 1, fp);
+    PRINT_INFO ("Reading facets...\n");
+    for (ii=0; ii<ntri; ii++) {
+      // read in 1 facet
+      if (!fread(cur, 4, 12, fp))
+      {
+        PRINT_INFO ("Abnormal file termination %s \n", file_name); break;
+      }
+    	fread(&dummy, 1, 1, fp);
+       fread(&dummy, 1, 1, fp);
+        //make point
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(cur[3],cur[4],cur[5]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(cur[6],cur[7],cur[8]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+      current_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(cur[9],cur[10],cur[11]);
+      current_point->set_id(points_in_file++);
+      file_points.append(current_point);
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(fp);
+// at this point all points from the file are in file_points
+  // grid search tree to hold points
+  GridSearchTree * node_grid = new GridSearchTree (tolerance);
+  CubitPoint
+             *point0,
+             *point1,
+             *point2;
+  CubitFacet
+             *facet_ptr;
+  ntri=0;
+  npoints=0;
+  if (file_points.size() % 3 != 0)
+  {
+    PRINT_INFO("File Error.");
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  for (ii = file_points.size(); ii>0; ii-=3)
+  {
+    // get three points from the file_points list
+    // and compare them against the data already in the
+    // grid search tree; if it contains a point within
+    // epsilon tolerance this point would replace the
+    // current point
+    point0 = node_grid->fix(file_points.get_and_step());
+    point1 = node_grid->fix(file_points.get_and_step());
+    point2 = node_grid->fix(file_points.get_and_step());
+    if (point0 && point1 && point2 && point0 != point1 && point1!=point2 && point2!=point0 )
+    {
+      facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData(point0, point1, point2);
+      if (facet_ptr)
+      {
+        tfacet_list.append(facet_ptr);
+        ntri++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //delete node_grid;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name: read_facets_stl
+//Member Type:
+//Description:  read facets from stl file
+//Author: Plamen Stoyanov (USF)
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::read_facets_stl(
+                                              DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tfacet_list,
+                                              DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                              const char * file_name,
+                                              int &npoints,
+                                              int &ntri,
+                                              long& seek_address
+                                              )
+  ntri = 0;
+  npoints = 0;
+  FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+  if (fp == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", file_name);
+    seek_address = 0;
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  typedef STD(map)< CubitPoint * , int, CubitPointComparator > vMap;
+  vMap mm;			// binary search tree to hold the vertices for efficiency
+  vMap::iterator pos;
+  bool append_to_facet_list=CUBIT_TRUE;
+  CubitBoolean is_ascii=CUBIT_FALSE;
+  if (!ensure_is_ascii_stl_file(fp, is_ascii))
+  {
+    seek_address = 0;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (is_ascii==CUBIT_TRUE)
+  {
+    CubitPoint *point0,*point1,*point2;
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
+    PRINT_INFO("Reading facets...\n");
+    fclose(fp);
+    fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+    fseek(fp,seek_address,SEEK_SET);
+    char line[128], junk[30];
+    int numverts;
+    double xx[3], yy[3], zz[3];
+    int linenumber, num;
+    bool done, error_found, eof_found;
+    linenumber = 0;
+    strcpy(line,"");
+    done = false;
+    error_found = false;
+    eof_found = false;
+    while ( (strstr(line,"endsolid") == 0) && (error_found == false) ) {
+      numverts = 0;    
+      while ( numverts < 3 ) {
+        if ( fgets(line,127,fp) == 0 ) {
+          linenumber++;
+          eof_found = true;
+          break; // EOF
+        }
+        linenumber++;        
+//      makelowercase(line);
+        int len, ij;
+        len = strlen(line);
+        for ( ij = 0; ij < len; ij++ ) 
+          line[ij] = tolower(line[ij]);
+        if ( strstr(line,"endsolid") != 0 ) {
+          done = true;
+          break; // End of part definition
+        }
+        if ( strstr(line,"vertex") != 0 ) {
+          num = sscanf(line,"%s %le %le %le",junk,&xx[numverts],&yy[numverts],&zz[numverts]);
+          if ( num != 4 ) {
+            error_found = true;
+            break; // error in reading vertices
+          }
+          numverts += 1;
+        }
+      } // end of while ( numverts < 3 )  
+      if ( (eof_found == true) || (done == true)  || 
+           (error_found == true) || (numverts != 3) ) break;
+      point0 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[0],yy[0],zz[0]);
+      pos=mm.find(point0);
+      if (pos==mm.end())
+      {
+        mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point0, npoints));
+        point0->set_id( npoints ++ );
+        //point_list is output of functionAVS
+        point_list.append(point0);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        delete point0;
+        point0=((*pos).first);
+      }
+      point1 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[1],yy[1],zz[1]);
+      pos=mm.find(point1);
+      if (pos==mm.end())
+      {
+        mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point1, npoints));
+        point1->set_id( npoints ++ );
+        //point_list is output of function
+        point_list.append(point1);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        delete point1;
+        point1=((*pos).first);
+      }
+      point2 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData(xx[2],yy[2],zz[2]);
+      pos=mm.find(point2);
+      if (pos==mm.end())
+      {
+        mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point2, npoints));
+        point2->set_id( npoints ++ );
+        //point_list is output of function
+        point_list.append(point2);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        delete point2;
+        point2=((*pos).first);
+      }
+      if (point0 && point1 && point2 && point0!=point1 && point1!=point2 && point2 !=point0)
+      {
+        facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( point0, point1, point2 );
+        append_to_facet_list=CUBIT_TRUE;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        append_to_facet_list=CUBIT_FALSE;
+      }
+      if (!facet_ptr)
+      {
+        seek_address = 0;
+        fclose(fp);
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+      /// APPEND facet to output facet_ptr list
+      if (append_to_facet_list)
+      {
+        tfacet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+        ntri++;
+      }
+    }
+    seek_address = 0;
+    if ( eof_found == true ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Premature end-of-file on STL file. Body may be incomplete.\n");
+      fclose(fp);
+      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    if ( error_found == true ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Error found while reading line number %d of file %s. Body may be incomplete.\n",
+              linenumber,file_name);
+      fclose(fp);
+      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    if ( done == false ) {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Error found while reading line number %d of file %s. Body may be incomplete.\n",
+              linenumber,file_name); 
+      fclose(fp); 
+      return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+    }  
+    if ( (eof_found == false) && (error_found == false) && (done == true) ) {
+      while ( fgets(line,127,fp) != 0 ) {
+        if ( (strstr(line,"solid") != 0) && (strstr(line,"endsolid") == 0) ) {
+          seek_address = ftell(fp);
+//          PRINT_INFO("This STL file is a multipart file.  Only the first part was read.\n");
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    fclose(fp);
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    fclose(fp);
+    // file is closed so that it can be opened as binary
+    fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
+    if (fp == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", file_name);
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
+    CubitPoint *point0,
+              *point1,
+                *point2;
+    char dummy;
+    int		   ii=0;    // iterates through the facets of the file
+    float cur[12];		// an array to hold 48 bytes representing 1 facet
+    npoints=0;          // only tri facets in stl files
+    fseek(fp, 80, SEEK_SET);
+    fread(&ntri, 4, 1, fp);
+    int distinct_ntri=ntri;
+    PRINT_INFO ("Reading facets...\n");
+    for (ii=0; ii<ntri; ii++) {
+      // read in 1 facet
+      if (!fread(cur, 4, 12, fp))
+      {
+        PRINT_INFO ("Abnormal file termination %s \n", file_name); break;
+      }
+    		fread(&dummy, 1, 1, fp);
+        fread(&dummy, 1, 1, fp);
+        //make point
+        point0 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( cur[3], cur[4], cur[5] );
+        pos=mm.find(point0);
+        if (pos==mm.end())
+        {
+          mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point0, npoints));
+          point0->set_id( npoints ++ );
+          //point_list is output of function
+          point_list.append(point0);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          delete point0;
+          point0=((*pos).first);
+        }
+        //make point
+        point1 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( cur[6], cur[7], cur[8] );
+        pos=mm.find(point1);
+        if (pos==mm.end())
+        {
+          mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point1, npoints));
+          point1->set_id( npoints ++ );
+          //point_list is output of function
+          point_list.append(point1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          delete point1;
+          point1=((*pos).first);
+        }
+        //make point
+        point2 = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( cur[9], cur[10], cur[11] );
+        pos=mm.find(point2);
+        if (pos==mm.end())
+        {
+          mm.insert ( vMap::value_type(point2, npoints));
+          point2->set_id( npoints ++ );
+          //point_list is output of function
+          point_list.append(point2);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          delete point2;
+          point2=((*pos).first);
+        }
+        // this is to avoid a facet with all points on same line, which crashes CUBIT
+        // because of assertion
+        if (point0 && point1 && point2 && point0!=point1 && point1!=point2 && point2 !=point0)
+        {
+          facet_ptr = new CubitFacetData( point0, point1, point2 );
+          append_to_facet_list=CUBIT_TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          append_to_facet_list=CUBIT_FALSE;
+        }
+        if (!facet_ptr)
+        {
+          fclose(fp);
+          return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        }
+        if (append_to_facet_list)
+        {
+          tfacet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          distinct_ntri--;
+        }
+    }
+    ntri=distinct_ntri;
+    fclose(fp);
+    return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+//Function Name: import_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  import facets and create geometry
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::import_facets(
+  const char *file_name,                // to be read
+  CubitBoolean use_feature_angle,       // to define where surfaces are broken
+  double feature_angle,        // angle where surfaces are broken (degrees)
+  double tolerance,             // for stl files loading
+  int interp_order,            // Facet representation 1= linear, 4= Bezier
+  CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,  // continutiy accross non-manifold edges
+  CubitBoolean split_surfaces,   // break facet rep at surface boundaries
+  CubitBoolean stitch,             // attempt to stitch together facets at the boundary
+  CubitBoolean improve,      // smooth, swap and collapse to improve quality
+  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &quad_facet_list,  // return quad facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tri_facet_list,  // return tri facets
+  DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list,  // return list of surfaces
+  FacetFileFormat file_format )
+  DLIList <CubitFacet *>tfacet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitQuadFacet *>qfacet_list;
+  DLIList <CubitPoint *>point_list;
+  ShellSM *shell_ptr;
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> shell_list;
+  Lump *lump_ptr;
+  DLIList<Lump*> lump_list;
+  BodySM *bodysm_ptr;
+  Body *body_ptr;
+  GeometryQueryTool *gti = GeometryQueryTool::instance();
+  OCCShell* facet_shell;
+  DLIList<DLIList<CubitFacet *> *> shell_facet_list;
+  int ishell, ii;
+  CubitBoolean is_water_tight = CUBIT_TRUE;
+  // read the facets from a file
+  int *conn = NULL;
+  int npoints = 0;
+  int nfacets = 0;
+  int nquad = 0;
+  int ntri = 0;
+  int prev_vert;
+  int prev_edge;
+  int prev_face;
+  int prev_vol;
+  int prev_bod;
+  long stl_seek_address=0;
+  bool stl_multiple_parts = true;
+  CubitStatus rv;
+  //  Here we add the capability to read stl files with more than one part.
+  while ( stl_multiple_parts == true ) {
+    stl_multiple_parts = false;
+    prev_vert = gti->num_ref_vertices();
+    prev_edge = gti->num_ref_edges();
+    prev_face = gti->num_ref_faces();
+    prev_vol  = gti->num_ref_volumes();
+    prev_bod  = gti->num_bodies();
+    switch (file_format)
+    {
+    case STL_FILE:
+      tfacet_list.clean_out(); // In case there are multiple parts in the stl file
+      point_list.clean_out();
+      shell_list.clean_out();
+      lump_list.clean_out();
+      shell_facet_list.clean_out();
+      if (tolerance>0)
+      {
+        rv = read_facets_stl_tolerance(tfacet_list, point_list, file_name, npoints, ntri, stl_seek_address, tolerance);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        rv = read_facets_stl(tfacet_list, point_list, file_name, npoints, ntri, stl_seek_address);
+      }
+      PRINT_INFO("  %d facets read.\n", ntri);
+      if ( (rv == CUBIT_SUCCESS) && (stl_seek_address) > 0 ) stl_multiple_parts = true;
+      nfacets = ntri;
+      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+      {
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      }
+      break;
+    case AVS_FILE:
+      rv = read_facets( file_name, conn, npoints, nquad, ntri, file_format );
+      nfacets = ntri + nquad;
+      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      // make cubit facet entities from the points and connectivity
+      if (nquad  > 0)
+        rv = make_facets(conn, nfacets, qfacet_list);
+      if (ntri > 0)
+        rv = make_facets(conn, nfacets, tfacet_list);
+      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      get_all_hash_points(point_list);
+      delete_hash_points();
+      break;
+    case CHOLLA_FILE:
+      rv = read_cholla_file( file_name, feature_angle, point_list, tfacet_list );
+      nquad = 0;
+      ntri = tfacet_list.size();
+      npoints = point_list.size();
+      break;
+    case FROM_FACET_LIST:
+      tfacet_list = tri_facet_list;
+      qfacet_list = quad_facet_list;
+      if (tfacet_list.size() + qfacet_list.size() == 0)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("No facets found to build geometry\n");
+        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      assert(0); // unrecognized file format
+      break;
+    }
+    if (tfacet_list.size() + qfacet_list.size() == 0)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("No facets read from file %s.\n", file_name);
+      rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      goto end_import_facets;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      PRINT_INFO("Building facet-based geometry from %d facets...\n",
+                  tfacet_list.size() + qfacet_list.size() );
+    }
+//  if (fix)
+//  {
+//    rv = check_facets( point_list, tfacet_list );
+//  }
+    if (0)
+    {
+      // Call function to generate an x-y-z file for a CTH/SPH simulation
+      // the following is an exampl call...
+      //make_sph( point_list, tfacet_list, 100.0, "fem1-sph100.xyz" );
+    }
+    if (0)
+    {
+      // This is an example of using the export_facets function.  Writes
+      // a facet file of all facets in the list
+        //commented out because otherwise it's a compiler warning.
+//     char filename[128];
+//     strcpy(filename, "my_test.facets");
+//     export_facets(tfacet_list,filename);
+    }
+    // split the facets into shells if needed
+    rv = FacetDataUtil::split_into_shells(tfacet_list, qfacet_list,
+                                          shell_facet_list, is_water_tight);
+    if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Error processing facets from %s.\n", file_name);
+      goto end_import_facets;
+    }
+    // if the facets aren't watertight, see if they can be merged
+    if (!is_water_tight && stitch)
+    {
+      rv = FacetDataUtil::stitch_facets(shell_facet_list,
+                                        GEOMETRY_RESABS,
+                                        is_water_tight);
+      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+      {
+        PRINT_WARNING("Couldn't stitch facets.\n");
+      }
+    }
+    DLIList <CubitFacet *> *facet_list_ptr;
+    if (improve)
+    {
+      for (ishell = 0; ishell < shell_facet_list.size(); ishell++)
+      {
+        facet_list_ptr = shell_facet_list.get_and_step();
+        rv = FacetDataUtil::collapse_short_edges( *facet_list_ptr,  CUBIT_TRUE );
+        if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+        {
+          PRINT_WARNING("Couldn't improve facets.\n");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // create the surface geometry
+    if (!use_feature_angle)
+      feature_angle = -1.0;
+    for (ishell = 0; ishell < shell_facet_list.size(); ishell++)
+    {
+      DLIList <Surface *> shell_surfaces;
+      DLIList <CubitPoint *> mypoint_list;
+      facet_list_ptr = shell_facet_list.get_and_step();
+      rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->build_facet_surface( NULL,
+                               *facet_list_ptr, mypoint_list,
+                               feature_angle, interp_order,
+                               smooth_non_manifold,
+                               split_surfaces, shell_surfaces);
+      if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS || shell_surfaces.size() == 0)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't build facet based geometry from facets in %s\n", file_name);
+        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      }
+      // make a shell out of these surfaces
+      rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_shell(shell_surfaces, shell_ptr);
+      if ( shell_ptr == NULL || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based shell entity.\n");
+        rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+        goto end_import_facets;
+      }
+      //Set the sense for the surfaces (will be cofaces) on this shell.
+      //Assumption: The sense is always forward when creating geom from facets.
