[AG-TECH] Does SharedApp work under Linux?

Ziru Zhu ziru at cc.gatech.edu
Tue Sep 30 15:27:23 CDT 2003


I have installed the latest AGTk (checked out from the CVS) under Linux
and can connect to the default venue now.  The problem is whenever I right
clicked on the Open option of the SharedApp, a small dialog was popped up
saying "You have nothing configured to open this service".  If I double
clicked on the SharedApp, the terminal reports:

Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/ziru/checkout/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/VenueClientUIClasses.py", line
1951, in OnDoubleClick
    openCmd = appdb.GetCommandLine(item.mimeType, 'Open')
  File "/home/ziru/checkout/AccessGrid/AccessGrid/AppDb.py", line 322, in
    key = self.defaultSeparator.join([mimeType, pCmd])
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, NoneType found

It seems that the AppDb has not been configured to have enough information
to lauch the shareapps.  How should I deal with it?

I know SharedApps like SharedBrowser or SharedPresentation will make use
of the win.com interface which may not be provided under Linux.  That
should not be a problem if we substitute with one without using such
components.  Right?

If so, do I need to put a right mailcap file under /etc?  I remembered
from version 2.1.1, shared apps do not need the mailcap file configured,


Ziru Zhu
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology

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