[AG-TECH] Rat Linux Memory Leak

Douglas Kosovic doug at uq.edu.au
Fri Mar 18 04:14:13 CDT 2011

Hi Todd,

> I'm running into issues with Rat on Fedora 14.
> As (I believe) AG still isn't fully supporting F14, I've just been running rat/vic
> manually.

Sorry I don't have any PCs running Fedora 14 and as I build the AG RPMs on an OBS-server, I don't have firsthand experience with the F14 issues. But I know some of the issues are related to F14 using the new python-twisted version 10.1 package, several people have reported more reliability by rebuilding  the python-twisted 8.2.0 source RPMs from Fedora 12/13 on F14 and installing the generated RPMs.

Once CentOS 6 (which is indirectly based on Fedora 13) becomes available, I'm moving my AG node to CentOS 6. As a consequence, I'm thinking of just maintaining the RHEL/CentOS AG RPMs and not releasing AG RPMs for future versions of Fedora. I've built AG RPMs for RHEL6 (and therefor the unreleased CentOS 6), but haven't put them up yet in the AG yum repository. I should probably also mention I no longer work for UQ Vislab, so haven't got as much time to devote to AG related stuff as I did in the past.

> However, I'm having an issue where rat will slowly eat up all available
> memory.

I remember a similar thread in this mailing list from November regarding the memory leak with RAT on Ubuntu 10.10, just found it and here is an extract:

Here's a summary of test results using code form the svn trunk (r4891)

On a system with no Pulse Audio, both OSS and ALSA available:
   OSS  selected - uses total 1% cpu, 0.3% mem., irrespective of Talk being on or off
   ALSA selected - uses total 1% cpu, 0.3% mem., adds about 0.1% every 30mins

On a system with Pulse Audio & ALSA, but no OSS (Ubuntu 10.10)
   Talk off - uses total 2% cpu, 0.2% mem usage at start, 0.8% after ~2hours
   Talk on  - uses total 36% cpu, 0.2% mem usage at start, increasing by 0.1% every 3 seconds
                                  i.e. 30% mem usage after 10 minutes on the test machine.

> As an aside, I've also found I have to uninstall more than just alsa-plugins-
> pulseaudio else I get very high processor usage.
> (Currenltly I'm completely uninstalling pulse).
> Suggestions?  Has there been any recent changes?

Disable/remove PulseAudio, enable OSS and use OSS with RAT. Instructions on how to enable OSS can be found in:


RAT's code hasn't been changed in ages.


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