+      // (This may not be correct -especially with multiple shells in a body)
+      facet_shell = CAST_TO( shell_ptr, OCCShell );
+      for( ii = shell_surfaces.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+      {
+        Surface* surf = shell_surfaces.get_and_step();
+        OCCSurface* facet_surf = CAST_TO( surf, OCCSurface );
+        facet_surf->set_shell_sense( facet_shell, CUBIT_FORWARD );
+      }
+      surface_list += shell_surfaces;
+      shell_list.append(shell_ptr);
+    }
+    // make a body out of it
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_lump(shell_list,lump_ptr);
+    if ( lump_ptr == NULL || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based lump entity.\n");
+      rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      goto end_import_facets;
+    }
+    lump_list.append(lump_ptr);
+    rv = OCCModifyEngine::instance()->make_facet_body(lump_list,bodysm_ptr);
+    body_ptr = GeometryQueryTool::instance()->make_Body(bodysm_ptr);
+    if ( body_ptr == NULL || rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Problems building facet based body entity.\n");
+      rv = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      goto end_import_facets;
+    }
+    if(gti->num_bodies() - prev_bod > 1)
+         PRINT_INFO("Bodies successfully created.\n");
+    else
+       PRINT_INFO("Body successfully created.\n");
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new vertices = %d\n", gti->num_ref_vertices() - prev_vert);
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new curves = %d\n", gti->num_ref_edges() - prev_edge);
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new surfaces = %d\n", gti->num_ref_faces() - prev_face);
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new shells = %d\n", shell_facet_list.size());
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new volumes = %d\n", gti->num_ref_volumes() - prev_vol);
+    PRINT_INFO("  Number of new bodies = %d\n", gti->num_bodies() - prev_bod);
+    if (!is_water_tight)
+    {
+      PRINT_WARNING("Volume generated does not completely close. 3D meshing (ie. hex/tet) will not be permitted.\n");
+      PRINT_INFO("Hint: In some cases the \"stitch\" option on the import command may correct the problem.\n");
+    }
+  }  // end while ( stl_multiple_parts == true )
+  if (conn != NULL)
+    delete [] conn;
+  for (ii=0; ii<shell_list.size(); ii++)
+    delete shell_facet_list.get_and_step();
+  quad_facet_list = qfacet_list;
+  tri_facet_list = tfacet_list;
+  return rv;
+//Function Name: read_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  read facets from facet file
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::read_facets( const char * file_name,
+                                           int *&conn,
+                                           int &npoints,
+                                           int &nquad, int &ntri,
+                                           FacetFileFormat file_format )
+  // open the file
+  FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+  if (fp == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Could not open file %s for reading\n", file_name);
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  PRINT_INFO("Reading facets...\n");
+  // read the number of nodes
+  int id;
+  int nfacets = 0;
+  int iline = 1;
+  char line[128];
+  if (fgets(line, 128, fp) == NULL)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  int n = sscanf(line, "%d %d", &npoints, &nfacets);
+  if (n < 1 || n > 2 && file_format == CUBIT_FACET_FILE )
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (npoints <= 0)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Expecting number of nodes in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (n==1)
+  {
+    nfacets = 0;
+  }
+  else if (nfacets <= 0)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d reading number of facets\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if (init_hash_points( npoints ) == CUBIT_FAILURE)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Can't allocate memory for points in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // read the nodes
+  int ii;
+  double xx, yy, zz;
+  CubitPoint *new_point;
+  for (ii=0; ii<npoints; ii++)
+  {
+    iline++;
+    if (fgets(line, 128, fp)== NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    n = sscanf(line, "%d %lf %lf %lf", &id, &xx, &yy, &zz );
+    if (n != 4)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+      PRINT_INFO("  Expecting 1 integer and 3 doubles, but instead read %d values\n", n);
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    new_point = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( xx, yy, zz );
+    new_point->set_id( id );
+    add_hash_point( new_point );
+  }
+    // read the number of facets
+  if (nfacets == 0)
+  {
+    iline++;
+    if (fgets(line, 128, fp) == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d reading number of facets\n", file_name, iline);
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    n = sscanf(line, "%d", &nfacets);
+    if (n != 1)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d reading number of facets\n", file_name, iline);
+      PRINT_INFO("  Expecting <num facets>\n");
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if (nfacets <= 0)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d reading number of facets\n", file_name, iline);
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  }
+  conn = new int [4*nfacets];
+  if (!conn)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Can't allocate memory for facets in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+    fclose( fp );
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  ntri = nquad = 0;
+  // read the facets
+  for (ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
+  {
+    iline++;
+    if (fgets(line, 128, fp) == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d\n", file_name, iline);
+      fclose( fp );
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if( AVS_FILE == file_format )
+    {
+      n = sscanf( line, "%d %*d %*s %d %d %d %d", &id, &conn[4*ii],
+                  &conn[4*ii+1], &conn[4*ii+2], &conn[4*ii+3] );
+      if( n < 4 || n > 5 )
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Format error in avs file %s on line %d reading facets\n", file_name, iline);
+        PRINT_INFO("Expecting 6 or 7 values, but instead read %d values\n", n);
+        fclose( fp );
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+        //duplicate the point
+      if( n == 4 )
+      {
+        conn[4*ii+3] = conn[4*ii+2];
+        ntri++;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        nquad++;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      n = sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d", &id, &conn[4*ii], &conn[4*ii+1],
+                 &conn[4*ii+2], &conn[4*ii+3] );
+      if (n < 4 || n > 5)
+      {
+        PRINT_ERROR("Format error in facet file %s on line %d reading facets\n", file_name, iline);
+        PRINT_INFO("  Expecting 4 or 5 integers, but instead read %d values\n", n);
+        PRINT_INFO("  For example:  <id> <i0> <i1> <i2> [<i3>]\n");
+        fclose( fp );
+        return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+      }
+        // for triangles -- duplicate the point
+      if (n==4)
+      {
+        conn[4*ii+3] = conn[4*ii+2];
+        ntri++;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        nquad++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  fclose( fp );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//  Function: read_cholla_file
+//  Purpose:  import the face mesh from the cholla file
+//  Date:     11/28/2002
+//  Author:   sjowen
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::read_cholla_file( const char *file_name,
+                              double &feature_angle,
+                              DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                              DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list )
+  double angle = 135.0;
+  int num_tri = 0;
+  int num_quad = 0;
+  int num_edge = 0;
+  int num_vert = 0;
+  int* tri_edge = NULL;
+  int* quad_edge = NULL;
+  int* edge_vert = NULL;
+  double* vert = NULL;
+  double* edge_ctrl_pts = NULL;
+  double* tri_ctrl_pts = NULL;
+  double* quad_ctrl_pts = NULL;
+  int results_included = 0;
+  // importMesh and resolveFaceVectors are in Cholla.h
+  importMesh(file_name, &results_included, &angle, &num_tri, &num_quad, &num_edge,
+             &num_vert, &tri_edge, &quad_edge, &edge_vert, &vert,
+             &edge_ctrl_pts, &tri_ctrl_pts, &quad_ctrl_pts);
+  feature_angle = angle;
+  // create the points
+  CubitPoint **point_array = new CubitPoint * [num_vert];
+  double x, y, z;
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_vert; ii++)
+  {
+    x = vert[ii*3];
+    y = vert[ii*3 + 1];
+    z = vert[ii*3 + 2];
+    point_array[ii] = (CubitPoint *) new CubitPointData( x, y, z );
+    point_list.append( point_array[ii] );
+  }
+  // create the edges
+  CubitFacetEdge **edge_array = new CubitFacetEdge * [num_edge];
+  int ip, jp;
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_edge; ii++)
+  {
+    ip = edge_vert[ii*2];
+    jp = edge_vert[ii*2 + 1];
+    assert(ip < num_vert && jp < num_vert && ip >= 0 && jp >= 0);
+    edge_array[ii] = (CubitFacetEdge *) new CubitFacetEdgeData( point_array[ip],
+                                                                point_array[jp] );
+  }
+  // create the tri facets
+  int begin_face;
+  int jj, iedge;
+  CubitFacetEdge *edges[4];
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr = NULL;
+  CubitQuadFacet *qfacet_ptr = NULL;
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_tri; ii++)
+  {
+    begin_face = 3 * ii;
+    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
+    {
+      iedge = tri_edge[begin_face+jj];
+      edges[jj] = edge_array[iedge];
+    }
+    facet_ptr = (CubitFacet *)
+      new CubitFacetData(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2]);
+    facet_list.append(facet_ptr);
+  }
+  // create the quad facets
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_quad; ii++)
+  {
+    begin_face = 4 * ii;
+    for(jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
+    {
+      iedge = quad_edge[begin_face+jj];
+      edges[jj] = edge_array[iedge];
+    }
+    qfacet_ptr = (CubitQuadFacet *)
+      new CubitQuadFacetData(edges[0], edges[1], edges[2], edges[3]);
+    facet_list.append(qfacet_ptr->get_tri_facet(0));
+    facet_list.append(qfacet_ptr->get_tri_facet(1));
+  }
+  // delete the temp arrays
+  delete [] point_array;
+  delete [] edge_array;
+  delete [] tri_edge;
+  delete [] quad_edge;
+  delete [] edge_vert;
+  delete [] vert;
+  delete [] edge_ctrl_pts;
+  delete [] tri_ctrl_pts;
+  delete [] quad_ctrl_pts;
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name: is_close
+//Member Type:  PRIVATE
+//Description:  determine if one of the facets in the list is within a
+//              certain distance of the point.
+OCCQueryEngine::is_close(CubitVector &this_point,
+                              DLIList<CubitFacet *>&facet_list,
+                              CubitFacet *&lastFacet,
+                              double tol)
+  CubitBoolean isclose = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitBox bbox;
+  CubitVector close_point;
+  CubitFacet *facet;
+  int ii;
+  // set the first facet to be checked as the last one located
+  if (lastFacet) {
+    if (!facet_list.move_to(lastFacet)) {
+      facet_list.reset();
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    facet_list.reset();
+  }
+  CubitBoolean done = CUBIT_FALSE;
+  // define a bounding box around the point
+  CubitVector ptmin( this_point.x() - tol,
+		                 this_point.y() - tol,
+					           this_point.z() - tol );
+	CubitVector ptmax( this_point.x() + tol,
+		                 this_point.y() + tol,
+					           this_point.z() + tol );
+  for ( ii = facet_list.size(); ii > 0 && !done; ii-- ) {
+	  facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    // Try to trivially reject this facet with a bounding box test
+	  bbox = facet->bounding_box();
+	  if (ptmax.x() < bbox.minimum().x() ||
+		    ptmin.x() > bbox.maximum().x()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (ptmax.y() < bbox.minimum().y() ||
+		    ptmin.y() > bbox.maximum().y()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (ptmax.z() < bbox.minimum().z() ||
+		    ptmin.z() > bbox.maximum().z()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Only facets that pass the bounding box test will get past here!
+    // Project point to plane of the facet and determine its area coordinates
+    CubitVector pt_on_plane;
+    double dist_to_plane;
+    FacetEvalTool::project_to_facet_plane( facet, this_point, pt_on_plane, dist_to_plane );
+    CubitVector areacoord;
+    FacetEvalTool::facet_area_coordinate( facet, pt_on_plane, areacoord );
+    // If sign of areacoords are all positive then its inside the triangle
+    // and we are done - go interpolate the point. (use an absolute
+    // tolerance since the coordinates arenormalized)
+    if (areacoord.x() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
+        areacoord.y() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS &&
+        areacoord.z() > -GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+      FacetEvalTool::eval_facet( facet, areacoord, &close_point, NULL );
+    }
+    // otherwise find the closest vertex or edge to the projected point
+    else if (areacoord.x() < GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+      if (areacoord.y() < GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+        FacetEvalTool::eval_point( facet, 2, close_point );
+      }
+      else if(areacoord.z() < GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+        FacetEvalTool::eval_point( facet, 1, close_point );
+      }
+      else {
+        FacetEvalTool::eval_edge( facet, 1, 2, pt_on_plane, close_point );
+      }
+    }
+    else if (areacoord.y() < GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+      if (areacoord.z() < GEOMETRY_RESABS) {
+        FacetEvalTool::eval_point( facet, 0, close_point );
+      }
+      else {
+        FacetEvalTool::eval_edge( facet, 2, 0, pt_on_plane, close_point);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      FacetEvalTool::eval_edge( facet, 0, 1, pt_on_plane, close_point );
+    }
+    // keep track of the minimum distance
+    double dist = sqrt(sqr(close_point.x() - this_point.x()) +
+                  sqr(close_point.y() - this_point.y()) +
+                  sqr(close_point.z() - this_point.z()));
+    if (dist <= tol) {
+      done = CUBIT_TRUE;
+      isclose = CUBIT_TRUE;
+      lastFacet = facet;
+    }
+	}
+  return isclose;
+// Function Name: export_facets
+// Member Type:  PUBLIC
+// Description:  export a list of facets to a facet file for debugging purposes
+// Author: sjowen
+// Date: 10/29/01
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::export_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list,
+                                               char *filename)
+  // open the file for writing
+  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
+  if (!fp)
+  {
+    PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't open file %s for writing.\n", filename);
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  // make list of all points
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*>temp_point_list;
+  int ii, jj;
+  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    for(jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = facet_ptr->point(jj);
+      point_ptr->marked(-1);
+      temp_point_list.append(point_ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  // assign ids to points and make list unique
+  int id = 0;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*>point_list;
+  for (ii=0; ii<temp_point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = temp_point_list.get_and_step();
+    if (point_ptr->marked() == -1)
+    {
+      point_ptr->marked(id++);
+      point_list.append( point_ptr );
+    }
+  }
+  // write the points
+  CubitVector coords;
+  fprintf(fp, "%d\n", point_list.size());
+  point_list.reset();
+  for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    coords = point_ptr->coordinates();
+    fprintf(fp,"%d %f %f %f\n", ii, coords.x(), coords.y(), coords.z());
+  }
+  // write the facets
+  int indx[3];
+  fprintf(fp, "%d\n", facet_list.size());
