[AG-TECH] Python error on AG installation

Douglas Baggett dbaggett at cise-nsf.gov
Thu Feb 5 14:35:08 CST 2004

I ran the AG installer after installing Python 2.2.3 and wxpython and 
got a python error

> network query raised exception
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "\PROGRA~1\ACCESS~2\bin\globus_init.pyw", line 802, in 
> ThreadQueryFunc
>     self.interfaces = winnet.enumerate_interfaces()
>   File "\PROGRA~1\ACCESS~2\bin\winnet.py", line 63, in 
> enumerate_interfaces
>     name = reverse_lookup(adapter['ip'], adapter['dns'])
>   File "\PROGRA~1\ACCESS~2\bin\winnet.py", line 124, in reverse_lookup
>     res = DNS.Base.DnsRequest(ip_addr, qtype = 'ptr', server = 
> server).req().ans
> wers
>   File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\DNS\Base.py", line 173, in req
>     self.sendUDPRequest(server)
>   File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\DNS\Base.py", line 189, in 
> sendUDPRequest
>     self.conn()
>   File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages\DNS\Base.py", line 137, in conn
>     self.s.connect((self.ns,self.port))
>   File "<string>", line 1, in connect
> gaierror: (7, 'getaddrinfo failed')

It seems like it's having problems doing a reverse lookup on my 
hostname, but I'm able to reverse resolve my address using nslookup 
without any problems. Is this a bug or is it something I should be 
concerned with?



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