[AG-TECH] SCGlobal 2004 video archives

Allan Spale aspale at evl.uic.edu
Fri Apr 15 14:17:12 CDT 2005


Here is the infomation that I copied from an old Word document.  Hope this


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How to View AG Recordings
SC2004 Keynote Address and Entire SC Global 2004 Program

SC2004 was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 8-11, 2004.  The
keynote address featured Tom West from National Lambda Rail, Inc.  The
entire address was recorded by inSORS using its IG Recorder, which is part
of their inSORS Grid software suite.  The inSORS Grid is a commercialized
version of the Access Grid.

The SC Global technical program featured participation from six continents
and speakers from sites worldwide for the duration of the conference.  The
entire program was recorded by Internet2 using the inSORS software.  It
was also recorded by Internet2 as Windows Media streams.

Windows Media Streams
To view a particular event using Windows Media, simply click on the URL
listed below:

Dr. Larry Smarr Keynote

Collaborative Finite Elements and Westgrid Collaboration and Visualization
Network http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-2.wmv

Stereographics  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-3.wmv

Immersaview Launcher  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-4.wmv

MSI Panel  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-5.wmv

Tribal Virtual Networks

LEAD  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-7.wmv

SC04 Technologies  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-8.wmv

AG across Australia  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-9.wmv

Expanding uses of the AG

Art and Culture  http://winmedia.internet2.edu/sc2004-vod/scg04-11.wmv

Access Grid Recordings
All of this content is now available for playback and can be seen using
inSORS software or the Access Grid Toolkit (versions 1.x or 2.x).  inSORS
will provide limited software licenses to use to view these events if
desired.  Further details on obtaining a software license and download
from inSORS can be found in the section titled .Obtaining an inSORS
Viewing License..

Scheduled Playback Times
There will be some scheduled playback times of sessions which will be open
viewing with no stops or starts.  The schedule can be seen at
http://www.insors.com/sc2004_playback.htm.  If there is high demand,
further scheduled sessions will be added.

These dates/times will be posted on AG-EVENT mailing list.  All AG and
inSORS enabled sites are urged to promote these sessions to encourage and
promote further AG and SC Global events.

Requested Playback Times
If there is a date/time you would like to view a particular session, you
may request it by emailing Jim Miller (jmiller at insors.com).  If possible,
please request at least 24 hours in advance.  Shorter notice might be
accommodated, but cannot be guaranteed.  In your request, please identify
if you would like it to be a public or private viewing (public meaning
other sites would be allowed to join).

Sessions Available for Viewing
SC2004 Keynote Address featuring Tom West
SC2004 SC Global Keynote featuring Larry Smarr
Collaborative Tools
Expanding Uses of the AG
Low and High Bandwidth Environments
MSI Consortium Panel
Virtual Reality
SC2004 Technology
Artistic and Cultural Applications

Detailed information on above sessions can be found by clicking on the
links or on the SC Global schedule page at

Obtaining an inSORS Viewing License
To view any session, a user must be able to join a virtual venue using the
AG Toolkit (1.x or 2.x) or the inSORS Grid software.  To make it easy to
view these sessions, inSORS will provide a limited license and software
download to any one who would like to view a session.  The inSORS software
runs on any standard Windows XP or 2000 desktop or laptop computer.  It is
recommended that the computer run at a minimum of 1.5ghz with 256mb of
RAM.  Due to the high volume of audio and video streams in the sessions, a
high speed bandwidth connection is also recommended.

To obtain a software download and license, please contact Jim Miller
(jmiller at insors.com).

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Brian Corrie wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know where the SCGlobal video archives went? I can't seem to 
> find them at any of the links that were passed around near the time of 
> the event...
> Brian

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