[AG-TECH] AG 2.0 Services

Ben Juby bpj00r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri May 9 11:42:26 CDT 2003

I've sucessfully installed AG 2.0 on my win2k desktop machine and am now
trying to figure out how to create and add new services to it. I've had a
look at the code in the CVS repository but can't figure how to create and
add new user services.  

Are there any docs or example services that show how to do this?

Am I right in thinking that the process of adding new node services is
different that of adding new user services? From playing around with my
AG2.0 installation, it appears that new node services can be added by
putting a Zip file (containing approprtiate .py and .svc files) in the
'services' directory and then adding the service using the Node Management
tool. User services seem to be added to venues by specifying a location
URL and Mime type - what should this URL actually point to? I remember
reading something about XML files that use the Access Grid Service
Description Schema.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ben Juby

Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

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