+  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
+    {
+      indx[jj] = facet_ptr->point(jj)->marked();
+    }
+    fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d %d\n", ii, indx[0], indx[1], indx[2]);
+  }
+  //- unmark the points
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+    point_list.get_and_step()->marked(0);
+  fclose(fp);
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function:  init_hash_point (PRIVATE)
+//Description: create a hash array of all points.  They are hashed based on the
+//             id of the point
+//Author: sjowen
+//Date: 4/3/01
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::init_hash_points( int num_points )
+  /* === find the next highest prime number */
+  hashPointSize = num_points / 10;
+  int i;
+  if (hashPointSize < 13) hashPointSize = 13;
+  else
+  {
+    i=2;
+    while (i<hashPointSize*0.5 + 1) {
+      if (hashPointSize % i == 0) {
+        i=2;
+        hashPointSize++;
+      }
+      else {
+        i++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  hashPointArray = new DLIList<CubitPoint*>[hashPointSize];
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function:  add_hash_point (PRIVATE)
+//Description: hash the point into the hash table
+//Author: sjowen
+//Date: 4/3/02
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::add_hash_point( CubitPoint *point_ptr )
+  int id = point_ptr->id();
+  int key = get_hash_key( id );
+  hashPointArray[key].append( point_ptr );
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function:  get_hash_point (PRIVATE)
+//Description: retreive the CubitPoint pointer from the id
+//Author: sjowen
+//Date: 4/3/02
+CubitPoint *OCCQueryEngine::get_hash_point( int id )
+  int key = get_hash_key( id );
+  int ii;
+  int found = 0;
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  for (ii=0; ii<hashPointArray[key].size() && !found; ii++)
+  {
+    point_ptr = hashPointArray[key].get_and_step();
+    if (point_ptr->id() == id)
+    {
+      return point_ptr;
+    }
+  }
+  return (CubitPoint*)NULL;
+//Function:  delete_hash_points (PRIVATE)
+//Description: delete the hash points stuff
+//Author: sjowen
+//Date: 4/3/02
+void OCCQueryEngine::delete_hash_points( )
+  if (hashPointArray)
+   delete [] hashPointArray;
+  hashPointArray = NULL;
+  hashPointSize = 0;
+//Function:  get_hash_key (PRIVATE)
+//Author: sjowen
+//Date: 4/3/02
+int OCCQueryEngine::get_hash_key( int id )
+  int key = id % hashPointSize;
+  return key;
+//Function Name: get_all_hash_points
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  makes a single list from all points in the hash table
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::get_all_hash_points(
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list ) // return point list
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  int ii, jj;
+  CubitPoint *point_ptr;
+  for(jj=0; jj<hashPointSize; jj++)
+  {
+    for (ii=0; ii<hashPointArray[jj].size(); ii++)
+    {
+      point_ptr = hashPointArray[jj].get_and_step();
+      point_list.append(point_ptr);
+    }
+  }
+  return rv;
+//Function Name: save_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  save the facets from the entities to a Cubit file
+//Author:       sjowen
+//Date:         1/16/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::save_facets(
+  FILE *fp,  // file we are dumping to
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfaces,
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*> facet_curves,
+  DLIList<OCCPoint*> facet_points ) // save facets from these entities
+  CubitStatus rv = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> facet_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> edge_list;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> point_list;
+  // get a unique list of all facets, edges and points
+  rv = gather_facets(facet_surfaces, facet_curves, facet_points,
+                     facet_list, edge_list, point_list );
+  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    return rv;
+  // dump the facet entities the file
+  rv = dump_facets( fp, facet_list, edge_list, point_list );
+  if (rv != CUBIT_SUCCESS)
+    return rv;
+  // dump the CurveFacetEvalTools and FacetEval Tools
+  rv = save_eval_tools( fp, facet_surfaces, facet_curves );
+  return rv;
+//Function Name: save_eval_tools
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  go through the RefEntities and save the CurveFacetEvalTools
+//              and FacetEvalTools.  These are essentially lists of facets
+//              that are owned by the curve or surface
+//Authors:      sjowen & cdernst
+//Date:         1/21/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::save_eval_tools(
+  FILE *fp,        // cubit file we are dumping to
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfaces,
+  DLIList<OCCCurve*>  facet_curves )
+  int ii;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr;
+  OCCCurve *fcurv_ptr;
+  //separate out eval tools and set ids
+  DLIList<CurveFacetEvalTool*> cfe_tools;
+  DLIList<FacetEvalTool*> fe_tools;
+  int ft_id = 0;
+  int cft_id = 0;
+  facet_surfaces.reset();
+  for (ii=facet_surfaces.size(); ii--; )
+  {
+    fsurf_ptr = facet_surfaces.get_and_step();
+    FacetEvalTool *feval_tool = fsurf_ptr->get_eval_tool();
+    if( feval_tool )
+    {
+      feval_tool->set_output_id( ft_id++ );
+      fe_tools.append( feval_tool );
+    }
+  }
+  facet_curves.reset();
+  for (ii=facet_curves.size(); ii--; )
+  {
+    fcurv_ptr = facet_curves.get_and_step();
+    CurveFacetEvalTool *ceval_tool = fcurv_ptr->get_eval_tool();
+    if( ceval_tool )
+    {
+      ceval_tool->set_output_id( cft_id++ );
+      cfe_tools.append( ceval_tool );
+    }
+  }
+  //Write out number of FacetEvalTools
+  int count = fe_tools.size();
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(fp);
+  cio.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&count), 1 );
+  //Write out each FacetEvalTool
+  fe_tools.reset();
+  for( ii=0; ii<fe_tools.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    FacetEvalTool *feval_tool = fe_tools.get_and_step();
+    feval_tool->save( fp );
+  }
+  //Write out number of CurveFacetEvalTools
+  count = cfe_tools.size();
+  cio.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&count), 1 );
+  //Write out each CurveFacetEvalTool
+  cfe_tools.reset();
+  for( ii=0; ii<cfe_tools.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    CurveFacetEvalTool *ceval_tool = cfe_tools.get_and_step();
+    ceval_tool->save( fp );
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Function   : restore_eval_tools
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: restore the curve and surface eval tools
+// Author     : sjowen
+// Date       : 1/26/03
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::restore_eval_tools(
+  FILE *fp,  // CUB file we are currently reading
+  unsigned int endian,
+  int num_facets, // list of facet entities already read from the CUB file
+  int num_edges,  // that we will assign to the eval tools.  Index into
+  int num_points, // the array is the same as ID
+  CubitFacet **facets,
+  CubitFacetEdge **edges,
+  CubitPoint **points,
+  int &num_cfet,
+  int &num_fet,
+  CurveFacetEvalTool **&cfeval_tools,
+  FacetEvalTool **&feval_tools)   // return list of curve and surface tools
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(endian, fp);
+  int ii;
+  FacetEvalTool *fsurf_ptr;
+  CurveFacetEvalTool *fcurv_ptr;
+  // read the number of facet eval tools
+  // we are about to read from the CUB file
+  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&num_fet), 1);
+  feval_tools = new FacetEvalTool *[num_fet];
+  // read all the facet surface eval tools
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_fet; ii++)
+  {
+    /*
+    // read the topo ID from the CUB file.  This will be stored as the
+    // FacetEvalTool toolID and serve as the means to associate this
+    // eval tool with it's topology entity
+    UnsignedInt32 surf_id = 0;
+    cio.Read(&surf_id, 1);
+    int topo_id = (int)surf_id; */
+    // read the facet eval tool data and create the tool
+    fsurf_ptr  = new FacetEvalTool();
+    fsurf_ptr->restore(fp, endian, num_facets,
+                       num_edges, num_points,
+                       facets, edges, points);
+    if (fsurf_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Error restoring mesh-based geometry\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    feval_tools[ii] = fsurf_ptr;
+  }
+  // read the number of curves
+  cio.Read(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&num_cfet), 1);
+  cfeval_tools = new CurveFacetEvalTool *[num_cfet];
+  // read all the curve facet eval tools.  Same thing as surfaces
+  for (ii=0; ii<num_cfet; ii++)
+  {
+    // read the facet eval tool data and create the tool
+    fcurv_ptr = new CurveFacetEvalTool();
+    fcurv_ptr->restore(fp, endian, num_edges, num_points,
+                       edges, points, num_fet, feval_tools );
+    if (fcurv_ptr == NULL)
+    {
+      PRINT_ERROR("Error restoring mesh-based geometry\n");
+      return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    cfeval_tools[ii] = fcurv_ptr;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name: dump_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  dump the facets and associated data to the cubit file
+//Authors:      sjowen & cdernst
+//Date:         1/16/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::dump_facets(
+  FILE *fp,                          // file we are dumping to
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,  // return unique list of facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &edge_list,  // return unique list of edges
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list )  // return unique list of points
+  NCubitFile::CIOWrapper cio(fp);
+  typedef NCubitFile::UnsignedInt32 UnsignedInt32;
+  // Gather CubitPoint Data
+  int npoints = point_list.size();
+  int nnormals = 0;
+  double* uvs_array = new double [npoints * 3];
+  double* coord_array  = new double [npoints * 3];
+  //double* du_array = new double [npoints * 3];
+  //double* dv_array = new double [npoints * 3];
+  int c_zero_points = 0;
+  int c_zero_int_data_size = 0;
+  int c_zero_double_data_size = 0;
+  int ii;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> has_td_boundary_point;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> points_with_normal;
+  TDFacetBoundaryPoint *td_fbp;
+  CubitPoint *cp_ptr;
+  CubitVector coord, *normal;
+  point_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    cp_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    // write out uVal, vVal, sizeVal
+    uvs_array[ii*3] = cp_ptr->u();
+    uvs_array[ii*3+1] = cp_ptr->v();
+    uvs_array[ii*3+2] = cp_ptr->size();
+    // coordinates
+    coord = cp_ptr->coordinates();
+    coord_array[ii*3]   = coord.x();
+    coord_array[ii*3+1] = coord.y();
+    coord_array[ii*3+2] = coord.z();
+    // surfNormal
+    if( cp_ptr->normal_ptr() )
+      points_with_normal.append( cp_ptr );
+    /*
+    // surfU
+    du = cp_ptr->du();
+    du_array[ii*3]   = du.x();
+    du_array[ii*3+1] = du.y();
+    du_array[ii*3+2] = du.z();
+    // surfV
+    dv = cp_ptr->dv();
+    dv_array[ii*3]   = dv.x();
+    dv_array[ii*3+1] = dv.y();
+    dv_array[ii*3+2] = dv.z(); */
+    if ((td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( cp_ptr ))!= NULL)
+    {
+      has_td_boundary_point.append( cp_ptr );
+      c_zero_points++;
+      td_fbp->get_boundary_point_data_size( c_zero_int_data_size,
+                                            c_zero_double_data_size );
+    }
+  }
+  // Normals
+  nnormals = points_with_normal.size();
+  double* normal_array = NULL;
+  int* normal_ids = NULL;
+  points_with_normal.reset();
+  if( nnormals > 0 )
+  {
+    normal_array = new double [nnormals* 3];
+    normal_ids = new int[nnormals];
+    points_with_normal.reset();
+    for( ii=0; ii<nnormals; ii++)
+    {
+      cp_ptr = points_with_normal.get_and_step();
+      normal_ids[ii] = cp_ptr->id();
+      normal = cp_ptr->normal_ptr();
+      normal_array[ii*3]   = normal->x();
+      normal_array[ii*3+1] = normal->y();
+      normal_array[ii*3+2] = normal->z();
+    }
+  }
+  // write arrays  --CubitPoint
+  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&npoints), 1);
+  if( npoints > 0 )
+  {
+    cio.Write(coord_array, npoints*3);
+    cio.Write(uvs_array, npoints*3);
+  }
+  // clean up
+  delete [] uvs_array;
+  delete [] coord_array;
+  uvs_array = NULL;
+  coord_array = NULL;
+  // write normals & ids of points to which normals belong
+  cio.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nnormals), 1 );
+  if( nnormals > 0 )
+  {
+    cio.Write(normal_array, nnormals*3);
+    cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(normal_ids), nnormals);
+    delete [] normal_array;
+    delete [] normal_ids;
+    normal_array = NULL;
+    normal_ids = NULL;
+  }
+  // Gather CubitFacetEdge Data
+  int jj, idx;
+  int nedges = edge_list.size();
+  int nctrl_pts = nedges * NUM_EDGE_CPTS;
+  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
+  CubitVector *edge_ctrl_pts;
+  double* control_points = new double [nctrl_pts * 3];
+  UnsignedInt32* edge_vert_array = new UnsignedInt32 [nedges * 2];
+  for(ii=0; ii<nedges; ii++)
+  {
+    // pointArray[2]
+    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
+    edge_vert_array[ii*2] = edge_ptr->point(0)->id();
+    edge_vert_array[ii*2+1] = edge_ptr->point(1)->id();
+    edge_ctrl_pts = edge_ptr->control_points();
+    // controlPoints[3]
+    if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+    {
+      if (!edge_ctrl_pts)
+      {
+        nctrl_pts = 0;
+        continue;
+      }
+      for(jj=0; jj<NUM_EDGE_CPTS; jj++)
+      {
+        idx = (ii*NUM_EDGE_CPTS+jj)*3;
+        control_points[idx]   = edge_ctrl_pts[jj].x();
+        control_points[idx+1] = edge_ctrl_pts[jj].y();
+        control_points[idx+2] = edge_ctrl_pts[jj].z();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // write arrays  --CubitFacetEdge
+  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nedges), 1);
+  if( nedges > 0 )
+  {
+    cio.Write(edge_vert_array, nedges*2 );
+    cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nctrl_pts), 1);
+    if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+      cio.Write(control_points, nctrl_pts*3);
+  }
+  // clean up
+  delete [] edge_vert_array;
+  delete [] control_points;
+  edge_vert_array = NULL;
+  control_points = NULL;
+  // Gather CubitFacet Data
+  int nfacets = facet_list.size();
+  nctrl_pts = nfacets * NUM_TRI_CPTS;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  CubitVector *facet_ctrl_pts;
+  control_points = new double [nctrl_pts * 3];
+  UnsignedInt32* facet_edge_array = new UnsignedInt32 [nfacets * 3];
+  int *int_data = new int[ nfacets * 2 ];
+  facet_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<nfacets; ii++)
+  {
+    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    // is Flat and isBackwards
+    int_data[ii*2] = facet_ptr->is_flat();
+    int_data[ii*2+1] = facet_ptr->is_backwards();
+    // edgeArray[3]
+    facet_edge_array[ii*3]   = facet_ptr->edge(0)->id();
+    facet_edge_array[ii*3+1] = facet_ptr->edge(1)->id();
+    facet_edge_array[ii*3+2] = facet_ptr->edge(2)->id();
+    facet_ctrl_pts = facet_ptr->control_points();
+    if(nctrl_pts > 0)
+    {
+      if (!facet_ctrl_pts)
+      {
+        nctrl_pts = 0;
+        continue;
+      }
+      for(jj=0; jj<NUM_TRI_CPTS; jj++)
+      {
+        idx = (ii*NUM_TRI_CPTS+jj)*3;
+        control_points[idx]   = facet_ctrl_pts[jj].x();
+        control_points[idx+1] = facet_ctrl_pts[jj].y();
+        control_points[idx+2] = facet_ctrl_pts[jj].z();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // write arrays  --CubitFacet
+  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nfacets), 1);
+  if( nfacets > 0 )
+  {
+    cio.Write(facet_edge_array, nfacets*3);
+    cio.Write( reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(int_data), nfacets*2 );
+    cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&nctrl_pts), 1);
+    if (nctrl_pts > 0)
+      cio.Write(control_points, nctrl_pts*3);
+  }
+  // clean up
+  delete [] facet_edge_array;
+  delete [] control_points;
+  delete [] int_data;
+  facet_edge_array = NULL;
+  control_points = NULL;
+  int_data = NULL;
+  // At points along the boundary (C0 continuity) there may be
+  // multiple normals.  Write this data too.  First gether it
+  // into two arrays and then dump.
