[AG-TECH] VenueServer config file locations??

Fred Dech fdech at uchicago.edu
Fri Aug 6 11:36:56 CDT 2004


i just rebooted my linux PIG.  it's a dual-boot and i needed to bring up
its evil XP PIG twin for a bit.

now i'm booted up back in linux and all the pretty rooms i'd made for my
VenueServer via VenueManagement are gone.  i never could ascertain where it
was writing the config files to.  maybe they were being written to /tmp.  i
don't think i got around to looking there.

if anyone knows, i'd appreciate it if you could clue me in.


  Fred Dech   fdech at uchicago.edu
  University of Chicago Dept. of Surgery
  Ph: (773) 834-8359, Fax: (773) 834-8140

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