[AG-TECH] ag3 server for scglobal

Paul Hatton P.S.Hatton at bham.ac.uk
Tue Nov 14 11:01:03 CST 2006

Sorry if this is slightly off-list.

The AG3 server/bridge in the UK is having problems, and I'd like 
another AG3 (as opposed to AG2 or inSORS) way into SCGlobal. I've 
gone to the anl lobby at https://vv3.mcs.anl.gov:8000/Venues/default 
but can't see it in the exits. Can someone point me to a suitable AG3 
server and bridge (we don't multicast off-campus here yet) to get 
into SCGlobal.

Thanks, and apologies again if this isn't quite the right list, but 
there's a talk I'd like to drop into soon.

Paul Hatton
High Performance Computing and Visualisation Specialist
Technical Director, HP Visual and Spatial Technology Centre
Information Services, Elms Road Computer Centre,
The University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT.
Ph: 0121-414-3994   Fax: 0121-414-3952  M: 07785-977340

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