[AG-TECH] G550 problem on display machine

shudo at ni.aist.go.jp shudo at ni.aist.go.jp
Mon Feb 11 19:28:07 CST 2002

> Has anyone tried using the G550 on their display machine?  I currently
> have a G550 AGP and a G200 pci in my Win2K box, and vic will only display
> video in my primary monitor. The video on the other monitors comes out
> garbled.  Everything worked fine when I had the G450 installed instead of
> the G550.

Have you configured the G550 as the same color depth as G200?
I'm not sure this configuration could help.

  Kazuyuki Shudo		shudo at ni.aist.go.jp, http://www.shudo.net/
  Grid Technology Research Center
  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

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