[AG-TECH] AGTk on DMX (Re: Best single machine *Linux* hardware setup)

Randy Groves randy.groves at boeing.com
Mon Oct 4 10:45:30 CDT 2004

As far as DMX and chromium, you're right.  The hooks I was talking about 
was compiling a version of wxGTK that included support for OpenGL, since 
the one that the AG is using didn't.  At least I think that's what I 
remember needed to be done - it's been 2-3 months since I thought about it 


  At 12:34 PM 10/2/2004, Risto Treksler wrote:

> > The one thing that I haven't tried yet is getting the appropriate GL hooks
> > integrated into the wxGTK library so that I can try the VP on chromium.
> >
> > -randy
>What hooks do you need?
>I thought DMX and chromium allowed OpenGL apps to "just work"
>without modification across the grid of displays

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