[AG-TECH] Venue Server Documentation/Tutorial

Jeremy Mann jeremymann at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 13:10:16 CST 2006

Jim, unfortunately no, there isn't. I have asked for awhile now on updated
documentation., but here is what I've learned.

1. If running concurrently with a 2.4 server on the same machine, start the
venue server like so (we run 2.4 on port 8000 and 3.0.2 on 9000):

VenueServer3.py -c VenueServer3.cfg --port 9000

Note, you can use a 2.4 config file, but you'll need to remove the line

2. Starting the bridge server:

Bridge3.py -p 20000 -r 25000 26000 -n UTHSCSA AG3 Bridge -l Texas -u

Obviously change -r to a port range you want and -n is the name that appears
in the client.

That's about it. The rest you can do with VenueManagement.

On 11/30/06, Jim Miller <millerjw at psc.edu> wrote:
> Is there a tutorial for the setup of an AG3 VenueServer?  I found the
> Venue Management Manual, but after reading though it it seems to be for
> AG2.x.
> Thanks,
> -Jim

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