[AG-TECH] grid-proxy-info & init

Christoph Willing chris at vislab.usyd.edu.au
Sun Feb 1 16:48:59 CST 2004

This isn't really a bug, more of a feature request -

New identity certificates aquired recently are issued by AG Developers
and, in Linux systems, are stored in the user's .AccessGrid directory
tree. The previously issued Globus identity certificates were stored in
the user's .globus directory.

Although grid-proxy-info is able find these newer certificates and
report on them, grid-proxy-init will not work. It looks in the .globus
directory, which doesn't exist for the newer certificates. The actual
output is:
~$ grid-proxy-init         
user certificate not found
        Cert File=/var/lib/ag/.globus/usercert.pem
Function: proxy_init_cred

The -cert and -key options to grid-proxy-init will work to make
grid-proxy-init look in different locations, but these locations are
horrendously error-prone e.g for one particular machine, I need to type:

grid-proxy-init -key

Could grid-proxy-init be modified to be as smart as grid-proxy-info in
searching for certificates i.e. that it automatically searches the
.AccessGrid tree?


Chris Willing                      Telephone   (61-2) 9351 3914
Sydney Vislab, F09                      Fax    (61-2) 9351 5955 
University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia                http://www.vislab.usyd.edu.au

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