+  cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&c_zero_points), 1);
+  if (c_zero_points > 0)
+  {
+    int *c_zero_int_data = new int [c_zero_int_data_size];
+    double *c_zero_double_data = new double [c_zero_double_data_size];
+    point_list.reset();
+    int iidx = 0;
+    int didx = 0;
+    point_list.reset();
+    for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+    {
+      cp_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+      td_fbp = TDFacetBoundaryPoint::get_facet_boundary_point( cp_ptr );
+      if (td_fbp != NULL)
+      {
+        td_fbp->get_boundary_point_data( c_zero_int_data,
+                                         c_zero_double_data,
+                                         iidx, didx );
+      }
+    }
+    // dump the int data array
+    cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&c_zero_int_data_size), 1);
+    //convert to UnsignedInt32
+    UnsignedInt32 *c_zero_int32_data = new UnsignedInt32 [c_zero_int_data_size];
+    for (ii=0; ii<c_zero_int_data_size; ii++)
+      c_zero_int32_data[ii] = (UnsignedInt32)c_zero_int_data[ii];
+    cio.Write(c_zero_int32_data, c_zero_int_data_size);
+    // dump the double array
+    cio.Write(reinterpret_cast<UnsignedInt32*>(&c_zero_double_data_size), 1);
+    cio.Write(c_zero_double_data, c_zero_double_data_size);
+    // clean up
+    delete [] c_zero_int_data;
+    delete [] c_zero_int32_data;
+    delete [] c_zero_double_data;
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function Name: gather_facets
+//Member Type:  PUBLIC
+//Description:  get a unique list of facets from the entities
+//Author:       sjowen
+//Date:         1/16/2003
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::gather_facets(
+  DLIList<OCCSurface *> facet_surfaces,
+  DLIList<OCCCurve *> facet_curves,
+  DLIList<OCCPoint *> facet_points,
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,  // return unique list of facets
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &edge_list,  // return unique list of edges
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list)   // return unique list of points
+  int ii, jj, kk;
+  OCCSurface *fsurf_ptr;
+  OCCCurve *fcurv_ptr;
+  OCCPoint *fpoint_ptr;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet *>temp_facets;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint *>temp_points;
+  DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *>temp_edges;
+  CubitFacet *facet_ptr;
+  CubitFacetEdge *edge_ptr;
+  CubitPoint *cp_ptr;
+  //unmark facets/edges/points on surface
+  for(ii=facet_surfaces.size(); ii--;)
+  {
+    fsurf_ptr = facet_surfaces.get_and_step();
+    temp_facets.clean_out();
+    temp_points.clean_out();
+    fsurf_ptr->get_my_facets(temp_facets, temp_points);
+    for(jj=0; jj<temp_facets.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      facet_ptr = temp_facets.get_and_step();
+      facet_ptr->marked( 0 );
+      for (kk=0; kk<3; kk++)
+      {
+        edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge( kk );
+        edge_ptr->marked( 0 );
+      }
+    }
+    for (jj=0; jj<temp_points.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      cp_ptr = temp_points.get_and_step();
+      cp_ptr->marked( 0 );
+    }
+  }
+  //unmark facet-edges/points on curves
+  for(ii=facet_curves.size(); ii--; )
+  {
+    fcurv_ptr = facet_curves.get_and_step();
+    temp_edges.clean_out();
+    fcurv_ptr->get_facets( temp_edges );
+    for (jj=0; jj<temp_edges.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      edge_ptr = temp_edges.get_and_step();
+      edge_ptr->marked( 0 );
+      edge_ptr->point( 0 )->marked( 0 );
+      edge_ptr->point( 1 )->marked( 0 );
+    }
+  }
+  //unmark facet-points on points
+  for(ii=facet_points.size(); ii--; )
+  {
+    fpoint_ptr = facet_points.get_and_step();
+    if (fpoint_ptr != NULL)
+    {
+      cp_ptr = fpoint_ptr->get_cubit_point();
+      cp_ptr->marked( 0 );
+    }
+  }
+  // make unique lists
+  for(ii=facet_surfaces.size(); ii--;)
+  {
+    fsurf_ptr = facet_surfaces.get_and_step();
+    temp_facets.clean_out();
+    temp_points.clean_out();
+    fsurf_ptr->get_my_facets(temp_facets, temp_points);
+    for(jj=0; jj<temp_facets.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      facet_ptr = temp_facets.get_and_step();
+      if (0 == facet_ptr->marked())
+      {
+        facet_ptr->marked( 1 );
+        facet_list.append( facet_ptr );
+      }
+      for (kk=0; kk<3; kk++)
+      {
+        edge_ptr = facet_ptr->edge( kk );
+        if (0 == edge_ptr->marked())
+        {
+          edge_ptr->marked( 1 );
+          edge_list.append( edge_ptr );
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (jj=0; jj<temp_points.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      cp_ptr = temp_points.get_and_step();
+      if (0 == cp_ptr->marked())
+      {
+        cp_ptr->marked(1);
+        point_list.append( cp_ptr );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(ii=facet_curves.size(); ii--;)
+  {
+    fcurv_ptr = facet_curves.get_and_step();
+    temp_edges.clean_out();
+    fcurv_ptr->get_facets( temp_edges );
+    for (jj=0; jj<temp_edges.size(); jj++)
+    {
+      edge_ptr = temp_edges.get_and_step();
+      if (0 == edge_ptr->marked())
+      {
+        edge_ptr->marked(1);
+        edge_list.append( edge_ptr );
+        for (kk=0; kk<2; kk++)
+        {
+          cp_ptr = edge_ptr->point( kk );
+          if (0 == cp_ptr->marked())
+          {
+            cp_ptr->marked(1);
+            point_list.append(cp_ptr);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(ii=facet_points.size(); ii--;)
+  {
+    fpoint_ptr = facet_points.get_and_step();
+    cp_ptr = fpoint_ptr->get_cubit_point();
+    if (0 == cp_ptr->marked())
+    {
+      cp_ptr->marked( 1 );
+      point_list.append( cp_ptr );
+    }
+  }
+  // set the IDs of the facet entities and clear the marks
+  facet_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    facet_ptr = facet_list.get_and_step();
+    facet_ptr->set_id(ii);
+    facet_ptr->marked(0);
+  }
+  edge_list.reset();
+  for (ii=0; ii<edge_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    edge_ptr = edge_list.get_and_step();
+    edge_ptr->set_id(ii);
+    edge_ptr->marked(0);
+  }
+  for (ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+  {
+    cp_ptr = point_list.get_and_step();
+    cp_ptr->set_id(ii);
+    cp_ptr->marked(0);
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//Function:   create_super_facet_bounding_box(PUBLIC)
+//Description: Find the bounding box of a list of BodySMs
+//Author: jdfowle
+//Date: 12/15/03
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::create_super_facet_bounding_box(
+                                DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list,
+                                CubitBox& super_box )
+BodySM *bodySM;
+int i;
+CubitStatus status = CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+  body_list.reset();
+  for ( i = 0; i < body_list.size(); i++ ) {
+    bodySM = body_list.get_and_step();  
+    create_facet_bounding_box(bodySM,super_box);
+  }
+  return status;
+//Function:   create_facet_bounding_box(PUBLIC)
+//Description: Find the bounding box of a BodySM
+//Author: jdfowle
+//Date: 12/15/03
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::create_facet_bounding_box(
+                                BodySM* bodySM,
+                                CubitBox& bbox )
+  OCCBody *fbody_ptr;
+  int j;
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surf_list;
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+  DLIList<CubitPoint*> point_list;
+  OCCSurface *facet_surface;
+  CubitBox surf_bbox, total_box;
+  CubitStatus status = CUBIT_FAILURE;
+    fbody_ptr = dynamic_cast<OCCBody *>(bodySM);
+    fbody_ptr->get_surfaces(facet_surf_list);
+    for ( j = 0; j < facet_surf_list.size(); j++ ) {
+      facet_surface = facet_surf_list.get_and_step();
+      facet_list.clean_out();
+      point_list.clean_out();
+      facet_surface->get_my_facets(facet_list,point_list);
+      status = FacetDataUtil::get_bbox_of_points(point_list,surf_bbox);
+      if ( j == 0 ) total_box = surf_bbox;
+      else 
+        total_box |= surf_bbox;
+    }
+  bbox |= total_box;  
+  return status;
+const char* fqe_xform_err = "Transform not implemented for facet geometry.\n";
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::restore_transform( BodySM* body )
+  OCCBody* facetbod = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body);
+  return facetbod ? facetbod->restore( ) : CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::translate( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& d )
+  OCCBody* facetbod = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body);
+  return facetbod ? facetbod->move( d.x(), d.y(), d.z() ) : CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::rotate( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& v, double a )
+  OCCBody* facetbod = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body);
+  return facetbod ? facetbod->rotate( v.x(), v.y(), v.z(), a ) : CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::scale( BodySM* body, double factor )
+  OCCBody* facetbod = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body);
+  return facetbod ? facetbod->scale( factor ) : CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::scale( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& f )
+  OCCBody* facetbod = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(body);
+  return facetbod ? facetbod->scale( f.x(), f.y(), f.z() ) : CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::translate( GeometryEntity* , const CubitVector&  )
+  PRINT_ERROR(fqe_xform_err);
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::rotate( GeometryEntity* , const CubitVector& , double  )
+  PRINT_ERROR(fqe_xform_err);
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::scale( GeometryEntity* , double  )
+  PRINT_ERROR(fqe_xform_err);
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::scale( GeometryEntity* , const CubitVector&  )
+  PRINT_ERROR(fqe_xform_err);
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCQueryEngine::reflect( GeometryEntity* , const CubitVector&  )
+  PRINT_ERROR(fqe_xform_err);
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+// Function   : bodies_overlap
+// Member Type: PUBLIC
+// Description: determine if facet-based bodies overlap
+// Author     : John Fowler
+// Date       : 10/02
+CubitBoolean OCCQueryEngine::bodies_overlap (BodySM * body_ptr_1,
+                                                BodySM * body_ptr_2 ) const
+FacetboolInterface *fbint;
+CubitFacetboolOp op = CUBIT_FB_INTERSECTION;
+bool keep_old = true;
+CubitStatus status;
+BodySM* body_out = 0;
+bool intersection_found;
+  fbint = new FacetboolInterface;  
+  status = fbint->dofacetboolean_2bodies(body_ptr_1,body_ptr_2,body_out,
+                                       keep_old,intersection_found,op);
+  if ( status == CUBIT_FAILURE ) return CUBIT_FALSE;
+  else return CUBIT_TRUE;

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCQueryEngine.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+// Filename      : OCCQueryEngine.hpp
+// Purpose       : Facet geometry engine.
+//                 This class is implemented as a Singleton pattern. Only
+//                 one instance is created and it is accessed through the 
+//                 {instance()} static member function.
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David R. White
+// Creation Date : 6/29/00
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES         **********
+#include <typeinfo>
+#if !defined(NT) && !defined(CANT_USE_STD)
+using std::type_info;
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES            **********
+#include "CubitFileIOWrapper.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include <TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger.hxx>
+#include <map>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES              **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class TopologyBridge;
+class RefEntity;
+class Body;
+class Shell;
+class ShellSM;
+class Loop;
+class Chain;
+class CoEdgeSM;
+class LoopSM;
+class RefVolume;
+class RefFace;
+class RefEdge;
+class RefVertex;
+class Point;
+class Curve;
+class Surface;
+class Lump;
+class BodySM;
+class GeometryEntity;
+class BodySM;
+class Lump;
+class ShellSM;
+class Surface;
+class LoopSM;
+class Curve;
+class CoEdgeSM;
+class Point;
+class TopologyEntity;
+class CubitBox;
+class CubitString;
+class OtherSolidModelingEntity;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+class RefEntity;
+class RefVertex;
+class RefEdge;
+class RefFace;
+class Loop;
+class CubitFacet;
+class CubitQuadFacet;
+class CubitFacetEdge;
+class CubitPoint;
+class FacetEntity;
+class CurveFacetEvalTool;
+class FacetEvalTool;
+// ********** END FORWARD DECLARATIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN MACRO DEFINITIONS         **********
+// ********** END MACRO DEFINITIONS           **********
+// ********** BEGIN ENUM DEFINITIONS          **********
+typedef enum {
+} FacetFileFormat;
+// ********** END ENUM DEFINITIONS            **********
+class OCCQueryEngine : public GeometryQueryEngine
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND DECLARATIONS        **********
+  friend class OCCSurface;
+// ********** END FRIEND DECLARATIONS        **********
+//HEADER- Constructor and Destructor
+  static OCCQueryEngine* instance();
+    //- Singleton pattern
+    //- Controlled access and creation of the sole instance of this class.
+  virtual ~OCCQueryEngine();
+  const char* modeler_type()
+     { return "OCC"; }
+  int get_major_version();
+  int get_minor_version();
+  int get_subminor_version();
+  CubitString get_engine_version_string();
+//HEADER- RTTI and safe casting functions.
+  virtual const type_info& entity_type_info() const ;
+    //R- The geometric modeler type
+    //- This function returns the type of the geometric modeler.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_solid_modeler_type() const 
+    {return CUBIT_FALSE;}
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //R- This  is not a solid modeling engine.
+//HEADER- Functions for importing and exporting solid models.
+  CubitBoolean can_delete_bodies(DLIList<Body*>body_list);
+  virtual Point* make_Point( GeometryType point_type,
+                             CubitVector const& point) const ;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve(Curve *) const;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( Point const* ,
+                             Point const* ,
+                             RefFace* ,
+                             CubitVector * ) const;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( GeometryType ,
+                             Point const* ,
+                             Point const* ,
+                             DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                             RefFace*  ) const;
+  virtual Curve* make_Curve( GeometryType ,
+                             Point const* ,
+                             Point const* ,
+                             CubitVector const* ,
+                             CubitSense ) const;
+  virtual Surface* make_Surface( Surface *,
+                                 DLIList<Loop*> &,
+                                 CubitBoolean  ) const;
+  virtual Surface* make_Surface( GeometryType , 
+                                 DLIList<Curve*>& ,
+                                 DLIList<Loop*> &,
+                                 Surface *) const ;
+  virtual Lump* make_Lump( GeometryType , 
+                           DLIList<Surface*>&  ) const ;
+  virtual BodySM* make_BodySM( Surface * ) const;
+    virtual BodySM* make_BodySM( DLIList<Lump*>&  ) const ;
+  Body* copy_body( Body *body_ptr );
+  virtual CubitStatus get_graphics( Surface* surface_ptr,
+                                          int& number_triangles,
+                                          int& number_points,
+                                          int& number_facets,
+                                          GMem* gMem,
+                                          unsigned short normal_tolerance,
+                                          double distance_tolerance) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_graphics( Curve* curve_ptr,
+                                    int& num_points,
+                                    GMem* gMem = NULL,
+                                    double tolerance = 0.0 ) const;
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I ref_edge_ptr
+    //I- The RefEdge for which hoops facetting information will be
+    //I- gathered.
+    //O numSteps
+    //O- The number of points in resulting polyline.
+    //O gMem
+    //O- The storage place for edges, involved in facetting.
+    //I tolerance
+    //I- The tolerance deviation used when facetting the curve (optional
+    //I- and currently IGNORED by this engine).
+    //- This function gathers and outputs ACIS edge information for
+    //- hoops involved in facetting a RefEdge.  If all goes well,
+    //- CUBIT_SUCCESS is returned.  Otherwise, CUBIT_FAILURE is
+    //- returned.
+  virtual CubitStatus get_isoparametric_points(Surface* ,
+                                               int&, int&,
+                                               GMem*&) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_u_isoparametric_points(Surface* ref_face_ptr,
+                                                 double v, int& n,
+                                                 GMem *&gMem) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_v_isoparametric_points(Surface* ref_face_ptr,
+                                                 double u, int&n,
+                                                 GMem *&gMem) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus transform_vec_position( 
+    CubitVector const& ,
+    BodySM *,
+    CubitVector & ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus get_intersections( Curve*, CubitVector& point1,
+                                         CubitVector&,
+                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                         CubitBoolean,
+                                         CubitBoolean );
+  virtual CubitStatus get_intersections( Curve* , Curve* ,
+                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& ,
+                                         CubitBoolean,
+                                         CubitBoolean );
+  virtual CubitStatus get_intersections( Curve* ref_edge1, Curve* ref_edge2,
+                                         DLIList<CubitVector*>& intersection_list,
+                                         double offset, 
+                                         CubitBoolean ext_first = CUBIT_TRUE );
+  virtual CubitStatus get_intersections( Curve* ref_edge, Surface* ref_face,
+                                        DLIList<CubitVector*>& intersection_list,
+                                        CubitBoolean bounded = CUBIT_FALSE );
+  virtual CubitStatus entity_extrema( DLIList<GeometryEntity*> &ref_entity_list, 
+                                      const CubitVector *dir1, 
+                                      const CubitVector *dir2,
+                                      const CubitVector *dir3, 
+                                      CubitVector &extrema,
+                                      GeometryEntity *&extrema_entity_ptr );
+  //- Gets the extrema position along the first given direction. If there 
+  //- is more than one extrema position, the other directions will be used 
+  //- to determine a unique position.  Directions 2 and 3 can be NULL.
+  //- Entities supported include bodies, volumes, surfaces, curves and
+  //- vertices.  The entity the extrema is found on is also returned.
+  virtual CubitStatus entity_entity_distance( GeometryEntity *ref_entity_ptr1,
+                                              GeometryEntity *ref_entity_ptr2,
+                                              CubitVector &pos1, CubitVector &pos2,
+                                              double &distance );
+  //- Gets the minimum distance between two entities and the closest positions 
+  //- on those entities. Supports vertices, curves, surfaces, volumes and bodies.
+  virtual CubitStatus export_solid_model( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& bridge_list,
+                                          const char* file_name,
+                                          const char* file_type,
+                                          const CubitString &cubit_version,
+                                          const char* logfile_name = NULL );
+  virtual CubitStatus save_temp_geom_file( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& ref_entity_list,
+                                          const char *file_name,
+                                          const CubitString &cubit_version,
+                                          CubitString &created_file,
+                                          CubitString &created_file_type ); 
+ virtual CubitStatus import_temp_geom_file(FILE* file_ptr,
+                                      const char* file_name,
+                                      const char* file_type,
+                                      DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &bridge_list );
+ virtual CubitStatus import_solid_model(const char* file_name,
+                                         const char* file_type,
+                                         DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& imported_entities,
+                                         CubitBoolean print_results = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         const char* logfile_name = NULL,
+                                         CubitBoolean heal_step = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         CubitBoolean import_bodies = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         CubitBoolean import_surfaces = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         CubitBoolean import_curves = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         CubitBoolean import_vertices = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                         CubitBoolean free_surfaces = CUBIT_TRUE );
+  CubitStatus import_solid_model(FILE *file_ptr,
+                                 const char* /*file_type*/,
+                                 DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities,
+                                 CubitBoolean print_results = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 const char* logfile_name = NULL,
+                                 CubitBoolean heal_step = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 CubitBoolean import_bodies = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 CubitBoolean import_surfaces = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 CubitBoolean import_curves = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 CubitBoolean import_vertices = CUBIT_TRUE,
+                                 CubitBoolean free_surfaces = CUBIT_TRUE);
+  virtual void delete_solid_model_entities(DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list) const;
+    //- Deletes all solid model entities associated with the Bodies in 
+    //- the input list. 
