[AG-TECH] Certificate request

Marco Pirovano marco.pirovano at unibocconi.it
Thu Jun 9 07:37:08 CDT 2005


I have the same problem of Jason Pepas about request a new certificate.
I made the requested two days ago, but the Certificate Manager show the status
"Not ready" and the View Request show:

Marco Pirovano

Subject: /O=Access Grid/OU=agdev-ca.mcs.anl.gov/OU=unibocconi.it/CN=Marco Pirovano

Request token: 988698c18fd12a5fe12d2e9282ffa289
Server URL: http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~judson/certReqServer.cgi
Creation time: 10:51:18 06/07/05

I made something wrong or I have only to wait ?

Thank you very much.

* Marco Pirovano
* Universita' Bocconi, Area Sistemi Informatici e Telematici
* Piazza Sraffa 11 - 20136 Milano
* Tel. +39-025836.3173  Fax. +39-025836.3160

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