[AG-TECH] New source at SourceForge

Christoph Willing chris at vislab.usyd.edu.au
Thu Feb 21 18:45:41 CST 2002

Thanks Bob!

This should help a lot to maintain a common user interface on nodes
like ours which are constructed a bit differently to the recipe.


>The cvs module `agib-1-glue' at the AG SourceFrorge site:
>	http://sourceforge.net/projects/accessgrid
>contains the java and helper app source code for the AG. The code is 
>actually somewhat later than the stock AGiB release, but should be compatible.

Chris Willing                      Telephone   (61-2) 9351 3005
VisLab, A28                        Facsimile   (61-2) 9351 1880
University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia                http://www.vislab.usyd.edu.au

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