[AG-TECH] "Status" window for what's going on?

Jennifer Teig von Hoffman jtvh at bu.edu
Fri Feb 21 11:05:59 CST 2003

Hi Frank,

Thanks, that's cool. Hopefully as AG2 moves along and we all learn more, 
that could be expanded to be used among the sites.

Ivan and I were chatting in the Meadow this morning, and he pointed me 
to this, which is helping me start to get a clue about what it means to 
develop services for AG2:


- Jennifer

Frank Sweetser wrote:

>Here's a quick program I whipped up to make a little bulleting board.  It
>pops up two windows. One goes up on a display, and the other one stays on the
>console where you have two inputs, one which becomes the title and the other
>the text of the one on display.  It's not much, but it should at least be a
>little more elegant than notepad...
>from Tkinter import *
>from tkFont import *
>class BBrd:
>    def __init__(self, master):
>        self.deftitle = "Access Grid Bulletin Board"
>        master.title("Bulletin Board Input")
>        inframe = Frame(master)
>        inframe.pack()
>        self.font = Font(size="20", weight=BOLD)
>        self.title = Text()
>        self.title.config(height=1)
>        self.title.insert(INSERT,self.deftitle)
>        self.title.pack()
>        self.input = Text()
>        self.input.config(height=5)
>        self.input.pack()
>        self.disp = Toplevel(master)
>        self.disp.title(self.deftitle)
>        self.outframe = Frame()
>        self.outframe.pack()
>        self.curt = Text(self.disp)
>        self.curt.config(state=DISABLED, height=5, bg="black", fg="white", font=self.font)
>        self.curt.pack()
>        b = Button(master, text="Display", command=self.push_text)
>        b.pack()
>    def push_text(self):
>        self.curt.config(state=NORMAL)
>        self.curt.delete(1.0,END)
>        self.curt.insert(INSERT,self.input.get(1.0,END))
>        self.curt.config(state=DISABLED)
>        self.disp.title(self.title.get(1.0,END))
>root = Tk()
>app = BBrd(root)

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