+  virtual CubitStatus delete_solid_model_entities( BodySM* body_ptr ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus delete_solid_model_entities(Surface* surf_ptr ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus delete_solid_model_entities( Curve* curve_ptr ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus delete_solid_model_entities( Point* point_ptr ) const;
+  virtual CubitStatus fire_ray(BodySM *body,
+                               const CubitVector &ray_point,
+                               const CubitVector &unit,
+                               DLIList<double>& ray_params,
+                               DLIList<GeometryEntity*> *entity_list = NULL) const;
+    //- fire a ray at the specified body, returning the entities hit and
+    //- the parameters along the ray; return CUBIT_FAILURE if error
+  virtual double get_sme_resabs_tolerance() const; // Gets solid modeler's resolution absolute tolerance
+  virtual double set_sme_resabs_tolerance( double new_resabs );
+  virtual CubitStatus set_int_option( const char* opt_name, int val );
+  virtual CubitStatus set_dbl_option( const char* opt_name, double val );
+  virtual CubitStatus set_str_option( const char* opt_name, const char* val );
+    //- Set solid modeler options
+  static CubitStatus make_facets( int *conn, int nfacets,
+                                  DLIList<CubitQuadFacet *> &facet_list );
+  static CubitStatus make_facets( int *conn, int nfacets,
+                                  DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list );
+    //- create facets from a list of points and connectivity
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  static CubitStatus check_facets( DLIList<CubitPoint*>&point_list, DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list );
+    //- check integrity of facets
+  CubitStatus ensure_is_ascii_stl_file(FILE * fp, CubitBoolean &is_ascii);
+  //- returns true in is_ascii if fp points to an ascii stl file
+  CubitStatus read_facets_stl_tolerance(   
+                                              DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tfacet_list,
+                                              DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                              const char * file_name,
+                                              int &npoints, 
+                                              int &ntri,
+                                              long& seek_address,
+                                              double tolerance);
+  //- read facets from an stl file and combine vertices within tolerance distance
+    CubitStatus read_facets_stl(   
+                                              DLIList<CubitFacet *> &tfacet_list,
+                                              DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list,
+                                              const char * file_name,
+                                              int &npoints, 
+                                              int &ntri,
+                                              long& seek_address);
+  //- read facets from an stl file
+  CubitStatus import_facets( const char *file_name, 
+                             CubitBoolean use_feature_angle, 
+                             double feature_angle,
+                             double tolerance,
+                             int interp_order,
+                             CubitBoolean smooth_non_manifold,
+                             CubitBoolean split_surfaces,
+                             CubitBoolean stitch,
+                             CubitBoolean improve,
+                             DLIList <CubitQuadFacet *>&quad_facet_list,
+                             DLIList <CubitFacet *> &tri_facet_list,
+                             DLIList<Surface *> &surface_list,
+                             FacetFileFormat file_format = CUBIT_FACET_FILE );
+    //- import facets from a file and create a geometry model
+  static CubitStatus read_facets( const char * file_name,
+                                  int *&conn,
+                                  int &npoints, 
+                                  int &nquad, int &ntri, 
+                                  FacetFileFormat file_format = CUBIT_FACET_FILE );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  static CubitStatus read_vtk_facets( const char * file_name,
+                                  double *&points,
+                                  int *&conn,
+                                  int &npoints, 
+                                  int &tri );
+  static CubitStatus read_obj_facets( const char * file_name,
+                                  double *&points,
+                                  int *&conn,
+                                  int &npoints, 
+                                  int &tri );
+  static CubitStatus read_cholla_file( const char *file_name, 
+                                       double &feature_angle,
+                                       DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list, 
+                                       DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list);
+    //- read points and facets from a file
+  CubitBoolean is_close(CubitVector &this_point,
+                        DLIList<CubitFacet *>&facet_list,
+                        CubitFacet *&lastFacet,
+                        double tol);
+    //- determine if one of the facets in the list is within a
+    //- certain distance of the point.
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  CubitStatus make_sph( DLIList <CubitPoint *>&point_list,
+                        DLIList <CubitFacet *>&facet_list,
+                        double size, char *filename);
+  static CubitStatus export_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list,
+                                  char *filename);
+    //-  export a list of facets to a facet file for debugging purposes
+  CubitStatus gather_all_facet_entities( DLIList<OCCBody*> &facet_bodies,
+                                         DLIList<OCCLump*> &facet_lumps,
+                                         DLIList<OCCShell*> &facet_shells,
+                                         DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surfaces,
+                                         DLIList<OCCLoop*> &facet_loops,
+                                         DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> &facet_coedges,
+                                         DLIList<OCCCurve*> &facet_curves,
+                                         DLIList<OCCPoint*> &facet_points );
+  CubitStatus save_facets( FILE *fp, DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfaces,
+                                     DLIList<OCCCurve*>   facet_curves, 
+                                     DLIList<OCCPoint*>   facet_points ); 
+  CubitStatus save_eval_tools( FILE *fp, DLIList<OCCSurface*> facet_surfaces,
+                                         DLIList<OCCCurve*> facet_curves );
+  CubitStatus dump_facets( FILE *fp,
+                           DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,
+                           DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &edge_list, 
+                           DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list );
+  CubitStatus gather_facets( DLIList<OCCSurface *> facet_surfaces,
+                             DLIList<OCCCurve *> facet_curves,
+                             DLIList<OCCPoint *> facet_points,
+                             DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list,
+                             DLIList<CubitFacetEdge *> &edge_list, 
+                             DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list );
+    //- functions for saving the facet geometry representation to a cubit file
+  CubitStatus restore_eval_tools( FILE *fp,
+                                  unsigned int endian, 
+                                  int num_facets,
+                                  int num_edges,
+                                  int num_points,
+                                  CubitFacet **facets,     
+                                  CubitFacetEdge **edges,     
+                                  CubitPoint **points,
+                                  int &num_cfet,
+                                  int &num_fet,
+                                  CurveFacetEvalTool **&cfeval_tools,
+                                  FacetEvalTool **&feval_tools );
+    //- restore facets from CUB file
+CubitStatus create_super_facet_bounding_box(
+                                DLIList<BodySM*>& body_list,
+                                CubitBox& super_box );
+CubitStatus create_facet_bounding_box(
+                                BodySM* bodySM,
+                                CubitBox& bbox );
+  CubitStatus restore_transform( BodySM* body );
+  CubitStatus translate( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& offset );
+  CubitStatus rotate   ( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& axis, double angle );
+  CubitStatus scale    ( BodySM* body, double factor );
+  CubitStatus scale    ( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& factors );
+  CubitStatus reflect  ( BodySM* body, const CubitVector& axis );
+  CubitStatus translate( GeometryEntity* ent, const CubitVector& offset );
+  CubitStatus rotate   ( GeometryEntity* ent, const CubitVector& axis, double degrees );
+  CubitStatus scale    ( GeometryEntity* ent, double factor );
+  CubitStatus scale    ( GeometryEntity* ent, const CubitVector& factors );
+  CubitStatus reflect  ( GeometryEntity* ent, const CubitVector& axis );
+  CubitStatus get_connected_patch( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& remaining_surfs,
+                                   DLIList<OCCSurface*>& output_patch );
+  virtual CubitBoolean bodies_overlap (BodySM *body_ptr_1,
+                                       BodySM *body_ptr_2 ) const;
+  //R CubitBoolean
+  //R- CUBIT_TRUE if the two bodies overlap, CUBIT_FALSE if they don't
+  //R- overlap.  If the bodies are touching the function
+  //R- should return CUBIT_FALSE.
+  //I body_ptr_1, body_ptr_2
+  //I- The two body pointers that are being tested for overlap.
+  //-  The function uses the intersect call to test if the bodies
+  //-  are overlaping.  The full intersect Boolean is needed to see if
+  //-  the bodies actually overlap and don't just touch.
+  static TopologyBridge* occ_to_cgm(TopoDS_Shape shape);
+  OCCQueryEngine();
+  CubitStatus write_topology( FILE *file_ptr, 
+                              DLIList<OCCBody*> &facet_bodies,
+                              DLIList<OCCLump*> &facet_lumps,
+                              DLIList<OCCShell*> &facet_shells,
+                              DLIList<OCCSurface*> &facet_surfaces,
+                              DLIList<OCCLoop*> &facet_loops,
+                              DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> &facet_coedges,
+                              DLIList<OCCCurve*> &facet_curves,
+                              DLIList<OCCPoint*> &facet_points );
+  CubitStatus restore_topology( FILE *file_ptr, 
+                                unsigned int endian, 
+                                int num_points,
+                                CubitPoint **points_array,
+                                int num_cfet,
+                                CurveFacetEvalTool **cfev_array,
+                                int num_fet,
+                                FacetEvalTool **fev_array,
+                                DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities );
+  CubitStatus restore_facets( FILE *file_ptr,
+                              unsigned int endian, 
+                              int &num_facets,
+                              int &num_edges,
+                              int &num_points,
+                              CubitPoint**&points_array,
+                              int &num_cfet,
+                              int &num_fet,
+                              CurveFacetEvalTool **&cfet_array,
+                              FacetEvalTool **&fet_array);
+  CubitStatus read_facets( FILE *fp, 
+                           unsigned int endian, 
+                           int &num_facets, int &num_edges, int &num_points, 
+                           CubitFacet **&facets, CubitFacetEdge **&edges,     
+                           CubitPoint **&points );
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_solid(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities);
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_shell(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities);
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_face(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities);
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_wire(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities);
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_edge(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities);
+  CubitStatus populate_topology_bridge_vertex(TopoDS_Shape aShape, DLIList<TopologyBridge*> &imported_entities, Curve *curve);
+  static TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger* OCCMap;
+  static TopTools_DataMapOfShapeInteger* OCCMapr;
+  static DLIList<TopologyBridge*>* CGMList;
+  static OCCQueryEngine* instance_;
+    //- static pointer to unique instance of this class
+  static CubitStatus init_hash_points( int num_points );
+  static CubitStatus add_hash_point( CubitPoint *point_ptr );
+  static CubitPoint *get_hash_point( int id );
+  static void delete_hash_points( );
+  static int get_hash_key( int id );
+  static CubitStatus get_all_hash_points(DLIList<CubitPoint *> &point_list);
+  static int hashPointSize;
+  static DLIList<CubitPoint *> *hashPointArray;
+    //- hash table functions used for reading the facet file
+  static const int OCCQE_MAJOR_VERSION;
+  static const int OCCQE_MINOR_VERSION;
+  static const int OCCQE_SUBMINOR_VERSION;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS          **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS            **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS          **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS            **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS          **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS            **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASS DECLARATIONS **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASS DECLARATIONS   **********

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+// Filename      : OCCShell.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : David White
+// Creation Date : 7/18/2000
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+#include <stddef.h>
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "ShellSM.hpp"
+#include "Lump.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+#include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+#include "CubitPoint.hpp"
+#include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+#include "GfxDebug.hpp"
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : A constructor with a pointer to a ACIS SHELL.
+// Special Notes :
+OCCShell::OCCShell(TopoDS_Shell *theShell)
+  myLump = NULL;
+  myTopoDSShell = theShell;
+OCCShell::OCCShell(Lump* my_lump,
+                       DLIList<Surface*> &my_surfs )
+  myLump = my_lump;
+  mySurfs += my_surfs;
+// Purpose       : A constructor with list of surfaces.
+// Special Notes : For use with save/restore
+OCCShell::OCCShell( DLIList<Surface*> &my_surfs )
+  myLump = NULL; 
+  mySurfs += my_surfs;
+// Purpose       : The destructor.
+// Special Notes :
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: OCCQueryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+                 OCCShell::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+   return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+void OCCShell::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*)
+void OCCShell::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib* )
+void OCCShell::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+CubitStatus OCCShell::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&)
+  return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+CubitStatus OCCShell::get_simple_attribute(const CubitString&,
+                                              DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&)
+  { return CUBIT_FAILURE; }
+void OCCShell::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies) 
+  if (myLump)
+    myLump->bodysms(bodies);
+void OCCShell::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+    lumps.append_unique(myLump);
+void OCCShell::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  shellsms.append_unique(this);
+void OCCShell::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = mySurfs.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    surfaces.append_unique(mySurfs.get_and_step());
+  }
+void OCCShell::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = mySurfs.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    mySurfs.get_and_step()->loopsms(loopsms);
+  }
+void OCCShell::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = mySurfs.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    mySurfs.get_and_step()->curves(curves);
+  }
+void OCCShell::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = mySurfs.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    mySurfs.get_and_step()->coedgesms(coedgesms);
+  }
+void OCCShell::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = mySurfs.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    mySurfs.get_and_step()->points(points);
+  }
+void OCCShell::add_lump(Lump* lump_ptr)
+  assert(NULL == myLump);
+  myLump = lump_ptr;
+// Purpose       : Query solid modeler topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 
+void OCCShell::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents ) 
+  { parents.append(myLump); }
+void OCCShell::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSShell, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *surface = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  children.append_unique(surface);
+  }
+void OCCShell::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(myLump);
+  if (lump)
+    result_list.append(lump);
+void OCCShell::get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSShell, TopAbs_FACE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *surface = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(surface));
+  }
+void OCCShell::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCSurface*> surface_list;
+  get_surfaces( surface_list );
+  surface_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < surface_list.size(); i++ )
+    surface_list.next(i)->get_coedges( result_list );
+void OCCShell::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+    if (curve)
+      result_list.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+// Purpose       : Disconnect input surfaces from "this" shell 
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 08/31/04
+void OCCShell::disconnect_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*> &surfs_to_disconnect )
+  for (int i = surfs_to_disconnect.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surface = surfs_to_disconnect.get_and_step();
+    if( mySurfs.move_to( dynamic_cast<Surface*>(surface) ) )
+      mySurfs.change_to(NULL);
+    if (surface)
+      surface->remove_shell(this);
+  }
+  mySurfs.remove_all_with_value( NULL );
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+void OCCShell::disconnect_all_surfaces()
+  mySurfs.reset();
+  for (int i = mySurfs.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    Surface* sm_ptr = mySurfs.get_and_step();
+    OCCSurface* surface = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(sm_ptr);
+    if (surface)
+      surface->remove_shell(this);
+  }
+  mySurfs.clean_out();
+// Purpose       : Flip surface-use sense
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 05/26/04
+void OCCShell::reverse()
+  for (int i = mySurfs.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurfs.next(i));
+    CubitSense sense = surf->get_shell_sense( this );
+    assert( CUBIT_UNKNOWN != sense );
+    surf->set_shell_sense( this, CubitUtil::opposite_sense( sense ) );
+  }
+// Purpose       : Actually flip the underlying surfaces
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Michael Brewer
+// Creation Date : 03/22/05
+void OCCShell::reverse_surfaces()
+  for (int i = mySurfs.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurfs.next(i));
+    surf->reverse_sense();
+  }
+// Purpose       : Determines if point is contained within shell 
+// Special Notes : If the shell is a void, it contains all points it doesn't enclose 
+// Creator       : Corey Ernst 
+// Creation Date : 09/01/04
+CubitPointContainment OCCShell::point_containment( const CubitVector &input_point )
+    //just to avoid crashes, make sure we have surfaces in this list.
