[AG-TECH] AG as general teleconferencing tool?

David E. Bernholdt bernhold at trunk.csm.ornl.gov
Wed Feb 13 14:45:39 CST 2002

We're starting to get a fair number of inquiries about AG from people
here who are more in the administrative or support side of the lab
(and DOE Oak Ridge Operations) rather than the "research" side of the
house.  A lot of this stems from DOE HQ in Germantown using AG for a
budget meeting next week.

So I'm curious if other people have dealt with this kind of interest,
and how? 

I tend to think of "business teleconferencing" as wanting a
plug-it-in-and-it-works appliance, and while AG is good, its not quite
that yet.  I'm not sure how cautious to be with these folks -- I think
its great that they're interested in the new technology, but I suspect
they can be scared off pretty easily too.

David E. Bernholdt                   |   Email: bernholdtde at ornl.gov 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   Phone: +1 (865) 574 3147    
http://www.csm.ornl.gov/~bernhold/   |   Fax:   +1 (865) 574 0680    

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