[AG-TECH] Access Grid Townhall Reminder - August 2

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jul 27 13:12:37 CDT 2005

The August Townhall is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, at 10:00AM CDT
(15:00 UTC).  It will be held in the Argonne National Laboratory venue on the
institutional venue server (Go to https://ivs.mcs.anl.gov:9000/ Venues/default, then
Government Institutions Lobby, then Argonne National Lab).

Invited Speaker:  Todd Zimmerman, WestGrid
Todd will talk about development of SharedDesktop, a tool to allow for simple desktop
sharing - to facilitate sharing of PDF's, powerpoints, spreadsheets, etc.  More
information about SharedDesktop is available from WestGrid at
http://www.westgrid.ca/support/collab/research-agshareddesktop.php .

There will be a second session held for those in the Asia-Pacific region, at
6:00PM CDT (23:00 UTC).  Of course, anyone is welcome to attend this
session, if it's more agreeable with their schedules.

ANL will be running bridges in the Argonne venue for this meeting.

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