+  if(mySurfs.size() < 1){
+    return CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;
+  }
+  CubitVector closest_location, point = input_point;
+  OCCSurface *closest_surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurfs.get_and_step());
+  OCCSurface *tmp_surf;
+  closest_surf->closest_point_trimmed( point, closest_location ); 
+  double shortest_dist = point.distance_between( closest_location );
+  int i;
+  //Look through all this shell's surfaces to find the closest
+  //surface to input_point
+  for(i=mySurfs.size()-1; i--;)
+  {
+    CubitVector tmp_closest_location; 
+    tmp_surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurfs.get_and_step());
+    tmp_surf->closest_point_trimmed( point, tmp_closest_location ); 
+    double tmp_shortest_dist = point.distance_between( tmp_closest_location );
+    if( tmp_shortest_dist < shortest_dist ) 
+    {
+      closest_location = tmp_closest_location;
+      closest_surf = tmp_surf;
+      shortest_dist = tmp_shortest_dist;
+    }
+  }
+  //determine if it's on the surface, inside or outside
+  if( shortest_dist <= GEOMETRY_RESABS )
+  //find the closest facet on that surface to input_point
+  CubitFacet *closest_facet = closest_surf->get_eval_tool()->closest_facet( closest_location );
+  //get the coordinates of the closest point 
+  CubitPoint *pt1, *pt2;
+  closest_facet->closest_point_trimmed( point, closest_location, pt1, pt2 );
+  CubitVector normal;
+  CubitPoint *on_point = NULL;
+  //case 1: point is closest to an edge of the facet
+  if( pt1 || pt2 )
+  {
+      //only returned one, so the it is closest to a node
+    if(!pt2){
+      on_point = pt1;
+    }
+    else if(!pt1){
+      on_point = pt2;
+    }
+    else{//double-check that we are not closest to a single node
+      if((pt1->coordinates().distance_between(closest_location)) <= GEOMETRY_RESABS ) 
+        on_point = pt1;
+      else if((pt2->coordinates().distance_between(closest_location)) <= GEOMETRY_RESABS ) 
+        on_point = pt2;
+    }
+    if( on_point )
+    {
+      //get all facets that share this point
+      DLIList<CubitFacet*> facets_sharing_point;
+      on_point->facets( facets_sharing_point );
+      for(i=facets_sharing_point.size(); i--; )
+        normal += facets_sharing_point.get_and_step()->normal();
+      //average the normals of all these facets 
+      normal /= facets_sharing_point.size();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //case 2: get the 2 normals of the 2 neighboring facets and average them
+      int index;
+      CubitFacetEdge *shared_facet_edge; 
+      shared_facet_edge = closest_facet->edge_from_pts( pt1, pt2, index);
+      CubitFacet *other_facet = shared_facet_edge->other_facet( closest_facet );
+      if(!other_facet){
+        PRINT_ERROR("Edge is not connected to two facets.\n");
+        normal = closest_facet->normal();
+      }
+      else{
+        normal = ( closest_facet->normal() + other_facet->normal() ) / 2;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    //case 3: just get the normal of this facet
+    normal = closest_facet->normal();
+  }
+//   if ( closest_surf->get_relative_surface_sense() == CUBIT_REVERSED )
+//   {
+//     PRINT_WARNING("mbrewer:  This shouldn't happen anymore.\n");
+//     normal = -1.0*( normal );
+//   }
+  ShellSM *shell_sm = static_cast<ShellSM*>(this);
+  if( closest_surf->get_shell_sense( shell_sm ) == CUBIT_REVERSED )
+  {
+    normal = -1.0*( normal );
+  }
+  if( (point-closest_location)%(normal) > 0 )
+    return CUBIT_PNT_OUTSIDE;
+  else
+    return CUBIT_PNT_INSIDE;
+//Determine whether this shell is a sheet (ie, closed or not)
+CubitBoolean OCCShell::is_sheet()
+    //get a list of all the facets in the sheet
+  DLIList<CubitFacet*> facet_list;
+  int i;
+  for (i = mySurfs.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCSurface* surf = dynamic_cast<OCCSurface*>(mySurfs.next(i));
+    surf->tris(facet_list);
+  }
+    //should be unique... doesn't hurt anything if it isn't
+  //facet_list.uniquify_ordered();
+  CubitFacet* this_facet;
+  CubitPoint* node_1;
+  CubitPoint* node_2;
+  CubitPoint* node_3;
+    //if any of the facets don't have another facet across a given
+    // edge... this is a sheet shell because it isn't closed.
+  for (i = facet_list.size(); i--; ){
+    this_facet=facet_list.get_and_step();
+    if(!this_facet){
+      PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected NULL pointer.");
+      return CUBIT_TRUE;
+    }
+    this_facet->tri_nodes(node_1,node_2,node_3);
+    if(!this_facet->shared_facet( node_1, node_2 ) ||
+       !this_facet->shared_facet( node_1, node_3 ) ||
+       !this_facet->shared_facet( node_2, node_3 ) ){
+      return CUBIT_TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+    //otherwise we made it through without finding a gap so it is close...
+    // thus not a sheet.
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// ********** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN PROTECTED FUNCTIONS    **********
+// ********** END PROTECTED FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** END PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASSES         **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASSES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END STATIC FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Filename      : OCCShell.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Xuechen Liu
+// Creation Date : 08/06/96
+// Owner         : Malcolm J. Panthaki
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN ACIS INCLUDES          **********
+// ********** END ACIS INCLUDES            **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES         **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "ShellSM.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Shell.hxx>
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCSurface;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+class OCCShell : public ShellSM
+  OCCShell(TopoDS_Shell *theShell);
+  OCCShell(Lump* my_lump,
+             DLIList<Surface*> &my_surfs );
+    //- Constructor with lists of attached lumps and surfaces.
+  OCCShell( DLIList<Surface*> &my_surfs );
+    //- Constructor with lists of attached surfaces.
+  virtual ~OCCShell() ;
+    //- Destructor.
+  void add_lump(Lump* lump_ptr);
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  inline Lump* get_lump() const { return myLump; }
+  inline void remove_lump() { myLump = 0; }
+  void disconnect_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*> &surfs_to_disconnect );
+  void disconnect_all_surfaces();
+  void reverse(); // invert sense of each surface as used in this shell.
+  void reverse_surfaces(); //Actually flip the surface... do not change sense.
+  CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point );
+    //determine whether this is a sheet shell or not.
+    // This function may have problems with certain non-manifold geometries
+    // It is looking for facets that aren't attached to another facet for
+    // one or more of its edges.
+    // NOTE (mbrewer): this can probably be improved by going to the
+    // curves and checking for the number of co-edges on each curve.
+  CubitBoolean is_sheet();
+  TopoDS_Shell *myTopoDSShell;
+  Lump* myLump;
+  DLIList<Surface*> mySurfs;

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCShell.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.cpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.cpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,1172 @@
+// Filename      : OCCSurface.cpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Alexander Danilov
+// Creation Date : 
+// Owner         : 
+// ********** BEGIN OCC INCLUDES           **********
+#include "OCCSurface.hpp"
+#include "RefFace.hpp"
+#include "OCCQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "OCCAttrib.hpp"
+#include "OCCBody.hpp"
+#include "OCCLump.hpp"
+#include "OCCShell.hpp"
+#include "OCCLoop.hpp"
+#include "OCCCoEdge.hpp"
+#include "OCCCurve.hpp"
+#include "OCCPoint.hpp"
+// ********** END OCC INCLUDES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES       **********
+#include "CubitSimpleAttrib.hpp"
+#include "CubitVector.hpp"
+#include "GeometryDefines.h"
+#include "CubitUtil.hpp"
+#include "CastTo.hpp"
+#include "RefVolume.hpp"
+#include "GeometryQueryEngine.hpp"
+#include "DLIList.hpp"
+#include "ShellSM.hpp"
+#include "Lump.hpp"
+#include "LoopSM.hpp"
+#include "CubitPointData.hpp"
+////// #include "FacetEvalTool.hpp"
+////// #include "CubitFacetData.hpp"
+////// #include "CubitFacetEdge.hpp"
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES           **********
+//// #include "CubitEvaluator.hpp"
+//// #include "SphereEvaluator.hpp"
+//// #include "CylinderEvaluator.hpp"
+// ********** BEGIN OpenCascade INCLUDES   **********
+#include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
+#include <TopExp.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
+#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
+#include <BndLib_AddSurface.hxx>
+#include <Precision.hxx>
+#include <TopoDS.hxx>
+#include <Extrema_ExtPS.hxx>
+#include <BRepLProp_SLProps.hxx>
+#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
+#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
+// ********** END OpenCascade INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC DECLARATIONS    **********
+// ********** END STATIC DECLARATIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the FacetEvalTool. 
+// Special Notes :
+OCCSurface::OCCSurface(TopoDS_Face *theFace)
+  myTopoDSFace = theFace;
+/*  printf("Yeah!\n");
+  TopoDS_Face face = *myTopoDSFace;
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(face);
+  Bnd_Box aBox;
+  BndLib_AddSurface::Add(asurface, Precision::Approximation(), aBox);
+  double min[3], max[3];
+  aBox.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+  printf(".  .  .  box: %lf %lf %lf, %lf %lf %lf\n", min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);*/
+//// OCCSurface::OCCSurface(FacetEvalTool *facet_tool,
+////                           DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,
+////                           DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+//// {
+////  assert(0);
+////    // Calculate a bounding box if there isn't one already
+////  facetEvalTool = facet_tool;
+////    //sense_ = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+////  myShells += shellsms;
+////  myLoops += loopsms;
+////  myShellSense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+////  myEvaluator = NULL;
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the FacetEvalTool. 
+//// //
+//// // Special Notes : Used for save/restore
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// OCCSurface::OCCSurface( const SphereEvaluatorData *sphere_data,
+////                             FacetEvalTool *facet_tool,
+////                             DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,
+////                             DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms )
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   facetEvalTool = facet_tool;
+////     //sense_ = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+////   myShells += shellsms;
+////   myLoops += loopsms;
+////   myShellSense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+////   myEvaluator = new SphereEvaluator( sphere_data );
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the FacetEvalTool. 
+//// //
+//// // Special Notes : Used for save/restore
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// OCCSurface::OCCSurface( const CylinderEvaluatorData *cylinder_data,
+////                             FacetEvalTool *facet_tool,
+////                             DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,
+////                             DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms )
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   facetEvalTool = facet_tool;
+////     //sense_ = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+////   myShells += shellsms;
+////   myLoops += loopsms;
+////   myShellSense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+////   myEvaluator = new CylinderEvaluator( cylinder_data );
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : The constructor with a pointer to the FacetEvalTool. 
+//// //
+//// // Special Notes : Used for save/restore
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// OCCSurface::OCCSurface(FacetEvalTool *facet_tool,
+////                            CubitSense sense,
+////                            CubitSense shell_sense0,
+////                            CubitBoolean use_facets,
+////                            DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////     // Calculate a bounding box if there isn't one already
+////   facetEvalTool = facet_tool;
+////     //sense_ = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+////   myLoops += loopsms;
+////   myShellSense = shell_sense0;
+////   myEvaluator = NULL;
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : The default destructor. 
+//// //
+//// // Special Notes :
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ////  if ( facetEvalTool )
+  //// {
+  ////  delete facetEvalTool;
+  //// }
+// Purpose       : get the interpolation order of the FacetEvalTool 
+// Special Notes :
+//// int OCCSurface::interp_order() 
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   assert(facetEvalTool != NULL);
+////  return facetEvalTool->interp_order();
+//// }
+// Purpose       : get the min dot of the FacetEvalTool 
+// Special Notes :
+//// double OCCSurface::min_dot() 
+//// {
+////  assert(0);
+////  assert(facetEvalTool != NULL);
+////  return facetEvalTool->get_min_dot();
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to append a
+//                 attribute to the GE. The name is attached to the 
+//                 underlying solid model entity this one points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+void OCCSurface::append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.append_attribute(csa); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove a simple 
+//                 attribute attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 removed from the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+void OCCSurface::remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib *csa)
+  { attribSet.remove_attribute( csa ); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to remove all simple 
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity.  Also
+//                 removes lingering GTC attributes.
+// Special Notes : 
+void OCCSurface::remove_all_simple_attribute_virt()
+  { attribSet.remove_all_attributes(); }
+// Purpose       : The purpose of this function is to get the  
+//                 attributes attached to this geometry entity. The name is 
+//                 attached to the underlying BODY this points to.
+// Special Notes : 
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&
+                                                 csa_list)
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes(csa_list); }
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                        DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>& csa_list )
+  { return attribSet.get_attributes( name, csa_list ); }
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::save_attribs( FILE *file_ptr )
+  { return attribSet.save_attributes(file_ptr); }
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::restore_attribs( FILE *file_ptr, unsigned int endian )
+  { return attribSet.restore_attributes( file_ptr, endian ); }
+// Purpose       : Get geometry modeling engine: OCCQueryEngine
+// Special Notes :
+                 OCCSurface::get_geometry_query_engine() const
+   return OCCQueryEngine::instance();
+// Purpose       : Get the bounding box of the object.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitBox OCCSurface::bounding_box() const 
+  TopoDS_Face face = *myTopoDSFace;
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(face);
+  Bnd_Box aBox;
+  BndLib_AddSurface::Add(asurface, Precision::Approximation(), aBox);
+  double min[3], max[3];
+  aBox.Get( min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
+  return CubitBox(min, max);
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::get_point_normal( CubitVector& location,
+                                            CubitVector& normal )
+  assert(0);
+  return closest_point( location, NULL, &normal );
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::closest_point_uv_guess(  
+          CubitVector const& location,
+          double& , double& ,
+          CubitVector* closest_location,
+          CubitVector* unit_normal )
+  // don't use u and v guesses
+ return closest_point(location, closest_location, unit_normal);
+// Purpose       : Computes the closest_point on the surface to the input 
+//                 location.  Optionally, it also computes and returns
+//                 the normal to the surface and the principal curvatures
+//                 at closest_location.
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::closest_point( CubitVector const& location, 
+                                         CubitVector* closest_location,
+                                         CubitVector* unit_normal_ptr,
+                                         CubitVector* curvature1_ptr,
+                                         CubitVector* curvature2_ptr)
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  double minDist=0.0, u, v;
+  int i;
+  BRepLProp_SLProps SLP(asurface, 2, Precision::PConfusion());
+  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
+  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	  for ( i = 1 ; i < ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
+			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
+			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
+			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
+			  SLP.SetParameters(u, v);
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  *closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
+  if (unit_normal_ptr != NULL) {
+	  gp_Dir normal;
+	  if (SLP.IsNormalDefined()) {
+		  normal = SLP.Normal();
+		  *unit_normal_ptr = CubitVector(normal.X(), normal.Y(), normal.Z()); 
+	  }
+  }
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Computes the closest_point on the trimmed surface to the 
+//                 input location. 
+// Special Notes : 
+void OCCSurface::closest_point_trimmed( CubitVector from_point, 
+                                         CubitVector& point_on_surface)
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p(from_point.x(), from_point.y(), from_point.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  double minDist=0.0;
+  int i;
+  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
+  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	  for ( i = 1 ; i < ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
+			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
+			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  point_on_surface = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
+// Purpose       : This functions computes the point on the surface that is 
+//                 closest to the input location and then calculates the 
+//                 magnitudes of the principal curvatures at this (possibly, 
+//                 new) point on the surface. Specifying the RefVolume for 
+//                 reference is optional.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::principal_curvatures(
+  CubitVector const& location, 
+  double& curvature_1,
+  double& curvature_2,
+  CubitVector* closest_location )
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  double minDist=0.0, u, v;
+  int i;
+  BRepLProp_SLProps SLP(asurface, 2, Precision::PConfusion());
+  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
+  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	  for ( i = 1 ; i < ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
+			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
+			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
+			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
+			  SLP.SetParameters(u, v);
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  *closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
+  curvature_1 = SLP.MinCurvature();
+  curvature_2 = SLP.MaxCurvature();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Given values of the two parameters, get the position.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitVector OCCSurface::position_from_u_v (double u, double v)
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p = asurface.Value(u, v);
+  return CubitVector (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z());
+// Purpose       : This function returns the {u, v} coordinates of the point 
+//                 on the Surface closest to the input point (specified in 
+//                 global space). The closest_location is also returned.
+// Special Notes :
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::u_v_from_position( CubitVector const& location,
+                                             double& u,
+                                             double& v,
+                                             CubitVector* closest_location )
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p(location.x(), location.y(), location.z()), newP(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+  double minDist=0.0;
+  int i;
+  Extrema_ExtPS ext(p, asurface, Precision::Approximation(), Precision::Approximation());
+  if (ext.IsDone() && (ext.NbExt() > 0)) {
+	  for ( i = 1 ; i <= ext.NbExt() ; i++ ) {
+		  if ( (i==1) || (p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value()) < minDist) ) {
+			  minDist = p.Distance(ext.Point(i).Value());
+			  newP = ext.Point(i).Value();
+			  ext.Point(i).Parameter(u, v);
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  if (closest_location != NULL) *closest_location = CubitVector(newP.X(), newP.Y(), newP.Z());
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Determines whether the Facet surface is periodic. Not
+//                 available yet.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_periodic() 
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  return (asurface.IsUPeriodic() || asurface.IsVPeriodic())?CUBIT_TRUE:CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is periodic in the given parameter
+//                 direction.  Not available yet.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_periodic_in_U( double& period ) 
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  return (asurface.IsUPeriodic())?CUBIT_TRUE:CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is periodic in the given parameter
+//                 direction.  Not available yet.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_periodic_in_V( double& period ) 
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  return (asurface.IsVPeriodic())?CUBIT_TRUE:CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is singular in the given parameter
+//                 direction.  Not available yet.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_singular_in_U( double )
+  assert(0);
+  if ( myEvaluator )
+      return myEvaluator->is_singular_in_U();
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCSurface::is_singular_in_U not implemented yet\n");
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is singular in the given parameter
+//                 direction.  Not available yet.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_singular_in_V( double )
+  assert(0);
+  if ( myEvaluator )
+      return myEvaluator->is_singular_in_V();
+  //PRINT_ERROR("OCCSurface::is_singular_in_V not implemented yet\n");
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is closed in the U parameter.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_closed_in_U()
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  return (asurface.IsUClosed())?CUBIT_TRUE:CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Determines if the face is closed in the V parameter.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_closed_in_V()
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  return (asurface.IsUClosed())?CUBIT_TRUE:CUBIT_FALSE;
+// Purpose       : Calculates the derivitives at a given parameter location.
