[AG-TECH] Starting OSX VenueServers or ServiceManagers

Eric Olson eolson at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Feb 8 16:24:13 CST 2005

Just a note to help anybody who is starting a VenueServer or standalone 
ServiceManager on OSX.

If you're getting an error that says "ImportError: Failure linking new 
module...libglobus_io_gcc32dbgpthr.0.dylib", you can work around it one of 
the following two ways.

1. If you want it to work when clicking on the AG application icon:
Modify the preferences for OSX's "Terminal" application:
- Run the Terminal application from the Applications/Terminal folder. 
- Select Terminal->Preferences from the menu, and select the first option 
"Execute this command" (the command reads /bin/bash) instead of "Execute 
the default login shell".
The VenueServer and ServiceManager services should now start correctly  
after clicking the AccessGridToolkit icon and selecting them from the 


2. If you don't mind starting the VenueServer from a terminal yourself:
- Run the Terminal application from the Applications/Utilities folder.
- Source the AGTk environment setup script: 
 . /Applications/AccessGridToolkit.app/Contents/Resources/setupenv.sh
     (there is also a csh script if you've modified the default shell to 
       use a c-shell)
- Run the application:


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