[AG-TECH] BridgeServer and other problems....

Benedikt Bjarni Bogason benedib at hi.is
Wed Jul 14 06:41:09 CDT 2004

Hi everybody.

I have a few issues and I hope someone can answer some of them:

1) I'm now successfully running a VenueServer on Redhat 9 machine on an
intranet, and been able to connect to with an WinXP laptop. Now I am
trying to run a Bridgeserver (on the same machine) for the venues I
This is the config file I use, ~/bridgeconfig.conf:

qbexec = /usr/bin/QuickBridge
name = BTexact
location = Adastral Park Ipswich
venueServer = https://accessgrid.futures.bt.co.uk:8000/VenueServer

and I execute the command: BridgeServer.py -c ~/bridgeconfig.cnf
But nothing happens, it doesn't print anything to the screen, and the
Unicast option is not availables in any of the venues. The logfile doesn't
give me any hints, this is it's last entry:

07/14/04 11:54:30 1074127616 CertificateManager    
CertificateManager.py:876 DEBUG Proxy /tmp/x509up_u500 will expire
07/14/04 18:53:13

(I even tried to change the last line of the config file to venue =
https://accessgrid.futures.bt.co.uk:8000/Venues/default but no such luck.)

2) Whenever my WinXP connects to a venue and the vic starts up it asks me
to enter rtpName and rtpEmail and then promises to store it in the Windows
registry so I won't have to type it again, but it doesn't and I do! And it
is a bit boring to do it every time! Is this because I am not an
administrator of the computer? I remember this happening when I installed
AG on another computer, but if I remember correctly it stopped after I

3) I have to start up VenueClient using a Dospromt: VenueClient
--personalNode. I googled this problem and someone adviced that I removed
the system variable GLOBUS-HOSTNAME (which I did, although difficult since
i am not an administrator) and it certainly was wrong, but it didn't fix
the problem, vic and rat wouldn't start and I couldn't add a
ServiceManager with hostname:localhost and port:12000. It still uses the
wrong ip-number.

4) I cant open a shared browser. I can start the application session (add
a browser to the venue) but I can't open it on my WinXP (and certainly not
on my linux, it only works for windows, right?). This I could do when my
VenueServer was running on a Windows machine.

This is about it for now. Hope you can help, at least on some of those
issues.. Thanks.

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