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::uv_derivitives( double u,
+                                          double v,
+                                          CubitVector &du,
+                                          CubitVector &dv )
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  gp_Pnt p;
+  gp_Vec d1u, d1v;
+  asurface.D1(u, v, p, d1u, d1v);
+  du = CubitVector(d1u.X(), d1u.Y(), d1u.Z());
+  dv = CubitVector(d1v.X(), d1v.Y(), d1v.Z());
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Determines whether the surface is parametrically defined.
+//                 Hopefully later this will be available.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_parametric() 
+  return CUBIT_TRUE;
+// Purpose       : Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
+//                 surface in U, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
+//                 CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
+//                 bounds.
+// Creator       : 
+// Creation Date : 
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::get_param_range_U( double& lower_bound,
+                                             double& upper_bound )
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  lower_bound = asurface.FirstUParameter();
+  upper_bound = asurface.LastUParameter();
+  return CUBIT_TRUE;
+// Purpose       : Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
+//                 surface in V, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
+//                 CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
+//                 bounds.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::get_param_range_V( double& lower_bound,
+                                             double& upper_bound )
+  BRepAdaptor_Surface asurface(*myTopoDSFace);
+  lower_bound = asurface.FirstVParameter();
+  upper_bound = asurface.LastVParameter();
+  return CUBIT_TRUE;
+// Purpose       : Returns a surface type ID
+GeometryType OCCSurface::geometry_type()
+/*    if ( is_flat() )
+    {
+        return PLANE_SURFACE_TYPE;
+    }
+    else if ( is_spherical() )
+    {
+        return SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE;
+    }
+    else if ( is_conical() )
+    {
+        return CONE_SURFACE_TYPE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    }*/
+// Purpose       : Returns the area of the Surface
+double OCCSurface::measure() 
+  GProp_GProps myProps;
+  BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(*myTopoDSFace, myProps);
+  return myProps.Mass();
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : Updates the (cached) area of the Surface so that if 
+//// //                 measure() is called, the correct value is returned.
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// void OCCSurface::update_measurement() 
+//// {
+////  assert(0);
+////  facetEvalTool->calculate_area();
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : Returns whether the facet surface is completely flat
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_flat() 
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   // Danilov: try to use BRepAdaptor_Surface::GetType
+////   return (facetEvalTool->is_flat() == 1) ? CUBIT_TRUE : CUBIT_FALSE; 
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : Returns whether the facet surface is spherical
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_spherical()
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   // Danilov: try to use BRepAdaptor_Surface::GetType
+////     if ( myEvaluator && myEvaluator->ask_type() == SPHERE_SURFACE_TYPE )
+////     {
+////         return CUBIT_TRUE;
+////     }
+////     return CUBIT_FALSE;
+//// }
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Purpose       : Returns whether the facet surface is spherical
+//// //
+//// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//// CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_conical()
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   // Danilov: try to use BRepAdaptor_Surface::GetType
+////     if ( myEvaluator && myEvaluator->ask_type() == CONE_SURFACE_TYPE )
+////     {
+////         return CUBIT_TRUE;
+////     }
+////     return CUBIT_FALSE;
+//// }
+//// const CubitEvaluatorData *OCCSurface::evaluator_data( void )
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////     if ( myEvaluator )
+////     {
+////         return myEvaluator->evaluator_data();
+////     }
+////     return NULL;
+//// }
+// Purpose       : This function tests the passed in position to see if
+//                 is on the underlying surface.
+CubitBoolean OCCSurface::is_position_on( CubitVector &test_position )
+  CubitVector new_point;
+  CubitStatus stat = closest_point(test_position, &new_point, NULL,NULL,NULL);
+  if ( !stat )
+    return CUBIT_FALSE;
+  CubitVector result_vec = test_position - new_point;
+  if ( result_vec.length_squared() < GEOMETRY_RESABS )
+    return CUBIT_TRUE;
+  return CUBIT_FALSE;
+CubitPointContainment OCCSurface::point_containment( const CubitVector &/*point*/ )
+  assert(0);
+CubitPointContainment OCCSurface::point_containment( double /*u_param*/, 
+                                                       double /*v_param*/ )
+  assert(0);
+//CubitPointContainment OCCSurface::point_containment( const CubitVector &/*point*/, 
+//                                                       double /*u_param*/,
+//                                                       double /*v_param*/ )
+//   return CUBIT_PNT_UNKNOWN;
+CubitSense OCCSurface::get_geometry_sense()
+  assert(0);
+  CubitSense sense = CUBIT_FORWARD; //get_relative_surface_sense();
+  return sense;
+// CubitSense OCCSurface::get_relative_surface_sense()
+// {
+//     //not sure if this is right for the facet surface...
+//   return sense_;
+// }
+void OCCSurface::bodysms(DLIList<BodySM*> &bodies) 
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myShells.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myShells.get_and_step()->bodysms(bodies);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::lumps(DLIList<Lump*> &lumps)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myShells.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myShells.get_and_step()->lumps(lumps);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::shellsms(DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myShells.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    shellsms.append_unique(myShells.get_and_step());
+  }
+void OCCSurface::surfaces(DLIList<Surface*> &surfaces)
+  surfaces.append_unique(this);
+void OCCSurface::loopsms(DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myLoops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    loopsms.append_unique(myLoops.get_and_step());
+  }
+void OCCSurface::coedgesms(DLIList<CoEdgeSM*> &coedgesms)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myLoops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myLoops.get_and_step()->coedgesms(coedgesms);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::curves(DLIList<Curve*> &curves)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myLoops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myLoops.get_and_step()->curves(curves);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::points(DLIList<Point*> &points)
+  int ii;
+  for ( ii = myLoops.size(); ii > 0; ii-- )
+  {
+    myLoops.get_and_step()->points(points);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents )
+  { CAST_LIST_TO_PARENT( myShells, parents ); }
+void OCCSurface::get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSFace, TopAbs_WIRE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *loop = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  children.append_unique(loop);
+  }
+//// CubitStatus OCCSurface::get_my_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list,
+////                                         DLIList<CubitPoint*>& point_list)
+//// {
+////   facetEvalTool->get_facets(facet_list);
+////   facetEvalTool->get_points(point_list);
+////   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//// }
+//// void OCCSurface::tris(DLIList<CubitFacet *> &facet_list)
+//// {
+//// 	facetEvalTool->get_facets(facet_list);
+//// }
+//// void OCCSurface::get_my_points(DLIList<CubitPoint*> &point_list)
+//// {
+////   facetEvalTool->get_points(point_list);
+//// }
+//// void OCCSurface::get_my_facetedges(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &edge_list)
+//// {
+////  facetEvalTool->get_edges(edge_list);
+//// }
+void OCCSurface::get_shell_sense( CubitSense &sense0)
+  TopAbs_Orientation d = myTopoDSFace->Orientation();
+  if (d == TopAbs_FORWARD) sense0 = CUBIT_FORWARD;
+  else if (d == TopAbs_REVERSED) sense0 = CUBIT_REVERSED;
+  else {
+	  printf("Check Orientation (surface)");
+	  sense0 = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+// return the sense with respect to the given shell
+CubitSense OCCSurface::get_shell_sense( ShellSM* shell_ptr ) const
+  TopAbs_Orientation d = myTopoDSFace->Orientation();
+  if (d == TopAbs_FORWARD) return CUBIT_FORWARD;
+  else if (d == TopAbs_REVERSED) return CUBIT_REVERSED;
+  else {
+	  printf("Check Orientation (surface)");
+	  return CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+// set the sense of the surface with respect to the shell
+void OCCSurface::set_shell_sense( OCCShell *facet_shell, 
+                                    CubitSense thesense )
+  assert(0);
+//    if(thesense == CUBIT_REVERSED){
+//        PRINT_INFO("should not do this.");
+//    }
+  int idx = myShells.get_index();
+  if(idx > 0){
+    PRINT_ERROR("Multiple shells attached to a single surface.\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  ShellSM *shell_ptr = (ShellSM *)facet_shell;
+  ShellSM *ashell = myShells.get();
+  if (ashell == shell_ptr)
+  {
+    myShellSense = thesense;
+  }
+//   else
+//   {
+//     myShells.step();
+//     idx = myShells.get_index();
+//     ashell = myShells.get();
+//     if (ashell == shell_ptr)
+//     {
+//       myShellSense[idx] = thesense;
+//     }
+//   }
+//// //----------------------------------------------------------------
+//// // Function: copy_facets
+//// // Description: copy the points and facets
+//// //
+//// // Author: sjowen
+//// //----------------------------------------------------------------
+//// CubitStatus OCCSurface::copy_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*>&copy_facet_list,
+////                                       DLIList<CubitPoint*>&copy_point_list)
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   if (!facetEvalTool)
+////   {
+////     PRINT_ERROR("Couldn't copy facets.");
+////     return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+////   }
+////   int ii;
+////   DLIList<CubitFacet*>facet_list;
+////   DLIList<CubitPoint*>point_list;
+////   facetEvalTool->get_facets( facet_list );
+////   facetEvalTool->get_points( point_list );
+////   CubitPoint **point_array = new CubitPoint* [point_list.size()];
+////   //- copy the points
+////   point_list.reset();
+////   CubitPoint *new_point, *the_point;
+////   for(ii=0; ii<point_list.size(); ii++)
+////   {
+////     the_point = point_list.get_and_step();
+////     new_point = new CubitPointData( the_point->coordinates() );
+////     the_point->marked( ii );
+////     copy_point_list.append( new_point );
+////     point_array[ii] = new_point;
+////   }
+////   //- copy the facets
+////   int jj, idx;
+////   CubitFacet *new_facet, *the_facet;
+////   CubitPoint *points[3];
+////   for (ii=0; ii<facet_list.size(); ii++)
+////   {
+////     the_facet = facet_list.get_and_step();
+////     for (jj=0; jj<3; jj++)
+////     {
+////       idx = the_facet->point(jj)->marked();
+////       points[jj] = point_array[idx];
+////     }
+////     new_facet = new CubitFacetData( points[0], points[1], points[2] );
+////     copy_facet_list.append( new_facet );
+////   }
+////   delete [] point_array;
+////   return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+//// }
+void OCCSurface::get_bodies( DLIList<OCCBody*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCLump*> lump_list;
+  get_lumps( lump_list );
+  lump_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = lump_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCLump* lump = lump_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCBody* body = dynamic_cast<OCCBody*>(lump->get_body());
+    if (body)
+      result_list.append_unique(body);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::get_lumps( DLIList<OCCLump*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCShell*> shell_list;
+  get_shells( shell_list );
+  shell_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = shell_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCShell* shell = shell_list.get_and_step();
+    shell->get_lumps( result_list );
+    OCCLump* lump = dynamic_cast<OCCLump*>(shell->get_lump());
+    if (lump)
+      result_list.append_unique(lump);
+  }
+void OCCSurface::get_shells( DLIList<OCCShell*>& result_list )
+  myShells.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < myShells.size(); i++ )
+    if ( OCCShell* shell = dynamic_cast<OCCShell*>(myShells.next(i)) )
+      result_list.append(shell);
+void OCCSurface::get_loops( DLIList<OCCLoop*>& result_list )
+  TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape M;
+  TopExp::MapShapes(*myTopoDSFace, TopAbs_WIRE, M);
+  int ii;
+  for (ii=1; ii<=M.Extent(); ii++) {
+	  TopologyBridge *loop = OCCQueryEngine::occ_to_cgm(M(ii));
+	  result_list.append_unique(dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(loop));
+  }
+void OCCSurface::get_coedges( DLIList<OCCCoEdge*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCLoop*> loop_list;
+  get_loops( loop_list );
+  loop_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = 0; i < loop_list.size(); i++ )
+    loop_list.next(i)->get_coedges( result_list );
+void OCCSurface::get_curves( DLIList<OCCCurve*>& result_list )
+  DLIList<OCCCoEdge*> coedge_list;
+  get_coedges( coedge_list );
+  coedge_list.reset();
+  for ( int i = coedge_list.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    OCCCoEdge* coedge = coedge_list.get_and_step();
+    OCCCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<OCCCurve*>(coedge->curve());
+    if (curve)
+      result_list.append_unique(curve);
+  }
+// Purpose       : Remove Shell from shell list
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+CubitStatus OCCSurface::remove_shell(OCCShell* shell)
+  assert(0);
+    // Something strange here -- A DLIList of Shells and a 
+    // two-element array for senses?  Try to keep the senses
+    // intact anyway...
+  myShells.reset();
+  if (myShells.get() == shell)
+    myShellSense = CUBIT_UNKNOWN;
+  if (!myShells.move_to(shell))
+    return CUBIT_FAILURE;
+  myShells.remove();
+  return CUBIT_SUCCESS;
+// Purpose       : Tear down topology
+// Special Notes : 
+// Creator       : Jason Kraftcheck
+// Creation Date : 09/29/03
+void OCCSurface::disconnect_all_loops()
+  assert(0);
+  myLoops.reset();
+  for (int i = myLoops.size(); i--; )
+  {
+    LoopSM* sm_ptr = myLoops.get_and_step();
+    OCCLoop* loop = dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(sm_ptr);
+    if (loop)
+    {
+      assert(loop->get_surface() == this);
+      loop->remove_surface();
+    }
+  }
+  myLoops.clean_out();
+void OCCSurface::add_transformation( CubitTransformMatrix &tfmat )
+  assert(0);
+    if ( myEvaluator )
+        myEvaluator->add_transformation( tfmat );
+// ********** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN PROTECTED FUNCTIONS    **********
+// ********** END PROTECTED FUNCTIONS      **********
+// ********** BEGIN PRIVATE FUNCTIONS      **********
+//// void  OCCSurface::reverse_sense()
+//// {
+////   assert(0);
+////   facetEvalTool->reverse_facets();
+////   myLoops.reset();
+////   int i,j;
+////   OCCLoop* this_loop;
+////   LoopSM* this_loop_sm;
+////   DLIList<OCCCoEdge *> this_coedge_list;
+////   for(i=0;i<myLoops.size();i++){
+////     this_loop_sm= myLoops.get_and_step();
+////     this_loop = dynamic_cast<OCCLoop*>(this_loop_sm);
+////     if(!this_loop){
+////       PRINT_ERROR("Unexpected null pointer for loop.\n");
+////       return;
+////     }
+////    this_loop->reverse();
+////    this_coedge_list.clean_out();
+////    this_loop->get_coedges(this_coedge_list);
+////    for(j=0; j<this_coedge_list.size(); j++){
+////      this_coedge_list.get_and_step()->reverse_sense();
+////    }
+////   }
+////   //sense_ = CubitUtil::opposite_sense( sense_ );
+////   myShellSense = CubitUtil::opposite_sense( myShellSense );
+////   //myShellSense[1] = CubitUtil::opposite_sense( myShellSense[1] );
+//// }
+// ********** END PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        **********
+// ********** BEGIN HELPER CLASSES         **********
+// ********** END HELPER CLASSES           **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN STATIC FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END STATIC FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.cpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.hpp
--- cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.hpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.hpp	2007-09-21 17:56:58 UTC (rev 1280)
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+// Filename      : OCCSurface.hpp
+// Purpose       : 
+// Special Notes :
+// Creator       : Alexander Danilov
+// Creation Date : 
+// Owner         : 
+// ********** BEGIN STANDARD INCLUDES      **********
+// ********** END STANDARD INCLUDES        **********
+// ********** BEGIN OCC INCLUDES          **********
+#include "OCCAttribSet.hpp"
+#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
+// ********** END OCC INCLUDES          **********
+// ********** BEGIN CUBIT INCLUDES          **********
+#include "CubitDefines.h"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+// ********** END CUBIT INCLUDES          **********
+class TopologyEntity;
+class RefVolume;
+class RefFace;
+class RefVolume;
+//// class FacetEvalTool;
+class OCCShell;
+class OCCAttrib;
+class OCCBody;
+class OCCLump;
+class OCCLoop;
+class OCCCoEdge;
+class OCCCurve;
+class OCCPoint;
+//// class CubitFacetEdge;
+//// class CubitFacet;
+//// class CubitPoint;
+//// class CubitTransformMatrix;
+//// class CubitEvaluator;
+//// class CubitEvaluatorData;
+//// class SphereEvaluatorData;
+//// class CylinderEvaluatorData;
+class OCCSurface : public Surface
+public :
+  OCCSurface(TopoDS_Face *theFace);
+  ////  OCCSurface(FacetEvalTool *facet_eval_tool_ptr,
+  ////             DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms );
+  ////  //I- facet_eval_tool pointer
+  ////  //I- A pointer to the set of facets that define this surface.
