[AG-TECH] Re: Machine running VenueServer must also run VenueClient in order to function properly

Christoph Willing willing at itee.uq.edu.au
Thu Jan 20 20:16:12 CST 2005

On 21/01/2005, at 11:36 AM, West Suhanic wrote:

> Hi All:
> I am running a VenueServer under FC2, kernel 2.6.9. The VenueServer
> is started from the command line. I also issue my own certificates.
> VenueClients can successfully connect to the VenueServer from either
> Linux machines or Windows XP machines via multicast or unicast.
> The only caveat to this is that all of the above requires that the 
> machine
> running the VenueServer must also be running a VenueClient that is 
> connected
> to the VenueServer. If I only run a VenueServer on the machine then 
> when a
> user connects via a VenueClient, the user can connect but only rat will
> start.
> I have tried many permutations and combinations including running
> AGServiceManager.py
> and NodeManagement.py in addition to the VenueServer. I have had
> intermittent
> success when simply running a VenueServer and AGServiceManager
> under an xterm but never under a console window.
> My goal is to be able to run the VenueServer on a headless machine. Is 
> this
> possible? Does the VenueServer require the X server to be running on 
> the
> same
> machine? If so, why?
> Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


The APAG venue server (https://vv2.ap-accessgrid.org/Venues/default) 
runs headless, with only the VenueServer and BridgeServer running on 
it. You shouldn't need any of the other AG tools except, maybe, 
VenueManagement and certmgr.

How does a vanilla installation with the default certificates run?


Christoph Willing                        Ph: +61 7 3365 8350
QPSF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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