[AG-TECH] Beer

Don Morton morton at cs.umt.edu
Mon Feb 11 11:26:34 CST 2002


The Beer Symposium is moving forward


In our attempts to be humorous, we sarcastically
made this out to be a "formal" event and we're now
afraid that some might have taken this way too
seriously.  We're simply trying to put together
an informal, FUN, event...really!!  So we'd love
it if you joined us.

Although the "official deadline" for "submission" of 
ideas is today, quite frankly, we're "easy" - we're 
not talking about formal submission folks, we just want 
people to come in and share "stuff they know about beer"  
So, we'd love it if you just let us know if you're interested.

Here in Montana, we'll have the co-founder of Big Sky
Brewery (brewers of Moose Drool!!!!!!), and one of our
faculty will be talking about his home brewed Driveway
Sealant Stout.

We also have at least one person from Motorola who
will talk about Beer.

>From our New Mexico studios, Jeff Shuckra will get us
all involved in distributed beer drinking songs (hey, Jeff,
we're gonna sorta leave this towards the end if that's OK;
kind of a nice wrap up activity :) :)

We'll also be working on getting everybody engaged in talking
about their favourite methods for preventing or rectifying
(my opinion is that once you're there, there ain't no way
out of it... you're done stuck with it!) hangovers.

We have other possibilities "in the works" but are waiting
on confirmation.  So, we should have enough right now for at
least an hour but would definitely like more!!  Folks, this is
YOUR Access Grid community - several folks have pointed out
privately that we NEED to be trying more of this "Having Fun on
the AG" mentality.  We NEED to push the technology in this way
in order to push ahead and make the AG the "official" medium for
group-to-group community building.  This kind of activity -
go figure - needs PEOPLE to contribute.  Please consider
joining us / hanging out / talking about your favourite
beer-related topics.


Don Morton
Crysta Metcalf

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