[AG-TECH] VRVS Oddities

Jacob Jenkins jmjenki2 at olemiss.edu
Wed Nov 20 15:21:32 CST 2002

I have a question for those more knowledgeable than me.

On Monday we brought our node online. Everything seemed fine. We had several 
successful tests with another site. Today I noticed that although I could see 
sites that are using VRVS (i.e. my boss's laptop) they could not see me. To 
further test this, we both tuned into a meeting in the Full Sail room. We 
could both (his VRVS laptop and my AG Site) see the presentation, but he 
could not see me. I could see him, however.

I have a suspicion that I am missing something simple. Anyone know what it is?

Thanks for your help.
Jacob Jenkins
Supercomputer Student User Consultant
Mississippi Center for Supercomputing Research

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