[AG-TECH] Re: button size

Christoph Willing willing at itee.uq.edu.au
Tue Apr 25 17:00:19 CDT 2006

On 25/04/2006, at 10:20 PM, carlosperezs at alumnos.uvigo.es wrote:

> Hallo !!!
> I would like to know if theres is a good python tool (wxpython) for  
> programming
> with frames, windows, buttons and so on.
> I have now this code:
> hs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
> b = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Load remote movie...")
> self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLoad, b)


> hs.Add(b, 0, wx.ALL, 4)
> I would like to can set a fixed size for the button. And in case  
> the label does
> not fit inside, to do that it(the label) appears when you put the  
> mouse cursor
> on it.

The addition above would set the minimum size of the button to 112x10  
pixels (you still have calculate how many pixels the text in your  
button needs). There is also a SetMaxSize() available.

Christoph Willing                       +61 7 3365 8350
QPSF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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