+  //// OCCSurface(FacetEvalTool *facet_eval_tool_ptr,
+  ////             CubitSense sense,
+  ////             CubitSense shell_sense0,
+  ////             CubitBoolean use_facets,
+  ////             DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms );
+  ////  OCCSurface( const CylinderEvaluatorData *cylinder_data,
+  ////              FacetEvalTool *facet_tool,
+  ////              DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,
+  ////              DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms );
+  //// //-  Constructor used to create a faceted surface representing a cylinder.
+  //// //I-  eval_data - radius, base, etc. of cylinder.
+  //// //I-  facet_eval_tool_ptr - evaluator to evaluate directly on facets.
+  //// //I-  shellsms - the shells in this facet model
+  //// //I-  loopsms - the loops in this facet model.
+  //// OCCSurface( const SphereEvaluatorData *eval_data,
+  ////               FacetEvalTool *facet_eval_tool_ptr,
+  ////               DLIList<ShellSM*> &shellsms,
+  ////               DLIList<LoopSM*> &loopsms );
+  //// //-  Constructor used to create a faceted surface representing a sphere.
+  //// //I-  eval_data - radius, center, etc. of sphere.
+  //// //I-  facet_eval_tool_ptr - evaluator to evaluate directly on facets.
+  //// //I-  shellsms - the shells in this facet model
+  //// //I-  loopsms - the loops in this facet model.
+  virtual ~OCCSurface() ;
+    //- The destructor
+  void add_shell(ShellSM *shell_ptr)    //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+    {myShells.append(shell_ptr);}
+  CubitStatus remove_shell(OCCShell* shell_ptr);  //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+  void disconnect_all_loops();   //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+  inline bool has_parent_shell() { return myShells.size() > 0; }  //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+    //CubitSense get_relative_surface_sense();
+    //- Return the relative surface sense. (see below)
+  virtual void append_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I 
+    //I- 
+    //I- that is to be appended to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to append a 
+    //- attribute to the OSME. The  is attached to each of the 
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_simple_attribute_virt(CubitSimpleAttrib*);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //I- A reference to a CubitSimpleAttrib object which is the object
+    //I- that is to be removed to this OSME object.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove a simple
+    //- attribute from the OSME. The attribute is attached to each of the
+    //- underlying solid model entities this one points to.
+  virtual void remove_all_simple_attribute_virt();
+    //R void
+    //I-
+    //- The purpose of this function is to remove all simple
+    //- attributes from the OSME. 
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+  virtual CubitStatus get_simple_attribute(const CubitString& name,
+                                           DLIList<CubitSimpleAttrib*>&);
+    //R CubitSimpleAttrib*
+    //R- the returned cubit simple attribute.
+    //- The purpose of this function is to get the attributes
+    //- of the geometry entity. The name is attached to the underlying solid
+    //- model entity(ies) this one points to.
+    //- MJP Note:
+    //- This is the code that implements the requirement that names
+    //- of VGI Entities propagate across solid model boolean
+    //- operations.  The success of this relies, of course, on the underlying
+    //- solid modeler being able to propagate attributes across
+    //- such operations on its entities. If it cannot, then "names"
+    //- of VGI entities will not propagate.
+  virtual CubitBox bounding_box() const ;
+    // see comments in GeometryEntity.hpp
+  virtual GeometryQueryEngine* 
+  get_geometry_query_engine() const;
+    //R GeometryQueryEngine*
+    //R- A pointer to the geometric modeling engine associated with
+    //R- the object.
+    //- This function returns a pointer to the geometric modeling engine
+    //- associated with the object.
+  // Added by CAT
+  virtual CubitStatus get_point_normal( CubitVector& ,
+                                        CubitVector& );
+    //- Only valid for planar surfaces
+    //- Finds the underlying plane's origin and normal vector
+    //- Returns CubitFailure if not a plane.  The origin and normal 
+    //- are returned directly from the underlying format for a plane.
+  virtual void closest_point_trimmed(CubitVector from_point,
+                                     CubitVector& point_on_surface);
+    //R void
+    //I CubitVector
+    //I- point from which to find closest point on trimmed surface
+    //O CubitVector
+    //O- point on trimmed surface closest to passed-in point
+    //- This function finds the closest point on a TRIMMED surface to the
+    //- passed-in point.
+  virtual CubitStatus closest_point_uv_guess(  
+      CubitVector const& location,
+      double &u, double &v,
+      CubitVector* closest_location = NULL,
+      CubitVector* unit_normal = NULL );
+  virtual CubitStatus closest_point(  
+    CubitVector const& location, 
+    CubitVector* closest_location = NULL,
+    CubitVector* unit_normal_ptr = NULL,
+    CubitVector* curvature1_ptr = NULL,
+    CubitVector* curvature2_ptr = NULL);
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I location
+    //I- The point to which the closest point on the surface is desired.
+    //O closest_location
+    //O- The point on the Surface, closest to the 
+    //O- input location (which might not be on the Surface).  This is
+    //O- input as a reference so that the function can modify its
+    //O- contents.
+    //O unit_normal_ptr
+    //O- The normal (represented as a unit vector) at the closest_location.
+    //O- If this pointer is NULL, the normal is not returned.
+    //O curvature1_ptr
+    //O- The first principal curvature of the surface at closest_location.
+    //O- If this pointer is NULL, this curvature is not returned.
+    //O curvature2_ptr
+    //O- The second principal curvature of the surface at closest_location.
+    //O- If this pointer is NULL, this curvature is not returned.
+    //- This function computes the point on the surface closest to the input 
+    //- location -- i.e., closest_location. 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list
+    //- is queried.
+    //-
+    //- If the input pointer values of unit_normal, curvature1 and
+    //- curvature2
+    //- are non-NULL, the normal and principal curvatures, too, are
+    //- returned.  These are computed at closest_location, not at the
+    //- input location.
+    //-
+    //- NOTE:
+    //- It is assumed that if the calling code needs the normal or the 
+    //- principal curvatures, it will *allocate* space for the CubitVectors
+    //- before sending in the pointers.
+  virtual CubitStatus principal_curvatures(
+    CubitVector const& location, 
+    double& curvature_1,
+    double& curvature_2,
+    CubitVector* closest_location = NULL );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I location
+    //I- The point at which the curvatures are being requested -- it is also
+    //I- the point to which the closest point on the surface is returned.
+    //I- curvatures.
+    //O closest_location
+    //O- The point on the surface, closest to the input location (this
+    //O- might not be on the surface).  This is input as a reference 
+    //O- so that the function can modify its contents.
+    //O curvature_1/2
+    //O- Returned principal curvature magnitudes.
+    //- This functions computes the point on the surface that is closest
+    //- to the input location and then calculates the magnitudes of the
+    //- principal curvatures at this (possibly, new) point on the surface. 
+  virtual CubitVector position_from_u_v (double u, double v);
+    //R CubitVector
+    //R- Returned position vector.
+    //I u, v
+    //I- Input point in {u.v} space
+    //- This function returns the coordinates in world space of a point
+    //- in the parameter space of this Surface object.
+  virtual CubitStatus u_v_from_position (CubitVector const& location,
+                                         double& u, 
+                                         double& v,
+                                         CubitVector*
+                                         closest_location = NULL );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //I location
+    //I- The input point in global space
+    //O closest_point
+    //O- The point on the Surface closest to the input location
+    //O u, v
+    //O- The returned u, v coordinate values (in local parametric space)
+    //O- of the closest_point
+    //I refvolume_ptr
+    //- This function returns the {u, v} coordinates of the point 
+    //- on the Surface closest to the input point (specified in global
+    //- space). The closest_location is also returned.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic();
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //- This function determines whether the underlying geometry of the
+    //- OCCSurface is periodic or not.  Returns CUBIT_TRUE if it is and 
+    //- CUBIT_FALSE if it is not.
+    //- MJP NOTE: 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
+    //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
+    virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic_in_U( double& period );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O period
+    //O- The value of the period in the U direction.
+    //- Determines whether the Facet surface object associated
+    //- with one of the FACEs of this OCCSurface object is 
+    //- periodic in the U direction or not.  If it is, it
+    //- returns CUBIT_TRUE and the value of the period. Otherwise,
+    //- it returns CUBIT_FALSE and a value of 0.0 or the period.
+    //- MJP NOTE: 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
+    //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_periodic_in_V( double& period );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O period
+    //O- The value of the period in the V direction.
+    //- Determines whether the Facet surface object associated
+    //- with one of the FACEs of this OCCSurface object is 
+    //- periodic in the V direction or not.  If it is, it
+    //- returns CUBIT_TRUE and the value of the period. Otherwise,
+    //- it returns CUBIT_FALSE and a value of 0.0 or the period.
+    //- MJP NOTE: 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
+    //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_singular_in_U( double u_param );
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_singular_in_V( double v_param );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //I double u/v parameter value.
+    //- Determines if the surface is singular in a given direction
+    //- at a given parameter value.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_closed_in_U();  
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_closed_in_V();
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //- Determines if the surface is closed, smoothly or not in the
+    //- given parameter direction.
+    //- A periodic surface is always closed but a closed surface is
+    //- is not always periodic.
+  virtual CubitStatus uv_derivitives( double u_param,
+                                      double v_param,
+                                      CubitVector &du,
+                                      CubitVector &dv );
+    //R CubitStatus
+    //O- du, dv
+    //- Determines the u and v derivitives from the given parameter
+    //- values.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_parametric();
+    //R CubitBoolean
+ 			//- This method returns CUBIT_TRUE if a parametric representation
+			//- is available for the surface
+  virtual CubitBoolean get_param_range_U( double& lower_bound,
+                                          double& upper_bound );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O lower_bound
+    //O- The lower bound of the parametric range in the U direction.
+    //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
+    //O upper_bound
+    //O- The upper bound of the parametric range in the U direction.
+    //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
+    //- Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
+    //- surface in U, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
+    //- CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
+    //- bounds.
+    //- MJP NOTE: 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
+    //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
+  virtual CubitBoolean get_param_range_V( double& lower_bound,
+                                          double& upper_bound );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //O lower_bound
+    //O- The lower bound of the parametric range in the V direction.
+    //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
+    //O upper_bound
+    //O- The upper bound of the parametric range in the V direction.
+    //O- This is set to 0.0 if the surface is not parametric.
+    //- Returns the lower and upper parametric bounds of the 
+    //- surface in V, if it is parametric.  Otherwise, it returns
+    //- CUBIT_FALSE and zeroes for the upper and lower parametric
+    //- bounds.
+    //- MJP NOTE: 
+    //- The first Facet FACE in the list is queried.  It is assumed
+    //- that all the FACEs have the same underlying surface.
+  virtual CubitBoolean is_position_on( CubitVector &test_position );
+    //R CubitBoolean
+    //I CubitVector
+    //I- position, point where we want to test, whether or not it
+    //- is on the surface.
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point );
+  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( double u, double v );
+  //// In SurfaceACIS, commented out here!!
+//  virtual CubitPointContainment point_containment( const CubitVector &point, 
+//                                                   double u, double v );
+    //R CubitPointContainment - is the point outside, inside or on the boundary?
+    //I CubitVector
+    //I- position to check, known to be on the Surface
+    //I double
+    //I- u coordinate, if known (significantly faster, if this is known - however
+    //                           if not known let the function figure it out)
+    //I double
+    //I- v coordinate, if known (significantly faster, if this is known - however
+    //                           if not known let the function figure it out)
+  GeometryType geometry_type();
+    //R GeometryType (enum)
+    //R- The enumerated type of the geometric representation
+  virtual double measure();
+    //R double
+    //R- The numeric value of the measure (its units depend on the dimension
+    //R- of the RefEntity being "measured")
+    //- A generic geometric extent function.
+    //- Returns volume for Lump, area for Surface, length for Curve and 
+    //- 1.0 for Point
+  ////  void update_measurement();
+  ////    //Make sure we don't retain an out-dated measurement.
+  virtual CubitSense get_geometry_sense();
+    //- Return the relative surface sense. (see below)
+  virtual void reverse_sense();
+    //- Switch the sense of this Surface wrt the RefFace that owns it:
+    //- For Facet, this means switch the sense of the RefFace that
+    //- owns this Surface with respect to the positive sense of the
+    //- first FACE in FACEPtrList_.
+  CubitStatus save_attribs( FILE* file_ptr );
+    // Write FactAttribs out to file
+  CubitStatus restore_attribs( FILE* file_ptr, unsigned int endian );
+    // Read FactAttribs from file
+  void get_bodies  ( DLIList<OCCBody   *>& bodies   );
+  void get_lumps   ( DLIList<OCCLump   *>& lumps    );
+  void get_shells  ( DLIList<OCCShell  *>& shells   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_surfaces( DLIList<OCCSurface*>& surfaces );
+  void get_loops   ( DLIList<OCCLoop   *>& loops    );
+  void get_coedges ( DLIList<OCCCoEdge *>& coedges  );
+  void get_curves  ( DLIList<OCCCurve  *>& curves   );
+#ifdef BOYD14
+  void get_points  ( DLIList<OCCPoint  *>& points   );
+  void get_parents_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& parents );
+  void get_children_virt( DLIList<TopologyBridge*>& children );
+  ////  CubitStatus get_my_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*>& facet_list,
+  ////                          DLIList<CubitPoint*>& point_list);
+  ////  //- Gets the list of facets describing this surface.
+  //// void tris(DLIList<CubitFacet*> &facet_list);
+  //// void get_my_points(DLIList<CubitPoint*>& point_list);
+  ////  //- Gets the list of points describing this surface.
+  //// void get_my_facetedges(DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*>& edge_list);
+  ////  //- Gets the list of points describing this surface.
+  //// FacetEvalTool *get_eval_tool()
+  ////   { return facetEvalTool; }
+  //// const FacetEvalTool *get_eval_tool() const
+  ////   { return facetEvalTool; }
+  ////   //- return the facet evaluation tool for this surface
+  CubitSense get_shell_sense( ShellSM *facet_shell ) const;
+    // return the sense with respect to the given shell
+  void get_shell_sense( CubitSense &sense0 ); 
+    // return senses 
+  void set_shell_sense( OCCShell *facet_shell, 
+                        CubitSense thesense );
+    // set the sense of the surface with respect to the shell
+  ////  CubitStatus copy_facets(DLIList<CubitFacet*>&copy_facet_list,
+  ////                        DLIList<CubitPoint*>&copy_point_list);
+  ////  // create a copy of the points and facets
+  //// int interp_order();
+  //// double min_dot();
+  CubitBoolean is_flat();     //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+  CubitBoolean is_spherical(); //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+  CubitBoolean is_conical();  //// Not in SurfaceACIS
+  ////  const CubitEvaluatorData *evaluator_data();
+  ////  void add_transformation( CubitTransformMatrix &tfmat );
+    //CubitSense sense_;
+    //- The sense of the RefFace that owns this Surface with respect
+    //- to the positive sense of the first FACE in FACEPtrList_.
+    //- When a Surface is first constructed, this value is arbitrarily
+    //- set to CUBIT_FORWARD.
+    //- In the case of Surfaces, the normal is used in determining
+    //- the relative sense value.
+    //- MJP NOTE:
+    //- Not only does the RefFace have a sense wrt its Surface, but each
+    //- Facet FACE has a sense wrt its underlying "surface" object.
+  //sjowen FacetEvalTool *facetEvalTool;
+  ////  FacetEvalTool *facetEvalTool;
+    //For topology traversals we need to have connections to the
+    //entitities connected to this surface.  From these we can get the rest.
+  DLIList<LoopSM*> myLoops;
+  DLIList<ShellSM*> myShells;
+  OCCAttribSet attribSet;
+    //List of OCCAttrib*'s instead of CubitSimpleAttribs 
+  // the sense of the surface with respect to the shells in the myShells list
+  CubitSense myShellSense;
+  CubitEvaluator *myEvaluator;
+  TopoDS_Face *myTopoDSFace;
+// ********** BEGIN INLINE FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END INLINE FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN FRIEND FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END FRIEND FUNCTIONS         **********
+// ********** BEGIN EXTERN FUNCTIONS       **********
+// ********** END EXTERN FUNCTIONS         **********

Property changes on: cgm/trunk/geom/OCC/OCCSurface.hpp
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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