[AG-TECH] Access Grid Based Seminar

Lee Margetts Lee.Margetts at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Nov 28 15:24:33 CST 2006


New developments in LAPACK and ScaLAPACK

Sven Hammarling, Principal Consultant, NAG

Friday, 1st December 2006, 1400-1500 UTC

Room 1.10, Kilburn Building

In this talk we shall be looking at recent and forthcoming developments in the
widely used LAPACK and ScaLAPACK numerical linear algebra libraries.

Proposed improvements include the following: Faster algorithms, including better
numerical methods, memory hierarchy optimizations, parallelism, and automatic
performance tuning to accomodate new architectures; more accurate algorithms,
including better numerical methods, and use of extra precision; expanded
functionality, including updating and downdating and new eigenproblems; putting
more of LAPACK into ScaLAPACK; and improved ease of use with friendlier
interfaces in multiple languages.

After an overview, this talk will highlight new more accurate algorithms; faster
algorithms, including those for pivoted Cholesky and updating of
factorizations; and hybrid data formats. To accomplish these goals we are also
relying on better software engineering techniques and contributions from
collaborators at many institutions.

This is joint work with Jim Demmel and Jack Dongarra.

For a complete list of seminars, along with location and Access Grid
information, please see http://www.mc.manchester.ac.uk/research/seminars/

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